Episode 26

July 01, 2024


The Presidential Debate, Govt. Bribes & The Corrupt Justice System | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 26

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin Trudeau blows the lid off political and government corruption and exposes the bribes and payoffs that occur at the highest levels! He admits how close he was to being corrupted with bribes of millions of dollars that he was offered. A celebrity even surprised everyone by calling Kevin while he was live on the show! This is a fun show that you’ll be sure to get some good laughs from watching!

  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 2:02 Kevin is giving it all away!
  • 8:08 We are not getting insights on political corruption from the news
  • 12:00 The “Rain Man” in stock picks!
  • 14:51 “I was close to being corrupt”
  • 22:00 Why pay attention to politics?
  • 28:13 Scientists make $750M in bribes and payoffs
  • 35:03 You do this if you do something wrong
  • 42:09 Presidential Debates
  • 51:00 Welcome to America; you are under arrest
  • 55:33 New Movie Recommendations


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about! 

Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners. 


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness. 


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!

Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Click here to become a Partner with Kevin now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


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Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com


Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:24] Welcome to the Kevin Trudeau show. I'm Kevin Trudeau. I'm in leisurely outfit today. It's a gorgeous, beautiful day here in Chicago, wherever you are in the world. Thanks for joining us. We have a great show today. And as always, think about how you feel right now, because at the end of the show, you're going to feel better. By the way, if you notice the picture behind me again, this is really. I mean, it really is stunning and amazing how many people, Trey, have been just sending us these from around the world. I mean, it's almost, like serendipitous. They're in castles, they're in temples, they're in tombs, and they're in old wealthy homes. And they see these paintings sometimes at estate sales, and they go, Kevin, this person looks like you. And I've done this DNA testing, and I have lineage from Egypt, allegedly. And somebody found this from an ancient pharaoh, and they say it looks like me. And quite frankly, I don't see the resemblance. [00:01:25] I don't know. Maybe it was a pharaoh, or maybe it was one of the high priests in Egypt that kind of looks like me. [00:01:35] Maybe it's an ancestor. Right? Maybe it's an ancestor. [00:01:40] Thank you for joining me. [00:01:42] We have a great show today. Now, I'm gonna just tell you something, a couple things real quick. Number one, if you haven't joined us before, this is your first time joining. Thanks for watching. But you're getting. This show is filled with free nuggets of gold. I was on the phone with Les Brown. He's one of my top motivational speakers of all time. He's on my list. I did a show, the top ten motivational speakers of all time. And I was on the phone with Les yesterday, and we were chatting, and he says, brother, you're giving it all away. You're giving it all away. I go, what do you mean, Les? He goes, Kevin, I charge $15,000 for people to spend two and a half days with me Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday morning. [00:02:22] It cost him $15,000. He goes, and I'm giving it away. You're giving away all the success information on your show. He says, my God, if you just take eight or 9 hours of your programming, you have a $25,000 seminar. And he goes, when you compare it to what I'm teaching or Tony Robbins is teaching or anybody else, he goes, Kevin, you're giving it away. So if you haven't watched some of the past shows, you are missing out on success training. Hey, if you want to pay 15,000 or 25,000 per weekend and go to learn from someone, hey, that's good. You'll get some good value out of that. [00:03:02] It's all free here. It's all free. So I guess you got some good stuff next week. Not next week. Wednesday. [00:03:12] We broadcast twice a week, Monday and Wednesday. On Wednesday of this week, I'm going to be taking phone calls, but it's going to be a little different because last week we had such a great response from Gary when he was actually reading people. We were flooded and saying, Kevin, can you take some calls and actually do what you do on a one on one zoom? You know, just a little taste where I go in to the DNA and clean things up. [00:03:39] So I'm going to take a few people. It's going to be, you know, kind of drawing a name out of the hat there. But on Wednesday, I'm going to take phone calls and it'll be kind of a mini one on one Zoom session where I show you kind of what I do, and it's going to be magical. You know, one of the things we talk about is that many of your blockages are in your DNA from your ancestors. One of the reasons why most people don't make a lot of money, or if they try to make money and they feel like they're swimming upstream, it's because there's energetic blocks from traumas or decisions or postulates or confusions in your ancestors, in your mother's line and in your father's line, and it's in your DNA. Same thing with relationships. If you're a man or a woman and you're trying to meet a partner and you always seem to attract an idiot or a bad relationship or an abusive relationship or a codependent relationship or a relationship that's not sexually fulfilling, or you just can't attract anybody. Or if you're in a relationship and every time you get into one, it starts off good, then it just goes completely sideways and you wonder, why, why? Why does it never work out for me? There are energetic blocks and it's in the DNA. And when you clear those blocks, then magically, relationships manifest in your life. And if you clear the blocks in relation to money, magically the money manifests in your life. And a lot of people scratch their head and go, is that true? [00:05:07] I don't know, maybe it's true. The research just came out. The research just came out a week ago. [00:05:13] International researchers have said traumas in your, that happened in your ancestors lives are in your DNA. [00:05:26] No kidding. I've been saying this for decades. This is what I learned in the brotherhood. This is how we got cleared, if you will, from energetic blockages and can make money and manifest things easier and had stable emotions because we cleared out. Out of the DNA, not our trauma, not like, oh, when I was six years old, I fell off a runaway horse or I wasn't loved by my father. You know, he yelled at me and never hugged me. Okay, those are traumas, too. But that's just a little bit. When you go to a psychotherapist, that's all they talk about. There's, how does