Episode 32

July 22, 2024


Crypto Secrets, Sniper Skills & What Makes You Mad As Hell? | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 32

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this power-packed episode, Kevin Trudeau reveals what’s going on in the crypto world and how you can take advantage of the volatile crypto market. Kevin shared insider insights into the Trump assassination attempt, including conversations with top snippers who he questioned about the shooting. He also shared powerful insider success principles that most “success gurus” don’t even know about! This is an episode you’ll want to listen to over and over again!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 0:32 Insider information about crypto and Donald Trump
  • 01:15 Beverly Hills Summer Conference recap
  • 09:37 Crypto insider information
  • 13:50 Bitcoin potential
  • 24:36 More shows on Rumble ONLY
  • 25:11 Things in the News that are examples of how the media is lying to you!
  • 31:25 Can you believe anything that’s in the news? Was Trump actually shot?
  • 37:50 The “Outrageous” Bill passed by the US House of Representatives
  • 39:45 Who is outraged…?
  • 42:29 These people do whatever they want
  • 45:34 The 1st step to manifesting what you want
  • 50:00 A major component to success


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!


Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow



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Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com


For Kevin's recommended crypto course, go to: https://kevintrudeau.com/crypto


Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:04] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome. Welcome, everybody. Kevin Trudeau here. Thanks for joining me. This is the Kevin Trudeau show. Power packed hour. You don't want to miss this show. We're going to be talking about something incredibly significant. I just got off the phone yesterday with a major insider in Dubai. Multi billionaire, majorly invested in cryptocurrencies. And I got insider information I'm going to share with you about the crypto markets. Donald Trump is speaking in Nashville this weekend at a crypto convention. I just got off the phone this morning with a major insider who's going to be sharing some. Well, I'm going to be sharing a little bit of what he told me. Insider information. Former Insider, still current kind of insider, but major insider from the past. If you don't know my history, you need to. Well, we'll talk about that someday. We're also going to talk about where I just came back from. I came back from Beverly Hills at our global Information Network summer conference. We broadcast a show there with Hollywood producer John Denny, longtime friend of mine. Spectacular weekend event. We had members in the club from all over the world. Ron Ball, multimillionaire counselor to multi billionaires all around the world. One of my closest friends, he came in, he spoke not once, but twice. We also did what was called a night owl, which means we stayed up really late sharing information with the members to help them improve the quality of their life, improve their standard of living, and attain all the things in life they want. It was a spectacular, spectacular weekend. As a matter of fact, we have some clips of some pictures from that event. So let's take a look at some of these pictures from the event, and I'll narrate what you're seeing. Let's show those photos. So this was the ballroom at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. That's me, Sinatra style, at the event. We had cloggers there which were on America's Got Talent spectacular show. We had a lot of people that we were recognizing on stage having a lot of fun. There's Ron Ball. I was bringing him up. Everyone loved Ron Ball. I was walking around the audience here talking with members. Here's our exercise group with Shifu Patineode. There's Ron Ball on stage looking mesmerized. Danielle Camacho, the managing director of the Global Information Network, sharing updates about clubhouses. We're starting to build more of our exercisers. We do exercise every morning. Over there, there's Ron and I. On Sunday morning, I brought Ron back out again. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to speak more. There's me again talking with some of the members in the gorgeous ballroom. It was a magnificent ballroom, just first class all the way. There's John Denny, famous Hollywood producer, doing the Kevin Trudeau show. If you haven't seen that show, it's really spectacular. We had a great time there, people. As a matter of fact, I think everyone stayed for the show. There's our black tie dinner banquet. This is the black tie dinner banquet on Saturday night, which was magnificent. The food was off the charts. And there's doctor Tom Mortar and Blaine Aithorne, multimillionaires. They're the owners of the club. And Donnie French, who's made tens of millions of dollars since he came out of prison. I met Donnie in prison. He came out of prison flat broke with a huge restitution, turned his life around, and he's just been a success story extraordinaire. Using the techniques in your wishes, your command, using the techniques that I helped train him with in prison. And then I. Not just getting the information, but applying the information. And it was really, really a spectacular event. We have another event coming up in the fall, and stay with me because I'm going to tell you, I'm going to give you, everybody watching a free ticket. And I'll tell you how. Stay with me. I'll tell you that toward the end of the show, if you want to come and meet me personally in Chicago at our next three day event. It's a ticket that should cost $15,000 for the event. I just got off the phone a few weeks ago with Lessa Brown and several other top trainers, and they charge $15,000 to $25,000 for a weekend event. I'm gonna give you a ticket to our next weekend event absolutely free if you want to come live. And if you can't come live, I'll give you a virtual ticket so you can watch it live absolutely free. Stay with me. This is a limited time. Limited time. But wait, there's more. But before I do, I told you I'm going to tell you about the crypto. This goes indefinitely in the Kevin was right file. The Kevin was right file. About a year ago, I went on the Kevin Trudeau fan Club Telegram channel, and I talked to the global Information Network members as well as the fan club partners. Bitcoin was selling around $20,000 at the time. I just checked and I said I have insider information that there's an excellent chance, there's no guarantee, of course, but there's an excellent chance that there's going to be a pretty good bull run in bitcoin and ethereum and certain of the alternative coins. And I said, you know, look, everybody knows their financial situation better than I do. You have to do what's best for you and your family. Everybody's financial situation is different. I am not a financial planner and I am not going to give you something as a guarantee. I said, but I know a lot of people that are putting a good percentage of their portfolio into bitcoin and ethereum and other alternative coins. And I said, bitcoin has a very good, strong chance of getting over $60,000 within