[00:00:01] Kevin Trudeau here. The Kevin Trudeau Show. Limitless. Today we're going to be talking about the most important subject of all.
[00:00:12] Awakening, enlightenment, self realization, spiritual liberation on all dimensions and all levels.
[00:00:26] So that inner bliss, joy, peace, contentment, serenity bubbles up from within 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in this eternal spring of never ending, pure unconditional love, giving you a feeling and a state that is beyond all human comprehension, that is completely ineffable. He's built multi million dollar companies. His explosive books on health and wealth have sold over 60 million copies now. The Kevin Trudeau Show. They don't want you to know.
[00:01:09] Many people see gurus or spiritual masters.
[00:01:17] Many people go to spiritual people like psychics or clairvoyants or mediums, maybe a tarot reader or a palm reader or somebody who reads crystals or does some type of energy work like Reiki.
[00:01:36] There's this huge misconception about spirituality.
[00:01:41] It's something, however, that we all seek at some level. Many people are seeking sex and many people are seeking relationships, and many people are seeking status. And many people are seeking control or some type of affirmation or acknowledgement from others. We seek friends, we seek money. We seek a better body, a sexier body, a thinner body, a healthier body. Many people seek joy and happiness, but many people don't think about spirituality. In the old days, we used to go to church, whether it was a Christian church or a Jewish synagogue or a Muslim mosque or a Hindu temple, whatever religion you particularly practiced. But that was the norm. People went to a place, talked to a priest or a rabbi or an iman or some spiritual leader, a guru, a spiritual master as their source, as their focal point. Many people pray to God, but we don't really understand any of this. And today I'm going to enlighten you and I'm going to do some energy work to help awaken what's inside of you. Many people seek spiritual experiences and they say, you know, I'm going to a guru or I go to a psychic or I get a reading or somebody clears demons away from me or they pray for me or they lay hands on me and I'm seeking some type of spiritual experience.
[00:03:23] Seeing lights, going into some other states.
[00:03:27] Many people seek it through drugs. In the old days, it was LSD and mescaline, peyote. Today it's psilocybin or magic mushrooms, marijuana, ayahuasca. There's a whole range of these psychedelic drugs. And people think that their experience, that spiritual experience that they get in Some form, either from a drug, or sometimes through sex, or sometimes through attaining material things or being around a psychic or a clairvoyant, or a medium or a guru. If they experience any type of inner shift or change, they think that, that this is spirituality and this is a path toward enlightenment or self realization. Although most people have no idea what self realization or enlightenment really is. I can tell you this, that there is no spiritually enlightened person who is anchored in the static, the state of oneness, of pure unconditional love that's ever attained that state through psychedelic drugs.
[00:04:37] These are frauds.
[00:04:39] And many of the spiritual people that you listen to on YouTube, on Rumble, you listen to them on Spotify, you read their books, you go to their spiritual retreats, you go to their ashrams, you go with them to some spiritual event, you stand in line for, maybe Darshan, which is being in the presence of a spiritual master. And they take feathers, usually peacock feathers, and touch you. Or you go to a Christian minister who'll lay hands on you. We think we are experiencing something. But what you're experiencing is a fraud. It's a facade, it's not true.
[00:05:20] But you don't have anything to compare it to. So you really don't know. And I'll give you an example. Let's say that you ate only at McDonald's. That's the only food you've ever eaten in your life. Let's just say you can kind of imagine that most people have eaten at McDonald's. So let's say that you are a McDonald's connoisseur. You go to McDonald's all the time, breakfast, lunch and dinner, seven days a week. And for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, that's the only food you've ever consumed. That's the only food you ever knew. And then somebody takes you by the hand and say, I'm going to take you to a real restaurant.
[00:05:58] And they take you to Denny's or Chili's or Olive Garden, some chain sit down restaurant, you'd walk in and go, oh my God, look at this restaurant. You'd sit down at a table, there'd be a plate there, you'd have a menu, you could order off the menu, food would be delivered. It'd be like something you've never experienced in your life. And you think, I have reached nirvana when it comes to food. Oh my God, it's unbelievable. It's amazing. And you would run around telling people that you've reached the pinnacle of food culinary experience.
[00:06:39] Well, clearly not. But you don't have anything to compare it to.
[00:06:43] And then if I were to take you to a Michelin starred restaurant in France where the real good food is, and you were to sit there for a 12 course tasting menu and have it paired with wines and have waiters and waitresses come over with white gloves and silver service, you would be blown away. You would not comprehend or even understand.
[00:07:08] You would be amazed. See, most people when they get a spiritual experience, it's like going to Denny's because they don't have anything to compare it to. They don't know what more is there. I want you to imagine that you're a fish living in the ocean. You only know your environment. You're surrounded by water, but you don't even know it's water. It's the environment you live in. And then one day a wave comes and something happens and you get kind of pushed to the surface and you break the surface and now you're exposed to air. And you see that there are mountains and there are trees and there are boats and there are people.
[00:07:51] And you go back down into the water and you tell your friends, I've reached nirvana, I've reached heaven. I've seen it with my own eyes. I felt it on my, on my scales, on my, on my, on my skin.
[00:08:05] It was completely different. It was something that is ineffable. It can't be described, it can't be explained. And you think that's all there is.
[00:08:16] But it's only one planet in our solar system. And our solar system is only one small microcosm of our galaxy, which is only one small microcosm of the universe. You don't know what else is out there.
[00:08:31] Spirituality is the same when you have some type of spiritual experience, whether it's with ayahuasca or some drug, or you go to someone and you have some type of feeling, you think that you know it all. And most spiritual leaders are leading you down a path that's not toward enlightenment, it's not towards self realization.
