Episode 17

May 29, 2024


Improving Relationships & Top 10 Motivational Speakers Of All-Time | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 17

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau Reveals things about relationships and gives FREE Information that you can’t find anywhere else! He also talks about the Top 10 Motivational Speakers and why they succeeded and why Who You Listen To is so Important! He recommended two more spectacular movies that you’ll want to watch and so much more!

0:00 Show Start
10:30 Why You don’t have Your Ideal Relationship
20:50 The Proven System for Success
33:14 Who does Kevin listen to?
37:00 Top 10 Motivational Speakers
39:45 The Definition of Character
43:00 How to become a Better Speaker
47:27 You Become what You Read
1:06:35 Why isn’t ___ on the List of Motivational speakers?
1:11:11 Movie Recommendations
1:17:28 How YOU can Help the World

The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!

Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time. His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best sellers list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the best-selling health book of all time.

Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.

This show has been on hiatus since 2012. The Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.

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Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com


#kevintrudeau #livestream #motivational #relationship

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the Kevin Trudeau show. It's everything they don't want you to know about that will improve the quality of your life in every area. The most positive show on YouTube. Yeah, we, uh, we talk about things they don't want you to know about. But, man, by the time you finish show and all of the shows, you feel better. You're not going to feel like committing suicide. When you watch some of these people, why are you spending your time watching these people that are yelling at you and telling you how bad everything is and the government's trying to screw you over and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah without giving you a solution? It's all about giving you a solution. Well, we have a great show today. If you're brand new, make sure you subscribe. Share this leave comments leave comments on other people's comments that helps the algorithm. And if you're new to the show, check out all the other broadcasts. I've been doing this show since pretty much the beginning of the year, so we have a few months under our belt. There's a huge amount of free information, personal development information, life changing, life, improving life enhancing information on these shows. And it's available to you for free. There's no charge. So check it out. Check out all the other shows that I've done. The subject matter is spectacular. The response we're getting around the world, we have viewers all around the world, is really spectacular. We have a great show today. I want to talk about a couple things. Number one, one of the most important areas of everyone's life, and it's screwed up for almost every single person watching. It's relationships. It's all about relationships. We have a creative drive, a sexual drive to be in a romantic relationship. Now, the second kind of relationship is a connection with other human beings. But I'm just going to talk about romantic relationships here just for a couple minutes. If you are single, pay attention. If you are single and not in a relationship, pay attention. If you are a single person, but maybe you're in a relationship or you're dating, pay attention. This is going to ring true. If you are in a committed relationship, whether that's a committed relationship or a committed marriage, if you're in a committed relationship, I can guarantee you it's not as good as you wish it could be. Correct. Pay attention. If you just got out of a relationship. You're divorced. You divorced multiple times. You broke up, you're in between. Pay attention. Relationships give us more emotional pain than any other area of our life. And it is the number one driver. It isn't making money. It isn't making money. The number one driver is to connect with another human being. It's to have that connection. Because the number one driver, beneath everything, is connecting and feeling oneness. And we don't know that because it's beyond our description. And we're looking for something and we don't know what it is. And so we seek it in drugs. We seek it in food. We seek it in making money. We seek it in status. We seek it in some type of respectable admiration or getting recognized. We seek it in a whole host of things, and we don't know what we're seeking. It's some feeling that's missing on the inside. Something is missing, and we seek it in a relationship. We seek it through sex. And in that moment of orgasm, when you're having sex, you connect to the universe most of the time. And you have something, but you don't know what it is. It's fleeting, it's very quick, and you can't figure it out. If you meet somebody for the first time and your eyes meet and all of a sudden butterflies happen inside, you have this connection that is beyond comprehension and beyond words. And you are in love. And it is a feeling that defies words. It can't be described, but it's awesome. And then it goes away. And then we're arguing with this person. We hate this person. And not only that, but the end of that relationship will cause you more pain than anything else. It is gut wrenching. I know. I had a friend of mine who went through a divorce. I mean, he was married, a couple kids, and his wife said that she wanted a divorce, and they were not having a good relationship. They were arguing, and, you know, they just. The sex almost went to zero, and it just wasn't good anymore. But when she asked for a divorce, he still cried every single day. And he had to live with me. He was so broken up, it was almost, like, suicidal. How is that. Why is that breakup in relationships so painful? Think about this. If you are a single person, who are you attracting? What kind of person are you getting into your life? If you're a woman and you're trying to seek a man, or if you're a man trying to seek a woman, or if you're in a homosexual relationship, it doesn't matter. But when you're attracting people. Who are you attracting? Isn't it true that if you go back over the relationship you've had, it's kind of the same type of person, and the pattern of the relationship is almost the same all the time? Why is that? Relationships have more negative mass. We'll call it negative, negative energy, thicker mass of energy in our field than every other aspect combined. And if you have trouble in your relationship area, you're going to have trouble making money, you're going to be having trouble with your health, you're going to have trouble with friendships. If you have trouble in the romantic relationship area and it's not connecting, if there's turbulence there, if there's dissatisfaction there, it's going to adversely affect every other aspect of your life. And if you're not in a relationship and you think, oh, I can be blissfully happy by myself, that's pretty rare. That's very, very rare. But let's talk about that for a second. Let's take the monks, the tibetan monks who don't have relationships. They don't have sex. They don't have a sexual relationship. They don't have a sexual partner. They don't have a romantic relationship, but they do have relationships with other human beings that are incredibly connected, but they don't have that romantic relationship or, you know, gurus or things of this nature, and they are blissfully happy, and things go well in every aspect of their life. How is that true? Because if you look at their brain, they're actually broadcasting in the gamma brainwave frequency most of the time. It's as if they were having an orgasm all the time. As a matter of fact, some of these monks were speaking at Harvard University. And one of the questions was, how is it that you don't have a sex drive, that you don't have the drive for a sexual relationship with somebody else, or a connection with a member of the opposite sex or a sex that you're sexually attracted to? How is that possible? And they were talking, the monks were talking to each other because there was a translator there. And the answer was, well, when you're feeling like you're having an orgasm all day long, you really don't have a drive for a sexual partner. And that's true because their brain was broadcasting on gamma. And when your brain was broadcasting on gamma, there's a connection to the universe that surpasses all human comprehension and understanding. So here's the question. If you are single, would you like to be in a beautiful romantic relationship? If you're in a relationship now, wouldn't you like it to be better, a lot better than it is right now? Don't you want to have passionate sex with the person? Don't you want to feel