a year. Well, today I just checked, 67,060 7000. As of this moment, that goes into Kevin was right file. So the bottom line is, if anybody listened to me a year ago, you can see if anybody listened to me a year ago and put $10,000, or let's say you put 20,000 in, it's at 67, that means you'd have 67,000. If you put 20,000 in, you'd have 67,000 today. That's a three times return on your investment. Your investment would come up three times. That is unheard of. In twelve months. It's unheard of. It's unheard of. And this is how people get rich. I was just in Beverly Hills. I was sitting there in Beverly Hills at this beautiful little cafe talking to a guy who's worth a couple hundred million dollars. And we talked about when you got started, where did you live? 650 square foot studio apartment. What did you do? I had a full time job. I was earning about $3,000 a month. And after my job, which was Monday through Friday, 09:00 to 05:00 I'd work when I went home until midnight Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and I'd work all day Saturday and all day Sunday on my own business online. And it took me several years to start increasing my income, increasing my income, increasing my income. But I did not increase my overhead. I did not increase my expenses. I said, well, what did you do? He says, well, I took the money. I was making the extra money. And I wasn't buying fancy cards and fancy clothes and fancy jewelry and going out to fancy dinners and increasing my overheads and getting a bigger apartment or buying a house. I was investing it wisely. How did you choose your investments? He said, Kevin, one of the most important things is to associate and hang around with successful people. Has anyone heard that before? As part of the jinn system, relationships, hanging out with successful people, he says, number one, the energy rubs off on you, but you learn things, you hear things, you get insider information. Now, it's not really insider information because it's in the public domain, but it's information that the average person doesn't know. And I learned about some good potential investments, some good companies to invest with, some startup companies to invest with. And I did put all my eggs in one basket. I also learned about some potential real estate investments that potentially could be good. And I knew that if I put some money into something, it could lose or could go down. And I spread out, and I was smart and I listened and I asked a lot of questions. I didn't think I knew it all. And I was always asking people, asking people, and I was staying on top of it. Well, several years later, those investments turned into hundreds of thousands, which turned into millions, which turned into tens of millions. Obviously, I quit my full time job, earning $3,000 a month, and he goes, and now I'm rich. That's how it works. That's how it works. The average person doesn't pull the trigger. And there are many of you listening to this, watching this that heard me a year ago, who didn't do anything. Well, let me give you some more insight. I was on the phone, as I mentioned, with some major insiders from Dubai and the Cayman islands, guys who are worth collectively billions, probably tens of billions, maybe even hundreds of billions of dollars, about the crypto markets. And by the way, you can actually, if you dig in, there are articles online where people are making this prediction. It's actually in the public domain, but most people aren't paying attention. The two biggest coins out there are bitcoin and ethereum in the crypto space. No one's going to get rich investing or buying bitcoin or ethereum, but it's a stable. It's less volatile than what's called the alternative coins or the smaller coins. The smaller coins are very volatile, which means it can go up two or three or four or five times and then go down ten times. So a $1 alternative coin could go up to $10, which means you made ten times on your money, but that $1 alternative coin could go down to $0.10, which means you lost 90% of your money, but you didn't lose anything until you sell it. So the insider knowledge that you don't have and I don't have, because we don't have time to spend our whole day analyzing all this and making phone calls and knowing all the insides and outs and all the back stories behind everything is what alternative coins should you buy, when should you buy it and when should you sell it? I mean, some things go down and you have to take your loss and you sell it, which, fine, you get the tax deduction and other ones go up and people think, oh, it went up ten times, I'm going to hold it, it's going to go up more, then it drops down again. Well, when should you sell? Number one, you never buy at the bottom. That's impossible. No one ever buys at the bottom and no one ever sells at the top. I remember I bought a stock one time in a company. It was selling at $2.50 and I happened to know the company. I was in the company's offices, I saw the staff, I talked to the staff, I saw how their operation worked and I thought, this looks like a very good company. And I was looking at their financial reports and I thought, I think it's undervalued. I don't know if people are going to be interested in the company or interested in the stock, but it seems like it's a good value based on their sales and profits. And if it does kind of get some publicity, maybe people will start buying the stock. And I think it's a potentially good investment. I don't think it's going to go down because it's undervalued right now. Certainly could. So I bought it at $2.50, it went up to $12 and something. And I thought, my gosh, I made six times on my money. I took 1000 and became 60. 00, 10,000 became 60,000, 100,000 became 600,000. And I had over 100,000 invested. I go, this is spectacular. I made this huge return in less than four months. So I sold the stock. Look at all the cash I made. And I continued, this is before the Internet, by the way. So you had to look in the newspaper the next day, investors business daily. And you looked in the newspaper and I would look at the stock to see where it was going. It went from twelve to 13 to 14 to 18 to 19. And I'm thinking, son of a, I shouldn't have sold it. So I called up one of my billionaire buddies at the time and he says, how you doing? I'm not doing really well, because why not? And I told him the story how I bought this stock for 250, it went up to over $12. I made six times all my money. And son of a gun, it went up to $19 today. And he said, shut up, shut up. He said to me, you've made six times on your money. You sold the stock. That means somebody bought the stock. Aren't you happy that the guy who bought the stock at twelve now has a stock worth 19? Aren't you happy that that guy made some money? He didn't make six times on his money. He bought it for twelve. It's at 19. You made the score. But aren't you happy that the next guy did well, too? Because, number one, when you sell that stock, KT, you shouldn't even be looking at the price. A little bit of mental training that you need to have. Think about that. So when I talked to these guys this morning and over the weekend, they were telling me that bitcoin, they believe by the end of the year is going to go up to potentially 100,000. Nobody