[00:08:58] Because they've never been there. They don't know. And when you're there, it's an experience that is ineffable and something you don't talk about. Unless your dharma is to be a public, enlightened master, a public spiritual master, a public enlightened being, a public self realized individual who is totally knowing of their own divinity and knowing that everyone's divinity is the same and they are not special. But what most people do who teach spirituality put themselves on a pedestal and try to make you believe that only they can talk to God. Only they can go to these spiritual dimensions. Only they can see demons and angels, only they receive spiritual gifts, but you can't. They're special, they're unique. And therefore you have to bow down before them, that individual.
[00:10:05] This has been done all the way back. It's discussed in ancient times, in ancient Egypt, where the priests were special. And in Judaism, the Levites, the priests were the ones who could go into the temple in the holy of holies and only the priests could connect with God. And in Catholic religions, you have to go to a priest to confess your sins because he is the intermediary. He talks to God, but you can't talk to God directly. You have to go to the priest. And the priest will on your behalf, like a lawyer, beg for your forgiveness and then give you the penance.
[00:10:46] This is how it's been always.
[00:10:51] You need to understand what oneness, enlightenment, true spirituality, true liberation spiritually is. And today I'm going to share with you a little bit about what that is and how you can attain it. And today, before you leave, you're going to feel something and you're going to get a taste of what's real.
[00:11:17] And maybe it'll blow your mind because then you'll see I have been deceived.
[00:11:23] Maybe not deceived on purpose, maybe misled, maybe not misled on purpose.
[00:11:31] But maybe now you'll be on the true path towards self realization, true bliss, joy and happiness from within and tap into the true oneness.
[00:11:45] I have a book here and I've been talking about this for a while. It's the Guru Kevin Lessons. This is the leather edition. This is our prototype. It just came out. It's not the final edition, it's our first look and we're tweaking it, making it even better. This will be shipped out in the next few weeks. By the way. It's the Guru Kev Lessons, the Book of Secrets.
[00:12:05] This book is pure leather, bound with gold inlays. It's stitched, it's going to have gold here. And again, this is our first prototype.
[00:12:17] These lessons are available for free. You don't have to buy the book. You can get them for
[email protected] you can get all the
[email protected] for free. Or you can get the book if you go to the KevinTrudeau fanclub.com and make a $1,000 or more one time contribution and then you get this book. It's a numbered limited edition and It'll be personally autographed by me. But I want to read to you just a couple things out of here and I'm going to share with you more information about true spirituality.
[00:12:54] We have in this book all these various lessons and there's on page 504 who do you listen to part three. So I want to just share this with you a little bit. It says the single most important thing you can do that will determine if you succeed or fail in achieving your dreams in life is listen to the right people and get information from a true source. If you want to go to an even higher level, Follow a True Master.
[00:13:27] Most people simply get information from bad sources. Very rarely does someone attach themselves to and follow a true master. If you're driving your car trying to get someplace you have never been before, you listen to and follow your gps. It knows. You might also ask someone who is starting from the same place that you are, who's actually been to where you want to go and took the route to that destination before you.
[00:13:55] That person knows.
[00:13:57] It would be silly to ask someone for directions who has never been to your desired destination and never traveled the road you must travel to get where you want to go. That person might know about the route to get to where you want to go, but they don't know the route. From personal experience.
[00:14:16] You need to listen to people that know.
[00:14:19] And this is mostly true when it comes to spirituality. If you want enlightenment and spiritual liberation on all levels and dimensions, if you want to have inner peace and joy 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to have complete compassion, to have happiness and a sense of security and serenity that surpasses all human comprehension, you need to follow someone who's there. They know the route in life. Almost everyone wants to have a good relationship with their spouse, kids, friends, neighbors, co workers, and boss. Most people want financial security.
[00:14:57] Many desire to make more money, get out of debt, lose weight, fix our health, or start a business and be their own boss. Some people may want to invest wisely for retirement and get great returns. Others may want to grow their business and become wealthy. And almost all of us want inner peace, joy and fulfillment. We want to feel satisfied. We desire to feel wanted and loved. We want people to like us.
[00:15:22] Ultimately, we want to be happy. If you want these things, here are some guidelines of who you should listen to and follow. And in this particular lesson, who do youo Listen to? Part 3 I go on and talk about all the different things that you should look for in terms of who you should listen to again, that lesson is free. Just go to gurukeb.com and you can get that lesson for free. Or you can get this leather bound book numbered. It's a special limited edition number. It'll be personally autographed by me.
[00:15:52] When it comes to spirituality, you need to follow someone who's there. And let me tell you who you don't follow.
[00:16:02] The way spirituality is, we have our physical universe that we see and perceive through our senses. We have five senses. We have sight and smell and taste. We have hearing and we have touched. So we have five senses. But our senses are not very good.
[00:16:20] We don't smell everything that's in the physical universe. A bloodhound smells more than we do. Well, if we can't smell it, does that mean it doesn't exist in the physical universe? No, it clearly does because the bloodhound can smell it. Our eyes aren't so good. We don't see the entire light spectrum. We see a very small portion with these eyes. But an eagle or a bat has a much wider spectrum and therefore they can see things in the physical universe that we can't even see. Just because we can't see it with our eyes doesn't mean it's not there. It is there. In the physical universe, our senses aren't that good. There are sounds. If we don't hear it, does it exist? Well, if you blow a dog whistle, we don't hear anything. But the dog hears it because his ears pick up what we don't.
[00:17:13] It's still in the physical universe. And the same thing with touch and vibrations. Bats and dolphins pick up vibrations through their skin and through their brain that we don't even pick up. It still exists. So we have the physical universe. And as material matter, energy, space and time gets less dense, we now enter what many spiritual leaders call the spiritual dimensions or spiritual realms.
