Episode 35

July 31, 2024


How To Lose Belly Fat | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 35

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau brings another spectacular episode talking about things like “Spiritual Materialism”, character traits of highly successful people, and a whole list of “health miracles”!! These include “The Two Ways To Reduce Belly Fat” plus many more bonus tips! Kevin also shared some incredible opportunities to connect and spend time with him personally! One of the best shows yet!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 3:52 This show is “Channeled”
  • 5:26 The typical stereo type of a “Guru”
  • 8:10 Spiritual Materialism by @GuruKev
  • 17:56 Successful people do whatever it takes
  • 19:43 New Movie recommendation
  • 28:32 The character traits of a “Go-Getter”
  • 31:30 The Two Ways To Reduce Belly Fat - Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About
  • 43:33 Bonus “health miracles”
  • 55:36 Amazing opportunities to connect with Kevin



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com




  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:19] Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Kevin Trudeau show. It's everything they don't want you to know about that will improve the quality of your life and your standard of living. Make everything in your life better. [00:00:35] By the way, you've heard that phrase now, everything they don't want you to know about or things that they don't want you to know about. [00:00:44] I actually happen to be the guy that coined that phrase when I came up with the book natural cures they don't want you to know about. [00:00:54] And now everybody uses it. [00:00:57] You're being misled and lied to in the media. I'm the only guy who's telling you the truth. That's true. Now there's a few other people out there that are telling you the truth. We have a great show today. Do you want to lose weight? More importantly, would you like to lose belly fat? How would you like to get a nice flat stomach? No gas, no bloating, a nice flat stomach? I'm going to tell you the two, there's only two, this simple two major ways that will eliminate belly flat, flat fat and make your stomach flat. [00:01:31] This is no editing. This is all live, baby. No teleprompters. Do you know when you watch shows that are, I'm not saying they're good or bad. And a lot of these people I have not met, like Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, you got Sean Hannity. You got, who's the other guys on Fox? [00:01:57] Jesse Waters. And then I'm sure there's Joy Reid, who's on MSNBC. Rachel Maddow is on MSNBC. And then if you look at the people on podcasts, I don't know if you know this, but 99% of them, when they're talking to you, they're reading a teleprompter and it's words that they did not even write. [00:02:18] I remember there was a guy on one of the major news stations. It could have been CNN or Fox. It was one of those two. [00:02:26] And hes sitting there very serious, and hes reading it goes, I believe. And hes starting to read. And it was I believe. [00:02:37] And then he started to read the teleprompter and he stopped and he looked and he goes, who wrote this? [00:02:45] He was so pissed because he didn't believe any of that. But he was, he was paid to tell the audience, I believe, blah, blah, blah. He was paid. He's being paid tens of millions of dollars a year. Some of these people make a million dollars a month, $2 million a month. [00:03:05] Megyn Kelly was getting a contract with 2 million a month. Are you kidding me? [00:03:11] They were getting paid too, you know. Why? Not? Because they're great journalists. It's because they can read the teleprompter really well and make you believe that they're just saying it. They're professional actors. [00:03:27] This is my note card. It's got like three things on it. And I can't even read my own writing, so it doesn't even matter. [00:03:35] I'm not given. I'm not reading any teleprompters. And my poor crew over here has no idea what I'm gonna say until the cameras go on because I don't know what I'm gonna say. No, I do. But it's up here. [00:03:50] I'm tapping into the field. Do you realize that this show is actually channeled? [00:03:57] Okay? That's why some people say, what is it with KT's show? I just feel this energy. Yeah. I'm zapping you, baby. [00:04:06] How to lose belly fat. That's coming up. I am going to share that with you. But that's in this business. There's a word for this, Trey. Do you know what that word is, what I'm doing right now? [00:04:19] You don't. Okay. How long have you been in this business? [00:04:23] It's called a tease. [00:04:25] It's called a tease. I did know that. You did know that? Okay. Yes. It's called a tease to tease you to stay watching the show. Is it working? I'm going to tell you in a few minutes. Coming up very soon, the two ways that you can get a flat stomach and lose belly fat. And it's been scientifically proven. I've been talking about it for many years. Now it's finally in the news and I have the documentation to back it up. [00:04:54] I am going to be sharing some movies that have secrets of success, a brief little segment on that, talk about books that I recommend, a brief little segment on that and some other things, too. But the first thing I'm going to do, I am a number one New York Times best selling author, one of the most read authors of all time, if you didn't know. Six number one New York Times bestselling books, over almost 100 million copies sold. Now I am going to put on my guru hat. I. [00:05:27] Do we have a, do we have a clip of a slow speaking guru. I think Osho. I think we got Osho. Do you have that? Yeah, I just thought, okay, so I'm gonna wear my guru hat, and I'm gonna be a guru for a moment. But we're gonna show you what I would classify as the epitome or stereotype, the stereotype of a guru. [00:05:55] Now, I am not the stereotype of a guru. [00:05:58] This is the stereotype of a guru. Let's play this. [00:06:03] The mind has a natural tendency to get quickly fixed ideas. [00:06:27] It is very much afraid of change because change means rearrangement. [00:06:41] Each time you change something, you have to rearrange your whole inner being. [00:06:55] Yeah. Can he speak a little slower? [00:07:00] That's Osho, by the way. I'm not saying his teachings are bad at all. [00:07:04] He did have an interesting, controversial life. There's a tremendous documentary on Netflix called Wild Wild country, and I happened to be friends with. I met at the golden door spa a guy who wrote the definitive work on him. His original name was Rasheesh Bhagavan Rashneesh. And then he changed his name because when people googled Rashneesh, it was all bad stuff. So now he's Osho and he passed away. [00:07:33] Controversial character, for sure. [00:07:36] Spiritually enlightened, but controversial character. He was known as the sex guru because he said, yes, have sex. You will attain enlightenment to do orgasm and sex with as many people as you like. So people at his compound were just screwing everybody. So it's not necessarily a teaching that we would endorse and recommend in a moral society. But I have no judgment. Whatever you want to do is 100% fine with me. No