Episode 33

July 24, 2024


How To Find Your Purpose In Life | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 33

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau exposes the pharmaceutical companies and how they evade being put into prison even when they get criminal lawsuits filed against them! He exposes “The United States Crime Family” and the winner of them all! Kevin also takes multiple questions and talked about things such “materialistic spiritualism”, Kriya Yoga, sexual transmutation and much much more!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 1:34 Corporate Corruption at the highest level
  • 2:21 Interesting comments on the show
  • 9:26 How to create the world that you want
  • 10:44 Jail vs Prison
  • 15:19 You can go to prison for writing a book!
  • 17:40 Corporations commit crimes without anyone going to prison
  • 24:30 You’re a moron to take Botox!
  • 26:37 The Crime Family Winner!
  • 29:00 Caller 1 - How do Kriya Yoga and sexual transmutation apply to making money?
  • 35:55 Materialism and Spiritualism are NOT two separate things
  • 39:39 Caller 2 - Do tattoos or body piercings affect my ability to manifest?
  • 44:10 Caller 3 - What’s repelling and keeping money from coming to me?
  • 53:35 Caller 4 - How do I find my purpose?
  • 56:58 What do you do when you are “In a Fog”?
  • 1:05:57 A New Movie is being done on Kevin Trudeau!
  • 44:10 Caller 3 - What’s repelling and keeping money from coming to me?
  • 53:35 Caller 4 - How do I find my purpose?
  • 56:58 What do you do when you are “In a Fog”?
  • 1:05:57 A New Movie is being done on Kevin Trudeau!



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!


Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow



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For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com


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Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #kevintrudeaushow #lifepurpose #governmentcorruption #questionanswer

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:03] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Hey, hey, hey. Kevin Trudeau here. Glad to have you with us. We are in for a great show today. Don't turn the dial. Do they have dials anymore on the. Don't have dials. Nobody knows what that means. In the old days, there was a tv and you had it out. Don't change the channel. Well, you know, I guess. Don't click or push the. What do you do? Don't. What are you trying to click? Don't click. Stay with us. We got a great show today, man. I'm taking your phone calls today. If you have a question about any subject, this is the number to call. Eight. Eight four. I'm sorry. 84499. Kevin. 844 999. Kevin. Get in the queue. We get hundreds of people to call. They're in the queue. I can only take a few calls each. Each show I mentioned in the fall, we are going to five days a week and the Sunday spiritual show. We'll give you more details on that coming up. However, I will tell you right now, and you are in for a great show today. I'm talking about corporate corruption today. Things that you have not heard about in the mainstream media, things you have not heard about on any other YouTube, rumble, Spotify or Apple podcast show. You haven't heard any of it. It's black and white. It's going to blow your mind. So stay with me. Corporate corruption at the highest level, the unholy alliance between the government and big corporations, it is going to blow the lid off. And I am risking everything, again to share the information they don't want you to know about because knowing this opens your eyes and takes you out of the trance. I'm just trying to wake you up. And look, I know this stuff. It's not for me, it's for you. So stay with us. And I will be taking calls if you have a question or if you have a comment. All right, corporate corruption. Before I do that, I read all the comments. So when you go on and you subscribe and you hit the notification button, which if you haven't, you should to the show. And if you write comments, I go in there, I scroll through, I read them all, and there was a couple interesting comments. One interesting comment, which I do want to talk about. On the last show, I talked about how Aristotle Onassis, the richest man in the world, at the time and many, many other very wealthy people have said publicly that everyone starting off should pay attention to who your friends are. Your income is going to be the average of your five best friends. You can't associate with losers and become a winner. Winners associate with winners. Fact, end of discussion. You look at all the successful people, pick 100 of them and ask them who they hung around with when they were first starting off in their career. They didn't hang around with losers, they hang around with winners and they hung around with very wealthy people. And the question that came up was, what wealthy person this is? And I'm gonna be, I wanna be nice to you, but I'm not going to be nice to you for you. Who wrote that, wrote that comment? And the reason is I'm trying to wake you up because you are in a trance. You wrote, why would a wealthy person hang around with somebody who's not wealthy? I know I wouldn't. Yeah, that's why you're a loser. And that's why you are broke. Because you have broke mentality and broke thinking. See, people who are wealthy hang around with wealthy people, but they also hang around with people who are not wealthy, who are driven to become wealthy. Its called hanging around with winners. And you, my friend, currently are a loser. So snap out of it and you can become a winner too. I believe in you my friend. Who wrote that stupid comment? I said, im trying to be nice. Its just impossible because I want to help you. You see, if I'm nice to you, it isn't going to do you any good. Did you like the show there that I just put on? I mean, I should become an actor. Okay, so the bottom line is wealthy people don't think like unwealthy people. Winners don't think like losers. And ladies and gentlemen, you are confused, very confused at the way winners and successful people think. That's why you're not successful and that's why you're not a winner. And you're confused about that. You say, well, I wouldn't do that. Well, I know you wouldn't because that's why you're a loser. And you'll always be a loser until you change your thinking, until you start understanding why and how wealthy people and successful people and winners think the way they do, you'll always be in this crappy position you are in. Okay, I'm trying to help you. All right, we're taking calls. Spectacular show. I gotta talk about corporate corruption a while back on one of our shows. And if you haven't watched all the shows. You should because the training on here and the information is something you can't get anywhere else. Oh, by the way, there was another stupid comment on there that I read and this guy, or woman I don't really know, basically said, I was talking about the sniper who tried to assassinate President Trump. And I posed some possibilities and I said, we don't know. These are things that we should question. We don't know. I was not there. You were not there. Some of you might have been there, but nobody was there. Nobody was sitting next to and talking to the Secret Service or whoever they were, snipers that were supposed to protect the president. Nobody was listening to the classified broadcast where the law enforcement that were set up to protect the president was talking. None of you heard any of that. But