intergenerational trauma work? This, again, the research is absolute about this and it's no kidding. But unless you know someone that can actually go into the field and blow out those traumas, you're kind of stuck with it. This is why wealthy people don't have as much a hard time making money, because in their DNA, lineage is wealth. And so they don't have the energetic blockages. It's minor, but if you have generations of poverty or somebody went bankrupt or something like this, you have to get that blown out. And that's why I offer the money processes and the relationship processes the response. I was just reading a stack of comments from people. I just got a telegram message yesterday or this morning, and it says it's been one month since I did the money processes. I can't believe it, but I just got money in the mail from a source I haven't thought about in years and didn't even think that it was going to come in. And then my other friend in Connecticut said he was owed money on a mortgage that he gave to someone for like 20 or 30 years, and he just wrote it off. And miraculously, after he went through the money processes, the lawyer called and said, the guy needs to pay this off so he can, because there's a lien on his property, he wants to sell it. And all of a sudden, the guy got money out of nowhere. I mean, it was just like Kevin. It's miraculous. Same thing with the relationship process. People that, you know, one particular fellow that hadn't got a date in years all of a sudden went through the relationship processes and within two days bumps into somebody at a Starbucks who asks him out, and he's like, are you kidding me? [00:07:47] So if you want more information on the relationship processes. We'll give you all the information. You can send an email or if you want information on the money processes, send that in. But I'm going to be doing some calls, live calls on Wednesday, and I'm going to be doing some of this so you can kind of see. And people are going to be amazed. Amazed. All right. I have been also bugged. And, Trey, you know this. People were saying, Gavin, Gavin, give us your take on the news. You used to do that segment all the time. A lot of times the whole show is you're reading news clips and giving your insight because we're not getting the truth from the mainstream media. And when we go on, you know, if we're listening to some other people, it's all just negative when we feel terrible. So I'm gonna give you some insight on the news today. That's what I'm going to do. [00:08:38] All right. So the first thing, politicians, some of you think no matter what country you live in, some of you think that politicians. Some politicians are corrupt, some politicians are crooks. Some politicians take bribes and you know they're corrupt. [00:09:06] But you think. But the politician that you're backing is honest. He's a good woman. Oh, she's a good woman. He's a good man. [00:09:17] They're trying to help the little guy. [00:09:21] They're so good. [00:09:23] Let me explain the facts of life to you. [00:09:28] This is not fantasy island. [00:09:32] The reality is all politicians are on the take. You don't know what that means. Trey, do you know what that means, being on the take? Of course not. Because you're a young man. You don't know that all politicians accept graft. Do you know what that means? Of course. Nothing. What this means is graft, or being on the take means that you get money from outside people to influence your decisions to make. You do certain things or not do certain things. You accept bribes, payoffs. You can call it graft. [00:10:15] There's a bunch of other terms as well. [00:10:20] Technically, bribes are illegal. So what congress did is they simply, since they're writing laws for themselves, they were, hey, hey, guys, we're in Congress. We want to become, you know, worth millions. And you look at the. You look at the senators and politicians, when they go to go to Congress or they go to the Senate, they live in. They're living in a normal house, and then four years later, they come out, they're living in a $10 million mansion. How did that happen? [00:10:45] This happens in countries all over the world. [00:10:49] The way it works is very simple. And I've been talking about this for 30 years. [00:10:55] On my radio show 1520 years ago, I was one of the first person to expose it. Number one Congress, and this is in America, but it's similar all over the world. They wrote laws that said if you're a congressman or a senator, you can buy and sell stock even though you have insider information. [00:11:17] So for example, I'm a senator and I happen to know that we're going to be passing a bill which approves online gambling in America. [00:11:30] Well, I know that. Nobody else knows that, but I know that. So I then buy the stocks in MGM Grand, Caesars and all the companies that have online gaming ready to go if it's approved. [00:11:46] And then when the bill is approved, my brilliant stock purchase went from $10 a share to $100 a share. And then I sell it and I make 50 times on my money. [00:12:02] You look at Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband and his record of buying stocks. This guy is the greatest stock purchasing genius in the history of mankind. [00:12:20] He has a 100%, a 100% success rate at picking the right stock exactly at the right time. And they all go up. Not just ten or 20%, but they skyrocket. That guy is like, I mean a phenomena like rain man. I mean it's unbelievable. No he's not. [00:12:44] He's getting insider information from his wife Nancy. [00:12:49] And that's how they're doing it the second way. And by the way, this happens everywhere, all over the world. The second way. [00:13:01] Congress passed a law. [00:13:04] Bribes are illegal. [00:13:07] A congressman or a senator, no politician can accept a bribe. [00:13:15] A bribe is defined as I get money before I do something to coerce me to do something like pass a regulation or pass a law that helps the person that gave me the money. [00:13:32] For example, Monsanto is trying to get the FDA to approve this artificial sweetener called aspartame known as Nutrasweet. [00:13:45] And the FDA says no because its a poison and I dont like the FDA. But they did a good job on not approving aspartame. [00:14:00] All of a sudden Reagan appoints Donald Rumsfeld to be the chairman of the Food and Drug Administration. [00:14:11] A week after hes appointed, I think the FDA reverses its decision and approves aspartame. [00:14:23] Nutrasweet. [00:14:26] Three or four months later Rumsfeld quits and he is given a board seat on Monsanto or one of the subsidies for $10 million a year. [00:14:43] The highest amount of money any board member has ever received in the history of that company. [00:14:48] That's called a payoff. [00:14:51] So bribes if you get it before the decision is illegal, a payoff if you get it after. Even the Supreme Court said, well, that's okay. Cause that's a gratuity. [00:15:07] It's a payoff. It's