knows. There's no guarantee. Could go down to 20,000. Again, nobody knows. But they think that there's a strong possibility that bitcoin could go up to 100 by the end of the year. And there's a few people that say KT within, within one year to five years, it could go up to a million. Nobody knows. And by the way, there are some people that say bitcoin, which is at 67 now, is going to go back down to 20 or even 15 or even ten. There are some people that think that, not very many, but nobody knows. But I do know all the people that I talk to, 1234-5678 910, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. All said, we think it's going up and we're investing a lot of money into that. They think Ethereum is going to go up to 5000 by the end of the year, potentially. I said, why? And they explained all the stuff, which im not going to bore you with because its very complicated as to the reasons why theyve come to that conclusion and that belief. But they also said, yeah, KT, come down to Nashville. Donald Trump is speaking at the crypto convention. I said, fine. And theres an excellent chance that if hes elected president, he may make cryptocurrency or bitcoin or something part of the reserve, financial reserve money reserve. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. But they said there's a strong possibility that could happen and that would strengthen the cryptocurrency markets. But they also said, but Kevin no one's going to get rich with bitcoin or ethereum. If they buy it for 67 and it goes up to 100 or 200 or 300, so what? They made two or three times on their money. I go, that sounds pretty good. They said, no, the way we get rich is we buy a coin for $10 and it goes up to $500. It doesn't go up two or three times. In other words, a $10 coin doesn't go up to 20 or 30. A ten dollar coin goes up to 100. That's ten times 200, that's 20 times 300, that's 30 times. Which means if you put $1,000 in, it becomes 30,000. You put $1,000 in, it becomes 100,000, because that's where we make the money. I go, well, how do you do that? He said, there's a lot of alternative coins that are worthless and people who don't know are going to lose money. But we think we have the knowledge and the expertise to pick a the right coins, and we have a very, very good track record. And last year I recommended a friend of mine who has an advisory service where he comes out with a newsletter two times a month. And in that newsletter, he tells you, these are the coins we suggest that you consider buying at this price. And then these are the coins that if you purchase them, we think you should sell them at this price. So twice a month you get a newsletter, and it tells you what coins that you should consider buying. And then if you bought it when they think you should sell it, they'll tell you, oh, by the way, if you bought that when we suggested it, we suggest you sell it now. They believe that the alternative coins are where the five x ten x 20 x 50 x 100 x could potentially be made over the next couple years. When I recommended that service, my friend said, I'll give your people, if they sign up for the service, I'll give them a two thirds discount off the price of the service. They did that as an accommodation to me. If people took advantage of that last year. I was doing the research this morning and I said, okay, let's take a look. Let's say somebody actually did that last year, and a lot of people did. And like normal, a lot of people took the service and then didn't do anything. They didn't watch the videos, they didn't take any of the advice, and they didn't do anything. But if a person actually followed all the recommendations, they could have made 2300 times on their money or percent I mean, it could have been potentially staggering. And I know a lot of you scratch your head thinking, I bought that service. Yeah, but you didn't do anything. You didn't follow the recipe properly, and you didn't stay in it long enough and do the right things long enough consistently, which is a principle of success. So, look, everybody has their own situation. I was just in Beverly Hills, and, you know, you see these Rolls Royce, after Rolls Royce after Rolls Royce after Rolls Royce. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, Mercedes, Austin Martins. You see people walking around with Rolex watches, Gucci handbags, Versace, this, Chanel that. People are spending money in dinner like nothing. I'll take a bottle of champagne. $500. They go to. I'm sitting here at the bar, and the guy says, oh, I'll take the McAllen scotch. How much is that? Oh, that's dollar 750 for 1oz. Give me a double. That's $1,500. And the guy, I ain't paying that, but this guy's paying that next to me, and I'm looking at him, I says, is it worth it? And he goes, no, but I got money to burn. Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe you wouldn't spend your money like that, but it depends on how much money you have to burn. I remember in the old days, this is true. I'm not kidding. This is true. In the old days, we used to go to a cigar lounge, and one of the silly don't recommend you do this. Do not do this at home. But some of the silly things that some of the rich guys would do is they would get their cigar, they would take out a $100 bill, wrap it up, light the $100 bill on fire, and light their cigar with the $100 bill, and then just let it burn. I guess maybe that's where the phrase money to burn, I got money to burn comes from. But look, if you're interested in getting into crypto and making money, this is just one option. It's not the only way. There's online marketing. I was talking to a guy this morning. Some of you know him. He's very famous. He's got a huge funnel business online. And I talked to him this morning. He goes, I studied all your stuff. I'm a huge fan, Kevin. He goes, I studied everything, and I applied it. I've made hundreds of millions of dollars. And I said, mandy, not only am I proud of you, I'm impressed, because you actually took the information and applied it. And first time I actually talked to him, and he just sounds like an absolutely fantastic guy. And talked to another guy who was another funnel business and online marketing landing page business, and he said the same thing, Kevin, I studied all your stuff. I was with a guy in Beverly Hills who was a copywriter, and he says, Kevin, I studied all your stuff. I talked to another guy two weeks ago in Puerto Rico who's got a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and he says, Kevin, me and my partners would watch all of your tv infomercials. And we would watch them and watch them and stop and pause. What did Kevin do here? Why did he do this? Why did he do that? When you apply the information with a gusto, with a passion, with an obsession, and you're really focused and you do the right things long enough consistently, success can be yours. So if you're interested in getting information on the crypto, we're going to offer this again. And I just talked to the fellow yesterday on the phone for quite a while. He's in the Cayman Islands. So we're going to put up a link. If you want to get that newsletter, and this is a newsletter, you just click on kevintradeau.com backwards slash crypto. That'll take you right to the landing page where you