Episode 47

September 11, 2024


EXCLUSIVE! Is Kevin Trudeau Going Back To Jail?! | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 47

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau blows the lid on censorship and exposes what goes on at the highest levels in government agencies that “They” don’t want you to know about! Kevin gives an update on his situation with the FTC court case, what they really want, and why it’s not all about the money. Kevin gives solutions on how YOU can make a difference and much much more!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 1:26 Top CIA insider information
  • 2:45 Rumble CEO letter
  • 19:32 “They” say Kevin Trudeau is a threat to the powers that be
  • 25:40 It’s not the money “They” want!
  • 37:40 This is why “They” are scared
  • 38:48 SURPRISE NOTICE from the court
  • 48:24 Kevin Trudeau Partner Testimonials
  • 58:14 The Guru Kev book - Instant Happiness
  • 1:03:38 Irish Luck lesson - What goes around comes around


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com




  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #kevintrudeaushow #legalupdates #censorshipawareness

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:06] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome to the Kevin Trudeau show. I am Kevin Trudeau, and you're not. This could be one of the last shows you see me on. Free speech, my friends, is under attack, not just in America, but all around the world like we've never seen. And I have to tell you, I could be on the air today, Monday, maybe next Wednesday, and then you might not see me. I have some major legal updates on what's happening. The government is trying to shut down the show. They're trying to have me put back in the huskow. For those of you who don't know what that is, back in prison for doing nothing, totally 100% innocent. They are trying to silence a critic of the government and an exposer of corporate and government corruption. And I'm not the only one. I'm no martyr here. It's happening all over the world. Free speech is under attack like you've never seen before. So after major legal updates on this show, I'm also going to be sharing with you a little bit later a powerful, money making, manifesting secret. I was just with having lunch and dinner for many days. One of the top guys at the CIA last week. I can't tell you the name, and I can't tell you anything more than that. And I told him, I said, you know, you don't want to be famous, do you? No, no, no. I said, well, I am going to tell people I was with a top person at the CIA. And he smiled. That's okay. He said, you can do that. So I am. And I'm not doing that to name drop. I'm doing that to tell you that I have direct contact with the people at the highest levels of both government and corporate, the corporate world, as well as the secret societies. So the information you get here is pretty unique. It's not just some repeated, sound good conspiracy theory. You're hearing real information that's going to improve the quality of your life. And I guarantee it's going to be a rocky road this show, but by the end, you will feel better. So let's talk about free speech being under attack, and I'm going to give you my legal update in just a moment. I got a couple just quick articles here of what's happening. Free speech under attack. A note from the CEO of Rumble. Dear Rumble users, I typically don't send messages to our users through email, but red lines have been crossed. There have been major developments with free speech platforms around the world, and I feel it's important to let everyone know what's going on and how you can help. Rumble is no longer available to the citizens of Brazil ranking joining the ranks of France, Russia and China. Rumble has been banned in France, it's been banned in Russia, it's been banned in China, and now it's banned in Brazil. Brazil no longer allows Elon Musk's X platform, formerly Twitter, that's banned in Brazil. World powers don't want Rumble. They don't want x, they don't want telegram, they don't want truth. Social world powers want to control information. Think about it. The founder of Telegram was arrested in France because they said you founded a platform and there are people using that platform to communicate and they're involved in criminal activities. Therefore, you are responsible for those criminal activities because you created a platform that they can use to communicate with other as they're doing their drug deals or money laundering or human trafficking deals. Really? Well, isn't drug deals committed using cell phones, human trafficking and prostitution, using cell phones and email? Yes. Why don't you arrest the founder of AT and T? And why don't you arrest the board of directors of Sprint and T Mobile and Verizon and Orange and all the other mobile or cell phone platforms? It's insanity. They're going after one telegram, not WhatsApp, not signal, not some of the other ones that are out there. They're going after telegram because it's a free speech platform. This is crazy. RFK, they refuse, the mainstream media refuses to interview him. And you know why? The same way they started shutting off my interviews. They don't want you to hear the facts, not the opinions, not the name calling, the facts that RFK will give you. He has facts. Mainstream media says, well, never let the facts get in the way of a good story. They refuse to interview him because they are afraid that he is going to give facts and expose what they dont want you to know about a whole litany of things. Zuckerberg, Mister Metta, Facebook, Instagram admitted, and it was in the news for about a nanosecond, but he admitted that the Biden administration ordered him. And I'll tell you what it is, a gun to his head. You know, Luca Brazzi puts the gun to the head. I can assure you, either your brains or your signature is going to be on this paper in the next two minutes. Zuckerberg said he was ordered to censor Instagram and Facebook and all the meta properties regarding Covid, regarding Biden's laptop, Biden's son's laptop, Hunter Biden's laptop, whole thing. Because it could adversely affect Biden's election chances for president. The DNC ordered Zuckerberg to censor stories. It's a propaganda machine, just like Nazi Germany under Joseph Goebbels. And it was, he admitted it that he is censoring. He is basically nothing but a pawn, a propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee and Biden and Clinton and Obama. He admitted it. Of course the mainstream media is not going to print that except for a second. That way they can say, oh, we told the story. They didnt tell the story. You remember Assange, Julian Assange. He had WikiLeaks and a guy named Snowden stole secret classified documents from the us government. WikiLeaks put those documents up. Those documents were real and they showed that the us government was committing heinous crimes against humanity. That's