[00:17:43] It's not. It's just another dimension of the physical world or universe of duality.
[00:17:53] Do you understand that when people say I'm in a dimension, I'm channeling some entity?
[00:18:01] I'm seeing demons, I'm seeing things in the spiritual realms? No, you're not seeing anything in the spiritual realm. You're seeing things in the world of duality, which is not a spiritual realm at all. It's matter, energy, space and time.
[00:18:15] Because if you see something that's separate from you, it's in the world of duality.
[00:18:23] Spirituality is a world of oneness where everything is one. There is no time, there is no space, which means there's not A there and a here. There's not a then, a now and a tomorrow. There's no time and there's no space. There's no matter, and there's no energy.
[00:18:49] In oneness, there is a static.
[00:18:53] It is pure, unconditional love. But that's a bad word, because we perceive love as one thing. But the love I'm talking about is ineffable. It cannot be described.
[00:19:05] It's pure knowingness.
[00:19:08] But we think knowingness through our intellect. So the oneness is beyond comprehension and can never be explained to the mind because it is beyond the mind.
[00:19:24] This is why when people experience the oneness, most of the time, unless there are a public guru who has a dharma to enlighten which means take you out of darkness, awaken you, and that's a very, very, very small group those people then are publicly known because they're doing their mission, their purpose, their dharma, what they're here on this planet to do, which is enlighten you, take you out of darkness, lift the veil, bring you beyond the veil, which means bring you out of duality into the oneness.
[00:20:12] And in that oneness, there are no demons, there are no angels. There is no anything other than one.
[00:20:22] If you listen to someone who's spiritual and they talk about demons and angels, they're not in oneness. How can it be one when they're talking about a demon over there that's attacking you or I'm getting a gift, or God dwells here and I talk with him.
[00:20:39] They're describing matter, energy, space and time. They're in a dimension of the world, of duality, but they're not in oneness. They think they're spiritual and they're like that fish who went above and saw the air and experienced the air and saw mountains, and they think that's heaven. They think that's it. It isn't. You can go above the atmosphere and there is no atmosphere anymore. It's a vacuum.
[00:21:07] And it is beyond comprehension. It's beyond discussion. It's beyond words. Ineffable means beyond words.
[00:21:18] Think about this.
[00:21:21] This is why when people go on a spiritual path and do sadhana, which is a word I believe it's in Sanskrit, which basically means spiritual practices. And they're on a path toward enlightenment or spiritual liberation. And when they get a taste or touch, there's nothing to talk about because it's beyond words.
[00:21:45] And the feeling is beyond human comprehension because it's beyond the mind. When you listen to spiritual leaders who say that they talk to God, but you Can't.
[00:21:58] They can't talk to God because that means they and God are separate.
[00:22:08] In oneness, there is no separation. When you listen to spiritual leaders and they talk about forgiveness, they're in the world of duality. When you go across the veil into the oneness, there's nothing to forgive.
[00:22:26] It's pure, unconditional love beyond anything that you can comprehend.
[00:22:33] And when you taste it, tears of joy may come to your eyes and a feeling in your heart will virtually explode like a volcano with this never ending energy of love. But it's not energy because it's beyond matter, energy, space and time.
[00:22:56] Very few are fully enlightened. Very few have tasted what's beyond the veil.
[00:23:03] And very few, even less. People are anchored beyond the veil. And there are some that dwell while in a physical body, beyond the veil, in oneness.
[00:23:18] But then they don't operate in life.
[00:23:20] They're the gurus who are in a loincloth, who forget to eat, forget to bathe, forget to use the toilet. They're sleeping in their own feces because they're living in that state. And someone said, well, what's the point of that?
[00:23:36] When they're in that state, they are a beacon, an energy, better word, a light.
[00:23:46] Neither of these words are accurate, but they are a light, a force, a field that is so bright it positively affects so many people who come into contact with that field, even if they're just lying there in their own feces.
[00:24:07] Think about that in another lesson here. Who do youo listen to? Part 4.
[00:24:16] It says, Part 4 of this vital concept. As you read each part of this series, you may think that there is some repetition of information.
[00:24:25] Remember, to know and not to do is not to know. This data and concept are critical to your growth if you want your dreams to come true.
[00:24:36] If you want spiritual liberation, enlightenment, self realization, the single most important thing you can do is follow and listen to the right person.
[00:24:48] From the moment we are born, we are listening to and learning from others. More accurately, our minds are being programmed by others. As we go through life, thousands of people will give us advice, tell us what is right and wrong, what we should do and should not do, and instruct us to believe certain things.
[00:25:08] If you're following a spiritual master and they tell you what you should do and what you should not do, stop following that spiritual master. Spiritual masters don't tell you what to do. They don't tell you to quit your job, leave your spouse, move to another part of the country, take up a different career. They don't Tell you what to eat, what not to eat, they just love you.
[00:25:32] They allow you to make these choices by following your inner guidance.
[00:25:40] We read books and allow the authors to fill our minds with what is mostly their opinion.
[00:25:47] We then allow these opinions to become our facts. We go to school and allow the teacher's opinions to become our truth.
[00:25:56] We watch tv, videos, movies, listen to music lyrics, read newspapers, magazines, read what is said on Wikipedia and fill our minds with whatever is presented in the mainstream media and all forms of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all the time, mindlessly and blindly believing everything as the absolute truth. We listen to our friends, relatives, neighbors, co workers, politicians, pastors, spiritual leaders and those in positions of authority or who have more education than we do. We think in most cases they know more than us and are smarter than us. Thus we agree with their opinions, repeat them like parrots, and make those opinions our facts and our truth without much, much discernment on our part. We simply allow all these opinions of others to control our actions, create our beliefs and give us facts that we claim we now know to be true.
