Episode 27

July 03, 2024


Tips & Tricks To Living A Better Life! | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 27

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin Trudeau shares things like how many lawyers are working against him in the legal case against him. He also explains how the whole political system is set up in favor of the people in power and what senators and other politicians actually do. Kevin reveals 2 new books that will be coming out soon. He also answers caller questions and addresses the energetic blocks holding them back in areas like relationships and making money, and so much more!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 1:20 How and why is the judicial system a rigged system?
  • 8:00 Number of Full-time Lawyers working against Kevin Trudeau
  • 20:05 Even if you love Biden’s policies, he can’t do the job!
  • 21:30 Senators don’t even read their bills!
  • 27:15 Two new books coming out soon!
  • 30:50 Caller 1 Question: How do I improve all my relationships?
  • 48:50 Caller 2 Question: I want to clear blocks around music and making money
  • 1:09:56 The bottom line of this show…everything you need is free
  • 1:11:47 Know what the insiders know to increase your power


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about! 


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners. 


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness. 


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!

Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


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To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:04] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome, everyone. Kevin Trudeau here. We got an exciting show. If you're brand new, stay with me. You are going to love the information I am going to share with you. Reveal some things from behind the curtain. Everything in today's show is going to help you improve the quality of your life. And you will feel better by the end of the show than you do right now. The last show I was talking about the Supreme Court ruling that came out basically saying that the regulatory agencies that are under the executive branch can no longer just make laws for which the penalty can be prisoned. And I'm not going to get into all the details. If you haven't watched the last show, watch it. I give you the details. And I told you there was something else, but I didn't have time to discuss it. I'm going to briefly talk about that, and I am going to take phone calls today. And I got a couple other. Kevin was right. Files here of stuff that's in the news, man. Okay. People don't know this. People around the world, every country is the same, primarily. But let's just talk about America and how it works. You've heard that the legal system is a rigged system, and most people pooh pooh that. Oh, sour grapes. The guy got charged with a crime. He must be a criminal. And if he goes and he gets acquitted and he gets found not guilty, he just got off on some technicality. But he really. Because the government's not gonna file against somebody unless they are really, you know, they really did it. It's a rigged system. The government can pick any person in America and find them guilty of dozens of crimes for which you will go to prison. Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime. That's how it's rigged. But there's a way that it's rigged to, and it's how the president and the party that's in office uses the government as a weapon against political opponents and against people like me or Steve Bannon or any other person that is saying things that they don't want revealed. So how do they do it? Let me share you. And the Supreme Court eliminated it when any of the agencies under the president's power, the securities and Exchange Commission, SEc, they're all, we call them the Alphabet agencies because they all have letters. SEC securities and Exchange Commission FDA, Food and Drug Administration, FTC, Federal Trade Commission, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, etcetera. All of these agencies write regulations which are effectively laws, and they tell you what the penalty is. Prison, fines, etcetera. And this happened to me, but it happened to many other people. One of these agencies, politically motivated, go after someone. There are no consumer complaints. There's no harm done to anyone. No one's lost any money. No harm has been committed. No one is complaining. But the government says, ah, you violated one of our regulations. What regulation? Well, there's 3 million regulations. Didn't you read the book? How often did the regulations change, by the way? Oh, every year. It's set up so that every person in America, if you're watching and you're from America, you are breaking a regulation, a federal regulation, not just a state regulation. You add those on top, but you're breaking a federal regulation, many of which the penalty is prison. So what the agency does is they decide who they're going to go after. Youve done nothing wrong. Youve harmed no one. There was one guy, for example, who was painting his boat. He bought a house, and in the garage there was some old paint, cans of paint, boat paint. And he had an 18 foot little boat hes in his driveway, and hes painting on the underside of his boat with some of the paint that he found in the garage from the house he bought. Pretty harmless. The EPA comes in, environmental Protection Agency. We got a tip. Oh, by the way, the guy was also a political enemy. He was on the wrong political party, and he was going against the politicians in power. So the EPA, we got a tip that you're violating the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation against the use of paint with a chemical that was outlawed six months ago. What are you talking about? Let me see that paint can. Yep. This is a two year old paint can. You can't use it, and you're using it. You're painting your boat. One year in prison. One year in prison. I know. I was with the guy at federal prison camp, Montgomery, Alabama. And I'm just painting the broad strokes of the case here, of course, for keeping the time low. But you get the idea. But here's what they do. The agencies say when the Federal Trade commission comes after a person and they say, you're breaking a regulation, or any of these agencies go after a person, they say, you can defend yourself. Yeah, yeah. I didn't do anything wrong. I want to defend myself. Okay, good. Well, we'll set a trial date at our offices. What do you mean, at your offices? Yes. You can't go to court because we are suing you, the Federal Trade commission or the FDA. You need to come into our office, and in one of our offices, there'll be a guy behind the desk who works for us, and he'll be the judge. Huh. This sounds like a rigged system. It is. So you walk into the FDA office, or the FTC office, or the SEC office, and everybody there, the judge, is an employee of that agency, or an ex employee, and he comes in, hey, Charlie. And he says hi to all his friends at the agency. And you come in and you're going, I think I don't have a chance. No, you don't. Because there's a 99.9% conviction rate. They convict everybody who walks in. It's an absolute joke. And then you have to go through this administrative B's process for years before you can even get to a federal court. But the problem is, you are bankrupt. Because when they find you guilty, they seize all of your assets and all of your money. You can't even defend yourself. You can't even hire a lawyer. That's how it works. And if you do actually go to court, you have no chance. The conviction rate in federal courts is over 90%. 90% conviction rate. And why is that? Because in my case, for example, the lawyer stood up in federal court and he was so proud. I want to thank, he says, the 30, over 30 lawyers in Washington who have been working on this case against Mister Trudeau for decades. 