what one person did is stupidly, they listened to somebody on the Internet who said something and they just repeated it like a dumb ignorant parrot. And yes, I'm talking to you Mister Dumb or Miss Dumb ignorant Parrot. You know who you are. Here's what you said. You said the sniper that was there to protect the president had the assassin in his sights for three minutes and was told to stand down and was allowed that sniper to fire off four shots and wait 16 seconds before he took him out. Now you said that as if you were there. You weren't there, were you? You're dumb and you're stupid and you're ignorant and you're susceptible to the influence of anybody. Man. You are the epitome of the moron in the trance that the elites can control. You are nothing but a puppet on a string, controlled by whoever uses some magical terms that resonate with what you're belief is and you just lock right into it like, like, yes, yah, yah, yahoo yah. I mean, that's what you do. You just follow along with the party line. And that may have happened, I'm not saying it didn't. But what I'm saying is you stated it as if it was an absolute empirical fact without any discussion and you don't know it to be a fact. You could have said, if you were smart, if you were intelligent, you could have said, some people have stated this, but we don't know for sure because what you stated is a possibility, but we don't know. You don't. You certainly don't know, but you are just repeating what you hear in the media. And that's the whole point. I've done many, many shows on how you just listen to something that's on the Internet or read something on the Internet, listen to some YouTube host that you like, and without questioning anything, you just repeat it like it's an absolute empirical fact. And we don't know if it is. It could be true, but we don't. If you want to become more successful, if you want to be happier, if you want to be more joyful, if you want to enjoy life, if you want to have more cause over your environment, if you want to be somebody who has self determinism that can create the world that he wants, both inside the inner state that you have and your external conditions, then you just can't be listening to anybody and repeating it. Question things. Don't believe anything I say. Listen, people go through the global information Network training, the success mastery course, the science and personal mastery course. People read my book, natural cures. They read any of the training. Your wish is your command. They go through the guru Kev lessons. They listen to the nuggets of gold. They watch this show, they listen to the training that's available on the fan club telegram channel. They become a partner in the fan club. And they go to my live zooms like this Saturday of a live zoom, and I answer all your questions. Look, I'm giving you facts and backing it up, but at the end of the day, you have to experience over yourself as true. And if it isn't or if he doesn't resonate, then discard it. Just don't blindly believe everything. Does that make sense? I'm trying to empower you and give you more self determinism. This is going to blow out things in your field, and all of a sudden you'll be able to see. I told you people once, you know, I was walking around the compound in federal prison camp Montgomery, and somebody said, when'd you get out of jail? Well, first off, I wasn't in jail, idiot. I was in prison, which is quite different than jail. I was in a federal prison, not jail. There is a distinction. And somebody says, well, what about your, uh, proba. What about your parole officer? There's no parole in the federal system anymore, moron. And the reason I say that is we say things without thinking. So the point is, when I was in the prison in a horrible situation, I didn't let my external conditions affect my internal state of being. And I was very blissfully unhappy. And I was walking through the compound and just looked, I'm enjoying being with myself. I'm enjoying myself. The conditions will change and improve in time. I can't resist. What is it? Is what it is make sense. But if you want to be in that, if you want to have that ability to be able to manage your inner state, wake up. Somebody asked me there as I was meditating and I was doing a yoga class. They said, kt, we've never seen anybody like you, man. You're like, there's nothing ever that affects you. You don't have down days, good days, bad days. You're always having a good day and regardless of the situation, like nothing affects you. Nobody can push your buttons. I saw you, Kevin, when you were sitting there in a tv room all by yourself watching the World cup. And some ignoramus came in and just rudely changed the channel when there was another tv right over there that nobody was watching. He could have walked over there and watched that tv and maybe he was trying to piss you off, maybe he was trying to get into a fight. He just walked right in front of you, turned the channel to the tv, sat down and watched it. And we were, there's a card room where there's a window. We watched this. And you just looked at the guy and smiled, got up, walked over, turned the tv on the other tv and watched the World cup. You weren't affected because anybody else in this compound would have jumped up and banged the guy over the head with a chair or punched him in the nose or started screaming at him. Don't disrespect me, man. What are you doing? Can't you see I'm watching tv, man? Don't disrespect me. I don't take that shit, man. Man, no one disrespected me. Mandev okay, well, I don't do that because there's no button for me to push. That doesn't get me anywhere. I want to watch the World cup, not go to the hole. So I just walked over here, turned on tv, watched the World cup, no problem. It has nothing to do with me. It has to do with him. You know what happened later, by the way, later came in, I was in the dining room, he came up to me and he says, hey, kt, I was really rude and disrespectful to you in that tv room, man. I was just having a really bad. I got off the phone with my wife and I was just in a bad state. He goes, and I appreciate you, man, not doing anything. Cause I was ready to fight somebody. Interesting, isn't it, that he came to that awareness, apologized to me. I said, man, you don't have to apologize for me. We'll have bad days, don't even worry about it. See, somebody else would have said, well, I accept your apologies. I just said, you don't have to apologize to me. You never have to say you're sorry to me. We all have good and bad days. Don't worry about it. He just shook his head, goes, there's nobody like you, KT. And I'm not saying that to pat myself on the back, but this guy asked me, he said, kevin, you're like from a different planet. And I said, well, I was asleep and now I'm awake. I was blind, and now I can see. Many of you are still asleep. I want to get you awake. Many of you are still blind. I want you to see. And if you do, there's a world that is beyond your comprehension. All right, so we're going to talk about some corporate corruption that you're not getting anyway. And then I'm taking some phone calls right away because we have limited time here. Years ago, when I was convicted of contempt of court, which means I did nothing, nothing wrong, nothing. Not a felony, not a misdemeanor. I believed then and now, although the government violently disagrees with me, they think I'm a complete scam. Otters, as you know, just look on the Internet. But I did nothing wrong. I sold a book. Oh, what a heinous crime. Oh, he wrote a book. He wrote a book about weight loss. And he said it was easy. That lying bastard put him in jail. Its not easy. Are you kidding me? Heres an ad for skydiving. Skydiving. Learn to skydive in one easy lesson. Skydiving is fun and easy. Bullshit. Skydiving is not easy. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, can you imagine that being easy? I don't think so. I don't know. I don't wanna go anyway. Anyway, when I was given a ten year sentence for writing a book that everyone loved, that nobody asked for a refund. Oh, a small percentage. What, three or four or 5%, whatever it was. And everybody who asked for a refund got a refund. And they didn't get one book for $29. I gave them three. I gave them a hard cover of the weight loss cure. I gave them the hardcover of natural cures. I gave them the hardcover of more natural cures, revealed. That's a dollar 90 worth of books for $29. Tell me who got ripped off. And I said, if you don't like it, ask for a refund, you can keep the books and I'll send you your money back. Oh, I'm a scam artist. Less than 5%. By the way, the industry standard when you sell things is around ten to 15% to 20%. Refund requests. That's normal. That's completely 100% normal. I got one of the lowest return rates because people loved the book. But the government said I ripped people off. It's bizarro world, and I got ten years. And I said, why is it that corporations get found of criminal charges and nobody goes to prison? So I have a chart here. I asked trading, I said, just find a few of these things. And we have a little chart here that shows since 2001. Actually, it's only between 2001 and 2013. You didn't do a very good job. I guess he got tired. There were so many of them. Here's a chart of corporations. And I said, just pick the pharmaceutical companies, because there's too many other companies out there. Tap pharmaceuticals were found guilty of criminal fraud, and they were fined $875 million. Medicare fraud. Criminal fraud. Criminal. Criminal. Nobody went to prison. And no person. No person got charged the corporation, because the government said the corporation committed these criminal acts. Timeout. Timeout. The corporation committed the criminal acts. The corporation is a piece of paper. Incorporation. How does the piece of paper create any criminal acts? A person, a human being, does criminal acts. Not a piece of paper. But see, the government, they're a bunch of scammers. The government are the fraudsters. The government, that's the criminal organization. The United States crime family is what they should be calling it, the biggest crime family in the world. So what they do is they let the corporation commit criminal fraud, make four, 5610 billion dollars in profits, and then they go, I know what we'll do. We're going to charge you with criminal fraud. We'll make a big name for ourselves. We, the government, the prosecutors. Nobody's going to go to prison. Don't worry about it. The corporation will be found guilty of crimes, federal crimes, but no one's going to go to prison. You made $10 billion, so pay us 875 million. I think this is called a shakedown. Well, that's what the mob does. Let's shake them down. You know, I should have Mikey franchesia on here, you know, from the Colombo current. You know, I knew Mikey. I knew Mikey and Louis Fenzer and Joey Delio with the gene of Ace family. Someone says, well, how do you know these guys? Well, that's another long story. I'll tell you about my dinner with John Gaudy. Another interesting story. So tap pharmaceuticals, criminal fraud, $875 million, shoring plow I'm probably pronouncing that wrong. Claritin. Everybody knows about Claritin. Remember Claritin? Is it still being sold? Well, guess what? Criminal fraud. They had to pay 500 million. Nobody went to prison. AstraZeneca. Zoladex. I know of a Rolodex. I don't know of a Zoladex. Criminal fraud and crime. Federal crime. The corporation AstraZeneca is a felon. Do you realize that? AstraZeneca is a convicted felon. Not one person got charged with a crime because they said the corporation committed the crime. No, the corporation doesn't commit crimes. A person does. AstraZeneca had to pay 355 million. Pfizer. Everybody knows about Pfizer. I've never heard of Neurotin. 430 million in penalties. They're felons. Pfizer is a convicted felon. Sharing plow. They got convicted twice. This is a great three times here. One for 500,000,001. For 345,000,001. For 435 million. Boy, they're like a three time convicted felonite. Don't they get life for that? You're a three time loser or something. They just get and they don't care. Oh, we'll pay the 350. We'll pay the 500. We'll pay the 435. We made 1020. 30 billion. That's just the cost of doing business. They make deals with the government, they just pay them off. Purdue pharmaceuticals. 600 million. Oxycontin. Criminal fraud. Bristol Myers squibbitive abilify. 550 million felons. Not one person was charged with a crime. Nobody goes to prison. Merck for Vioxx. Pepcid. Remember Pepcid? I think that's off the market. 650 million. Criminal fraud. They're criminals. Criminal fraud. Felons. Merck felons. But the paper, the piece of paper, the corporate articles of incorporation. The piece of paper committed the crime. No person did anything wrong. Wake up. You're getting lied to and screwed by our government and the media. The media will not talk about this. You know why? Because these companies give the media billions and billions of dollars in advertising. When I was on ABC News, was it NBC? The Today show with Matt Lauer and Katie Couric was there. Now, Katie wasn't involved. She asked me to sign her book and take a picture. Matt Lauer said, look, don't talk about the drug companies because they're our biggest advertisers. We have to protect them. That's your friends at NBC. The same goes with ABC, NBC, CB's, Fox, everybody. That's taking the drug money. They're all on the take, ladies and gentlemen. I can't even pronounce this cell. Phalan. Never heard of them. But they're. They're convicted felons. 425 million. Criminal fraud. Pfizer. Our friends at Pfizer, they've been. They were convicted once up above in 2004 for $430 million. Now they're convicted for $2.3 billion. Pfizer felons, they have two felony convictions. Not one person. Lyrica was the drug. Not one person was charged with a crime. Eli Lilly Zubrexa. 1.4 billion. Oh, this is just too much here. GlaxosmithKline. 750 billion million. Allergan. Am I pronouncing that right? I don't know. Botox. What a scam that is. Here, take some botulism, which if you take a spoon of it, you're dead. Say, let's inject it into your skin and kill all the nerve endings. Hey, if you take Botox, you're a moron. I'm telling you, you're stupid. Botox is botulism. It gives every single person who takes Botox gets health issues. I don't care if you take it or not. I'm just telling you, you're dumb. I mean, if you want to take Botox, take a triple dose, man. Take it every day. End your life sooner, before you have kids because we should eliminate you from the gene pool. Let's get rid of the stupid gene, man. There's something wrong with your ego. Someone's out there saying, kevin, you really should be taking Botox. Look at those lines across your. You're probably right. Okay, AstraZeneca again. How many times have he been convicted of felons? Oh, twice. AstraZeneca, man. They're incorrigible. That's what the government called me. He's incorrigible. He's never gonna stop. Well, AstraZeneca didn't stop. They were convicted of a felony once. Paid $355 million. They said, to hell with that. That was a good deal. We paid $355 million. We made $10 billion in profits. Let's do it as many times as we can. Criminal fraud again, 520 million for this time. Novart. Novartis. 