Episode 23

June 19, 2024


Genetics, Success & The Word of God | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 23

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin Trudeau reveals how success is a mathematical formula. He shares secrets from his billionaire friends he just spent time with at a world-class, luxury spa. He tells you the three reasons why you fail at manifesting. He explains what a Satan worshiper really is and so much more!


0:00 Show Start

15:36 Who do you listen to when it comes to manifesting?

17:30 Do you do this to manifest?

21:06 There are only three reasons why you fail

29:20 What is success to you?

33:04 How important is a partner in your life?

47:27 There are counter intentions to your success

51:00 What is a Satan worshiper?

54:25 Does having money make you feel unsafe?

1:05:01 Do you have this failure gene?

1:14:35 Get a copy of the heirloom-quality GuruKev books



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about! 


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners. 


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness. 


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!


Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow



Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. 

Click here to become a Partner with Kevin now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com



Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #livestream #health #wealth #happiness #gurukev #success #manifesting

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:17] Welcome, everyone. We're live broadcasting all around the world. I'm Kevin Trudeau, and you're not. This is the Kevin Trudeau show. Everything they don't want you to know about. We're going to improve the quality of your life today. Get ready. Buckle up. Take some notes. We have a great show. Couple things. [00:00:35] Subscribe. If you're watching on YouTube or rumble, or if you're listening on Spotify or Apple Podcast, make sure you hit the subscribe button. Make sure you like the show. I just found out from my algorithm geniuses that if we don't get a lot of likes, it doesn't help the algorithm. So in addition to subscribing, the other things that help the algorithm so you can get more viewers and more listeners on all the different platforms, is you subscribe, you hit the notification button, you like it, and then you leave comments. [00:01:11] And the other thing is you leave comments on other people's comments. And starting today, if you leave comments after the show, I'm going to be reading the comments and I'm going to be responding to some of you. So you leave comments. We're going to have a little conversation, my friend. So I'm going to be responding. And that allegedly helps the algorithms as well. [00:01:33] Okay. A couple of exciting bits of information. First off, if you haven't caught the previous shows, I highly encourage and recommend that you do. I am leaving not just nuggets of gold, I'm leaving gold mines of information that can help you in every aspect of your life. It's stuff. If you spent $10,000 to go to a Joe Smith seminar, and I don't even know if there's a guy named Joe Smith teaching a seminar on success, but you get the idea. If you spend all this money going to these seminars and you get all that data and compare it to the information that you're getting on this show for free, it's not even close. So go back, and I highly recommend and encourage you to do that. But starting could start next week or the week after or the week after. But it's going to happen very soon. We're going to be broadcasting five days a week. [00:02:27] Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Now, because YouTube has all the censorship, we're going to broadcast on Monday and Wednesday on YouTube. And when we are on YouTube, we're also on Rumble, we're on Spotify and we're on Apple Podcast and some other platforms. [00:02:47] But those shows, I'm going to call them a little watered down because there's certain words, if I even just say the word, then they'll kick us off and censor us. And not just censor that show, they'll kick us off the platform. YouTube still has the largest number of subscribers and viewers, so we have to be on this platform. [00:03:08] But on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, we will be broadcasting exclusively on Rumble. [00:03:18] And I can just tell you, I talked to the guy on the phone. We had a Zoom call. Russell Brand was in the office when I called. [00:03:26] We were talking about what I can and can't say. And they said, kevin, you have free reign. [00:03:33] There's nothing here. This is free speech country, baby. This is free speech planet. At rumble, they said, you say anything you want, you're good to go. We've listened to all your radio shows. We know what you're about. You're exposing stuff that the big people don't want exposed for a lot of different reasons. Go for it. So if you're not subscribed to the Rumble channel, I suggest that you do. So that's going to happen. And then on Sundays, starting maybe this Sunday, maybe next Sunday, or the Sunday after, it's going to start pretty soon, I'm going to do a 1 hour spiritual show. And that show is going to be basically scriptural principles of success. And I'm going to be teaching out of the Bible, the Quran, the Zohar, which some of you don't even know what it is. It's the jewish mysticism book with Kabbalah. It's based on Vedas from India, the Ramayama, the Mahabharata, and other scriptural texts. Also, some of the books that were in the original christian and jewish bibles that were taken out, like the Book of Enoch. [00:04:45] So it's going to be a fascinating, not just a history lesson, but that show is going to empower you in a way that's going to be a little bit beyond your comprehension because you're going to get the spiritual essence of success. From a non religious, dogmatic standpoint, it is going to be great. [00:05:11] I just got this in the mail and I won an award. [00:05:16] I just got this. I don't know if you can see this. Maybe we could put this up on the screen. [00:05:21] I just was voted. [00:05:23] This was my vote. I was voted mentor of the year, guru, and I was voted mentor of the year and guru by one of my wonderful supporters. Alex Sanchez. I think it was a one person vote, and I got 100% of the vote. So, alex, thank you for voting me 100% of the vote. He was the only person on the committee as mentor of the year and guru of the year. I thought that was great when I got that. [00:05:54] Thank you very, very much. By the way, you can't see what's behind me because we're fixing our camera angles and lights. [00:06:05] Every time I watch the show, I scream. I go, you get the lights, right? [00:06:09] So we get. Callie's coming in, you know, I don't know if you know that she's coming in. I told her to come over. I need another opinion, because when she shoots stuff and she sends it to me, the lighting is perfect. And she looked at it and go, meh. [00:06:23] Trees over there. So Callie's gonna come in, God bless her. We love her, and she's gonna help, and we're gonna try to get the lights right. Also, we'll get some new cameras, and we're trying to get this better and better and better. But what's behind me today, there's a pirate that somebody said looked like me, and I don't see the resemblance, but they said, you know, do you have any ancestors in the. That used to be pirates, but that's a smiling pirate. [00:06:55] I don't know. Somebody sent this to me, and we just put that up there. It's the. I don't think there's any resentment. That's just. I don't think there's any resemblance. [00:07:03] All right, Monday. [00:07:06] Monday, we will be broadcasting live 01:00, and all the shows are 01:00, Chicago time, Monday through Friday, as well as Sunday. All the shows are. [00:07:16] I'm going to take your phone calls. And the reason I'm not going to take phone calls today is there's still a little technical glitch, because when a call comes in, I can't hear it very well, and I want to have a crisp, clean conversation with you when you call in, I promise, I promise I will be a good boy. I promise on Monday, I will take your phone calls right from the beginning. The whole show on Monday is going to be taking your phone calls. So make sure you tune in Monday. [00:07:50] A lot of great stuff. Okay, first, what I want to talk about is something that's critically important, because in the last month or two, all over the Internet, and there's some big name gurus who are in the book, the secret. They're also promoting it. [00:08:12] There's people out there now promoting this instant method to attract and create wealth. [00:08:23] And there's all these sales presentations, you know, videos and landing pages that quite frankly, when I read them, they're lying to you. [00:08:37] There's like five people telling almost the same story, but it's a different doctor. They bumped into somebody at a bar. This