Episode 41

August 21, 2024


The Golden Rule Explained & The Power of Your Words | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 41

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau delves deep into the power of words and how they effect every aspect of your life! He shares scientific evidence on the power of words and the frequency and vibration they hold. Kevin shares the Expanded Golden Rule and why it is crucial to your success! This is a power-packed episode you don’t want to miss!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 0:40 NEW Natural Cures Book coming soon!
  • 6:41 The ONE thing you’ll want to do to improve your life in every aspect
  • 7:40 Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research: We can affect water with our words and thoughts
  • 20:43 What happens physically when you send positive thoughts to someone
  • 30:14 The Expanded Golden Rule
  • 33:23 When you criticize others, you only hurt yourself
  • 44:43 Watch the words that come out of your mouth
  • 45:24 Sowing Love and Light
  • 58:38 You are the beneficiary of what you sow



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


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  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com




  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Hey, Kevin Trudeau here. Everything they don't want you to know about. Thanks for joining me. I'm in another secret location. I'm no longer where I was, but I am still on the road. And for those of you who are joining us for the first time, normally I'm in the studio in the Chicagoland area, actually, the suburbs of Chicago, broadcasting the show. But I've been on the road doing research for some of my upcoming books that I'll be publishing next year, one of which is going to be natural cures they don't want you to know about. Now, my original book was called that, which I came out with over ten years ago, actually, almost 20 years ago. That book came out 2005, sold almost 50 million copies. So I am writing a new version of that book with the newest research, which is building on what was written in the first book. And I'm researching this all around the globe, and I was at a very special location, if you watched the last show, with Cindy Sellers, the founder and director of the Angel Farms Health Rejuvenation and Cleansing Facility, clinic center, resort, whatever you want to call it, in beautiful Hawaii, in Hilo, in the Hilo area, on the big island of Hawaii. But the miracles that are happening with simply getting toxins out of the body, and if you go back to the book, natural cures, they don't want you to know about. I talked specifically about the four things that cause people to get sick. Most people today, when you go to doctors, you're getting symptom therapy. The medical community does not want to cure disease. They can't make any money if you're healthy. The established biotech industry or new pharmaceutical industry, the hospital industry, the doctor industry, which is one of the biggest industries in the United States of America and Canada and the western world. And the goal is to make it the biggest industry on the planet, not keeping people healthy and not curing disease, but rather treating symptoms. The whole business model is to get you to take more drugs every single day for the rest of your life. The business model is to get you to take drugs every single day. The business model is to get you to believe that in order for you to be healthy, you need to take a drug, the same drug or multiple drugs every day for the rest of your life, and keep adding so that by the time you're 60 or 70 years old, you're taking 1516, 1720 different medications every day or once a week or one injection a week, constantly. This is a, this is the business model of big pharmaceutical. And if you go back to the book natural cures, I say one of the number one reasons people have illness and disease is that you have toxins in your body, and you must clean those toxins out and stop putting them in. It comes from what you breathe, what you drink. It's in the water, it's in all of the food that we eat, and it's also in the pharmaceutical drugs. You're taking both non prescription and prescription drugs. So if you go to the drugstore and just get some over the counter medication, it's full of toxins that, in fact, sure, they'll suppress symptoms, but they're causing long term illness and disease. So the reason you're sick, number one, is because of toxic buildup. When I was at Angel Farms, the whole facility there is a cleansing facility based on what I said in the book, natural cures, which is you have to clean the toxins out. And there's various ways to do that. They're non invasive. It's easy. It's not that hard to do in many cases. Some are a little bit more challenging than others, but generally they're pretty simple. You could call them easy. I think they're easy to do. Some people think they were hard, but I think most people believe they're relatively simple and easy to follow and do. Or some of them. Some of them are easier than others, but they get the toxins out. And when you get the toxins out, people experience physical miracles. I mean, real miracles. Diabetes goes away, blood pressure is normalized, cancers, tumors vanish in some cases. The stories are unbelievable. I mean, just amazing. And when you clean out the colon, one of the things that happens is the stomach flattens out. When you see parasites and worms coming out of the colon, after five to ten days of cleansing, you're looking in this tank of what's coming out of you. You're thinking, oh, my God, that was in me. Of course, it's causing illness and disease, and virtually within a week or two, people start seeing physical miracles. It's pretty cool. So that's what I've been doing. And now I'm in a different location, and I'm researching additional things. I just had. I spent breakfast today with one of the wealthiest guys here in town in the real estate industry. Very famous fellow. He's been on tv every week for almost 20 years. Major. Major guy. We were just having a wonderful breakfast together, and we've been chatting over the last few weeks. Amazing fellow with an amazing success story. Started with nothing. He drove in as one of his