[00:26:55] We blindly follow with a group think mentality and allow ourselves to be led like sheeple.
[00:27:06] When we want to learn how to be successful or make more money, or how to find inner peace, or how to achieve our goals in life. We attend seminars and workshops, read books, take courses taught and authored by so called experts. However, we never question if those experts in fact really know.
[00:27:23] We never wonder, do they really know what they are teaching through personal experience?
[00:27:28] We generally do not challenge them to see if what they are presenting has passed the test of time, been validated, documented, verified and authenticated. We just assume they must be an expert because they wrote a book or they're a speaker or they teach a course. And in today's world, if they're on YouTube or they got a podcast, we never really find out if what they are teaching is proven to be true and actually works or it is just sound good advice.
[00:28:03] Yet with all of this success, training, really indoctrination and brainwashing, most people still never attain their goals in life. Most people never achieve the level of success they had hoped for. Most people never achieve spiritual liberation.
[00:28:21] Most people's dreams never manifest. Most people never attain permanent inner peace, satisfaction and fulfillment. Most people never reach a state of real deep happiness that is stable and constant. If you want your dreams to come true, the single most important thing you can do is follow and listen to the right people.
[00:28:40] This is a well established fact. It is truth. This truth has passed the test of time.
[00:28:48] It is now indisputable. You need to listen to the right person, the right people. People that have been where you are and have what you want.
[00:29:00] You must listen to, learn from and be inspired by, be coached by and be mentored by the right people Giving the right information A well meaning person giving us the wrong driving directions means we will not get to where we want to go. And if you're seeking spiritual liberation, most people are giving you the wrong driving instructions because they're not there.
[00:29:24] They don't know the way. They haven't attained that level of liberation.
[00:29:30] The right people are those who truly know what they're talking about from personal experience. They traveled the road you want to travel. They have reached the destination you want to reach. They are where you want to be. They have what you want to have. They started out where you are right now.
[00:29:51] They do not just read some books or take some seminars on the subject, such as a person just knows about how to be success or how to make your dreams come true, or someone who just knows about how to manifest your dreams, or someone who just knows about how to attain complete inner peace, joy and happiness.
[00:30:12] They might be very well intentioned people and might have some great valuable information. However, in almost every instance they will still give well meaning advice that simply is wrong and will lead you away from your desired destination.
[00:30:33] You see many people who have podcasts or write books or speak. When you are around these people in real life, you see a different side of them.
[00:30:45] They're not joyous and happy. They are judgmental.
[00:30:50] They condemn other people, they criticize other people.
[00:30:56] They're always holding grudges, dealing with issues of I need to forgive that person. I've been holding onto it for so long and this is a spiritual guru that's talking like that because they have that energy. They're not in oneness.
[00:31:15] They're not in oneness.
[00:31:17] What makes a good teacher or mentor?
[00:31:20] You should who should you listen to and follow? The single most important trait that ideally should be present when deciding who to follow and who to listen to is this. Number one Listen to and follow someone who has what you want and has been where you are, thus has personal experience and knows versus no personal experience and only knows about when it comes to spirituality. You need to find somebody who's enlightened. And I know the question you're asking is, well, how do I know if this person is enlightened or has tasted oneness is anchored in that state? How do I know I'm Going to tell you in a few moments.
[00:31:58] Some other key traits of who to follow include someone who knows there is more than one path to success or where you want to go. And just because they achieved success or enlightenment using a particular method, it does not mean that that method is the right method for everyone.
[00:32:18] Think about that. Many spiritual leaders tell you that there's only one way to heaven.
[00:32:26] Really.
[00:32:31] When you're on the top of the mountain and people are coming up from all sides of the mountain, taking various paths, and they greet you, you realize that there's more than one route to liberation and freedom on all levels and all dimensions.
[00:32:51] Another key trait is listen to someone who is still learning and growing, is supremely confident with complete knowingness, yet humble.
[00:33:01] And how many spiritual leaders are arrogant?
[00:33:06] Listen to someone who is an excellent teacher and communicator.
[00:33:10] That's important because even a fully enlightened spiritual being, if they're speaking in riddles and talking about quantum this and saying things that you don't even understand what the hell they're talking about, it's probably not the best person to guide you. If somebody says, you want to get to that restaurant, let me tell you how. You go down the road of dark passages with many beautiful lights that stir the soul, and then you'll be guided to turn on a road that awakens the inner lust in a person.
[00:34:02] What the hell are you talking about? You go down this road and you'll know you're on the right road because there's tons of streetlights and it's a very bright road. And then you'll get to a store called Lover's Leap, which is kind of a sex shop, stirring the lust within you See, I mean, you can talk in riddles, or you can just tell people and give them the directions.
[00:34:29] Follow someone who has the power to transfer knowledge energetically to you, as well as awaken your own dormant energy that is within you waiting to be brought to life. This releases your ability to tap into the universal field of consciousness, sometimes called the Akash or the ether. This results in you ultimately learning how to listen to your own inner voice, your own heart, your own intuition, and your own feelings. This will allow you to guide yourself by your higher self, the real you, and unleash your own personal inner guru, or the genie within that will grant you your every wish.
[00:35:11] See, most spiritual masters always want to keep themselves as the source.
[00:35:18] Therefore, you never leave them.
[00:35:20] A true guru wants you to find the guru within, tap in to that universal field as they have Swami Muktananda always said, God dwells within you.