425 million. GlaxosmithKline. Another one. Glaxosmith. How many times here? At least two. Two times. Oh, this is great. Glaxosmith are real criminals. They're like the genovese crime family here. Because the first time it was 750 million. They upped it the next time. Just two years later, a $3 billion fine. 1 billion criminal. 2 billion civil. Abbott labs. 1.5 billion criminals, felons. Abbott Labs felon convicted felon. Not one individual in any of these companies get convicted or even charged. Nobody goes to prison. Amgen 762. And the big winner, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. The champion. The number one company, the number one criminal. The number one best felon is Johnson. And Johnson for drugs I've never even heard of. But they had to pay $2.2 billion, the largest criminal fine in the history of America, $2.2 billion. At least at that time, in 2013, maybe it's more now. They committed felonies. They committed felonies. They were found guilty of felonies. And in many cases, they pled guilty. Why just write the check? They were happy to write a check for 2.2 because I think they made 25 billion. It's just the cost of doing business. And Kevin Trudeau, guess what my fine was zero. On my criminal contempt of court charge, which is not a felony and not a misdemeanor. Contempt of court. You know what my fine is? It's on my judgment and commitment. Order. Fine. Zero. You know what my restitution was? Zero. Because there were no victims in the civil case. The judge never fined me, didn't fine me, but he ordered me to turn over 37 and a half million dollars. We still don't know why. All right, so the point being is don't trust the mediaev. Cause they're not giving you this information. Don't trust the government. And never trust drug companies and big corporations. They lie and mislead you every single time in every type of ad. Okay, we're gonna go to the phone lines now. So how many do we have? A lot of people in the queue there. Oh, yeah. Okay. So we're already. Don't call. We got too many people in. Don't bother calling. We got like 100 or something people in the queue. All right, and we're gonna figure this out. Cause I told them I don't wanna wear headphones. Well, everybody else wears headphones. Everybody else has a microphone. We're not everybody else. Okay. All right, so now I can hear nothing. Just so you. Cause I got headphones on. All right, so we're gonna go to the phone lines. These guys are checking out. Do we have a caller? Yes, we have a caller. You are on the line. Tell us your name and where you're from. [00:29:02] Speaker C: Hey, how are you doing? My name is Anthony. I'm from Clearwater. [00:29:05] Speaker B: Hey, Anthony, how are you? [00:29:09] Speaker C: I'm doing awesome. Hey, so my question was about Korea yoga, something I've been doing for a while. And I've been following this guru, Sadhguru, for a while. And I wanted to see how Kriya yoga and how Napoleon Hill talks about sexual transmutation and how that applies to making money. [00:29:36] Speaker B: Anthony, the Kriya yoga you're doing, are you doing it through self realization, fellowship, or just on your own? [00:29:46] Speaker C: I'm doing it through the initiation, through the guru, through Sadhguru, or through Yogananda? Sadhguru. [00:29:57] Speaker B: Sadhguru. Okay. All right, so the answer. Okay, so I'm gonna answer this for everybody right now. There are many different forms of yoga. They've been given many different names. Most of the names of yoga have been assigned within the last 150 years. Before that, it was yoga. And yoga actually means union. And what is the union? It's the union of you as a spiritual being with the universe. It's becoming one with all that is. So yoga simply means a path. Not the path, a path to union. Because right now, people feel separate. They feel separate from their other people. Separate from animals and plants. They feel separate. There's a sense of separation, and they feel separate from God. Or they feel separate from love. I just want to be loved. There's no love in my life. Well, union means there is no separation. So a person who has total union never says, I don't feel loved. Because you are love. You're one with everything. I feel alone. Well, somebody who has union never feels alone because they're one with everything, even if they're in a room by themselves. This is why when I was in prison, when I was put in solitary confinement, the guys who were put in solitary confinement in their cell 24 hours a day, seven days a week, went virtually insane because they couldn't be by themselves. The lieutenants could not believe when they would look into my little window and they would see me just all day long. Trudeau, are you okay? Yeah, I'm great. You need anything? No. And they just shake their head, want a book? Nope. Because I'm one with everything, so it's all perfect. Kriya Yoga is one form of yoga. And Yogananda, who's a guru, who is the founder of self realization fellowship, has a path using a form of kriya yoga. Sadhguru, wonderful, spectacular. Has a path using a form of kriya yoga. So the question is, how does Kriya yoga help me manifest money? And the answer is, it doesn't it's gonna help you attain oneness with the universe, which is not gonna help you make more money. That's a path of enlightenment, of self realization, of inner joy, peace and happiness. Well, will that help me make more money? Well, no. Look at people who made a lot of money. They're mean, angry, nasty, backstabbing, evil people that don't have any sense of oneness. A lot of people who make huge amounts of money. You would not even consider having a sense of oneness with the universe. They scoff at that whole idea because they're in the material world and they're focused on that. I think the better question is, if you're on a spiritual path, can you still make money? Most spiritual paths talk about detachment from the material world. They talk about sacrificing things, not living in the world, giving up material pleasures to focus on the inner world, to push away the external pleasures and focus on the internal bliss. There's a difference between pleasure and bliss, just like there's a difference between joy and happiness. Well, at the end of the day, everything is an extension and expression of that one universal consciousness. A friend, well, a person wasn't even a friend asked me years ago, show me where God is. And the response was, show me where God is. Nothing. Everything. This little bell, that's an extension and expression of the one universal consciousness which is effectively God. It's everywhere and everything and permeates everything, even the space in the air between me and the camera, so forth. It's all there. So going on a kriya yoga path or any spiritual path is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Highly encourage. There's many paths. Find the one that resonates with you. In the global Information Network, we have a path to enlightenment through the Guru Kev lessons, the science of personal mastery course, which is available through a global information network. That's a path to enlightenment. Yogananda at self realization Fellowship has a path to enlightenment. Other people, whether it's Krishnamurti, Osho, Sadhguru, Ari Bindo, the late Sai Baba, Saimaa, they all have programs that can help a person raise