like, this is the best sex I've ever had? And don't you wish your partner said to you, this is the best sex I've ever had? You're amazing. Wouldn't that make you feel good? That can happen. That can happen. And I will tell you from people that I've worked with over the years, when they are with their partner and their partner says, you are the best sex I've ever had. And that person's thinking, yeah, I feel the same way. It's the best sex I've ever had. The feeling on the inside, the awesome feeling, the confidence that you have is off the charts. And don't you think that will relate to making more money and being happier and better health? Absolutely. Would you like to be in a relationship with somebody who's almost like your best friend, that you love to spend time with, that you just enjoy their company, that you have great conversations and it flows where there aren't any big screaming matches or arguments, where you can debate, but it's respectful. What is your ideal partner? What do they look like? What's their body shape? Are they educated? Are they a good cook? Do they love their work? Do they have a passion for something? Are they creating something in society? Do they like to go to the gym and exercise? Gals, what's your ideal guy look like? What's his personality traits? I want a guy who makes me laugh all the time. I want a guy who treats me like a queen, like a princess, who brings me flowers, who calls me, who sends me lovely text messages, who's thoughtful and considerate and kind, but also a man, somebody who can make decisions, saying, honey, I'm taking you to dinner Friday night. Let me tell you, don't even ask me where I'm taking you out. It's going to be a great time. Or do you want somebody who is, honey, where would you like to go to dinner tonight? Would you like to go to dinner this weekend? Would you like to do this? Let's talk about it. Do you want somebody who's more collaborative or more leadership? Decisive? There's no right or wrong. What's your ideal relationship? You can have that. The real question is, why aren't you right now? And there's a few reasons you have in your DNA, from your mother's line and your father's line. All of their crap. And it's in your DNA and it's vibrating beneath the surface, below your level of conscious awareness. And it is stopping good relationships from coming into your life. There are energetic blocks. There's 33 dimensions. Therefore, there's 33 levels of energetic blocks. Just imagine that in one of your lines, there was a rape, let's say in one of your lines, in your ancestors, there was somebody who was forced into a marriage, who was in a miserable marriage, or they were in a marriage with an abusive partner, an alcoholic, or somebody who beat them. That energy is in your DNA and it's vibrating, and you're going to be attracting that same type of similar situation. Or what happens if somebody in your ancestors was in a relationship and they caught that person cheating, they went home and they caught them in bed with another person? That person may have put a postulate in their field that says, I'll never trust a woman or I'll never trust a man ever again. And that's in your field. It's vibrating, and you're attracting people that are dishonest, that will lie to you, that will deceive you, that will cheat on you. And you're always skeptical and you wonder why you can't have a good relationship. Then if you look in your own memory, from the moment you were born and past lives, all the things that happened in terms of relationships, all the pain that happened and all the pain you caused other people, all this junk is in your field. There's more junk, there's more negative energy, there's more mass, contracted black mass on relationships than everything else combined. If you clear that out, then magically what you want, when you actually say, this is my idea of an ideal partner, this is my idea of an ideal relationship, what you want will then manifest in your life. And if you are in a relationship right now, when you clear out all that crap, the relationship with the person that you've chosen and karmically are together with will become infinitely better. Infinitely better. And I know this because John Gray, who wrote the book men are from Mars, woman are from Venus. Friend of mine, the late Ellen Kreidman, very close friend of mine, she wrote the course light her fire, which was for men, how to light the fire inside of the woman you're with and light his fire, which was a course for women, how to get the fire, romantic burn and passion in the guy for you. They know theyve done dealt with thousands and thousands. And Ron Ball, relationship expert who put on many courses around the world. Theyve worked with couples they work with single people. They know that magic and miracles can happen in relationship. And I have worked with so many people and in the brotherhood, the training that I got on how to clear these dimensions and how to release this energetic blocks, magical. So that's the number one thing. If you don't do that, all the techniques won't work. And then the other question is, guys, do you even know how to ask a woman out on a date properly? Do you know how to go on a first date? Did you know a first date should generally be lunch and there should be a time limit on it. If you ask somebody out on a first date, it should say, hey, why don't we get together for lunch? I'll have about an hour. That's perfect, because now there's a start time and an end time. There's no pressure, even if it's miserable. Anybody can sit down with somebody, have lunch for an hour, even if you're miserable. Guys and gals, do you know the art of conversation, women, when you go on a date, do you talk about your ex boyfriends? All the time I've been on dates. And women would just talk about their ex and their ex and their ex, all their exes. Oh, that's great. And how terrible, how much they were jerks. You don't do that on a first date. So there's an art of, we'll call it seduction. There's an art of asking people out on a date. There's an art of getting asked out on a date. There's an art of having a first date, a second date, a third date. There's an art to this. There's some techniques you have to know. Do you know basic communication skills? Do you know basic interpersonal skills? Do you know that you should ask questions? What type of questions are good questions to ask in the beginning, as you're getting to know somebody? Do you know about pheromones? That these are the subconscious scents that we all emit out of our physical body that will attract the other partner and how to increase them and how to make sure you have oxytocin so the other person feels trust and good with you. There's a lot of techniques. And then when it comes to sex, do you know sexual technique? Guys and gals, most of you don't. Most of you have never read a book or taken a course. You just think it's like, this is what I'm supposed to do. Maybe you've watched some porn and you think that's how you're supposed to do it. It isn't. That's for the cameras and for different things. But there's a lot of technique as well. So here's the point. I am going to give you a gift. A gift. I just did a partner call for partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club. Just did it a couple days ago. And on that I talked about relationships. I went into great detail about relationships. And I have some stuff I'm gonna send you for free. I'll send you a free video all about relationships. If you are single, you need to see the video. If you are in a relationship and you want it to be better, you need to see the video. If you're in a relationship and you're wondering, should I stay in this or not? I'll explain karma and how you need to see the video. So all you have to do to get the free video, and I'll send you some free stuff here. Absolutely free. Just send an email to relationshipseventradeau.com dot. We'll put that up on the screen. Send an email to relationshipseventroudeau. That's all you have to do. You don't have to put anything in the body of others, but you can just say, send me the free information on relationships. But if you send an email to relationshipsventradeau.com comma, Megan will send you the link to some free training and free videos, and we'll explain everything about the relationship processes that I'm going to be delivering live. If you want to meet me in person and have me do this, I'll tell you, it would change every aspect of your life. Having a relationship that is blissful, that is fulfilling, that is loving, that you feel safe, that you feel secure, that you wake up in the morning and you think, I am the luckiest person on the planet to have this individual in my life and have them think and say to you the same thing every day. I mean, wouldn't it be great if your partner grabbed you once a day, looked you in the eyes and just said, you know, I want you to know that I think you're the greatest man or the greatest woman I've ever been with, and I am. I've never been