Episode 40

August 19, 2024


Learn How To Boost Your Immune System with Cindy Sellers | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 40

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau brings on a very special guest, Cindy Sellers. Cindy brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience in Holistic Health and Nutrition, Ayurvedic medicine, Colon Hydrotherapy, and Hawaiian Herbalism, just to name a few.

Cindy discusses thing such as the optimal balance between raw and cooked foods, (It’s not what you may think!) the dangers of carbonated water, the importance of pure water, the benefits of cleansing the liver, and a whole host of other health related topics that you will want to listen and take notes on!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 3:00 The myths of a raw food diet
  • 9:46 The balance of raw and cooked foods
  • 11:40 What does carbonated water (or anything carbonated) do to you?
  • 17:44 More about Cindy Sellers
  • 19:29 Miracles happening at Angel Farms (…How to get pregnant)
  • 21:15 The importance of water
  • 24:30 Pain is a precursor of dehydration
  • 29:47 When do you take digestive enzymes?
  • 36:40 Why does a person have to cleanse the liver?
  • 42:52 Everyone has a clogged liver! Does it have any effect on losing weight?
  • 56:06 Anger creates liver issues
  • 58:18 Autoimmune disease issues and what most doctors don’t even know about it!



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:07] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Hey, everybody, Kevin Trudeau here. Everything they don't want you to know about. Thanks for joining me. Today's show is going to be about health. If you want to be healthy, we have the person, Cindy Sellers, my dear, dear friend, owner and founder of Angel Farms and author of this book, you don't have to hurt anymore, the Enlightened Way to health. She is probably one of the most knowledgeable people of how to be healthy on the planet. She probably knows more about the physical body than most medical doctors. And she's a wealth of information. It's my joy and pleasure to be here. We are at a secret location. Some of you may have figured out where we are based on the fact that Cindy is here with us. Angel Farms Health and Rejuvenation Clinic. She's the founder of 5000 people have been through your program. [00:01:13] Speaker A: Ten. [00:01:13] Speaker B: Now 10,000 people from around the world, including very successful people, very wealthy people. Her holiness Saimaa was at the facility. I have been there three times. Highly recommend and endorse it. Cindy, you got into health because you had a car accident. [00:01:33] Speaker A: I did. In which my back bent in the middle. And so from 83 to 89, I lived in hellacious pain. And the only thing the doctors told me they could do was break my back and put two titanium pins in it. And I refused because I'm not going to let him break my back. And it was just bent. So. But I did search a lot. I learned a lot during that time. You know how our journeys take you on this, like, let's fill up our educational toolbox. And then. But in 89, I'm laying on my living room floor in a neck brace and I was so pissed off at God. It's not supposed to be like this. Now I'm going to take care of my children and I'm not getting up till I got an answer. And sure enough, I got an answer. And so I started it. And ten days later my back was straight and I was done. And I've been doing it now for 35 years. [00:02:16] Speaker B: And it's evolved over the years. Correct? To where it is today? [00:02:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. It took me a while to feel, figure out what's the best food program because I was looking into raw food and I only lasted one orientation meeting. The two top raw food schools in the country because they start out with you don't get enzymes if you don't eat raw food. I'm like, wait a minute. Excuse me, but could you please explain to me the functions of the pancreas? And you know what? They don't know. That's a problem because it's not true. [00:02:43] Speaker B: So you started finding out that medical doctors and health experts who are licensed, for example, really don't even know how the body works. [00:02:49] Speaker A: Right? They don't know. [00:02:50] Speaker B: All right, so let's talk about. We're gonna talk about some specific things, some of the myths that maybe you are doing cause you think you're doing it because you think it's healthy for you. All right, let's talk about. You'd mentioned raw food, so we'll start there. Raw food diet. There's a lot of people who say humans are the only people that cook their food. Gorillas don't cook their food. Monkeys and chimpanzees don't cook their food. We're very close to them. Why do we have to cook our food? And when you cook food, you kill all the enzymes in the food. Thus we should only be eating raw food. [00:03:23] Speaker A: Not true. Why? Well, first of all, if everybody was that was eating cooked food was we didn't get what we need out of it, then we'd be dead, a lot of us. Right. It couldn't work. But you have to understand that the beautiful little pancreas produces 325 different enzymes after the food leaves the stomach for 23ft of enzymatic. Enzymatic breakdown in the small intestine. And so it isn't true that you don't get enzymes if you don't eat raw food, because then as long as you understand the pancreas, you know that it produces plenty of enzymes for you. [00:04:00] Speaker B: So the body is producing enzymes regardless of whether the enzymes have been killed in the cooking process. [00:04:05] Speaker A: Correct. [00:04:06] Speaker B: What about the mouth? [00:04:07] Speaker A: The mouth produces a liter and a half. The pancreas also produces a liter and a half of amylase every day just to break down your carbohydrates, which is anything that grows like a grass. And so I like to ask people, how many of you believe potato is a carb? How many of you believe that a banana is a fruit? How many of you believe that a corn is a vegetable? And all of that is wrong because a corn is a carb, a banana is a carb because it's just a grass. And a potato is a root vegetable, which breaks down differently than via the amylase in the mouth. And so it depends on how the body works to break down the food so you know what you're eating and how is it gonna work for you, right. So if you have a lot of inflammation in your body, really better to back off on your carbohydrates, so your pancreas can help with your inflammation and not work so hard on breaking down all the carbohydrates. [00:05:00] Speaker B: So a raw food diet, again, people out there, and I did a raw food diet for three months, and my poor friend Andrew Melcher was at my house when we were doing it. Cause I had a raw food chef, not a raw food cook, because they don't cook. They warm the food up a little bit. And it was brutal. It was brutal. But the whole idea was, you're getting living enzymes from raw food, and it's better to eat raw food than cooked food. And what you just suggested is when you look at people that are 100 years old around the world, maybe they eat some raw food in their diet, like a raw apple or a salad or something, but they're cooking the majority of their food and have been from the very beginning. And as you said, they didn't die. [00:05:43] Speaker A: That's right. [00:05:44] Speaker B: So do you think a raw food diet is healthy or unhealthy? [00:05:48] Speaker A: I think it's in many ways very unhealthy. Like you said, it was brutal for you. I tried it, too. It was brutal for me. I was cold all the time. I didn't seem to have my energy. You know, I will tell you, though, that when I got back from the second raw food school on the east coast, I happened to be with one of my shaman, my native american shamans, and I said, you know, white eagle, I'm really looking for what's the best way to feed people when they're doing the cleanse. Because I want them to have, you know, more softer food. I want the digestive system to have time to heal, but I don't want them to starve. Right? And he said, well, mankind raised in consciousness when they started cooking in the pot because they added the fourth element of fire. I was like, oh, well, then we're moving more towards ayurvedic medicine, which is softening the food, warming it, and letting people eat as much as they want, as long as it's soft, and the digestive system really gets a chance to really heal. Right. But, yeah, I like to add the fourth element of fire. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Well, it's funny, because when people talk about raw food, I said, yeah, try to eat some raw rice. [00:06:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:56] Speaker B: See how that's going to do. For you. I mean, look, there's certain foods that obviously need to be cooked. Cook, eat raw buckwheat or raw rice or raw wheat or raw rye, any of the grains, you have to cook them, and other vegetables. You can't eat a raw potato, can you? [00:07:12] Speaker A: Right. Well, I did when I was growing up, but not very much. And you also have to consider, what about all the people who have jaw problems, teeth problems, and they can't chew food like that. And you want to have your food so liquefied before you swallow it. And if somebody has trouble, you know, you can't eat a raw piece of meat and chew it till it's liquid if you don't have teeth. So, you know, there's always going to be exceptions on what's the best way for somebody to eat, where they're going to get the most absorption out of their nutrition to serve their body and build it. [00:07:45] Speaker B: Okay, so the bottom line here is if you're going to eat raw food, and I have a salad, right? You eat salad? [00:07:51] Speaker A: Salad. Oh, yeah. [00:07:51] Speaker B: Okay. So it's all raw vegetables. You chew it. [00:07:56] Speaker A: Explain that you chew it till it's liquid or you don't swallow it. That's very important because in your, your. [00:08:04] Speaker B: Stomach doesn't have teeth. [00:08:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Your esophagus doesn't have teeth. Your stomach doesn't have teeth. Your small intestine doesn't have teeth, and your large intestine doesn't have teeth. And each one of them is designed for something different. And your teeth are the only way that you have a blender in your body. So, you know, instead of just inhaling your food and, you know, getting it down as fast you can, you want to take time with it and chew it and make it liquid in your mouth. And you're getting the most out of it and the most information on your tongue, which is known as your information station because your tongue registers bitter, sour, astringent, salty, pungent, sweet and fat and lets your body know what's coming. And if you just inhale your food and don't chew it till it's liquid, you literally lose the game. And the problem is, the intestine is like the inside of your mouth. So if everybody runs their tongue up the inside of their mouth, that same tissue is all the way to your rectum. And what happens is that tissue is designed to absorb nutrients through the bowel wall if there's nothing in the way. And so if it's not small, small, small particles before it leaves your mouth, which the carbohydrates are designed to break down by the amylase in the mouth, and then the protein is designed to break down by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the lower part breaks down the fats. And then you have 23 of enzymatic breakdown in the small intestine. And then you have your large intestine for bacterial breakdown. But if you don't have the particles broke down before you swallow it, then you're not going to be able to get the vital nutrients through the bowel wall, even at the end of it, in the large intestine, which is supposed to be for your bacterium breakdowns. And so, you know, you have to liquefy it or you lose the game. [00:09:46] Speaker B: So bottom line, if you're going to have raw food, like a raw salad, maybe you're going to have some raw fruit, which is all perfectly good. That should be part of your diet. [00:09:53] Speaker A: Yeah, 60, you know, it's a really good to do 60, 40. So if you do 60% raw, so that means you have your a salad every day and you might have your papaya, which was good this morning. Your fruit, fruit and vegetables are a really nice thing to have that you can eat raw, but you still want to have some cooked food, right? [00:10:15] Speaker B: So if you're going to have raw food, make sure you chew, chew, chew, chew, chew until it's liquid. The enzymes gets released in the mouth and it also tells via the tongue the rest of the body. Here's what's coming. Start releasing the enzymes needed to digest this so the body can assimilate the nutrients. [00:10:36] Speaker A: Correct, perfect. Correct. [00:10:38] Speaker B: And then if you cook food that's perfectly fine too. Are you killing enzymes in the food when you cook it? [00:10:44] Speaker A: No, because the enzymes are, you got to look at where your enzymes are going to be coming from, is from the pancreas after the food leaves the stomach. So your beautiful little pancreas, which I'm going to show a picture of because your pancreas is amazing. It looks like this. It's a seven inch sea cucumber looking organ in the shape of a smile. So it looks like this. And your pancreas produces a liter and a half of amylase behind your mouth to break down your carbohydrates, which is anything that grows like a grass. And then 23ft of enzymatic breakdown for 325 different enzymes that are released after the food leaves the stomach. But before it does that, the pancreas releases a natural biocarbonate or a baking soda and neutralizes the hydrochloric acid coming out of the stomach. So then it can release all those beautiful enzymes for 23ft of enzymatic breakdown. So that's the job of the small intestine, is enzymatic breakdown in an alkaline condition. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Okay, next health hack. I talked about this just the other day, briefly, but you are the expert. Carbonation in liquidity. People drink carbonated water. Oh, give me a perrier. Give me a carbonated soda. People drink kombucha, which is carbonated. They drink soda, which is carbonated. Oh, I want to, but I got an organic ginger ale and it's made with real ginger and real organic sugarcane. Okay, that sounds good. But it has carbonation, carbonated water, anything carbonated. What is the problem when you, a person, drinks carbonated fluids? [00:12:19] Speaker A: Beverages. So, first thing I've been telling people for years before I found another study, by the way, that carbonation is a molecule of carbon and molecule of sodium that explodes all the way from your mouth to your butt. Because that's what happens. It's true. And it also, there was a new study that came out that only 8oz of just carbonated water depleted the immune system. And by 12 hours, when you say. [00:12:46] Speaker B: Depleted, what does that mean? [00:12:47] Speaker A: Deplete? That means it's not strong. So you can be exposed to a lot of different things, viruses, bacteriums, suppressed your immune system. Yes. It's just not working properly. [00:12:56] Speaker B: So if a person drinks 8oz of anything carbonated, even if it has nothing in it, like water. [00:13:03] Speaker A: Right. [00:13:04] Speaker B: Even if it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup or all the other poisons, if it has nothing in it, just 8oz of carbonated beverage water will suppress the immune system for 8 hours. Twelve minus twelve. Making a person susceptible. [00:13:19] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:13:19] Speaker B: To viral infections, bacterial infections. [00:13:23] Speaker A: Yep. All of it. You have a weakened immune system. You have to be very careful when you go out because you could be exposed to anything during that time with a weakened immune system. [00:13:32] Speaker B: So if a person, and most people drink carbonated beverages every day. [00:13:36] Speaker A: I know. [00:13:36] Speaker B: So what you're saying is every single day their immune system is weakened and their immune system is suppressed. It's not optimal. And they're walking around day after day after day after day. They're the ones most susceptible for picking up a cold or flu. [00:13:51] Speaker A: Right. [00:13:51] Speaker B: Or any type of illness. [00:13:52] Speaker A: Right. Including if your body has an injury, it can't heal without your immune system. It can't. [00:14:00] Speaker B: It'll heal, but it'll heal much slower. [00:14:02] Speaker A: Much slower. Yeah, it takes a long time, you know, and I used to be a doctor pepperaholic, I have to say. And no wonder my back couldn't heal because I wasn't drinking water, I was only drinking, drinking doctor pepper. And then after I did my process and woke up from all of this, my unawareness, two weeks later, I'm like, oh my goodness, how great. I'm going to go have a doctor pepper. And I took a swallow of it in my car and literally spewed it all over my car. Took me months to get it all clean, but I realized that there was something in it that I had already cleaned out of my body. And then that's probably the first 1st time I ever read the ingredients on a doctor pepper. And there's one word that's like really long. Can't even pronounce it. I'm like, okay, never again. And I haven't ever touched it since. But yeah, carbonation can be extremely deadly to a lot of people. [00:14:51] Speaker B: In addition to reducing or suppressing the immune system, is there anything else the carbonation does that's negative on the body? [00:14:58] Speaker A: That's. Well, and it makes a lot of air pockets, you know, that lets a lot of other things host in it, including parasites and, you know, candidas and all kinds of stuff. So it does make, you know, air pockets because of the carbonation. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Would you say that it suppresses the digestive part of the system? [00:15:17] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. The whole system is weakened from it. Your entire system is weakened from it. You know, I do want to make a little point about kombucha too, because kombucha is normally just a mushroom and it ends up fermenting itself and, you know, does pretty good. But there's a lot of kombucha bars now that because they want consistency in the bubbles, they're starting to add the carbonation. And so if you check in with your local people and say, are you adding carbonation to your kombucha? Then they're supposed to tell you the truth and you don't want to go there anymore. [00:15:51] Speaker B: What if a person's drinking kombucha, like out of a jar, let's say a. [00:15:54] Speaker A: Glass bottle again, how do you know if they haven't added carbonation? [00:15:57] Speaker B: But even if they didn't, if it's still carbonated, does it still suppress the immune system? [00:16:00] Speaker A: It's not the same. That's not the same. [00:16:02] Speaker B: So if it's natural carbonation, it doesn't have the same molecule. [00:16:04] Speaker A: Correct. [00:16:05] Speaker B: So it's not the same molecular structure as added carbonation. [00:16:09] Speaker A: Right. Like some beers naturally ferment without adding carbonation some champagnes. But there's a lot of champagnes. They do add carbonation, but there are some of them that have little tiny bubbles that that's just kind of the natural. [00:16:21] Speaker B: So the natural fermentation process that creates natural carbonation. It's not actually carbonation. [00:16:29] Speaker A: Right. [00:16:29] Speaker B: It's fermentation. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Correct. [00:16:31] Speaker B: Which is totally different than carbonation. [00:16:34] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:16:34] Speaker B: Even though they may look similar. [00:16:36] Speaker A: Correct. [00:16:36] Speaker B: Do you understand that? [00:16:37] Speaker A: And they don't do such a hard thing on your immune system either. [00:16:40] Speaker B: That's very important. So if you're drinking champagne, which is. It looks like it's naturally carbonated. No, it's actually naturally fermented, creating bubbles. That's not carbonation. It just looks that way. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Correct, correct. [00:16:52] Speaker B: And therefore, it won't suppress your immune system in the same way that artificial or man made added carbonation dust. [00:16:59] Speaker A: Right. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Is there any spring waters that are naturally fermented that have natural bubble. [00:17:03] Speaker A: You know, there used to be one around Vichy hot springs that they were doing because that has natural bubbles in it. But I don't even know if they're still working after they had a big fire a few years ago. [00:17:11] Speaker B: But would that if something came out of the ground naturally. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's already. Already naturally fermented and you're not adding anything then? It's not. [00:17:19] Speaker B: You can't find that. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Right. [00:17:21] Speaker B: Those are. [00:17:21] Speaker A: I know it passed a. They used to do it, though, but I'm not sure. [00:17:25] Speaker B: Just stay away from the carbon. [00:17:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Stay away from the car. Health is wealth, and if you want to be healthy, you got to learn what things work and what don't. And even though you might think that they taste good in the long run, they kill, and it's not worth that. It's not. You know, your health is literally everything. [00:17:44] Speaker B: We're talking with Cindy Sellers, who's the founder and director of Angel Farms. Beautiful Hawaii, the big island of Hawaii, one of the world's most premier rejuvenation cleansing health facilities on the planet. And she's also the author of this book, you don't have to hurt anymore, the enlightened way to health. She is one of the premier experts on health with over 30 plus years experience now. [00:18:10] Speaker A: 35. [00:18:11] Speaker B: Yep, 35. Over 10,000. Not happy, thrilled people that have gone through your program and you. Let's talk about that just for briefly. You've seen miracles. [00:18:21] Speaker A: I have. I'm a miracle junkie. [00:18:23] Speaker B: All right. So you're. You have a cleansing facility, and I've been to cleanse. You get the book natural cures. I talk about cleanses all the time. I talk about colonics. I talk about liver cleanses and gallbladder cleanses and spleen cleanses, heavy metal cleanses, and fat cleanses, and full body cleanses, heavy metal, everything. I say you need to clean out the inside of your body. You take a shower every day, but you don't clean out the inside of your body. You bring your car in every twelve months to get the oil and filter changed, but you don't change the oil and filter in your own car, this body here. So cleansing is vitally important. And there's a lot of places that do cleansing, whether it's fasting and colonics, and herbal cleanses, and psyllium and different things. The thing that's unique about angel farms is not only are you doing colonics and cleansing the colon, but she understands that you have to cleanse the mind and the spirit as well. [00:19:20] Speaker A: Right? [00:19:21] Speaker B: It really is the only holistic cleansing and it creates in ten days, miracles. [00:19:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:29] Speaker B: Tell us some of the people that have come here and some of the things that you've seen. [00:19:32] Speaker A: Well, we just got a call yesterday, maybe it was the day before yesterday, from a young lady that came in here with her mother that had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and confirmed with a brain making holes in it, right? And she came and did the cleanse with her mom and her mom. They did really good. And I just got a call yesterday, and she does not have. Her mother does not have Alzheimer's anymore. That's really cool. We have another cute lady who is now in her 15th week of a pregnancy that she tried, I don't know how many years to have a baby, and we have 100% babies now. And we were just waiting for her not to break my record. And we have people who, you know, diabetes is all about this beautiful organ right here too, called pancreas. You know, we see diabetes disappear because understanding what emotions cause those particular organs harm and how to correct it, is a, is a profound way of really understanding how your body works and what foods feed it, and what emotions are there, and how to course correct when you're out of alignment. And so it's really wonderful to see even a lady that's on the one right now with you came in and she said, this is so strange. My blood sugar was 136 yesterday, and I was like, don't take any medicine when it's 136 or you could put yourself into a coma, right? Because that means you don't have diabetes. And so, you know, it's a, it's absolutely phenomenon to see when the body is given the right opportunity to course correct. It just wants to. It wants to be healthy and whole and vibrant and wise and appreciated. [00:21:15] Speaker B: Let's talk about water. I did a show the other day, and I talked about water. I said, you know, I'm a big believer in spring water. Second best, I think, is filtered water. There's different kinds of filters. There's reverse osmosis. There's granular activated charcoal, which has silver impregnation in it. We both agree that distilled water is not the ideal water to drink, with the exception of a very specific therapeutic case where you drink it for a few weeks because it leeches, it pulls, and it's a water that doesn't exist in nature. [00:21:45] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:21:47] Speaker B: I guess rainwater would be also a natural thing, because throughout history, humans have consumed rainwater, but mostly spring water, out of the ground. That's the number one thing that people. Humans have tracked. Okay. I was shocked the other day when a gentleman in our group said, I can't remember. And he's not a young guy. Yeah, not a young guy. And he said, I can't remember the last time I drank water. And I heard this, and I turned around and thought, what? I mean, all I drink is water, right? And then I remembered when I was a kid, I didn't drink glasses of water. I drank cans of soda all day long. That was the liquid. And then I remember watching my mom drinking coffee all day long and soda, and I'm thinking, I don't remember her ever taking a glass of water. Water is water. Anything you put in it, even just a little squeeze of lemon, it's not water anymore. So people think I drink all day long? No, you drink juice, you drink tea, you drink coffee, you drink soda, you drink kombucha, you drink energy drinks. That's not water. Tell us about the importance of water. [00:23:06] Speaker A: So to finish that thought there, your tongue is so smart I. That it registers all those bitter, sour, stringent, salty, pungent, sweet, and fat. And so if you put a little bit of lemon in your water, then your body can pick it up that you just had a lemon, but it won't use one drop for your brain, which is 93% water, and your eyeballs, which are 96% water, and your whole body, which is 80% water, 20% mass. Or, you know, that's a little floater of a number right there, but doesn't really matter. It's a lot. And so this is why we need more water than we do mass, which is our, which is the food. Just like the earth herself, we need to follow that cycle. And so what's your question? [00:23:48] Speaker B: Well, is it the importance of drinking water? [00:23:50] Speaker A: Yeah. So I tell people two symptoms that, you know, when you're not drinking enough water, if you can see your urine, you're dehydrated. [00:23:58] Speaker B: So if it's yellow, yeah. [00:23:59] Speaker A: Except b vitamins should be pretty clear. [00:24:01] Speaker B: Unless you're taking a lot of b vitamins. If you're not taking a lot of b vitamins, your urine should be clear. [00:24:06] Speaker A: Pretty clear. Right. And if you have your dry lips all the time, that also is a huge symptom of dehydration. A lot of times, people will notice a big heaviness around their eyes where it's really hard, and they have, like, almost a headache, but not a headache. But right there, you know, that's also a big sign of dehydration because all this area isn't getting enough fluid. And so symptoms of dehydration are really easy to watch for. But a lot of people say, oh, I'm just going to go drink a glass of juice. But the juice is not going to do anything for your brain. So I tell people, if you want