Episode 81

January 08, 2025


Why Bad Things Happen To Good People | Ep. 81

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

What if the hardest moments in your life were actually blessings in disguise? In this episode of The Kevin Trudeau Show Limitless, Kevin uncovers the deep truths behind why bad things happen to good people.

Discover the role of karma, the universe’s hidden lessons, and how what seems like a setback might be the key to unlocking your greatest growth. Kevin shares profound insights, powerful stories, and actionable wisdom to help you transform adversity into success and fulfillment.



00:00 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

00:50 The Law of Attraction and Karma Explained

01:41 Real Stories of Good People Facing Tragedy

03:39 Gandhi’s Suffering Despite His Goodness

05:16 Why Saints Often Face Violent Deaths

08:49 How Gurus and Spiritual Leaders Suffer Public Attacks

10:34 The Buddha’s Pain and the Secret to Overcoming Suffering

13:05 Kevin’s Eight-Year Imprisonment: A Lesson in Karma

18:28 How Past Lives Impact Present Challenges

24:34 The Heart Attack That Saved a Life

30:44 How the Universe Clears the Path for Your Purpose

34:12 Writing Natural Cures After a Legal Battle

38:55 Turning Adversity Into Opportunity



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As one of the most-read authors in history, Kevin has sold over 30 million copies of his books worldwide. His groundbreaking book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, topped the New York Times best-seller list for 26 consecutive weeks, becoming the best-selling health book of all time.

