Episode 58

October 21, 2024


Real People Share Their Shocking Success Stories! | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 58

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau gives a deeper look at the history of his legal situation and the miracles that are happening today! Kevin shares some POWERFUL testimonials and comments from people’s experiences in going through the teachings and trainings that he provides. A Must-Watch episode!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 4:39 Kevin Trudeau: What really happened?
  • 10:48 There’s no debtors prison in the US?
  • 15:51 Branding Kevin Trudeau backfires!
  • 20:18 The $8 Million “Receiver Fee” theft
  • 31:10 Miracle number one
  • 36:15 The 5 Miracles
  • 40:03 Comments and testimonials to the power of Kevin Trudeau’s teachings
  • 58:40 Breakthrough research on communication via dreams
  • 1:03:57 The GIFT to you


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com





  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #kevintrudeaushow #successstories #miracles #legaldrama #legalnews

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:18] Welcome, everybody. Kevin Trudeau here. We're live. [00:00:21] What a show we have today. I'm live in the studio. Legal update. Major, major, major legal update. I'm going to be doing something today I haven't done before on the show since I have ever broadcast. And it's gonna have a positive impact in your life. And if you stay through the entire show, you are going to transform by the end of the show. [00:00:43] Does that sound good in a positive way? In a way that is gonna help improve the quality of your life and help you make your dreams come true. But I'm gonna do some fun things today. First off, I'm glad to be here. It's live. We are live. We're broadcasting live. [00:01:00] Major legal updates. And I have to tell you, because many of you aren't familiar with me or the show or the books I've written. My books have sold over 100 million copies all around the world. Six New York Times bestsellers. The number one New York Times bestseller, Natural Cures they don't want you to know about, which came out 20 years ago. 20 years ago, 2005, that book came out, and I exposed the natural, non drug and non surgical ways to cure and prevent disease that they, they being the drug companies, the food industry, and the governments around the world, they don't want you to know the inexpensive natural ways to cure and prevent disease. Such as there is a cure for genital herpes, there is a cure for shingles, there is a cure for arthritis. There is a cure for lower back pain without surgery or drugs. There is a cure for diabetes. There is a cure for high blood pressure. And on this show, I'll be sharing you some of those. And I mentioned those cures in the book, Natural Cures. [00:02:10] For almost 40 years, I have been exposing things that the government and the drug companies and the food industries around the world don't want you to know because it can adverse affect their power and control over you and adversely affect their profits. And I know this information because I was a former insider. [00:02:34] So many of you don't know the story. And on one of these shows, I'm going to go through the story a little bit at length, but I'm going to give you a Reader's Digest summary version here, just so you understand why. I'm going to give you this major legal update. And why I'm even in a legal situation when I've done nothing wrong and not been charged with any crimes and spent eight and a half years in prison without being charged with a crime, but being charged with contempt of court, which is not a felony and not a misdemeanor. And I got the longest sentence in the history of America for contempt of court. And my contemptuous behavior was I unbelievably decided to exercise my First Amendment constitutional right of free speech. That's how I looked at it. And the government took a different position. [00:03:29] It's the thought police. [00:03:32] The government wants to control the free flow of information. They want to decide what's truth and what's opinion. And anybody who has an opinion that isn't the government position, they're going to put you in jail. This was, I mean, this is, it's unbelievable. And by the way, in that book, natural cures, I said things that was heresy. I said that talcum powder that's in Johnson's baby powder that people are putting on their babies, it's causing hormonal imbalances and cancer. [00:04:06] And they wanted to put me in jail. They said, you are making a false, a false claim. You're making a false statement. You're lying by making that statement. What do we know today, 20 years later, that talcum powder causes hormonal imbalances and has been proven to cause cancer, just like I said 20 years ago. And that's why I was in prison for saying the truth. And even if it wasn't the truth, it was still my opinion and had a right to say it under the first Amendment. [00:04:40] So my issue in a nutshell was I dared to go on national television on the Today show with Matt Lauer, on Bill O'Reilly's show, the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, on Fox and Friends on CNN, Paul Azahn, Larry King on Howard Stern show, on the CB's morning show, on every major talk show in America and around the world, both radio and television, to talk to reporters. And I made the front page, massive articles. Massive. Like two three page articles in the London Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, the Sydney Australia Times, even in Moscow, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, I was told Japan, La Times, Boston Globe, you name it, Fortune magazine, US News and World Report magazine, Time magazine. [00:05:49] And they said, Kevin Trudeau is this scammer who's lying, telling people that talcum powder, harmless talcum powder, causes cancer and hormonal imbalances. And I was right all along. I have a file, actually, it's not this thick. There's probably a hundred files this thick called the Kevin was right file. [00:06:11] And so the government sued me multiple times. I won all of them, with no finding of any wrongdoing. That's never reported. [00:06:22] But the big one, the last one, which has caused all the problems, is I said, I sold a book called the weight loss cure. They don't want you to know about where I discussed my personal experience going through the doctor Simeon's HCG protocol. And I said that when I did it, I found it to be easy. And the government said, you're lying. It isn't easy. [00:06:47] Well, that's my opinion. I did it. It was easy. As a matter of fact, I got 10,000 people who wrote me letters saying that they did it, and they found it was easy. And the government. And the judge said, well, I read it. I don't think it's easy. And I said, excuse me, your honor, did you actually do it? Did you do the HCG protocol? Did you do the doctor Simeons protocol, as I described in the book? No. Well, how do you know if it was easy or not? Well, I read it, and it sounds hard. [00:07:15] I go, it doesn't matter. Even if you did find it hard. The fact is I said I did it, and I personally found it easy. And he said, that's a lie. You couldn't have found it easy. [00:07:26] I go, look, I know guys who jump out of planes. They do skydiving, and they tell me, Kevin, come on, let's go skydiving. It's easy. [00:07:34] I go, no, that doesn't look easy to me. It's easy for them. [00:07:41] So they sued me and they said $37 million was the amount of money that was collected on the sale of that book that everyone loved. [00:07:56] Almost nobody wanted a refund. As a matter of fact, they loved it so much, they recommended it to their friends and made it another New York Times bestseller. [00:08:05] But the judge said, and amazingly, the appeals court upheld it, and the US Supreme Court didn't even hear the case, although every major lawyer in America said Trudeau is being shafted, as a matter of fact, the ultra liberal organization, the Cato Institute, which is one of the major