can sign up for the newsletter. And it's unconditionally guaranteed. There's a money back guarantee. And he is fanatical about refunding people if they want to refund. So you have no issues there. There was one issue where somebody called me and said, listen, I bought it, but I got into a financial buy and I need a refund, and I can't get a hold of him. He had the wrong email address. So I called my friend and got, you know, the refund was handled, no problem. They're really, really good on that. But this is just one thing to consider. And you get the newsletter twice a month. He tells you what coins to buy and at what price. And later on, if you bought that, hell tell you, if you bought this, it's time to sell. And there's some other things that he has that are pretty cool, too. He actually was telling me about a hedge fund that some of his billionaire buddies have set up for people who don't want to do their own trading. They can just put money into that. And those guys trade the money for you in crypto. So if you sign up for that, you'll get information on that as well. There's just a lot of opportunity, man, if you know the right people, and if you don't know the right people, you just don't get access to it. That's just basically what it comes down to. All right. So take advantage of that. I think it's a, a good value and it's something you should at least consider because, you know, I scratched my head because people are always coming to me saying, I want to make money, I want to do this, I want to do that. And I'll tell them, you know, consider doing x, y, z. And they don't do it. And then they come back and go, ah, you know, I'm still struggling. But did you do what I told you the first time? You know, to know and not to do is not to know. So you got it. You got all the information. All right. Couple things in the news that I want to talk about. I'm not going to take phone calls today. I got too much to talk about. But I will take phone calls on Wednesday. And as I mentioned, I am going to start doing more shows starting in September. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be on Rumble only. And I will be sharing stuff on Rumble only because that way won't get kicked off on YouTube or Spotify or Apple. So if you're on any of those, subscribe. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. I recommend you subscribe to Rumble. Set the alerts. Make sure you set the alert. Do leave comments after the show and comment on other people's comments so it helps the algorithm and share these videos with as many people as you can. All right. A couple of things that are in the news that I think are just an example. I was about to say outrageous. Okay. They're outrageous, too, but they're an example of how the media will absolutely 100% look you in the eye and lie to you. Keith Olbermann, this guy is huge. Keith Olbermann, he's huge. I think he was on MSNBC, ESPN anchor, but he was also on one of some of the major news networks. He, he, if you had been living under a rock, if you've been living under a rock, you haven't heard that somebody shot President Trump. They didn't kill him. They shot him in the air. If you watched it, you saw the bullet, Zimbai, it clipped him in the air. Blood was everywhere. And Keith Olbermann, a strong left wing liberal, and I don't dislike left wing liberals. I don't dislike ultra white right wing conservatives. I love everybody. When I interviewed my friend John Denny, a Hollywood producer, he's from LA. He's an ultra left wing liberal. And I love John like a brother. And we don't have any arguments over politics. We just laugh about it. I mean, because we have different maybe political views, but this guy is obviously a left wing liberal who has hate in his heart, disgust in his heart, and vitriol in his heart. And there are people on the right who have vitriol toward the left. Love everybody, man. Love everybody. You don't have to hate them just because they think differently than you do and have a different opinion about stuff. It's perfectly okay. Have different opinions about the way America or the world should run, no matter what country you're in. Different political parties have different views and everybody in politics just wants to protect their own job, which is the one constant. But Keith Olbermann went on and he said, he went, I mean, this is absolute, 100%. He says Trump wasnt hit by a bullet. Its a fraud. Trump was not hit by a bullet. He was not hit by a bullet. So he was not shot. Isnt that great? Im so happy to know that Trump was not shot and its a complete fraud. And then you have this, I don't know. I've never met her. I've never talked to her. Maybe she's a lovely woman. Joy Reid on MSNBC, she said that it's a complete PR stunt. Now, Alex Jones said that Sandy Hook was a PR stunt. It was a false flag and everybody was crisis actors. We know that wasn't true. He's admitted that he was a little delusional at the time and he has a billion dollar judgment against him. He lost it in court. It's been proven that these poor, innocent children were killed. And Alex Jones went on television and said nobody died. It was a fraud. It was a PR stunt. It was wag the dog. The movie wagged the dog. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. The people that looked like they died were crisis actors. And of course, that was not true. Now the left, and by the way, Alex Jones is an ultra right wing conservative. So now the ultra left wing liberals are saying Trump wasnt shot. This was staged. You didnt see any, they said you didnt see any blood. When he got hit, he went down and thats when the secret service came in and they smeared blood all over him. I don't know. Have you heard that trait? That's what they said. Oh, that makes perfect sense. Guy watched it. Yeah. There was no blood shooting out. So only when he came up did he have blood all over him. You know, it's got to be like vampire blood, you know, like we used to use as. Yeah, ketchup? Yeah, vampire blood. You can buy it at a hobby shop or a joke store. That's what they're saying. He was not shot. He was not hit by a bulletin that it was staged and a pr stunt. Really. And you. Yeah, you. I'm talking to you. You go online and you read something and you believe it's true. You know why you believe it's true? Because it resonates with what you're basic beliefs are. If it's in the media, if it's on tv, if it's said by CNN, ABC, Fox, it's true. If you read it in on the Internet, it's true. And it isn't true. You are being misled and lied to all the time. The reason I say this is I want you to come out of the trance. When a magician does a magic trick and he says, I am now going to pull a rabbit out of the hat, he is not pulling a rabbit out of an empty hat. It is a trick. It is an illusion. Dont think he actually took a hat that was completely empty. And with the power of his mind and the magical incantation and his magic, Wanda, he actually created a bunny rabbit and he pulled it out of his hat. You wouldn't say that because you're not stupid. You know it's a trick, you know, but that's okay. You can be entertained. Well done. I don't know how you did it, but I know it ain't real. Right? I'm gonna saw a woman in half. Oh, the woman's cut in half. You go, wow, how did he do that? Do you think