is complete fabrications. These are lies. You are being lied to and misled by people who are just writing ad copy, making up a false story and trying to convince you to buy their product. And they're selling a whole host of different things. [00:09:05] And it all goes back to who do you listen to if you want to become successful? Who do you listen to? Now you can listen to me. Okay, fine. I have a track record of success. I think it's a very good track record. It's not as successful as Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's not as successful as a lot of people, but it's way more successful than you. I think generating $25 billion in business in the last couple decades is more than you have. And that's in today's dollars and everything. All the companies I've been associated with and so forth. [00:09:43] If you look at my financial lifestyle, Rolls Royces, limousines that I've owned, Bentley's, Mercedes, Porsches, Ferraris, I've had private chefs, I've had butlers and maids. I've had private jets. [00:10:02] I've been on mega yachts. [00:10:05] I've hobnobbed with the rich and famous. As you know, I've stayed in the largest hotel suites in the world. When I went to London at the Lanesboro, Madonna was in the suite that I was in the week before. The largest suite in the Lanesborough, the most expensive suite in London. [00:10:20] Andrew, my buddy, was there. [00:10:23] When I was in Rome, I was at the largest suite in Rome at one of the nicest hotels there. And I believe it was Stallone was in that suite the week before me. When I was in Vegas, I was at the mansions. It was a 20,000 square foot villa that the MGM put me in called the mansions. I had a swimming pool in my hotel, in the suite inside indoor hotels in a piano bar, you know, fireplaces you could walk into. You know, the opulence has been there. So I think you know from history, the track record in direct mail. I produced more winning direct mail pieces than anyone back in the seventies and the early eighties. There was a book called 100 top direct mail pieces of all time. I think I had like 30 of them in there or something. [00:11:23] I did that as a ghost writer. [00:11:26] All the infomercials I got the title. The Infomercial King, Wall Street Journal, front page, New York Times, front page, London Times, front page, Sydney, Australia Times, front page, LA Times, front page, Boston Globe and Boston Herald, front Page, Chicago Trimbune, front page. Front page. Huge articles. [00:11:45] And they called me the Americas marketing guru, a marketing genius, the master of modern day marketing, the infomercial king. [00:11:57] One of the greatest success stories in american history, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So there's a track record. So, arguably, if I was in your shoes and I wanted to attain some financial success, I would at least listen to me and, hey, maybe I have something to offer. [00:12:15] And then you look at health, okay, you know, I'm an old man. I don't look like an old man. I can still. [00:12:24] I showed you the trophies. Greg is in the other room at the gym. I don't know how many dozens of people or 100 people were in this contest. From 25 years old up to in the fifties, I was the oldest person. [00:12:38] And the burpee challenge, I won hands down. I think I was 200 burpees more than the number two person. [00:12:48] And I'm not saying this to brag. I'm saying I'm in pretty good physical shape, physical capability. My flexibility is good. My health is good. When I sleep at night, guys, I don't wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I sleep the entire night full, 100%. [00:13:05] All right, so there's a level of physical health here. And then if you look at the most important thing, which is joy, bliss, happiness is really superficial. It's really joy and bliss. A sense of peace and equanimity and being in alignment, being able to handle adversity in life with grace and ease and not have it change your internal state, this state of enlightenment or self realization. [00:13:33] And people look at this and they go, you know, you're a special person. You're unique. People who've done one on ones with me, people who've come in and spent time with me, they say you are different. No, no. They say you're. No, you're special. You have magical powers. You have energetic powers. You can see the field. You can see my bank. You can read my mind. You can tell me everything that happened in my mother's and father's life. You nailed it. You told me exactly what happened in their marriage. You told me what happened to my grandparents, because you could see the ancestry. You could go in and see where the pain is in my body without me telling you. It's almost like you're a clairvoyant or a psychic. And then you look and say, let me do this. And all of a sudden, my shoulder gets red hot and sweat just starts pouring out of my body, and you're smiling, and all of a sudden, I feel free and liberated. Kevin, you're magical. You have powers. [00:14:26] You are. If you were in India and wearing a beard and a robe, you would be the biggest guru. In India, you'd have an ashram with tens of millions or hundreds of millions of followers. [00:14:38] I'm not special. [00:14:40] I'm really not special. I'm you. [00:14:44] You see, I was asleep, and now I'm awake. [00:14:50] You are still asleep. [00:14:52] That's the only difference. [00:14:55] That's the only difference. [00:14:57] My job is not to teach you. My job is to awaken you. [00:15:02] And the methods I use are many and mysterious, but it might appear that I'm trying to teach you, but really I'm awakening you just by watching the show. You may not know what I'm doing, but I'm doing something to awaken you, because the fact that you're watching the show means you're ready. [00:15:29] You're not watching this show by accident. [00:15:33] You're ready. [00:15:35] So who do you listen to when it comes to making money? I always just spent a week in California at a very famous place called the Golden Door. [00:15:46] It's been around for 50 years, I believe. Close to that, maybe even more. [00:15:51] And it's an exclusive facility. [00:15:54] Every week, 35 to 40 women come, very wealthy women, very successful women, in a variety of fields. And five times a year, they have men's week. And this is a picture. I'm right there in the front row, by the way. I got a hat on there. [00:16:14] If you look at it, I'm the third from the right. [00:16:18] I'm right there in the middle. And these guys are very successful businessmen. It's men's week, so there's only men there from around the country. California, New York, Palm Springs, Florida, all over the United States. [00:16:37] Very successful individuals. [00:16:41] The combined net worth of that group you're looking at there, we figured it out. We were kind of estimating, you know, kind of having a little fun. Time was probably over $20 billion combined net worth. But there was a couple guys there who run hedge funds, and the hedge funds themselves control almost 50 billion or 100 billion. So the amount of money that's controlled by that group is probably close to $500 billion. [00:17:10] That's pretty good. [00:17:14] Those are the people you listen to. [00:17:17] They know more than the clown who's doing a sales video selling some cds with magical frequencies. [00:17:29] Think about that. [00:17:31] And I sat down with these guys and I said, hey, do you ever burn magical manifesting powerful incense or candles? They looked at me like, no. What the hell is that? [00:17:49] Do you guys ever use magical essential oils to help manifest? [00:17:56] No. Do you guys use feng shui or vastu or any sacred geometry so that you can create energy flows to help manifest? [00:18:07] No. [00:18:10] Do you guys ever put headphones on and listen to like frequencies at 432 hz or not 967 hz or any type of frequencies so that you can get into a certain brainwave frequency that you could manifest? [00:18:25] And when I said that one, everyone was just giggling. They go, Kevin, is this a joke? What's the deal? I'm asking seriously, do you do. No. [00:18:34] Okay. [00:18:37] Do you put any magical drops with different ingredients to stimulate the brain power or the pineal gland or anything like that? [00:18:47] They're like, Kevin, have you lost your mind? Did you like take some magic mushrooms or something? [00:18:55] And we all laughed. I said, no, none of you guys do any of that, but you're worth billions and billions and billions of dollars. [00:19:01] I go, but let me ask you this. Any of you guys write down your goals and dreams? [00:19:06] And they all said, well, of course you have to know exactly what you're shooting for and you have to have it written down. Bam. Every single person looked at me like, of course you do that. If you want to manifest something. I could you guys have like a vision board or a dream board? [00:19:25] They go, well, of course. [00:19:27] Do you guys ever do dream