[00:35:34] As you think about that, this is having complete and total knowingness or truth on all levels. Being lucky enough to have a mentor or teacher in this category is extremely rare.
[00:35:52] See, many people who are seeking spiritual experiences don't understand.
[00:35:57] And most spiritual leaders or gurus or mystics or psychics or mediums or energy workers, they don't understand because they are seeking and talking about spiritual experiences.
[00:36:11] The fact is, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience.
[00:36:18] You're not a physical being who from time to time has a spiritual experience.
[00:36:24] That's a huge difference. So let's break this down. Before you choose who to follow and who to listen to, you must first define what you want in life. If your main goal is to learn to play the piano and become a concert pianist, you might choose a as part of the team of people you listen to and follow someone different than if you wanted to learn how to make lots of money or how to manifest your desires. If you wanted as your main goal in life to attain self realization and attain inner freedom and liberation, you might choose to listen to and follow someone completely different than if you wanted just to become a multimillionaire. However, in surveying millions of people around the world, the vast majority of people have some common generalized answers to the questions what do you want to have in your life?
[00:37:13] And this goes on to talk about how most people want money and happiness. And I would encourage you to read that
[email protected] it's a powerful lesson.
[00:37:31] Now, in answer to your question, how do I tell who's enlightened?
[00:37:35] It says it in this book.
[00:37:38] This book, by the way, is channeled. It's not me writing it. I tapped into not the dimensions that people call spirituality that are actually just dimensions or levels, if you will, of the world of duality, where there are entities and there's still matter, energy, space and time, and there's still separateness. I tap into the oneness.
[00:38:05] And through that oneness, without filters, the words are written.
[00:38:11] Who is really enlightened? Here is a question that comes in very often. How do I know if I or someone else is enlightened, self realized, God realized, self actualized?
[00:38:25] How can I tell and know and how can I be sure?
[00:38:32] What if someone told me they were enlightened? How would I know if it's true? Maybe they just think or believe they're enlightened, but they're actually not. How do I know for sure if I myself am enlightened or if someone else Is enlightened. Answer for yourself. It is simple. If you have any question about your self realization, then you are not.
[00:38:59] It really is that simple. This is why people who do drugs know they're not enlightened. And they think they've reached some level of spirituality. And clearly they've experienced something that is different than they normally experience.
[00:39:13] But it's a fraud. It's a facade.
[00:39:16] It's not real.
[00:39:19] I was with my friend John Denny in Hollywood and there was this fancy restaurant called Coy. It had opened up, this is maybe 20 years ago. And he says, kevin, the hottest restaurant in Beverly Hills now is this place called Koi. It's an Asian restaurant. Half of Hollywood goes there. If we go, we'll probably see Brad Pitt or some other celebrity. Everybody's there. You can't get a table, but I got us in. I got us in. So we have to go. He goes, it's very expensive, but it's gonna be fantastic. Plus, it's a real hotspot and it's world class cuisine. It's Asian food. So we went in, the waiter comes over, very snobby waiter, and he hands us our menus and he says, I really, really recommend, he says, the crab on the crispy rice. It's one of our signature dishes. And it's outstanding. It is very expensive, but it's outstanding.
[00:40:11] And I said, is it real crab or is it imitation crab? And my friend John looked at me like, I can't believe you're answering that question. The waiter looked around and he said, it's imitation crab.
[00:40:26] John couldn't believe it.
[00:40:29] I said, no, I don't want it.
[00:40:32] And I said, tell John why you're using imitation crab. He goes, because all these uppity people here don't know the difference. And it's cheaper. We can charge full price and it's cheaper.
[00:40:47] It's a facade, it's fake, it's a fraud.
[00:40:51] Most spiritual leaders are like that.
[00:40:54] And most spiritual experiences you have are actually imitation crab. It's not the real thing, but you don't know until you've had the real thing. And when you have the real thing, then you know what a fraud is.
[00:41:09] And when you've tasted oneness, there's nothing to talk about. You don't talk about it.
[00:41:17] It's you. Why would you discuss it with anyone else? Why would you share your experience? You wouldn't if you got to the real place of liberation and self realization. It's something you don't talk about. You simply know.
[00:41:34] So answer for Yourself, it's simply if you have any questions about your self realization, then you're not. When you lose the ego in mind fully, which is what self realization is, when you go into the oneness, your mind and ego, or the ego, which is a combination of the mind and the body, vanish.
[00:41:50] So when you lose the ego and mind fully, then the veil lifts and you know and experience your oneness with Source. You actually become source.
[00:42:03] You are fully enlightened. You're awakened. It's like you came out of a trance. It's like you walk into a room that's a dark room and you can't see anything.
[00:42:14] It's dark. And then you see a snake. A snake. There's a snake coiled up in the corner. And then somebody turns the light on. And then you realize, oh, that's just the rope coiled up in the corner. You see, the guru will help turn the light on for you so you can see what's true and what isn't. And then you have truth about reality. And what you thought was the snake is just a rope. In life, what you think is real. When you are awakened, when you are enlightened, when the light is turned on, when the darkness is removed, when you come out of the darkness and you realize that you are the self, the one, the universal atman, the universal consciousness. When you are that, when you realize that God dwells within you as you and you have that full realization, everything blends together.
[00:43:08] And you're experiencing something that is beyond words and beyond human comprehension because it's beyond the mind.
[00:43:20] Those who are enlightened or self realized simply know, without any doubt, the experience is pure, true and without comprehension. And it's without comparison.
[00:43:31] The experience of full self or God realization can happen all at once, as in a quantum leap from zero to a thousand.