30 full time lawyers working on a case against me for which there is not one consumer complaint. I sold a book that people loved. It's a rig system. I did nothing wrong. And they got 30 lawyers. It probably, if you add up the time that these lawyers put into my case, it's probably the FTC probably spent over $100 million in legal fees. And what do I do? I have to hire one or two lawyers. And they can't work very hard because I don't have 50 or $100 million to pay because they took all my money, they froze all my cash, had nothing. This is how they break you. Just imagine. Just imagine that you're going into the ring for a fight. And the opposition says, we have ten professional mma fighters, mixed martial art professionals. Ten. And we're going to fight you. But we will allow you to bring in a 70 year old woman to help defend you. You got no chance. You're going to get your ass kicked. That's what the government does. When the government sues you or charges you with a crime. They have 1015, 2030, 50 lawyers working full time against you. You have no chance. You then have to hire lawyers. You cant. And if you have no money, you get a public defender. The public defender has 150 cases. He gives you about 2 hours a week. Theyre putting in thousands of hours a week against you. Your lawyers are only spending about 2 hours to try to defend you. You got no chance. Well, the Supreme Court said that that's illegal. You can't do that, that these agencies, number one, can't write the laws because they're not the legislative branch. Only the legislation can write the laws. So number one, they can't call a regulational law. Number two, if they do go after somebody, it goes to federal court. There's no administrative process. Baloney. This is a huge victory. A huge victory. And I'll tell you what, I was just talking to a major, major, one of the most well known, sharpest lawyers that I know last night. 09:00 to last night, we were chatting on the phone and he was saying, you know, there's going to be big people out there that are going to be filing all these motions to have their cases that have been, they've been found guilty of thrown out. It's going to be potentially just an onslaught into the federal court system because of this. And good, good, good. This has been going on for decades. The government uses their agencies as a weapon. They use the Department of Justice as a weapon. We know this. We heard the Nixon tapes. Nixon, when he wanted to go after his political enemies, said, what agency should we send after that? Should we send the IR's, should we send the FDA? Should we send the FTC? Should we send the FCC, Federal Communication Council commission? Which agency should we go after? We'll just send somebody. I mean, it's an automatic. We'll just bury them in legal fees, burying them in the courts. We're going to find them guilty. And even if not, we bankrupt them and ruin their reputation in the media. It's been going on for decades, and now that's going to start slowly changing. So that was just a huge, huge thing. And I had to bring that up more on that later. But I just wanted to give you the bottom line. And the other big case that I didn't talk about the other day was the Supreme Court ruled that presidents are now immune from prosecution for official acts while they're president. This is enormous. And the headline, which is true, but deceiving, says the president can now assassinate you officially. Well, he always could. I talked about this a long time ago when this first case went up. There are two sides of the coin here. One, if I call my friend and say, hey, listen, I want you to get a drone, there's this guy that I don't like, and he lives in Afghanistan. So I want you to get a drone, put a missile on it, send it to his house, shoot the missile down, blow the house up, kill everybody, because I want to kill the guy. If I did that, I would be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. And murder, rightly so. When the president says, I need you to get a drone, put a missile on it, there's this bad guy in Afghanistan that I want to kill, send it over and blow up the house and kill everybody. No one that's happened. Every president has done something similar to that. The president is not charged with murder ever. It's not even a question. When Obama said, Osama bin Laden has not been convicted of a crime, not been charged with a crime in a federal court, not been indicted, but I want him killed. Go in there and assassinate him and kill him, everybody in America cheered. Nobody said that Obama committed murder, although he committed murderous. Nobody said he committed murder, although he committed murder. And im not saying it was right or wrong. And somebody says hes protecting the interests of the country, well, thats fine. So on one side of the coin, presidents do this all the time, and now officially, theyre not going to be charged. The other side of the coin is this, lets say Joe Biden says, as an official act as president, I want to protect the United States. And I think President Trump is a threat to this country. So I want him assassinated. So take him out. Under this ruling, he can do that, and he's completely immune. He has immunity because all he has to say is, I committed an official act to protect and uphold the Constitution. And I believe that this man was a threat to the Constitution. Therefore I had him taken out. You have people taken out. American citizens. Us citizens. They have him murdered and assassinated all over the world. They have been tortured. We know this. This is not a mystery. When Snowden released this with Julian Assange, who just got released on WikiLeaks, all the data was right there. America secretly has assassinated people all around the world, including us citizens, has tortured people all around the world, including us citizens, under the orders of the president. Well, now, because it's an official act, because the idea is we're trying to protect the constitution, it's now 100% legal. So whether this is a good or bad thing, time will tell. But there's two sides of the coin here, and it's something for you to think about. But at the end of the day, it is the Supreme Court ruling. It's now the law of the land. Presidents now can do whatever they want to their political opponents and claim that it's an official act because they're protecting democracy and they are immune from prosecution. Good and bad, two sides of the coin. There's no perfect solution here, but it is what it is, and it's something to think about. Will things radically change in the future in this country because of this ruling? I don't think so. Will things radically change for ex President Donald Trump? I think absolutely. I think all of his cases are going to just go away. I think its a huge victory for him. I dont think the prevailing party now is going to continue to pursue because they know that anything he did while he was in office or even construed as an official act is now hes immune from. So I think thats over. However, the next president who comes in, whoever that is, can now pretty much do whatever they want to their political opponents with immunity under the guise is its an official act, and I'm just upholding my duties as president. So very interesting. Banana breed Republican. Welcome to the banana Republic we call America, where dictators are now and kings are now in charge with complete immunity. I love it. It's a great country. Let em eat cake. By the way, I had this little bell here, and the reason I had this bell, I was walking by and I saw this bell, and Greg said, what's that bell for? I said, I don't know, but you know, been to a lot of very wealthy people's homes around the world. And I remember I was sitting with this beautiful, lovely lady, very wealthy woman, and we were sitting there having tea, and she had this little bell there, and she would go, and then the servant would come running over. Yes, please give my guests some more tea. I said, I like that. I need to get a bell. Have some coffee, please. This bell doesn't ring very well, though. I need a better bell. God damn it. I need, I need a better bell. There you go. Oh, it's like this. Okay. Tea, tea, please. Okay. A couple things before I take phone calls. I also mentioned that sleepy Joe Biden is an old man. And listen, I'm nothing. I'm not giving you a political side here. I'm giving you data for you to think about. Joe Biden is old. In the last year, he has gotten older. No kidding. He's gotten a year older. No, no, no. He's declining at a rapid rate. A year ago, he was much sharper than he is today. Today he has declined rapidly. And anybody who had an old person in their home, God bless the aged, God bless the ancients, the wisdom. We love our old people. We