building? Like if you want something like a yacht or something, you actually physically go, even though you don't have the money or just jet, but you go and start touching it, feeling it, and they all laughed. [00:19:40] That's the fun of life. That's the whole fun of attaining things. To have that dream, to go out there and touch it and feel it. And it's a game, it's a competition. [00:19:49] You set a time limit. That's what they're telling me now. I looked in their field and I could see things that were there. [00:20:01] And when you think about it, there's really only three reasons why you are not achieving your goals and dreams. [00:20:12] And it has nothing to do with needing to use essential oils. Nobody was wearing salt around their neck. There's an ad out there right now, spiritual salt, magical salt. You put this salt around your neck and it's going to ward off this and attract money into your life. It's BS. Everybody, these people here that I was just with none of them do it. And this is just a small group. There are hundreds of these guys that I've talked to. They're worth billions and billions and billions of dollars. They control hundreds of billions of dollars, and they don't do any of it. [00:20:51] Stop being stupid. Stop being lied to. Stop being so susceptible to the influence of other people that are just trying to rip money off from you. [00:21:01] None of that stuff is what the rich people do. [00:21:05] So when you think about it, there are only three reasons why you fail. [00:21:12] Number one, you're not following the recipe. The success formula and the success formula. [00:21:21] There's actually an algorithm. There's actually a mathematical formula. I was talking to one of the top mathematicians in the world, and we were discussing this because he had called me, by the way, Danielle and I were in the car going to leadership weekend, and I got a phone call from a guy who's worth billions, and he was asking me a question, and it was on speakerphone. And number one, Danielle's jaw hit the ground. She's like, who? That guy? [00:21:54] He's your friend. Yeah. [00:21:56] And he said, kevin, you're the only guy in the world that I know that can answer this, because you're the only guy who can see energy and move energy, and this is a super successful, wealthy guy. And he said, can you look at this guy and tell me this? And blah, blah, blah. [00:22:12] So he talked to one of the top mathematicians in the world who had called me, and he said, kevin, there's a mathematical formula for success. It's an actual mathematical formula, but I can't break the code. Can you help? And in two minutes, I said, real simple, you're not giving numerical values to energy, emotions, or feelings. [00:22:43] But once you do that, that answered the question. [00:22:47] I said, I can help you with it. So we put together a formula. There's an actual mathematical, mathematical formula, and here's the formula. And if you just. You can look at it and you can say, oh, okay, the number has to equal 1000. And if you're at 500, you're not going to achieve much success. If you're 200, you're broke. And guess what? When you fill it out, it'll absolutely correlate to your income and your net worth. [00:23:18] But you also know exactly what you need to do, which areas you need to do, so that you can increase the number, therefore increase your wealth. If you look at wealthy people, like these guys or the guys, the other hundreds of guys that have been at this facility, and you give them this and say, okay, where do you fall here? And you look at the mathematical, they're all 700 or above all of them. [00:23:44] And then if you look at somebody who's making, let's say, 150 grand a year or less, they're all 500 or below. [00:23:50] And the lower your income, the lower that number is. [00:23:53] It's really that simple. And it has nothing to do with. By the way, listening to a certain frequency is not a bad thing. It's not going to hurt you. And it has some mild effect, but this is not what wealthy people do. Just make sure you understand that it's fake. Everything you're reading, the stories that you're reading, never happened. They're fake. [00:24:14] I got so fed up I was looking at this, that these individuals are ripping everybody off. I called and because it's Kevin Trudeau, they'll talk to me, oh, you're the greatest marketer of all time. I go, yeah, you have this great thing out there. You're doing really well. We're nailing it, man. People are buying it like crazy. I go, well, let's. Congratulations on your success. I goes, and the story here, well, you know, it's poetic license, Kevin, because nobody can verify it, so we can say anything. [00:24:44] And even if the Federal Trade commission came after us, we don't have to verify it because it's stories. [00:24:52] So we can say anything. We can make up anything. [00:24:57] Well, you do have some karma here, I'm thinking. And yeah, you'll make a lot of money, and maybe this lifetime you'll do really well. But next lifetime, I'm really sorry. You're not hurting anybody. But you are extracting money from them under false pretenses. And many of you fall into that category. You kind of bought into it. Has anything ever changed? No. [00:25:20] Think about it. [00:25:22] Who do you listen to? Listen to people who have what you want and have been where you are. So there's three reasons why you fail. Only three? Number one, you're not following the formula for success. And there is a formula, when you listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger speak about his success, he gives you the formula right there. When you listen to Elon Musk or when you listen to the older, wealthy people, J. Paul Getty in his book how to be rich, when you look at Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, okay, those are the old guys. Look at the new people today. The people to today that are making hundreds of millions of dollars. The Google guys. I was at this place here, and I was hiking with one of the fellows and we got to talk. And I said, you know, what type of business are you in? That's a standard thing if you don't know somebody. Most of the time when I go, half of the people I know have been there before. And so we're friends. Or maybe there's only two or three guys that I don't know. And on this one particular occasion, I knew everybody except three people. I knew everybody. [00:26:27] You know, we were all friends, but three of the guys, first time they were there. So I was hiking with this fellow and I said, you know, what'd you do? [00:26:36] I'm retired. I'm going to travel the world. And that's great. I mean, that sounds like fantastic. He must have done really well in your career. He says, yeah, I did. I said, what type of business were you in? And he was kind of embarrassed. And he said, well, I was the 7th employee at a little company called Google. [00:26:57] Imagine that, Trey, he was the 7th guy hired at Google, God bless him. I mean, and this guy was fantastic. He was just fantastic. I loved his conversation. I loved the way he thought. I loved his energy. I loved his zest for life. I loved his compassion for other human beings. [00:27:17] He was just an amazing individual. It really was. And besides being incredibly brilliant and, you know, just wonderful to talk to and pick his brain, it was just a joy for me to be around him. Really, really enjoyed that. But when you talk to people like this, they all do the formula, and the formula I outlined a few episodes ago when Peter Sage interviewed me, I gave you the steps. [00:27:40] You have to have some pain. You have to have something you don't like. You have to have contrast. You have to have that burn. And then from that point, you clarify exactly what you want, which means defining your dream specifically and writing it down. And then you have to see yourself in possession of it and feel now as if you were actually in attainment of it. [00:28:01] Then you release an attachment to the outcome by saying, if it doesn't happen, it's okay, while maintaining that state. And you repeat that cycle as often as you can. And then there's a whole bunch of ancillary steps that you do, such as dream building, setting up a dream board. [00:28:16] The words you speak. What do you say when you talk to yourself? [00:28:22] Shad Helms wrote that great book self talk. That's critical. Successful people do that all the time. They have relationships with other people they read, which stimulates the brain. [00:28:36] Yes. They are broadcasting their goals, dreams and desires. Right in between Theta and Alpha. There's a sweet spot band there. They're not in beta very often. That's genetic. [00:28:47] And I hate to say that, but that's the fact. Success breeds success. And some of you saying, well, my family was all broke and a bunch of losers, that's fine, you can still be successful because Andrew Carnegie, who became the richest man in the world, his family was also broke and a bunch of