issues. But that's the epitome of a guru. I clearly don't fall into that category, but Guru Kev. [00:08:13] This book of guru teachings from guru Kev. I'm just going to read a short one to you. This is the definitive work. It's channeled from the universe. It contains massive amounts of shakti, or energy. Just holding this book in your hands, having it in your possession, creates an attractive field which attracts abundance and prosperity and love and luck into a person's life. [00:08:36] I'll talk more about that later. Here's one of the lessons, and in the front it says how these guru lessons are organized. There are four table of content, one as an overview of how the lessons are organized, one for each of the two categories and one arranged alphabetically as described below. Lessons are organized by two main categories with multiple groupings in each category, with multiple lessons in each grouping. The material reality 16 groupings the spiritual reality. Ten groupings. Why? Because I'm one of the first people to teach spiritual materialism or material spiritualism. In other words, you can be completely enlightened, have this complete inner sense of joy, bliss and happiness and compassion for humankind and love bubbling up within you, and have as much money as you want. There's no contradiction between the two as long as you don't aren't attached to the material things. And so there's a whole host, even things, business skills of the super successful achieving dynamic vibrant health overcoming bad things how to feel good in every moment manifesting your dreams, attracting what you want achieving ultimate self realization, secrets of success, doing what you love, deciding who to listen to, the secrets of the super rich. [00:10:02] Who do you follow? [00:10:05] Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Here's one. [00:10:10] It says, be these traits, important personal character traits that are vital to success in every aspect of your life. When a man, and I say man as mankind, ladies. Otherwise I have to say when a person, when a mankind, a person, a human being, man or woman, when a man knows where he is going, is determined to get there and will not be denied even without saying a word, his energy is such that everyone will get out of his way and will yield to his will. [00:10:50] Thus be and exhibit these traits. [00:10:56] So think about this as I read this list of traits. Is this you or could you do some work on some of them? [00:11:04] Alert ambitious brave commitment concentration confident consistent consumed. Cooperation courage curious deserving determined driven eager energetic enthusiastic excited fearless focused faith goals imagination initiative intuitive inspired knowingness leadership mastermind motivated objectives obsessed optimistic passionate perseverance persistence positive prioritize resolve resourceful steadfast teachable unstoppable upbeat valued willpower winner worthy much love Gurukev look, at the end of the day there are success traits that are common amongst those people that achieve success in life. [00:12:34] And success doesn't go to the pessimistic and it doesn't go to the lazy and it doesn't come to the skeptical. Those are loser traits. [00:12:45] And I read the comments and many of you are losers because of your skepticism, your stupidity. [00:12:54] Oh, I'm pushing some buttons. Yes, indeed I am. [00:13:00] Consider that if you want success, you have to go and take it. [00:13:09] You have to create a place that attracts wealth, attracts success. By the way, this book is available now. I have 750 copies. They'll be shipped in the fall. [00:13:24] Leather bound, stitched, the finest paper, gold embossing. [00:13:32] All the outside edges of the paper are gold. There is a gold beautiful ribbon bookmark. [00:13:42] It's gorgeous. It is absolutely 100% the finest materials that you can make a book with. It'll last a thousand years. You can pass it down. Generation, generation, 750 copies. They are numbered. It is a special limited first edition, personally autographed by me, and I will send it to you for free. But there is a catch. As you know, I have a lot of legal bills. [00:14:09] So if you go to ktlegalfund.com, make a contribution of $1,000, we'll send you one absolutely free. There is a maximum of five. You can't get more than five because it's first come, first serve. This is something you should have in your house. I believe the energy there, and I've had. You can have machines look at this. I've had psychics look at it, and they are blown away by the energy that it radiates. It creates an attractor field in your house that will attract, in my opinion, wealth, prosperity, abundance, health, luck, love, all the things you want, even if you never even read a single lesson. This is one of the secrets of successful people. They all have heirlooms in their house. These heirlooms have been in the possession, like art, these heirlooms or books, these heirlooms have been in the possession of wealthy people, and they are impregnated with attracting wealth, creation, energy, very powerful. So heirlooms and talismans and I, amulets are true. That's why they've been used and talked about for thousands and thousands of years. So if you want one of those, get one of those that first come, first serve. They're going to be going fast now. I am no longer guru. I'm changing hats. [00:15:24] I am now movie critic. [00:15:31] I am a world famous movie critic. [00:15:35] That's not true. Nobody knows me as a movie critic. I am not famous all around the world as a movie critic. [00:15:44] But maybe someday I will become a world famous movie critic because, gosh darn it, my movie recommendations are awesome and they contain the secrets of success. And here are my movie recommendations that I've given on this show. If you're brand new to the show, you scroll back on all the previous shows if you haven't watched them. There's tens of thousands of dollars of free success training available on the past Kevin Trudeau shows just in the last few months, and you have access to it for free. I get calls from some of the top motivational speakers, some of the top success experts and coaches, number one, New York Times bestselling authors from around the world. And they say, Kevin, you're giving everything away for free. You should be selling that. You can go on this online platform. That online platform. You can charge 50 00, 30 00, 15 00. You can charge 15,000 for that, 25,000 for that. You're giving away more information than we do in our seminars on your show for free. Yeah, I am. I'm here to help you. I want your dreams to come true. I don't need this. I don't do it for myself. I don't make a penny doing the show, as you know. This is for you. [00:17:00] I know this stuff. [00:17:02] So my movie recommendations. Let's show that up again on the screen here. My movie recommendations that I've given are entertaining and fun, and they contain principles of success. And this is the list. You can write it down very quickly. [00:17:17] This list is also available, I think, at KT, the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. If it isn't, we should tell William to put it up on the Kevin Trudeau fan club. Ktfanclub.com. it is ktfanclub.com. if you go