that he really sawed the woman in half? No, you don't think that because you're not stupid, you're smart. But then you watch the news and whatever they say, you're like, oh, that's what happened. Whatever the headline reads, oh, that's what they said. Snap out of it. Wake up. It ain't real. Trump was shot. The people at Sandy Hook were shot and killed. It wasn't a pr stunt. He was shot by a maniac. Did the secret service allow it to happen on purpose or just out of incompetency? We can argue about that. I've talked to some people. I can't tell you because this is YouTube and Spotify and things that will pull us off the air. But let's just say it's impossible to have that building not secure when all these people saw the guy call the cops 30 minutes in advance. Is a guy with a rifle going up on that building. And nothing happened. And it's also, I think, the most amazing thing in the world that the assassin, because he did assassinate somebody, he assassinated one of the members of the audience and gravely wounded someone else who I think is still in critical condition. That assassin who was trying to assassinate Trump and wound up killing one other and seriously wounding another. That assassin pulled off three shots very quickly. Boom, boom, boom. And within, I think, around 10 seconds, the sniper found the shooter and put a bullet in his head. Now, I've talked to some snipers, by the way, over the last few days, guys who were in, remember, I was friends with General Norman Schwarzkopf, who was in Iraq, who led Desert Storm. So I know a lot of these guys. And so I made some phone calls and I said, hey, if you were a sniper looking around, do you think you would have seen the assassin? And every one of them said, it's impossible not to see him. Okay, maybe this guy was a little bit incompetent. They said he would have to be really incompetent, not because that's his job. His job is to scan, and he's got a scope and he's looking for places like rooftops. So it would be impossible for him not to see that shooter, the assassin, the Trump assassin, the Trump would be assassin. But lets assume that he couldnt find him because his eyes arent so good or something. I said, then how is it possible that after the shots are fired, that that same sniper who couldnt find them hits him with one shot in the head? They said, that's even more impossible. It's impossible. There's more than one sniper. It was impossible for them not to see him. But once he shot, it would be impossible for them to turn, find the guy and pull off one kill shot to the head that quickly. It doesn't happen that fast. It just doesn't happen that fast. I said, so what if I'm the sniper and I actually see the shooter and I get him lined up and he fires off four shots, then I shoot him. He says, oh, that can happen. Now, I'm not saying that that happened. I'm clearly not. Because, you know, let's just assume that the, that the good guy snipers that were there to protect President Trump were doing their job. And look, it could really, really, honestly be just all the stars were lined up in the wrong direction and it's just the way it happened. And everybody had really good intentions. That certainly 100% could be the case. And I do not want to denigrate the men and women, including the woman who couldn't holster her gun, Im not going to denigrate her just because she didnt look like she was very well trained because she couldnt put her gun in her holster. Shes this like this. Im not denigrating her because theres a lot of stress going on. And ive had a holster and ive had a hard time getting my gun in there, too. I wasnt as well trained as a Secret Service agent. But Im just saying, im not denigrating any of these people because these people may, when you talk to them, may say, we did our best. We were working 1012 hours shifts. We were tired, fatigued. There's a lot of issues. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying there's a lot more questions about this than answered. But for these people on MSNBC, like Uberman and Joey Reid, to suggest that it's a PR stunt and Trump wasn't actually hit by a bullet is more than outrageous. It is more than outrageous. Just think about that. And the point of this whole story is, please come out of your trance. Don't believe everything that you're seeing on tv or reading on the Internet. My God, it's full of, of misinformation. Open up your eyes. All right. A couple other things in the news. This is an outrage, by the way. This is an absolute outrage. The House of Representatives in the United States of America passed a bill requiring that only us citizens can vote in our elections. The left is outraged, outraged, outraged. And Lew Holtz, who was the very famous football coach of Notre Dame, says he believes that only us citizens should be allowed to vote. And he is being attacked violently in the media for his racist, racist comments. Is this bizarro world? Is this bizarro world? Hey, Us citizens, why don't you fly over to China and say, hey, I'm not a Chinese citizen, but I want to vote in your election. Why did you fly over to France or Italy or Germany or Mexico or Canada and say, hey, I'm not a citizen of your country, but I want to vote in your election? They'd say, no, only citizens can vote in the United States. The United States House of Representatives is trying to pass a bill making it a federal law that only citizens can vote. And there are actual people that are outraged at that. Outraged? Outraged. Who is outraged? Well, if non us citizens vote for a certain political party, Democrats, then if you're a Democrat, you want non us citizens to vote because that means you're getting extra votes. Make sense? Hello. Think about it. And the reason I bring this up, there's always a reason, is something that's so blatantly obvious if it's repeated multiple times. And this is a technique that we learned in the brotherhood that was taught to the KGB and also the CIA. Well, the CIA and also the KGB. But both guys knew when you break down someone, you repeatedly say the same lie to them, no matter how outrageous it is, over and over again. And this actually comes from Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister, or the minister of propaganda of Nazi Germany, where he, in his propaganda manifesto and manual operations manual of the propaganda machine in Nazi Germany, was the bigger the lie that you say. As long as you repeat it over and over again, people will believe it. So the idea that only us citizens should be allowed to vote in the United States is an outrage. It's racist. It's racist. It's racist. Guess what? The sheeple will all of a sudden wake up and go, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, it's racist. What do you mean you can't let non us citizens vote. Why? They live here, even though they're here illegally. They didn't come into the country legally, but they still live here. They should be allowed to vote. Oh, it's a beautiful system. You know why it's a beautiful system? Because. Not because they do it. It's because so many people, and I know, not you, because if you're watching this show, you're not one of them. But there's so many sheeple out there who have their pineal gland calcified because of all the fluoride in the water and all the pharmaceutical