need to revere them and love them and really take care of them. There's an old saying. There was a woman who had ten children, and as she got older, she said, you know, as a mother, I could take care of ten kids, but ten kids can't take care of one mother. Think about that. So we really owe a lot to our parents and anybody in our family that is aging. We really do owe that to them. Love them, take care of them. Spend time. You will benefit by giving to those elderly people and allowing them to bless you with their wisdom and love and care. It will give you very good karma. But Joe is old. We know he's old. We can see he's old. His inner circle know he's old. He's slipping. He can't handle, he cant handle the job. He had an excuse, though. He had a really good excuse. I mean, he said it. He just set it out there and he goes, listen, I did a really bad job at the debate. And he said, I almost fell asleep up there because ive had these really long international trips, and I was just so tired, I almost fell asleep. Okay, well, thats kind of reasonable. But presidents like Putin or Xi in China or Trudeau, who im not a great fan of in Canada, they can do international trips and come right back and be sharpers, attack. Joe did an international trip, and he said he was so tired from the trip, he was going to fall asleep. But what he didnt say is it was a two day trip that he took two weeks ago. So he went on this trip two weeks ago for two days on Air Force one. He didnt have to go through the airports. He gets on the plane, sleeps, wakes up, they feed him, comb his hair, you know, prop him up, get him dressed, shove him out there, pump him full of Adderall, read the teleprompter, gets back on Air Force one, comes back and he goes, because of that trip, he was tired. He was tired for what, two weeks? He was resting at Camp David for seven days, prepping for the debate. But he says, but I was so tired for my trip two weeks ago. Okay, Joe, you can't do the job. Even if you love his policies. Even if you love his policies, the guy can't do the job. And so if you're a Democrat and you think, listen, I don't want Trump in, I want Biden in, maybe you still think, but if we pull Biden and put somebody else in, then, crap, Trump's gonna win easier. I'd rather have Biden in as propped up like this. And even if he drops over, at least Camilla Harris can come in. And it doesn't matter because all of the people around them, they make all the decisions anyway. These people, with the exception of Trump, these guys don't even read the bills. I had John Edwards on a senator, and he said, look, I've been a professional senator. People don't know what our day's like. We never read a bill that we are even sponsoring. If I sponsor this bill, I didn't write it. I didn't read it. The lobbyists did. The guys who were paying me, who are giving donations to my campaign, they write the bills. My staff tells me, sign this one. Don't sign this, vote yes on this. Don't vote yes on this, because this, even if you vote no, it's still going to get passed, but you'll be able to campaign on the fact that you wrote vote no. It's a big scam. He goes, Kevin, half of our day, 50% of the time of my day is spent in an office across from Capitol Hill on the phones, trying to get money from donors. That's what a senator and a representative do all day long. They spend time, half of their day on the phone trying to raise money. They're nothing running the country. They're not writing laws. They're not managing anything. All they're trying to do is stay in power, and they're using that position to enrich themselves and their families, period. Wake up. Come out of your trance. Stop being stupid. So Joe says Biden blames european trips for a debate flop, despite long huddling Camp David. He almost, and he says, I almost fell asleep. I love that you almost fell asleep. Good for you. Go back to bed. All right, just a couple things here. And I am going to take the phone calls right away, but I have some Kevin was right stuff here. The FDA will no longer allow this potentially harmful additive found in some sodas. Oh, my God. There's a harmful additive that's in sodas and food? And now the FDA, which said it was safe and effective 20 years ago or 30 years ago, they said it's safe and effective. We are the FDA. We are God. We know everything. We've done all the research, and it is safe and effective, although it's been banned from countries all over the world. It's called brumiated vegetable oil, and it's in food products. It's illegal all over the world. But the lobbyists who produce it and sell it and are making billions on it pay off the FDA people to get it approved, even though it causes all types of health problems. And now it is proven. By, by the way, I talked about this in my book, Natural Cures. Kevin was right file. It says, this oil can accumulate in the body and has been linked to health hazards, including nervous system damage, headaches, skin and mucous membrane irritation, fatigue, and loss of muscle coordination and memory. It also found that it damages the heart, kidneys, liver, and testicles, giving you low testosterone. Have another piece of bread. Have another soda. Look, people always say, Kevin, you know why? Look, do we have that as mad as hell? Clip from no, we don't. We have to get that. There's a clip from the movie network where the guy is screaming, I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. We're going to play that. That's going to be funny. People even know that movie. It's too long a clip. You probably won't be able to get it today. All right, here's the next one. So Kevin was right again, that in America, and all around the world, but mostly in America, the FDA are a bunch of criminals. They're allowing poisons to be in our food. And if you're eating food in America, unfortunately, you're going to have illness and disease, which is why we topped the list on virtually every illness and disease. And we topped the list on the amount of drugs each person consumes. Americans take more drugs, more, more drugs every day than any other country in the world. I think we consume more drugs than all the other countries in the world combined. And we are the unhealthiest. Highest cancer rates, highest heart disease rates, highest high blood pressure rates, lowest testosterone rates. We have the highest usage of viagra and cialis because the men in America cannot get and keep an erection. I don't have that problem. Okay? Vegetables are lo. And this is another one that goes in that Kevin was right vial. Vegetables are losing their nutrients. No kidding. Vegetables have less nutrients. I said this 20 years ago. Doctor Manuel Sarashkin said that you'd have to eat five times the vegetables as your grandparents did, just to receive the same nutritional value. Our vegetables, even in organic carrot, organic kale, whatever it has, like, just a smidgen of the amount of nutrients that it did years ago. This is why you have to supplement your diet with some whole food supplements. All right, the next one are green beans. High risk pesticides found in green beans. Folks shouldn't skip fruits and vegetables altogether, but eating them puts you at high risk. Fruits and vegetables, conventional ones in America primarily, but in other parts of the world, too, are loaded with toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and the research USA Today, again put it into Kevin was right. Vial. This is stuff that's not being reported, obviously. Ah. Oh. Kevin was right. File another one. Common low calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke. So this goes on to say what I've been saying for decades, that a low calorie sweetener called xylitol. Look, where does xylitol come from? What is xylitol? I don't know, but it's in organic food. It's a scam. You're bit and ripped off. I got two books coming out next year. One's called the vitamin scam. I'm blowing the lid off how you're being ripped off by the vitamin industry. And the next one's called the organic food scam, or the organic scam, how you're being ripped off by the organic industry. They put stuff like xylitol in it because the marketing says, oh, we don't want to put the word sugar. Listen, sugar from organic sugar cane, raw organic sugarcane is the best sweetener out there. It's not agave. That's horrible. It's a