organizations in America, they wrote an amicus brief, or amicus brief, depending on how you pronounce it, which means a brief on my behalf to the Supreme Court saying, this is ridiculous. Trudeau did nothing wrong. He exercises First Amendment constitutional rights, and on major talk shows on major legal forums, everyone said, trudeau is going to win this easy. At the Supreme Court. [00:08:50] And I said, no, this is political. [00:08:53] Has nothing to do with the law. Has nothing to do with what the law says. All that matters is what the judges say. And they say what the politicians and the donors and the shadow government behind the scenes pushed. And they didn't hear the case. [00:09:10] And I got a ten year prison sentence for what I believe exercised my first Amendment constitutional rights by sharing information. And they told me I had to turn over $37 million. [00:09:24] I lost. [00:09:27] And I said, listen, no problem. I lost. I exhausted all my legal remedies. I can't write you a check for 37 million. [00:09:34] I can write you a check for ten. And over the next 18 months, I'll be able to pay the $37 million. My particular companies at that time were very heavily leveraged. We were investing a lot in marketing and inventories, so all of our cash was tied up. We had companies that were worth hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. Amazing assets. So I said, let's just. I'll pay off the balance in about two years. The Federal Trade commission said, no, we want the money now. I said, well, I'm glad you want the money now. I said, but you can look at my accounts. I don't have the money now. I have these very valuable assets. It's going to take a while to liquidate some of this. And based out of the cash flow, I can make some modifications to our expenses and I can get it paid off in a couple of years. They said, no. [00:10:21] And they went to the judge and said, trudeau refuses to pay. And I said, no, I'm not refusing to pay. I just don't happen to have the cash. [00:10:30] And there's no debtors prison in America. Just because you can't pay a debt doesn't mean you go to prison, except in my case. [00:10:38] And the government said Trudeau must be hiding the money. As a matter of fact, they said, we believe that Trudeau has about 250 or $300 million hidden. And I said, listen, idiots. [00:10:51] If I actually had that much money, or even a fraction of that, why wouldn't I just write the check for the 37 million and call it a day? [00:10:59] Why do I want to argue with you people? Why do I want to risk going to prison? It makes no logical sense. [00:11:06] And so the judge said, I think you're high hiding the money. So I'm going to put you in prison until you decide to give it to us. [00:11:13] And I said, wait a minute. Why don't you have the government here, the FTC, bring in their number one top global asset search company and forensic accountants and have them come in as a receiver. I'll give you everything, like in a bankruptcy, and have this forensic accountant and receiver go through all my books and records with all my cpas and do a global asset search, depose me, the banks, everything and everybody, and ask them, where is Trudeau hiding the money? Does Trudeau have any money? Which they did. I says, and you will see that I don't have any hidden assets. And you will see the cash flow, you'll see the bank accounts, and you'll see that I'll be able to pay you in about a year and a half. So they brought in this receiver and they interviewed everybody, looking for the mysterious phantom hidden money, which doesn't exist. And everybody said the same thing. I've known Kevin for 20 years. He's not hiding anyone. The next accountant said, I've been doing Kevin's taxes for 20 years. He's not hiding any money. All over the world, they interviewed people. They flew to Switzerland and this and that, and everybody said the same thing. He's not hiding any money. He gives it all away. He gives it to the staff. He gives it to customers. He's a very generous fellow. He gives it massive amounts, hundreds of millions, to charities. He doesn't keep the money for himself. He's always said he's not building wealth. He's using the businesses to benefit mankind. He's a philanthropist. [00:12:43] We don't believe you. You're all under Kevin Trudeau's spell, and you're all lying for Trudeau. Hundreds of people, right? [00:12:51] I mean, it's ridiculous. And what did the receiver do? The receiver shut down all the companies, virtually burned all my books, destroyed the companies, sold assets, pennies on the dollar. [00:13:10] And I said, I know this clearly. Their mission is not to pay off this debt and pay money back to consumers who bought books that they liked. They don't even want a refund. [00:13:23] And by the way, for $29 back then, not only did you get the natural cure, the weight loss cure book in hardcover, a New York Times bestseller, but you also got natural cures in hardcover, a number one New York Times bestseller. And you got more natural cures, revealed another New York Times bestseller. You got $90 worth of books for $29. And that included the shipping charge. [00:13:49] For $29, you got $90 worth of books. And that included shipping. Nobody got ripped off. Okay, let's be clear here. There are no victims here, and they love the book. [00:14:01] This was about sending a message to anybody else who dared to go on national television with a big voice and expose the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry and government. [00:14:18] That's what it was about. And it was about shutting up a critic of the government. [00:14:23] The number one way they do it is they wipe you out financially. That way you get scared and you go back into the hole and they never hear from you ever again. [00:14:33] I had a good friend named Joe Sugarman. Joe Sugarman was in the direct response business within Northbrook, Illinois, one of the best direct marketing guys of all time. And he has some seminars as part of the global information network, subject specific training that's available free to members. And he's one of the best of all time. The government sued him. [00:14:54] He settled and was so frightened, he shut down his businesses, went to Hawaii, and basically retired. [00:15:01] Thats what the government does. They know that theyll frighten most people. They didnt frighten me. I said, theres nothing you can do thats going to scare me and stop me from my mission and my dharma of helping you. [00:15:17] You being people all around the world, improve the quality of your life by sharing with you empowering information that's going to uplift you, make you feel better, give you information that they don't want you to know about, that you can use so that you can live a better, more productive, more effective, more successful life and be happier in the process. [00:15:38] So the first thing they do is they try to wipe you out financially. The second thing they do is they try to destroy your reputation in the media, because the media is controlled by the politicians and the big corporations. So the messages are controlled. And on this show I've showed you how they lie in articles, the headlines are a lie, how they twist words, and they use these words to get you to think and believe a certain thing, even though it's not true. [00:16:08] And they tried to do that as well. [00:16:11] Unfortunately, in my particular case, every single time, they tried to ruin my reputation by saying the terrible things about me. The majority of people said, this proves that what Trudeau was saying is right all along. [00:16:26] And it actually made me more popular. So it backfired. The third thing they do is they go, okay, so we couldn't wipe him out financially. He's too resilient. He doesn't get frightened. [00:16:39] We cant destroy his reputation because he feeds on that. And the people can see right through it. Its making him more powerful. Hes getting all this free press. [00:16:49] Every time we hammer him in the media, the sales of his books go up because