happier. Wouldn't that make you feel unbelievable? Wouldn't you want to be with somebody like that and feel the same way about them? It can happen, but it will never happen with all the junk that's in your field. And you know it's never going to happen because it hasn't happened since day one. When you start every relationship has been a freaking disaster. You're yelling, you're screaming. It's blissful. But then there's pain. There's always pain. Every relationship, every single one, you have tears that doesn't have to happen. But all those tears and all that pain is in your field, and it's messing you all up. So send an email. I'm telling you, this is free. I know this is so important. I've seen so many people who are so shy go through so much training, but the one area that gives them more pain, they lose sleep at night. It affects their health, it affects their ability to make money and create its relationships. And if you don't have a good romantic relationship, it's almost impossible to have good friendships. The relationships are critical to feeling connected to the universe and that oneness. It is blissful when you're with a partner that you're madly in love with, who's madly in love with you, that the passion is there, that the fun is there, that the adventure is there. You feel safe, you feel secure, you feel loved, you feel adored, you feel admired, you feel respected. You're with somebody who's proud of you, who talks positively about you to all their friends, bragging about you all the time. Wouldn't you like that? Who's considerate and thoughtful. They think about your feelings. They remember what you like for food, all the little things you can have that you can. So send us an email. We'll send you some free videos. All right. I want to talk about something that's going to help you. Free today is about everything you're getting. Today is free. So here's some more free stuff. Cause it's all over YouTube. You can buy it, but it's all over YouTube as well. Over the years, there were what was called motivational speakers, people that were excellent communicators. They were members of what was called the National Speakers association, if they were in the United States. And there were chapters all over the world, and there were other speakers associations all over the world. There are speakers all over the world that speak in different languages, and they're terrific. I don't know many of them. I know the english speaking speakers who came from America, so I'm sure there's many around the world. When I was in the brotherhood, we learned the system for success. A success system that never fails. It's a system that creates the environment, the perfect environment, so that you can become successful in every aspect of your life. That system is the symbol of the club that I founded, the global information network. And we may even put a copy of the symbol up on the screen. It's an oval, and this symbol signifies the system, and it's the success of it. I didn't invent this. I was taught this. It was what the brotherhood used. It's what the Knights Templar used. It goes back thousands of years. And the system is based. There's a triangle in the middle, and there's three critical elements in this triangle. The first one is books. It basically is reading positive, motivational, inspirational material. Reading stimulates parts of the brain, which helps you broadcast what you want into the universe, so it'll manifest. Reading does things to the brain that other activities don't do. So reading is critical. You can read anything. A novel, it doesn't matter. But ideally, you read a positive thinking book, which is why I recommend books. Almost every show, I recommend books. We'll put up a copy of a book list. These are the books that I've recommended so far. And if you haven't read them, read them. And if you want the entire list of my recommended books, these are the ones that are most critical. If you want the entire list, you can go to kevintrudeaufanclub.com, comma, we'll put that up on the screen, and you can go. And there's what's called recommended materials, and you'll see the list of all the books. So reading is one critical element. The other critical element in the triangle is audios. Now someone says, well, how did the Knights Templar have audios? There was no audio recordings back then. So today it's audios. It's basically listening. And if you go back to the Bible, it even says it. It says, faith comes from hearing the word of God spoken by others. That's what it says. Faith is growing. It grows by hearing, hearing other people speak. That's what audios are. And back in the Bible, there was no audios. But you heard people talk. They would stand up and talk, so you would listen to people speak. Today we have the advantage of audio recordings and even video of people, so you can hear and see them. So audios are critical. Then the bottom line, the base of the triangle, is events that's going to meetings and being in the physical presence of other like minded people. Where you create a big mastermind, it increases the power of broadcasting, ability to manifest goals, dreams, and desires. And every person there, this is one of the greatest kept secrets of all time, that all successful people were part of either a secret society or a private exclusive club. Were they associated with, hung out with, whether it was the men's club where they would smoke cigars and drink cognac or scotch, or it was a country club where they would meet, or it was a private, secret society where they would meet in homes and they would talk and discuss and just commune with one another. This is a critical part. That's part of the system. Then beneath that, there's recognition. All successful people both give and receive recognition on a regular basis. You see this in the Academy Awards, in the Grammy Awards. You see it in all types of industry where there is recognition ceremonies. In the military, people are recognized with medals. There are ceremonies where people are recognized and applauded. Constant recognition with trophies, with plaques. You get this when you go to school, you get a diploma, there's recognition. You get recognized at graduation, you get recognized at the sports banquet at the end of the season. In the bowling league, we used to have the bowling banquet and people were recognized for their achievements, where you either receive recognition, but more importantly, giving recognition. So recognition is a key element of the success system. And then there's relationships where you build, that's the glue that holds it all together, which is why I was just talking earlier about relationships. It's the glue that makes everything else work. Without relationships, nothing works. And without two kinds of relationships, a romantic relationship, that's blissful, that's happy, that's fulfilling. If you don't have that, you're going to have a hard time. You're going to have a hard time in life. In the old days, when women used to stay at home and take care and raise the children, the statement was, behind every successful man is a great woman. In today's world, it isn't that. It's, behind every successful person is a great partner. A romantic partner. That's really the bottom line. Behind every successful person there is a great romantic partner. Fact. End of story. So you have to have that relationship. But one of these elements is listening. So when I was in the brotherhood, I always said, you need to find people that will inspire you, that will motivate you, that will encourage you, that will get you fired up. You can do this by watching movies. That's why I recommend certain movies, and I'll be recommending some movies here in a minute. Recommended movies. Many of them will inspire and motivate. Okay, but listening, feeding your mind on a regular basis, which means every day, positive, motivational inspirational material is critical. You don't feed your mind by listening to positive inspirational material every day. You actually feed your mind by listening to negative information. Every day. You listen to your friends, relatives and neighbors bitch, whine, and complain. You listen to podcasts where the guys are bitching, whining, and complaining and pointing out everything that's wrong without giving you a solution. And instead of feeling empowered, you feel hopeless, you feel powerless. This is not helpful. This is having the opposite effect. You become a snyop, someone who's susceptible to the negative influence of other people. You're allowing individuals to put rats in your head. They're putting rats in your head that are eating your brain and making you feel terrible. And if you look at the brain wave frequency, it's keeping you in the slave frequency of beta, and it's keeping you in the poverty frequency of beta. You're broadcasting beta all the time. You're not going into alpha or theta or gamma, a bliss. You're in beta and you're a slave and you'll stay poor your whole life and you'll be miserable and it'll screw up your