Rolls Royces, and we had an amazing breakfast downstairs. I'm going to be talking to him later today, maybe hooking up with him in the next few days. And we spent the day looking at some things and discussing a lot of things. So I'm researching, which is very, very cool. So if you're new to the show, normally I'm in the studio, but I am on the road. And this show is really designed to help give you information, to empower you to improve the quality of your life and standard of living and make you feel better. Basically give you a greater inner sense of power and peace and being a cause of your environment. Improve your standard of living, improve your ability to manifest your goals, dreams, and desires, and feel better by revealing things in the world that most of the mainstream media don't want you to know about. So that's what the show is all about. So today I got some really interesting stuff. I talked about it in the book, natural cures. And it's not only just about health, but it's really about everything in life. If there was one thing, if there was just one thing that you could do every day, do the same thing every day, a simple thing to do, an easy thing to do that could potentially improve every aspect of your life, you'd probably want to know what that one thing is, right? Okay, today I'm going to tell you what that one thing is. And it's so ridiculously simple. Your body is 70% water. So think about that for a second. Your body is 70% water. Your brain is over 85% water. Okay? So just think about that for a minute. And now put that off to the side. So just remember that years ago, there was a researcher, doctor Masuru Emoto, and he did some amazing research and published this research. This research has been documented, it has been substantiated, it has been duplicated many, many times. It's not news research. It was also talked about in the old Testament of the Bible. It was talked about in Kabbalah, which is from the jewish mysticism book Zohar. It's talked about in Islam, in the Quran, and also in the mysticism of Islam. And it's also talked about at great length in both the Vedas, which are the holiest books in the indian culture. You can call it Hindu, and the other scriptural text, or epics of India. The Ramayama and the Mahabharata and some of the other books there. It's also talked about by the indigenous aboriginal people of Australia. It's also talked about by the Native Americans and also many of the tribes in Africa. What is this thing that everyone talks about? This thing is that when you pray or bless something, that something changes. If you curse something, that something also changes. If you bless something with specific words and also with your intention, even just a thought, that thing turns, quote, positive and can help you. If you curse something with specific words or even just a thought, that thing changes and can hurt you or the person. All right, that's the one thing that is universal. Emoto said, let's see if this is true. How can we determine this? Is this just myth? Is just this something that's talked about in these religious texts or spiritual texts and really has no validity scientifically? So here's what he did. He said, let's get some water. Let's freeze the water. Let's take a sliver of the water, because now it's crystallized. Let's look at it under a Microsoft and see what the crystals look like. So he would take one sample of water, let's say tap water, and he would put it in ten different cylinders, freeze them, take a sliver of each one, put it under a microscope, and they would all look exactly the same. The shape of the crystals that were formed like snowflakes looked exactly the same because it came from the same water sample. So then he'd take another water sample. The first water sample was tap water, and the crystals looked at a certain shape. Then he took spring water, and he would do the same thing. He'd take a bottle of spring water, put it in ten different cylinders, freeze it, take a sliver out of each one, look at each one. And they all looked identical. They looked different than the tap water, but they all look the same. So he could say, this is spring water. This is tap water. The crystals look different. The spring water, the crystal look more beautiful. And he would take different spring waters, and they all looked beautiful, but they were all different. And there was consistency. That research has been proven and documented and verified and double blind studied and duplicated and. Okay, so that's empirical evidence. It's true that the crystals in a water sample are always consistent. And depending on where the water comes from, the crystals are different. So that's our baseline. And here's where the research gets interesting. He now took some water, he looked at the crystals. They all looked the same. He took the same water, put it in a beaker, and on the outside of the beaker, he would write a word in English, by the way, but he also did it writing words in Japanese and in Arabic and in Sanskrit, it didn't matter. He would take the same word, let's say thank you, and he would put it in English, he'd put it in Sanskrit, he'd put it in Arabic and German and Spanish and French, Japanese, Chinese, the word thank you, he put the water in the beakers. All he did different. The same water, and he already has the baseline, so he knows what the water looks like as a crystal. He takes the water, put it in a beaker. On the outside of the first beaker says thank you in English. The second beaker says thank you in Japanese, next one is thank you in Chinese, etcetera, he freezes it, takes a sliver out, looks it under a microscope, the crystals now no longer looked like the normal crystal of the water sample. The crystals have changed. Simply by putting a word on the outside of the beaker, it changed the structure, the molecular structure of the water, and it didn't matter if the word thank you was written in English or Japanese or Chinese or Arabic or French or German, the crystal would come out the same. So I'm going to show you a picture of the crystal that comes out with the word thank you. So if you look on the screen, this is the beautiful crystal that comes out when the word thank you is put on the beaker. All right, now, here's the next test he