you are getting it. Youre smarter than that. Youre not going to be fooled by the media when they say Trudeau is a scammer. Really? What did I scam anybody? I sold a book that they liked. So mega memory, mega speed reading, mega math, the world's fastest reader, the human calculator. Ellen Kreidman, relationship expert. Really? Where is the fraud here? There isn't any. As a matter of fact, when you read the documents, it never says Trudeau is charged with fraud. Trudeau is charged with any of these things. They say Trudeau is charged with contempt of court or making an unsubstantiated statement. [00:17:33] But then I provide the substantiation. Then they have to drop the charges with no finding of wrongdoing because the statements I make are substantiated. [00:17:42] They're the fraudsters. They're the ones who are lying to the american public with their allegations. [00:17:49] So the first thing they do is they try to wipe you out financially. That didn't work. Next they try to ruin your reputation. That didn't work. The third thing is we'll put him in prison because he can't go on the Internet, he can't go on tv or radio if he's in prison. [00:18:03] So they gave me the longest sentence on the history of America for the non crime of contempt of court. [00:18:09] Contempt of court. Not a felony, not a mixed demeanor. Contempt of court. [00:18:15] And what was my contemptuous behavior? I continued to talk about what I wrote about in my books. When the judge said, stop talking about it. [00:18:23] Effectively, ten years. Imagine that. How would you feel if you were in prison for ten years and wiped out financially? And then I came out with two suitcases and some old clothes from prison. That's everything I had. I didn't even have a toothbrush. [00:18:40] Nothing. If you see the first pictures of me, I'm in a gray t shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants that I brought from prison. [00:18:47] The underwear I'm wearing I bought from prison. The shoes, which were beaten up sneakers from prison, had holes in the sole and ripped up socks. That was all I had. [00:19:00] And I couldn't even afford to get a haircut. [00:19:03] Do you have a picture of that? [00:19:05] Yeah, I'm grabbing it. Yeah. So this is me coming out of prison with nothing. [00:19:14] Absolutely zero. [00:19:17] And I was reading a book on yoga because I was practicing, continuing to practice since I started in 1974, yoga postures or asanas and meditation. [00:19:31] So I was sitting there in a one bedroom, I think it was a 900 square foot or 700 square foot condominium that my friend allowed me to stay in. And I was sleeping in the living room with him as a roommate when I came out of prison because I had no place to go. [00:19:50] So I came out, couldn't afford a haircut, so I had the long hair, a gray t shirt from prison, a gray pair of sweatpants from prison, underwear from prison, socks with holes in it, and a pair of sneakers with holes in the soles with nothing to my name, absolutely nothing. And that was just a couple, two and a half years ago, a short period of time. [00:20:19] And when I got out of prison, the government came back and they said, you still haven't paid the full $37 million yet? [00:20:31] I said, well, the receiver was appointed. They did a global asset search. They sold everything off for pennies on the dollar. [00:20:39] And you know what the receiver did? [00:20:41] The receiver took for themselves $8 million. I think it was in administrative fees. [00:20:51] They took 8 million for themselves. [00:20:56] An administrator came in and took millions for themselves. [00:21:00] So there's only a little bit left to give back to the consumer. And guess what? When they sent checks out to everybody who bought the book, over half of them didn't cash the check. They didn't want a refund. The other people called me. Many of them called me or wrote me letters and said, kevin, I got this check. I'm depositing it, and I'll send it to your commissary account in prison. [00:21:20] They didn't want a refund. [00:21:23] And they said, if we get another check, we're going to send it to you. We're going to cash the check and send it to you. [00:21:29] This is the ridiculousness of the government. [00:21:33] And guess what the government said when I got out of prison. They said, we still think you're hiding money. [00:21:40] Ridiculous. If I had the money, I would have paid it. Why would I have spent ten years in prison if I had the money? Here's me about two days after I got released. [00:21:53] Reading light on yoga by Ingar, I believe it is. Oh, by the way, I did have that watch. That is a Timex watch, 1995. I purchased it from the commissary of the prison. [00:22:08] And just so you know, to save money, I still have that t shirt and those sweatpants. And if you ever see me in workout videos, which I may show you a little later today, I still wear the t shirt and the workout pants that I got in prison because I'm saving money, because I can't afford to buy anything else. I still had that stuff. I did afford to get a haircut, by the way, much to the happiness of all my friends, because they thought the crazy professor look wasn't becoming up me, although I like it. I mean, I think I'm gonna go back to that at some point. I think the cool crazy professor look where. I don't care what anybody thinks. I like that look out of them. Maybe you could vote on that in the chat. You think you like the crazy professor look, the guru look. All right, get rid of that picture. [00:22:59] So the government, when I came out, guess what they did? They brought me right back to court. And I just got out of prison. [00:23:07] The global asset search expert said, we can't find any money or any assets anywhere in the world. We can't find a record of anything that he may have hidden. Every penny is accounted for. [00:23:23] We dont know. [00:23:25] And so the government went into court and said this, your honor, Mister Trudeau needs to be put back in prison to coerce him to tell us where his hidden assets are. [00:23:41] And the judge says, well, do you know what hidden assets he has and where they are? The government said, no, your honor, we don't know what hidden assets he has or where those hidden assets are because he won't tell us. [00:23:56] And I said, excuse me, there's nothing to tell. Your honor, I can't tell you what hidden assets I have because I don't have any. And I can't tell you where those hidden assets are because I don't have any hidden assets. And they're not hidden anywhere. So therefore I can't tell you because there's nothing to tell. [00:24:18] Well, because you won't tell us, I'm going to put you in prison until you do. [00:24:25] Now think about that. The insanity. [00:24:28] It's like Nazi Germany. [00:24:30] Do you know the. Do you know where the invasion will be? No, nobody told me. I don't believe you. We're going to put you in prison and beat you every day until you tell us where the invasion will be held. [00:24:41] But I cant tell you. Believe me, I dont want to be beaten and thrown back in prison. If I knew where the invasion was coming, I would tell you here, general, continue to beat him until he tells us. [00:24:57] So thats what they were doing. [00:24:59] And I think it was like 127 times the government would go to court or file something and say, we asked the court to put Trudeau back in prison. [00:25:12] Put him back in prison. Put him back in prison. Put him back in prison. Put him back in prison. [00:25:19] And every single time the judge said, well, not at this time, but it's still on the table. [00:25:29] Millions and millions of dollars in legal fees I had to pay now somebody says, well, Kevin, you didnt have two nickels to rub together. Where did you get the money for the legal fees? And thats where the miracle started to happen. [00:25:42] When I came out of prison, the Kevin Trudeau fan Club, which was established by two supporters of mine, started reaching out and saying, we need to save Kevin Trudeau. [00:25:55] He has lawyers that