poison. It's not coconut sugar. Who the hell used that? That's made up in a laboratory. It isn't high fructose corn syrup that's made up in a laboratory. I'll explain that in the book. But it causes health problems. Artificial sweeteners as well as natural low calorie sweeteners, they cause health problems. Next. I've talked about this before. Kevin was right. File vegan processed foods linked to heart disease and early death. Congratulations, vegans, for being the smartest people on the planet. We don't want to eat meat because that's terrible for our health. We'll just eat a vegan diet and die early with heart disease. Look, if you look at people around the world that are 100 years old who don't take drugs, who have no health issues, and they're 100 years old, carrying sacks of potatoes, doing their gardening, doing the laundry, still getting an erection, still having sex. Sure, they might have some bad teeth or whatever, but overall, at 100, like George Burns, they're doing pretty darn well. Better than most people at 60. When you look at them, they're not vegans. George Byrne said, I smoke six cigars a day when he was 100 years old in Vegas. He's on stage at 100 performing, and he says he's smoking a cigar. And he says, I smoke six cigars a day, and I drink three martinis every day, plus I have a steak every night. And all the doctors that told me to quit these things for my health are dead. So, listen, if you want to be a vegan, that's perfectly okay. I'm not saying don't be a vegan, but don't think that it's a healthy protocol or that it's healthier than somebody who eats meat, provided the meat is from grass fed cows and not american crap that's been shot up with bovine growth hormone and antibiotics. All right, well, that's all I'm going to do on that. Everything else, all right, I want to go to the phone lines, so I'm going to put on my little headphones here so I can hear you. And when I do this, by the way, I'm going to take your calls. I will answer your questions. And I mentioned on last week, if you want me to do a little energy work, I'll do that. But if you have a question, should I be. Should I be the world's best mentor or should I be a guru as I take these calls? What do you think? Both? Okay, well, wait a minute here. You know what I really should be? I really should put on this hat. I should be psychic and clairvoyant. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be a psychic and clairvoyant right now. Not just a psychic, but a psychic and a clairvoyant. That's who I'm gonna be today. All right? So I'm going to take your phone calls, answer your questions. If you have a comment. Hold on. Can we take some phone calls, please? [00:30:48] Speaker C: Oh, dear. [00:30:49] Speaker B: Ah, dear, dear. I heard your voice. You are live on the air millions. [00:30:53] Speaker C: Oh, you can. Hello, this is Anne. [00:30:56] Speaker B: Hi, Ian. How are you? I'm lovely. How are you? Where are you calling in from? [00:31:01] Speaker C: I'm calling in from Scotland, the UK. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Oh, lovely, lovely. My favorite scottish person, of course, is James Bond. Sean Connery, of course. [00:31:11] Speaker C: What a voice, by gum. Now then. So the question I have is to do with myself and relationships. I understand the notion that how we experience a life is a mirror. So one thing I always have is relationships are aggravating. There's always somebody where I got, there's always a bit of something. And, for example, with my own father, he was quite an angry guy when I was younger. [00:31:41] Speaker B: Okay, stop. Stop right there you go. Stop right there. No, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Stay with me. Stay with me. Everyone who's watching, everyone does this. You can't tell your story. You have to stop telling your story. There's a past, a present, and a future. And when a person has an issue that they want better in their life, what happens is everyone does what you're doing. What's your first name again? [00:32:15] Speaker C: Anne. [00:32:16] Speaker B: Okay. That's right. So, Ann, what everyone does is they tell their current situation. Let me tell you exactly what's happening, and let me tell you what's happened in the past. And let me tell you what's happened with my father. And let me tell you what's happened with my mother. And we get that's everybody wants to do this. If you do that, you will never change your current situation. You are stuck. You are giving it more energy. You are increasing its attractive and creative power. So if you have an issue with relationship, let me tell you how you have to focus. And this is not just you, but everyone. So let's reverse the roles. And if I was calling you and you were to say, Kevin, what do you want to talk about today? I would say, well, thank you, Ann. Relationships. I want to be in a beautiful, healthy, secure, happy relationship with somebody that's really, really happy, that I really love, who really loves me, and that we're just enjoying an adventure, funful life together. I'm not telling you about what my current scene is. I'm not telling you what my past is. I'm just telling you what I want. Does that make sense? [00:33:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:40] Speaker B: So every single person, if you just do this one thing, it'll change everything. Okay. So now let's start again. So ring, ring, ring. Hi, Anne from Scotland. Thanks for calling in on the show. So nice to hear from you. I've never heard from you before. What would you like to talk about today? [00:34:00] Speaker C: Okay. Tell me about how I can create absolutely wonderful relationships with a loving partner and all the people around me as well. So we all have a good time in harmony. [00:34:14] Speaker B: Well done. I'm just going to give you one fine tune adjustment. You use the word, tell me how. I can give you the recipe, but that means you're not going to manifest it. So don't ask for the how. Just tell me what you want so you don't have to do it again. But all you have to do is say, thanks, Kevin, I want blank. And that's it. Because if you don't even talk to me and just wake up in the morning and saying, let me think about what I want. This is what I want. I want to have a smooth relationship with friends and family. I want a romantic partner. That's what I want. And that's what you think about. You get what you think about most of the time. So just think about your ideal scene, not how do I get there? Don't ask for the how. That's not your job. The universe will figure that out. All your job is, is to figure out what you want. So you want. So correct me if I'm wrong. Your ideal scene is to have better relationships with family and friends, coworkers, as well as a romantic partner. [00:35:32] Speaker C: Correct. [00:35:33] Speaker B: Perfect. So that's all you have to start with. So now, if you just did that, the universe will start creating it for you. If you just focus on your ideal scene. But I'm going to help. There are three reasons why we have blocks from manifesting our dreams, primarily in the area of money and relationships. These come from, first, the ancestors on our mother's side and the ancestors on our father's side. Research has now proven what I've been saying for decades because I learned this in the brotherhood back in the seventies, that if there was a trauma or if there was any decision or issue from any of your relatives, it's in your DNA. So if there are issues about relationships in your DNA from your relatives, it's in your DNA. And then you have a 24 hours, seven day week vibratory pattern that's counterintention to what you want. You want great relationships. But I can tell you, I can see it. There are things in your DNA that are counter to that. And then that's the first and second area. Mother's line and father's line, you have to go into the ancestors, find any counterintention which is in your DNA. We know this. If you have a relative, that's, let's say that you have two parents and both of them are incredibly shy. They're just very shy, shy, introverted person. The children that they have generally are shy. If you have two parents or great grandparents or grandparents that are incredibly boisterous and social and outgoing, that's also in your DNA. If you have a lineage of divorces, bad relationships, abusive