what the documents showed. It was absolute proof that the us government was lying to the american people and the us government was committing heinous crimes, including murder against humanity. What was the story? The story was let's go after WikiLeaks founder because he published classified documents. How come the story wasn't let's go after the us government for lying to the american public and to the world and for committing all these heinous crimes that these documents now prove that they did. That wasn't the story. That should have been the story. There was no prosecution for the crimes that the us government and the people in the us government were committing, including the murders. No one prosecuted any of that. The documents proved that this was all happening. But the story was WikiLeaks founder, he should be assassinated, he should be held for treasonous because he published classified documents. The classified documents publishing is not the story. The story was what was in the classified documents, which was the proof that the american government was lying to the american people and the world and committing heinous crimes, including murder. Nobody talked about it. This is free speech. Under attack publishers and authors Suez Florida over book ban law major book publishers have sued the us state of Florida over a law that allows schools to ban certain books from their libraries. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday by publishers including major publishers like Penguin, Random House and Simon and Schuster, argues that the Florida law violates First Amendment rights of free speech. Here are some of the books that are so terrible they have to be banned. Books by Ernest Hemingway really Leo Tolstoy. Really? For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway. That has to be banned. We don't want anybody reading that book. And here's the reason. The reason is books have to be banned if they depict or describe sexual content. And that means there's another book that's going to be banned in Florida. The Bible. Because the Bible depicts and describes sexual content, including adultery and incest. Do you remember Noah's daughters? They wanted to get pregnant, so they got dad drunk, went in and had sex with dad and he impregnated them. It's in the Bible. That's incest. It's explicit sexual content that is depicted in the Bible, therefore, that has to be banned under this law. Let's ban books. Free speech is under attack. YouTube takes down more channels. YouTube terminates hundreds of channels that they don't like. This could be terminated. Free speech is under attack like we've never seen. Don't feel bad. You're going to feel better at the end of the show. As you know, I was put in prison for doing nothing wrong. I was held in contempt of court. I was not in contempt of court. I was exercising my first amendment constitutional rights of free speech. Thats what I believed then and thats what I believe now. The government put me in prison and gave me a ten year sentence for contempt of court, which is not a felony and its not even a misdemeanor. Its called a thing of its own in Latin. The longest sentence in the history of America for the non crime of contempt of court. Shackled, treated like a murderer, a rapist, a kidnapper, an arsonist, a terrorist, beaten, put in a cell, put in with murderers. Its unbelievable. And this is not just in America, and its just not me. I mean, look at the people that are in prison. Steve Bannons in prison for contempt of court. What the heck did he do? Oh, he talked. There are people being arrested. Andrew Tate's been arrested. They trumped up all these charges against him. They did the same thing against Assange. All these women all of a sudden magically say, oh, he sexually assaulted me. And yes, we had sex, but I didn't want to. Ten years later, he's like, what are you talking about? We went on a date. We went back to my hotel room. We had sex. We had sex the next night too. And the next night. And now she says that she didn't want to have sex with me those three nights in a row, that I raped her or something. This is B's. We all know it. They're doing the same thing to Tate because he's talking. They're going after people who are saying things that they don't want you to know about. And in my case, as some of you may or may not be aware, I was involved in the highest levels of the secret societies, the Brotherhood, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group. I mean, these. The major stuff I've been in. I was with the king, I was with the queen, I was with a. The prince, I was with the president, I was with the prime ministers, I was with the four star generals. I was with the richest guy in Australia, the richest guy in this country. The richest guy in that country. I was on the private jets with them in the yachts, in their villas, flying around in the private meetings. Listen, my story is my story. And I decided to leave that life and expose things to you to help improve your life. And in doing so, I was told all hell was going to break loose. Get ready. And this was a road that I made a decision to go down. And many people don't know that. When I. The first thing I exposed when I came out with the American Memory Institute and the home study course, mega memory, the first thing I exposed was how the department of Education in America was dumbing down the kids by doing two things. Number one, they were getting everybody on Ritalin. They were trying to get as many kids on the drug Ritalin, claiming that they had ADD, attention deficit disorder or ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And the idea was to dumb down the children, make them illiterate, make them dumb, make them more docile. They were pouring fluoride into the school system's water supply, which dumbs down. The Nazis did this in the ghettos against the Jews to dumb everyone down to keep them docile so they wouldn't rebel. And this is documented. This is not conspiracy theory. This is very, very documented. Nobody can challenge it. It's absolutely documented. So I exposed the fluoride, I exposed the Ritalin and then I exposed that they were taking phonics out of the school system and replacing it with the look see method of reading, which made kids basically incapable of reading and it would lower their ability to concentrate and focus, making them more docile. When I exposed that, all hell broke loose. And I got sued by the Federal Trade Commission civilly for making undocumented claims about the mega memory course, a course that everybody loved. We sold millions and millions of those courses, $450 million worth of courses. We didn't have one customer complaint. And the government had to concede, yes, we don't have one customer that complained. But the government still sued me. We settled that case because I fought back with no finding of any wrongdoing on my part, because I did nothing wrong. No