losers. [00:29:06] J. Paul Getty, his family wasn't successful. But then you have Howard Hughes, his family was stupidly successful. You look at JP Morgan, his family was stupidly successful. But if you look at Stephen jobs, he didn't come from a wealthy family. So if you do come from a wealthy family or a family of success, it's in your DNA. If you come from a loser family, we'll call it, and I hate to use that word, and I don't use that disrespectfully. My father, you could say, was a loser. My father was not a loser. He was a winner. He was a union worker, he was a welder, and he lived a great life. And my mother was a full time homemaker and a full time wife and a full time mother. [00:29:46] They were amazing human beings, financially, not rich at all, but they lived an amazingly happy, joyful life. They were completely fulfilled. They had no regrets. [00:29:58] They were successful in every aspect of their life because they were living their dreams. Remember that whatever your dream is, whatever it is, whatever size it is, there's no right or wrong. Live your dream. Fill the joy within you. That's success. Success is the progressive realization of dreams. Success is the journey, not a destination. Success is not the attainment of things, but it's living in a moment, being joyful and happy and being creative, whether that's creative with food, creative with designing your home, creative in art, dance, pottery, music, whatever. Creative with lovemaking. Do you realize that there are successful people whose creative outlet is sex? It's lovemaking. And they, you know, when you, they'll do things to their partner and they'll spend a lot of time dressing up, putting romantic music and candles and lights and a nice meal, and setting up this whole creative aspect, not just the act of sex, but the act of romance and the beautiful act of, quote, seduction. Not in a negative context. That's a creative art that most people today don't do. I've been very fortunate in my life, being a bachelor my life, to have women who have expressed themselves creatively in that way. And it's a beautiful thing. And I have as well to partners that I've had in the past. So there's a lot of creative outlets and that's really success in every aspect. So, number one, most people don't follow that formula. When I sit down with people and I do a one on one, for example, and I talk to them and they're saying, I want to become successful. And I go through like a questionnaire, you know, it's like a counseling questionnaire. It's like, okay, are you doing this? No. Or on a scale of one to ten, where are you at with this? Ten being perfect, one being non existent, or zero being nonexistent. And they give me these numbers, and this is how I figured out the formula with the mathematician. It started from this. [00:32:15] I could say, well, look, you see where you're weak? [00:32:19] If you just increase these numbers, you're going to create better success. So, number one, there is a formula for success I just did a few episodes ago. You can watch it. My interview with Peter Sage, I have the whole unedited one here on the channels, on YouTube and rumble. So you can watch that. That outlines. That is the formula. And again, there's a bunch of ancillary things you can do as well, but there's really four steps. But everything else is kind of ancillary, such as managing everything by statistics and charting your progress, associating with other people, going to events so they can recharge the battery. Successful people do that. By the way, when I was with this group here, I asked everybody in your, in your. [00:33:05] I was hiking up the mountain with one of the fellows. [00:33:09] Stupidly successful, money. [00:33:13] He was a spectacular athlete. Okay? Spectacular athlete. He's been married for like 30 years and is madly in love with his wife. Okay? So if you look at a successful life, great athlete, great physical condition, great health, stupidly happy with his wife, happy generally, and ridiculously, financially successful. [00:33:40] I want to be like you, right? [00:33:43] So I was walking up the mountain with him, and I said, what do you think is the importance of having a supportive spouse and a good relationship with your partner in terms of success? [00:34:04] So if you want to become successful, how as important do you think having a great relationship and a supportive spouse says? And he said, what do I think or what do I know? I go, well, you might not know. What do you think? He goes, well, let me tell you what I know, 100%. [00:34:23] He said, I said, can you be a little more definitive? [00:34:31] He goes, Kevin, every successful person, every successful woman, every successful man has a supportive partner and a relationship is strong. [00:34:43] And if it isn't, they could be infinitely more successful. And here's, by the way, the gin symbol of our club, the global information network. And this is the system that the rich people that I just was with this, when I asked them, I drew this out, and they all were like, Kevin, you're a genius. They go, this is it. [00:35:04] It's listening to audios, feeding your mind with positive, motivational inspirational material, reading books, both novels or autobiographies or biographies or self help books to feed the mind. And the act of reading stimulates the hippocampus. [00:35:23] Going to events where you hang out with other like minded people and you get recharged with. When you're in the presence of other people. Everyone gets charged up at a geometrically high number. [00:35:37] It's an exponentially high number. It is unique. You can't get it anywhere else. At events. All of them go to events. All of them go to events. All of them go to events. All of them go to events on a regular basis, except you, because you think you don't need it. Oh, all the rich people need it, but you don't. [00:35:59] And then at the bottom of that thing, which is now off the screen, there we go. It's recognition. [00:36:05] All successful people engage in giving and receiving recognition at this event here. Guess what we did on Saturday night? We recognized people. The top hiker of the week, which I used to win all the time. [00:36:20] I used to win all the time. They got tired of giving me the award. They got tired. [00:36:26] Used to win all the time. Cause I used to put on. I used to put on a weight vest, and I used to run half of the trail, and nobody could believe it. They're like, this guy's got a 35 pound weight vest on, and he's running the freaking trail. [00:36:39] So now let some of the 30 year olds go in front of me. But they give awards out the top swimmer, the guy who tried the most unique things, like origami. We did. There was a class on origami and finger painting. [00:36:54] You get all these rich guys doing finger painting, walking the labyrinth, meditating, sound bowl, bath. You know, we're having this fun massage, herbal rap, exercise, boxing. I was with a very famous. I can't mention his name. Very stupidly famous musician. If I mentioned his name, you'd know him. So him and I were in the boxing class, and we were boxing, and, you know, he was only in there a couple times, so he's not a great boxer. And I'm boxing and boxing, and we're having this great time boxing. And at the end, he wins the boxing award, and he gets it. He goes, Trudeau got robbed. [00:37:33] I protest. It should be him. I was in that class and I said, no, no, no, no, it's okay. I've gotten enough awards. It's at somebody else's turn now. But the point is, you give and receive recognition. Everybody who's successful. I was just with them. They know that, but you don't know that. You don't think it's important. [00:37:56] Think about that. And then that last circle around the outside of that. This is the symbol of the global information network. And actually, the symbol doesn't have these terms. This is a secret which we're revealing to the world. This was the secret symbol that was only supposed to be shown to jinn members because the symbol itself doesn't have the words gin. Members know what it means, but nobody else does. [00:38:25] I guess they do now. So don't tell anybody. [00:38:29] This is secret. [00:38:31] But you can see the word relationships around there because everything is held together by relationships. Having relationships and establishing relationship with like minded, successful people is the critical aspect which increases the size of the hippocampus. And the brain stimulates the pineal gland so you can broadcast on that sweet spot in between theta and alpha. That's what does it, ladies and gentlemen. It isn't putting headphones on and listening some magical sound waves that someone's gonna have to charge you for. [00:39:00] There's no fee. To have relationships with successful people. That's free and that's what works. Because if you look back, you think, Andrew Carnegie put on headphones. It didn't even exist back then. How did people become multi billionaires