their level of consciousness and awareness. Thus a path to enlightenment. The only way, or the only reason doing any type of yoga or spiritual path toward enlightenment can help a person make more money is it can center you and allow you to then focus on manifesting things in the material world if you choose. The challenge is most of the spiritual paths almost suggest that you don't follow a materialistic approach to life. I have found and several other gurus spiritually enlightened, self realized, perfected masters, if you will, that are anchored in the oneness. Know that materialism and spiritualism are not two separate things. It can be one. So you could call it materialistic spiritualism or spiritual materialism, and that's a revolutionary concept. But at the end of the day, it's perfect. The only thing that happens differently when you combine them and see them as one is you're not attached to the material things. You have nothing. Even though you might own the house and own the Rolls Royce and own the Rolex watch and own the diamond rings. And you may have $100 million in stocks and equities. You may own the business, but in fact, you don't have any of that. You are simply experiencing all of that. You're not attached. Thus, you can fully embrace the spiritual side of life, which is simply the other side of the same coin. One coin, one side material, one side spiritual. But it's the same coin. It's not two separate coins. It's not two paths. It's one. So I hope that answered your question. Let's go back to the phone lines. Do we have another call or on the line? We have hundreds of callers waiting. All right. You are on the line live. I'm Kevin Trudeau. What is your name and where are you from? [00:38:17] Speaker C: Hi, Kevin. My name is Christian Reyes from Lubbock, Texas. [00:38:20] Speaker B: Hey, Christian, how are you? [00:38:23] Speaker C: I'm doing great. [00:38:24] Speaker B: How about yourself? Good. Good. Do you have a question or a comment? [00:38:28] Speaker C: Oh, I got a comment and a question. [00:38:30] Speaker B: Okay. [00:38:32] Speaker C: Well, I recently ordered the money processes, and I just noticed that I'm already feeling different. So thank you for that. [00:38:40] Speaker B: So you just ordered them. You haven't gone through the money processes yet, correct? Yeah. When a person just orders the money processes or orders, the relationship processes, the energy work starts right away. And you were sent the prerequisite training of material as well, correct? Correct. Yeah. So when you order the money processes, we send you all this material first before you actually get the processes delivered. So the energy work is already working. And you're not the first person, Christian, who said that? We hear that almost all the time. People say that all the time, and they are. Things start, in many cases, improving their life even before they go through the first process. Great. Good. [00:39:34] Speaker C: Now, thank you so much for that. So as for the question. So I remember you talking about that you do not recommend piercings or tattoos because it can affect the meridians on the body. But I myself, I'm an amputee. I lost a leg due to an accident. Does that affect my ability to manifest within meridians in the body? [00:39:57] Speaker B: Good question. Excellent question. A lot of people watching have lots of piercings, and a lot of people watching have lots of tattoos. And no matter what I suggest, there's a lot of people who are going to get more piercings and more tattoos. Okay. It's kind of like eating high fructose corn syrup or eating something with sucralose or aspartame. It's really not the best thing for your health. You're not going to die tomorrow if you do it. So we're talking little nuances here. So with piercings and tattoos, the ink and so forth, there's a lot of things that aren't optimal, but everything is really overcome by our attitude and our self determinism because we have cause over the universe, but we want to make it as easy as possible. In your particular case, being an amputee, which was karmic, by the way, number one, there's nothing you can do about that. That really wasn't your choice. Right, right. So it wasn't your choice. This is something karmic that you're going through. So if I lost a limb and had something amputated, that's something I have to go through. With your own self determinism, you can achieve and do anything and everything just as well as if you had what was amputated based on your mind. So sure, you could talk about ideal situations, but at the end of the day, there is no perfection. Nothing is ideal. What actually is ideal is your current state because the universe created your situation where you live, the skin color you have, the physical issues you're dealing with, whether you have piercings or tattoos or a limb amputated or appendage amputated or what have you, that's what you have. Those are the cards you've been given, and you're never dealt a bad hand. You are dealt the perfect hand for this incarnation, for you to increase your awareness and consciousness so you're in good shape, my friend. [00:42:19] Speaker C: Thank you so much. [00:42:20] Speaker B: All right, you have a great day, Christian. All right, you too. [00:42:24] Speaker C: Take care. [00:42:24] Speaker B: Let's go to the phone lines. Hi, I'm Kevin. Tell us your name and where you're from. You're live on the air. [00:42:37] Speaker D: I'm Jessica from Canada, and I am very grateful to be here. Kevin, you have changed my life immensely. [00:42:46] Speaker B: Good to hear that. I hope I change it for the better. [00:42:52] Speaker D: You have? [00:42:52] Speaker B: Yes. [00:42:53] Speaker D: I went from a stay at home mom to a business or owner. Of a brick and mortar here in Canada in two years of being with Yinjin, and it's been an absolute magnificent ride. [00:43:06] Speaker B: Oh, fantastic. Where in Canada are you from? [00:43:11] Speaker D: Near Vancouver. [00:43:12] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Do you guys have local chapter meetings there? [00:43:17] Speaker D: Yes, we do. I am the host of one of them. [00:43:19] Speaker B: Oh, fantastic. Good. You know, we're building clubhouses. I don't know. Should I. Did I. Did I say something out of turn? I know Danielle said this at the level five conference. I'm not sure if it was a secret, but we're actually looking for a location. And I know Vancouver and Toronto are on the list. I think there's a few other cities that are potentially on the list for our first physical brick and mortar clubhouse that we're going to build. We're going to build them all over the world so that members can get together. And so I shouldn't be saying this. This is, like, supposed to be a secret. All right, so don't tell anybody. This is. [00:43:54] Speaker D: I won't tell anyone. It's on my vision board, and we're focused on it every month, every week, on a group basis, masterminding it. [00:44:07] Speaker B: Good, good, good. And do you have a question? [00:44:11] Speaker D: So I do. My question. I've been wondering this for months, actually. My family, on my mother's side, there was a family that came from Denmark, that was from royalty. And as time has gone through the generations, there has come to a point of my mom being in a place of poverty that went from being owning lots of businesses, having a lot of money, to poverty. And I'm wondering if you can see anything in my line that I could personally work on to clear that out. [00:44:50] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a