A philanthropist, entrepreneur, and expert in mass communication, Kevin is also a passionate advocate for consumer rights, natural health, and free speech.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] He's built multimillion dollar companies. His explosive books on health and wealth have sold over 60 million copies now. The Kevin Trudeau Show. They don't want you to know Limitless. The Kevin Trudeau Show. I'm Kevin Trudeau, and you're not. [00:00:20] Today I'm going to answer the mystery of the universe, the age old question. [00:00:29] One of the major questions that everybody asks. Why do bad things happen to good people? [00:00:40] If the law of attraction works, if manifesting techniques work, if you become what you think about most of the time, as Earl Nightingale said in the LP back in the late 60s called the strangest Secret, if you manifest what you think about, if as within, so without, which means your inner state produces your external environment and your external environment is just a reflection of your internal state. [00:01:20] Then if somebody is a really good person, then why do bad things happen to them? If karma is true, what goes around comes around. [00:01:31] Then if a bad thing happens to a good person, well, how is that possible? [00:01:39] And we're going to answer that question today. Very important broadcast. [00:01:45] When we think about good people, you may think of your aunt or uncle or mom and dad or sister or brother, or a friend or colleague or business associate and you think, you know, I know this person. I've known them since they were a kid. I've known them for 20 years. I've known them for 10 years. And they're a good person. They're kind, they're generous, they volunteer, they do all this wonderful work for the church, for the community, for the homeless. They're always giving, they're giving donations. They're willing to help anybody. When there's a friend in need, they're the first person in the neighborhood to come out and help that person. And then all of a sudden something bad happens to them. They get into a car crash and they become a paraplegic. They get a lawsuit, they get their house foreclosed on, they lose their job, they have cancer, some terrible thing happens to them. [00:02:46] So why do bad things happen to what appears to be very good people? Well, let's think about some good people that maybe just don't appear to be good people. That we could probably say they're pretty good. [00:03:01] You may not know them, you may have never met them, but let's give a couple examples here. [00:03:07] How about Gandhi? You know, Gandhi was this peaceful guru, meditate, I never hurt any animal. I vegetarian. [00:03:21] I love everyone unconditionally, without condition, without exception, compassion for everyone, good person, you would think I never met Gandhi. Maybe he was a jerk. But let's assume he was a really good person, seems to be a good person. People call him a saint, a guru, an enlightened being, you know. Have you met him? I haven't met him, but Gandhi is relegated as a very good person. He was thrown in prison dozens of times. He was beaten ruthlessly. Those are pretty bad things to happen to you. [00:04:03] And he gets shot dead. [00:04:06] He's a good person. He has bad things happen to him. How is that possible? [00:04:12] Let's think of somebody else. Ah, St. Paul. [00:04:16] St. Paul wrote almost the entire New Testament, all the epistles, the letters that are in the New Testament. St. Paul was a saint, thus the name. St. Paul Good Guy. Right? [00:04:31] Okay. You'd say, yeah, he's a saint. Jesus loved him. He was a saint. [00:04:39] He gets thrown in prison, he gets beaten, and he gets crucified. [00:04:45] Pretty bad things happen to him. I don't know if I want to be a saint. [00:04:49] Things like that doesn't work out pretty well. [00:04:52] How about Peter? St. Peter is another guy. He's a saint. [00:04:59] St. Peter, good guy, Jesus number one man. [00:05:05] He gets crucified as well. Thrown in prison, beaten. Terrible things happen to him. [00:05:12] Again, saintlyhood is probably not a good profession to get into here. It usually leads to some type of violent death, it appears. [00:05:22] Let's think of somebody else. [00:05:24] Ha ha ha ha ha. [00:05:26] Mother Teresa. [00:05:29] Mother Teresa, Saint. She's a saint as well. Oh, thank God she didn't get crucified or shot dead. She didn't come to some violent end. [00:05:41] But do you know how many terrible things happened to Mother Teresa? She was beaten. She was almost imprisoned. She was called horrible names in the press. [00:05:55] She was attacked violently by the people in political power. [00:06:02] She was almost ostracized by the church. She had to kind of beg her way back in. [00:06:08] She was criticized. [00:06:11] She was attacked. [00:06:13] She was demonized. This is Mother Teresa. How could you say anything bad about her? [00:06:20] But it happened anyway. [00:06:22] And then we think about our neighbor who seems to be a good person, and something bad happens to them. They lose their job or something. And then, of course, we look at ourselves and we say, I'm a good person. I haven't heard a flea. I never lied on my tax return. [00:06:42] I never stole any money from my mother when I was a kid. I didn't take any money out of her purse. I never cheated on a test in school. I was like little Laude Fauntleroy. [00:06:53] Do you know who little odd Fauntleroy is? No, of course not. No. Okay. I'm sure none of you Know who Little Lord Fauntleroy is? Look up Little Odd Fauntleroy from a different