drugs you're taking and all the genetically modified soy that you're consuming. So your testosterone levels are down and your hormones are all whacked up that you're walking around in a trance. All right, I got a lot more stuff here to talk about. But you know what it's like? It's like these people do whatever they want. They just make you say, whatever. I do, whatever. I do what I want. I do what I want. As a matter of fact, I think they're taking a lesson from Cartman from South park. Do we have that clip? Let's play that clip. [00:42:57] Speaker C: Murray, I am out of control. Yeah. I use drugs. I can do what I want, bitch. Yeah. I've sex, and I don't use protection. It's my hot body. I'll do what I want. I don't go to school and I kill people. Whatever. I do what I want. Always such a cutie. [00:43:14] Speaker B: Well, let's bring him out. Here's Eric Cartman. [00:43:18] Speaker C: Wherever, whatever. [00:43:20] Speaker B: Mommy. [00:43:21] Speaker C: My mom can't control me. Act, huh? Go on, act. Huh? [00:43:24] Speaker B: Miss Cartman, what does your son like to do? [00:43:26] Speaker A: Ooh, he loves playing with his Clyde frog and Wellington bear. [00:43:29] Speaker C: Man, we're pretending. Remember? Sex? Oh, I mean sex and drugs. Whatever. Whatever. I do what I want. Oh, whatever. You ain't tough, hoe. I run with gangs. Oh yeah, I run with twelve gangs and we only commit head crimes. Whatever. I'll do what I want. Whatever. You ain't bad, you ain't nothing. I ditch class and go shoot heroin in a school bathroom. Whatever. I ran for Congress and wondehenkhe. Then I had sex with an intern, killed her and hit her body. Whatever. I'll do what I. [00:44:09] Speaker B: I do what I want. I'm, I'm a politician, I do what I want. I'm in the media. I do what I want. No one's gonna tell me what to do. I do what I want. Well let me tell you what you should, you should feel like there's a video that I have for global information network members called ten steps to manifesting your dreams. And I showed it. I showed the interview, not the actual seminar. I did, I did a seminar for global information networks on the ten steps to manifesting dreams. And then I was interviewed by Peter Sage and I showed that here on this show and if you haven't seen it, go back and watch it. And in those ten steps, and Peter Sage, by the way, is one of the world's foremost authorities on how to manifest goals, dreams and desires. You should see his magnificent place that he has in Tenerife now. And he was telling me how he manifested the millions of dollars to get it. It's a story that you couldn't write a Hollywood script, but it's how it works. And when I did the by the way, he achieved that after my interview. And in that interview I said, the first step, and Peter said, is to know exactly what you want. And I said, no, that's not the first step. I said, the first step is you got to get mad. The first step is you have to know exactly what you don't want and be disgusted with it. You have to have contracted energy first. You got to get mad as hell. You have to get mad. You have to get that contracted energy and say, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. And then you can manifest what you want when you hear all the stuff that I talked about. First, get a little mad. Don't live there only use that energy so that you can clearly define what you do want. Most people just live there and they just get stuck there. And you create more of it. But you gotta still start there. And as I was talking about this, it reminded me of a movie that came out many years ago, which Treacor has never seen and most of you have never seen, called network. Take a look at this. [00:46:16] Speaker A: I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. We sit watching our tvs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad. Worse than bad, they're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy. So we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller. And all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my tv and my steel belted radios. I won't say anything. Just leave us alone. Well, I'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad. I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your congressmen because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, I'm a human being, God damn it. My life has value. So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. I want you to get up right now. Get up. [00:47:58] Speaker B: Stay with them. [00:47:59] Speaker A: Go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. Things. [00:48:06] Speaker B: How many stations does this go out? [00:48:08] Speaker A: You gotta get mad. I know it goes to Louisville. [00:48:10] Speaker B: In Atlanta. [00:48:11] Speaker A: We're not gonna take this anymore. Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out and yell and say, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore. [00:48:27] Speaker C: Who are you talking to? [00:48:28] Speaker A: Her. CGG, Atlanta. [00:48:29] Speaker B: Are they yelling in Atlanta? Her. Are they yelling in Atlanta? Tedinh. [00:48:32] Speaker A: But first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, I am as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. They're yelling in Baton Rouge. God damn it. Get up. Get up. Get up out of your chair. [00:48:44] Speaker B: Son of a bitch, we struck the mother lobe. [00:48:47] Speaker A: Stick your head out of the window. Open it. Then stick your head out and keep yelling and yell. I'm as mad as hell. I'm not going to take this anymore. Just get up from your chairs right now. Go to the window. [00:48:58] Speaker B: Where are you going? I don't want to see if anybody's yelling. [00:49:01] Speaker A: Open it and stick your head out and yell and keep yelling. [00:49:05] Speaker B: I'm mad as hell. How am I gonna take this anymore? I'm mad as hell. I'm not gonna take it anymore. I mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. I'm mad as hell. [00:49:20] Speaker A: I'm not gonna take it anymore. [00:49:21] Speaker B: I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it. I'm not gonna take it anymore. I made it out. You gotta love it. Because the first thing if you want things in your life to change is you're gonna have to change things in your life. And the only way you're gonna do that is first start by saying, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. And you're not gonna take being lied to anymore by the media. You're not gonna take it anymore. In your current situation, your financial situation, your crappy relationship, your weight, your health, the way you feel, depressed and Sadeena, start by saying, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. And then from there, with that energy, ask yourself, what is it do I want? And from that you can clearly define what you want and energy will be pushed into it. And that's how you start manifesting goals, dreams and desires. That's where it starts. That's where it starts. And I was just with. And I just told you. I was with Donnie French. Hundreds of millions of dollars in business. Now the guy was in prison with me for like nine years, ten years, twelve years, whatever it was. He comes out flat broke and within a few years makes millions