good question. So let me explain this, and I'm going to explain this for everyone. I don't think there's any book on success that talks about this, so I'm going to give you the reader's digest version. But this is what we do in the money processes. There are three major areas that hold a person back or stop them from making money and attaining wealth. The first area is your mother's ancestors. Second area is your father's ancestors. And the third area is your history, your personal history, all of your memories. And not just this lifetime, but previous researchers and scientists have proven. Now, it's been in the news the last few weeks, last few months, they have proven that decisions that your ancestors make or traumas that they experience, it's in your DNA, and it's affecting your life, personality wise, vibrational frequency wise. I was with somebody in Beverly Hills. His father's very wealthy mother comes from a wealthy family. His grandmother was super wealthy. He said he learned to drive on her Rolls Royce. They come from money. This guy doesn't have to do anything and money just falls into his lap. He vibrates money. And it's not because of mom and dads or the family inheritance, and it's not because they didn't give him any money until he was, he had made ten or $20 million before he even got an inheritance. They didn't give him any big advantages. He went to the real estate business. They didn't give him money to start with. He just started. And he didnt work that hard lounging. But its just almost like magic. Money just poured into his life because it was in his DNA. But he also made a decision that he was going to go after and create his own money. So he did the necessary work and steps. Most people watching you didnt come from a wealthy family. So we have in our DNA postulates, decisions, contracts, agreements that repel money from us. It's in our DNA. If there is somebody in your lineage that lost money, that had a bankruptcy, that changes everything. So let's take royalty or let's take somebody's wealthy. Oh, my great great great grandfather was super wealthy. How come I'm poor now? Well, look down the line, and if you look down the line, at a certain point, somebody in that ancestry made a decision about money. And some of these decisions are money is unsafe. If I have it, people are going to steal it from me. And it's almost a decision to say, I don't want money because if I have it, I feel unsafe, versus money is safe. Money gives me safety. So there's a difference vibration. One of the other ones is money is bad because I'm not going to go to heaven if I'm rich. They misquote the Bible. They say things like, it's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Only poor people go to heaven. Rich people are of the devil, et cetera, et cetera. Money is the root of all evil. That's a misquote. It's the love of money is the root of all evil, which is completely different than money. So we have in our field these counterintentions. They have to get cleared out. How do they get cleared out? And then we have the same ones in our memory this lifetime and previous. That's what the money process does. It clears those out. So you no longer feel like you're swimming upstream, like you have this extra luggage on you, or you have this glass ceiling preventing you from making money. Or you start making money and then all of a sudden it goes the opposite way. Or you get right close to the finish line and then the whole thing falls apart and you're thinking, I'm just unlucky. It must be born under a black cloud. Well, yeah, you were born with this counterintention in your DNA, so we have to clear it out. Wealthy people either have very small amounts of that counterintention or if they came from poverty, like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, et cetera, et cetera. They overcome it. They overcome it by, in the last episode, I ran that funny clip from network I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. What do you get mad as hell at? You get mad as hell as two things. And I talked about this in the video, ten steps to manifesting your dreams. The seminar I did is available to gin members, global information network members, but it's also free. The Peter Sage interview I did where I talked about it as well, I gave a brief overview of those steps, and that's right here on this show. Just scroll back and you can find it. So it's free. But the first thing is you have to have pain. You have to have some type of anger. You have to be mad as hell. I'm not going to take it anymore. You got to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. What are you sick and tired of? Two things. Either, a, your current financial situation. The problem is you're sitting there in your car going, I'm not sick and tired on my car. There's really nothing wrong with my car. I'm not disgusted with my car. What about my house? I have a nice house. I'm not disgusted with that. I have nice clothes. So it's almost difficult to take your comfortable life, your relatively comfortable life, especially if you got no credit card debt, you got your mortgage, car payment, and you have a little bit of money in the bank, and every month you save a little bit, you have a comfortable life. It's like, hard to get. I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this life anymore. I want more. It's hard. So how does a wealthy person who lives in this big, huge mansion like this guy was telling you about, how does he get that drive? Or how does anyone get that drive? If you're comfortable, you look at people who have a lot more than you do, and you get mad as hell. Get jealous. Get a little jealous and go, you know something? That guy's driving the Rolls Royce. That guy's got the Ferrari. That guy's got the 10,000 square foot, $20 million home, and he is 38 years old, and he did it on his own. Look at your body and look at that person. And going, look at that body. My body, I'm fine. I'm not mad as hell about my body. I'm not disgusted with my body. I'm happy with this. But look at that one. Get jealous a little bit. So if you can't look at your current situation to generate that anger, then look at others. So, in direct answer to your question, everyone in your particular case, in your line, that came from royalty, there was a change. So that once that change happened, and then it intensified all the way down to you. So you have counterintention in your field. If you do the manifesting techniques for money 100% perfectly, you'll make money, but it will be harder than it has to be. So you go through the money processes, you blow all that out. Then when you apply the technique, it works faster. And that's what happened to me. I told the story 100 times when I got the first money processes run on me by my uncle in the brotherhood. I was doing a direct mail piece back in the seventies. Yes, I was very young, and it didn't work. I lost a couple thousand dollars. And this is back in, like the seventies. I'm like, oh, my God, I just lost all this money. Why didn't this work? I couldn't figure it out. So I went with my uncle and I said, hey, I need some advice. I went through all the stuff and he goes, I'm not going to look at all that stuff. He goes, why do you think it didn't work? And I said, I feel like. And he goes, just look. Well, I could see energy. I was like, oh, yeah. So I look and I go, there's like something holding it back. It's like something's pushing it down. He says, yeah, what do you think? Can you get rid of that? I go, I don't know how. He