did. He said, I just put the word on the outside of the beaker. You mean the actual letters have a vibrational frequency? Yes. So we said, hmm, let me do something else. So we took the same water. This is the basic baseline. Tap water. Puts it in ten beakers. He picks up the first beaker, and he looks at it, and he says, thank you. And then he looks at each one and says to each one, he just looks at the water, just looks at it and says the word thank you in different languages. He freezes it, slices it, looks under the microscope, and guess what? The structure of the water change. It's no longer the same as the baseline. It's again the same crystal that you see here. Thank you. So whether he put thank you on the beaker in writing, regardless of the language, or he simply said thank you to the beaker, the crystal changed into this shape. Test number three. He then looked at the beakers with the water in it again, fresh water, tap water, closed his eyes and just thought, he didn't say anything out loud. There was nothing written on the outside of the beaker. He just sent energy to. He just thought, he just pictured in his head the beaker of water. And he thought, thank you. And this was done in different languages with different people because he can't speak all the languages. The water is frozen. Crystals would test under microscope. And here you go again. Thank you. Whether it was the word, whether it was spoken, or whether it was just thought it changed the molecular structure of the water. Now, let me show you a little chart here. Let's put these up. You can see what happened when the word wisdom was used. It's a different molecular structure. Let's look at what happens when truth, the word truth is used either as a word, either as a spoken word or a thought. Look at the word eternal. And again, it doesn't matter if it's in English or what language. Look at angel. Now, look at I love you. So if you say I love you to someone or even think it, look at the beautiful structure that's created in water with that frequency, either in words, spoken words, written words or a thought. Look at peace. Now, let's look at this. You fool. If you call somebody you fool or think of somebody you fool, look what it does to the water. You've cursed the water. Look at. You make me sick. Look at what happens to the structure of water with the words or thought or spoken words. You make me sick. Look at the word evil. What it does to water. Now, here's a before and after photo polluted water, before prayer, that same polluted water an hour later, after prayer. When you pray, you're changing the structure of water. When you bless something, you're changing the structure of water. And this is everyone. When you have words written in your house, on the wall and water sees those words, the structure of water has changed for the positive or the negative. When you're playing music and words are being spoken, oh, bitch, I'm gonna fuck you up. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's having an adverse effect on the water structure. When you have beautiful music being played with beautiful lyrics, it's having a positive effect on the water. When you think positive thoughts, it's having a positive effect on the water. You are 70% water, remember, your brain is 85% water. Remember, when you curse somebody, you're adversely affecting them because it's affecting the water in their body. When you send blessings to someone, it's positively affecting them because it's changing the molecular structure of the water in their body. But here's the good news and the bad news. When you curse somebody, yes, it's adversely affecting them, but the research shows that it has a 100 times more negative effect on the water in your body. When you think a negative thought towards someone else, yes, it's affecting them. We've done research on stage where we do muscle testing and everybody in the room sends a negative thought to the person. They don't know if it's negative or positive because we tell everyone, I'm going to hold up a one and think a negative thought. If I hold up a two, think a positive thought, and the person doesn't know what's what, he has his arm out and we do a muscle test and we hold up something the person can't see in the audience, I say, go ahead. And then we just go, that was a negative thought. And then we hold it up again, negative thought. Two guys can get on and it won't move. They're throwing positive thoughts at you. So in double blind testing, nobody knows whether it's a positive or negative thought, but it affects the body dramatically. So when you think a positive thought towards somebody, it's empowering them and helping them. When you throw a negative thought at them, it's hurting them, but it's hurting you a hundred times more. We know this in the testing. So when you think a negative thought towards somebody else, yes, you're adversely affecting them, but you're hurting yourself a hundred times more. But when you think a positive thought towards somebody else, oh, I wish you'd do well. I want you to do well. I forgive you. I love you. I love you. I want the best for you. I see God in you. I see you as God. I know you didn't mean that. If you knew who you were, you wouldn't have said or done that. And I loved you regardless. When you send those type of thoughts toward people, not only does it help them, it empowers you a hundred times more. It positively impacts your body even more because you're water. This is why in your home, when you have paintings or words that are beautiful, that have high frequency and vibration, it positively impacts you. If you have words that are in books, like the guru Kev lesson book that's available that I have, it is just impacted with energy and it fills everything in the room, including you, by creating. And we've done research, you have that guru kep book. And then if I take some water in the room and just take tap water and test it just in the same room, and I take the guru keb book and put it there. And now we test the tap water because it's been blessed. It's like been prayed over, like the picture here. I'll show it to you again. Polluted water before prayer, polluted water after prayer. This is why when I have food, people always say, you know, I'm not fanatical when it comes