corruption. [00:15:13] Corruption. [00:15:15] The politicians, the people in Congress, the people in Washington, the people in all the FDA and EPA, they're corrupt. [00:15:24] They're taking the money. [00:15:28] Oh, Kevin, you're not corrupt. Well, let me tell you something. I was close to being corrupt, and I'll tell you, I'm very, very close. [00:15:37] Number one, way back when, my whole thing happened with the FTC, people don't know this. And because I'm still in court, I can't tell the whole story. All I will say is that I was offered $10 million in cash, and this is 30 years ago. That was a lot of money. That's like 50 million today. So 50 million in cash. [00:15:59] If I never wrote a book, if I went off tv, went off radio, and basically lived in Switzerland as a hermit to just go away. [00:16:14] I was very close to being corrupt and taking the cash. [00:16:21] But unfortunately, I have a conscience, and I know what my mission here is. A good friend of mine years ago said, the best way to get a good night's sleep. There's really two ways to get a great night's sleep. Either one, you have a clear conscience, or number two, you don't have any at all. [00:16:40] Well, I had one, so I knew I'd never get a good night's sleep ever again if I took the money. [00:16:45] And my friend said, Kevin, with all the champagne and scotch you could be drinking, you'd sleep good every night. [00:16:53] No. No, I wouldn't. [00:16:57] And there's another thing that I almost got corrupted on because I wrote the book natural cures. They don't want you to know about the number one best selling book of all time on health and nutrition. And I say it proudly, because a lot of people don't know this. That book, Natural Cures, was number one on the New York Times list. Number one on the New York Times best selling list. Not number four, five or six or ten. It was number one week after week after week in the number one spot for 26 weeks in a row, sold over 50 million copies, was the best selling book in all of America of the year that it came out, because I have so much credibility in natural health. Do you know who came to me and offered me cash? [00:17:40] And by the way, I could pay off my lawyers. I could pay off the FTC right now. [00:17:45] The offers are still on the table, I'm sure. The drug companies came to me and said, kevin, we want you to go on tv and endorse this arthritis drug, endorse this diabetes drug, endorse this. They said, look at all the celebrities. They all take the money. [00:18:03] We're going to give you over 50 million in cash upfront plus royalties. [00:18:10] Because they knew that if Kevin Trudeau, the natural cures guy, is saying that this drug company is a good company and this drug is good, it would break the back of the natural health industry or the alternative health industry. [00:18:28] I was a little close to taking the money, but I had to stop the show, burn all the natural cures books, sign non competes. I couldn't do anything with natural health that pretty much was going to be owned by the drug company. [00:18:45] And I had to endorse other products that they told me to for similar fees. So it wasn't like it was a bad deal. It was a good deal, but I didn't take the money. [00:18:58] But the second reason that the second way these politicians around the world get rich and are all corrupt because that means they're all influenced by money. They do what they're told. They're lying to you, is if I go to a politician and say I have a bag of money here, here's a million dollars in cash in this bag and I want you to get me a pardon, that's called a bribe and we would both be charged with bribery. [00:19:34] Okay? If he accepted, even if he didn't accept, I could be charged with attempted bribery. [00:19:40] So I don't do that. [00:19:42] So what's legal is I can set up a political action committee. It's called the PAC. So I set up a political action committee. [00:19:52] The political action committee goes to that politician or whoever they are in Washington, the powers that be, and saying give me a pardon and this political action committee will give you and your wife a private jet and a two week vacation in this $10 million villa in the south of France every year for the next ten years. And we'll give your grandson, you know, the idiot who can't and virtually read and write as a moron will give him a job for a million dollars a year. [00:20:34] Thats perfectly legal. [00:20:37] Now the guy says, okay, thats not a bribe. [00:20:42] When I was talking about this for 30 years, some people scratched their head. [00:20:49] John Stewart says here, Jon Stewart exposes dirty secret that lets your lawmakers get filthy rich. [00:21:01] The Daily show host named and shamed senators and house members engaged in legal corruption. Thanks to DC loopholes I read this and said, really? This goes in the Kevin was right file. And it says here it's like a license to print money. They don't need to break the law when the legal corruption in the Senate is so lucrative. [00:21:24] Stewart revealed what he called the secret to financial success in Washington. Stewart revealed. Stewart revealed. Kevin, Kevin. Kevin Trudeau. Kevin Trudeau revealed. [00:21:34] First, he said lawmakers are allowed to engage in what is essentially insider trading. [00:21:42] Kevin was right. [00:21:44] Can everyone try ding, ding, ding, ding, ding? [00:21:48] And secondly, lobbying groups that normally wouldn't even be allowed to buy a sandwich for a lawmaker because it'd be called a bribe can set up a political action committee with slush funds, giving them everything from lucrative vacations to jobs to friends and family. Ah, I was right again. Stewart called it corruption in plain sight. [00:22:08] Thank you very, very much, Kevin. [00:22:13] Right as usual. [00:22:17] The reason why I even bring this up, I don't want you to feel bad. I want you to have your eyes open. [00:22:25] Don't even pay attention to the lawyer, to the politicians. Don't even pay attention to what they say. They're reading a teleprompter, reading a script. They're lying through their teeth. Why do you even watch a political speech? Why do you even bother? It doesn't really matter. Nothing really matters. There's really, in America, there's two parties, and other countries, there's more than two parties. It's really just a couple basic fundamental differences of what party you want to vote for. They're all corrupt. I mean, the fundamental differences in America, for example, between a Republican and a Democrat is a Republican generally says, look, we want immigrants to come into the country. We want more immigrants, but we want to make it easier for qualified people to come in. We want smart, educated, wealthy people to come into our country that can take care of themselves. The Democrats say, we want immigrants to come in, too, but we want poor, uneducated people so they can get on the payroll and vote democratic. [00:23:26] And that's generally, and I'm talking in broad strokes. [00:23:30] And theres a