to avoid Alzheimer's, senility and dementias, never, ever let your brain get dehydrated. And that means, you know, the first drink of water in your morning, when you put a quart of water by your bed, and then you drink that in the morning, it goes bypass your entire system. It goes directly to your brain, is called brain food. Okay? It's like flushing old pond water out of your brain, and then you have a clear brain to really work with the whole day and create with your beautiful brain. And, you know, of course, watching how the brain reacts when you get less and less hydration in the brain, you know, people start going, I can't remember as well. You know, my. What's my best friend's name? Where's my keys? All of these things happen. And then as soon as you start hydrating them and getting that, I've had people come, where's my shoes? Where's my shoes? And they're holding them in their hands, and they come back. You know, they come back. Even there. Even. Lucille was 97, and even her hair got dark. And my motto with her was, it's never too late to regenerate, because it's true. And what about pain? Pain, yeah. Pain is also a huge precursor of dehydration, right? [00:25:51] Speaker B: Because if a person has dehydrated, they have pain. And if they just get hydrated. In many cases. I heard one guy, Darryl Stoddard, he worked with 33,000 chronic pain cases that couldn't get fixed with drugs. And they came to him and he said, kevin, half of them I cured just by getting him to drink water. [00:26:08] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:26:09] Speaker B: Just half. He goes, and the reason is, this was very interesting. He said he figured that out. This is how he figured out. He goes, he was on a farm, and there was an electric fence. And he remembered when he was a kid, you could take a dry piece of straw or a dry piece of grass and touch the electric fence and nothing would happen. And if you took a green piece of grass and touched the electric fence, what happens? You're from a farm. [00:26:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:26:36] Speaker B: You get shocked because the water is a conductor of electricity. The body is electric. If energy or qi or electricity is not flowing between the cells, you have pain. If the cells are dehydrated, it can't flow, you have pain. So he said, I bet you these people are dehydrated. So he had them drink water. And he said, I found out that some waters actually just sit in the stomach, so it doesn't even hydrate. [00:27:07] Speaker A: Right. [00:27:07] Speaker B: So certain waters are better than others. [00:27:09] Speaker A: Right, right. You know, like you said, the spring water and just clean, filtered water. Ro is a nice one, as long as you keep your filters up. [00:27:17] Speaker B: Yeah, clean the filters. Yeah, we talked about that the other day. I said, you gotta clean your filters. People get a filter. Then I just. I've had a filter here for six years. What do you mean? I need a new one. [00:27:25] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Just change your filter. It's easy. But, yeah, you know, I've found that people with fibromyalgias, which is like, can be extremely deep, debilitating people that have lots of pain in their thigh muscles and in their legs, if they just drink water, all that tissue starts to hydrate and starts to pump and move more fluid. And so then the pain just goes away in the feet. You know, I've seen toes uncurl and hammer toes unfold, and arthritis, you know, a lot of people that have arthritis just don't drink water. And then when they start hydrating, you know, that has an opportunity to heal. [00:28:02] Speaker B: And so the hack is drink water. [00:28:06] Speaker A: Work on a gallon a day. [00:28:08] Speaker B: I know she's a big gallon a day drinker. [00:28:10] Speaker A: Best of your ability, drink water. [00:28:11] Speaker B: You know, I like water. [00:28:13] Speaker A: I do, too. [00:28:13] Speaker B: Now, somebody said, if you drink too much water, it's going to deplete you of minerals or overtax to kidneys. What's your feeling about that? [00:28:20] Speaker A: I don't believe that's true. You know, the only exception, of course, would be if somebody hasn't drank any water and all of a sudden they're going to drink like, you know, two gallons. And there was a lady who actually passed away drinking too much water to win a Nintendo at a fair, and she wasn't a water drinker, and she just drank, drank, drank water and literally threw up and drowned in her own, in the water. And so there, you know, there's exceptions to that, too. You just don't want to drink two gallons of water all at once. [00:28:47] Speaker B: So if a person's not drinking any water right now, start with like six or eight. [00:28:50] Speaker A: Yes. Eight ounce glasses a day, everything out. Get your tea and your juices and everything out of your diet. [00:28:57] Speaker B: That way you're not putting up, putting liquid in your body and overtaxing the kidneys. [00:29:02] Speaker A: Right, right. [00:29:03] Speaker B: Okay. In your book, you have a section here and highly recommend and endorse this book. It will be on my recommended list very soon. The first chapter is water and the kidneys. I mean, that's how fanatical she is about water. Oh, and you even got about premenstrual syndrome. [00:29:22] Speaker A: Water helps that, too. You know, it's a blood flow, and you have to be able to have enough water to move it to clean the uterus so that people don't have as much cramps and their, you know, their, their flow. But it's a liquid. It has to have water to help it move and clean itself. [00:29:40] Speaker B: Okay, now you have a whole chapter in here. And by the way, this, the chapters are amazing. She talks about the spleen, the heart and the lung, the digestion. Let's talk about digestion. Digestive enzymes, big thing. Everybody says, oh, you need to take digestive enzymes with your food. If you're eating a lot of protein, you need to have hydrochloric acid, you know, HCL. Right. Because that's what's going to break. That's what's in your stomach. You break down protein. [00:30:04] Speaker A: Right. [00:30:05] Speaker B: So if you're eating a lot of protein, obviously your body is dumb, doesn't produce enough. So here you need to have some. But the argument is, as we get older, our body starts producing less hydrochloric acid. And if I eat a big steak tomorrow night, which I'm not going to do because I'm doing the cleanse. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Right. Well, and from now on, you're chew it till it's liquid. [00:30:25] Speaker B: If I do, I'll chew it till it's liquid. I'll actually put down my fork and knife. [00:30:30] Speaker A: I'm like a cow. Okay. [00:30:34] Speaker B: But the argument is, as you get older, your digestive enzymes in the stomach and so forth are less than they were when I was 25. Therefore, if I have a big protein meal, I should take some digestive enzymes, primarily hydrochloric acid. Retort. [00:30:50] Speaker A: What is your not true? Because if your body, your stomach lining makes the hydrochloric acid, and it replaces a brand new stomach lining every five to seven days, and it doesn't stop because you're not 20 anymore, because you're 80, it's still going to do the same thing. It's the job. This is the job of the beautiful body. It's going to still make your pancreas is still going to produce the 325 different enzymes after the food that leaves the stomach. Unless you don't have a pancreas. And I don't know anybody who's ever been who doesn't have a pancreas. It's one of those things that your body just can't. Your liver can't pick up the job of a pancreas. The. Yeah, yeah. You know, the body is still going to do its job. You know, the key to it is understanding what it is that you're doing when you're eating. So if you're chewing your food till liquid, not overfilling your stomach, you know, 80%, 80, 20%, like the japanese prayer I was telling everybody about, you know, don't overfill your stomach. So it moves really, really well, like a washing machine. And so all the hydrochloric acid mixes because it's designed to break down the proteins. And then at the lower end of the stomach, it breaks down the fat, because then the liver puts in a little bit of bile and helps break down fat. Then it is all neutralized, and then the body produces that 325 different enzymes, and the body is still going to produce those kind of enzymes, even if you're 104 or if you're one. [00:32:14] Speaker B: But what about the person who says, when I take digestive enzymes, I feel better, I don't get gassy or bloated, and if I don't take digestive enzymes, I feel like nothing's digesting, and I just don't feel as well when they actually say, I definitely feel the difference. [00:32:33] Speaker A: Yeah. So then something's going on. There's a problem in their digestive tract, whether the pancreas isn't working properly, whether the liver is not, which is generally that's if you're having a lot of bloating, there's gonna be some liver issues that are going on. It's about having the organs not working all in alignment like they're supposed to, so it's gonna be causing you problems. And if you're having bloating and feeling like something sitting on your stomach, then there's definitely a problem going on with the digestive tract and the organs that are not doing what they need to be doing. [00:33:05] Speaker B: What about if a person says, okay, I'm fine, except when I eat a lot? [00:33:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Then that's not good. Everybody. You know, I like