there, you can see the list. I know I have all my book recommendations there, but we'll put up. If it's not up there right now, we will put it up. [00:17:43] We'll tell. Well, you're going to get it up by the end of the day. So that's Kevin Trudeau, the official Kevin Trudeau fan club. [00:17:48] Obviously, it's a. It's an appeal for some help, but we have the book recommendations and the movie recommendations up there, and these movie recommendations really are not only entertaining, but they do contain massive success principles. Trey was just telling me that he watched Apollo 13 the other night for the first time, and it was awesome. I mean, it was just. You liked it, right? That was fantastic. Yeah, it's fantastic. I mean, this was. It's a fantastic movie, but it shows you and will motivate you and inspire you to success. It was one particular scene where they're in the capsule screwed, and the guys on the ground are trying to figure out how they can fix an air filter so they can not run out of oxygen. [00:18:35] They walk into the room with the engineers with a box, and they say, this is what they have up there. [00:18:43] So using nothing else but what's in this box, figure it out and write up a procedure so we can tell them what to do. [00:18:53] They had to adapt, improvise, and overcome with this limited amount of junk. They had to figure out a solution, and they did. [00:19:02] This is success 101. [00:19:06] Make a decision that I'm going to do it. That's it. Period. [00:19:12] Failure ain't an option because successful people do what the other guys ain't willing to do. [00:19:20] See, failures are always good at one thing, making excuses. [00:19:25] Successful people do whatever it takes. [00:19:30] So that's a spectacular recommendation of movies. And if you want to binge watch movies, man, go to my recommended movie list and you'll learn. Secrets of success. Just pay attention. Be alert. Be curious. Keep your eyes open. It's all right there. But there's a movie I'm going to recommend today which has a hidden secret of success, which is a little bit difficult to find. Although it is one of the greatest movies ever made, you will enjoy it regardless if you find the secret to success. It is in black and white called Sunset Boulevard. [00:20:03] This is the movie Sunset Boulevard. [00:20:09] Now, who's the actress in this? Is it Greta gable or Gloria Swanson? Gloria Swanson from the era of silent films. [00:20:22] An amazing masterpiece, absolute classic old Hollywood movie. You will love it and adore it. There is a secret of success embedded in it, by the way. It is effectively g rated, which means the entire family. There's no nudity, there's no cursing, there's no violence, there's no sex. There's nothing that you can have the entire family watch it. The kids will have no idea what their health are watching because it's actually dialogue. [00:20:49] Things aren't blowing up. There's actually dialogue. You have to listen to how people talk, watch how people walked, watch how people greeted one another. This is an era where interpersonal communication skills were known in the elite class. Today, we just don't know it. But this is a great movie. Highly recommend you watch it. And I would ask you, anybody and everybody watching this, if you've watched this movie or any of the movies on my recommended list, please leave a comment and say, I watched this movie and tell everybody what you thought about it. So anybody and everybody who's watching this, if you've watched any of the movies on my recommended list, leave a comment in the comment section about the movies you watched and if you liked it, you know, kind of. Kind of rate it so your fellow viewers can maybe be encouraged to watch the movie. So comment like you have to comment on this. Like this. Share this with others so we can get the numbers up. Highly recommend that movie. Okay, I'm changing hats. [00:21:54] I am now Kevin Trudeau, book critic. [00:22:00] Since I've been doing the show, on many of the shows I have given book recommendations. Can we put up the book recommendations, please? These are also available at the ktfanclub.com website. [00:22:11] These are the classic books of success. And I will tell you, if you didn't make $10 million last year, stop reading the books you're reading. [00:22:23] Read these. [00:22:25] And I'm serious. There's so many idiots out there who write books on stuff they don't have any knowledge of. They know about the subject, but they really don't know it. They're guessing and they're teaching you effectively techniques that don't work in real life. Oh, this is what worked for me. No, you think that's what worked for you. And if it worked for you, doesn't mean it's going to work for everybody. [00:22:49] Trust me. Okay. These are the classic books that I vetted personally out of thousands of books that I read. [00:22:58] Okay. How to win friends that influence people is one I'm gonna talk about. Right? That was the very first book I recommended on this show, how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. The only book you need to lead you to success. Updated for the next generation of leaders. [00:23:16] This is a book that teaches stuff that you don't use. [00:23:23] And if you use these techniques, people will like you. They'll love you, they'll do business with you. [00:23:31] I just got off the phone with a guy that I met, and these techniques are not manipulative techniques. This is interpersonal relationship techniques. How to talk to somebody, how to get into alignment with them, how to get them to create, how to create affinity with another person so they like you, they want to do business with you. And it was a fellow that I met, and I had an idea and I called him up and I said, hey, how you doing? And he was so excited. I'm so glad you called. You know, I really like you. He said, because I use these techniques, guys worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. He says, what are you doing? He says, well, actually, I'm launching this new company called World's best nutritionals and organics. Really? Tell me about that. I tell him, he goes, you doing a money raise? I go, I sure am. Send me the information. He said, now I have a pre existing relationship with the fellow. I know the man. He's excited to do business with me. That's how it works. If you want to succeed in business, if you want to get friends, and if you want to establish better friendships, closer friendships, more intimate friendships, if you want a better relationship with your spouse, if you want to get people to like you, how to unfriend and influence people, but not just read it, but actually do what's in there? The second book on this list. Let's roll up this other. Let's drop the list again, the big list with everything. [00:25:00] These are the recommended. You can see there's a lot of books. Karmic management. The secret, it works. The famous little red book that makes your dreams come true. The magic of thinking big. The go getter. Think and grow rich. The magic of believing. Cu at the top. Psycho cybernetics, which basically the original version has to be the original version. When you retype this up next time, Trey next to Psycho cybernetics, put the original 19, I think it's 