couple other fundamental differences. The Democratic Party believes that there should be a bigger government. If they had their way, thered be two or three times as many federal and state employees. Everything would be controlled by the government. Theyre very government centric. [00:23:46] The Republicans generally, in broad strokes, feel that people should make their own decisions and there should be more free enterprise and reward for incentive. [00:24:01] These are very broad, overly broad strokes. But the point is it really doesn't matter if you closed your eyes and you went to sleep 40 years ago, and you woke up and you looked at this country. I mean, it's radically different than it was 40 years ago. It changes every year so slowly that you don't notice the difference. But if you went to sleep 40 years ago and woke up today and started looking around, you'd freak out. You know, just think about some of the things that have changed over the years. You know, we think, oh, you know, we live in a. In America, for example. Oh, this is a beautiful, safe, wonderful country. And, you know, it's the greatest country in the world. We always hear it's the greatest country in the world. That's bull. That really is B's. [00:24:46] We do not have the highest standard of living or quality of life. Not even close. [00:24:52] Not even close. [00:24:54] Our airports are disgusting, our food supply is disgusting, our roads are getting disgusting. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Yeah, we're better than a lot of countries. But don't compare it to the crappy countries, the countries whose infrastructure is terrible and horrible, and there's massive poverty compared to the good countries. You compare the standard of living and quality of life in Dubai, in Singapore, in Switzerland, in Copenhagen. Are you kidding me? There's no comparison. [00:25:27] You go into a public restroom in any of those countries, you can eat off the floor. You go into a public restroom in the United States, you want to throw up. [00:25:36] I mean, I walk in, it's like, I can't even use the restroom here. It's so freaking disgusting. We don't have the money to even clean the darn thing. [00:25:47] So the reason why I bring up this whole corruption point is you're being misled and you're being lied to. [00:25:55] At the same time. [00:25:58] Consider that the external conditions are irrelevant to your internal state. [00:26:07] That's the critical point. Most people at the external situations affect them internally. [00:26:14] You think about this. You look at an old movie, you used to go to the airport, you could drop off your car, you could take your bag, you could walk right to the gate, you could buy a ticket in cash, and you could get on the plane. [00:26:32] You didn't have to show them an id. [00:26:35] You could make up a name and go on the plane. [00:26:38] And there was no bombings. There was no stabbings on the plane. There was no insane people. [00:26:44] When you went into, you didn't go through the TSA, you didn't get strip shirts. You didn't have the guy putting his hand down your pants. You don't have x rays going on. You don't have nine different ids. You didn't have to because we had way less violence and crime today. It's out of control. You can't. You can't not do it because there's too many freaking crazy people. Quality of life and standard of living is going down. [00:27:12] Okay? I mean, I can give you a hundred different examples of how it used to be in terms of ease of maneuvering. Huh? [00:27:22] Just go to a Walmart or a Kmart. [00:27:26] Half of the stuff is locked up. I like to get an advil. You have to ring a bell. Person comes, they pat you down. They have this key, open it up. It's like you're in jail, and then they walk you to the counter to buy the advil. It's like, are you kidding me? [00:27:46] Are you kidding me? [00:27:49] What country is this? [00:27:52] What country is this? It's happening all over the world, my friends. [00:27:57] The quality of life and standard of living is going down. Crime and violence, shoplifting is all going up. They talk about, oh, the statistics. The statistics. That's all b's. [00:28:09] We all know it. Everybody knows it. [00:28:12] All right, more corruption. Ah ha. I've been saying this for decades. Talked about it in my natural cures book. [00:28:22] New York Post, national of Institute Health scientists. And these are the scientists who work for the National Institutes of Health. [00:28:34] They made $710 million in royalties from drug makers, a fact they try to hide. [00:28:44] That's called a conflict of interest. [00:28:47] You have a scientist at the National Institutes of Health. If he says a drug is good and safe and effective, he gets royalties, $710 million. The data from the National Institutes of Health revealed the agency and its scientists collected 710 million in royalties from 2021 to 23. These are payments made by pharmaceutical companies directly to the scientists. [00:29:17] Can anybody here say payoff, bribe? [00:29:25] And then the words you don't know. Graft. [00:29:28] Can you say they're all on the take? You don't know what that means, either. That means they're taking the money. [00:29:37] In the last few years, they collected in royalties $1.3 billion in payoffs and bribes. Oh, I'm sorry. [00:29:49] Royalties on the sale of drugs. Can you trust them? When the National Institutes of Health. That's one of the guys, by the way. That's one of the guys. When they say something, can you trust them? [00:30:07] Think about it. [00:30:10] More corruption. [00:30:14] The Kevin was right file. And I know this because I have been in these rooms when this stuff has been going on. [00:30:23] Panama Papers. This case has been going on for a long time. [00:30:28] It came out in the news. You never heard from it ever again. And here's what the headline says. Panama Papers, court acquits all 28 charged with money laundering. [00:30:40] And some of you don't even know what the Panama paper case is. The Panama paper case was there was some law firms and shell corporations in Panama that helped billionaires, presidents, prime ministers, members of royal families, super wealthy people from around the world set up offshore trust foundations and corporations. Allegedly. And this, by the way, they also helped drug smugglers like the Panama Noriega, the strongman who was allegedly smuggling drugs into America. [00:31:25] Cartel bosses in Mexico and Colombia, they have all this cash. So this law firm helped these people and then the presidents and prime ministers of countries, when they're stealing all the money out of the treasury and they're getting all the bribes and payoffs. This law firm helped them set up trust incorporations to basically hide the money. [00:31:51] Over trillion dollars in cash in bribes and payoffs. [00:31:59] Some data leak happened and all of a sudden all the stuff was found by some journalists in Europe. [00:32:06] And this big case happened. [00:32:10] Well, the case