health. You don't sleep well and your relationships are going to suck and you're going to have a miserable existence. And you're just going to be drinking or watching porn or do something to try to make yourself feel better, and you're never going to feel better or you just get so apathetic. Oh, well, you know, it's not bad. It's not bad. It's not bad. And then you do things. You're constantly busy to try to numb yourself. Popcorn, hot dogs, ice cream, watching tv. You're doing a million things. Mowing the lawn for two, 3 hours. You're doing all these things to numb yourself. And you can't even be with yourself for ten minutes because you become suicidal. You're so restless. You always have to be doing something to take yourself and distract yourself from reality. The fact that you're miserable and your life is just a disaster on the inside. It's just you're not connecting to the universe. You feed your body every day with food. You drink water all the time, and if you don't, you're going to feel terrible. You breathe air, so we feed our body all the time, every day. But do you feed your mind consciously, with deliberate intent, positive, inspirational material? Every day, when I was starting off. And remember, who do you listen to? You listen to somebody who has what you want. It's been who you are. And you say, what did they do when they were first starting off? When they were in my shoes? When I was first starting off, I had a cassette player because my guys in the brotherhood my mentor, my uncle in the brotherhood, the guy who was teaching me, I was the padawan, he was the master, and he was teaching me. He said, you need to feed your mind positive motivational inspirational material by listening every single, single day. Because every day you're going to be. You're going to be bombarded with negative information. So you better counteract that by putting more positive in because you are getting that. You read the newspaper, it's all negative. You watch the tv and news, it's all negative. You watch movies, it's all negative. You listen to your friends, relatives and neighbors. It's all bitching, whining, and complaining. It's all negative, negative, negative, negative, pessimistic information. And now it's worse than ever. There's actually more negative information being bombarded. You're being bombarded with more negative information today than ever before. And especially by, you're doing it by choice. You're watching YouTube, guys who are just screaming at you, pointing out every negative thing that's happening in politics. And it's. I can't understand why you would put intentionally rats in your head. So you got to feed your mind with positive inspirational material. And what I used to do is I had a cassette player, and I had that cassette player back in the day. And I put a cassette tape in there from a positive motivational speaker. And I would put a timer. I had a timer that plugged into the wall socket. And I plugged in the tape player and I put play, but it wouldn't start until the timer. So I said, I'm going to have it start at 05:00 a.m. so I have an hour tape in there. So at 05:00 a.m. it goes full blast. It's right by my bed. And I hear a positive motivational speech right when I'm coming out of deep sleep, when I'm in alpha. So it's going into both sides of the brain. I'm programming effectively myself for success by listening to positive motivational inspirational material first thing in the morning. And then when I would take that cassette player and I would sit there in bed while I was in that alpha state for the hour, then I'd get out of bed, I'd take it, put another tape in, go into the bathroom, and I'd carry it with me throughout the apartment. So I'm taking a shower, I'm listening to it, and maybe I don't hear every single word, but it's going into my subconscious. And then when I get into the car, we didn't have cassette players in the car back then. I take the cassette player and I put it on the seat next to me. And when I'm driving to work, I'm listening to the tape. And then I work all day. And on the way home, I have the cassette player in the seat next to me and I play the tape as I drive home. And sometimes, if it was a really good one, I'd take the long way home because I want to listen. Then when I'm home, I don't put on the tv. We didn't have computers back then. I get my tape for hours. If I'm home at night, I have the tape playing, and even if it's in the background, just so I can hear it. And I sometimes I play the same tape over and over and over and over and over and over again, spaced repetition. And I wasn't the only guy. All the successful people I know, we used to say when we would drive someplace, it's like, oh, yeah, I'm going to this restaurant. It's kind of far away, though, but it's really great. We're going to have a great time. And they would, we wouldn't say, how far is it? We'd say, how many tapes is that drive? Because we all listen to tapes in the car. Oh, that's a two tape drive, one tape each way, or that's a three tape drive. Oh, yeah, I went down to New York. That was a six tape drive. How many tapes can you listen to? How many? So the question then is, who did I listen to? I've been looking around today and there's a lot of motivational speakers because of YouTube. Who do you listen to? Listen to people that have what you want and have been where you are. People that are talking from experience, not shallow, sound good material. 99% of the speakers today that write books, even New York Times best selling books on success or motivation or inspiration. 99% of the speakers that are speaking on TED talks or are on YouTube giving motivational, inspirational material. Look at their history. They went to high school, some of them went to college, some of them didn't. They never started a company, they never developed a company that was doing one. 2300 million in sales. None of them. You know how they made their money. They started selling books and tapes on success even though they had not achieved it themselves. Let's say that I'm going to write a book and do a whole seminar on how to have a successful restaurant chain that does hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. I'm Kevin Trudeau, and I'm going to tell you about how to become a successful restaurateur. Would you be stupid enough to listen to me? I've never owned a restaurant. I've worked in a restaurant as a waiter. That doesn't make me an expert on restaurants. But I can make a lot of money if I'm a good communicator and I'm funny and so forth. Selling books and tapes to stupid people on how to become a successful restaurateur. And that's what happens with all these guys. And when I listen to them. I've talked about this before in my shows. They know about the material because they've read about it in books. They've listened to other speakers. They've listened to tapes. They've gone to some seminars, and then they turn around and write a book. I have people that says, Kevin, I've joined the global information Network. I've gone through levels 1234 and five. I've read some of the books you recommended on the recommended reading list. And even though I'm working for ups as a truck driver, I just wrote a book on the billionaire mindset, how to make billions. I just wrote a book on this. Can you review it and maybe write a recommendation? Are you insane? You don't know anything about the billionaire mindset. You don't know anything about making money just because you took some of my courses and read some of the books I recommended and listened to some of the audios I recommended. Now you think you're a freaking expert? Are you kidding me? But guess what? Almost everyone out there is like that. And I'm talking some of the biggest motivational speakers that have big businesses selling books and tapes. They have not succeeded. I listened to guys who had success. Ed Foreman, for example. He made hundreds of millions of dollars before he ever gave a speech on motivation. He was the real deal. I never gave a speech before I did. Your wishes, your command. I didn't do anything. I never gave a speech. It was until I did. You know, billions of dollars in sales. Did I actually start teaching others how this works? So think about that. So I am going to give you today, in my opinion, the top ten motivational speakers of all time. And look, they're all american. They all speak English because these are the guys I know, and they were all friends of mine. I am sure there are great motivational speakers and inspirational speakers who come from France and Germany and Japan and India and all types of countries around the world, Brazil and Argentina. And I'm sure there are people that are really excellent, that have done something, and they're teaching not just what they know about, but what they actually know. These are the ones that I've listened to, and not just me, but hundreds of my colleagues. We listened to these people. I knew them. I spent time with them. I've had dinner with them. Some of them have lived