to tell people, if you put your hands together and put your hands on top of your hands, liquefied, that's all your stomach can properly break down in one sitting. And if you overeat, that's the time that you would need enzymes to help your body out. But only if you overeat, because then most people. [00:33:28] Speaker B: That's every meal I know the guy's watching going, okay, well, I need them every meal then, because I'm overeating every meal. I'm not eating this much. I'm eating this much. [00:33:36] Speaker A: I've had people come in and take an enzyme, every bite they eat, and they're almost killing their pancreas. [00:33:43] Speaker B: So when you take. But again, if somebody's out there, and let's be realistic, most people overeat. I mean, in America, you see the portion size. I had a friend of mine from Europe, we went to a place called carmines in Chicago, and she's never been to America before. And I bring it to this place downtown Chicago. This is 20 years ago. And she says, well, I don't know what to order. Why don't you? I'll have the same thing you're having. I said, I'm having the veal parmesan. She says, okay, well, whatever it is, I'll have that, too. So the plate comes out. The plate was this big, big plate. It's an oval plate with two pieces of veal about that big. [00:34:15] Speaker A: Oh, my. [00:34:16] Speaker B: One on top of the other. And they put it down in front of her and in front of me. Then they bring a big, huge bowl of pasta for me and a big, huge bowl of pasta for her. And she's looking at this, and she's looking around going, is this a joke? Is this like. Are you playing a joke on me? I go, what's the matter? She goes, this is, like, for a family of four. For one her. Just hers. Not both of, just hers. She goes, this is. I go, welcome to America. And then she looks around. She was skinny as a rail, by the way. Then she looks around and goes, no wonder everybody's fat in this country. I go, no kidding. So the point is, look, people out there, they're gonna do what they do. So if you're not eating this much food, right. [00:35:00] Speaker A: Well, your hands on top of your. [00:35:02] Speaker B: Hands, nobody's eating that for you. Eat more. I see that. I see the breakfast, when I go to the breakfast place, I go to lunch, but I see what they were. So they're all, you're all ordering. You're eating more than that. Then maybe you should take a digestive enzyme. [00:35:15] Speaker A: Yeah. If you're overeat, for sure. [00:35:17] Speaker B: Okay. [00:35:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it'll help. But it's better if you, if you eat smaller foods more often and smaller meals more often, and then, so you. [00:35:26] Speaker B: Can eat the same amount, just not in one sitting, and then you won't need the digestive enzymes. And if you're not taking the digestive enzymes, in addition to saving money by buying digestive enzymes, you're allowing the body to work properly as opposed to being overtaxed. [00:35:41] Speaker A: Correct, correct. And the body is a, is a perfect design. It's designed to break it all down, but you just can't overload it, and you can't be in a hurry about it. And you just got to take your time with your, with your beautiful ability to eat. You know, one of the things ayurvedic medicine talks about is if you spend lots of time with food in your mouth and really get all the taste out of it, it's a, it's a great way to keep your weight at a good, at a good weight. And you get so much more yumminess out of life if you take time with it, because, you know, one of the reasons we incarnated is because of our senses. And so if we're not really taking the time to taste food, we're really not tasting life. You know, we miss it. And so it's nice to just take your time with it and be the last one done and be proud of yourself. And if you can't chew up a celery string, be proud of yourself and spit it out. You know, don't, don't swallow. If you can't chew it till liquid, don't swallow it. [00:36:40] Speaker B: Let's talk about liver cleanse. One of the cleanses I recommend in the book, natural cures they don't want you to know about, is you need to cleanse up. Cleanse the liver. The liver is a filter. [00:36:52] Speaker A: In the body, it is a filter. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Why does a person have to cleanse the liver? I mean, an animal in the wild doesn't cleanse their liver. [00:37:03] Speaker A: They kind of do. Ah, tell me again. I grew up on a farm, and every year our, our cattle and our horses would go out and eat all the milk thistle and all the, there was a specific sage that they ate and, and some of the, of the horsetail, and they just, they only did it one time a year, usually in the spring, and they're just go, chomp it all. And then, whoa. Have a big bowel movement. And then they were good all the, all year. But you could see how they were just cleansing themselves once a year. Once a year. [00:37:38] Speaker B: So those are the herbs that traditionally cleanse the liver? [00:37:43] Speaker A: Well, they milk thistle dust. And again, especially for animals, they're going to naturally go and eat the things that they need to do. You know, in Hawaii, people used to do coconut, I mean, kakui nuts, and half of one. Whoa. And that was part of their tradition every spring that everybody ate. Like, they had a big cleansing situation where somebody, which cleanses the liver, which cleanse the bowels. And then when the bowels are moving, the liver is more easily able to clear itself as well. [00:38:12] Speaker B: Okay? Now, obviously, people around the world, because people are watching this from all over the world, America is probably the worst, but there are other countries that are bad, too. Our diet is full of its ultra processed food, its chemicals, theres pesticides, theres herbicides, its fungicides, genetically modified stuff. Theres all these chemicals put in the food. Were ingesting it. Were ingesting chemicals in what we drink, the air we breathe. All this has to get filtered by the liver. So the liver is overworked compared to your beautiful horse that you grew up with. Okay. Or the cow. Right. So we definitely need to cleanse our liver. What happens, what are the benefits when somebody cleanses the liver? [00:38:57] Speaker A: Well, it opens up your filtration system, which is, it's kind of like never having your oil changed in your car. How long would your car run properly before it's coughing and choking? So it's the same principle is when the liver is, it gets clear. You know, like, like, for instance, one of the cute ladies on this cleanse had almost no color in her feet or her face even. She was like, so pale. I'm like, oh, my gosh. [00:39:23] Speaker B: Young girl, too. [00:39:24] Speaker A: Yeah, young girl. And now she's like, pink. And she said, I'm not cold anymore. She's been cold since she could remember. And, whoa. What she got out of her liver was kind of extraordinary, but she's like, I feel so warm. And, and she said she could feel the blood moving down her legs into her feet. And so, yeah, the liver is a, you know, what happens is, let's say you have an injury or an illness, and, well, or let's say you have an injury and you fell down on some asphalt, you got a piece of dirt in the injury, and the injury heals over, and yet there's still particles of dirt or asphalt or something in the body. And so what'll happen is the, the bloodstream will pick that up, take it to the liver. The liver immediately wraps it with fat in order so it won't get to your heart or your brain. It would kill you because it loves you so much and holds that. And so those particles then are now in your filter system, not allowing somewhere in your body a blood vessel to get clean blood all the way through. And so the more it happens, the less we have, we're able to have good circulation. Our fats don't break down properly. You know, it's a 535 functioning organ. So there's lots of reasons why we need to be able to know how to get it clear once we know how to get it all out. It's very important at angel farms, too, that we teach people how do we cleanse our liver without hurting ourselves or others, because you can't just dump the liver and not think that it can get out. Like, for instance, one of the people today, and so they're on their 9th day, still had a rope. One of our ladies that was about that big and just solid rubber. Right. And how she can get came out of the colon. Came out of the colon. And how she going to get in after nine days. Yeah. Angel farms were the only cleanse that actually goes all the way and gets the right side. And so far, we've never had a right hip surgery. Yay. And, and many, many hundreds and hundreds. [00:41:25] Speaker B: Which means people who came here who had problems with their right hIPAA, number. [00:41:28] Speaker A: One hip replacement is the right hip because, because of starvation in that area, all the good food comes in from the small intestine empties in front of the ileal area and has to go uphill. And gravity doesn't always help it and stress doesn't help it. And worms like to hang out over there. Big ones. [00:41:44] Speaker B: You've seen that, you've seen a lot of parasites come up? [00:41:46] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, over 6ft long, even on this cleanse. [00:41:51] Speaker B: I mean, isn't that unbelievable? [00:41:53] Speaker A: Yeah. And they're all over here. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Some look like a big spider nest. [00:41:56] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. They are a nestez. They're a nest, a colony. And, you know, I was. I did a radio show a few years ago in California and the lady who, who was hosting the show actually had just done the cleanse. And so we actually started talking about parasites on the radio. And when I was driving home from the studio, this, this pathologist got a hold of me and he said, you're the only one that ever talks about all the parasites over there on the right side. And he said, when I open people up, it is fully loaded. And I told him, I said, you know, isn't interesting that what I have found is the closer people are to death, the more worms they have. So I do think that they do serve their purpose, to help in the systematic shutdown of the organs, too. But, you know, when we can be free of that and we sleep better, we digest better, we aren't so irritable and antsy and we don't have the pain or. And another thing too, is we don't feel like after we eat, we're still hungry. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Well, let's talk about weight loss and the liver, because everyone has a clogged liver, and if the liver is clean, everybody feels better, they have more energy, circulation improves. Does it have any effect on losing weight? [00:43:11] Speaker A: Yes, because the liver is the only organ that breaks down the ends that has the enzyme that breaks down fat. And so once the liver is clear, it just. I see people go into what's called a melting effect, which you're going to see that on one of our ladies that's here. She already, is already swelling immensely, but she's going to go into a melting effect. And so I would say in the next 30 days, she's going to have lost over, I would say, between 70 and 80 pounds a month. [00:43:36] Speaker B: Just because she cleaned her liver. [00:43:37] Speaker A: Yep. [00:43:38] Speaker B: Without trying to lose weight. [00:43:39] Speaker A: Right. Yeah. It's why I don't have a scale here, because I'm not. I don't want people to focus on their weight. I want people to focus on health and education and how do we get clear and reroute our ideas about ourselves. Right. And so she's doing really great, though. But she's already melting. [00:43:59] Speaker B: Now, your liver cleanse here, we are sworn to secrecy, not to reveal it, because it has to be done under the supervision of an expert to make sure it's all done properly. And you don't have any issues, correct? [00:44:11] Speaker A: Correct. Okay, thank you. [00:44:12] Speaker B: So we're not going to share that. Is there anything over the counter that people can buy to maybe not go as deep as your liver cleanse, but at least give a person some benefit? [00:44:23] Speaker A: So, you know the thistle properly, and there's thistle in different thistles, and if you get a variety of them, the body likes that better. It is great to support the liver, but, you know, the biggest thing that you have to look at with the liver is anger, because the liver is the anger center. And so when you're angry at, say, the president or the ex president, or your neighbor, or your partner or your ex partner, then that anger just gets in there, and then it's going to hold on to those stones and those particles in the liver, because we haven't let that go. We haven't forgiven or forgiven ourselves for judging them so harshly in the first place. And so my recommendation is, if you want to really help your liver, look at how you need to go deeper into forgiveness, how you need to go deeper into letting go of anger, because every time you're angry, you deplete your immune system by 5 hours, 12 hours with carbonation. Right. And every time you're angry, you know you're actually hurting yourself by your liver and hurting other people, and that's really not your intention. [00:45:25] Speaker B: Now, you do an exercise here, where you have all of us grab a piece of paper, and on one side, we put worst. So tell us about that. [00:45:32] Speaker A: So I have people write ten of the very worst things. This is a really good. A good thing to do for your liver. Ten of the worst things they've ever done that's ever happened to you in your life. So people place their events, have most pissed you off, hurt you, or made you angry. [00:45:45] Speaker B: Somebody cheated on me, somebody left me, somebody robbed me, somebody filed a lawsuit against me. [00:45:55] Speaker A: All of that. Your attorneys, your contractors, that ripped you off, all of that. [00:46:04] Speaker B: People, when you think of them, you go, that's the one you want. [00:46:08] Speaker A: That's the one. [00:46:09] Speaker B: When you think about somebody and you. [00:46:12] Speaker A: Write it down, write their name down. You don't have to write the whole story, but write their name down. And then do try to do ten. I had one lady who had 75, and she got over it, changed her life. But she did 75, 75 things she was so angry at. [00:46:24] Speaker B: Start with ten. [00:46:25] Speaker A: Start with ten. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Start with ten. [00:46:27] Speaker A: Ten's good. [00:46:27] Speaker B: Unless you want to go to 75. Some people say, I can write a. [00:46:31] Speaker A: Book, and then I have them turn the paper over and write ten or more of the very best people, places or events, have most blessed your life with the greatest love and the greatest happiness and all that. [00:46:43] Speaker B: My dog. [00:46:44] Speaker A: Yeah. And then you're going to find that many that were on the worst side are on the best side, can be your partner, can be your siblings, your aunties, your uncles, your grandparents, whatever. And so they're going to be on the same side and you're going to go, thank you, God, for all the things that made me angry. So you're going to take a moment and thank God for every single one of them, because in each one of them is a gift to help co design who you are right now, which is amazing. You don't want to be. You don't want to be holding on to that, but you want to use them. [00:47:13] Speaker B: You're going to thank the people that you go when I think of. You're going to thank them for making you angry or for doing something bad to you. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Yeah. Thank them for being in your life to help co create who you are. Because they, you know, it's like sometimes we have to. [00:47:29] Speaker B: It's hard to do, though. [00:47:29] Speaker A: It is hard, but it's necessary. You can't get into your true heart and your true love when you're still holding on to people, places and events of the past that aren't even happening. This is where I like to tell people, too, that humans are the most insane species on the planet, because we're the only ones who keep being angry over things that aren't happening anymore. And like, I used to like using an example of my little dog, and if somebody steps on him, he's going to yipe and move, but he certainly, then he might go lay down and get on with his happy self. But humans, no, that person stepped on me 15 years ago or 30 years ago, I'm still going to be really angry at them instead of like, whatever. And most of the things I find that people who, that they're mad at, those people don't even know that they're mad at them. And so they're developing cancers and liver diseases and all of this stuff. And the person who they're angry at doesn't even know they're mad at that. [00:48:18] Speaker B: You found people that came to angel Farms, your health rejuvenation facility, that had anger. You could see it. [00:48:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:29] Speaker B: And unless they released that, they were going to die, right? [00:48:34] Speaker A: Absolutely. And I tell them that sometimes, like, one lady who had some tumors in her uterus and already perforated in the wall, which is not a good thing. And she came to do the cleanse before she did any other therapies. And so when I'm getting close to the liver and I'm like, who's making you mad and pissing you off? Here's her neighbor. And I said. I said, oh, so what's your. What's this? What's this about? And she said, he's a jerk. And I said, well, how long has he been a jerk? Nine years. When was the last time you talked to him? Nine years ago. I said, so do you, have you changed in nine years and grown? Maybe. Well, do you think he had an opportunity to do so? Maybe. I said, so, okay, so you're gonna take some bananas. She's in Hawaii to your neighbor in the morning, and you're gonna. You're gonna tell him aloha. And she said, oh, no, I'm not. And I said, well, then your choice is to die. Well, that's rude. I said, I'm only going to tell you the truth, my love, because you have to let this go. If you want to heal this, you have to. Because it's the anger and the hatred and the grudges and resentment is self destructive, so you have to let this go. So she goes over to her neighbor the next morning and knocking on the door, and she said, I want you to know I forgive you. And he said, for what? And she said, you know, when we got in that big argument nine years ago when you moved in? And he said, we did. I didn't know that. I just think you guys are the best neighbors ever. I wave to you every day. I'll be there to help you if you ever need anything. But I've never been mad at you. And she said, really? And then she went home that day and she realized all the people she thought that she would be angry at, maybe they don't even know it. And so she let it all go. And guess what? That was the end of the cancer she never even had. She's had two babies since then, too, by the way. [00:50:17] Speaker B: So when we talk about cleansing, I