1960 version by Maxwell Maltz. How to solve all your money problems forever. Animal Farm, which basically talks about how the government's work and whether you're a liberal or conservative. Once you get into power, you become an asshole. [00:25:39] It's all about you. [00:25:41] Greatest salesman in the world by Ogmandino. Spectacular. The very first yoga book I ever read in 1972. Richard Hittleman's Yoga 28 day exercise program. I don't think that's the right title, by the way. You need to just check that title out. [00:25:55] But it was written in the early seventies. Talks about nutrition, meditation, health, breathing, and the basic yoga asanas, which Yogananda's brother taught. [00:26:09] Bikram, the founder of Hath Yoga, that's Bhishna Ghosh, who was Yogananda's brother in India, learned the real yoga asanas, not the americanized sun salutation ashtanga. Let's get sweaty and work out. No, this is the real yoga. And it's a simple program because the first day it's like eight minutes, and then the next day it becomes ten minutes, then the next day it's eleven minutes. So every day they add like a minute or two up until the end, where you're doing 30 minutes, but you love it. And it's just done at this beautiful gradient. Highly recommend and enjoy. Richest man in Babylon, the secret to success and money. But the second book I want to, and I'm not recommending new books today, but I'm just pointing out a couple is the go getter. This is a story that tells you how to be one, because people don't grasp what it takes to become successful. At our last gin event, we had Donnie French there speak, and he was saying how he went from leaving prison with nothing, zero to in a couple years, making millions of dollars a year in income, and now having a company worth a couple hundred million dollars that they're doing a big deal with. This happened in only a few years, if you look at any successful person, there's a show on tv called million dollar listings. And if you go back to the beginning, it told you the beginning story of the kid in Malibu. I've been in real estate six months. And then Josh Altman and Beverly Hills, him and his brother. I just got into real estate. [00:27:47] And they're young kids in their twenties. [00:27:50] They didn't come from trust fund families. They didn't come from super wealthy families. And you saw their journey, interestingly enough. And today, the Altman's, for example, they're driving. I got two. The family's got two Rolls Royces. Now. They live in a $16 million mansion. [00:28:08] They got their own private plane. This, that, the other things, I mean, the wealth that they have, it's estimated, you know, they're worth tens and tens and tens and tens and tens of millions of today. And he's still probably in his forties. He's still a young guy, and his wife is a little younger than him. [00:28:24] But they both started off with nothing. [00:28:28] Everyone's the same, whether it's Donnie, whether it's anybody. The stories are always the same. When they first start off, they work their ass off. [00:28:39] They get a full time job to pay the bills, but a living is made nine to five. A fortune's made after five and weekends. These guys not only worked their full time job to pay the bills, but then guess what? They did nights and weekends. They either started their own business, got a second job. [00:29:00] They worked 14 hours a day, seven days a week for years. They kept their overheads very low. You can see one of the guys puts his feet up and he's got a hole in his shoes. [00:29:14] He's not going to spend money on a new pair of shoes because he's building his future. [00:29:19] But you people who are broke have broke mentality. [00:29:26] They spend their money on things that appreciate. [00:29:30] Broke people spend their money on things that go down in value. [00:29:35] Think about it. They spend their extra money on Morgan silver dollars, which is an appreciating asset on a piece of art that will appreciate. On some real estate, that will appreciate. They put money in stocks and bonds. They invest in companies. [00:29:55] What do you do? You spend it. Oh, I'm gonna buy some guns. [00:30:01] Oh, I just. I just won 10,000 in the lottery. What are you gonna do with it? I'm gonna go on a trip to Hawaii. Yeah, because you're a loser. Because you're broke and you'll always be broke. [00:30:11] If you had millionaire mentality, you just won a $10,000 lottery ticket. What are you going to do with it? I'm investing it. I ain't spending a penny of it. I'm going to turn that 10,000 into a million. [00:30:23] But see, the mentality of the loser is they just blow it. Here's the point. There is a trait of successful people. They are go getters. They do whatever it takes. They do whatever it takes. They go the extra mile enthusiastically. [00:30:43] They love it. [00:30:46] Read this book. It tells you this. It's a small little book. It tells you the story about a go getter. [00:30:56] And ask yourself, would I have have been willing to do what that guy did? And if the answer is no, then have a hard look. [00:31:04] Have a hard look within, because I know you do have what it takes. You do have inside you what it takes to be a winner. [00:31:15] So read that book. Check it out. All right. [00:31:20] Now belly fat. All right. I'm no longer book critic. [00:31:26] I am natural health expert, as you know, author of the number one best selling health book of all time, natural Cures they don't want you to know about. I'm coming out with a brand new edition next year, Natural Cures 2025. So that'll be coming out next year. Anybody who's on our mailing [email protected], or the fan club, the partners will all get a big discount when it first comes up. They get it first. [00:31:57] Signed additions, a whole bunch of options. Partners in the fan club get all the benefits, but that's coming out next year. So let's talk about the two things that will reduce belly fat. [00:32:10] Number one, are you ready? Write this down. This is the simplest thing in the world. [00:32:16] Apple cider vinegar. [00:32:19] Ideally, organic raw apple cider vinegar. [00:32:23] Bragg's, I think, is a brand that sells organic raw apple cider vinegar with mother. [00:32:31] That just means because it's fermented, you actually get some of the original fermentation in there. [00:32:38] The mother is the thing that starts, it's like the fermentation starter. [00:32:44] So Bragg's, I don't know if you could find a picture of that, Trey, but Bragg's organic raw apple cider vinegar with mother is in. It's probably available on Amazon. It's probably available in local whole foods. There you go. That's what I have. And you have to shake it up. And you can drink one tablespoon before every meal. You can drink more. [00:33:11] It tastes like vinegar. So who's gonna, you can put it on your salad, too, you know, with a little extra virgin olive oil. And it tastes like a apple cider vinegar salad dressing. Probably not the best. I happen to like red wine vinegar salad dressing with extra virgin olive oil. That's my preference. Some people like balsamic. I like red wine vinegar. I grew up on it. Maybe that's why everyone's got their own personal taste and preference. [00:33:39] So what's another option? And