fine, nothing. And we signed a consent decree with no finding of any wrongdoing. But they wouldn't stop because I wouldn't stop. I went out and I continued to expose corporate corruption and government corruption. And when I wrote the book natural cures they don't want you to know about, I exposed how the FDA is not protecting consumers. They're protecting the profits of the major drug companies. That quote comes from Herb lay, I believe his name was, who was the past director of the food and Drug Administration. He was an ally of mine. He wrote that right on the COVID of my book. And I exposed how the government, how the food companies and how the drug companies all work together to keep you sick. And they're lying to you. They're lying to you about the safety and effectiveness of drugs. They are lying. The studies are lies. The drugs are full of side effects. They cause more problems than they, they actually do. Good. There's a lot of good drugs, and surgery does help and save lives, yes, but drugs actually kill more people than the diseases they're designed to treat. And nobody wants to admit that, but that's the fact that it comes directly from the American Medical Association. I exposed this and the government went crazy. And they sued me again for making false and misleading statements, which I absolutely did nothing. And I fought and fought and fought, and they settled that case and I wouldnt stop. And I did my radio show back 15 years ago, the Kevin Trudeau show. We had over 100 million listeners a week back then. We were on over 700 independent stations, I believe, all around the world. I think that was the number close to that. We were on the Internet. We didnt have podcasts back then. And there were people, they told me over 100 million people would tune in each week. And I was exposing what the government didn't want exposed. In addition, I was empowering you by sharing how to use the mind that I learned from the brotherhood training, how to use my mind to manifest what I wanted in life and how to raise your awareness and consciousness so you could be happier, be more at cause of your environment and come out of your trance, awaken so you could see what was actually happening and therefore be empowered and go above it so you could actually go through life without getting caught up in life and be a cause over your environment instead of effect that's empowering people. Government doesn't want that. They want you a slave. And the challenge that I had was I had a big reach. They know. The government knows from my training in the brotherhood on communication and all the mind training that I had of influencing that. When I talk, people connect. I was with a major producer and director in California last week, and we were hiking together, and he said to me, you connect with people better than anybody I've ever seen. You're a channel stopper. I said, yeah. And he goes, how did you learn that? And I said, well, two things. Number one, it is a gift that I was born with. And secondly, it was cultivated through my training in the brotherhood, the specific processes that I went through. And he said, I can see that. He says, you're a threat. You are a threat to the powers that be. I said, I know because I can see it. He says, I can see why they went after you. He says, oh, they're not through yet. They're not through. And most recently, I wrote a book called the weight Loss cure. They don't want you to know about the government and the drug companies. And the food companies want you fat and obese because fat, obese people are more sick, sick people and buy more drugs. Fat people buy more food. So the food companies want you fat because you'll be buying the Doritos and the potato chips and all the crap, and you'll be eating it in the fast food companies because it's all chemically designed to get you addicted like drugs. By the way, I expose that in the book, how the food is actually produced by chemists to make sure that it actually turns into a drug. So when you eat McDonald's food, you get chemically addicted to it like a drug, and you can't stop. And you get depressed if you stop eating it. That was actually talked about in the movie or the documentary super size me. The guy was eating only McDonald's for 30 days. He goes, this is the weirdest thing. When I eat the food, I feel euphoric for a little while, but then I have this sense of depression, and it's like, I need another hit. I need another fix. I need another McDonald's to make myself feel better, like I need a shot of heroin, because this is scary. And it was that it took him months to get off it, to get off the withdrawals. Months. That's how bad it is. I've been in those laboratories, so I know, and I expose that in the book, natural cures. So I wrote the book the weight loss cure they don't want you to know about describing the doctor Simeon's HCG protocol, which is a spectacular way to lose weight and keep it off. And I did nothing wrong. It's a book. It's First Amendment protected. I opened the book and read it on the tv infomercial. Millions of people bought that book and everyone loved it. As a matter of fact, they loved it so much they told their friends about it and their friends bought the book. We had less than 10% of the people asked for a refund. I think it was less than six or 7%, one of the lowest refund return rates ever in the history of infomercials. Because people loved the book so much. If they didn't, they would have sent it back for a refund. As a matter of fact, not only did they get the book, but for just $29 I sent them the hardcover natural weight loss cure book. I also sent them free the hardcover natural cures. They don't want you to know about book and free the hardcover more natural cures revealed $90 worth of books for $29. It was unbelievable value. No one got ripped off. There were no victims. None. And the government said I ripped everybody off. Everybody who bought the book is a victim. The government just lies. Thats not what happened. And they said I should be held in contempt of court because I misrepresented the contents of the book. I did not. I read the book, but the court said I did. And you know why? Because I said that the weight loss cure was easy. When I did it, I found it to be easy. And they said, you're lying. It couldn't have been easy. We read the book and we don't think the weight loss cure is easy. They said, oh, you read the book and you didn't think it was easy. Did you do the diet I described? No. Well, how do you know if it's easy or not? I goes, and isn't easy subjective? I'm not saying that it will be easy for you. All I said is I did it and I found it to be easy. How could that be misrepresenting the contents of the book? Because if you open the book, I say that exact thing 28 times. I think it was. I found it to be easy. So that's what's in the book. I'm representing the contents of the book. I'm not misrepresenting. I'm