relationships, that's in your DNA as well. So that's what's going to be trying to manifest then you also have in your memory bank from this lifetime and previous lifetimes, any postulates, contracts, decisions, agreements that you made, any traumas that happened in your life that's stuck, that's called a Samskara or energetic imprint, and that's going counterintention to what you want. So these things have to be cleared. That's why I do the money processes, and that's why I do the relationship processes, and that's why wealthy people don't have any blocks because their families don't have any blocks on the money issue. Or this is why people who have wonderful families, if there's a couple with a wonderful, happy, blessed family and a large family, I can go just look at your lineage. I bet you there's all these very long, relatively successful marriages and close family. Yeah. It's in your DNA. Now, money may not be, but relationships might be. And the same thing. If you're in an abusive relationship, you can just go back in the lineage and it's in the DNA. So we got to clear that out. All right, so I'm going to look into your mother's line right now. All right, so what I'm seeing, and this may or may not resonate with you is I am seeing in your mother's line some, we'll call it married to women, married to, we'll call it abusive men. I'm seeing at least two. Two of these. I don't know if this resonates or not. And I'm also seeing a divorce, a very painful divorce. And I'm also seeing infidelity. So I'm seeing three major things in your mother's line. So you have a lot of pain when it comes to romantic relationships. I don't know if this resonates at all. [00:39:33] Speaker C: Yeah. Yes. My mum was a naughty lady herself. [00:39:38] Speaker B: There you go. See? I mean, and people say that, see, psychic and clairvoyant. Thank you very much. I mean, I can see. It's so clear. [00:39:45] Speaker C: There you go. [00:39:46] Speaker B: Okay, so. So this is counterintention. It's stopping you or it's preventing you from having good relationships now. So let me go in and let me clear this out. Now, I'm going to use the word clear, which is really a bad word. It's transmute. But I'm going to go in there and neutralize this. And you might feel something in your feet or your hands. Actually, you might feel something in your heart as well. Okay. Okay. There's a lot of anger there that's coming up. Do you feel your heart opening a little bit more. [00:40:37] Speaker C: Yeah, I can understand why. [00:40:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:39] Speaker C: Sort of quite guarded. [00:40:41] Speaker B: Yep. Yep. So you can. Yeah, I can see it. Good, good, good. All right, so that's cleared up. Nice. Okay, so now the majority of the counterintentions are gone. Let me check your father's line. [00:40:56] Speaker C: That is awesome. [00:41:01] Speaker B: Okay. Here I'm also seeing there's a lot of disloyalty with friends and feeling like stabbed in the back. [00:41:16] Speaker C: Yeah, that's the words I was about to say when you said them. [00:41:20] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. There you go. Yeah, I can see it clear as a belt. Psychic, clairvoyant, thank you very much. No, it's in your father's line. He felt stupid. Stabbed in the back. [00:41:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:32] Speaker B: And so you have that distrust toward people. That means you're going to push people away. Yeah, you probably felt. You probably experienced that. Like, you have this self sabotage. [00:41:43] Speaker C: I have indeed. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Self sabotage. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so now I'm clearing that up. Okay, good. Let me go into your field, into your bank. Okay. I'm seeing. Tell me if this resonates. Abandonment. [00:42:08] Speaker C: Okay. That's an interesting word. [00:42:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:15] Speaker C: I don't know whether it's because parents feel like they're not there. Even though they're there, they're not emotionally there. [00:42:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. You have a deep feeling. I'm using the word abandonment, of feeling not connected, not loved, abandoned, alone, left alone. So there's a strong need for love and affection. And so there's a strong want. Okay, so watch this. Repeat after me. Say, I want control. [00:42:50] Speaker C: I want control. [00:42:52] Speaker B: Say, I want safety and security. [00:42:56] Speaker C: I want safety and security. [00:42:58] Speaker B: Say, I want love. [00:43:02] Speaker C: I want love. [00:43:04] Speaker B: Which of those three resonate the highest? [00:43:11] Speaker C: Love seemed softer on me, but safety and security as well. [00:43:16] Speaker B: Exactly. So there's a strong need for love, but love to you equals safety and security. Because this abandonment and feeling not connected with your parents came very young, and so you didn't feel safe. So they're connected. So you have a wanting. And here's the issue. Anytime somebody has a wanting or needing of something, you're never gonna get it because you're putting out the feeling of lack. So you're putting out this feeling as I don't have it. So when you don't have it, the universe is going to give you situations, events, circumstances and conditions. So you always are feeling that you want it and you need it because you never have it. So let me get rid of this. Let me get rid of this wanting energy for you. [00:44:06] Speaker C: Very much. [00:44:12] Speaker B: You might feel like there's some straps around your body releasing. Now, I don't know if you feel that. And you might feel like there's some heat coming up as well, or tingling. [00:44:27] Speaker C: The breathing feels easier. [00:44:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Yep. All right. Let me get rid of the last little bits here. Okay. So now repeat after me. Say, I want safety and security. [00:44:46] Speaker C: I want safety and security. [00:44:48] Speaker B: Say, I have safety and security. [00:44:52] Speaker C: I have safety and security. [00:44:54] Speaker B: Which of those two resonate the highest. [00:44:59] Speaker C: I have feels more comfortable now. [00:45:02] Speaker B: Exactly. Before you didn't have it, so now you do. And so this is going to change dramatically your connection with other people, because you don't need it. You ever hear the story is she's too needy or he's too needy. When a person has that needy energy. Say again? [00:45:21] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a feeling that annoys me so much about myself. Yes. [00:45:27] Speaker B: Yes, exactly. I can see it. I can see it. That's softening right now. So now you see, when you're not whole, the only person you're going to attract is somebody who's not whole as well, because they're looking for. They're looking to be complete and you're looking to be complete. And then it's nothing but a disastrous relationship, whether it's friends or whether it's lovers. But if you're complete and you don't need anybody, you're going to attract somebody who's also complete. Now you have an experience between each other without any need to be together. You want to be together. You choose. Is a better world. You choose to be together, but you don't need to be together. [00:46:10] Speaker C: Yeah, that would be brilliant. [00:46:13] Speaker B: Good. Good. Well, you keep me posted and let me know how things change, okay? [00:46:18] Speaker C: I will. And bless you so much for this. And I'm sure everybody listening got a huge benefit from that. So thank you. [00:46:26] Speaker B: Okay, good. Good luck. Have a good day. [00:46:28] Speaker C: Bless you. [00:46:29] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:46:30] Speaker B: Thanks. And by the way, I just gave you a little taste of what I do on one on ones. When I work with people, I do an hour one on one, for example, where I do this, whether it's for money or relationships or any type of area. And also I consult where people ask me specific technical questions about their business and things. And the only reason I do the one on ones via Zoom, I do them live, is because I have a million and a half dollars, actually, a little under that now in outstanding legal bills. So the Kevin Trudeau legal Defense Fund allows you to make a contribution of $5,000. I don't get one penny of that. 100% of that money goes to pay the lawyers so I can defend myself against the 30 full time lawyers at the Federal Trade commission trying to put me in prison. 