that's the best option, by the way. And you can drink up to three or four tablespoons, two or three times a day, and within a week or two you're dropping fat, period, end of story. [00:33:53] Gas bloating goes away. It's like a miracle. But if you don't, if you can't stomach it, just the smell turns people off. [00:34:03] Premier labs. [00:34:06] My good friend Doctor Bob Marshall, God rest his soul, he passed away. [00:34:11] Doctor Bob Marshall started Premier labs. [00:34:15] They have two divisions. They have quantum nutritionals and premier labs. One is for the professionals who actually treat people and use his supplements in the treatment. And the other one is for the average consumer to go online and buy it. They have apple cider vinegar vinegar capsules. Apple cider vinegar capsules. [00:34:37] You can take anywhere from two to five, three times a day and it will do second best. I don't know if you have a picture of that, if you can find that, but it's second best. [00:34:49] Now I have to warn you, if you go into a health food store, the big craze today is gummies. [00:34:57] Never ever, under any circumstances, consume any gummies. [00:35:05] Vitamin gum. Okay, here's premier apple cider vinegar. [00:35:10] Do they have a picture of the back of the label? Like the ingredients that you can like do a zoom in, I don't know if you can or not. Okay. [00:35:20] The reason is that is pure apple cider vinegar with no excipients, no additives, no magnesium stearate, no stearic acid. There's nothing else in there. [00:35:32] If you buy apple cider vinegar, the extra ingredients that they put in, screw it all up. And if you buy gummies, it's poison. In my opinion, it's the worst thing in the world. So this isn't the only brand that you can get pure. Okay, so here we go. Premier apple cider vinegar. That's acv complex rice extract, which is organic. Organic apple cider vinegar. And now look at the other ingredients. Plant sourced capsule, which is cellulose and water. It's pure, it's organic. Right? Organic ground rice hulls that's in there to make it go through the tube as a flowing agent. And it's organic rice hull. So it's perfect for you. Organic rice bran. So those are the two ingredients that's the secret that they use. So you don't have to put any magnesium steric or any flowing agents in the tubes. That way they can run the machine at full speed. So this is an excellent product. There are other ones. This is serving size five capsules. So five capsules three times a day is really good. You know, you can take more, obviously. This is magical in terms of reducing appetite and burning fat in the system. [00:36:48] I do not get a penny. [00:36:51] If you buy that product, and you don't have to buy their product, you can go to the store, you can go online or Amazon, and I'm sure you can find a product that's similar, but the key is the ingredients. Okay? That's the critical part. I trust that company pretty highly. And again, I'm not an affiliate. I don't get any financial compensation about it. And I'm sharing you my opinions. I am not a medical doctor. Always check with your. By the way, I have to do my legal disclaimer now, right? The lawyer is. Hello? Yes, yes, the law firm of. Yeah, okay. What do you want me to do? All right. You're afraid of the government suing me again? Yes. What would you like say, disclaimer? Hold on. I am not a medical doctor. [00:37:35] Don't do anything I say. [00:37:38] Always check with a licensed health care pract. But I don't believe in licensed healthcare practitioners. I think MDs are a bunch of scams. In many cases, I mean, many cases, they'll save your life, but say it anyway. Only listen to an MD. Don't listen to anyone else except a licensed medical doctor with an MD degree. And listen to the government. Listen to the FDA. Don't listen to me. Really? I have to say that? Listen only to the FDA, because they never lie to you. [00:38:05] Okay. All right. You need some more money? Okay. [00:38:09] Yeah. The lawyers are crazy. [00:38:17] Apple cider vinegar. It's only my opinion. [00:38:20] Don't listen to me. [00:38:23] It's only my opinion. [00:38:26] What's the second thing? I said? There was two. Number two, what happens to your body when you walk every day? What happens to your body when you walk every day? This just came out. Oh, it just came out? Just came out. God help me. [00:38:42] Back in the seventies, a bunch of guys did research and they came up with a program called the neuropsychology of weight control. The neuropsychology of weight control talked about the number one way to get a flat stomach and to get lean to burn fat, was not doing aerobics, was not running, was not jogging, was not doing high intensity interval training. Those are all good, but you're not going to burn fat doing them, interestingly enough. You mean I'm huffing and puffing. I'm running upstairs, I'm doing burpees and I'm. For 20 minutes and I'm, you know, running sprints? Yeah, that's high intensity interval training. I'm going for a 30 minutes jog. Yeah, that's aerobics. You mean I'm not going to get a flat stomach? No. [00:39:30] I'm not going to burn fat? No, you're going to get stronger. Your cardiovascular system's going to get better. That's all good, but do you want to get lean? Do you want to get a flat stomach? [00:39:41] Walking, it's called slow rhythmic movement exercise. And the number one most effective way in all the research now it's been proven, I mean, the research is clear, is regular walking. You get outside or on a treadmill, ideally outside, and you walk for 1 hour. You don't have to walk too fast. Don't walk too slow either, but walk at a good pace. If you want to throw on a little weight vest, an extra ten or 20 pounds, that's great, too. That'll strengthen the bones. [00:40:15] Walk for an hour every day. Take your dog for a walk. Go with your lover for a walk. Get out of the freaking house. Ideally, you do it after dinner. Helps the digestion. Every Italian I know went for a walk after the meal. We had a big meal of pasta and this and that, you know, we used to have the little bibs here, you know, so we didn't get the pasta all over our shirt. Afterwards, we'd have espresso. And then all the guys, all the women cleaned up in the house. All the guys used to leave and we used to go for a walk around the block talking about tomatoes. They were Italians. What else are they going to talk about? [00:40:52] And they still were talking about Mussolini, you know. You know, he wasn't that bad. [00:41:00] Wok is miraculous. And not only does it give you a flat stomach, but it also miraculously releases endorphins in the brain, making you feel better and reduces your appetite the next day. [00:41:19] It increases your metabolism. So you're going to start eating less, but it changes the whole molecular structure in the body. And the walking actually exercises the core muscles, the psoas muscles, beneath the ab muscles. So you actually start having more strength. Your posture will get better, obviously, your legs get better. Restless leg syndrome goes away your feet, the circulation in your legs get better. [00:41:47] It's just really a miraculous thing. The ideal scene is 1 hour a day, and it's 1 hour nonstop. You don't have to be walking so