completely, absolutely quoting the book. How is that a misrepresentation? Every attorney that I talked to, the smartest attorneys in the country said, there's something going on here. They found you in contempt when you clearly weren't. They found you in willful contempt when you clearly weren't. You had everything reviewed by your lawyers. You weren't willfully violating the order. You didn't violate it at all. But even if you did, you didn't do it willfully. This is. There's something going on. There's something corrupt going on. No kidding. And I got sentenced to ten years in prison for writing a book that everyone loved because I said it was easy. If you don't think corruption is going on and they're trying to shut me up, then welcome to Fantasy island. And it's just not me. That's why I talked about what they're doing to rumble. They're doing it to Elon Musk, for God's sakes. He's one of the richest guys, if not the richest guy in the world. They are shutting down people that are exposing the people in power. I'm just one of them. Here we are again. So they ordered me to pay $37 million to the government to give it back to the people who bought the book, who don't want the money because they loved the book. They didn't ask for a refund. And I said, well, that's terrific. I got a lot of companies going on right now. The valuation of these companies probably worth three or $400 million. But I don't happen to have 37 million in liquid cash. So let's just work out a payment plan, and in about two or three years, I'll pay it off. They said, no, we want the money now. I'm glad you want the money now, but I don't have it in the bank. I have a lot of assets. They're tied up. The companies are running, they're operating, they're growing. But we just don't have 37 million liquid right now. It's going to take a little bit of while to get liquid. No. So I said, I'll tell you what. You don't believe me? Appoint a receiver, have a receiver come in, just like in a bankruptcy, and I'll give everything to the receiver. The receiver can do a forensic audit. They can do a global asset search, proving I don't have the money. I give you the keys to everything, the bank accounts, the whole thing. Take over everything and do what you need to do to get 37 million, but it's not there. And you know what they did? They shut down all the companies. They sold the assets off for pennies on the dollar, because it wasn't about the money. It was about shutting me down and stopping me from continuing broadcasting my show at the time, stopping me exposing the truth. They actually burned my books because they didn't want those out. And they collected, I think, 20 million or something. Million dollars, which is pennies on the dollar. They had assets worth $100 million that they sold for, like, nothing. They just completely corrupt, corrupt, corrupt. And you know that what the receiver did. The receiver took 10 million for himself. For all the work he did. I think he took 50% of all the money he collected for himself. Corruption. This is what people don't want to hear. You need to hear the truth. And I have been holding back for a long time. People don't know the whole story. So the money went to the government. The government sent the money. They sent checks out to all the people who bought the weight loss cure book. Half the people didn't even cash to check for. They said, we don't want the money. We don't want it. It's crazy. And I went away to prison for ten years. So I came out. I had a couple suitcases, two nickels to rub together. Nothing. Zero. Zero. You saw the picture of me with sweatpants when I came out of prison. Do we have that picture, Trey? I'll grab it. Yeah, grab that picture. Went to prison for ten years. They wiped out everything. I came out with a couple suitcases I had from prison. Gray sweatpants, gray t shirt. I was staying with my friend under home confinement in a one bedroom condo. He allowed me to sleep in the living room. Josh novey. Great guy. We had a great time together in a little apartment. I mean, he really sacrificed a lot to let me stay there. It was so sweet of him and nice of him. Great guy. If you could ever get around Josh. He's a great guy. Special guy. And I came out with nothing. And a few people started the Kevin Trudeau fan club to help me so I could buy some toothpaste, some underwear, a pair of socks, because I had nothing. And people became partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan Club and made some contributions to the Kevin Trudeau fan club. And the people that ran it, ran it as volunteers, and they collected the money. And they would send me a couple hundred dollars or a couple thousand dollars so I could start getting back on my feet. I could buy some clothes. I could buy some toothpaste. I could get a haircut. Here's me about two days after I was released from prison at Josh's house. That's Kevin Trudeau. Right there, my friends. That's what the government did to me. But as you can see, I was reading a great book, light on yoga, which was a beautiful book, which I was studying while I was away, doing a lot of yoga poses and a lot of meditation, experiencing love and oneness, not bitterness. It was an experience. I clean up pretty good, though, don't I? All right, get rid of that picture. That's real gurukha there. And I came out and I was, you know, what am I going to do? I don't need to do anything. I've been there, done that. Had the Rolls Royces, the Ferraris, everything. Hey, no problem. I'm not attached to anything. And everybody kept on saying, Kevin, please. People were telling me, you're an enlightened spiritual master. You have all this knowledge and wisdom. Share it, share it. Share it. I said, fine, I will. It's my dharma. I didn't have to do this. And the fan club began to grow, and I got involved with global information network again, producing the training there. I wrote the guru Kev lessons, a science of personal mastery course I did. The money processes, the relationship processes, started. Putting these things together, launching the world's best nutritionals in organics. That's coming out next year, writing more books, none of which profit me at all, because the government says I still owe him money. So when I came out of prison, the government said, you still owe us some money. I said, great. How much? Well, we don't know. Okay, well, how much should I pay you? They said, everything you earn. For how long? We don't know. Just whatever you earn, you have to send it to us. Okay, well, how am I supposed to eat? So the judge said, well, you can live on $3,750 a month. That's what it came out to. Everything else you earn has to be turned over to the government to pay off the debt. How much do I owe? I don't know, your honor. I was sitting on the stand and I said to the judge, how much do I owe? I don't know. How much do I owe? I don't know. When are you gonna know? I don't know. Are you ever gonna tell me? I