100% of your contribution goes to the legal defense fund, and it goes directly to the lawyers. But if you make that contribution, you can book. There's a calendar link. If you go to KT legal fund, you can book a one on one session with me. And I booked a few in September and October. I think November. When they're sold out, they're sold out. I just don't have the time to do them. So there's a few there. So if you want one, book one. But that's what I do. And I got a stack of letters. The miracles. And you heard, when I do this, people feel it in their body. They feel it in their heart. They feel it their emotions. They can feel them instantly. I give them specific things. Who knew about infidelity? And it was right on them. You see it for yourself. And this is not. These aren't fake calls. This is all real. Let's go back to the phone lines. [00:48:22] Speaker A: Hello? Kevin. [00:48:24] Speaker B: Hey, there, Kevin. What's your first name and where you're from? [00:48:28] Speaker A: It's Maya. I'm from Vancouver, Canada. Can you hear me? I'll take you off my headphones. [00:48:36] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, no, I can hear you just fine. What was your first name again? [00:48:40] Speaker A: Okay. It's Maya. [00:48:42] Speaker B: That's what I thought. Maya, which is like the Mayans, right? [00:48:45] Speaker A: Yes. [00:48:45] Speaker B: Got it. [00:48:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I got it from Sanskrit. So I was hippie back in the day and changed my name. [00:48:52] Speaker B: A lot of people don't know. A lot of people don't know what Maya actually means in Sanskrit. I know. Do you know? [00:49:04] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I chose it for maybe I'm incorrect or inaccurate, but for it means the veil of illusion. [00:49:10] Speaker B: That is absolutely correct. We live in the world of Maya, or we live in the world of illusion, and it's when you pass the veil of oneness. Are you living in Maya? Which is another way of saying the world of illusion. Very good. Excellent. You have a question or a comment? [00:49:31] Speaker A: So it's wonderful. Yes. Yes, I have a. So I'm calling in. In regards to your last, I guess, program that was talking about releasing blockages and things. I am a musician, and I would like to, I guess, clear some and release some blockages around. I don't know if it's money or relationships. I don't know if it's in concurrence with each other or if it's just one or the other. But whatever it is to move me towards a more successful, fruitful, prosperous music career. And I guess that does correspond with relationships. [00:50:17] Speaker B: Okay, good. All right, so let me give you a little technical thing here. I mentioned this earlier. It's similar. So what a person does is you always think of the how. So two things. People always talk about their current situation, how terrible it is, and what's all the bad things that are going on. They talk about their past, of what they think the causes are, and then they also may talk about what they think is the how to correct those problems. So I need to have blockages removed. I need to have my energy transmuted. I need to have my field fixed. So they start looking at that as a desire. As I mentioned with the previous caller, forget all those things. The only thing that's important, everyone, is, what do you want? What's your ideal scene? And if you watch the ten steps video, the ten steps to manifesting goals, dreams, and desires, yes. You first have to look at your current scene about the things you don't want, but you don't live there. That's just to contract the energy. So you develop contrast. And once the energy is contracted and the pain or the discomfort is strong, then you say, and what I want is blank, and you get a clear picture of what your desire is. So, as I heard you and I can see your field, if we were to start the call again, then I say, yeah. Do you have a question or a comment? You may say something like this, and correct me if I'm wrong. Say, Kevin, I want to have a prosperous music career and have a fantastic relationship. [00:51:53] Speaker A: Precisely. [00:51:54] Speaker B: Exactly. So notice what I did. I also have complete clarity. There's no ambiguity. I also spoke with authority. So everyone watching, when you have a goal, dream or desire, speak with authority. Authority means you are definitive. You are definite as to what you desire, what your ideal scene is. If you're not there yet, then you can't be definitive. And it's perfectly okay to be unsure. But ideally, you have to define clearly, with specificity your dream, and then speak it into existence with authority. So you're saying, hey, Kevin, I'm a musician. I want a prosperous music career. But if you think about it, the way you may say that may be expanded, and correct me if I'm wrong, Maya, but you may say something like, Kevin, I want a prosperous, successful, fulfilling music career where I love what I'm doing. Does that make sense? [00:53:14] Speaker A: Yes. [00:53:14] Speaker B: Because notice what I'm doing. I'm placing an order into the universe. So if I just say I want a financially prosperous music career. The universe might say, okay, you're not going to like it. You're gonna be miserable, you're gonna hate the world, but you're making a lot of money. That's what you asked for. So make sure that you ask for something and put in all the other elements. Right? Like, a guy will say, I want a relationship with a hot woman. Okay, but what if she's a bitch? What if you're miserable, steals all your money, right? Yeah. What if she won't have sex with you? Right. What if she cheats on you all the time? Well, you have a relationship with a hot woman, but it's. [00:54:02] Speaker A: It's exactly. [00:54:04] Speaker B: Yeah, you got what you asked for. You gotta be a little clearer. All right, so you want this fulfilling, right. Fulfilling, successful, financially successful, prosperous music career where you're loving your work. Does that make sense? [00:54:21] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:54:22] Speaker B: Okay. And obviously you want a relationship. When you want a relationship, everybody who's watching, make sure you include the other person. So, for example, not everyone wants to be married and in a monogamous relationship. There are some guys who said, but Kevin, I don't want a relationship with one person. I want a relationship with 15 or 20 different women. I want to be dating a different girl every night. Hey, listen, I was 21 at one time, too, so I understand that. I didn't want to get married and have kids. I wanted to be able to openly and freely, with complete honesty and transparency, go on various dates. That's what I wanted to do. And have just fun and date different people, get to know different people. So whatever you want for a relationship, the point is, if you want a fulfilling relationship, you would state it something like this. I want a fulfilling, fun relationship that I feel safe and secure where I'm madly, deeply love with the person I'm involved with, and she is madly and deeply, or he is madly and deeply in love with me. And we're both enjoying each other and we love being in each other's company and we have great sex. Whatever. Make sure you include a bunch of elements here. You know, kind of create the ideal scene for you, and it's different for everybody. So basically, you're looking for fulfillment and financial prosperity in your career in music and also a relationship. Correct? [00:55:55] Speaker A: Precisely. [00:55:56] Speaker B: Okay, good. So if you heard my previous call or I gave the dissertation of where the energy counterintention. And sometimes we use the word blocks because that maybe motivates someone to get the money processes or the relationship processes that I do or do a one on one with me, but it's really eliminating the counterintention that starts in the DNA and there's nobody out there that's even talking about this. You can go to a thousand therapists and different modalities and they're all talking about what you