in my house for a while. So these are people that I know and are very, very good. So we're going to start with an old and these are all old timers, most of them. I think they're all almost there's only two of them that are still alive, but you can find their material online. Most of it's for free. The first one, number ten on the top ten list of greatest motivational speakers of all time is a guy named Cabot Robert. Take a listen to Cavett Robert. Then I'll tell you a little about him. Here's a little clip of Cabot Robert. [00:38:30] Speaker B: Thank you, Bill Gold. You know, everybody loves a beautiful introduction. Only one thing wrong about it, Bill. It helps a guy only up until the time he opens his mouth and he's on his own. I hope the good Lord in his infinite mercy will forgive us both you for your exaggeration, me for being such a ham, for loving it. [00:38:50] Speaker A: So. [00:38:51] Speaker B: I always did like other people, read the introduction that I wrote about myself. But as long as his conscience were going to let him read it, I wish hed read it all. I wanted you people to know a few of my small accomplishments. I at least wanted you to know that Im ghostwriter for Ronald Reagan. Im gag writer for Bob Hope. Im romantic advisor for Elizabeth Taylor. Im the only authentic executor of the will of Howard Hughes. And sometimes I'm the spiritual consultant for both the pope and the ecumenical council. In addition to those friends, my friend, you're going to hear a very modest person. [00:39:34] Speaker A: Cabot Robert is the real deal. He said one thing that I talk about all the time. He says character is following through on a decision long after the excitement and emotion of the moment has passed. And he said if you have one trait, which is character, you'll succeed in every aspect of your life. Think about that definition. Cabot Robert, great, great speaker. Obviously he has an accent. He was a spiritual person, but motivational and inspirational. He used to be the past president of the National Speakers association. All right, number nine, good friend of mine, and he is absolutely still alive. As a matter of fact, he's coming to our meetings here for the global Information network. I think he's coming to summer conference or no, I think he's coming to family reunion. But he'll be speaking at some of our events. He spoke at our global information network events years ago. Author, one of the greatest speakers, relationship expert, motivational expert. He worked with one of the most successful entrepreneurs in american history, Dexter Yeager, who was the top guy in the Amway business, co wrote most of all of Dexter's books, counseled with Dexter. So not only did Ron achieve personal success, thus he talks from what he knows, not just knows about, but he's been around some of the wealthiest people in the world. I was with him with one of the biggest billionaire real estate developers in Beverly Hills. He says, kevin, I'm in Beverly Hills. I'm going to be over my buddies. How do you want to come over? And this is who he is with and the circles he's in because he's one of them. Take a listen to Ron Ball. [00:41:24] Speaker C: But here's what I want you to know. I realized after talking to all of my Amway contacts, after my years with Charles Stanley and after my time with all these conventions, and then my experience interacting with Scott Rasmussen, who understands the pulse of the nation, and then my own daughter, who is in that age demographic, I realized something. And what I realized was this, and I want to really say this to you from my heart. I realized that we are in a crisis of greatness right now in this country. People don't know how to be great. They don't know the principles that created greatness. They don't know the principles that enlarge life. I mean, I talk to young men and young women right now and they will tell me, yes, yes, yes, I want to be great. But they don't know how. They don't know how. Well, the Bible teaches us how to be great through giving, through commitment, through service, through love. But there are other lessons that are just as practical that I want to connect to all that. So you'll understand how to have a great life. If the United States of America needs anything right now, it needs greatness. It needs a rebirth of greatness, a renewal of greatness. It needs a revival of greatness. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Ron Ball is an outstanding speaker. And both Cabot, Robert and Ron Ball and all the people that I'm recommending have excellent speaker skills. So not only listening to them, just the audios are inspirational and motivational. If you listen to what they say, there is technique that you can apply that can help your life. It will stimulate your thought, sometimes push your buttons, sometimes make you think, wait a minute, do I agree with that? And that'll stimulate your reason, which means it stimulates the brain and actually increases the size of the hippocampus. So you can broadcast more because it improves and increases your power, your self determinism, when you listen to these guys. But there's another thing. When you listen to these guys, watch how they speak. They all have a different cadence, but they use sentences. They actually know how to speak. They actually start a sentence and end it with a full stop or a period, depending on where in the world you are. You call it either a full stop or a period. Notice that they very rarely use the word ah, um or. And also notice today's speakers, they start almost every sentence with the word so. And catch yourself how many times you say so. So, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. These speakers know how to actually speak the language. So you can watch there. So, so see how I threw that in there? So you can watch it. We use the word. So today it wasn't used professionally. And actually, you will become a better speaker if you reduce the amount of times you use the word. So, um. And, and, ah, think about it. Next. If you watch these speakers, you will notice their voice inflection. You will notice the way that they hold their body, their posture. You will also notice what's called hand gestures. And I'm doing this just so I can show you. Watch these guys. They're experts. And if you want to become a better speaker, watch, watch, watch. Mimic and model. All right, number eight, one of the teachers of my good friend Ed Foreman, one of my teachers as well, another christian man, ran a church. He is called the father of positive thinking. He authored the book the power of positive thinking. Doctor Norman Vincent Peale. Take a listen. [00:45:49] Speaker B: Now, when we talk about happiness, we're not talking about some polyani sweetness and light deal. It's strange how some words can be destroyed or vitiated. Like love, for example. That's one of the greatest words in the english language, but Hollywood has successfully messed it up. But love is a strong, vital, vigorous, tough word, and so is happiness. [00:46:44] Speaker A: Doctor Norman Vincent Peale, special guy, powerful speaker. You would not put him into the category of professional motivational speaker, but he is. He knows how to speak. His message is riveting because he knows intention behind the words he's using. Next on the list, number seven, one of my closest friends, he also passed away. We traveled together, we shared the platform together. We hugged each other all the time. We loved each other. A spectacular speaker with a great message. And nothing but love. Love in his heart. This fella's number one goal in life was to get you people around the world to read books. He loved books. He started a company called executive books because he was so passionate about getting people to read books, because he knew, and he always said, five years from now, the person you will become is going to be based on the people that you have relationships with and the books you read. That's who you become, because you become what you think about most of the time. My good friend, take a listen. Charlie tremendous Jones. [00:48:06] Speaker B: Who you live your life with, what are you living in? And then what are you living in for? Fred Smith asked me that question. Well, all of us, there were about 31 of us, we had done $500 million worth of business that year. Fred Smith came and spoke, and he said, you're not ready to live your lives until you know what you want written on your tombstone. I thought, hmm, I'll need a big monument. No, he meant simply, not simply, what are you living your life for? And I thought about it, and you know what? There's only two things you can do with your life you could live it for. You mean mine eye, or let God live it in you. Now, you say, you heard God say, well, I give my all to God. Well, then, he didn't get much in, did he? Come on. Here. You see, religion is when you give something to God. Conversion is when God gives something to you. Amen. [00:48:55] Speaker D: Oh, that. [00:48:56] Speaker B: A few baptists are here tonight. Yeah, they're every. They're everywhere. You know, you can't keep them out sneaking on you. Maybe lose my place. [00:49:09] Speaker A: Charlie tremendous Jones. Now, you notice a lot of these guys by, you know, Cabot, Robert mentioned God. Ron Ball mentioned God. Doctor Norman Vincent Peale. He was a minister. He ran a church. Charlie, tremendous stones mentioned God. Now, they happen to be all white guys who are american, male, who are christian. Like I said, there are plenty of speakers out there that are Muslim, that are hindu, that are jewish, that are atheists, but they all understand the spiritual nature of the world. Very special. Very, very special. Charlie Jumender, stones, tremendous guy. The next guy, another white american christian. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Guy. [00:50:02] Speaker A: Also passed away. Very good friend of mine. Him and I were in a car with his wife Zonya, and a guy named Al Carpenter. Al Carter wrote the book the Miracle of Rebound exercise, and we traveled around the south of America doing seminars. We would go in, Bob Harrington would do the motivational talk. Zonya would get up there and she would motivate everybody. I would go up there and talk about the mind and the brain. And then Al Carter would get up there with his rebounder, jump up and down and talk about the benefits of rebound exercise. A mini trampoline. Everyone loved it. Bob Harrington was a spectacular guy. He's called the chaplain of Bourbon street because he was a preacher on Bourbon street in New Orleans, Louisiana, preaching to the winos, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, the destitute, the down and out. What a wonderful man. He said, I'm going to preach to the downtrodden, the ones who really, in his opinion, needed it the most. They didn't deserve it, but they needed it. And he went there and he was beat up and he was robbed, and he still loved all those people. This man has love in his heart. He's also a spectacular motivational speaker. You're going to learn a lot from him. You can be inspired. Inspired and motivated and also learn speaking skills. Take a listen to my late, good friend Bob Harrington. [00:51:40] Speaker B: You know, happiness is a wonderful thing. Everywhere I go, people are trying to find happiness down on Bourbon street. I'm located right next to Pete Fountain, right down the street from Al Hurt, right down the street from where Louis Armstrong began his old trumpet music years ago. A little bit further down the street, Mahalia Jackson began her singing. Do you know nowadays if you're happy, people think you're strange? Did you know if you go around with a smile on your face, people point at you? Did you know that you can walk down the street happy? And first thing you know, the policemen have you up against the wall checking your veins, they checking your breath, because nowadays, happiness, you just don't find too many people happy. You know, I believe I'm the only fella on Bourbon street can walk down the street with the Bible in my hand, the Lord in my heart and a happy face. And people point at me. I believe Lady Cadiva could ride down the street and nobody noticed. Maybe some hippie will say, man, look at that horse. But that's about the only involvement I know. The other night I walked on this Delta jet and I walked in and I said, hello, stewardess, how you doing? She said, you care for another drink? Because if you don't think happiness is a strange thing tonight, men, just before you get ready to go to bed and before the wife turns off the light, just lay there in bed and smile. [00:52:42] Speaker A: There's more to that story. There is more to that story. Bob Harrington in Chapel and Bourbon street. You listen to him. I don't know. Some people love him. I love them I love them. Great guy. Next on the list, number five, is the fellow that actually trained Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn. Now, Jim Rohn is a different type of speaker. Spectacular. One thing that I always respected and admired so much about Jim was his ability to articulate and put sentences together so well. One sentence after the next sentence after the next sentence, not run on sentences. The sequence of his thoughts were brilliant. The storytelling was brilliant, engaging, brilliant. And the material, the material, brilliant. Take a listen to the late, great Jim Rohn. [00:53:45] Speaker B: Here's the big challenge of life. You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are. That's the challenge. And of course, the other side of the coin reads, unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you got. I have found, in my experience that income does not far exceed personal development. Now, sometimes income takes a lucky jump, but sure enough, unless you grow out where it is, it'll usually come back where you are. Life has strange ways. If somebody hands you a million dollars, best you become a millionaire quickly, so you get to keep the money. Otherwise, sure enough, it'll disappear. Somebody once said, if you took all the money in the world, divided it up equally among everybody, it would soon all be back in the same pockets. Incredible. [00:54:44] Speaker A: Jim Rohn. You could listen to him for hours. And when you listen to him, it's motivational and inspirational. Next on the list, another friend of mine, late friend of mine, they all passed away. All my friends were much older than me. They were my mentors and teachers and coaches. This is one of the beginning guys in the whole motivational inspirational genre. He authored a program. Actually, it was a record, an lp, back in the day, a vinyl lp called the Strangest Secret. He had this amazing voice from radio, studied success, became successful, and then decided to teach the techniques that he had used to become successful with his business partner, Vic Lloyd Conant. And they started a company called Nightingale Conant Corporation. This gentleman's name, the late, great Earl Nightingale. Take a listen. [00:55:55] Speaker D: Successful people are not people without problems. They have, as a rule, just as many problems and largely the same kind as everyone else. The difference is that they learn to solve their problems. Successful living is nothing more than the ability to solve successfully the problems which are as much a part of living as breathing. The degree of our success will be determined by the extent to which we can solve our problems. So now that we've defined the problem, let me make this statement. If you can tell me what you want, I can tell you how to get it. The problem with the great majority of individuals is not with their ability to achieve their goals in life, but rather with the failure to understand two factors vital to successful living. The first is to make the decision as to what it is we want, enough to give it most of our attention until it's been achieved and to clearly define it. And the second is to fully understand that we have the ability to achieve this goal or we wouldn't want it in the first place. [00:57:00] Speaker A: Earl Nightingale. Powerful stuff, Earl Nightingale. You know, the great thing about all these speakers is when you become a member in the global information network, the club that I founded in our subject specific area, we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of audio recordings from almost all, all these people. And it's all freedom. Members. The next speaker, my late, great, close, dear friend. I met him in 1979. We have been friends ever since. He's the real deal in every way. Beloved by everyone that he meets. Was one of the founding speakers in the global information network. When I founded that club, I called him up and said, we have an event in Cancun, Mexico. It's the first event. We just started as a club, so I can't pay you. Will you come down and speak? He goes, absolutely every single time. I asked this man for anything without hesitation, the answer was yes. And when he asked me for things, which wasn't very often, it was always a yes. We loved each other. He is one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time. Zig Ziglar. And Judge Zeigler went through his training. He had made hundreds of millions of dollars in real business, concrete, real estate development, oil and gas, before he ever gave a motivational speech. He talks from knowing, not just knowing, about all of his recordings. Most all of them are available free of charge to global information network members. And it's worth tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Take a listen, just a little listen to the late, great Ed Foreman, my good friend. [00:58:56] Speaker B: Do you memorize the newspaper from COVID to cover every morning when you first get up? All the murders, wars and rapes that happened the night before, or you read something a little bit more positive and uplifting, like a good self help book? What do you listen to on the radio when you don't have to listen? Do you listen to the