just ended with all everybody being acquitted. [00:32:14] But what is not on the front page? It's on the second page. [00:32:20] This is good. [00:32:22] It says, the judge said evidence collected from the servers proving the guilt of all accused had not been gathered in line with due process. [00:32:39] And therefore he dropped all the criminal charges against the defendants. [00:32:49] I mean, really, they were all guilty. [00:32:58] He acquits them because he goes, oh, well, you know, technically the evidence that proved their guilt just wasn't collected properly. [00:33:07] So here we have presidents of companies of countries. It says twelve former and current heads of state, which means presidents and prime ministers, government officials, top government officials, including dictators, had been accused of embezzling money from their own country. The data revealed it included Foreign Secretary David Cameron of the UK, Ukraine's president Vladimir Zelensky, and even argentinian football star Lionel Messi, whose affairs came under scrutiny. Now I'm not suggesting that any of those three people I haven't reviewed the data actually broke the law. [00:33:56] Really? [00:33:59] You're setting up hidden offshore companies, keeping it a secret. Fake names, false names, secret ownership. [00:34:08] Billions and billions, up to a trillion dollars has been funneled off into secret locations under secret names, never revealed on any financial document. Really? And you're saying there's nothing wrong? [00:34:21] Anytime I set up a corporation or foundation or a trust anywhere in the world, it was fully 100% disclosed. There was never anything hidden. And the fact that I control them, that I set them up, that I was in charge, even if I set them up and somebody else was in charge, let's say a trustee, there was no, there was no secrecy. About it was my money. [00:34:45] It was 100% transparent at all times. No one had to try to dig it out. It's always right there and on every IR's filing. [00:34:57] Otherwise, I would have been charged with tax evasion or misfiling a tax form. [00:35:04] But every bank account in the world was on my IR's filing. These guys have accounts that effectively they controlled de facto control, but they didn't put on anything. I put stuff on mine that even if I didn't have any control at all, because a trustee had absolute control, I couldn't legally control anything that still disclosed it because I did nothing wrong. But if you're doing something wrong and you're hiding stuff, that's what you do. [00:35:37] Democratic representative Henry Kohler and wife indicted on federal bribery charges. [00:35:44] More than a dozen federal charges alleging they took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from an oil company owned by the government. Azerbaijan and a mexican bank. [00:35:55] This goes on to say that these particular people took the money in advance. [00:36:00] You should have waited till afterwards. Then it would have been called a gratuity and you wouldn't have been charged. You missed that memo. [00:36:10] This happens all the time. [00:36:14] Senator Bob Menendez charged with bribery. Now, this guy is a kook, quite frankly. I mean, the guy is really, really a kook. He's got gold bars in his house. And there's nothing wrong with having gold bars. The media likes to say that because it sounds like real sexy, right? [00:36:36] A gold bar is about this big. It's like anywhere from 1oz to 10oz, usually 5oz or something. It's small. That's a gold bar. It's not like this big gold bar you see in the pictures of Fort Knox that weigh, like 80 pounds. Okay, now that's stacked up. Gold bars. [00:36:53] It's a little gold, you know, like a. It's just a little piece of gold. [00:36:58] And there's absolutely nothing wrong with having it. It's legal, and it's good to have. Gold has great energetic properties. Wealthy people always had physical gold in their possession, or silver for the energetic properties. There's nothing wrong with having it. There's companies all over America and all over the world that say, buy gold. And when you go in Switzerland, you can just walk into a bank and buy bars of gold. It's completely okay to have bars of gold. [00:37:21] But since most people don't have bars of gold, you always think that somebody is doing something wrong if they have bars of gold. Okay, so that's what the media does. So Menendez has some gold. No problem. [00:37:33] They asked the question, and I'm not sure how many bars of gold he had. Maybe he had 100,000, maybe he had a million. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was 10,000. Okay, but he has some bars of gold there, and they ask him, Bob, I'm sorry. Mister Menendez. I'm sorry. Senator Menendez. Your highness. Your Royal holiness, your. [00:37:56] Oh, greatness. Because he's a senator, what do they call him? Honorable. [00:38:01] He's honorable. [00:38:03] Your most honorable ship, Mister Menendez. [00:38:09] I'll call him Bob. Hey, Bob, you got some gold bars here. [00:38:15] Where'd you get em? [00:38:18] Look, I don't care how old the guy is. [00:38:25] No one is going to say, I can't remember. [00:38:31] You got ten gold bars here. They're worth 50,000, 100,000, 10,000, whatever it is. Where'd you get the gold bars? [00:38:39] Gosh. [00:38:42] Gold? Yeah. I haven't. [00:38:45] Where did I get that gold from? You know, I. For the life of me, I just can't remember. [00:38:54] So that's the first thing he said. [00:39:00] So then a camp comes to him. He has a premonition, like in the middle of the night. So the next day he calls up. I remember now. [00:39:08] I remember. [00:39:09] Gosh, I remember. I got this 30 years ago. [00:39:15] Those are the gold bars he didn't have, by the way. Those are the big ones. Okay? That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about a little tiny piece of gold bar. So Menendez, after he says he can't remember, which we know is a big lie, then he says something like, oh, yeah, now I remember. 