don't know. Do I just pay you for the rest of my life? I don't know. I don't have any money. The government said. The government said, yes, mister Trudeau has plenty of money. He has hundreds of millions of dollars hidden someplace. He just won't tell us where it is. Okay, if I had a couple hundred million dollars hidden someplace, why on God's green earth would I give up ten years of my life and go to prison, you idiot? Why wouldn't I just have written a check back then? If I had hundreds of millions of dollars, why wouldn't I just write a check for 37 million, do you think? Oh, I want to hold on to that. So. And I'll go away to prison for ten years. Are you stupid? You had a forensic accountant come in you said was the best in the world. They could find any asset, and they found nothing because there isn't any. I gave all the money away to charities. I gave it to the staff. You guys sold the assets that were worth hundreds of millions for pennies. If I had the money, I would have paid it. I have none. So the government says. Your honor, Trudeau's lying. He's definitely hiding the money. So put him back in prison until he tells us where it is. How can I tell you where the money is when there isn't any? It makes no logical sense. If I had it, I would have paid it back. Then it makes no logical sense. So the judge said, no, I'm not going to put him in prison, but I'm going to let him live on $3,750 a month. And everything else that he earns gets turned over after business expenses gets turned over to the FTC. Fine. And that's what I've been doing. And over the last couple of years, I think I paid three, four, $5 million. Whatever it was, I don't know the exact number offhand. And now we are today the federal trade commission. The lead lawyer is. I call him the assassin because hes also going after Jeff Bezos. The guy is a very good lawyer, and I think hes just doing his job. He cannot be this evil as a real person. He has to be just acting in that role. He has to be. I can't imagine that he would be this evil. I really think he's just taking the role that he's been delegated to, and I think he's doing it with some apprehension. But he has to. He has a government job. He wants to take care of his family. He wants promotions. He wants another notch on his gun belt that he got somebody else. And I think thats really all its about, because its not about consumers. Its about punishing me and him winning. Thats what it appears theyre saying. Your honor, Trudeau is not paying fast enough. Excuse me? I just came out of prison. I have nothing, and I've paid you millions of dollars. Who the hell could do that? Who the hell could do that? Unless somebody who has the ability to manifest money out of thin air like I do, and I'm not paying fast enough. He says the FTC is going to the court now, and they're saying, you need to put Kevin back in prison. That will motivate him to earn money faster, work harder, make more money, and pay faster. So he has to be in prison in order to get motivated. Well, first off, there is no debtors prison in America. Not supposed to be. And I am not an indentured servant. I don't even have to do this. I could just say, guess what? I'm retiring, and I don't have to pay them anything. You can't put me in jail, not for paying. If I don't have the money and I have to live, and I'm actually accepted, agreed to live below the poverty line, effectively, which I don't have to either. The law says that I'm only required to pay 25% of my income, but I want to pay this off and get it behind me. So I said, I'll accept living on $3,750 a month. That's it. I'll accept that, and I'll pay 100% of everything I earn. And I didn't have to accept that. I could say, no, all I have to pay is 25% of what I earn, but I want to pay this off and get it behind me. But the government now is saying, put him back in prison, put him back in prison. Put him back in prison. He's violating the order. He's not paying fast enough. He's not paying fast enough. He's not paying fast enough. It's insane. And it has nothing to do with anything other than they know about the books I'm coming out with next year. They know I'm going to write the organic scam. They know I'm going to write the vitamin scam. They know I'm coming out with a brand new natural cures book. They know I'm coming out with your wishes, your command. This is frightening them to death. They know I'm coming out with spiritual materialism, that book. They know I've launched the world's best nutritionals in organics. But the process of doing a money raise right now, we're looking for investors to raise $8 million. We think that. I think the first year, we'll do 50 to 100 million in sales, possibly. I think this company, in three to five years, could do 500 million or even a billion, possibly. I don't know. This could be a huge home run. But that's going to expose people to the fraud that's going out in the organic and the nutritional industry and how the drug companies and the government is involved. They don't want that exposure. That's what it's about. So just in the last 48 hours, something happened. We got a very surprise notice from the court, and the court we haven't heard from since last spring. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the court says, I am going to make a major ruling in the next two weeks, and there is going to be a hearing on the 20th of this month, and Mister Trudeau has to appear at that hearing. I don't know what this is. My lawyers don't know what it is. Nobody knows what it is. I could be put back in prison. They could order the show shutdown. They could order another receiver. They could appoint another receiver to liquidate everything we built. I have no idea what's happening. No one knows. It's free speech under attack. But I'll tell you what, isn't it exciting? I mean, what an adventure. You know? Every time something like this happens, someone says, how do you feel? I go, man, I just get so excited because it's like, think about the movie. Think about the tv series. This is just the next chapter. You couldn't write this in Hollywood. It's gonna be fantastic. I mean, the movie, the series, the prodigy, the Kevin Trudeau story, it is going to rock the world because that's going to come out as a series of books. And also we'll make it into a movie or a series that will pitch to Netflix or something like that, or Amazon prime or Paramount or something. I think this is going to be unbelievable. And if they don't pick it up, I'll produce it myself and we'll put it up anyway. This is going to rock the world. When you see the real story, the real story, starting from my induction in the Brotherhood, the Skull and Bones island, me at the Bilderberg meeting, and listen, Obama was there, Clinton shows up, Margaret Thatcher. I mean, all these nobodies, Angela Merkel, they show up at a Bilderberg meeting as a nobody. They leave, and all of a sudden they're the prime minister. You