cheating and drinking and somebody done somebody wrong songs? I'm no good without you anyhow, baby. You know what you get when you play a country western music record backwards? You get your wife back, your dog back, your pickup back, and your mama don't get run over by a train. I heard one hear while he says, I'm so miserable since you left, baby, it's almost like you were still here. Can you imagine how much positivity comes out of that kind of negativity? Now I'm not putting all, have you heard the one that says it's hard to kiss the lips at night, that chew your out all day long? Now there might be some psychology in that. It's hard for employees to love an employer who's on their back all the time. It's hard for children to love and respect a parent who is complaining and griping and criticizing them all day long. [01:00:13] Speaker A: And again, that's just a little tip of the iceberg, these guys, and again, they're all men here, and they're all white guys from not all, but these are the guys that I knew back in the sixties and the seventies. There are plenty of women, there are plenty of Asians, there are plenty of people from all races and creeds and religious backgrounds all around the world that I am sure are outstanding. I just don't necessarily know them. These are the people that I knew that I grew up with and I'm sharing them with you. Ed Foreman is spectacular. All of them are. The one thing with these fellows and all the recordings, it is not a course where you are learning something and drilling it, mastering it to a certain extent before you go on to the next. That's what we do with the success mastery course in the global Information network and that's what we definitely do in the science of personal mastery course that you get for free in the global information network. This is the supplemental material that is inspirational and motivational and basically keeps putting this information into your subconscious so it becomes part of your DNA and changes your vibration from the inside out. The next speaker, another close, close friend of mine, he's been to my house so many times. He has spoken at Global Information network functions so many times. This man I love. I love all of these people. He is regarded as probably in the top two or three greatest motivational speakers of all time. His audio recordings are available free of charge to global information network members. He has a great phrase, I remember him telling me in his speech, and the phrase is, it ain't over until I win. And the way he says that with the power and the intention behind it, your whole body just, you get goosebumps and it changes you from the inside. Take a listen to one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time, another close dear friend of mine, my brother from another mother Les Brown, I like. [01:02:39] Speaker E: To ask whether or not you have goals, but I want to ask you another question. How many of you know that if you had your life to live over again, you could do more than what you've done thus far? Raise your hands, please. Now that proves the point that what we do and what we accomplish in life is only a tip of the iceberg of what's possible for us. So I want you to think about some goals that you'd like to achieve, and I'd like for you to, let's say, break them up in three categories. Number one, I want you to think about some personal goal you'd like to achieve. And I'd like for you to think about some career goal, some business goal that you'd like to achieve. And once you think about some social contribution, some impact you'd like to make with your life, it was Horace Mann who said, we should be ashamed to die until we've made some major contribution, contribution to humankind. I believe we live in the greatest country in the world. That gives us an opportunity to leave our mark, to make a statement with our lives. And as you think about these goals, whatever those goals are, I want you to dramatically increase those goals. And I want to warn you, I don't want you to think about how you're going to do it. How is none of your business. The most important thing is just to increase those goals dramatically. I've found that most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss. Most people fail in life because they aim too low and hit. [01:04:07] Speaker A: Les Brown, tell you what, you listen to some of those recordings, when he starts getting cranked up, you'll get fired up. And that's important if you want to succeed in life. Guy told me years ago, when you're on fire, people will come from all around just to watch you burn. Buzz Brown, last I put him number one, I think, probably one of the best, most popular, most successful, most impactful motivational speakers of all time. He's been doing this since the early seventies. He's passed away. Him and I used to be on a bus together, and we traveled around the United States as part of a program called the Masters of success with several other speakers. Charlie tremendous Jones was one of them, some other people as well. He's a master of speaking. He is a master storyteller. He's a master communicator. He's a master speaker. You can learn a lot, not just from his words and the material. You can learn how to speak from this guy, just by watching and observing and being aware. Take a listen to the late Zig Ziglar. [01:05:28] Speaker B: I believe that success is getting a reasonable number of the things money will buy. Now, money is not everything, but it's reasonably close to oxygen. I mean, you know, you just kind of got to have some of it. Admiral Hacker, I've had money, and I haven't had money. I'm here to tell you it is better to have it. Now, generally speaking, the things I like cost money. See, I like to wear nice clothes. It costs money. I like to drive a nice car, live in a nice house. I like to take that beautiful red headed wife of mine on trips and into nice restaurants that all cost. I like to play golf at the country club. Costs money. I like those things. But I gotta tell you, I love the things money won't buy. See, money will buy me a nice house, but it won't buy me a home. Money will buy me a companion, but it won't buy me a friend. Money will buy me a bed, but it won't buy me a good night's sleep. Money will buy me a good time, but it won't buy me peace of mind. [01:06:28] Speaker A: Isn't that what he just said? Man, if you just pick that up. Fantastic. Well, I just gave you what I think are probably the top ten best motivational inspirational speakers of all time. There's more. And somebody says, well, how come you don't have so and so on here? Do you know there's one guy who's, like, the biggest guy in the world today as a motivator, how come you didn't have him on the list? I'll tell you why I didn't pick some of the people. I didn't pick people who talk about what they know about versus what they know. And if there's a guy out there, no matter how big he is now, how many books he's written, when he started, and he never made a nickel. Never made a nickel in business, but he was teaching people how to become successful. It's not really what works. That's number one. Number two, there are so many speakers today, and I was in a room in Aspen, Colorado, with one of the top motivational speakers in the country, but on tv and so forth and so on. And I was with a couple colleagues, and this guy was swearing from the stage. Fff. He used the f word almost nonstop. I was disgusted. It was so much cursing. It was disgusting me. And then he had people come up and talk, and they would give a comment, and he would get mad at them because they weren't cussing, they weren't swearing, they weren't using profanity. And he would say, you need to let out your really feelings. F you f. And he was swearing at them, cursing them, and then all of a sudden, they started cursing back, and it was a profanity festival. And I'm thinking, I know what they're doing here. I've been in the brotherhood. I know brainwashing. I know training. I know breaking down ethics. I know what's happening. And this is wrong. This is not impactful to people. It's, I don't want to say cultish, but. So that's why there's some people on here that you might know that I don't have on there, and there's other people that just, the material they share is just so shallow. But I am sure that there are a lot of motivational speakers and inspirational talkers from all around the world who don't even speak English that are excellent and outstanding. Find the ones that you want. The point is, every day you should be listening to positive motivational inspirational audios. Every time you're driving. Shut off the radio. Listen to positive motivational talks first thing in the morning, right before you go to bed, when you're in the shower, feed your mind with positive inspirational material and your life will change. We have hundreds and thousands, tens of thousands of hours of spectacular material in the subject specific area of the global information network members only website. You're a