[00:43:41] The experience can also occur over a series of steps or stages. As you shed more and more of your mind and ego. That's most common. The veil may be lifted for an instant or slowly over time. The final breakthrough, however, is infinitely clear.
[00:44:03] The bliss and human joy you will experience are beyond comprehension, words or description. Here are some of the things experienced by those who are enlightened. And these are words. But the words don't do justice because the experience cannot be defined. And I'll give you an example. If you went to an island in the South Pacific where natives have lived there their whole life. Without tv, without electricity, without running water, without the Internet, without telephones, without television, without. Without anything. They're natives like they were 3,000 years ago.
[00:44:45] And you go to them and try to explain what snow is and what ice is. And you said, I want to explain what ice is.
[00:44:57] The natives who never experienced cold, they never experienced snow. They never experienced ice. And you're trying to explain what cold is and what ice is. And the native says, you mean water turns to stone?
[00:45:14] Water, magic, like magic turns to a rock hard.
[00:45:19] And you're trying to explain it. It's beyond their comprehension. If I were to try to explain enlightenment to you or spiritual liberation, it's beyond comprehension. It's beyond your mind because it's above the mind. The mind is in duality. The mind can never understand or comprehend what's beyond itself.
[00:45:44] So we use words as best we can to maybe give you a glimpse or in a taste. But when the words are read, there is energy being transmuted, and the energy is an intention that can't be put in words.
[00:46:05] So this is why this book is so valuable to have. Because when you read it, or when I read it to you now, you will not just hear the words, but you will feel the energy at a different level. Beyond the mind. I'm going to connect with the self.
[00:46:21] The self is the word that describes who you really are. You are a spiritual essence that is an expression and extension of God. God is another word for the oneness. Universal love, universal intelligence, universal consciousness, awareness. These are all words that sometimes have been used to describe God. And somebody says, well, where is God? Where does God live? And when somebody says, God lives here, they've never been to the oneness. They're in the world of duality.
[00:46:57] Somebody asked me one time, kevin, show me where God is.
[00:47:01] The answer is simple. Show me where God is. Not everything is an extension and an expression of the oneness.
[00:47:13] The veil is an illusion. The world we live in is simply an illusion. Duality. Although it seems real, it's an illusion. Just like in the Matrix when he took the pill and he went into the Matrix and he was just sitting there eating the steak, and he said to the agent, I know this is not real, but I'm loving it.
[00:47:37] That's what we're living in. We're living in the Matrix. It's not real, but you can still enjoy it and you can still play the game.
[00:47:46] So here are some traits or some ideas about enlightenment. In most respects, everything is still the same when you're enlightened or self realized, as you still have a body, which means you still have karma, you still have a mind which is needed to operate a body. And you still have a personality. The difference is you. The self, the spiritual being that you are, is separated from all of that. You are witnessing or looking at the body and mind, experiencing life. You are witnessing the mind, personality, go through emotions and karma. You are in a complete state of bliss which is separate from what the body and mind may be experiencing. Thus, when the Buddha said pain in life is inevitable and everyone will experience pain, but suffering is an option.
[00:48:47] You can see everything as it really is.
[00:48:52] You see people and things not as the eyes see them, but rather light and energy, all connected and all one. Because you're not seeing things through your physical eyes. You're seeing it from the spiritual self, from the position above the veil.
[00:49:16] The light has been turned on.
[00:49:19] You realize it's not a snake, it's just a rope coiled up in the corner.
[00:49:25] You see past, present and future simultaneously.
[00:49:31] Thus you see the whole. And so you see the light, love and perfection in everything. You actually see perfection in the imperfection.
[00:49:43] You have a total sense of being not doing. While your karma, mind and body might still be doing or achieving. You are without desire.
[00:49:52] You are not your body or mind. You sense yourself as non physical. You look at and see your mind and body.
[00:50:01] The body can experience pain, but you cannot.
[00:50:07] The mind can experience emotional pain, but you cannot and do not.
[00:50:14] There is much more. I will give more information about how you can tell if someone else is enlightened. I can assure you this is a state, once attained, that surpasses in every respect all other desires, wishes and wants. This is the ultimate.
[00:50:30] This is everything that can be attained in not only this life, but eternally.
[00:50:41] There's another lesson.
[00:50:44] If you go to gurukeb.com, you should read. You should read all of these. Who to Follow and why, Part two. Who to Follow and why, Part two. And this goes on to talk about some things, but I want to just read a little section of it here.
[00:51:03] Who to follow. Here are some other things that you should consider.
[00:51:09] The spiritual leader you're following, the priest, the rabbi, the spiritual guru, the mystic, the psychic, the clairvoyant, the energy healer.
[00:51:17] Do they show a lack of appreciation?
[00:51:21] Are they still reading books or do they believe they don't need to because they know it already?
[00:51:28] That means they have a low teachability index.
[00:51:31] The Dalai Lama reads every day and says he learns something new every day. Do you know that most spiritual leaders and priests and Christian ministers that I talk to and gurus, they think they know everything and it's stupid to read books.
[00:51:50] They can't learn from another person.
[00:51:53] They know it all.
[00:51:57] Do they operate, think, talk, act out of fear, lack, worry, anxiety or concern?
[00:52:06] They're always talking about, oh, these demons are trying to kill you. They're trying to attack you. That's fear.
[00:52:14] Are they coming from fear or love?
[00:52:17] Are they making you fearful or anxious?
[00:52:21] Or are they just saying everything will be fine?
[00:52:25] This is the world of duality. This is an illusion. There are no snakes here, just some ropes coiled up in the corner. Nothing to fear. Where are they coming from?
[00:52:37] Do they speak condescendingly and show conceit and contempt for others?