to what I eat and what I don't eat. Yes, I have preferences. For example, I shy away from things with monosodium glutamate in it or artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup or any corn product. And if it's ultra processed, I stay away from it. If it's got pork in it, I stay away. Or shellfish or, you know, there's things I stay away from. Right? But if I go over your house and you're feeding me, I don't ask what's in it. I bless the food because it's just like taking polluted water, and with a blessing, I can make it beautiful. I don't eat it every day, but I know it's going to be okay because I bless it first, energetically. And since food, most food, especially fruits and vegetables, are mostly water, I'm turning it around. I'm turning the food structure around with my thoughts. This is powerful. This is why when people become a gold partner with me in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, I do energy work on them every single month as part of their partnership, in addition to getting a monthly zoom call with me every single month. And by the way, if you're not a partner in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, you should go to ktfanclub.com and sign up and become a partner and become a goal partner that way. I do energy work on you. But what I do is I get your photo and I do prayer. And that prayer coming from a very high vibrational source, can positively impact you in a major way. And somebody asked me the other day, why do you spend the whole day, every single month working with all these people? One full day? And I said, well, yes, it's helping them, but I'm helping myself a hundred times more because I'm putting out positive vibrations and frequencies to all these people with love and compassion. And, yes, it's palpable to them. They can feel it in their body. Many people tell me that, and they can see positive effects. And if they were to test their blood and so forth, I guarantee they could see the difference before and after. But it's having a real effect. And now you can see the science as to why. So with this in mind, I want to talk about how you can apply it and then how people are hurting themselves by doing something very bad. So, number one, in your house, look around your house. In my house, we have. It looks like paintings, and it says things like all things are possible. That's a powerful statement, actually. It says, with God, all things are possible. All things are possible. For those who believe, have faith. Faith can move a mountain, so there's positive. Many of them are scriptural prayers or thoughts or phrases that are in my house on the wall, because those words carry frequency and vibration. I have the guru kev books that are this thick, loaded with powerful frequencies and vibrations, and you can get a signed one of those, by the way, they're numbered. I have a first addiction in leather. All gold gilled. It's big, beautiful. The best paper, gold lace, beautiful silk ribbon, which is a bookmark. The outside is beautiful, white leather with gold inlay. It's a collector's item. It's a special, limited, first edition, numbered one through 1000. I don't get any of the money. It goes directly to the legal defense fund. If you want one of those for your house, you just have it in your house. It acts like an attractor field. Plus it has all the guru kev lessons in there. It's almost like a Bible that has the words that are actually embedded with frequencies, and every letter is embedded with frequencies, too. So it changes the molecular structure of whatever's in the room. You can get that. If you want a copy, you go to ktlegaldefense.com. you make a $1,000 contribution. That's all you have to do. And then we'll immediately email you and say, we got it. And then we'll send you the book in the fall. It'll come out very soon. It's in process right now. When they come in, I'll be signing them, and then you'll be getting the book in the fall, limited five per person. And I recommend you get as many as you can get. Five so you can give out as Christmas gifts. That'd be the most amazing Christmas gift for your family, because your whole family's life could potentially change for the better. Imagine everybody in your family having one of them in their house. Even put one in the trunk of your car, carry around with you. It says something that's really cool. But number one, in your house, you should have words. That's why having powerful books in your house, what kind of books do you have in your house? Do you have a Bible? Do you have a Quran? Do you have a Zohar? Do you have any of the texts from the indian tradition? These are powerful. They create attractive fields. Do you have a guru kev lesson book in your house? Do you have positive thinking books in your house? Books that are positive and uplifting and inspirational and motivational? That's good. Do you have things of beauty in your house? By the way, this test was not only with words such as the word thank you, the word love, the word wisdom, but also the spoken word, the written word and thoughts. Since a thought creates a frequency. One of the tests was, can we put water next to something that's ugly on the aesthetic scale versus something that's beautiful on the aesthetic scale, like a beautiful painting or a beautiful sculpture? And the results were the same. When you took polluted water, the structure was all crazy. And then when you put that water next to a flower or next to a beautiful sculpture or next to just a picture, an image of the Mona Lisa or Michelangelo's David didn't have to be the real sculpture. The water structure changed. So there's a wave, an aesthetic wave that comes from beauty that can affect everything in its presence, and it affects water. We know it now scientifically. And since it affects water, theoretically, it should affect all the water in your body. And if it affects your water in your body from going from a structure that's non cohesive, non coherent into a beautiful structure like these here, here's the picture of thank you and wisdom and truth and eternal angel, I love you. Peace. When the water becomes that, as opposed to you fooled, you make me sick. Evil. Or the polluted water before prayer, when it changes to, like, the polluted water, after simply