20 years ago, my grandfather gave it to me as a present. I just forgot all about it. [00:39:41] So you got it 20 years ago from your grandfather. Where did he get it? Well, he said he got it, like, you know, right after the war. [00:39:50] Okay, so you got it from your grandfather, who said he got it right after the war. Yeah, yeah. So they look at the gold and there's a serial number on the gold. [00:40:02] And they check it out and they go, Bob, this gold was minted two years ago. [00:40:11] Huh? [00:40:13] I mean, this is the moron. [00:40:16] He's lying. [00:40:18] He got the gold as a bribe. I'm sorry. A gratuity, a payoff. It was graft. He's on the take. [00:40:29] Then what was it he had? I think one of these guys had hidden in the wall, I think a half a million dollars in cash. And there's nothing wrong by putting cash in the wall and hiding it for a rainy day or having a safe with cash in it. There's nothing wrong with that. [00:40:45] But when they found the cash, they asked them the same question, where did you get the cash? And the guy did the same thing. [00:40:55] What cash? Oh, in the wall. [00:40:58] God, where did that cash come from? You know, I haven't thought about that cash for a long time. I haven't even think about. I can't remember. I just can't remember where the cash came from. And then, of course, went to sleep, which means he talked to all those people to come up with another lie. Oh, it came to me. Now I remember. Now I remember. Yeah. This is the money that I've been saving for 50 years from birthdays and christmases. You know, like when your aunt gives you like, $50 or $20 in an envelope. I've been saving all that money, and I just got a lot of very, you know, generous friends. [00:41:39] Okay, so they looked at the dates that the bills were printed. [00:41:47] Bob, this was all, like, printed in the last five years, huh? [00:41:53] Bribes and payoffs. Oh, here it is. Stacks of cash at Menendez home were not from his bank. The senator had said the money found at his house from his own savings account, but prosecutors said that it came from other sources because they found that he was just lying. [00:42:13] Bribes, payoffs. [00:42:15] Unbelievable. All right, so why do I tell you this? Number one, hopefully it'll make you laugh a little bit. [00:42:22] But number two, if you're supporting a politician, I don't care if it's Trump or Biden in the United States, by the way, if you watch the presidential debate, I don't think there's a human being on the planet that does not deny that Joe Biden is a very old man who has declined rapidly in just the last year. [00:42:47] He's not the same guy that debated Trump before the last election. You look at that debate compared to this debate, it's two different people. Joe was sharp. He was on the ball. He was right there. His decline has been rapid. As it is for most elderly people. They decline incredibly rapidly. If you look at Joe's decline in just the last year, you look back at him a year ago, he was different than he is today, and not just in this one debate, but in his public appearances. That's why you never see him. He's always kind of hidden, kind of like weekend at Bernie's, you know, just prop the guy up. He's old. [00:43:28] It isn't going to get better. [00:43:31] The guy will not last an entire term. Oh, he might be like a supreme Court justice sitting there at the White House at the Oval office like this, with a drool bucket, you'd be like the pope, right? [00:43:52] Boom, the pope has died. Time for a new pope. Time for a new pope. It was a time for a new pope 20 years ago when a guy could at least say a sentence. [00:44:06] I have a hard time saying sentences. I used to be a stutterer. I'd be like, I'm glad to be here. [00:44:18] You're lucky you can actually understand anything I say. [00:44:23] So Joe's old. A year from now, Joe's going to be older. His decline is going to be more rapid. [00:44:30] A year after that, even more so, he'll be taken advantage of by people all over the world. [00:44:36] It's a sad thing. You need to move just like a Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Grinsburg, just like Dianne Feinstein, the senator. These people are in wheelchairs like this going into. Into the Senate. Come on, come on. [00:44:52] Move along. [00:44:55] Stop holding on to that power and that status that you need so desperately. [00:45:04] Come on, man. [00:45:06] Think of the country first. [00:45:09] The Democrats should have somebody in there who's vibrant and has ideas, so at least we can debate the idea and you can decide, hey, I like their ideas versus that other guy's ideas. [00:45:24] Hey, I'm not suggesting which person or which party you should go for. You have to listen to both, understand what they're both saying. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter because America is in decline. Nothing's going to change it. It's headed this way. Nothing's going to change that. Countries around the world are surpassing us. Nothing's going to change that. We gave away our manufacturing, which means it's over anyway. So it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. [00:45:49] Okay, this is something that just came out, and it's absolutely amazing. And I have to educate you on this. And then I got a couple other things I want to talk about. [00:46:01] The headline here is the Supreme Court weakens federal regulators, overturning decades old Chevron decision. Okay, I'm not gonna bore you with legalese. I will entertain you with some stories. [00:46:17] So here's how it works. You have Congress that's supposed to pass laws in America. We have three branches of government. We have the executive branch, which is supposed to enforce laws and deal with foreign policy. We have the judicial branch, which is supposed to interpert laws. [00:46:39] And then we have the legislative branch, which is supposed to write laws that's in the constitution. [00:46:46] The problem is the Supreme Court and the courts, they're not elected officials. [00:46:53] They're appointed and they get lifetime appointments. That way it doesn't matter to them which way they rule. [00:47:02] It does matter a little bit, because if they rule a certain way, they get more gratuities so they can travel around in private jets and live a lifestyle of a billionaire, even though they're only making three or 400,000. [00:47:15] So they are influenced by the money. [00:47:19] They even wrote a law. The Supreme Court said. That's why they said gratuities are okay, because they're not bribes. [00:47:27] Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You just ruled. You just made a ruling to help that guy. That guy hit a home run because you ruled in his favor. Then he let you and his wife on his 200 foot private mega yacht for a month, which would have cost $2 million. [00:47:45] And you're saying that that's not a bribe? [00:47:48] Oh, it happened afterwards. [00:47:52] The supreme court allowed themselves to be bought, and it's completely legal. I love it. I love it. Welcome to banana Republic. [00:48:03] All right, man. Ban banana. Repubblico d'America. Yeah. Yeah, man. [00:48:09] Go to highest bidder Joseph Stalin over here. [00:48:15] What accent am I putting on? I don't even know. [00:48:18] All right, so here's how it works. [00:48:23] The Congress people, the senators and the representative, they get elected. [00:48:28] So number one, they want to make sure whatever we write for legislation gets us reelected, but most importantly, gets us money from donors. [00:48:41] Okay? So if I write something really clear, I'm gonna piss somebody off. So I want to make sure that all my laws are really vague. [00:48:52] That way I can claim no. I voted for kids. [00:48:57] I voted for patriotism. I voted on the Patriot Act. I voted on this good stuff because all the laws are written that are so vague. [00:49:05] Congress does that on purpose. [00:49:08] And the deal was the agencies in the executive branch, like the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, SEC, securities