did when you were five years old, your inner child when you were five, oh, you fell off a runaway horse when you were six. Oh, your mother didn't breastfeed you and therefore you have this issue. Okay, some of, listen, those things are sometimes an issue, but like 5%, it's other things primarily. The whole base that nobody ever talks about is what's in the DNA from your ancestors because nobody even understands that concept except the privileged elite and those in the brotherhood and the high levels of Freemasonry. I mean, when you're dealing with energy, this has been around for a long, long time. Alright, so let me look in your mother's line first. All right. So immediately what I'm seeing is, and this may or may not resonate is in your mother's lineage. There are people in your mother's line that are doing a job because it basically pays the bills and it's a requirement and an obligation, but they just are completely unfulfilled. Does that make any sense at all or resonate at all? [00:57:31] Speaker A: I could see that, yes. [00:57:34] Speaker B: Okay, so let me clear this out. So there's a lot that's counterintention. So that means you're going to be attracting jobs and careers that you're not fulfilled and you feel obligated to do. Do you feel like you're doing something sometimes out of obligation? [00:57:50] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Yeah. That kind of summarizes all the other. [00:57:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I can see it very clearly. Okay, so let me correct that. So I'm going into your mother's line and blowing this out. Okay. This is going to be, you're going to feel a lot freer. You're going to, because right now you feel very restricted. Does that make sense? Have you felt restricted? [00:58:17] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. [00:58:19] Speaker B: Yeah. You're going to feel a lot less restricted. Okay. That was a big one. Let me look at relationships. Sorry, I'm looking at relationships now in your mother's line and I'm seeing also obligation. So I'm seeing a relate, I'm seeing relationships that last a long time, but they're not fulfilling, they're disappointing. And you're in the relationship out of obligation as opposed to love and happiness and joy and that type of thing. Just obligation. And also I see relationships caused by restriction. I see an unwanted pregnancy which led to a marriage. So I feel. I see. Feeling trapped. I don't know if this resonates. [00:59:18] Speaker A: It kind of does. Yeah. Yeah. [00:59:22] Speaker B: Okay, so let me clear this energy up. All right? Let me go to your father's line. Okay. I'm seeing here, like, trapped in jobs again, also a lot of obligation with relationship, trapped in job. Like, I'm not doing what I want to do, I'm doing what I have to do, and I feel like there's no way out. Does that make any sense? [00:59:59] Speaker A: Yes. Summarizes my dad 100%. [01:00:03] Speaker B: There you go. I mean, I do this, and people. I mean, I'm so spot on and so quick. All right, so let me clear this up. All right? This is going to just give you complete fear, is going to go away, and you're going to have. You're going to be fearless. You're going to be able to do what you know you should be doing as opposed to what your head is telling you you should do. You're going to follow your heart much faster. Now, let me clear this up. Okay. Do you feel anything in your body? Any tingling in your feet? [01:00:42] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Feeling more, I guess. Tingling in my heart area. [01:00:49] Speaker B: Yeah, the heart and the hands for sure. It starts from the feet because the energy comes from the ground up, but it's in the heart. And the hands always get hot when it's true. [01:01:02] Speaker A: Right. [01:01:03] Speaker B: Okay, let me go into your field, into your history. Okay. So I'm going to talk to your file clerk. Tell me what comes up. Recall a time when you wanted to do something and didn't do it. When you wanted to do something but you didn't do it and did what you were told to do instead of anything come up. [01:01:33] Speaker A: The extra part didn't, but the what I wanted to do but didn't do came up. [01:01:41] Speaker B: Okay. How old were you? You don't have to give me all the details. [01:01:44] Speaker A: How old were you last week? [01:01:47] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna go back in time, so I'm gonna talk to your file clerk. [01:01:51] Speaker A: Okay. [01:01:52] Speaker B: Recall an earlier incident when you were very young, when you wanted to do something and didn't, and instead did what you were told to do out of obligation. Any incident come up? [01:02:17] Speaker A: Yes. [01:02:18] Speaker B: Okay, good. About how old were you? [01:02:22] Speaker A: I think that's twelve. [01:02:23] Speaker B: Okay, good. [01:02:24] Speaker A: 13. [01:02:25] Speaker B: When you think about it, what. What emotion did you feel at that time? Frustration? Anger. Suppressed? [01:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Despondent? [01:02:40] Speaker B: Exactly. Okay. [01:02:42] Speaker A: Kind of unable to act like. Restricted. [01:02:46] Speaker B: Restricted. Restricted. Suppressed. On a scale of one to ten, where's the intensity of that negative emotion? Right now, if any. [01:02:55] Speaker A: It'S probably around a three. [01:02:57] Speaker B: Okay, so this. Yeah, it's not. It's not that much. Okay. I'm gonna try to intensify it, see if it increases. Just remember how restricted you felt. How suppressed. How controlled or controlled he was stopped, despondent, frustrated, helpless, powerless. On a scale of one to ten, where's the intensity of any negative emotion you're feeling right now, if any? [01:03:32] Speaker A: Probably around a six. [01:03:33] Speaker B: Good. Good. Say, I want to get over this. [01:03:38] Speaker A: I want to get over this. [01:03:39] Speaker B: Say, I can get over this. [01:03:43] Speaker A: I can get over this. [01:03:45] Speaker B: Say, I will get over this. [01:03:48] Speaker A: I will get over this. [01:03:49] Speaker B: Say, I am getting over this. [01:03:53] Speaker A: I am getting over this. [01:03:55] Speaker B: Say, I am over this. [01:03:58] Speaker A: I am over this. [01:03:59] Speaker B: And what I'm looking for is if anything is reversed and everything is cleared there, say, I'm ready to release and let this go. [01:04:08] Speaker A: I'm ready to release and let this go. [01:04:10] Speaker B: Take a deep inhale through your nose and hold it. Exhale through your mouth. Relax your stomach. Relax your face. Breathe normally. In and out through your nose. On a scale of one to ten, where's the intensity of that negative emotion? Now, if any. [01:04:48] Speaker A: Kind of brought something back in. So, like, maybe a three? Back to a three. [01:04:53] Speaker B: Good. Good. Say, I want to get over this. [01:04:57] Speaker A: I want to get over this. [01:04:59] Speaker B: Good. Say, I have resistance to letting go. [01:05:04] Speaker A: I have resistance to letting go. [01:05:06] Speaker B: Say, I'm ready to release resistance. [01:05:10] Speaker A: I'm ready to release resistance. [01:05:11] Speaker B: Take a deep inhale through your nose and hold it. Exhale through your mouth. Breathe normally. In and out through your nose. Relax your face and relax your stomach. On a scale of one to ten, where's the intensity of the negative emotion now? If any? [01:05:43] Speaker A: It feels like it's gone. [01:05:44] Speaker B: Exactly. It's gone. Okay, good. How do you feel? [01:05:49] Speaker A: I feel good. Feel better? [01:05:54] Speaker B: Feel freer? [01:05:55] Speaker A: Like a weight than lifted? [01:05:57] Speaker B: Yes. Like weights lifted off. Correct. [01:06:01] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:06:04] Speaker B: Yeah. You're integrating the energy. I remove so much mass out of your field. Does it feel like you're almost a little spacey, like things are kind of falling back into place? [01:06:17] Speaker A: Yes. It was like I was in a different dimension. [01:06:21] Speaker B: Exactly. It's almost like you're like days, right? [01:06:27] Speaker A: Yes. [01:06:27] Speaker B: Good. But you're feeling good, right? [01:06:29] Speaker A: Yes. [01:06:30] Speaker B: All right, so hold on. Let me just. Good. Let me just