says, yeah, I'm going to run what's called the money process on you and I'll remove that, and then if it's removed, look into the future, see what would happen. I said, it's a counterintention. It's gone. I make money instantly. You want to do it? I go, yeah. He goes, it cost you money. All my training from the Brotherhood cost me money. So I had to go out there and physically work for a while to get the cash to pay him for that. So I paid him. Got one process run. I didn't know there was 30. I got one. Then I went back and I looked at my advertising campaign. I said, there's nothing wrong with it. Let me run it again. So I ran it again. And then, liked magic, every day I went to the mailbox. It was a direct mail campaign. I ran ads in the National Enquirer. And every day I went to the mailbox, I opened up envelopes, and there's dollar, $20, $30, 15 orders. Most of it was in cash. Every day I had stacks of cash. Thousands. This is back in the seventies. Thousands of dollars in cash every day was just pouring in. The money that I spent for the money processes came back to me 100 fold in the first week. And I paid a lot of money. I mean, thousands. It was unbelievable. And that's how I started. I didn't even know there was a second money process for several years. It was just so much so that could happen to you as well. Let's go back to the phone lines. Do we have another caller? Welcome. I'm Kevin. You are on the Kevin Trudeau show live. What's your name and where you're from? [00:55:36] Speaker A: Hi. My name is Juan Hernandez. I'm from Miami, Florida. [00:55:40] Speaker B: Hey, Juan. How are you? [00:55:43] Speaker A: Pretty good, Kevin. Well, I have a question. I'll make it quick. So I've been on a mission. I want to know the formula to find my purpose in life. I've done many things, and I feel like they just don't resonate as what I'm supposed to be doing. How do I find that formula? [00:56:01] Speaker B: You know, thank you, Juan. I'm going to answer this for everybody, because this is a question that everybody asks. And for those of you who think that these are, like, setup calls. They are, Trey. They set up calls. No, William. No. These are real people from all over the world calling in. I don't know what the calls are. They have a screen here, and it says call in studio, and it has. I can't see it. Number one, just so you know. I mean, they have it here for me, which is, like, useless. I can't read any of it. So I don't even know what the. What the person's name. It's just why I asked for your name. I don't know who they are. One day will move this closer to me. So actually, I can read it. But right now, I don't even know who's calling. They find out the person's name, what the person's calling about, type it in. It's 100% legitimate and real. But this is a spectacular question. This will be the last question I take today. Many people want to know, how do I find my mission? How do I find my purpose? Let me tell you this. In your life, there will be periods of time when you are in a fog regarding your purpose and your mission. In life. It will be like you're in a plane circling. You can't see the Runway. Your instruments don't work. You don't know where you're going. All you know is you got plenty of fuel to fly around, but you don't know anything else. We go through life. I've been through it several times in my life. There are many reasons why we come to a point where we don't know our mission, where we don't know our purpose, where we feel lost, where we feel like we don't know what we want, and we're just searching to find something that'll inspire us, that'll motivate us, that'll excite us to get up in the morning and do something. We're not in alignment. We feel like we're out of alignment. One of the reasons that happens is there's astrological positioning of the stars based on where you were born and the exact time you were born and where you're currently living, which will affect that, that changes. So there are periods where you will go through this. I don't feel like I have a purpose. I don't feel like I'm doing what I should be doing. I haven't found my mission in life. What do we do? How do we find our purpose? Here's the answer. Simply sit down with a piece of paper and ask yourself, what do I want? And start writing and look at the different areas of your life. Let's start with your physical body. What do I want regarding my physical body? Oh, I want to lose ten pounds. Now. You don't want to lose ten pounds. What do you want to weigh? Don't tell me how much you want to lose. Tell me how much you want to weigh. I want more flexibility. I want to to be stronger. More physical energy. I want to sleep better. I want youthful skin. Whatever. Write down what you want. Physical body health. How about relationships? Social relationships? Friendships? Romantic relationships. Sexual relationships. What do you want? I want passionate sex. I want a loving relationship with somebody that makes me feel really great. I want more friends. I want to have friends call me and invite me to the home for dinner? I want to feel more wanted and loved. This is the exercise, dear friends. This is the exercise. Then look at finances. How much money do you have with your debt? How much money do you want to make? Do you want to be debt free? Do you want to have more cash in the bank? I want to have $5 million in investments for my retirement. I want to be debt free with the exception of, let's say, my mortgage and my car payment. Well, guess what? Rich people don't have mortgages and rich people don't have car payments. People don't know that. They buy in cash. Oh, it's a $25 million property. All cash closed in seven days. They don't have a mortgage on a $25 million property. It's owned outright. So why even think that? Expand your dreams a little. So what about your finances? What do you want? How much cash do you want in the bank? How much debt do you want to have? How much income do you want to have? How much money do you want to have in stocks or bonds or cryptocurrency accounts? How much money do you want to have in investment, real estate, property? Then talk about the stuff. What type of house do you want? What type of cars do you want? What type of jewelry do you want? Clothes? Let's talk about travel. Where you want to travel to? Do you want boats? Do you want to have a second house? How do you want to travel? Private jet, first class coach. We used to call it tourist class. You know, there is another class. It's called peasant class. It's a window seat over the wing, looking in. You don't want peasant clothes. So what type of stuff do you want? Then? Let's talk about inner joy, peace and happiness. Emotions. I want to be emotionally stable. I want to feel secure and safe. I want to feel happy. I want to wake up in the morning and say, I love my life. I want to have a sense of oneness. I want excitement. I want to feel excited about life. I want to have a zest for life. I want to have enthusiasm for life. I want to feel motivated and inspired. You write this down and notice all the emotions are last. Do that last. Do everything else first. Then put that away. You can throw it away. You can put it away. Do that once every couple days, once a day, once every two or three days, at least once a week. That's all you have to do. And just relax. Don't push, don't need. Just allow. You have planted a seed in the ground. And if you plant the seed in the ground and you walk out and look, you say, well, I don't see anything. Just dirt. You don't get upset. God darn it. Where's the. Where's