without listening to the magical sound frequencies or burning incense? And think about all the people who burn incense in India that are living in abject poverty. And think about all the things that they do. They chant, they do all these things that these idiots are telling you that you need to do to become successful, but everybody who does them around the world are living in huts without running water. [00:39:38] Listen to people that have what you want financially. If you want to become financially successful, listen to people that are. And you see that they don't do these things that you think are important and the things that you think are not important, like going to events or being around somebody ridiculously successful. See, success rubs off. Okay? Aristotle, NASA said it, and all these guys said it. [00:40:09] The importance of being around someone who's more financially successful than you and being in their physical presence, even if it's just at a dinner party and they're sitting way over there and you're in this, just being in the same room. [00:40:25] These guys know that that's what they did their entire career, because the success energy runs off. [00:40:35] It sounds like magic, but there's physics to it. These people broadcast more photons. I told you that there is research done on photon emissions from human beings. There are machines. [00:40:56] All right? The sun puts out photons. [00:41:02] Photons are unique because it is both a wave and a particle at the same time. [00:41:10] An electron is a wave, and when it's observed, it becomes a particle. [00:41:16] Whoop dee doo. [00:41:17] The reason that that's significant is photons are unique. [00:41:22] Light, therefore, can you define it as photons? Because the sun puts out photons, a human being. We always say, your light, you're a spiritual being, your love and your light. There is a light inside you. All spiritual texts say this. [00:41:42] It's true, because you can now take an individual, you can take a plant, and you can sit it down and put the spectro analyzer, or whatever they call the machine, which measures the photon emission from the plant, and you can see the amount of photons that come out per second. There's some number. [00:42:04] Then you can take a human being and put them there, and you can measure the amount of photons. You can take a puppy and put the dog there, and interestingly enough, a loving, kind, beautiful little puppy that licks you all the time puts out more photons than the aggressive dog. [00:42:26] Interesting, huh, Herr professor? [00:42:33] Very interesting. [00:42:36] Pay attention. [00:42:39] You take a guru, somebody who's spiritually enlightened, put him in the room, and they're broadcasting 100 or 1000 or 10,000 times more photons than the average person. [00:42:52] If you're in that room with that person, you're affected. You take somebody who's wealthy, they're broadcasting 510, 20 times more than the average person. [00:43:03] If you're in that room, you are affected in a positive, life changing way. What these photons do is they stimulate two parts of the brain, primarily the hippocampus and the pineal gland, which is genetically different for people who were born into a wealthy family. [00:43:24] That's the bottom line. [00:43:28] Interesting. [00:43:30] So there are three things, as I mentioned, as to why you're not succeeding. Number one, you're not following this formula and guarantee most of you are not. I teach the entire formula as part of the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course, when a person becomes a member of the Global Information Network. And that's why the Global Information Network has four major events a year and four one day events a year. So we have eight events people can attend live, which is ideal, or they can attend virtually, which is second best. [00:44:06] So everything in that system of success which every super wealthy person engages in is part of Jinn. That's how I designed it, and it was what I was a part of in the brotherhood. [00:44:17] So, number one, you don't follow the formula. Number two, the second reason you're not succeeding is your brain is broadcasting on beta. Most of the time, there's different beta waves. Beta is one of them. It's called the slave frequency, or the slave wave. It's also the poverty frequency, the poverty wave. [00:44:37] So when you're broadcasting out of beta, you're not manifesting a lot. If you're broadcasting out of theta or alpha, actually, it's right in the middle. That's the sweet spot. Then that goes out into the physical universe. And the law of attraction then actually works, because whatever you put out then is attracted because you're right in that sweet spot. [00:45:05] So the reason you're not succeeding is if you're doing everything on the formula properly and you're broadcasting on beta most of the time, because you were born in, basically, that's just genetic. You'll still manifest things. It'll just be a lot harder. [00:45:19] But if you're not even following the formula 100% but you're broadcasting in that sweet spot, you'll manifest faster and easier. [00:45:28] So that's the second way. And somebody says, well, how do I get the broadcast there? If you do, everything in the gin system, your hippocampus and your pineal gland over time will activate, and you will start broadcasting in there. There's no magical way to change it by listening to an alpha wave or by listening to a theta. It's not going to dramatically change it. Yeah, Einstein listened to Mozart and baroque classical music, which I talked about in mega memory. That baroque classical music puts you in an alpha state. Well, that's great, but as soon as you stop listening to it, you come out of the alpha state. So it's not permanent. Those things don't make any permanent change. Relationships makes permanent change. Reading makes permanent change. [00:46:12] Going to events makes permanent change. Engaging in all the elements of that system. Reading books, listening to audios, going to events, giving and receiving recognition and developing relationships, that's what makes a permanent change, because that's a permanent lifestyle change. You can't be listening to these things all day long. [00:46:28] Think about that. [00:46:31] The third reason why you're not succeeding, and this is something, when I was just with this group of people, and I looked at hundreds of them over the years, there are 33 dimensions, as you know, and there's actually thousands of dimensions. They're put into 33 categories, just like the brainwave frequencies. Oh, they're in five categories, really. You could break them down into 100 categories, but we say 33 dimensions. They're bands of frequencies. [00:47:02] Each of the bands of frequencies have what's called counterintention. [00:47:06] So there's the five brain wave frequencies, but you can see the hertz level with each one. So you could break it down, you know, 32 to 100. Okay, we could break that down, 32 to 40, 40 to 50. So you could break down even gamma into all these different ones. So we say five, just like there's 33 dimensions. You can break it down. But the point is, people that are poor or people that struggle financially or people that have a hard time making money, there are counterintentions. So let's assume that you're doing the formula perfectly. You're doing all the steps in the formula on how to manifest goals, dreams, and desires, how to make money, and you're doing all the steps of the system. So you're. You're broadcasting in that sweet spot in between Alpha and Theta. When you want to manifest, the amount of beta that you're broadcasting is lower and you're still struggling. You feel like you're swimming upstream. You feel like there's a curse on you, like nothing goes your way. You're unlucky when it comes to making money. [00:48:03] It's true, and it's genetic, and it's from your ancestors. [00:48:12] Think about this. Success breeds success. [00:48:15] If you have wealthy people in your family, you have the success gene. If you have poverty in your family, you have the poverty gene. Bottom line, this has been talked about. People don't want to talk about it. It's true. [00:48:31] So there are 33 energetic blocks that come from your paternal line. And your maternal line, they are counterintention. [00:48:41] They go against your intention to make money. [00:48:44] Thus, if you make some, you lose it. [00:48:47] And as you try to make it, it's harder and harder and harder and harder. So you have to work so hard to make so little, and you can't figure out why you're doing everything right. You're following every system, you're doing everything right, you think, but it still is not working for you unless you get rid of those blocks. It's just you're going to be a struggle. And that's why the 33 money processes that we have, we deliver 30 of them. The last three are too powerful. So the 30 money processes that I deliver work so well, and I get stacks of letters