will not work for him. So please send money to the fan club so we can pay the lawyers. [00:26:02] Millions of dollars came into the fan club and all that money went directly to the lawyers. [00:26:11] The fan club. At that point, the people that were working were doing it for volunteers. They weren't even taking a salary. [00:26:18] The money that went into the fan club went to pay the lawyers. [00:26:23] But because so much money came in, the judge said, how are you paying the lawyers, Mister Trudeau? And I said, well, your honor, if we didn't have this litigation, the money that's coming into the fan club could be used to pay this debt and it would have been paid off by now. [00:26:39] And then we started hammering. [00:26:42] Your honor, this is ridiculous. [00:26:45] It's a waste of money. The government has spent 30 or 40 or $50 million to prosecute Trudeau. They have 30 full time lawyers working on this. They said, trudeau has spent tens of millions of dollars over the last 20 years in legal fees. [00:27:04] This money could have gone to pay the debt. Why don't you allow him a payment plan just to pay the debt? [00:27:13] And so the judge said, I'm going to give it a little bit of time to see how much money he can raise. And I'll let him Trudeau. I'll let him live on $3,750 a month. And every other penny that comes into the fan club or that comes into Trudeau consulting or any of Trudeau's businesses, after expenses, has to go to the FTC. [00:27:37] Do you agree to that, Mister Trudeau? [00:27:40] And I said, if it will keep me out of prison, yes. [00:27:47] Perfect. But guess what? The government didn't like that. [00:27:51] Every month they would file something with the judge and say, he's not paying enough. He's not paying fast enough. The supporters aren't giving enough money. He doesn't have enough partners. People aren't becoming partners fast enough. People aren't buying the money processes fast enough. They're not buying the relationship processes fast enough. His companies aren't bringing enough money fast enough. We need to put him in prison again to motivate him and motivate his supporters to give more money. [00:28:23] And I said, your honor, if I'm in prison, I can't run the companies. [00:28:28] It's all going to collapse. [00:28:31] And the judge, surprisingly enough, kind of said, I kind of agree with that. [00:28:38] But the Federal Trade commission, they weren't through. They continued to hammer and hammer. And then we took the offensive and said, enough is enough. [00:28:50] Let me tell you, and this is in filings. Let me tell you, your honor, what the FTC is doing, how they're misleading you, how they're lying to you, how they're not being honest, they're being disingenuous. It's about silencing Trudeau. And we started taking a little bit more aggressive approach. [00:29:11] And you, the supporters, started to increase your contributions to the fan club. Many of you who were never partners became partners. [00:29:21] Many of you who were partners upped your partnership level in the fan club. Many of you purchased the money processes or the relationship processes. Many of you purchased the guru Kev book, the big, thick book of Gurukev lessons. [00:29:35] Many of you gave money to the legal defense fund. And we started showing the court, look at the supporters. Look at the supporters. [00:29:44] Look at the supporters. [00:29:48] And then we started filing, asking the judge to end this. [00:29:54] And the government violently, violently opposed. No, Trudeau needs to be in prison. [00:30:02] There needs to be a monitor put in place. He needs to live on less than $3,750 a month. His companies need to be taken over by another receiver. They need to be liquidated. Right now. The fan club needs to be shut down and all the money turned over to the government. Right now. The show, Kevin Trudeau show needs to be shut down. Everything liquidated. The monitors, the cameras liquidated. The desk sold. [00:30:27] So. And it needs to go. And I said, if you do that, no money is going to come in. It's going to be the same situation that happened with the receiver, which was a complete bonehead move. And now you have the evidence that what we said was right. The receiver took most of the money for themselves. [00:30:47] And the judge said, one magical day, there was a energetic shift in the field, and it's because of your intention and because of my energetic work. And collectively, there was a shift. And the judge called an emergency hearing. We went into court. I'm there with my lawyer, and he demanded that the federal government be there from Washington. They had to fly in. We didn't know what was going on. And I said, well, my lawyer said, you're probably going back to prison. And I smiled and I said, let me look. And I looked in the field and I said, no, something good's going to happen. Watch. [00:31:35] The judge came out sat down and he said, I am not objective in this case. I am biased against Mister Trudeau, therefore, and his lawyers, therefore. I am recusing myself from the case. I am no longer the judge presiding over this case. Thank you. Goodbye. And he left. [00:31:58] The FTC couldn't believe it. My lawyer couldn't believe it. I believed it. [00:32:04] I said, miracle number one just happened. Everything shifted. And we got assigned the smartest, fairest lawyer in the building. [00:32:17] Harvard lawyer to the point, somebody who reads every paper. The other judge didn't read the papers. [00:32:26] His clerks may have. [00:32:29] This judge that I was assigned is brilliant. He's smart, he's fair and he's honest. [00:32:37] He's his own man and nobody can sway him. [00:32:40] He's ethical. He's got integrity. [00:32:45] That's who I was assigned. [00:32:47] Major Miracle. [00:32:50] Then I have another judge, by the way, he's called the hanging judge. And the hanging judge is the guy who put me in prison for ten years. And magically, the same week I think it was, we get a notice that he took himself off my case. And another judge was assigned without any explanation. The judge that was assigned in the other case is a woman who is incredibly honest, smart, fair, compassionate, understanding and completely reasonable. Who follows the law and cannot be swayed. [00:33:30] Miracle number two. [00:33:34] You couldnt write a movie like this. [00:33:38] This new judge then said, I need to get up to speed on things. We filed tons of papers and heres what happened. [00:33:48] We said to this new judge, Trudeau is selling products to people that people love and that improve the quality of their life. [00:34:02] Let me show you some of the comments from people that have gone through the money processes that Kevin offers, the relationship processes that Kevin offers. Let me show you some comments from Kevin Trudeau, partners in the fan club. People that have made one time contributions to the fan club. People who purchased the guru Kev book and what the results were, what they thought about reading this. The people that have purchased the three seminars that Kevin is buying, the people who purchased one on one training, people that are participating in watching the Kevin Trudeau show. And we gave them stacks of comments. We showed stacks of comments I pulled to give to the judge nape and the FTC. [00:34:49] And when they saw what you wrote and what the results were of what this work is doing, it tipped it even more. [00:35:04] We waited for a ruling for four months from the new judge, and the ruling came 46 pages. And the ruling said, effectively, I agree with Trudeau on this point. I agree with Trudeau on this point. I agree with Trudeau on this point. I agree with Trudeau on this point. [00:35:24] Request from the FTC, denied. Next request from the FTC, denied. [00:35:30] Next request from the FTC, denied. Effectively, I look at that 46 pages as we got what we asked for and the FTC got nothing. [00:35:42] It was another miracle because up until this point with the other judge, everything the FTC asked for, they effectively got. [00:35:51] It