the plant? I planted tomatoes. Where are my tomatoes? How, Kevin? How come I don't have tomatoes? What do I have to do to get tomatoes? You planted a seed. Relax. There's a time for planting and a time for harvest. There are seasons in life, and right now, your season is not knowing your mission. Just do what I'm telling you to do. And then in time, all of a sudden, you will amaze yourself because you will forget everything. And one day, you'll realize, wait a minute. I'm joyful. I'm happy. I'm fired up. I wake up early, and I'm doing what I love to do, and I'm actually doing my purpose and mission, and I feel in alignment with who I really am, and I feel like I'm doing what I've on this planet to do. When did it happen? That's what will happen. Think about that one last thing here before we go. This Saturday. This Saturday in a few days, I'm doing a live Zoom call for partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club. Live zoom call. I'm answering everyone's question. I'm on there for two, 3 hours. Sometimes. I get all the questions, and I answer every question. Live zoom call. Partners only. This Saturday, if you can't make it live, we record it, and then we send it to the partners so you can watch it at your leisure. If you are not. If you are not a partner in the fan club, it's only $25. Go to kevintradeaufanclub.com. click. Look, there should be a button there. I have to actually look at the website to see if it's easy, but there should be a button that says join as a partner. I have to look at that site to see what actually it looks like these days. But if you go to keventrudeaufanclub.com, comma, the page comes up, and there should be a button that says, join now. Become a partner, and then you can click on it. And then become a partner. And then you. There it is. Where's the button there? Right there at the top. Okay. See that little button there? That's what you can click. You click on that. Click on that. See what happens to. Are you clicking on it? Become a partner. So there's a video where I actually explain the whole partner program. Okay, scroll down. And we have different partner options. We got $25 a month partner, and it tells you all of the benefits at each of the partner levels. There's a level there where you can be, have dinner with me. Would you like to have a private dinner with me? You become a partner, you have a private dinner with me. So there's a lot of value there. Check it all out. If you're not a partner, people love the partner program. I do energy work every month for gold partners and above. But this Saturday, you're not going to want to miss it. It's going to be spectacular. And one other piece of good news. You're the first person people to hear this. These guys haven't even heard it yet. I just got a call this morning before the show from Hollywood, the major producer. There's actually two productions being done about me. A major movie is being done. And I just got a call. The movie is all about me and it's positive. Can you believe that? It's actually like, Kevin's a good guy because the producer bought my books. He came to our events and he flipped. And here's what happened. Jim McMahon, the great quarterback of the great 1985 Chicago Bears Super bowl championship team, he actually wrote a quote on the back of my book, natural Cures, they don't want you to know about. And he's a fan. So this producer was making a documentary with Jim McMahon, and my name came up, and allegedly I wasn't there, but allegedly, Jim said some pretty good things about me. So this guy said, you know, I've read his books, too. I think he's a good guy. He got a raw deal and nobody's saying anything good about him, and no one's telling the truth. So he came to a bunch of events, filmed a bunch of things, interviewed dozens of people, and he's making a movie about me. He just called me and said, the Cannes Film Festival and the Sundance Film Festival both want the movie. Can you believe it? I mean, Cannes Film Festival, I'm going to go to the Cannes film Festival. They want me there. And the Sundance Film Festival, I can't go because I can't travel internationally. So I'm asking the judge, can I please go to France? Like, I could stake tartar there, too? I'll do some gin meetings while I'm there. I'll meet a bunch of gin members when I'm there, and partners in the fan club guarantee it. But anyway, he said that in the fall, when you guys have your family reunion, your global information network, family reunion. Would you like to give the members a sneak preview of the movie? A private showing? So that's in the works. I'm telling you. That is in the works. So if you're going to be at Family reunion union in the fall with the global information network, we might be having a sneak private showing. We're not selling tickets. It's free. Just a private showing for the members at the Global Information Network family reunion coming up in Chicago at the Palmer House hotel this fall. But I can tell you right now, I just checked the numbers this morning. Over 50% of the available tickets have already been sold. It is going to sell out if you are not booked to family reunion and you're a member book. If you are not a member in the global information network and you become a member, it's only $38.95. You get a free ticket. We do that special, so you get a free ticket if you become a member. This is obviously a way to encourage you to join our club if you're not a member. So join the club. Get $38.95, and you get a free ticket register. And you can come. And you better hurry before it's sold out. Cause this is gonna sell out. I got seven multimillionaires that are gonna be there sharing success secrets. I'm gonna be doing powerful energy work on everybody. I'll be broadcasting this show live on Sunday afternoon. We'll record it, actually broadcast it on Monday. But we'll record one of the Kevin Trudeau shows. And we will probably be doing a private screening of one of the Kevin Trudeau movies. John Denny is also producing a bunch of stuff, too. So there's a lot happening around Kevin Trudeau and seems to be all positive so far. So far. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Thanks for watching me. I hope you got a lot out of today's show. Please subscribe, hit the notification button, and leave comments and share this video with as many people as you can. I am going five days a week in the fall. I'll let you know exactly when with the Sunday spiritual show. But I will tell you this. By the end of the year, if the numbers of subscribers and views are not substantially higher than they are now, I will tell you right now, I will say Sayonara, because this is a huge amount of work. I don't get one nickel from this. I don't get a penny. Any revenue that comes in on the ads goes right to the Federal Trade Commission. I do not get paid to do this. I'm doing this really as a mission to help you. And if we don't get those numbers up by the end of the year, I will say, and trade's over there. What happens to me? Don't worry. This severance pay give you a nice severance pay. You're a talented guy. You can work anywhere in the world. So help. It's up to you. Share this. Get more subscribers and more views to these videos and the Kevin Trudeau show. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Have a great day. Remember, as always, God does love you. It really does. The universe loves you. God loves you. Whatever you want to call it. But also, I love you. Too much love. We'll see you next time.

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