from people that says, I did the money processes six months ago, and here's everything that's changed in my life. [00:49:26] It works, it works, it works. The money processes are very specific and taught in the brotherhood. There are similar versions that are taught at skull and bones, at the bohemian grove, and in royal families, and also in even wealthy families, such as the Rockefellers and so forth. They all do this. But the difference is people in those societies don't have very many blocks to begin with because this is genetic. [00:49:59] That's why the rich get richer and the poor continue to get poorer. Every generation of poverty leads to more poverty because there's more energetic blocks. And every generation of wealth leads to increased wealth because there's less energetic blocks. [00:50:17] And even if there's some that can be easily overpowered by the first two, by following the formula properly and broadcasting in between theta and and alpha when you're trying to manifest something, but when you're engaging in a system, these blocks get moved out as you associate with very successful people. When you're just sitting at a table with somebody or in the same room, some of these energetic blocks can get diminished dramatically. The money processes get rid of them forever. [00:50:52] Now, I'm going to tell you right here what a couple of them are as an example, and this is going to explain something. Oh, boy. We're going to go down this road. Oh, my God. [00:51:08] Maybe we'll get kicked off YouTube today. [00:51:13] All right. [00:51:15] Oh, boy. [00:51:18] So a lot of people have written in, and Trey, you know this. You've seen the comments they write in, they call in, they go, I heard that people at Bohemian Grove or these secret societies are Satan worshippers. I heard that very wealthy people, the royal families, they're devil worshippers. They worship Satan. [00:51:39] Okay, well, I'm here to tell you the truth. [00:51:43] That's true, but not the way you think. [00:51:48] They don't put pentagrams on their chest. They don't kill virgins. [00:51:53] They don't put goat head masks on and chant in the middle of the night. No, that's your idea. That's Hollywood. [00:52:03] Satan is called the God of this earth or Lucifer. Material stuff is of this earth. [00:52:15] If you worship money as your God, as your source of supply, effectively you're a Satan worshiper. [00:52:24] If you look at God or the universe or Allah, if you look at the one universal consciousness as the source of your supply, you're not a Satan worshiper. But if you think money is the source of your supply is, then you are. [00:52:45] You will attain a lot of money if you do that. But you'll have this huge void and hole inside. That's why spirituality is so beautiful. This is why scripturally, and I'm going to do this Sunday show. I told you I'm going to do the Sunday spiritual show. So, for example, scripturally, it talks about money, and not in a negative way. [00:53:05] Jesus actually said, seek first the kingdom of God, and then everything else will be added onto you. So Jesus, when they were asking him about, they were actually talking to him about money, like, can we get rich? Can we make a lot of money? Is that okay? Can we go to heaven if we get rich? And Jesus didn't say no. [00:53:29] He said, well, seek first the kingdom of God. In other words, seek first enlightenment, spirituality, and then everything else. All the money and everything will be added onto you. Seek that first. [00:53:42] What rich people do is they seek money first, and then later, out of guilt, they give it all away. And they're looking for that inner sense of peace that they have been missing their whole life. So there's three elements here that wealthy people adhere to. Number one, and these are. Now, think about this from an energetic block standpoint. [00:54:10] The first one is that money itself is safe to have. [00:54:15] So this is something that's. This is an energy frequency. So if I'm going to give you some money, here's a bunch of money. Here's a million dollars. [00:54:23] Does this make you feel good or bad? If I said, I'm going to give you a million dollars, do you feel good or bad? Some of you say, I feel great. [00:54:31] Well, on the surface, you might feel great, but there's going to be something that kicks in subconsciously that makes you feel very unsafe. [00:54:40] Because I want you to think about this in your ancestry, your mother's lineage, your father's lineage. In the old days, before banks, money was gold or silver. [00:54:57] So I want you to imagine you're on a ranch and a guy comes on a horse, and maybe this is in the middle ages or something, and the guy's got arrows in his back, and he's dying, and he says, they're killing me. I'm going to die. I have this bag of gold. I'm going to give it to you. Just give me a good burial, a good christian burial, and the guy drops over dead. [00:55:25] So now you get this bag of gold. [00:55:29] Do you feel safe? [00:55:34] No. [00:55:36] Because now you're thinking, they just killed this guy, probably for the gold. [00:55:43] Someone's looking for the gold. If I have the gold, maybe they'll kill me. I'm afraid I don't feel safe. I have to hide the gold. [00:55:52] And now I'm afraid that if somebody comes, they may think I have something of value. Maybe they'll kill me. In other words, having money throughout history made a person feel unsafe. Safe. [00:56:05] This is in your DNA. Especially if your lineage is poverty. [00:56:12] Unless that's cleared out, you can't attract money and you just can't go long enough to clear it out. Doesn't work that way. [00:56:21] Wealthy people don't have that in their DNA. Or if so, it's so minor it doesn't even affect them. The negative way you have it in a big way. Wealthy peoples in their DNA's money is safe is. In fact, they believe that money is not only safe to have, but money provides security, not insecurity. So they look at money as the source of security instead of looking at God or the universe as a source of security. So therefore, they're starting to worship money as the source of everything. [00:56:57] Secondly, in your lineage, especially in western tradition, but in all religions, money is associated with being evil. [00:57:17] In the christian tradition, if you look back, let's say in your mother's lineage or your father's lineage, somebody was religious, they went to church, they went to Sunday school, and they were taught that money is the root of all evil. I was told that by the nuns in catholic school. Mister Trudeau, don't you know that money is the root of all evil? [00:57:38] And so people in the christian tradition quote, money is the root of all evil. Money is the root of all evil. Money is the root of all evil. No, that's not what the Bible says. It says the love of money is the root of all evil, which is dramatically different. [00:57:52] But in your DNA, you are programmed that money is evil. Money is the root of all evil. You also have been programmed by the scripture that says it's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. [00:58:13] Okay? Rich people can't go to heaven. [00:58:17] So that's programming your DNA. And then on our Sunday school service here, I will tell you what the correct translation of that is and why. That's a mistranslation, but that's in your DNA. That's what this program. And then you're also the beatitudes when Jesus says the poor shall inherit the earth. [00:58:40] The poor were going to go to heaven, not rich people. Jesus himself said it. That's also a misquote. I'm going to show you the little translations when we have the Sunday service. So you'll see this. [00:58:52] But let me tell you what rich people understand. Rich people, people of the jewish tradition, they look at deuteronomy and they understand something. This is what they're taught. They're not taught that money is the root of all evil or rich people don't go to heaven. That's not what they're taught at all. Let's show this deuteronomy 818. [00:59:17] So this particular website, what's the name of the website? Do you know? Biblehub. Biblehub.com dot biblehub.com will show you a verse and all the different translations so you can see how screwed up everything is. So here's the new international version. It says, but remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant which he swore to your ancestors. [00:59:46] So if you are a Christian or a jew and you're looking at this, you say, wait a minute, God is giving me the ability to produce wealth because that is what he promised my ancestors. You see the difference? So if you have that programmed in your DNA, then money is good. [01:00:05] Now you can look at some of these other translations. One says it is he is the one who gives you the power to be successful. Another one, he gives you the power to get wealth. Another one gives you the power to gain wealth. Another one giveth thee the power to get wealth. Another one gives you