and Exchange Commission, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, DOJ, Department of Justice, FTC, Federal Trade Commission, Etcetera, etcetera. [00:49:33] All of these agencies get the law, and they can interpret it any way they want, and they can write a regulation because the court in this chevron decision said yes. When the law is vague and ambiguous, the agency and the executive branch can interpret it any way they want because they're the most qualified interpreter, and they can write tens of thousands of pages of regulation based on a very vague law. [00:50:06] These regulations, my friends, are new laws written by unelected officials, most of which are crimes. If you break them. [00:50:21] You don't know this. This is why Neil Gorsec on the Supreme Court said there are hundreds of thousands of laws called regulations written by unelected officials in the ABC agencies, in the executive branch, most of which you will go to prison if you break them because this is unconstitutional. [00:50:45] Because only Congress can write a law. But the way it has been worked out for decades is the agencies write the laws, hundreds of them. But they're not called laws. They're called regulations, but they also give you the penalty. [00:51:00] It is shocking. [00:51:03] And in my case, it happened as well. [00:51:06] The Federal Trade Commission came after me, said, we have a doctrine that says the mirror image doctrine in Trudeau violated it. [00:51:14] I go, that's not a law. It is because we wrote it. No constitution says only Congress can write a law. No, but its a regulation. [00:51:23] What? [00:51:26] Welcome to America. Youre under arrest. [00:51:30] What a country. [00:51:33] Do you realize we have millions of laws, both state and federal, most of which you go to jail for, which is why h. Ross Perot, billionaire who ran for president against Clinton and Bush, said, and so did Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. Every person in the United States of America is breaking a law because you could be breaking a regulation and subject to prison. [00:52:02] Everyone, all the government has to do is point the finger at you and say, we're going to investigate you. You are going to be found guilty of a crime and you will be charged with a crime, be found guilty of a crime and be given a prison sentence. If the government wants, this is what the government wants, complete control over every single citizen. And that's how they do it. [00:52:31] A miracle happened, quite frankly. It's an absolute freaking miracle. The supreme court weakens from what this did. And it was started by Neil Gorsuch. I'm telling you, if he was here, I would get on my hands and knees and kiss his feet. Not saying I like every decision he made, but they overturned this. And this is absolutely one of the biggest supreme court decisions of all time. There are thousands, tens of thousands of convictions right now that may be thrown out. I mean, it is unbelievable. All these regulations now can be challenged because they're unconstitutional. [00:53:11] Absolutely. A win for the citizens, not the illegal people that are here in America. If you're here illegally, you shouldn't be here. You broke the law. [00:53:22] Please come in legally. [00:53:25] We need millions, tens of millions of immigrants in America. [00:53:29] We want the best of the best. Come in legally. Don't come in illegally. And if you can't take care of yourself, don't come here. [00:53:41] This is huge for the citizens of the United States and freedom. And it could be a tipping point and something else happened as well along these lines. [00:53:55] In addition to having the power stripped away from these ABC agencies, the supreme Court made another absolutely stunning, stunning decision. [00:54:14] But I'm looking at the clock here, and I just don't have time to get into all of it. So I am going to pause on that one because I do want to talk about a couple of things here before we go. And I am taking calls on Wednesday. [00:54:26] Oh, man. I really want to talk about that, too, because this is the second Supreme Court decision that is just absolutely stunning and just huge. [00:54:36] But I can't. I just don't have the time. [00:54:40] Oh, and I got all these other things I wanted to talk about, so I don't have the time. All right, before we go, I'm gonna give you my hold on here. [00:54:49] There we go. [00:54:52] I am now Kevin Trudeau, movie critic. [00:54:56] I'll tell you, this is just a really. This supreme Court decision was just an absolute victory for the people of America and freedom. [00:55:06] It is a major nail in the coffin against suppression. We should be popping champagne. Even if you don't fully understand it, all it means is that these tens of millions of laws out there, or millions of laws, whatever the number is called, regulations, are unconstitutional. And it's just, just really, this is one thing that just made me feel great. It was just really, really good. Okay. And you know, I recommend movies. [00:55:35] There's two movies I'm gonna recommend today. Both are family movies. They are fun for the whole family. And all my movies have secrets of success embedded in them. [00:55:47] Two wonderful movies, fun movies, smile on your face movies, feel good movies, engaging movies. You can watch it yourself. You can watch it with your partner, wife or husband and kids, grandkids. Everyone is going to love these movies. The first one is called Bolt. B O L T. Bolt. And Bolt is about a super dog, even though it was put out by one of my least favorite companies, Disneyland, because they are so politically correct in trying to convince the world that all women should either be lesbian or strong, mean, masculine women who hate men. [00:56:33] And if you are a mother and a wife, youre an absolute idiot. Thats what Disneys position is. [00:56:43] Am I being a little bit over the top? I think I am. I'm pushing buttons. [00:56:51] If you're people always say, Kevin, I've had somebody call me Kevin. I watched your show and you just got me so mad. I go, did I push your button? God damn. [00:57:03] I guess I pushed your button. [00:57:07] Guess what? Nobody can push my button. You know why? I don't have any buttons to push anymore. That's called freedom and liberation. All right, back to Bolt. Bolt is a story about a super dog, a wonder dog. And when you watch this movie, at the end, you're gonna say, I have bolt within me. [00:57:26] And you're gonna feel, man, you're gonna go through life, and you're gonna think, what would bolt do? [00:57:33] I'm telling you, it's gonna be a motivating, and it's just, I love the dog. I love. And the voice is John Travolta, who I love. I met John once at a party. I was invited. We were in this big room, and it must have been 100 people there. It was called a meet and greet. And we're all sitting there having cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, waiting for John Travolta to show up. And I happened to be at this side of the