fast. You break a sweat. But you also just don't want to be doing this super slow, slow, slow stroll. A nice, steady pace. Go at your own pace. Walking creates miracles. If you do those two things, apple cider vinegar and walk. Take pictures. Take pictures of you. Look into the camera. Side view, back view, this side and front. You want four shots? [00:42:25] Do it in one location, in your underwear or bathing suit or bikini, and then 30 days later, do it again. [00:42:33] Forget the scale. The scale is irrelevant. How do your clothes fit? [00:42:38] Because if you're gaining muscle and you're losing fat, the scale's not going to change a lot because muscle weighs more than fat. [00:42:48] So people say, Kevin, I've been doing what you said for 30 days. [00:42:52] I did do the scale, and I didn't lose any pounds. I go, how your pants fit. Well, my belt's on. It's down two notches. [00:43:02] All right, so your pants are bad. Yeah, they're baggy. But you're concerned about the scale. Who cares about the scale? You gained muscle and you burned off a lot of fat, which means, don't you look better in a bathing suit? Oh, my God. I look so much better, and I feel so much better. I feel so much lighter, but I'm not lighter. Your body composition has changed. Like, you got liposuction, raw apple cider vinegar, walking. Those two things. There are a couple other things. [00:43:36] You've heard of green tea. There's different kinds of green tea. The kind that you want to drink is called matcha. I might be pronouncing that correct. I believe it's m a t c H a. [00:43:48] I'm getting a gentle nod, not an enthusiastic, yeah. Okay. Very good. Now that's a confident nod. It's called matcha. M A T C H a. There are different grades of matcha. Some are crappier than others. And you know, because if you drink it and it's bitter, it's crappy grade. If you drink it and it's smooth, it's good grade. I just bought some when I was at the golden door spa, and they. I was taught the japanese tea ceremony. You take a bowl, you take some of this beautiful matcha, you put it in a bowl, put a little hot water in there. You have the boiled water, and you have a bamboo whisk, and you whisk. Then you add some more. Then you whisk and these little bubbles form. Then you pour that into a cup and then you drink it. [00:44:33] Matcha is not steeped. You're actually consuming 100% of the powdered leaf. The tea, which comes in leaves is dried and then turned into a powder. The powder then dissolves in the water. And there you go. [00:44:48] This is the matcha. [00:44:52] So that's it's powder. It's green tea powder. Then you add the water into the bowl. Now there's going to be a bamboo whisk, I betcha. This is what I was taught by the Japanese from Japan. There you go. I have one of these in my house. And you whisk. Ooh, you see the little bubbles forming there? [00:45:12] And this is also very meditative. It's very relaxing. Some of you think, I don't have time for this. [00:45:18] I just want to, I want to just drink it, God dammit. Yeah. Okay, well, this is also good on your psyche. [00:45:25] Okay. He's whisking. He's actually beating the hell out of the matcha. [00:45:30] I think the japanese woman who taught me this would be very, very, very upset about him beating this, because she told me, don't beat it like a maniac. [00:45:38] Okay. But no, actually it's very frothy. He did a fine job, I think. [00:45:45] Goku, pure matcha. Okay. Single source. That's pretty good. And you drink that, it's going to stimulate your metabolism, help your digestion, anti aging properties. [00:45:59] Miracle after health, miracle after health, miracle. [00:46:03] But the most important one you're concerned with is you're going to lose weight and your stomach's going to get flatter. [00:46:10] The next one I'll give you. These are bonus ones. [00:46:14] I gave you the raw apple cider vinegar, I gave you the walking. Those are the two one. These are bonuses. So I got green tea and one more bonus. [00:46:22] 100% organic ginger tea. [00:46:27] Now there's two weeks to make 100% organic ginger tea. There's the pain in the ass way, and then there's the simple lazy man's way to make ginger tea. The pain in the ass way that Xifu xianming used to make at my house. The Shaolin monk from the Shaolin temple in China when he lived with me. Oh, you make a ginger tea. [00:46:51] We need a ginger root. I go, okay, where do you get ginger root? There it is. That's ginger root. So we go, we get ginger root, which is fat, perfect ginger. Okay. Yeah. And we chopped up the ginger root, just sliced it up, and we threw it into a pot oh, there we go. He's now cutting the ginger root. [00:47:16] I don't think cutting the ginger root necessarily needs a demonstration, but I like this demonstration. This is a nice demonstration. They're actually getting rid of the. [00:47:27] You can see this is the pain in the ass way to make ginger tea. Right? Are you gonna do this? No. [00:47:33] Come on. Hurry up. [00:47:36] Come on. Just. There you go. [00:47:38] Well, we. Yeah, that's faster. See, that's what we. We did it like this. [00:47:43] But not. Not with the knife toward my thumb, because I wouldn't have any thumbs right now if I did it that way. Look at this guy's okay. My mother used to do that. God bless her. I don't know how she still has thumbs. [00:47:56] Anyways, we took some ginger. See, this is going to take forever. [00:48:02] You peel it, you chop it up, you throw it into a pot, and you boil the damn thing for 20 minutes. [00:48:08] Then you drink it. [00:48:11] That's one way. The other way is you go on Amazon and you look for organic ginger tea bag, and you get an organic ginger tea bag and you boil the water and you throw it in the ginger tea bag, let it steep for five to ten minutes, and then you drink it. That's a heck of a lot easier. Both ways work really well. Just make sure you get 100% organic ginger. This is going to help your digestion. It's going to open up your sinuses. It's going to help you breathe better. In and out through the nose. If you sleep at night and you open up your mouth and you're a mouth breather, it's going to help that help your digestion and help burn fat. It's going to stimulate metabolism and you're going to get a flat stomach. It is fantastic. It also is loaded with nutrients and vitamin C and all these anti inflammatories, as well as immune stimulating properties. One health miracle after the next. Health miracle after the next health miracle. Fantastic stuff. So highly recommended. Endorse that. You can check that out. [00:49:12] All right. And the last thing I want to talk about today, because I get this question all the time, we have the Kevin Trudeau fan club. I did not set up the Kevin Trudeau fan club. As you know, when I was away in prison, I had no money. The government took everything away. I turned it over to them. Actually, I'm the guy who told the government, people don't know this. See, nobody knows this trait. But, yeah, I mean, I was there. It's in the record. [00:49:45] I went to the judge and said, hey, my lawyer almost fell off. The chair. He thought I was the dumbest guy on the planet because we're fighting away while they're continuing to bill me millions of dollars a month. [00:49:58] And I