ground you and light that up and make sure everything's integrated. So I'm pulling energy in from the earth. The energy doesn't come in through the crown chakra at the top. It comes in through the feet. That's why when you bow to the guru, you touch their feet or put your head on their feet, because that's where the energy is, not the top of their head. The reason why we lay hands on the top of the head is to circulate energy. It's actually to draw energy up through the bottom, not to put energy in through the top. So I'm recirculating that, grounding you. All right, let me give you two words. Tell me which one resonates the most, expansion or grounded? [01:07:17] Speaker A: Expansion. [01:07:18] Speaker B: Good. Let me give you two more words. Integrated or light? [01:07:27] Speaker A: Light. [01:07:27] Speaker B: Okay. I have to ground you more because you're floating too much still. So hold on. Okay, now it's better. So let's. Here's two words. Consciousness or balanced? [01:07:53] Speaker A: Balanced. [01:07:54] Speaker B: Perfect. I can't get you grounded. You're too expansive. And you can probably feel it because the shackles are taken off. And so you're feeling like this, right? [01:08:07] Speaker A: Yeah, sorry, I can't see you. [01:08:09] Speaker B: Oh, okay. You can't see me. Okay, well, I'm moving my arms. I'm moving my arms. Okay, so you're feeling. You're feeling very. [01:08:15] Speaker A: I kind of imagined it. [01:08:16] Speaker B: Good, good, good. All right, well, you keep me posted out how things are going to. Things are going to dramatically now shift in your favor in your life. You watch and see. [01:08:27] Speaker A: Wonderful. I really appreciate it. You're an absolute gem. You've transformed my life already, so I'm thrilled for the future. [01:08:35] Speaker B: Super. Good. [01:08:36] Speaker A: Thank you so much, Kevin. [01:08:37] Speaker B: Thank you. Have a great day. [01:08:40] Speaker A: You as well. [01:08:41] Speaker B: All right. I don't. I don't have time to take more calls. I know everybody's going. I want. I want a call, too. I want a reading. I want to. This is not a reading. I'm not doing a reading. Gary Spivey does readings. I'm nothing doing a reading. I'm just helping you as, okay, world's best mentor or guru. And I use these things to make you smile. As, you know, I'm just a person. Yes. Somebody says there's some gifts. We all have gifts. I remember when I met Muktananda, the great swami, back in 1974 at the Arlington street church in Boston, Massachusetts. I was eleven years old, and he said, I'm awake. You're still asleep. And I said, I want to wake up. And he smacked me on the back of the head. And at that point, I had already gone past the veil several times in my training in the brotherhood. This was just the final spot, so I could get anchored in that. And it brings you to a higher level of awareness. But if you're in a physical body, it doesn't mean you're not still dealing with the karma of the body. And those instances in life situations that are karmic still have to come in. The bottom line is this, this show. Everything we do here is to improve the quality of your life. We provide information, as, you know, updates on the news. We have guests, we have interviews. It's a fun show. Hopefully, I give you some movie recommendations, some book recommendations. There's a lot of stuff here. Here. If I had this information available to me for free, because it's all for free. Yeah, we offer things that you can take advantage of that cost money. But even if you don't take advantage of those, everything that's available for free is all is more than enough. And sure, people want one on ones. And I offer that so I could pay the legal bills. You know, I told you before, I can manifest as much money as I want. And people always say, how can I don't? Because the court said I can only live on $3,750 a month. Anything over that has to go to the lawyers. They also said that if any one of your rich friends gives a large donation to either the fan club or to the legal defense fund, that we will open an investigation into them and audit all of their books. Send the Ir's in. Send in every agency we can, because we will make their life miserable trying to find what rules they broke. And this is what they told me behind closed doors. I told them, none of my friends do not give me any large donations because the government already said they're going to attack you, and they're doing this so that those donations don't come in because they don't want me to pay this debt off very quickly, I said, but I do have grassroots, individual people from around the world that can make small donations, and they were exacerbated that I'm paying the debt off, and we'll get it paid off soon. I'm paying off the lawyers. I can defend myself. And that pisses them off. I mean, it really does. Everything they've done to make sure that I lose, that I'm not exposing these things that they don't want exposed, that I'm in prison. Everything they've done, we've won on every single front. And it's been a miracle, quite frankly. If you look, and one day when I'm completely no longer under the thumb, when it's all behind, I will reveal everything. And there's stuff here I cannot talk about. Because if I do, they'll violate my supervisor lease and I'll go back to prison. There's so much that will blow your mind and it will open your eyes as to what is really going on and how the world really, really works. In doing so, you will become not powerless, but powerful. You will not become helpless. You will then become at cause over your environment because you'll have the maps to navigate through life. You'll know what the insiders know. And this gives you power. This increases your sense of knowingness. Consciousness releases abilities within you, makes you more powerful, and takes you out of the trance. First we have to take you out of the trance, okay? Then we have to awaken you. And that's from a consciousness standpoint, all these things do what they do. They make you better, healthy. Your health dramatically improves. They improve the quality of your life in every area. And most importantly, your happiness and joy and peace goes up dramatically. So you can go through life feeling like, I love my life, I love my life. It's a beautiful world. It's a beautiful life. And no matter what's going on in the world, it's almost like you're going through life in this protective bubble. That's what it's all about. So I hope you're having fun on the show. Please, please, please subscribe to the show. If you have not subscribed, whatever platform you're on, subscribe. Share this with as many people as you can. Leave comments, hit the notification buttons. Tell your friends about the show. We try to get these numbers up as best as possible. And remember, we do broadcast on multiple platforms. Rumble, Spotify, YouTube, apple. We also have the Telegram channel. If you want a one on one, you can go to the KT legal Defense Fund. I talked about that. I don't know how that will probably be sold out in the next couple, two or three days, but if you want one there in September and October and November, I think check. And if there's nothing there, that means they're already sold out. But there's other opportunities that are coming. For those of you who are not fan club partners, please consider joining and becoming a partner. Your partnership contribution goes 100% after expenses to the Federal Trade commission to pay down my debt so we can get this behind me faster. And partners have many, many, many benefits. We do a monthly Zoom call where I answer all your questions. That sometimes goes for one, two, 3 hours every month live Zoom call with me as a partner. It's only dollar 25 a month, so go to the fan club. Kevin Trudeau fan club checked out all the opportunities there. There's a lot coming out. Thanks for joining me. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Looking forward to seeing you next week. We have a couple great shows scheduled. Got a couple surprises for the next three or four shows coming up. It's going to be a lot, a lot of fun. So good to have you here. Great to see you. See you next time. I'm Kevin Trudeau. God loves you and so do I. I'll see you all at the top. [01:15:17] Speaker A: Sadeena. Sadeena.

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