was like the judge worked for them and he didn't even read our motions. [00:35:58] It was, we'll talk about that another time. [00:36:04] After that ruling came out, the FTC called and said it's time to settle. [00:36:14] And by the miracle. [00:36:16] So I got a change in judge unexpectedly. Miracle number one, a change with the other judge unexpectedly. Miracle number two, a 46 page ruling which effectively was very positive for me. Miracle number three, not being put in prison. Miracle number four. [00:36:34] And the FTC saying, let's wrap this up. Miracle number five. [00:36:38] And let me, let me tell you where we're at. [00:36:42] We had a hearing scheduled. We were working with the FTC to try to settle this case once and for all. [00:36:49] We haven't worked out all the details. They're still fighting. They're still fighting. [00:36:55] We told the judge we need some more time. He set another date. [00:36:59] We're still trying to negotiate effectively. If I could come up with a million dollars, that could end it. [00:37:07] Many of you have made some contributions. [00:37:10] We're not there yet. [00:37:14] We then told the judge, we need some more time. [00:37:17] And here's where we're at today. The judge said, I'm going to schedule a hearing on November 19, and I am not going to move it or delay that hearing under any circumstances. [00:37:32] It is time for the parties to settle this and bring the negotiations to a conclusion. The time is now. Get it done. [00:37:42] And I'm not moving the 19th. [00:37:45] If I can come up with enough money that will get the FTC, in my opinion, to settle this, I can't mention what's going on in the negotiations because they are confidential. So I'm effectively under a gag order. All I can tell you is that they're going on. I can't tell you anything that's, that we're discussing in the negotiations. All I can tell you, if there's enough revenue that comes in, I believe this case could be settled once and for all. [00:38:14] And so many of you know some of the things that I have offered because it could come to the point where they do what the judge orders, what the FTC wants, which is liquidate everything, shut down the show, sell the camera, sell the monitor, sell the desk, give the money to the FTC. Sell all the furniture in the buildings, take over the company, which they have the right to do. Fire all the staff, take all the money in the accounts, don't deliver the product to the people that purchased them, and just wipe it all out and leave me hanging again and then say, oh, you have a coat. They let me keep my coat. [00:38:59] I got to keep my coat and my hat. So I think they'll let me keep my shirt, my coat and my hat. [00:39:06] You know, just so you know, this coat, I think, is about 35 years old. The shirt I know is about 35 years old because I know when I bought it, thank God I got good quality stuff back then, and they allowed me to keep some of my old clothes. [00:39:23] So many of you have purchased the money processes, the relationship processes. [00:39:28] Many of you purchased and became a partner in the fan club. [00:39:32] You bought the guru Keb book. [00:39:35] You purchased one on ones with me via Zoom. [00:39:39] So I want to do something which is going to energetically affect you, because this is is. And you're going to feel this in a moment. [00:39:47] This is what made the tipping point when people like you went through the money processes or the relationship processes or became a partner and got the energy work and the monthly zooms as a partner. [00:40:04] This is what people have written. And I have. There's a stack here, but I actually have a stack back at the house. It's about this thick. And that's just a fraction of the comments that have come in. So as you listen to these, these are people that have purchased either money processes or relationship processes, or became a partner, or gave a one time contribution or did a one on one. [00:40:29] This is what has happened to people. And I want you, as you start, and I'm going to start pulling the energy from these individuals and their vibrational shift and send it to you. And you're going to feel some things. [00:40:43] These are all directly from people. You can see they're all directly from people. [00:40:48] This is not anything I made up. I read all of these and I highlighted it. [00:40:53] Can't read the entire some of them, two or three pages. Tears will come to your eyes when you read it. So I just picked some of the highlights. [00:41:00] I would consider you, Kevin, a modern guru and the world's best mentor. [00:41:06] This is somebody who went through some of the training. Ineffable. Truly ineffable. I can't even begin to describe what I just experienced. [00:41:16] I could feel the energies rising to the surface, then dissipating into thin air. At the end of the session, I felt elevated, a golden tingly sensation filled my body. I feel like I can finally breathe. The heaviness that was weighing me down has now been lifted. This comes from the money processes, the relationship processes, the gurukhab lessons one on ones. [00:41:44] I feel strangely happy and relieved now, like weights have been lifted off my shoulders. I am excited to feel my energy and excitement for life again, like I had when I was younger. [00:41:59] The energy is still bubbling up. It's almost as if I was a soda that Kevin shook up then opened. The bubbles are fizzing up and popping. I felt it during the session and I still feel it now. I finally understand the idea of allowing emotions to come up and be released since my session with Kevin and to my surprise, I don't feel grief anymore. It was like I was able to just observe the movie like a normal person. [00:42:28] I'm now free. I feel physically lighter when I walk. My digestion has improved. I have so much energy. I'm not tired when I get home from work. I'm only needing 6 hours of sleep now and previously I needed ten. Kevin, I owe you everything. [00:42:47] I've never in this lifetime experienced emotions this intensely before. [00:42:53] This is somebody who went through the relationship processes. [00:42:56] I don't know what to say. [00:42:58] I'm blown away at somebody who went through the money processes. [00:43:04] It has only been 6 hours since I did the last process, but I already have a different perspective on my entire life. I feel like a completely new person. Mind blowing. That's somebody who did the money processes. [00:43:21] I've studied and had sessions with many different healers and modalities over the years, having some good results. [00:43:28] This is the first time I feel totally confident that all the blocks I've had have been permanently transmuted. That's somebody who did a one on one. [00:43:40] The week I recently spent with you was off the charts incredible. [00:43:46] Amazing. [00:43:48] Like the money processes. You had me literally walking into walls again. [00:43:54] The best, most impactful event I've ever had. This is somebody who went through the money processes and then spent several days with me as well. [00:44:05] In the middle of the session, I could see a flame begin to light. As KT was going through the lineage from both sides of my family and myself, I sensed the flame getting brighter. I could see layers of shackles coming off a pair of arms. As KT was going through the lineages in my past lives, I could see those shackles being released one by one. Underneath all the shackles was a locked door hatch. Through the process, a key unlocked the door and I found chains by my arms and neck. By the time KT finished, all three chains either disappeared or became unlocked. I was no longer suppressed or being held down. At the end of the session I feel incredibly light. A big smile is on my face and I can't seem to take it away. [00:44:55] I'm free. [00:44:59] The one on one sessions with Kevin are truly unique on this planet. I've removed thousands of blocks using modalities recommended by Kevin in gin level five training, and they do create miracles. However, what