era. Little Odd Fauntleroy was like this perfect kid, Little Lord Fauntleroy. [00:07:09] And he did everything perfect. He was effectively a saint, right? I mean, he was a normal kid, but he was like, never lied. [00:07:18] He was as pure as the driven snow. And you think, I'm like Little Lodd Fauntleroy. I'm as pure as the driven snow. I haven't hurt anybody, I haven't lied, I never cheated on my spouse. [00:07:31] I never said a bad word to somebody, never criticized anybody, didn't do anything bad in my life. Why am I getting this lawsuit attacking me and making these false allegations against me? Why did I get into this car crash and the guy ran the stop sign, but he's lying and he's saying that I ran the stop sign and now I'm in court. How is this bad thing happening to me? How is this possible? [00:08:00] This happens all the time. People are just befuddled at how something horrible. Oh, there's Little Odd Fauntleroy. [00:08:08] See, he's a wonderful kid. Little Odd Fauntleroy should watch Little Lord Fauntleroy learn what a perfect little kid is. He's a little Lord Fauntleroy. [00:08:20] So why do bad things happen to good people? And then many of you look at spiritual gurus who are divine, the incarnation of the divine, the incarnation of God. [00:08:36] They have full self realization, self awareness. They're fully conscious and aware. [00:08:42] They are the embodiment of purity. Just being in their presence can give you a spiritual awakening. And as a guru or guru. [00:08:58] A guru is a dispeller of light. Somebody who awakens, enlightens, takes you out of the darkness, takes you out of the trance so you can see reality and merge with the oneness. How is it that a guru, a public guru, and there are many of them that have been around for hundreds of years in the public, in the press, on TV or radio, or in public Persona events. [00:09:31] How is it that some of these people get sued and get attacked violently in the press and have terrible things said about them? [00:09:43] Or Sai Baba, one of the biggest gurus in the last hundred years? [00:09:49] How is it that this saint falls off a stage and then winds up dying? [00:09:59] Why did a bad thing happen to the wonderful Sai Baba? [00:10:03] Then there are other gurus who get sued. How is it that bad things happen to them? How is it that a guru all of a sudden has two massive heart attacks or has massive arthritis and he's in so much pain. Like the Buddha. The Buddha again, purity, the Enlightened One, the Buddha. The Buddha was in so much pain, and it's documented in the writings in the last 10 years of his life, that he couldn't walk. [00:10:41] He was in pain. And this is when he said, you can be in pain, but you don't have to suffer. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. So how is it that these bad things, whether it's a physical ailment that comes upon somebody they don't want, that they're not trying to manifest, that a car crash, somebody twists their ankle, breaks their toe, loses their job, loses a deal, makes a mistake inadvertently, which causes a major financial catastrophe or a lawsuit or in some cases, imprisonment, how is it that bad things happen to these good people? And then some people look at other manifesting experts or gurus and say, hey, how is it that a guy who's teaching how to manifest goals, dreams and desires all of a sudden has a problem and then winds up going to prison? James Arthur Ray, I mean, I know James Arthur Ray. I think he's a wonderful man. [00:11:41] And he was trying to help people. He did a sweat lodge. [00:11:46] He rented a facility, they had a sweat lodge facility there as part of the retreat encampment that he rented. [00:11:56] And some of the tarps were allegedly sprayed with some type of rat poison, and no one knew this. [00:12:03] And he put it together and he went in there and he did the sweat lodge ceremony, and there were a few people that were starting to get sick. He was in there as well. [00:12:13] He wasn't trying to hurt anybody because he'd be hurting himself if he did it on purpose. But a couple, I think one or two people died. I'm not sure how many, but somebody died. At least one person died. And he went to prison. [00:12:28] And somebody said, how is it that a man who teaches how to manifest a good person has this terrible thing happen to him? And if you look at Tony Robbins and Joe Dispenza and Joe Vitale and Brian Tracy and Earl Nightingale and Zig Ziglar and les Brown and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Ed Forman, all amazing, wonderful people that are empowering others and helping others, but if you ask them all, has a bad thing happened to you that you didn't want to happen? The answer is. They all laugh of course, yes, some of them are. Some of the challenges that they faced are more public than others. And in my case, people always ask me, Kevin, if you're an expert on manifesting and you're a really Good person, a guru, a spiritually enlightened master, full of love, which we can feel. How is it that you went to prison for eight years? I says, well, you know, Gandhi went to prison too. [00:13:36] And I think he was much greater than I. Perhaps I humble myself to him. [00:13:44] Why do good things happen to bad people? And why do bad things happen? [00:13:51] Or why do bad things happen to good people? Not why do good things happen to bad people? Did I just say that? Yeah. Now, why do bad things happen to good people? And why do things happen to quote manifesting experts that you would assume is bad and something that that person. Person does not want to manifest. [00:14:12] Here's