[00:52:46] Are they critical, judging, condemning and finding the imperfections in things and people?
[00:52:54] Do they believe in absolutes and their understanding of right and wrong, good and bad, are the only correct viewpoints?
[00:53:05] Who are you listening to?
[00:53:07] Are they very concerned with how others view, think and talk about them?
[00:53:13] Are they very concerned about how others live their lives and without being asked, are obsessed with trying to change or fix others to their correct way of living and beliefs? I've been around a lot of spiritual gurus who are always trying to correct people.
[00:53:30] They weren't asked.
[00:53:32] If you're around me, I don't give opinions and advice unless I'm specifically asked. And then I'm still hesitant because it's up to that person. And when that person asks me, they don't want my opinion. They just want affirmation of their own opinion.
[00:53:46] But see, I can see that. How can another spiritual guru or mystic not?
[00:53:53] Are they attached to the body and to material things?
[00:53:57] Having material things and working out and taking care of your body or. Nothing wrong with the key is, are you attached to it?
[00:54:06] That's the critical part.
[00:54:09] I remember when the government said they're going to take everything away.
[00:54:13] It didn't affect me at all. I was like, fine, good, good. I can start with a clean slate.
[00:54:20] It's somebody else's turn to enjoy those things. They weren't mine.
[00:54:28] They were on loan to me from the universe. I was just experiencing them for a short period. When I drop my body, it's all going to be gone anyway.
[00:54:38] I had a friend of mine who had some things that potentially he could lose with a bad business deal. And it really caused him a lot of stress and consternation. And he was in a different position than me. He had a family and things of that nature. But there was still attachment.
[00:54:57] Still attachment. When you're not attached to things, you're liberated and free. If you're attached to stuff, you're not enlightened. You're not self realized.
[00:55:09] Do they have a need for prestige, status, acceptance, power, control over others and all conditions around them? And you see people always barking out orders, always demanding that things be their particular way and certain ways. Do they need that or do they go with the flow?
[00:55:31] Are they revengeful, unforgiving and arrogant?
[00:55:36] I've been around so many priests and rabbis who are so revengeful. They hold grudges. They're always trying to get back at somebody.
[00:55:48] Somebody does something to me that I perceive as not good. I take responsibility for everything. I show what's called pan determinism and pan, which is total responsibility, which means if somebody runs a red light and smashes into my car, I created that, there's nothing to forgive. If somebody purposely comes into my house, breaks in and steals something, I created that, there's nothing for me to forgive.
[00:56:20] Because when you're coming from the viewpoint above the veil, you see what really is there. You see what's really happening, therefore you understand. It's like when you watch a marionette show and you see two little puppets trying to kill each other.
[00:56:35] It looks terrible. One puppet's trying to kill the other.
[00:56:39] Well, if you just look above, it's one person that's controlling both puppets.
[00:56:45] The puppets are just puppets. It's one person. Life is the same. Every human being is a puppet and there's one person controlling it all. It's the oneness.
[00:56:55] And that oneness is the self and that's you.
[00:57:00] But you don't comprehend that because you haven't passed the veil and been established or anchored in that state of oneness.
[00:57:13] Do they have fear of losing what they have?
[00:57:18] Are they concerned with what they have and what is theirs?
[00:57:26] Are they focused on analyzing, intellectualizing, overthinking instead of following their feelings and intuition?
[00:57:34] Are they afraid of making a mistake and being wrong?
[00:57:39] Must they make others wrong and themselves always right?
[00:57:46] Are they self righteous?
[00:57:48] The list goes on and on and on.
[00:57:56] You can attain a greater sense of knowingness of what true reality is.
[00:58:06] When that happens, even just a touch, everything in your life changes because the perspective is different.
[00:58:16] Fear goes away. You become fearless. A true guru, a true spiritual master, a true self enlightened being is fearless.
[00:58:27] Nothing makes them fearful because there's nothing to fear.
[00:58:34] Years ago somebody wrote something and I'm going to read this, although it's about me, but I'm going to read it because someone wrote this.
[00:58:47] Many people ask, who is Kevin? Albert Einstein described Kevin perfectly when he made this statement. Great spirits have always encountered a violent opposition from mediocre minds.
[00:59:02] The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
[00:59:17] Kevin could not be described any better than how Einstein expressed his wisdom.
[00:59:23] Gandhi declared who Kevin is when he said, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you and then you win.
[00:59:37] This is exactly Kevin's journey.
[00:59:40] A famous author told the world who Kevin is when he wrote, the majority of people call empire makers world changers and anyone who does not follow the established rules of thinking crazy.
[00:59:54] One price of greatness throughout history has always been called a freak, a fraud and a liar.
[01:00:04] Kevin courageously thinks out of the box. He expresses opinions designed to make you think in new ways. He purposely pushes your buttons and makes you confront your fears, thus freeing you of them.
[01:00:18] He challenges the status quo. He brings light where there is darkness and helps you see and know the truth. He raises your vibration, helps release your dormant abilities and empowers you to achieve greatness.
[01:00:34] He awakens those who are asleep and pulls you out of your trance.
[01:00:40] It has been said the further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
[01:00:50] Kevin speaks the truth. This is why so many love him and also why so many hate him. Think about this.
[01:00:59] The late Stephen Jobs addressed a graduating university class. His words describe Kevin very well.
[01:01:07] Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly know want to become.
[01:01:35] This is who Kevin is.
[01:01:38] The great Bernard Shaw could easily been said to be talking about Kevin when he wrote, the reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
[01:01:55] Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
[01:02:01] Kevin has always been an unreasonable man as described by George Bernard Shaw. With himself defined as his ideal.