mentioned colon cleansing, liver cleansing, which is really important. They're all important, correct? [00:50:24] Speaker A: Yep. [00:50:25] Speaker B: Okay. The most important cleanse is what? [00:50:28] Speaker A: Spiritual. Always spiritual. [00:50:30] Speaker B: It's letting go of all this stuff we're holding on. [00:50:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Because, you know, we. Here's what happens. When we're in utero and we're about two weeks into the to be before we're born, and we're just putting on weight, we pull up what's called a veil and we cause ourselves to forget who we are. So we have this crazy journey of who we're not. So that means we would feel not loved, but that's not true. We would feel unworthy, and that's not true. We would feel stupid, and that's never true. We would feel not good enough, and that's not true either. We would feel not important and not wanted. That's not true. We would feel, why am I here? What's my purpose? It's big, and it's called love. We would feel alone, separate and disconnected. That's not true. Because you're always connected to your source, and the rest of it doesn't really matter. And so all of those aren't true, but we all do a journey of it. And from the time we're in utero until around eight years old, everything we're told or made to feel we believe is true. So if we're told or made to feel that we're any of those stupid or worthless or not good enough, these become our belief systems. And then around age eight, what develops in the brain is known as a critical factor or our ability to reason. That's about, hey, kids, don't listen. When we stop believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. So easy. But after that, we're making decisions in our life based on beliefs we picked up before we ate. We don't even know where the heck they came from, and most of them aren't even ours. They're somebody we trusted. And so in order for true healing to be everlasting, we need to correct those, those core beliefs when they began. Sometimes in utero, sometimes, you know, 2345-6789 I mean, eight. Around eight. I was nine when I stopped believing in Santa, so I was a little bit later, but, you know, but getting those core beliefs corrected and then getting the connection back to source is really the greatest. One of the greatest things that happens at angel Farms is my. Is I love, you know, watching people connect up to their source and then it's between, like, mother traces is it's never been between you and them anyway. It's always only between you and goddess. And so then you have your deep connection with God, and then your life can really take off and really have this, like, intense bliss and happiness. No matter what's going on around you, you can't disconnect your connection with your source because it's there before you came in, in utero. [00:52:48] Speaker B: Where God is, I am. [00:52:51] Speaker A: Where I am, God is, always has been, is now always will be. [00:52:56] Speaker B: Yeah, we could talk for hours and hours and hours. I'm with Cindy Sellers, who's the director, founder of Angel Farms, one of the greatest rejuvenation health clinics, cleansing clinics, what do you actually call it? [00:53:12] Speaker A: It's a cleanse rejuvenation process. [00:53:15] Speaker B: Cleanse rejuvenation process. And the author of you don't have to hurt anymore. Angelfarms.com is the website. We'll put it on the screen, angelfarms.com dot. And you do a free call? [00:53:25] Speaker A: I do. [00:53:26] Speaker B: Every Sunday, right? [00:53:27] Speaker A: Every Sunday. Yep. At 11:00 Hawaii time. And that number if you want. [00:53:32] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, we'll put that up on the screen as well. Give it up. [00:53:34] Speaker A: Okay, so it's 712-432-3900 and the access code is 365540 pound sign. And we do it every Sunday at 11:00 Hawaii time. [00:53:47] Speaker B: 11:00 yeah, 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. i Hawaii time every Sunday. You can go to the website also angelfarms.com. and it's right there as well. [00:53:54] Speaker A: Right, right. [00:53:55] Speaker B: So you can find all the details. If you want her book, it's [email protected]. if you want to listen to Sydney, Amazon, if you want to listen to Cindy for free on the Sunday call, you can tune in. And, you know, if you ever want to consider coming here, it's something obviously I endorse strongly and recommend connecting to source and letting go. The two most things, important things you. [00:54:18] Speaker A: Can do and water. [00:54:19] Speaker B: And water. Well, the three most important things you can do for your health. [00:54:21] Speaker A: Right, right. [00:54:22] Speaker B: So what do you know? You say actually, the two most important things to do for your health are. [00:54:26] Speaker A: Loving and drinking water. That's your job. Every day when you wake up, I gotta love and I gotta drink water, and the rest of it is gravy. You gotta. Well, actually, I also teach this because I like things to be simple so you can teach it to your children. So every day you should be eating seven different vegetables, two fruit, two protein, one carb, which is your grains and your grasses, a gallon of water and a lot of love. And so that's a good, easy recipe that you can teach to your children too, and not get it lost in the translation. [00:54:54] Speaker B: Do you find when people come that the biggest challenge they have, I mean, going through the cleanse and doing the mechanics, that's easy because they just do it. You tell them what to do, they do it. But the biggest challenge is letting go of resentment, anger, guilt, those type of things, sadness. They can't let it go. Right. [00:55:12] Speaker A: Well, they. The reason why that's the biggest thing. [00:55:16] Speaker B: That's the biggest challenge they have. [00:55:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:55:18] Speaker B: That's having an adverse effect on their health. [00:55:20] Speaker A: Well, and it's also because they don't know that the pancreas is associated with sadness. And the. And the liver is anger, and the kidneys are judgment and criticism, and they don't understand how our organs are great teachers for us. And so once we understand it, and as we go each day, we do these awesome little classes where we teach it. Today we're in the kidneys, and today we're going to look at all judgments and criticisms and let it go. And then it begins because, you know, the kidneys process 50 gallons of fluid every day, and they're very important. And we don't want to be on kidney dialysis because we judge and criticize. Right. [00:55:55] Speaker B: So all the organs are adversely affected, not just by toxins that we're taking in, but adversely affected by particular emotions. So liver is anger. [00:56:07] Speaker A: Judgment and criticism. [00:56:08] Speaker B: The liver. [00:56:09] Speaker A: No, the kidneys. [00:56:10] Speaker B: Oh, no, the liver. Liver is anger. [00:56:12] Speaker A: Right. Liver is anger. [00:56:13] Speaker B: Liver is anger. And you always tell a funny story about you and the other staff at Angel Farms when you're doing. [00:56:19] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Like, are we going to get a liver stone over this? And then we make a choice. No, but sometimes they say, yeah, so anger. [00:56:27] Speaker B: Anger is the liver. And if you're angry without letting it go, the liver is going to develop a stone. [00:56:34] Speaker A: Correct. [00:56:35] Speaker B: And it's going to reduce its effectiveness. To break down fat, it's going to make you gain weight. Anger. And it can cause a whole bunch. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Of health problems, including liver failure. So people end up on liver transplant lists. [00:56:47] Speaker B: Okay, not fat. Kidneys. What's the emotion with kidney? [00:56:49] Speaker A: Judgment and criticism. So the kidneys are known by the ancients as the reins of humans. Reigns the rains. So when your goal is to live on what we call in Hawaii the Nani Kaala road or the beauty road of loving, anytime when you rain off this way, because you're gonna judge and criticize others, which is your left kidney, or you're gonna rain off this way because you're judging yourself, which is your right kidney, you're off the beauty road of loving. And so what you want to do is get yourself back on this is loving. And I'm not gonna judge and I criticize anybody anymore. I can bless them. I don't have to agree with the behavior, but I am not going to judge and criticize them. And hurt myself over their behavior. And so the kidneys are, you know, they're also the final filtration system to your beautiful heart through your biggest internal vein called your aorta, which is the diameter of a garden hose. And this is why heart disease and kidney disease are so closely related by an aorta. Right. And so it's really important that we understand that, you know, the kidneys, you know, it starts the first day at Angel Farms is your left kidney and the 10th day is the right kidney. So we work on that all the way through. You're going to judge and criticize. Are you going to let that go and send blessings? Right? What are you going to do with that one? So on it. [00:58:08] Speaker B: Get her book. Get her book. Go to angelfarms.com. get her book. Cindy is great as always. [00:58:14] Speaker A: Me too. I want to share one other thing about the spleen. [00:58:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:58:17] Speaker A: Because this is important. You know, when you talk about how