saying a prayer for just a few seconds, you can see how instantaneously it changes. It has to have a positive effect on your psyche, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts, and what you manifest and create in your life. In other words, what your life is like, the conditions of your life, what you manifest in your life. So think about that. This is why one of the Gurukha lessons talks about the expanded golden rule. Now you understand the science behind the expanded golden rule and the expanded golden rule. Remember, the golden rule says, do unto others as you want them to do to you. That was the golden rule. Do unto others as you want them to do to you. That was the golden rule. The expanded golden rule says, talk to other people as you want them to talk to you. That's number one. Number two, talk about other people behind their back when they're not around. Talk about other people as you wish that they would be talking about you. Are you criticizing somebody? Are you pointing out where they stumbled? You know, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, this guy did that. You know, this guy did that. This guy did that. Do you want people to talk about you? You know, 30 years ago, you were 18 and you screwed a 14 year old girl. That's called statutory rape. Did anybody want to talk about that? You stole money out of your mother's purse. You want to talk about that, but you're out there talking about some what happened to somebody else 30 years ago. Talk about other people as you wished that they would talk about you. Number three, think about other people as you wish they would think about you. How are you thinking about people? Thoughts are energy and frequency. We proved that. Doctor Emoto proved that just by thinking a thought and looking at water, it changed the molecular structure. So how are you thinking about people? Think about that. Then do the actions you take toward others. Any action you take, would you want other people to do the same actions toward you? And the expanded goals and rules goes one step further. Talk to yourself about yourself as you really wish. As you really wish you would be talking to yourself. We talk negative thoughts to ourselves. So talk positive words to ourselves. Next. Think positive thoughts about yourself. You got to love yourself first, so you should have positive self talk. Talk, you dummy. Kevin, you dummy. Don't say that. Cancel. Cancel. Kevin, that's okay. That was an error. But you learn from that. You're better than that. You can do better next time. That's positive self talk. So talk to yourself in positive ways. Think about yourself in positive ways, not negative ways. Because if you think about yourself in a negative way, you're changing the molecular structure of the water inside your body and your brain. And that means the frequencies you put out aren't very powerful. You're not manifesting the goals, dreams, and things you want in life. That's critical. And treat yourself with love. Are you pounding down, you know, drink after drink after drink? Are you loving your body? Are you putting garbage in your body? Are you loving your body? Are you not exercising? Are you loving your body? Treat your body. Treat yourself with love. That's critical. That's the expanded golden rule. And when you think about this, one of the biggest things that we do is we criticize others. With the Internet today, this is so, so prevalent, and so many of you are hurting yourself. You're not hurting the people you're criticizing there are people out there that criticize President Trump and they say evil things about him. They say very mean, nasty things about him. They call him names. They criticize him. They point out things that he did, that he did 2030 years ago. Oh, he said this about women. He did this, he did that. That's ancient history. The past is a canceled check. Think about it. It's over. So what? So what? You're not hurting him. You're hurting yourself by putting that venom out, that hate, that negativity. So what? We all make mistakes in life. I've made many. We all have judgments that weren't very smart that we made. We made errors in judgment. We all made mistakes. We all had errors in judgment. We all look back and saying, yeah, you know, yeah, I did. That wasn't a smart decision at the time. But we don't look back at, with regret. We look back with saying, I wouldn't be the person today if I didn't do that, if I didn't make that, quote, error at the time or make that choice at the time. All of us, by the way, have made mistakes. As Jesus said, let you without sin cast the first stone. There are people out there that put documentaries or things on YouTube about me in a negative way. Oh, Kevin bounced some checks. Well, no kidding. When I was 21, I bounced seven checks. I made a mistake. It was an error. There was no evil intent. I immediately paid it back. Hey. And I had to plead guilty to seven counts of larceny. Well, it was 21. Other people get drunk driving when they're 21 or get caught selling marijuana when they're 21 and go to jail. Many Hollywood celebrities have done that. People make mistakes. There are errors. We learn from this and we move forward. Why bring it up? Why bring up this and that and this and that? What does it matter? You're not hurting me. You're not hurting President Trump. And then there are people that are saying horrible things about President Biden or this candidate, or they're going attacking Robert F. Kennedy Junior. They're attacking him. Oh, he killed a bear and put it in the central park, or he messed around with some babysitter or whatever when he was 19. What are you talking. I mean, look, the past is the past. People learn from mistakes. And there is no one out there, none of you are without sin. We learn from that. St. Paul, remember him? He wrote 90% of the New Testament of the Bible. St. Paul. St. Paul. Saint Paul had a past as well, didn't he? He killed christians. St. Paul hated Jesus. Hated christians. And St. Paul went around as a roman citizen, gathering up and looking for and hunting down christians and sending them to the lion's den to be eaten by lions. He had a pretty bad past, but then he saw the light. He got struck while riding on a horse. And Jesus appeared to him and talked to him and