member, you get access to the secret vault of the training. So if you want to join, you should consider becoming a member and get all that information for free. All right. Now I am going to become movie critic. This might go one of my favorite parts of the show. I have recommended a bunch of movies. If you have not watched these movies, I suggest you do. Let's put up the list of the movies that I recommended so far. This is the list of the movies. Now, there's a reason why I have recommended each of these movies. And there's some, I think I just recently recommended some other movies as well, like Ocean's eleven and a couple other ones. But this is the list of my movie recommendations. These are the movies that I've recommended. Each one has within it secrets of success. You are going to see movie making in a different genre and method than you are currently used to seeing movies. In addition to that, you will find, if you are aware the secrets of success in these movies highly recommend and endorse you watch them. And I really strongly encourage you to leave a comment in the comment section about a movie that you watched if you liked, and leave a comment to maybe encourage somebody else to watch it as well. And if you can find the secret to success, put that in the comments as well when you write the comments. The two movies I'm going to recommend this week, number one, another Jim Carrey movie. Jim Carrey, as you know I mentioned it before, uses the law of attraction. He used the techniques in the secret. What we teach in your wish is your command. The course that I wrote, what we teach in the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course, Jim used it all to become stupidly successful, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger used those techniques and materials and so forth. If you follow the recipe and use the material, you can get that success too. This movie has a secret to success in it. It's entertaining, it's funny. I think you'll love it. Let me know after you watch it. Leave a comment in the comment section. It's called the Mask. The Mask with Jim Carrey. I think it is a hilarious movie. I hope you enjoy it if you've watched it. Oh yeah, I watched that a long time ago. Watch it again. It is just a pleasant, fun movie with a secret to success. I hope you enjoy that one. My second movie recommendation this week is also a movie. It is a beautiful movie. It is a heart wrenching movie, but it is a beautiful movie which also shares the secrets of success. It is an italian movie. It was originally spoken in Italian and you can get it with english subtitles. Depending on what your languages, you can also get it in English. This is a tough one. I watched it first in Italian with the english subtitles and I thought it was fantastic. And then when I watched it in English, I didn't find it as good. So you have to make that decision. If you want to watch it in Italian with the english subtitles or the subtitles of the language is your first line language because I'm sure it's in Spanish and German and Japanese and Portuguese and so forth, or if you want to watch it in English or the language of your choice. But it's called, the main actor is Roberto Benigni, and I believe he won an Academy Award for best actor in this movie. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. One of the year's best. It says three Academy Award winner. They won three Academy Awards for this movie. It is a beautiful movie and it is a tough movie in some cases to watch because it's about an italian family in Italy in the late 1930s who were jewish when the Nazis came in, and it has nazi concentration camps. It's about love. It's about commitment. It is just a beautiful movie, and it has secrets of success in there, and it will really impact you in a positive way if you watch that film. If you like that film, check it out. Leave comments on the comment section of the website. We broadcast the show twice a week. Every Monday at 01:00 Chicago time. Every Wednesday at 01:00 Chicago time. Please subscribe. If you're not a subscriber, share the videos. Look, I'm doing this. Not for me. I don't make a single penny by doing the show. As many of you know, some of you don't know. I'm not doing it to feed my ego. I'm doing it because it is my mission to share information that they don't want you to know about that can positively improve your life in every respect. That's what this is about. Sharing data, information, knowledge that you don't know about, that if you apply it, your life will just get better. Whether it's physical health, whether it's emotions, whether it's relationships, whether it's making more money, whether it's feeling more fulfilled, whether it's spirituality and reaching enlightenment and oneness. And we're not talking in some esoteric riddle. I'm giving you information that's tangible, that's quantifiable, that's workable, that's real, it's practical, and it comes from knowing, not knowing about. I've been to all the places that I talk about. If I talk about making billions, I've been there, had that. I talk about super health, I've been there. I talk about overcoming adversity. I've had plenty of adversity. I know how it works. When I talk about karma. I've been in the realms where karma exists, and I can share with you what is there. When I talk about spirituality and enlightenment and love, when you pass the veil and you go into the static where there is only oneness, it is beyond comprehension, it's beyond description. And I can share that. When I do these shows, many of you feel changes because I am emitting photons. I have an office in my house. It's in the basement. In the basement, there's no windows. There's no light. I got all these plants. The plant lady comes in, and she's looking around at these thriving plants. She says to me, this is impossible. There's no light here. How are these plants living? And I just started laughing. And I said, well, I'm the light. I emit a lot of photons. And she's noticing. She goes, where do you sit? I go, I sit right there. And she looked and she said, this is spooky. All the plants are growing and leaning toward where you sit. I said, plants grow toward the light. I'm not saying this to, you know, to brag or pat myself on the back. You feel this. You know this when you do. The many of you are partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, and we have our partner calls. You see the orbs everywhere because of the camera, and you see them, you're blown away. And you can feel. When I say some of you are feeling your feet get hot. You're like, oh, my God. Before he said it, I noticed it. Yeah. So I'm giving you information that they don't want you to know about from a place of knowing, not just knowing about, to help improve the quality of your life. I don't have to do it because I know this stuff. I love this. This is for you. The point is, we've been on the air now for a few months. The number of subscribers are increasing every single week. The number of people that watch our shows are increasing every single week. It needs to go up more. We need a million subscribers. We need more people watching all these videos. This can only happen if you do something. Post it on your TikTok account. Post the clips on Facebook. Post the clips on Instagram, LinkedIn. Share this video with everybody on your email list. Share it on other social media platforms. Unless you do this, these numbers are going to slowly go up, and there's going to be a certain point. And I already told the crew, I go, look, if this isn't catching on, I had 100 million viewers 15 years ago when I had my radio show each week, that was the estimate. 100 million people from around the world were listening to my radio show or watching me on my radio show. I still have those clips up on our Rumble channel because they would be taken off YouTube. There's more censorship now than ever before. So all my old stuff, which is fantastic, is on the Rumble channel. You can check that out on the Rumble channel. But unless these numbers get up again, I don't get paid to do this. I do this for free. I don't get one single nickel. And any money that's generated from ads or whatever, none of it goes to me. It goes directly to the federal government to pay the debt, and it goes directly to pay the lawyers. Not one penny. Do I make on this? I'm doing this for you. I'm not doing it for me. I don't need to do this. But I hope you're enjoying it. I know you are. I know your life is getting better every day. Leave some comments. Check out some of the things we're offering. Take advantage of what's available to you. Remember, whatever dream you have, you can achieve. Napoleon Hill said it so beautifully. Whatever the mind can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve. What's your dream? Dream big, my friends. Dream big. And remember, don't let anyone steal your dream. God loves you. And so do I. We'll see you next. Next time. Have a great day.

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