KT can do, which I know from direct personal experience, is beyond all of that. If you are having challenges, these one on one sessions are what you are looking for. I know this from experience. [00:45:29] Long story short, one on one sessions are a once in a lifetime chance and I would highly recommend them. [00:45:37] I actually still have, I think, six one on one sessions open in November and December and if you're interested in them, you can go to the Telegram channel, the fan club Telegram channel. There is a link on calendar you can punch on that link and you just schedule it in for a contribution. [00:46:00] Fully feeling whole and complete oneness, I felt it. [00:46:06] I almost left my body several times and it was such a glorious sight with such a beautiful and powerful effect. This is somebody who went through the relationship processes. [00:46:19] I feel the direction of my relationship with my wife will and has changed dramatically. A destructive cycle has finally ended. It's a miracle. I feel that my ability to understand and empathize has increased. I feel that a significant shift in my system has occurred. I just feel different. I've seen so much improvement in my marriage already. [00:46:41] This is somebody who went through the relationship processes. [00:46:45] Remember, this is stuff that I'm sharing with the FTC and I had available to share with the judge and I shared it energetically, but it was right there. Stacks and I said, this is what's happening. [00:46:58] This made the energetic shift not just in the people, but it's in my case. [00:47:05] This has been absolutely spectacular. I was able to see so much more into my memories and past lives. [00:47:12] I felt layers shut off my body over the processes. Then I walked out lighter with freedom. I cranked up my power, my love and my light. Amazing. I feel different money processes. [00:47:30] I feel a tremendous sense of peace since doing the relationship processes. I am a transformed person after my relationship processes. I feel like I have so few buttons. Things just don't bother me. [00:47:43] I can't get triggered. I am at peace. [00:47:47] I also now feel a love for others that I've never experienced before in my life. A genuine admiration and respect for all living beings. I am changed relationship processes many changes took place. Even today, I feel different, calmer, more at peace, and extremely tired. [00:48:08] I no longer feel capable of overdoing things and being full of fear during the process. Relationship the relationship process day, I felt my energy awaken and come alive throughout my body, from my feet to my head, passing through all the chakras. The effect was truly mind blowing, especially on process number four. In particular on the root chakra, sexual energy and creation. It was as if I'd been awakened from a deep sleep and could now fully experience a fulfilling relationship filled with love, compassion, and great passionate sex. [00:48:47] Obviously, that person went through the relationship processes. [00:48:50] Wow. The relationship processes was a dream come true. The first three relationship processes felt like more energy and more density transmuted than all 30 money processes combined. [00:49:04] I could see so many deep pains left my field during the processes. [00:49:12] Right when I got back from the weekend, I got a marriage proposal. Hahaha. From a multimillionaire. When I returned back to my children, my daughter was transformed. She always had this resistance or resentment toward me, a sense of rage for abandoning her. Even though I had always been there, I had never seen her so happy and joyful. It was like my karma transmuted, and it also transmuted hers. [00:49:37] She used to say that she loves herself zero out of ten. But now she was expressing that her level of self love was 1 million times better. She's seven years old. [00:49:48] If this was the only thing I got from the process, it would have been worth it. I cried in joy. See, when you change, you're also affecting. You're also affecting all the other people who have some of your DNA. [00:50:03] Relationship process when wow. [00:50:07] Process number one. I saw and felt energy actually leave my body. I had physical sensations. My heart was pounding and I had a stomachache. I also had rapid eye movements. This was awesome. [00:50:19] See, when you go through these processes, it's powerful energy. [00:50:25] It's powerful energy. [00:50:28] I have recently completed all the steps you listed to help me get into a loving relationship. [00:50:34] From the relationship process's introductory zoom, all I can say is it works. At the time of writing this, I can already feel the difference in a way that girls see me and talk to me. [00:50:48] My relationship with my wife has gotten better, and I expect this will continue. I've also noticed I become a little more comfortable in social situations and feel that it is easier to speak my mind more than before. I don't get triggered by what other people think or say. Relationship processes. [00:51:04] Now here's some for the money processes. And by the way, if you're interested in improving your relationship, get the relationship processes when you do. [00:51:12] Between now and the 19th, if I can raise a half a million dollars, which is the number, another miracle is going to happen. And I have a fellow who said, kevin, I will donate as a one time gift and I want nothing in return $250,000 to the fan club to help you, but only if between now and the 15 November you can raise $250,000. If you do, I'll put in another 250. And every dollar over 250 that you raise, I'll match dollar for dollar. [00:51:54] This is a miracle. And I says, and I didn't ask him, well, why don't you just write the check for 250? Because he said, look, I'm not going to write a check unless you have support. [00:52:03] So anybody who purchases a relationship process, that's going toward the 250. If you purchase a money process, that goes to the 250. If you purchase a guru cat book, that goes to the 250. If you make a one time contribution, if you become a partner, goes to the 250. [00:52:20] This is a money process. Win today I have finally managed to pay off all my credit cards. [00:52:26] One particular credit card debt was with me for over ten years and no matter what I tried in the past, I just couldn't seem to pay it off. I just never had the money. However, since the money processes, I have been able to change my vibration and I attracted and manifested the funds necessary to pay off the credit card in full. [00:52:47] It is nothing less than a miracle. [00:52:52] This is another money process win today I just got a $1,000 check in the mail out of the blue for no reason. I'm speechless, astonished and amazed. [00:53:04] Money process I'm a 75 year old retiree. I've been trading stock options for several years to provide additional income. I consistently make between $1,000 and $1,500 a week. However, I placed my trades as usual the day before departing to attend the money processes. These trades were placed on the same stocks as I always do. After returning home from Chicago and finishing the money processes, I found my trades over the three day weekend. They had netted me $14,000. [00:53:37] That's ten times more than normal. What's up with that? That's what he says. [00:53:42] The money processes work as if we were flying. As we were flying home, my daughter notified us that she received two notifications from colleges that she was accepted and both offered completely unexpected scholarships. One totaled $122,000 and the other 56,000. This was after we completed the money process. This is like we just got a check for $178,000. That was fast. [00:54:11] The money processes work. Since I completed the money processes, I realize I've already made back ten times the price of the course and I did all three days. I've been offered an amazing CEO position. I've been invited to join a very high level, exclusive financial group in my new home city. My health has