room, and the door was on that side of the room. I was with Christy. Christy Marie Sheldon, who was my girlfriend at the time. She's a great psychic. Now, I haven't talked to her in years, but she's absolutely amazing, and she's fantastic. [00:58:08] But we were over here, and John comes in, and as soon as he came in, I felt his presence, and I also felt the entire room move that way. Like, all the people just had gone that way. And she said, let's go and meet him. And I said, no, no, no. Don't worry. He'll come to us. [00:58:23] So I was over there kind of by myself. Her and I were by myself. And he's. What? Hey, I'm. I got a phone call. That's probably John Travolta right now. [00:58:33] It is? Hold on 1 second. [00:58:36] Hold on. This is John. [00:58:39] John. Yeah. I am talking about you. [00:58:42] All right, I'm gonna tell the story. I promise. Okay. All right, bye. [00:58:46] Can you believe that? Okay. [00:58:49] So he comes in, and everyone's around him, and I'm over there, and all of a sudden, he sees me from over there, and he just starts. He walks right through the crowd to me, and he walks up and shakes my hand, and I'm like. [00:59:04] He goes, nice to meet you. I go, no, no, it's nice to meet you. [00:59:09] Now, I was a little starstruck with John, but I wasn't stuck with somebody else. I was at the Ivy restaurant. I'll tell you a funny story. I was at the Ivy restaurant in reservations in Beverly Hills. The ivy is a very fancy schmancy restaurant. Very posh. [00:59:23] I'm name dropping here. Right? Okay. These are funny stories. I have to use their names. Otherwise they're not funny. Oh, there was this guy named Joe that came in the room. No, it wouldn't make any sense. [00:59:34] So I have a reservation with my girlfriend at the time. And I walk into the ivy, and I go, hi, I'm Kevin true, and I have a reservation for two. She goes, I have two table options for you. She says, I have a lovely table that's absolutely wonderful. Perfect. By the fireplace inside. Or you can take that table right over there outside on the patio, but it's much smaller. And she pointed. She goes, that one. And I looked, and the table was a real small table, but sitting right here was Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. They were together at the time. And I said, I think I'll take that one. She goes, I thought you would. So she sits me down. So I'm sitting here. Brad Pitt's right there, and I'm talking, and I don't want to. He's talking to Jennifer, and all of a sudden he looks at me and goes, hey, you're Kevin Trudeau, the author of the books, right? I said, yes. I said, but I'm at a disadvantage. You know who I am? Who the hell are you? [01:00:34] And he just first was stunned for a second and then just burst out. Jennifer thought it was the funniest thing she's ever heard in her life. Thank God. I thought all I needed to do was to offend the guy. Anyways, he never called me. I gave him my phone number, but he never. [01:00:50] I think he changed his phone. Anyway, so bolt is a funny, really good movie. [01:00:57] Really good. And make sure when you watch my movie recommendations, please, please, please leave a comment in the comment section so that other people. Here are all my movie recommendations that I have given since I started this show. [01:01:11] Jot them down. Hurry up before we take it off the screen. These are the movie recommendations. Actually, didn't we do a segment, Trey, on movie recommendations? I think it was up to a certain point, but there was a show that I did that was just on my movie recommendations and book recommendations. So I did an entire show going through each of my movie recommendations in one show, because normally I only recommend one or two movies and maybe one book. [01:01:36] But those are the movie recommendations I recommend. The second movie today that I recommend is a movie that, first off, have you ever heard of Bolt? Oh, yeah. Okay. Have you seen Bolt? Okay. Did you like it? Loved it. Loved it. We have our first testimonial about Bolt. All right, the second movie recommendation today, and I'm gonna do a trivia question here. In a minute is a lovely movie, a fun movie, a family movie, an entertaining movie with secrets of success embedded. It's called who framed Roger Rabbit. [01:02:11] It is a combination animated movie with real actors in it. So it's got. It's a real movie with a real person. And they use this magic technique of adding animation and animated characters into the movie with the real actors. [01:02:31] It was just brilliantly done. It is a whodunit. You're gonna be wondering who, who framed Roger Rabbit? And you're gonna be watching because you love Roger Rabbit. Who framed him? Please find the person. Don't convict him. Don't send him to the chair. [01:02:51] Don't do it. [01:02:53] Who framed Roger Rabbit? Have you heard of this movie? [01:02:57] Have you seen this movie? No, I see the. No, no. Watch this movie and also leave recommendations as well. I think you'll love that movie. All right, so Wednesday I am going to be taking phone calls. I'll be doing some. They're not readings. Gary does readings. I just work with your energy. So when you call up, I'm just going to test some things. I'll ask you what you want to talk about and I'll handle some things and you'll feel it, man, people, you'll get a little zap there. Subscribe to the show. [01:03:24] Hit the notification button. Please share the show with as many people as you can. Leave comments. Comment on other people's comments. We broadcast on Monday and Wednesday at 01:00 on all the social media platforms, Rumble, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple. [01:03:41] Starting in September, we'll be broadcasting five days a week and a Sunday show. But the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday show will only be on Rumble. That'll be exclusive because there's a lot of stuff that I wanted to talk about here that I cannot because I will be censored. So I will be censored. So I'm keeping the stuff that won't be censored because I talked to the people at Rumble. Russell Brand's on that channel because he's not centered. When I called him, he was in the office. And he's a great guy. He has a great show as well. [01:04:13] So I'll be doing a show that'll be exclusive on Rumble with information that all the other platforms will censor. So make sure even if your preferred platform is YouTube or Spotify or apple podcasts, subscribe to Rumble. Hit the notification button. So that way if you see something pop up on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, you can also check that out as well. I'm Kevin Trudeau. I hope you feel better now than when you first started. Life is grand. And remember, you control your own destiny. [01:04:44] Your reality, your world is based on what's inside of you. Change what's inside of you and you change your world. I love you. See you on Wednesday. Have a great day. [01:05:05] Sadeena. Sadeena.

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