the power to get wealth. Gives you the power to make wealth. Gives you the power to make wealth. Gives you the power to make wealth. Gives you the power to make wealth giving you the power to make wealth power to gain wealth. Power to gain wealth. Power to get wealth. Here's the Aramaic. [01:00:42] Power that you may gain wealth on and on and on. So you get the idea here. It's in this particular verse. The translations are pretty darn close, but you can look at, that's a very good source. By the way, there's another scripture for Christians and somebody says, well, you know, I'm a New Testament guy. Well, I'll give you, let's see. How about. Why don't we take a look at what Jesus says? [01:01:12] Because Jesus, can you trust Jesus? Okay, if you're a Christian, let's see what Jesus said about it. This is third John, chapter two, verse two. [01:01:24] So this is in the third 3rd letter of John, verse two. Dear friend, I pray that you enjoy good health and that all may go well for you even as your soul is getting along well. That's the new international version, which is a terrible translation. [01:01:45] Let's go to the Aramaic on this, because the Aramaic is the most accurate translation. [01:01:53] There's two aramaic sources here for this one. Do we have the Aramaic on this one? Okay, so we got two aramaic sources for this one, okay. It says, our beloved, I pray for you that you will prosper in all things and be well just as your soul prospers. [01:02:12] The Lamsa translation, our beloved, I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. Now, let's stop right here. This, my friend Blaine Athorn calls the trifecta of success. [01:02:27] Prosper, be in health, and your soul prospers. Well, if your soul is prospering, you're happy, you're joyful, you're going to heaven. So this is the trifecta. So the prayer is, I want you to prosper, I want you to be in health, and I want you to go to heaven and have joy and happiness in your heart. [01:02:51] No kidding. This. I mean, it's right there. So the point is, in your DNA you have a program that money is inherently evil. Rich people have a program that says money is inherently good. [01:03:10] And they know, they believe it's in their heart that the more money they have, the more they can help others. [01:03:19] You may think that rich people are misers. You are 100% wrong. John D. Rockefeller, you can say a lot of bad things about him being nasty. Same thing with Henry Ford being anti semitic. You can say a lot of negative things. [01:03:36] You can say negative things about Andrew Carnegie. You look at his history, how he beat up his workers and tried to break unions and all this stuff. But there's one thing you can't say, that they didn't give most of their money away. [01:03:49] Andrew Carnegie gave all of it away. Hundreds of billions of dollars, John D. Rockefeller was estimated, gave away over $500 million. Gave it away. [01:04:03] All wealthy people give money away. They use it for good causes. They believe that is their birthright to help others. They have been blessed and they're all spiritual, by the way. They don't think that they did it on their own. They believe that God blessed them and they have a right and a responsibility to help others. So they have, in their programming, money is good. And the more money I have, the more I can help other people. You have a program that money is inherently evil. It's not good, it's bad. You won't go to heaven. [01:04:39] And you also have a part of that that says you're not even good enough to help others. You don't even know what to do, and you feel like you will use the money for yourself. There's a secondary program there that is like, I don't want the money because I'll just do bad things with it because I'm a bad person. That's a program that you have. That's a counterintention. That's what's holding back money from coming into your life. [01:05:03] The third one is you don't feel that you're entitled to money. [01:05:11] This comes from your ancestors. Your ancestors believed because there was a caste system or a class system in your ancestry, if you were born in the peasant class, the peasants believed, I am not deserving of money. [01:05:33] I'm a peasant. I didn't go to college. I don't deserve to make a lot of money. I'm not very smart. [01:05:41] I'm not entitled. I'm not worthy enough. I'm not good enough. There is a program in you. Just look at your ancestors. [01:05:50] It's failure. And I say, failure. Maybe we'll call it blue collar or average or middle class living, but nothing much beyond that. And for someone in a blue collar or middle class family to break out and all of a sudden become a doctor, become successful, that is like, how did that happen? [01:06:11] I mean, it happened in my family. Everyone was lower middle class, 100%, forever. You look back, all the ancestors, peasants, nothing but peasants on both sides. Peasants. And I'm talking real peasants, peasants who worked in the field as peasants. [01:06:30] This was not wealth. And then there was one cousin of mine who broke out, who had an anomaly in his brain, and he had a dream, and he became a doctor. [01:06:49] And everybody in the family was both in awe of him and jealous of him. [01:06:57] Think about it. [01:06:59] So you have a program that says, I'm not deserving and not just, I'm not deserving of money. [01:07:07] If you look at the first two things I mentioned, that money brings safety and security, and money is also good. You don't deserve to be safe. You feel, I don't even deserve to be safe. I don't deserve to have security. [01:07:18] You also say I don't deserve. I'm not worthy to help other people. I'm not the right person to do the job. That's too much responsibility for me. [01:07:27] Therefore, you don't deserve or entitled for money. You're not. This is in your DNA. [01:07:35] So this is a block that's preventing you from making money. And I don't care how many seminars you take, how many audios you listen to with magical frequencies and all this other, you know, incense burning and magic crystals and this and that. And none of those things are bad, by the way. They're all lovely and they're all good. There's nothing wrong with them, but they're really not going to make a big impact, is the point. [01:08:00] The money process as well? [01:08:03] If you come and do the money processes, your life will be changed. When it comes to money, send us an email and we'll give you all the information. If you come to Chicago, I'll take you to dinner. Not only will I give you the processes and clear this out once and for all, but I'll take it at dinner. [01:08:21] So that's all right. So that's just a little taste here. [01:08:27] All right. What else have I got? I got to read this here real quick, because some of you just have really no idea the good stuff they're getting here. [01:08:39] I had one on one sessions, as you know. I also have July 6, I have ten people coming in for the entire data they're going to spend with me. Their life's going to be changed when they leave. I mean, it's just how it is. [01:08:51] Because when you're around somebody who's putting out so many photons, and I've been in that chair, so I know how many photons I put out compared to Guru X and Guru Y and billionaire Z, because I did the testing and they looked at those numbers and said, do that again. [01:09:13] I said, well, let me show you something. I'm going to change it. I'm going to move it up and down. [01:09:21] The researcher was. [01:09:23] So I did some one on one sessions, completely sold out. [01:09:27] I think we have one left in September. I am going to put some more up, I think tomorrow, the next day. But I just want to read something to you here during our session. This is people that got one on ones with me. People have been hanging around me. And the reason I'm reading you, this is just so that you know what you have available in the palm of your hands, because 99.99% of the people on the planet don't even know the show exists. And what you're being exposed to is powerful for you. [01:09:59] If you knew what you had in your hands. You're not listening to the show by accident. [01:10:05] Some of you, I know your feet are getting hot, you're getting tingling. [01:10:09] I can see it. [01:10:11] During our session, I felt tingling over my entire body. [01:10:16] I am now feeling lighter, brighter, energized, and my posture is improving. [01:10:22] Master KT helped me release some very heavy, dark energies during our session. What I experienced was, amongst other things, I saw lights when having my eyes closed, and I felt energy moving up my spine. Toward the end of the session, I couldn't help but smile and laugh while feeling joy and bliss bubbling up inside me. Also, toward the end of the session, my head and body went from hot to the point of my t shirt being soaked in sweat afterwards, and I usually never sweat while sitting and doing nothing. [01:10:55] The whole 60 minutes went by as if