doctors and nurses and don't always know what, what is going on with the organs and stuff, you know, it interesting how one of the greatest diseases that is happens all over the place is autoimmune system issues. It's a big deal, right. And so how do they treat that? Across the board is anti inflammatories and steroids. Right. To suppress the white cell count so that the red count can come back up. So with autoimmune system issues, the white count is too high. Right. So the immune system is attacking itself. And what is causing that problem? So we have this little organ called the spleen, which is, again, another fist size organ. And the spleen is, and I'm so surprised all the time how doctors don't know this one and how they could help so many of their patients when they understand what happens with the spleen and the immune system. Okay, so your spleen is a little red blood cell reservoir, and it's your lymphocyte, your lymphocytes and red blood cells mature in your spleen before they're released. So when people are anemic or whatever, you know that they're not mature enough to be released. And what happens is, is that when you have an infection or an illness and the immune system is out there fighting it, the spleen's back there getting ready. Getting ready with red blood cells and lymphocytes. And when it recognizes the autoimmune, that the illness or the injury is over, it shoots instructions at 238 mph. You can't even catch that thought to the middle of your brain in your pineal gland and that pineal gland then shoots that, those instructions at that same massive rate of speed to your beautiful little adrenals, which sits on top of your kidneys, and they're the organs that release the natural steroid into the system to suppress white cell production. So why is that we have to have predisones or steroids to suppress white cereal production when we have adrenals that are designed to do that? Because people aren't in because they're worrying and they're what's next and how am I going to figure out next week? And they're. So what I found across the board is people who have autoimmune system issues are worriers. They're not in. So you can't, you can't reach that triad of information from your spleen to your pineal gland to your adrenals to suppress white cell production. And so when a physician understands what the spleen is about, they can teach people how to get present with our fantasized emotion appearing real system and love themselves, because the spleen happens to be your center of self love. So if you're not really, really, really, really loving yourself, what do you think you're doing to your own immune system? Is you're compromising it because you're expecting other people to make your immune system strong and not your own self love. That does it for yourself. You're not responsible for other people's immune system, only your own by self loving. And so the spleen is a very important, confused organ that many people don't even understand how to help people with autoimmune system issues and how all they have to do is practice presence. And by the way, on my website, I have an angel instant fear release technique. For all of you that do have autoimmune system issues, go print that out and do it every day and you'll get back in, into present and you're going to find that your immune system will regulate itself. [01:01:24] Speaker B: Do you find that people who come think that other people are responsible for their happiness? [01:01:30] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:31] Speaker B: Tell us about that. [01:01:32] Speaker A: Yeah, well, my husband, you know, he didn't tell me, I love you enough, or my wife didn't, or my mother didn't, or my, you know, always somebody else is responsible for their illness, their unhappiness. They're instead of their own, you know, you have to own your journey or you can never change it. And you stay a victim, and nobody's a victim here. [01:01:53] Speaker B: And you're not responsible for anybody else's happiness either. [01:01:55] Speaker A: No, you're not. No, you're not. [01:01:57] Speaker B: So you're gonna let that go? [01:01:58] Speaker A: Yeah, let it go. [01:01:58] Speaker B: All right, we got one more health hack. You talked about it today. Many people take antibiotics. Look, drugs and surgery. Thank God we have them. Thank God we have hospitals. I always say it, if I'm in a car wreck, rush me to the closest emergency room. I want a Harvard trained medical doctor to use drugs and surgery to save my life. [01:02:17] Speaker A: Life. [01:02:18] Speaker B: Then get me out of there so I can heal. But in crisis care, you can't get better than western medicine. [01:02:26] Speaker A: Right, okay. Right. They're the best. [01:02:27] Speaker B: And one of the things that is very effective and it prevents deaths is antibiotics. But it's also overly used. Okay. Yeah, but when it's. When it should be used, it can save lives. [01:02:41] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:02:42] Speaker B: No question about that. And there's natural antibiotics, and they're not as effective as a real antibiotic. When you're in a crisis and about to die and you have. They're going to amputate your leg. [01:02:53] Speaker A: That's the real thing. [01:02:54] Speaker B: Right. [01:02:54] Speaker A: Okay. [01:02:55] Speaker B: But there's a problem. The problem is the misunderstanding about what antibiotics do. They kill viruses. And actually, biotics, they kill bacteria, but they also kill all the friendly flora, your gut, in your large intestine. Right. So when you take an antibiotic, you're setting yourself up to have a candida yeast overgrowth and all types of problems, because in addition to the antibiotic, doing the good job, killing the bad bacteria that's causing your problem, it's also killing the good bacteria, the friendly flora that you need. So what some people do is they take probiotics when they take their antibiotics, thinking, hey, I'm taking an antibiotic which is killing all the friendly flora, I better replace it. So I take some probiotics, explain why that's wrong. [01:03:49] Speaker A: Because you're giving the antibiotic something to kill other than your infection. And so when people do that and then they go back in because they're still sick or still have the infection, and they have to go on a stronger antibiotic because they had given their antibiotic something to kill by taking the flora rather than kill the infection. And so it's better if you don't take anything except the antibiotic, follow the regime until it's done, and then you pound your flora, then you do your yogurts and your flora supplementation for about a good couple of weeks to build back all your bowel flora. And it does, and it doesn't hurt to just take them by mouth as long as you have a really good one. That has a plethora of different kinds of flora. [01:04:33] Speaker B: So if a person's taking antibiotic to take a CPRO or some antibiotic, and they give the data two week protocol. So for those two weeks, I do not take any flora. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Not even yogurt? [01:04:44] Speaker B: Nope. No probiotics. And nothing with probiotics in them. [01:04:49] Speaker A: Correct. [01:04:50] Speaker B: So no yogurt. [01:04:51] Speaker A: Right. [01:04:51] Speaker B: What else? How about fermented food like sauerkraut or kombucha that has all probiotics in it, right? [01:04:58] Speaker A: It does. So ideally, I wouldn't take anything with any acidophilus bifidus, any of it. [01:05:03] Speaker B: Right. So ideally, you want to stay away from anything with the probiotics while you're taking the antibiotic so that the antibiotic doesn't have extra stuff to kill, it should be focused on killing what is there for, which is the bacteria which is causing you the problem. Otherwise, they keep jacking up the strength of the antibiotic and it keeps causing all types of problems. When you're done with the antibiotic, that's when you eat your yogurt, have your sauerkraut, have your kimchi, have your kombucha, or take your flora, your probiotic capsules or whatever. Then you pound it because you need to replenish the friendly flora that was killed, that was there. But you're not giving extra friendly flora for the antibiotic to be concerned with. It's a good hack. I'm telling you right now. It's a big hack that's going to save a lot of big issues. Again. We could talk forever. I have to take you back to the house. You don't have to hurt anymore. Angelfarms.com. you can go get all the information there. Cindy is one of the most knowledgeable people. We could talk for hours and hours. It's really, really, really, really great book. I'm Kevin Trudeau. This is everything they don't want you to know about. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. Make sure you like the video. Make sure you leave comments. Make sure you share the video with everybody you know. And check out our other websites. You can go to ktfanclub.com. a lot of information there. We'll put that website up so you, if you haven't noticed that, you can go there. We have the Kt Legal Defense Fund. If you don't know about that, go there. There's a whole big drama going on. You can go there. Globalinformationnetwork.com. if you're not a member, go there. I'm gonna bring you out and speak at one of our events at Global Information Network. So that'll be a lot of fun. I'm Kevin Trudeau. We'll see you next time. Remember, God loves you. And so do we. [01:06:51] Speaker A: So do we. Aloha. [01:06:52] Speaker B: Bye bye.

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