said, you're going to change. And he did. Think about that. If St. Paul can change and become a saint, how about me? Or Donald Trump? Or anyone? Or you or anyone. Forgive the past, my friends. Don't criticize people. Don't keep pointing out where the strong man stumbled, where the doer of deeds could have done better. Remember that quote by Roosevelt? It's not the critic who counts. So, there are people out there with videos against Deepak Chopra. What a wonderful man Deepak Chopra is. Look, I don't know his past and all the things he may have did or didn't do to his son or this person or that person. But today. Who's Deepak Chopra today? And don't you love him? And can't you love everyone? Because within us, it's God. Remember, what you see in others is really what you see in yourself. And when you criticize others and you hate me, you're not talking about me. You're talking about yourself. The real question is, what's wrong with you? Why are you hurting so much that you need to hate someone so much that you never even met? Why do you hate Trump or hate Deepak Chopra or hate Tony Robbins? There are people out there saying terrible things about Tony Robbins. Oh, we did this. He did that. They're saying terrible things about Alex Jones. They're saying terrible things about Russell Brand. My gosh, I don't know what they did with this girl 20 years ago. Who are they today? Love them unconditionally, without condition, and without exception. Give out compassion as opposed to criticism and judgment. The more you judge others. Remember, the scripture says, judge not least, you be judged. By the same measure that you judge others, it will be measured against you. This is karma, my friends. You're hurting yourself. You're hurting yourself. So, love and peace. And in doing so, you're not just helping the person. You're sowing love and understanding and compassion toward by being not critical and being not judgmental, but being understanding and compassionate and sending love. But more importantly, you're empowering yourself. So, for all the people out there that are sending and producing hate videos against Tony Robbins or Deepak Chopra or Russell Brand or Alex Jones or me or anyone out there, that's trying to help and empower people today. I can say that we've all made mistakes. We all look back and we scratch our head and go, what was I thinking when I did that? That wasn't very good. That wasn't very smart. But today, who are we and where are we going? And I would point out what's in your past. If we were to look, what would we find? But we don't care. We don't look because we're not here to criticize you. We're here to love you. And it doesn't matter if you hate me and you say critical things about me. Oh, Kevin Trudeau's a scammer. He's this or that or Tony Robbins ripping people off and he's a sexual abuser. And, you know, he beat his ex wife or Russell Brand attacked women and he did this. And Donald Trump is a misogynist and he's this and that, or Alex Jones is a liar and this and that. You can say all the negative things about anybody, and everything you say about others could be said about you. Think about it. You're hurting yourself. So for every single person, we do this on a small scale. We judge our neighbor, we judge the person in the restaurant. We judge our parents, our kids, our friends, our relatives, our coworkers, our boss. We judge the politicians that we never met. And we judge and criticize people that we don't even know. People that judge and criticize me have never met me. That's the amazing thing. It's like the people that say bad things about me never met me. What did they know? What they read? Think about it. So in your life, if there's something that you could do to really improve the quality of your life, I would suggest don't criticize. And every time you find yourself being critical of others, just say, cancel, cancel, and send. Love and compassion and don't judge. Every time you do that, say, cancel. Cancel. And so love and compassion. And in doing so, you're going to start changing the frequencies you're putting out and you're going to start changing the structure of the water that's in your body. Your life is going to change. So if we look at this, it breaks down to number one. Remember, what written words are you writing? Are you writing emails and texts that have powerful words? Thank you so much. Sending you love and blessings. That's a nice text. Versus you're saying, I'm really upset with you. Which text is going to create a beautiful crystal in water? Which of those two texts send texts that as you write, I'm going, is this going to create a beautiful crystalline water? And if the text is no, change it. So it does. And if you're sending a text message or an email, make sure they all contain words that will create a beautiful crystal in water, because as you're sending it, it's creating beautiful crystals of water in you. Your energy field's changing. Everything is changing for the better for you. It's going to improve the quality of your life. And you're sowing love in the world. What you sow, you will reap, my friends. So words, emails and texts, nobody writes letters anymore. But if you did watch those and then look around your house. What books do you have? What do you have for written on the walls? What do you listen to for lyrics and music that's written word? Next, spoken words. What are you saying every time you say something like, I hate that person, the word hate, is that going to create a beautiful, structured crystalline water or not change it saying, you know, there's things I love better. See the difference? I eat something, I don't like it. I can say, well, do you know there's a lot of things I love a lot better than this? Notice the words that come out of my mouth love better. That's creating powerful images and pictures. I'm still getting the same message across, but from a positive spin. So watch the words that come out of your mouth, the words you say to other people about other people, and the words you say to yourself. Words are powerful spoken words. Next, your thoughts. What are you thinking? Are you being critical? Are you being judgmental? Be compassionate, be loving, be understanding. Everything in life is connected. Remember that. Everything is