the answer. [00:14:15] You have to understand how the universe works. [00:14:20] You also have to understand that we don't have one physical incarnation or one life. You are a spiritual being. You're a spiritual essence. [00:14:32] Some people call it a soul, some people call it a spirit. Some people call it a thetan. [00:14:40] Some people call it the self. Some people call it the higher self. [00:14:46] The spiritual essence that is you is not the body and it's not the mind. You're really in three parts. [00:14:58] You, as you are right now, are in three parts. You are a spiritual, eternal, immortal, spiritual essence which never dies and is never born. [00:15:12] It always has full consciousness and awareness. [00:15:16] You live in a body. We'll use that as the analogy. And you have a mind. You could say you have a body and you have a mind. You are not your body and, and you're not your mind. You're not your thoughts. [00:15:32] You're the spiritual consciousness that you are. [00:15:35] When you hear yourself talking in your head, who's doing the listening and who's doing the talking? [00:15:44] You, the self, are observing. The mind talk. [00:15:49] When the body experiences pain, do you suffer? [00:15:56] And some people say, yes, I do suffer. Well, that's because you are too attached to the body and do not have full realization and awareness of the separation between the body and the self and the mind. [00:16:14] The next thing you have to comprehend is that you, as a spiritual essence, have been around for a long time. [00:16:21] When the one became the many a long time ago. We're not talking hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands or even billions of years, a long time ago. [00:16:35] You have been in existence with full awareness and consciousness, and you have incarnated into many physical forms, many physical bodies. [00:16:47] The law of karma, the law of attraction, are the same. [00:16:54] Whatever you put out as an intention will come back to you. Whatever you put out as a frequency or vibration must then manifest via the law of attraction or the law of karma. [00:17:10] When you come into this incarnation, if you are a little baby and you're born, you're pure and you're innocent, you haven't done anything wrong. [00:17:21] So why does a terrible thing happen to a pure, innocent child? [00:17:27] And we all know the horrors of terrible things happening to innocent children who have done nothing bad in their physical embodiment, yet something terrible happens to them. Maybe they die suddenly in a crib. They die in a crash or an accident. They come down with a terrible disease and die. They haven't done anything wrong. How is karma in play here? [00:17:54] How does the universe work? Why does a bad thing happen to an innocent, pure, good being? [00:18:03] And the answer is, we can't look at one lifetime. [00:18:08] We have to look at the millions of lifetimes that you've been a part of. [00:18:15] And in every lifetime, we put things out, we put thoughts out, we put words out, and we put actions out. And whatever you put out must come back to you via the law of karma. But it doesn't mean it will manifest and come back to you in that particular incarnation. [00:18:36] So the first answer is, why does bad things happen to seemingly good people who have done nothing wrong? The first answer is, it's karma you are manifesting in this life and experiencing this life. [00:18:55] These bad things because of a previous life, it must come back to you. You must have to burn that karma off. You must experience it, because what you put out comes back to you. What goes around comes around. What you plant, you will reap. [00:19:19] A lot of people have a hard time grasping that, and that's okay. [00:19:24] I'm just telling you the truth. [00:19:26] And I'm telling you the truth from a perspective of beyond the veil. [00:19:33] I'm actually right now not even speaking to you. I'm actually pulling this information from the field beyond the veil. I'm getting blocks of thought, and I'm turning it into English words to communicate the answer to this question. [00:19:53] The second reason bad things happen to good people is what you think is bad is actually good. [00:20:08] So when you say a bad thing happened to Kevin Trudeau or a bad thing happened to yourself, you're perceiving it as bad, when in fact, it is a blessing. And you are getting exactly what you asked for. [00:20:24] Years ago, I had a fellow come to me in the office. [00:20:28] He was a chain smoker of cigarettes, bringing in the smoke and all the chemicals into his lungs, and he wanted to quit, which is a good practice. [00:20:42] There are no health benefits to smoking cigarettes, although back in the day, doctors used to prescribe cigarettes for their Health benefits. Doctors used to be in advertisements promoting cigarettes for their health benefits. And when you went into hospitals, all the doctors, the nurses, everybody would be smoking in a hospital. Imagine that. [00:21:02] But there are no health benefits of smoking cigarettes, only detriments. [00:21:07] So this fellow wanted to quit smoking. So he came to me and he said, listen, I tried everything. I've tried the patch, I've tried cold turkey. I can't seem to quit any technique. And I gave him a technique that would probably work. [00:21:20] But as I looked into his field, it wasn't going to work. And I said, well, the techniques that I can share with you, whether it's thought field therapy by Callahan or Alan Carr's Easy way to Quit Smoking, both are excellent and effective. 