improved tremendously, my relationships have also deepened, and I've become even more loving and I'm happier than I ever have been. In my memory, I'd say that's a pretty darn good return on my investment. [00:54:41] Next the money process has definitely changed things. I'm a sales consultant and I just manifested $5,000 in commissions in a few hours on one deal. After I completed the money processes. This is my first time ever doing this. The money processes are powerful. Thank you, Kevin, for giving us this opportunity in unleashing our money manifesting powers. [00:55:03] Today I received notice that I will be receiving a check for $23,000. This came out of the blue and right after I finished the money processes. How did that happen? [00:55:15] I think this will someday go down as one of the most profound three day courses in history. Money processes Kevin, in three days, you have given me more than I received in two years at Yale University's MBA business school program and for a lot less money. [00:55:32] My wife's business has already received new orders once we completed the money processes. [00:55:40] This is by far the best training I've ever taken or even thought about. It feels like I'm walking on the moon. Truly life changing. I encourage everyone to do the money processes now. [00:55:55] If you're interested in making more money, just send an email. The money processeseventradeau.com comma. We'll give you the information and if you make a purchase that's going toward the 250,000 that I need to raise between now and the 15 November. And if I raise that, then I get another 250 from one guy who said he'll match me and every dollar that comes in over that because I need to raise close to a million dollars to pay off all the lawyers and I can't explain what because it's a confidential negotiation with the government. [00:56:30] But a major miracle is going to happen if this occurs. [00:56:35] Sense be now relationship process just send an email to relationshipseventradeau.com dot. We'll give you information on that or money processes and anything you if you purchase relationship process or money goes toward that amount. [00:56:51] So you're getting something of a great value, but you're also helping me at the same time. Now these are some comments from partners. [00:56:58] Since becoming a partner and joining gin, my life has changed in spectacular ways. I've received everything from a job that has tripled my yearly income, happy daily living, what seems to be a negative immunity or I'm immune to negativity. I've also manifested a beautiful mercedes, 100% paid for title in hand. It's really crazy and I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, but one thing I know for sure is that it's not coincidence. [00:57:25] This is since the person became a partner. If this is what's happened in just a few months of becoming a partner with Kevin and the fan club, I can't even begin to imagine what the future may look like. [00:57:37] Since becoming a partner, I feel light and free. I'm sleeping better than ever. I feel like being partnered with Kevin is like being protected. I am feeling joy like never before. [00:57:48] Giving a gift to Kevin via the fan club and being a partner has been life changing. I never thought about giving, but after reading all the lessons on giving, I thought it would be. I thought I would give it a try. [00:58:03] Everything in the lessons is true. The universe is giving back to me in so many ways. You can't outgive the universe. [00:58:11] I became a partner with Kevin via the fan club because I believe in his work and mission and wanted to help. I feel connected to him in a very special way. Two months after I became a partner, I got an unexpected raise at work and a large amount of money due Meredith. For years that I forgot about came in. I feel like daily miracles in my life are now natural. It is the power of giving in action and being a partner with Kevin via the fan club. I became a partner with Kevin and sent Kevin several questions while I was sleeping. I got all the answers in a dream. [00:58:50] Wow. I feel totally at peace. And let me talk about that. [00:58:54] There was an article that just came out and it says, breakthrough first ever communication between people and dreams. Well, it's not the first ever. Maybe it's the first ever documented. This goes on to say that there's research technology now that proves that one person sleeping over there and another person sleeping over there, they can communicate via dreams. And there's all these double blind studies. Well, that's what I do to partners. I communicate with you. [00:59:22] This is why being a partner is so powerful. One of the reasons I became a month partner with Kevin and went on the Zoom calls where Kevin answers all partners questions. These calls are amazing. I can feel his energy and power. I learned so much and have applied it in my life. This stuff works. But most importantly, I feel Kevin pouring his love out to us during the Zoom calls, I see lights and I feel energy moving up and down my spine during the calls. After the call, I feel expanded and feel like he cleared all my negative energy and emotions. I smile all day and things in my life simply don't bother me anymore. I will always be a partner with Kevin. [01:00:01] Being a partner with Kevin has been the best thing I've ever done. I feel free and liberated from worry, stress and anxiety. I was a sacrifice. It was a sacrifice giving each month to become a partner. But within three months after being a partner, most of my debts have almost miraculously been paid off and I'm earning more money than ever before. It seems every aspect of my life is now better after becoming a partner. [01:00:24] I became a partner with Kevin. In the first month, pain in my shoulder that I had for years went away. My passion for my life is like it was when we were first. Well, my passion for my wife is like what it was when we were first married. I find myself full of energy all day, motivated and inspired. It is like Kevin lit up something inside me. I love it. Being a partner with Kevin is magical. Since I started, I lost 30 pounds, got five job offers, paying much more than my current job, and I even got an offer to go into business with a local multimillionaire. How this all works I don't fully understand, but the power of giving and being connected to Kevin. Partnership seems to bring blessings into your life without any effort. [01:01:11] When I became a partner with Kevin, I was suffering from depression and bouts of anger. Everything in life was hard. I was behind in my bills. Within three months, my whole life has changed. And most importantly, I have changed. I'm happy and full of joy every day. I smile and love life and my bills are paid. Being a partner with Kevin is like tapping into his power and energy and getting his blessings by being connected to him. This man is special. [01:01:37] Hello. Kevin is the best mentor in the world. I would like to say that when I decided to join the club, I was earning very little and it was hard for me to become a bronze partner. But miraculously, a week after I joined, my income doubled. [01:01:52] Thank you for sending energy toward my marriage last month. I am a partner with yours. As you know, my marriage now has miraculously improved and gotten amazing since I discovered Kevin Trudeau, the guru, Kev lessons and the website and all of Kevin's teachings. [01:02:10] Whether this is all b's or whatever. All I can say is my life has been improving nonstop for the last two years, and I love it. [01:02:21] After becoming a partner since I started a few weeks ago, I miraculously, miraculously met my soulmate in an unrealistic way. In short, becoming a partner was the best decision I ever made. [01:02:35] I asked Uncle Kevin to work on my father's energy around money, finances, wealth, and his net worth. He's been struggling with money for ten years. Uncle Kevin said yes, and he would work on it. Six days after that, my father sent me a text. Today was a