[01:02:15] Kevin has always held firm to his ideal. This is being genuine and authentic. It is being true to oneself in the words of Shakespeare.
[01:02:26] As you read these quotes from great men, you see why Kevin and other visionaries have dealt with major opposition from the mainstream establishment. Alexander the Great said in a way that perfectly explains Kevin's life, I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep.
[01:02:49] I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
[01:02:55] Kevin is a lion filled with Love and light, the most loved and feared kind of lion there is.
[01:03:03] Now you know a little more about who Kevin is.
[01:03:07] The reason I bring this up is many of you are seeking enlightenment and spiritual liberation and freedom. You seek a sense of fulfillment and joy and happiness and peace and serenity that eludes you. You struggle with uncontrollable, irrational, emotional ups and downs in life. You have fears, you have anxiety. You have stress and tension. You have bouts of unhappiness, sadness, maybe even depression.
[01:03:37] You struggle with relationships and struggle with finding who you are. You're seeking and searching something, but you don't know what it is. And so you seek it through sex, but you don't find it there. You seek it through status. And when you get the status and the big desk and the big office and the plaque and the award, it's fleeting. You seek it in making more money, but when you make more, it's not there either. So you think it must be a little more. John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in the world, was on his deathbed making more money, working on making more money. A reporter asked him, how much more money do you need?
[01:04:20] And Rockefeller, almost with tears in his eyes, said, just a little more.
[01:04:27] We seek something that we can't describe in all of these material things, but it's not there. What we're seeking is the awareness, the realization of who we really are. We call it a connection back to source Oneness.
[01:04:48] That's what we seek. But it's not a place that needs to be journeyed to. And it's nothing you have to attain.
[01:04:57] You have it within you right now. That's why Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within you. And Muktananda, the great swami of City Yoga, said, God dwells within you as you.
[01:05:12] You're not trying to get someplace. You're simply trying to realize who you really are. You're in a room that's dark when the light is turned on. You are enlightened, and then you see who you really are and where you're at. And that's when everything changes. But how does that happen?
[01:05:35] Imagine you're in a hot air balloon and you want to go into the sky. And we'll call that sky enlightenment, self realization, spiritual liberation, and freedom. And you're in the balloon. You got into the balloon and go.
[01:05:51] And you realize, I need to put more hot air into the balloon to get it to rise. And you crank up the heat and you crank up the fire, and the balloon fills with more hot air and more hot air, and you're waiting to lift off, but nothing happens. You don't realize that the balloon is tied to the ground.
[01:06:11] You have to release those ties. Those ties are your limiting beliefs in life. Those ties are the same scars that are contracted. Energetic imprints in your field, keeping you earthbound and not enlightened, keeping you in the world of duality, of good and evil. Here and there, demons, angels.
[01:06:35] That's what's keeping you there. So you do things, sadhana, spiritual practices, and you release those ties, but you still don't lift.
[01:06:45] You don't realize that there are big, heavy sandbags on the balloon basket that's weighing you down. So you start releasing one or two, and you start lifting up, and you get up to a certain level and you say, I've achieved it. I am here. And you stop releasing the sandbags, and you stop putting hot air into the balloon.
[01:07:11] A spiritual master continues to release the sandbags and continues to put hot air into the balloon.
[01:07:19] And they go off into infinity. They reach that level, but they're not going anywhere. What in reality is happening is they're simply being able to look within. And you see and you experience and you realize who you really are.
[01:07:38] And then you have no words to describe it.
[01:07:42] There once was a town covered by a large, large wall.
[01:07:48] Everyone stayed within the walls. No one dared to go over the wall.
[01:07:53] Anyone who did never returned.
[01:07:56] There were rumors that there were dragons and demons and evil people, cannibals.
[01:08:04] So all the people stayed within the walls.
[01:08:08] One day, the elders said, we need to find out what's beyond the walls of our city.
[01:08:15] Who dares to go? And everyone said, well, whoever went over the wall never returned. And the elder said, we have a plan. Whoever is brave enough to go over the wall, we will tie many ropes to the person.
[01:08:30] The person will go to the top of the wall, go over the wall, and we will let the person down.
[01:08:35] And then we will pull the person back up, and he will then tell us what he saw and what he experienced. On the other side of the wall, an old priest said, I am an old man, and if my life is to end, it's okay. I will go. They tied the ropes around him. The priest went to the top.
[01:08:58] He said a prayer, and he was lowered down.
[01:09:03] A while later, they pulled him back up. He got to the top.
[01:09:09] His eyes were bright.
[01:09:12] He had a smile on his face.
[01:09:15] And they asked him what he saw.
[01:09:19] And for the rest of his life, he never spoke.
[01:09:25] He had seen enlightenment. He had experienced oneness, which is ineffable it's beyond human comprehension. And he lived in bliss that goes beyond anything people could experience or imagine in this life through attainment of material things.
[01:09:45] When you are in this state, you have unconditional love toward every person, without condition and without exception. You have compassion for everything, which means every human, every animal has a right to be happy and live free.
[01:10:08] Love and compassion.
[01:10:11] And you live with bliss and you see everything for what it really is, because there's no past, present and future.
[01:10:19] And there's no matter, energy, space and time. And you're viewing life as a witness from a viewpoint, above the veil.
[01:10:29] And you see that everything is one, which means you are everything.
[01:10:41] You can attain this.
[01:10:44] If you're watching this show right now, that means you're ready. You're not watching this by accident.
[01:10:53] I love you from my heart to your heart, because we are one.
[01:11:01] Thus in India, the prayer namaste, the divinity in me bows to the same divinity in you.
[01:11:12] We're one.
[01:11:16] Blessings to all of you and much love.