said, your honor, I surrender. [00:50:01] I recommend you appoint a receiver to take over all of my assets, liquidate everything, leave me with nothing, and just pay off the debt. That way we can put this behind us. And the judge looked. [00:50:20] The whole courtroom went silent. [00:50:23] My lawyer grabs my arm really hard, and he said, your honor, give me a minute. And he goes, what are you saying you can't do? I goes, no, trust me. I know the ramifications of this. I thought this through. We haven't discussed it. I go, no, I didn't want to waste my time discussing it with you. [00:50:40] I go, I know this is the right thing to do. [00:50:44] Came back to your honor, my client stands by his statement. Mister trudeau, you're willing to have me appoint the receiver to take over every asset you have. I go, everything, your honor. I mean, let me keep a few suitcases and some clothes, you know, some personal photographs, but you can have everything. [00:51:09] And nobody could believe that. And then I said the magic words. I said, it's just stuff. I'm not attached to any of it. [00:51:18] I said, you know, your honor, you can take away everything that I have, but you could never take away my ability to create. [00:51:27] He was stunned. They appointed a receiver who took everything. They left me with a few suitcases and some clothes. And then I went. Then he sent me to prison for ten years. [00:51:38] Okay, fine. [00:51:40] So I came out with nothing. While I was away in prison, you have what's called a commissary account. And that commissary account, if people send you some money, then you can go to the commissary and you can spend up to $300 a month on things like tuna fish, some underwear, some socks, a pair of sneakers, some potato chips, some popcorn, that type of stuff. Postage stamps. [00:52:10] You can also use that money for the phone because they charge you eighty seven cents a minute. Some criminal amount of money to use the phone. [00:52:20] You want to use the Internet, they charge you some criminal amount of money to use the Internet. Talk about a scam. These guys should go to prison for what they're charging. [00:52:31] Everything in the commissary, by the way, is twice as much as you could buy the same item off of Amazon. [00:52:38] We'll talk about that one day on this show. The ripoff scam. Oh, by the way, the Bush family supplies the commissaries. Oh. Oh, that's a surprise. [00:52:50] Oh, that's a surprise. [00:52:54] So the fan club was started by two people, Rogios and Tonya. They said, we want to start a fan club because there are people around that support you, Kevin, and they want to send some money to your commissary account. But they're overseas. They can't send it in the system. [00:53:08] So if we start a fan club and people make a contribution to the fan club, Kevin, we'll then send the money to your commissary account. I said, that'd be terrific. I says, but keep most of the money and pay my lawyers. [00:53:21] So they sent me a couple hundred bucks a month, and the rest of the money that went to the fan club went to the lawyers. At that point, I think I owed the lawyers two or three or $4 million or some crazy amount of money, and I felt bad because these guys don't get paid unless I pay them. [00:53:35] So people sent money to the fan club and contributions. I got a couple hundred dollars a month out of that, and the rest of it went to the lawyers. So the fan club was doing good in terms of helping me fan support, as you helping me pay the lawyers and letting me buy some tuna fish, which I really, to this day, enjoy. [00:53:59] I'm at the house. One of my favorite meals is to get a bowl of some tuna fish, mayonnaise, a little pickle. Cause we also. They sold pickles. Chop up the pickle. [00:54:11] We steal an onion out of the kitchen. I worked in the kitchen, so I had them chop up the onion, throw it in there, some celery, chop it up, throw it in there. Little bit of lettuce, chop it up, a little bit of tomato, chop it up real small. [00:54:23] And then get some matzo crackers or some other type of cracker or some organic bread that we had, and make a nice tuna fish sandwich. Or I'd have a bowl of tuna fish and have the cracker, and I would dip it and have it on the cracker. This was like heaven for me. [00:54:42] Oh, they also sell oatmeal and some peanut butter, too, which was really good with ground cinnamon, organic cinnamon, and organic raw honey. [00:54:52] Man, we ate good in prison. Peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, tuna fish. [00:54:58] That was the meal, man. [00:55:01] An oatmeal. Oh, yeah. We had a good trick to make oatmeal. We make the oatmeal the night before. Boil the water, boil the oatmeal, put it in a container, cover it, and then in the next morning, it would get, like, really hard gelatin, like a jello consistency. And then you would smear a little peanut butter on there, some honey, some cinnamon, and we'd scoop it. And it was like this. The oatmeal was this jello consistency, man, everyone loved that. That was like a cool meal, good snack, quick, easy, healthy for you. Anyways, the fan club started and we had people around the world saying, listen, we want to hear from you, Kevin. We want you to teach us. We want you to bless us with your energy. We want you to pray for us. We want to be a part of you. And that's when the partner program with the fan club started. So we said, if you make a monthly contribution of $25 a month and become a partner, I'll do things for you. Number one, I'll connect energetically to all of the partners. And this is in the same way that a christian minister like Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, oral Roberts, Pat Robinson, Joel Osteenen, they have partners. And people say, I'm going to be a partner with Kenneth Copeland or some christian minister or other church and I'll make a monthly contribution. [00:56:25] And the partners are connected to that person. And so there's an energetic connection. So I set up the Kevin Trudeau fan club partner program. People can go to our website and become a partner for dollar 25 a month. And the first thing you get is you connect with me energetically. You virtually fall under the protection of the guru. And when you connect with a guru, you connect with a spiritual master. You're following follow under their energetic protection. You're falling under their energetic protection because you're following them. You're connected to them. You're submitting yourself to them. You're becoming an empty, open vessel that's here and you're putting the guru here. And it's like a siphon. That's how you get the information. [00:57:13] I have people that are supporters of mine that are here and they look at me like this. I need to talk to you. You're doing this wrong. You're doing this wrong. You need to do this. You need to do this. Really? Who's the guru here? [00:57:29] You're clearly not submitting yourself. You're nothing. An open vessel. You know more than me. [00:57:37] You're never going to get anything from me. [00:57:41] When you put yourself in that position, you then open yourself to receive. And being a partner allows you to receive blessings. [00:57:52] But another thing you get when you become a partner is once a month I do