great success. He was then able to send my entire family $500 each and still take care of all his financial obligations. He got a financial miracle. [01:03:02] Dear Kevin, since doing the money processes, I just worked out. It was just the day after I worked with Kevin that I got a call from my auntie who was gifting myself along with my two siblings, $33,333.33. And to top it off, and further confirm this revelation, the revelation to this spectacular work, I contacted my auntie to thank her, and she advised me she actually had no intention of giving money at this time. But something happened and she felt compelled to do so. [01:03:40] And I said, when did that occur? She gave me the date, and it was exactly the same time as I was doing the money processes. [01:03:50] I would like to acknowledge Kevin for his absolutely amazing work. He is someone that actually delivers. [01:03:57] They go on and on and on. And the reason why I'm reading those to you, because this could happen to you. [01:04:07] You have multiple things available to you right now. They're in the palm of your hand. You're being given a gift. [01:04:14] And that gift is a multiple gift that has multiple benefits to you. Number one, if you go to the fan club website, kevintradeaufanclub.com, and you give a one time gift, you would say, I'm doing this to help you, Kevin, to help reach that financial goal, to get this case settled behind you so that you can focus on us and the fan club. [01:04:39] Yeah, giving a one time gift is beautiful. You're planting a seed into the universe. You're planting seed faith, and the universe will bless you a thousand times by that gift. [01:04:50] If you go to the fan club website and become a partner, you're also giving, but you're getting something of great value back. You're getting the benefits of partnership, the monthly zooms, and all the benefits that are available based on the partnership love you choose. And that money goes to reach the financial goal to settle this case. If you go to the fan club and make a large gift and do a one on one with me. Then you're getting a one on one zoom with me. You're making a financial contribution. It's going to pay the debt. All wonderful, beautiful things. If you make a $1000 contribution, you get a personally signed, numbered edition Gurukep book that's available at the Kevin Trudeau Fan Club. [01:05:31] Or if you're listening to this and you're thinking I want the money processes, then you send an email to moneyprocessesventroudeau.com dot. Megan will get back to you, give you the dates of the locations. If you come to Chicago, I take you to dinner, or you can have it delivered anywhere in the world and you can go through them as many times as you want. [01:05:50] We'll get all the details. You can get one process, you get ten and you get all 30. And some of you will say, I want the relationship process. That's a powerful area of my life that I want to improve. Then send an email to relationshipseventradeau.com and we'll get you the information. Megan will reach out to you and you can get one process, ten or 30 basing how much available cash you have. And all that money goes in to reach the goal of 250,000 by the 15 November. And if I reach that goal, then my donor supporter said he'll match it dollar for dollar and every dollar over 250 he'll match as well. [01:06:32] This is going to a miracle is going to happen on the 19th, I believe. Possibly. I mean, it's right there. Doesn't mean it will happen, but it means it's right there. A miracle for me, but mostly a miracle for you because this is an opportunity for you to give. Remember, it's always more blessed to give than to receive. And no matter what area that you give here, you're going to be getting massive benefits back. [01:06:58] Blessings happen when you connect to people. [01:07:02] I was just in California with my good friend Gary Spivey, a very spiritually evolved person. And there was several monks there. These are monks that were with the Dalai Lama. And do you have a picture of that? We can throw that up. So here's a picture of me in Ojai, California just about a week ago. The monk from the Dalai Lama, Gary Spavia and myself, and we had dinner together. We spent a lot of time talking together and meditating and sharing energy and so forth. I was very humbled to be there. I'm still in that process. I always humble myself to somebody who's a spiritual master they humble themselves to me. I humble myself to them. And it's funny, we're rushing to see who's going to touch each other's feet first and bow down to each other. It's such a beautiful thing. It's such a beautiful thing. [01:07:55] But being a partner with me in the fan club or participating in any of the training that I have, you're getting access to something that is really not available anywhere else, and that is going to bless you in your life. These comments that I just read are a fraction, just the tip of the iceberg of how people's lives are positively impacted in a positive way by tapping into all the things I offer. And that's why the government wants to shut me down, because they know that what I'm doing is having such a life changing, profound, positive impact on you. They know that when I come out with my books next year, they know when I come out with the world's best KT daily nutritional supplement next year, that there are going to be tens of millions of people that are going to get access to this information for the very first time. And it can be a global tipping point, a major change in each one of these individual lives. [01:09:01] But they know, the government knows that this work unlike any, unlike other people out there who are doing good stuff. But this work that I'm doing and the material that I'm gifting you with is changing people in ways that other training doesn't change you. [01:09:19] It's powerful, miraculous and magical, and your life can begin to be magical as well. [01:09:32] Miracles are happening, my friends. [01:09:35] Miracles are happening. Go to the website, send us an email and go to kevintradeau.com. all the contact details are [email protected]. dot the fan club. Website's there. The global information networks there. [01:09:51] The email addresses are easy. Moneyprocesseseventeventrudeau.com. that's easy. If you want information on money processes. [01:10:00] Relationshipsventeventrudeau.com, that's easy if you want information on that. [01:10:05] And I got three seminars coming up. I'm doing live [email protected]. i'm doing the communication seminar, the copywriting seminar and how to make millions online seminar that's going to blow you away. It's so easy to make money online today, it's ridiculous. I'm doing those three seminars teaching you everything about how to do that. Send us an email. Seminarsevengerdeau.com. we'll get the information. You can get that either live or when it's videoed we'll just send you the videos. Very easy to go through that. It's only 9 hours of training, and you learn everything about how to make money. You combine that with the money processes, I think you could be creating a perpetual money making machine that can change everything in your life. And then when you combine that with the relationship processes and becoming a partner and becoming a member in gin, everything gets better. That's why I'm a threat to the powers that be. [01:11:03] I'm empowering people, giving you the tools to control your life and make your life exactly as you've always dreamed about, making all of your dreams come true and living the life you always imagined. [01:11:21] I'm Kevin Trudeau. Thanks for watching today. Make sure you subscribe to the channel like the video. Leave comments, and share the video with as many people as you can to get these numbers up and help empower others as well. I'm Kevin Trudeau. We will see you on Wednesday with more fun information. And I got stacks of stuff to tell you about that's going to improve the quality of your life. We'll see you on Wednesday.

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