don't know how. I mean, I. What this is gonna show you is going to rock everything. You know, if I get taken out, you know why? But it's exciting. So I have one thing that's going to happen. My lawyers say, look, whatever happens in the next two weeks, by the 20th, if it goes against you. We can appeal. That's great. Okay, but what are we going to appeal on? And the appeal is this. The government is saying to the judge, effectively, Trudeau ripped everybody off when he sold them the weight loss cure book. You and I both know that's a lie. Everybody loved that book. They loved natural cures. I don't have any lawsuits from customers. My customers not only buy one product, but by the next, the next, the next, the next, I tell the court, the people that buy my books love those books. The people that buy my products love those products. They do not feel misled. They do not feel ripped off. They feel empowered. They like the products. It was a good buying experience. It was a positive buying experience. If they wanted a refund, they sent it back. They got a refund. There was no issue. I just signed up for something that was advertised on the Internet, and I wanted to see the sales cycle. So I sign up for this thing and it says, oh, we're going to give you a customized meal plan. So I go through all this stuff, push the button and I get an app. There's no customized meal plan. It just says, you know, it's just a generic. This is what you should eat. It wasn't anything customized. That was all a scam. So I said, okay, I want a refund. I can't cancel. I can't get a refund. It's impossible to find. This is a terrible buying experience. Not with me. You buy any of my products, you want a refund, you get 100% refund, no questions asked. And it's simple to get a refund. I have great customer service. Everybody knows that. But the government is trying to tell the court that people dont like Trudeau. His customers dont like him. He does not have support. And I said, no, I do have support. And the answer is, well, Mister Trudeau, prove it. Prove to me that you have support. And you know how I prove it? I go, I have something called the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. People make contributions to that. If a person makes a contribution for which they get nothing in return, it's not even tax deductible. Wouldn't you say that's a supporter? Yes. Well, I have thousands of those people. And you know what the court said you only have thousands. I thought you had millions of supporters. Yes, they're all around the world. But I've been in prison for ten years and I don't have the mailing list because the receiver stole it and destroyed it. So I'm trying to reach them. Well, it doesn't seem to me like you have a lot of support. And that's where we come on the 20th. Between now and then, I want to show the court how many people support me. This, I think, is going to make the difference between whether I continue to broadcast the show or I'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit, eating tuna fish out of a little packet, which I let my hair grow. I'm not shaving, looking like guru Kev again. Reading yoga, right, light on yoga, doing the yoga postures, meditating in a cell for doing nothing. Completely innocent. Suppression of free speech, man. Welcome to the United States. You're under arrest. It's happening all over the world. People for talking are just being arrested and thrown in prisons all over the world because they are talking more so than any other time in our history. Always happened before, you know, the inquisition and in Nazi Germany. You know, people said something and they were put in prison. In Stalin's era, in Soviet Union and Russia, people were thrown in prison, obviously, in, you know, communist countries, China, other countries and other regimes. Iran. You talk, you say something that the government doesn't like, you just are arrested, thrown in prison for treason, for God's sake, sometimes killed. I theres a lot of places that are worse, but its happening all over the world right now. Suppression of free speech. The people that are in power are afraid, are desperately afraid. So that brings us to today. Heres whats going to happen between now and the 20th. I have to show the court. This is what my lawyers tell me. How many people, new people, join and become partners with me in the Kevin Girdeau fan club. It's only $25 a month. That's the minimum. You can be a $50 a month partner. You can be $100 a month partner. You can go up. There are benefits at each level. I do energy work, for example, at gold and above. Every month, you can ask questions. We get a monthly Zoom call with me. I answer all your questions. There's access to the partner area, the website. But between now and the 20th, if I can get another couple thousand people to become partners, I can show the judge, look, look at all the new partners that just joined. If I stay out of prison, more will join. And all that money is going to pay the FTC. It's going to pay the government. So it's, if you really want to pay the consumer, if that's really the goal, other than just shutting me up, if you really want to pay the consumer, then you have to keep me out of prison and let me continue to do what I'm doing so we can pay faster. If you put me in prison, it's going to pay slower. If you're not a partner. Go to the Kevintrudeau fanclub.com kevintradeaufanclub.com comma. Click on that. Sign up to become a partner at whatever level you can afford. If you can afford 25, do that. If you can afford 50 or 100, do the level that you're at. That's the first number we're going to look at new partners. If you are already a partner, upgrade, because we also want to show him, look at the number of partners that upgraded when they heard about this. This shows you, your honor, that Kevin has support from people. They like his books. They like his products. They like what he's saying. He's not, you know, he's helping people and empowering people keep him free. So those are the two main things you can do. And I want to show you a clip. If you're considering being a partner, there are so many magical benefits of partnership with me. Not just helping me, but you get so much value. I want to show you a clip. It's just a short clip of some partners and what they say, how partnership has positively impacted them in their lives. Let's take a look at this. [00:48:34] Speaker C: I grew up in a pretty rocky family situation. I love my family more than anything, but we weren't the closest. We argued a lot. We argued all the time, even over the phone, and we haven't argued in years now. And that's like, I fully 100% credited to, you know, Master KT's teaching. And of course, I applied it, but 100%. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [00:49:07] Speaker D: It's so instant when you get close to Kevin's vision. What you get in return is beyond your expectations. [00:49:17] Speaker E: I've been listening and reading a lot of books, but nothing has changed or impacted my life as this material that Kevin has taught us. And this is my second experience at the partners convention with the Kevin Trudeau Fan Club. The impact Kevin has had on my life is simply ineffable. You can't put words to it. It's one of the experiences that you have to have for yourself to kind of know what it is to be in a room or an environment where Kevin is. [00:49:48] Speaker B: Kevin inspired me, was with his energy. Like, whenever he was near me, it felt really good. Really like love coming out opened me up to realization. [00:50:01] Speaker F: There's more to just working, to just living a life very boring. [00:50:06] Speaker G: I want to share what Kevin and this partnership has done for me. What it did is awaken this energy inside of me, which was dormant. And I have my dream life. I bought a mountain. I have a wonderful, healthy, happy kid, 15 years happily married. I know what that has done for me, and I know how much I owe Kevin. Thanks to Kevin, this fan club, I've learned to be the commander of my own ship and to be at cause versus effect in my own life. [00:50:40] Speaker F: The training that KT provides through not only the KT fan club, but Jin and other ventures that he does has phenomenally changed my life. Through his training alone and applying the ten steps to manifesting, I was able to grow a personal brand on social media to 5 million followers on TikTok, 200,000 on Instagram. Do all these amazing things manifest my desires, make ridiculous amounts of money at once, and it's all thanks to the training that KT provides. I can tell you 100% this training works. [00:51:12] Speaker H: The reason of why I love being partner with Kevin, I was in the room, and he was speaking. I can feel the energy flowing. I can feel my kundalini, my energy raising. And I feel cold. I feel is real. I have some social inner peace, and I have. I feel so joyous, and I feel like there's a lot of love flowing from craving to me. And I'm like, what? What is this? [00:51:43] Speaker D: I remember the days that $25 a month was a lot of money for me, and. But I still made necessary adjustments to remain his partner. Ever since I signed up for a partnership, instantly, I felt a lot of blessings in my life, particularly financial and health wise. [00:52:04] Speaker E: The first thing it did is it helped me rank advance in my network marketing company. It helped me buy the car of my dreams. I had a Renault, which is like a Toyota. And I bought then a Mercedes. And then after the Mercedes, I bought a Porsche. [00:52:19] Speaker D: I cannot thank you enough, Kevin, if you are watching this, because I'm sure that I'm not the only one who can attest to this. All areas of my life has drastically improved to the level that I couldn't even imagine possible. So from my heart to yours, thank you so much. [00:52:40] Speaker A: It opens up doors that you never even thought about something that you can't even imagine. I wanted to tell everyone that is thinking about joining the partners that it's an amazing, amazing venture. This is an investment in yourself. I have come from a very rough background, and since I've been with Kevin, things have been a lot easier to. [00:53:03] Speaker G: Be in presence of a person like Kevin Trudeau. It's really an opportunity to raise your energy, to have some cognitions, some ha. [00:53:17] Speaker A: Ha moments in my personal experience, I can give you this, that it will elevate you to another level. The people you meet, the experience, the energy, it's on another level. And I promise you, if you try it, you won't ever be the same. [00:53:41] Speaker B: That's just a taste, just a little bit of a taste. And I know a lot of you are partners watching. Consider increasing your membership level. Let's get this thing paid off. The judge really wants to see this. I think it's going to make a big difference. It's also going to make a big difference in your life, because remember, as you increase the partnership level, you're activating the law of giving. Some of you feel right now really motivated to do this and make some adjustments and some, I'm not sure if I can afford it. You know, I always have a hard time with that because I was giving my whole life, and I know how to make adjustments right now. For example, I live on $3,750 a month. What did I have for lunch? I had rice and a rice cooker. I put two cups of rice and a rice cooker. I bought a Whole Foods container of lentil spinach, vegetable soup, which I think was like $5, $6. The rice was a dollar for the two cups. For lunch, I had half of the rice, half of the soup. It's filling, absolutely delicious. I sprayed little brags on there, a little hot sauce for some little extra kick, and I'm going to have the same thing for dinner. Maybe I'll throw a hard boiled egg or a little piece of grilled chicken to add a little protein to it. That's what I'm eating. I mean, you have to do what you have to do. But it's filling, it's nutritious, and it's incredibly inexpensive, very healthy for you, 100% organic. So you can do what you have to do. So if you can become a partner, go to kevintrudeaufanclub.com. kevintrudeaufanclub.com. Become a partner, whatever level you can. I'll tell you what, seriously, if I show him that ten people became partners or 20 people, they're going to laugh at me, and you're probably not going to see me in a few weeks. I mean, and listen, I have no problem. I know this stuff. And somebody said, well, how are you going to feel about that? Look, the universe doesn't do things to us. It does things for us. And even though something may happen that appears to be negative if you will listen to your wishes, your command. You heard me tell the story of the man in China where he has a son and he has a horse, and the son leaves the gate open and the horse runs away. That was all they had. And it looked like a negative situation. Two days later, the horse came back with ten other wild horses. Now they're rich. The son tries to break one of the wild horses, and while he's on the horse, the horse throws him and the son breaks his leg. Looks like a bad situation. But then the army came to conscript all the young men, but they couldn't take his son because his son had a broken leg. And the story goes on, what looks like a bad situation actually turns out to be good. And so whatever happens is always going to turn out good. The phrase which we live by, if you can, on the inside when you're spiritually free, is everything will always turn out fine in the end. And if it doesn't appear to be fine, it just means it's not the end. So if you can become a partner, become a partner. It's going to help you. It's going to help me. If you are already a partner upgrade, do it today, do it now. Because we want to start sending right to the judge before he rules. Maybe this is going to change his ruling or make