a live monthly Zoom call with partners only. [00:58:02] And at a certain level in the partnership program, you get to ask me questions and I answer all the questions. People say that this one to three hour monthly Zoom call is worth thousands and thousands of dollars. It is like sitting with me over a cup of coffee, and I'm giving you the answers to the universe. It is spectacular. I also do energy work on that 1 hour call, and people say, absolutely 100%. [00:58:29] They said, Kevin, I feel the energy. [00:58:32] One person said it was like everything dissolved. Another person said, my body. Every time I go on that Zoom call, I'm in an air conditioned room. I crank the air conditioning up, and I just start sweating and sweating and sweating. I need to take a nap right afterwards. Like, my whole energy field has been cleansed, and I feel like I'm transformed every single time. It's the biggest blessing of the month, and I spend weeks processing and integrating those changes. It's miraculous. [00:59:00] If you're not a partner with me, consider it. I don't get any of the money. [00:59:07] When you become a partner, at whatever level you can afford, the money goes into the fan club. [00:59:13] When the money goes into the fan club, it pays the expenses. There's about four people on the salaries that get paid. There's overheads, like, for the studio and the office, legal expenses, accounting expenses and things. And after the expenses, any money that's sent to me leftover goes 100% to the government to pay down the debt. So I can get that behind me and then give you more time and focus and energy. If you are not a partner, consider becoming a partner with me at the fan club. Just go to ktfanclub.com, kevintroud, fanclub.com, and just say, become a partner. [00:59:54] You can start off at the $25 a month level. We have a $50 a month silver partnership. [01:00:01] At the $100 a month, that's called a gold partner. [01:00:05] There's a big, significant difference there every month. If you're a gold partner and above, I do energy work on you. I get your photograph, and I do energy work one on one with you for gold partners and anybody who's gold or above, which is gold or platinum or diamond or patrons, starting today. What's today's date? Is it August 1 yet? [01:00:33] 31st. Okay. Starting tomorrow, August 1, I am doing energy work on gold partners, Platinum partners, diamond Partners, and patron partners. I'm doing energy work every single day for the entire month of August. If you are not a gold, become a gold. If you're already a partner, upgrade to gold. If you're not a partner, become a partner at whatever level you can financially afford. Don't put yourself in financial pressure. I am not getting any of the money. It goes to pay down the debt with the government, which, if all goes well, is going to be paid off next year. And then the benefits partners are going to get, all I can say are going to be off the charts. [01:01:20] You are going to be blessed. [01:01:22] Because I think about this every day. What can I do for my partners? What can I do for those people that supported me? And I am going to be given back to you in ways that you will not believe it. [01:01:34] I remember my friends. So, please, if you're not a partner, become a partner. I do need your help. I need to pay this off as quickly as possible. And if you are a partner, become a gold or above. [01:01:44] And I will say this. The next patron dinner, I take the patrons, I invite them to dinner, and we go to a fancy restaurant. The next one, we're going to be coming to my house for the evening. So, patrons, you're going to be coming to my house. [01:02:00] Patrons only. We're going to bring in a world class chef, gonna have a world class meal. [01:02:06] I'm gonna be doing work on you all night long. We'll spend a whole evening together in my house for the next patron dinner coming up. So consider that that's gonna be, like, awesome because my house is this massive bubble of shakti and energy. When you walk in, you're gonna just feel. Go like that. It's gonna be very, very cool. So a lot of good things are coming up. [01:02:29] I mentioned I am going to five days a week in the fall, so get ready for that. Make sure you share this with your friends and family. [01:02:38] One last thing. This show I know is helping people all around the world. If you haven't seen some of the past shows, I encourage you that you do. It's all free training, but I'm doing this for you. [01:02:52] I'm only going to continue to do this show if the numbers go up. I'm giving it till the end of the year, and I'm doing everything my staff tells me to do to get the numbers up. I'm going to start going on other people's podcast to expose people to the show. I'm going to have some guests on this show. I'm going to five days a week, twice on Monday and Wednesday on YouTube, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday on Rumble exclusively. We're also on Spotify. Spotify and Apple podcasts. [01:03:22] And on Sunday on all the platforms, I'll be doing a spiritual show on secrets of success. Out of scriptural texts like the Bible and Quran, hindu texts and things. [01:03:34] I'm doing everything I can to try to get the numbers up, and I don't get a penny. Not one penny goes into my pocket. It pays any revenue we come in from any source, pays the overheads, and the rest goes to the government. I don't get a penny. I live on $3,750 a month. That's the entire amount that I'm allowed to live on. [01:03:56] Everything else goes right to the government or to pay the expenses. [01:04:00] You need to help get these numbers up. You do that by subscribing, by liking, by leaving comments, by sharing these videos on all of your social networks. Share it on TikTok and Facebook and all the other things. Share it to your email list. Share it on Telegram and WhatsApp and signal and what else is out there? Share these videos electronically. You need to do some work here to help get these numbers up, because at the end of the year, in December, I have meetings scheduled with my staff. [01:04:40] And if the numbers aren't there and they don't seem to be trending in the right direction. [01:04:45] Look, I know this stuff. I'm not doing it for my own health. I know it. I'm doing it for you. And if you want me to continue, I'm going to need your help. And I know you can do it. We can do it together. [01:04:56] I love doing this because I love the comments I get from people around the world. Just like you saying, this is helping. And I'll tell you what. If I had this information when I was first starting off, it would have been so much easier for me. Yeah, I was in the Brotherhood and I had an uncle. [01:05:13] But this is better. I mean, the information that you're getting access to, quite frankly, is even better. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Thanks for watching. This is the Kevin Trudeau show. Everything they don't want you to know about. Remember, you have what it takes. Do the things I suggest and recommend. Read the books. Watch the movies. [01:05:33] Engage in the success system. [01:05:37] Do so and may you never be the same. Much love, everybody. [01:05:54] Sadeena. Sadeena.

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