connected. As a matter of fact, I did a show a while back and they wrote on my sheet here, the name of it was self realized. Master explains oneness. It's a short 13 minutes clip, so I want to show you this clip of what I did a while back on one of my previous shows about oneness. And I think now when you hear this it will make logical sense. Let's play that clip. Hello. [00:45:40] Speaker B: Hi. What's your question? [00:45:43] Speaker A: Hey Kevin, you probably remember me from Chicago and with the guy with a great suit. [00:45:47] Speaker B: Oh, sure. [00:45:47] Speaker A: How are you? [00:45:50] Speaker B: I'm good. [00:45:50] Speaker A: Good. I got the money process number one done two weeks ago. [00:45:53] Speaker B: My question is, can you explain what. [00:45:54] Speaker A: Everything we talked about in lesson one when you said everything is one? [00:45:59] Speaker B: Sure, I'll talk about that right now. [00:46:01] Speaker A: Hold on 1 second. I'm going to hang up on you. [00:46:02] Speaker B: But I'll answer that for everybody. Thank you. [00:46:05] Speaker A: All right, first off, I have to change this. [00:46:10] Speaker B: Kevin Trudeau, guru. So, Kevin Trudeau, guru was now speaking. The question was in the money processes and in the guru kebab lessons and if you've gone through the success mastery course that I've produced or the science of personal mastery course, I talk a lot about the fact that everything is one. This isn't, by the way, new if you are orthodox jew. This prayer, the most highest one of the. I believe it's the highest prayer. [00:46:43] Speaker A: You have to cover your eyes. [00:46:44] Speaker B: It's called the Shema. The Shema Israel. And it says, God is one. Everything is one. In religions around the world. Some religions talk specifically about that we are God's children. In other religions, we are an expression and an extension of the one universal God or the one universal consciousness. Some religions use the word God. Some use consciousness. Some use other terms or words. [00:47:23] Speaker A: Allah, etcetera. [00:47:27] Speaker B: The way it works, not theory, by the way, from actually experience experiencing it. The way it works cannot be described in words. It is ineffable. It is beyond the explanation of words. So I will use words to try to describe something to your mind that is beyond the mind. The challenge is the mind can never understand or comprehend what's beyond itself. Now, think about that. Let's say that you are a native to an island in the south Pacific. And in this remote island in the South Pacific, civilization as we know it has not come. You're still living in a hut made from grass. You have no factory, no pens, no paper, no cell phones. You have no mechanized anything. Everything is made by hand like it was 5000 years ago. So think about that. You have no tv, no radio. You've never seen anything. You've never seen a plane. You've never seen a mechanized boat or boat with an engine. You've never seen anything. [00:48:50] Speaker A: Everything. [00:48:51] Speaker B: You are living in the same way with the same knowledge as your ancestors did 5000 years ago. So think about that. And so now somebody actually lands on your island and it's an island that's in the South Pacific. It's warm. And the first thing the person says is, do you know what ice is? What's ice? Well, ice is cold. Do you know what cold is? What's cold? Do you know what snow is? What's snow? Well, ice is water that becomes hard like a stone, so water that becomes like a rock. You'd look at that person and you go, water becomes like a rock. It would be something you could not comprehend. No matter how I explained snow or ice to you, you couldn't comprehend it. [00:49:56] Speaker A: And if I tried to explain a. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Cell phone to you, you couldn't comprehend it. It would be beyond your level of understanding. [00:50:04] Speaker A: Does that make sense? [00:50:07] Speaker B: So I'm going to try to explain something which is beyond the comprehension of the mind. In the universe, there is no universe. The universe and everything in it is an illusion. It is what's called the world of duality, where we have matter, energy, space and time. We have a this and a that, a here and a there. And you're saying this is an illusion? Kevin, that's hard. That's real, Kevin. I'm not there. You're there. I'm here. This is an illusion. This is reality. It is real. I understand. That's what the mind can comprehend. But beyond this, there's energy. And beyond energy, there's a static. It's called consciousness, or the atmanda, depending on the tradition you grew up in. And this static is one. And out of this oneness, which is pure benevolence, pure love, pure joy, pure bliss. Pure consciousness, pure awareness. There is no duality. There is no good and right or evil and good and up and down, or north or south, or here or there. There's no time, there's no space. There's nothing. There's no judgment, because there's nothing to judge. There's only one. And out of this oneness emerged the many. And this is what the scriptural text for thousands of years said. Out of the one became the many. This is when the veil. You've heard sometimes the term the veil started. The veil was the beginning of duality. And it was the illusion. Because the illusion is there's something here. Let me give you an example of what the illusion is. The illusion is you're sitting and you're watching a marionette play. Do you know what marionettes are? Marionettes are wooden figures and they have strings attached to them. And you're watching the Play, and there's two marionettes, this one and this one. And they're fighting each other with a sword. And you're watching this Play, and one marionette kills the other one. [00:52:24] Speaker A: Ah. [00:52:28] Speaker B: That'S the illusion. Because if you look up, you see the puppet master. The puppet Master is actually controlling both puppets. What you just watched was an illusion. No one killed anyone. There was nothing. One puppet and another puppet. Because there was only one puppet master controlling both Puppets. In oneness, there's one. [00:52:56] Speaker A: Every single person is an expression and. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Extension of the one. This is why in some traditions, they use the word the self, and we are all the same self. This is the great mystery. This is the great illusion. This is the great incomprehensible secret of the world, secret of the universe, secret of everything that there's one. And if someone were to say, Kevin, what should we do in life? Is there something? Every guru, every spiritual master who's enlightened means that they are aware, they have seen all. That's what enlightened means. They have light where there was darkness and what enlightenment truly means, a self perfected or self realized master. The reason why it's called self realization is they've realized the selF, the oneness. That's all. And what happens is when you, as a spiritual being, transcend the physical body and transcend the dimensions, transcend the spiritual realm, and you pierce or cross the veil. The VEil is the separation between the illusional world of duality and reality, which is one. It's when you see the puppet master and you realize you are the puppet master, and there's only one puppet master. And when you cross that veil and merge into the static or merge into the universal consciousness, that is all things. The experience of bliss and joy is beyond CompRehEnsion. It's what, in the Christian Bible, it says, the love of God that surpasses all human comprehension will envelop you. And when you experience that, you experience a sense of connectedness, of oneness with every person, everything, every place, in a way that is ineffable. The joy is beyond comprehension, the bliss is beyond comprehension, and you know all. You have no questions. You are in a state of being which is pure love. Gurus around the world, when asked, is there any secret you can tell me? They say, one and love everyone without exception and without condition. That's the secret. There's one. And love everyone, including yourself, without exception and without condition. Attach yourself to someone who is anchored in that oneness, in that love and that bliss and that joy. And if you anchor yourself to someone who's there, they will not give you a handout, but they will give you a hand up. They have followed a path that has brought them to Nirvana, to paradise. And they know the road, they know the pitfalls. And if you attach yourself to that person, they can lead you and make your journey smoother and quicker and faster and easier to that place of bliss and joy that surpasses all human comprehension. Choose a path. Choose a spiritual leader, choose a guru. Choose someone that resonates with you. I know many of them around the world. Some people look for me for that. You choose. I can tell you it's worth the trip. It's worth the trip. Victory is always worth the struggle. I'm Kevin Trudeau. This is everything they don't want you to know about. Remember this. Believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself. Do the things I suggest and recommend. And if you do, I know you will never be the same. [00:57:58] Speaker A: Wasn't that amazing? Now you understand that everything is connected. And the fact that everything is connected. Why? Thinking thoughts that are lovely and beautiful. Not being critical, but being more understanding. Not being judgmental. And for those of you who are. I love you. Whether you hate me or not, whether you make terrible videos about me, I still love you. The past is the past, my friend. All that matters is where we're at and where we're going. So love in the world, so understanding, so compassion. You're the beneficiary. You're the one that reaps the benefits of what you sow. And if you sow criticism and hate, that's what's going to come back into your life. If you sow love and compassion and understanding, that's what's going to come into your life too. Think about that. I would love to meet you live and in person. And if you want, you can do so. Coming up this fall, I'm doing a live three day event. November 1, second and third in Chicago at the Parma House Hotel. It's an event we should charge $15,000 for. Not only will I be speaking, but there'll be a total of seven multi millionaires that will be on stage sharing the secrets of success. How you, too, can not just make millions, but manifest all your goals, dreams and desires. It's a global information network event for members only, and you're going to get a free ticket if you want it. All you have to do is become a member, and it's only $38.95 to sign up as a member. That's it. You sign up and you get a free ticket. You get a free ticket either to come to Chicago and attend live, or you get a free ticket so you can watch it virtually on your computer or smartphone. And if you can't watch the whole thing, we record it, and we'll send you the entire event as a recording so you can watch it over the next week at your leisure and as time permits. This is an event that should cost $15,000. And if you want to make money and improve the quality of life, attend this event. Right now it's 70% sold out, so the seats are limited. It's first come, first serve, it's probably going to sell out very, very quickly. So take advantage. Just go to globalinformationnetwork.com, comma, sign up as a member. Just hit sign up now. It's $38.95. You get a member support coach that will reach out to you in the next day or two and just say, I want to go to the event. Either live or tell them I want to go virtual. They'll help show you. We're on the website. You can register and get your free ticket. It's totally free. And then if you go to the event, I'll have a chance to meet you live and in person. If not, I'll be saying hi to you virtually from the stage. It'll be an amazing, amazing event. We have a lot coming up over the rest of this year and next year. Make sure you subscribe to this channel. Make sure you hit the notification button. Share this video with as many people as you can, and make sure you list some comments down as well. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Remember, God does love you, the universe loves you. Oneness loves you, and so do I, no matter what you do, because I love you without exception and without condition. Much love. We'll see you next time on the Kevin Trudeau show. Bye bye now.

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