him rule in a certain way. We want to say, your honor, look at all the support Mister Trudeau has. If he remains free, there's one other thing you can do. You've heard about this book, the Guru Kev lessons? This is just a prototype. This has all of the guru keb lessons in it. This is being produced in white leather, gold inlay. All the outside is going to be gold with beautiful ribbons for bookmarks. It's going to be a special, limited numbered edition. There'll be 1000 of them produced. That's it. They will be individually numbered, special limited number edition. I will autograph them. It'll have a picture of me in it as well. I will bless them with my energy. And when you get it in your house, even if you just let it sit there, in my opinion, the energy is going to act like an attractor field and create love, luck, power and wealth being brought in like a big attractor field, this is going to be a very powerful thing for you. And then if you actually read the lessons that are in here, which will be a beautiful introduction as well as an index, so you can find all the lessons, here's one on instant happiness. What it is like to be effortlessly happy all the time and I'm just going to read you one here. Nothing out there or external will make you happy and feel secure, but it sure appears or seems that way. Happiness and security are ultimately a choice and comes 100% from within. It appears that attaining things brings you a feeling of security and happiness. Things like money, success, a car, vacation, a love or a relationship, another person, a good job or boss or business, etcetera, etcetera. It seems when you attain or acquire your desires, when things are going well or good, you feel happy and secure. And when you lose these things, your lover leaves you, or you lose your job or all your money, you feel sad and have fear to some degree. When you realize that you can actually be happy and feel secure anytime, any place, and regardless of the conditions or situation. Spiritual goals such as awareness and enlightenment become a prime focus. Instead of trying to attain material possessions or get or gain something, living in total integrity and 100% responsibility is your priority and new standard. The results are you are happier than ever in your life and feel more secure than ever. And you do get all the things you want anyway. Imagine being incapable of feeling any negative emotion to any significant degree or duration, no matter how hard you try, no matter what the situation, circumstances or current condition you are experiencing, no matter how bad it is. Imagine no fear, sadness, depression, stress, anxiety, jealousy, grief, guilt, anguish, anger, rage, hate, despair, hopelessness, shame, regret, etcetera, etcetera. Imagine at all times feeling varying degrees of intensities of love, happiness, bliss, joy, peace, security, contentment and serenity. Imagine seeing only the good and beauty in everything and everyone, even without trying. Imagine seeing the gold in everything and everyone effortlessly and automatically, as it simply is there and presents itself to you. Imagine feeling grateful, thankful and appreciative all the time without trying. Hmm. Interested. This is an ability you have right now, and I can show you how to release it as I have done much love guru Kev. That's what I teach, how to have that and you can see it. I'm going through what anybody would classify as major adversity right now. And how do I feel? I'm excited. It's exciting. My inner peace and joy. I sleep. I slept last night, man, I sleep great every night. I'm going to read you one more from this. And by the way, these numbered books are available for anyone who goes to the fan club website and makes a contribution of $1,000. And you can get one of these, you can get a maximum of five. And if you do buy five, let me tell you what I'm going to do and the reason you should consider buying five. Number one to help me. Yes. You get five of the limited numbered special editions personally autographed by me. Personally laid my hands on and blessed, filled with chakti and energy. They'll be the best gifts you can give to people at Christmas or birthday or Hanukkah or bar mitzvah or whatever. It'll be special. But if you get five, you pick. You can either come to January, Doral Country Club in Florida. I will pick up your hotel room and your entire event ticket for the Global Information Network leadership weekend. Even if you're not a gym member, you'll be my guest. Or if you want to come to Boston in the spring to our dream weekend, I'll pick up your hotel room and meals and the event ticket, and I will meet you personally in my suite. Okay. You'll have a personal, private meeting with me in my suite. You pick either the doral in January or in the spring in Boston. You pick. You have to get there. Your transportation is not included, but your hotel room, your meals, and the ticket, including the banquet. You're my guest. And that's for anyone who purchases five of these, and you're not purchasing them. You're going to the Kevin Trudeau fan club website. All you're doing is make a $5,000 contribution. You'll get five of these books. Ann will call you. Matt will call you. Matt Schaefer will call you right away and ask you which event you want to go to. Work out all the details. I'll meet you personally. This is something special. I'm going to read one more thing. One more to you, and you're going to love this. This is a lesson called Irish Luck, a story that illustrates how what goes around comes around. And think about this, because if you give to the fan club, if you give and get one of the Gurukheb books, if you become a partner, what goes around comes around. Listen to this. His name was Fleming, and he was a poor scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy. Screaming and struggling to free himself, farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotmen's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy farmer. Fleming had saved. I want to repay you, said the nobleman. You saved my son's life. No, I can't accept payment for what I did, the scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. Is that your son? The nobleman asked. Yes, the farmer replied proudly. I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of. And that he did. Father Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time graduated from St. Mary's Hospital medical School in London and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name. Sir Winston Churchill. Someone once said, what goes around comes around. Much love, Gurukiv. What you do to help me is going to help you. Much love, everybody. I hope you're feeling better now than when you started and I know you are. More updates to follow. Make sure you check telegram. I'll be giving you updates as soon as I hear and I'll see you all next Monday. Much love.

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