of dollars. He told the story at our summer conference. He was at last year's. It was actually a dream weekend as well. And he told his amazing story. People were just like, how is it that this son of a gun comes out in a few years, starting with zero, has millions, and I've been playing around with the law of attraction for 20 years and I don't have Jack because Donny was mad as hell. He wasn't going to take it anymore. That's where you have to start. And I was with this fellow that I just talked to on the phone in Cayman. I said, how did you start? And he started off by saying, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of my financial position. I'm sick and tired of seeing. And this one guy said, I'm sick and tired of seeing other people have all this money and not me. And that got me mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm sick of looking at all these people with more than me, better relationships, more money, better health, happier being able to travel the world. That's pissing me off. And from there he said, I want money. I want freedom, I want success. I want happiness and joy. And I was with this fellow I mentioned I was having lunch with, and I was asking him his story, and his story was the same. He lived in Beverly Hills. And he said, kevin, it would make me sick to see all these Rolls Royces and all these people in their twenties and early thirties with millions and millions and millions of dollars driving around Ferraris and Rolls Royces and everything, walking around like they, you know, they own the whole world. They don't have a worry in the world because they got all this cash. They live in this big mansion. They got a butler, they got a cook, they got a maid. And he goes, Im sick of it. Im sick of seeing these people buy $10 million homes and say itll be a cash deal closed in 14 days. They get 10 million in cash. Thats just extra to buy a house. Thats going to cost them about 300,000 a year in maintenance. They just get that extra cash. And he goes, I was sick of it because they're not any more special than me and they're not any more special than you. So I asked all these people, I said, is there something that you could say is a major component to success? And each one of them said the same thing. And it's what Aristotle Onassis said. Aristotle Onassis was one of the richest men in the world. And if you don't know his story, he was mad as hell and he wasnt going to take it anymore. He was greek. When the Turks came in, during the war, first world war, he lost everything. He escaped. He was put in prison. He escaped to Argentina, I believe, either Argentina or Brazil, but to South America. And he had nothing, a suitcase, a nothing. Started with zero, he lost it all, and that made him mad as hell and he wasn't going to take it anymore. And he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to achieve massive, not just a little massive success, because, in his words, was success is the best revenge. And he became one of the wealthiest men in the world. And Aristotle NASA said what he did. And when he suggests to anybody, if you're broke or if you want success, you hang around successful people, you go to a nice restaurant, even if you save up all your money. So once a month, you can go to a nice restaurant, so you can just be in a room with wealthy people. Their energy, he says, will transform you because they have a different vibrational frequency. And if you listen, maybe you'll learn something. But even if you don't even hear what they say, just being in the same room, being around successful, motivated people, makes all the difference. The guys that I talked to said their friends were people that were motivated, inspired, driven to success. They worked their asses off and were committed 100% and determined to become successful. Failure was not an option. They made a decision, and that's who they hung around with. And then they hung around with people that had achieved success. Those two groups makes all the difference. And I said at the beginning of the show, I was going to give you an opportunity to get a free ticket to an event coming up where you'll have that opportunity, a potentially transformative event for you if you want more out of life. We have family reunion coming up, the global Information Network family reunion coming up in the fall, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's an event that if we sold the ticket to the general public, it would cost a minimum of $15,000. We could easily charge 25,000 because that's what other people are charging. I'm going to give you a free ticket to that event. This event coming up in the fall in Chicago at the beautiful Parma House Hotel, Magnificent is going to have global information network from members from around the world. There'll be millionaires in the room. Incredibly successful people, motivated people, inspired people, driven people, happy people, people that want more out of life, nice people, considerate people, people with high vibrational frequency. Speaking at that event will be seven, seven multimillionaires. It is going to blow you away. You are going to be getting more success information from people that have actually done it. People that started from zero and have turned their life into multimillionaire status, that have what you want and have been where you are. It is going to be awesome. I am going to be personally hosting the event, which means I'm going to be on stage right from the opening moment until the end. And I'll be doing training as well. And I'll be in the audience doing my energy work as well. It is going to be awesome. I got a little video to show you to give you a little taste of what's coming up. Take a look at this. There's a saying. You choose your friends, but you don't choose your family. Family reunion is right around the corner. Coming up at the Palmer House Hotel. Most people in general do not have the type of family connections, let's say like the Rockefellers or the Kennedys or a royal family. And those families, because of the DNA connection, because of the training they've received in secret societies or so forth, there's a bond and a strength where the members of the family have an unfair advantage because they're a part of that family. It's an unfair advantage. The privileged elite class always have an unfair advantage. But when you join Jen, you now tap into a new family. A family is a connection that's permanent, that's going to be there forever. If you're a member of our club, it is a family, and it is a family connection with all your jinn, brothers and sisters. This is family energy, where you have the family members that you love and adore, that you know have your back and you have their back. You stimulate them and they stimulate you. This is the magic. When you come to family reunion live, you get to bathe in that energy. Contacts or connections certainly help in business, but relationships go far beyond that. They are one of the critical elements that allow you to completely embrace and experience true inner happiness and joy relationships. It's the glue that not only holds the system together, it not only holds the club together, but relationships are what holds you together. Friendships or relationships. Multiply your happiness and