it was five minutes. Now I feel lighter, like the weight of the world has been removed from my shoulder. [01:11:06] Hey, I'm not saying that I'm special. [01:11:10] I'm awake. [01:11:14] What an incredible session. At the end, I remember telling you that you really were a magician. The session was unbelievable, mind blowing, and beyond words. I was blown away by the sense of compassion and caring I felt from you. I could tell you desired the best for me and were determined to do what it took to get that miracle. [01:11:37] One particular moment in the session stood out. You asked me to look at my bank for a memory, and I only came up with a little piece. You shared that you could help because you could see it, and you gave me a brief description of the scenario that you saw. [01:11:52] My memory instantly became clear. [01:11:56] What you said hit me like a thunderbolt. I felt tingles, and everything seemed to shift. After that, your explanations cleared things up and helped me gain the most benefits from the session. Since we completed yesterday, I have felt the energetic cleanse after effects, tired, hot, and cold, and at the same time, feeling indescribably good. The best I've ever felt. [01:12:22] You are the real deal, and we are all so blessed to have access to you at any level. Thank you for carrying out your incredible mission. I love you. I got you. Sorry. I'm not going to read them all, but I want to tell you what I'm going to do here. [01:12:41] First off, I am going to put some more one on ones up. So if you want a one on one session, you go to the KT legal defense fund and click on the calendar, and you can book. I think we have. There was one left in September, so there's nothing available. Just keep checking, because they're gonna. As soon as I put up anything, they're gonna go. [01:13:02] But I'll tell you something that I'm gonna do. And William, I told William, I said, you're gonna say some things you don't even know I'm gonna do yet. [01:13:09] William's probably watching, going, oh, no, William, I'm gonna put you to work. [01:13:15] When I showed this book, this is the Gurukev book. This is a prototype. William put this together really fast, just so we could see what it would look like. [01:13:26] It's all the Gurukev lessons you can see here. It's all the Gurukev lessons. [01:13:32] I've had people review these gurukhev lessons and they just by reading them, many people had tears flowing down their face. People said that, Kevin, the lessons here are mind blowing. It's more than any other type of channeling book or self help book, because there's palatable energy. One person said that as they were reading this, they could see the letters floating off the page. Every page is infused with Shakti or energy photons that even just picking a book up like this can virtually transform a person. Just like being in the presence of a guru and having them touch you or being at their feet and touching their feet, it can transform you. And I know this because that's what happened to me. I mentioned I was asleep and I am now awake. [01:14:31] You can be too. [01:14:33] Everything changes. [01:14:35] So what I'm going to do with this Gurukheb book is we are going to produce 750 of these. They're going to be numbered. So you hear this, William. William, we're going to produce 750. [01:14:50] They're going to be numbered. They are going to be drop dead gorgeous. There's not going to be a cover here. It's going to be leather. All beautiful leather. Gold guild. [01:15:04] The binding is going to be beautiful. Ribbed. [01:15:08] This is all going to be gold. [01:15:10] There's going to be a ribbon that comes in a bookmark. [01:15:16] The paper is going to be world class. It'll last 100 or 200 years like a Bible. [01:15:21] In addition, everything is going to be like a Bible. It'll be chapter and verse. [01:15:30] Because what's in here is coming straight from beyond the veil. It's not me, it's not my words. This is a channeled work. It is virtually infused with the highest frequency vibration of energy. I've had people who do muscle testing and things look at various gurus, muktananda and sai Baba and Yogananda. [01:15:55] The highest experts are pretty accurate and they're pretty consistent, like Doctor mortar was on that type of thing. Most people, they're all over the board because they're not a very high spiritually well being. So you take a few of those people and you do a kind of a blind test. [01:16:10] This text always showed at the highest on a scale of one to 1000. It's in the 900s, over 950. [01:16:21] It is very, very special. [01:16:24] Now, as you know, I am fighting the legal bills here. Because they want to put me back in prison. They want to shut down the show. They're trying to silence me. Somebody asked, what are you still fighting for? Fighting for the right to express my opinions and help you become awake. Because the government doesn't want you awake. They want you to be asleep. [01:16:47] So they're trying to stop me. So I have around a million dollars right now in legal bills, it was at a million and a half. Now it's down to about a million. [01:16:57] But every month the bills still come in. And every month, people are going to the Kevin Trudeau KT legal Defense Fund and making contributions. [01:17:07] There's going to be 750 of these. They will be numbered. It'll be a special edition. [01:17:14] I'm going to sign personally autograph each one. [01:17:18] They will come out in the fall. Okay, so, William, we're going to be working on making sure we get them done. We will have these in the fall. [01:17:29] Anyone for the first 750 people, anyone who goes to the KT legal defense Fund, ktlegalfund.com, and makes a contribution of $1,000, you will get this personally autographed. Not this one. This is just the prototype. All leather, gold binding, stitched, highest quality paper. It'll be something you can put not only as a display, it'll be an heirloom. It'll be passed down generation after generation. It will just physically have it in your home. Could potentially change everything. And as people read it and learn from it and talk about it and teach out of it to others, it's all here. It's all here. So, anyone? It's only for the first 750 people. [01:18:21] I do not get one penny. Not one penny. Not one. The fan club is going to pay for the books. [01:18:30] When you put in your thousand dollars to the KT legal fund, 100% of that money is going to go to the lawyers, pay the lawyers so that they will continue to keep working and fighting for me so I can win this case. I can get everything paid off. And then I have a free reign of helping you become awake and improve the quality of your life in every aspect. Remember, I don't have to do this. I can retire tomorrow. [01:18:57] I don't have to pay the lawyers. They know. They said, look, we know you don't have to pay us. You could just shut it all down and we'd be stuck. I always pay my bills. [01:19:07] I'm doing this, quite frankly, to pay my bills because of those commitments. [01:19:12] Always keep your agreements. [01:19:15] And I'm also doing it to help you because this is my dharma this is my mission, to help you become awake. I'm not here to teach you. Although people say I'm a great teacher. I'm not here to mentor you. Other people say I'm the world's best mentor. [01:19:31] I'm not here to be a motivator. People say I'm a great motivational speaker. No, I'm here to awaken you, to bring you out of your trance, because doing that is everything, and no one's doing that. They teach, they inspire, they motivate, and that's all good. [01:19:58] But helping you come out of your trance and see means everything. I was on the zoom yesterday with a person who I did a session with. She's on a path to enlightenment, and she said, I cannot describe the equanimity, the peace, the alignment that I am feeling. It is beyond words. It's beyond my comprehension. I never thought this existed. I couldn't even imagine this. You don't know what you don't know. [01:20:29] There's a world out there that you don't even know exists. It's within. [01:20:35] I'm trying to take you out of your sleep and out of your trance. [01:20:39] The world can be yours. Everything you want can be yours. [01:20:44] All your dreams can come true, and the feeling and the state that you can be in within that is beyond your comprehension. Today is available to you. [01:21:01] I'm Kevin Trudeau. I will see you Monday. I will take phone calls the entire time and very soon. Five days a week. Make sure you subscribe. Make sure you please hit the notification button. [01:21:15] Like the episode. Go back. And like all the episodes. We need likes. Leave your comments, and I'm gonna start responding to comments now. [01:21:24] Share this with everyone you know. [01:21:27] I'm Kevin Trudeau. Remember, God does love you. The universe loves you, and so do I. [01:21:33] Much love. Bye bye. [01:21:42] Sa.

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