divide your sorrows. When we go back in our life and we think of the times when we were the happiest, the times that we had experienced the most bliss and joy, the times that we felt the most fulfilled, it always revolved around a relationship. So when you're a member of our club, you do have this incredibly powerful advantage, because now you're tapped into a huge international family with energy that's growing every week as more and more members in our club join. And you can give to that family, and you can also receive from that family the Global Information Network Family reunion event. Seven multimillionaires will be speaking, plus me. It is going to be awesome. It's limited space. I'm going to give you a free ticket. Anybody watching right now who wants a free ticket to that event? Free. Here's what you have to do. You have to join the global information network. But it's only $38.95 and the monthly dues are only $18.95. If you can't afford that, you need this more than anyone. Think about it. If you don't have that much money, you need this more than anyone. $38.95. To join the global information network. $18.95. And all you have to do is buy a ticket to the banquet. And again, if you can't afford that little ticket price at the banquet, it's a black tie formal banquet on Saturday night. Then you don't qualify. And some of you think, well, Kevin, I really am struggling. I come from a foreign country. I don't have the time to get off from work. I can't afford the flights. I can't afford the hotel room. That's fair. I've been there. I know. You can get a virtual ticket, which is the second best. Join the club and you get a free virtual ticket, which means in the comfort of your own home, pop on your computer or put it on your monitor, on your tv, and you can watch the entire event. But Kevin, it's in Chicago. I mean, Europe. It's going to be. The time zone is going to be wrong. Don't worry. We record the event. You can watch it when you wake up the next morning, so you can still participate and get the entire event. It'll be recorded. You can watch it and it's sent to you as well. So if you get a virtual ticket, you get all the record, the entire events recorded. Believe me, it is something you do not want to miss, and it can potentially change your life. I remember the very first event that I ever went to. I was in Boston, Massachusetts, and a guy was talking on stage, and he said, this is back a long time ago, late seventies. And he said, I'm teaching a seminar. I'm in Boston now. I'm in Boston. Furthest I've ever left Boston was Rhode island, which is like a two hour drive. That's the furthest I'd ever been on a plane. I'm in Boston. And he said, I'm teaching a seminar. And this guy, by the way, made millions of dollars. So in today's money, he made tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. He said, I'm going to teach a seminar, a three day seminar on how I did it. And if you want to get rich, come to this seminar. And I'm sitting there and I'm thinking, I'm going to that seminar. He says, it's going to be in Los Angeles, California. And I immediately said, I'm not going to that seminar. And then he said, and it's $2,000 in today's money. That's like 20,000 or 30,000. And I said, I'm definitely not going to that seminar. And then he said this. He said, now, for some of you, you're going to say it's too far. And for some of you, you're going to say it's too expensive. And for those of you who say that, that's why you're a loser, and you'll always be a loser, because you see the price and everything but the value in nothing. Think about it. I'm giving you a gift, by the way. After he said that, I said, I guess I'm going to that seminar. And I went to that seminar, and I was talking with a bunch of other people, and he walked into the room and he said, if you didn't make a million dollars last year, sit down and shut up. Of course, everybody in the room sat down, and we listened and we learned and we took notes. And some of us applied it, some of us didn't. Those who applied it, like myself, we made millions, too. For those who didn't take action, they didn't. But it was available to all of us. This is available to you. $38.95. Join the club. If you're not a member, go to globalinformationnetwork.com. just go to that website, globalinformationnetwork.com, comma, hit the join now button. Just fill it out. Takes you less than five minutes, and you're in. You get a member support coach in addition to all the other benefits of being a member. You get a member support coach, a personal, real person, not a staff member that's sitting in an office here, a high level ranking member that is a member support coach. To help you get all the benefits that our club has to offer. They will show you how to register for the event so you can either come live for free, you get a free ticket, or get the virtual ticket. And I'm just going to tell you, you do not want to miss it. When I did summer conference, people left. I got a stack of comments like this and the people who weren't there, they watched it virtually. They said, oh my God, this was the best event. I wish I was there. It was great virtually. But I can imagine how good it would have been if I was there and there were those who didn't attend live and weren't there virtually. We've been getting so many emails saying, I've heard all of the buzz. I've heard from all these people that were there or watched it virtually and they were blown away. Can I get copies please? Can I please get copies of the videos please? You miss out, things are made available to you. Successful people always are doing what the other guys are still talking about. So take action. Take action. I hope you enjoyed today's show. Please subscribe to the channel. If you are not a subscriber, hit the subscribe button. Hit the notification button so you get notifications on all the shows that were uploaded. If you're brand new, check out all the past shows that I've done. There's a tremendous amount of free training that's available on this show. Entertaining, fun, a lot of good information that you really can't get anywhere else. Subscribe to rumble if you're not a subscriber there, because in the fall we'll be putting shows up on Rumble only. Otherwise, subscribe to YouTube, Spotify, we're on, and Apple podcasts as well as Rumble. Check out all the shows. If you're not a subscriber to the Telegram channel for the fan club, you can consider doing that. There's just a lot of free stuff that we have available to you, so check out all the options. We have the fan club website as well. If you're not a partner in the fan club, consider becoming a partner. I do a live zoom every month where I answer all your questions. There's just a lot of things going on and we're doing this to help you improve the quality of your life and improve your standard of living by giving you information that they don't want you to know about. And this is just the beginning. We have a lot more coming up soon. I'm Kevin Trudeau. We'll see you on Wednesday, 01:00 Chicago time. I will be taking phone calls and answering your questions. Plus I got a lot of stuff to talk to you about. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday. Have a great day.

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