95, maybe even 98% of the time, maybe even 99% of the time. But in this particular instance, it wasn't going to work. [00:21:48] I said, we have to use a manifesting technique. So we use the manifesting techniques that I describe in youn Wish Is yous Command and the 10 steps to manifesting youg Goals. [00:21:59] And he used those techniques with me. And I said, let the universe figure out the answer to your desire, because the universe will present to you the answer. The universe will give you the answer to your request, which is, you want to be smoke free. [00:22:20] About a week later, I came into the office. [00:22:25] At that particular time, I was always 15 minutes early, sometimes 30 minutes early. I liked to be the first guy in the office to see who was coming in late. [00:22:35] And in this particular instance, I got there relatively early, about a half hour early, but I was never the first guy. This particular guy, he was a very early riser. He had five children and he would always beat me. He'd always be there first, and he'd still work till 5. He was a hard worker, great guy. [00:22:53] But he wasn't there. And I was working. And later on in the morning, I noticed he still hadn't showed up. And I said, hey, did you ever see. Do you ever see so and so? No, I haven't seen him. I said, well, call his house. [00:23:06] Call his house. Nobody's answering. So we call all day, no one's answering. Finally, at the end of the day, his wife calls and said that he had a massive heart attack. And he's in the hospital and he's in icu, Intensive care unit. So I rushed to the hospital to see him and he was in the ventilation tent and so forth. They wouldn't let me talk to him. He was, you know, kind of teetering there and I said, well, you know, when do you think I can talk to him and visit him? Well, we'll see how he, you know, how he responds. A couple days later, I got a chance to talk with him, and I said, how you doing? He goes, well, they said, it's going to be a full recovery. There's no problem and there's no damage. I got really lucky, but it was a massive heart attack. [00:23:53] I says, man, I'm really sorry. He says, yeah. He goes, I clearly didn't want to have a heart attack. He says, but I'll tell you this, I am never going to smoke ever again in my life. [00:24:05] I says, explain that to me. Well, Kevin, the doctor told me that if I wanted to see my five daughters graduate high school, if I continued to smoke, I wouldn't be at their graduations. I wouldn't see it. I'd be dead. [00:24:28] He says, that was it. [00:24:32] I'm not smoking ever again. [00:24:35] And he didn't. [00:24:37] That was a long time ago. [00:24:40] He stopped smoking. [00:24:43] You may ask, if you were looking as an observer from the outside, why did a bad thing happen to a good person? Why did this guy get a heart attack? [00:24:53] A bad thing? [00:24:55] And why did it happen to him? He was a good guy. And the answer is, it wasn't a bad thing at all, my friends. It was a good thing. The universe gave him exactly what he needed to answer his prayer. [00:25:10] So the second aspect of this, why do bad things happen to good people? Is what you think is bad isn't bad at all. It's actually a blessing. [00:25:23] Remember, in every adversity are the seeds of a greater benefit you're actually getting from the universe. Exactly what you're asking for. [00:25:36] I spent eight and a half years in prison without committing a crime, charged with contempt of court. [00:25:45] I had the top legal scholars in the country review my case. [00:25:50] And every one of them, I mean, these are the top lawyers that you see on TV all the time. Constitutional lawyers, professors at Harvard, the top guys at major law firms, Winston and Strachan, Jenner and Block, the big guys. And they're looking at this and they're reading all the documents and they're saying, we've never seen anything like this in our entire legal career. This is bizarro world. What's happened to you is unconscionable. [00:26:25] It's beyond compare. [00:26:29] You have gotten such a raw deal every step along the way. [00:26:35] You could say a bad thing happened to me that I got sued, that I got put in prison, and that everything I owned got taken away. [00:26:46] Kevin how did you manifest that? [00:26:50] Why in the world would you manifest being put in prison for eight and a half years if manifesting is true and if you're a good person, why would that happen to you? Why would you have everything you own taken away, all your companies shut down? Why would such a terrible, horrible bad thing happen to you if A, you're a good person and B, if the law of attraction and the law of manifesting and all the techniques you teach in your reshuk man actually work? [00:27:24] And the answer is very simple. [00:27:29] That wasn't a bad thing that happened to me. [00:27:32] It was a gift. [00:27:35] It was an answer to my prayer. [00:27:41] Why do bad things happen to good people? You can't know when you look at someone else and you see something happen in their life, you don't know what's in their heart. You don't know what they want. You don't. You don't know their karma of what has to manifest. You don't know any of that. So number one, don't judge and don't criticize. [00:28:05] Do you know what I was asking for when all this thing happened? No, you don't, do you? Oh, you couldn't have been asking to be put in prison? [00:28:16] No, I didn't ask the universe, Please put me in prison for eight and a half years. Please put me through hell in the legal system. [00:28:28] Please have every asset taken away. No, I didn't ask for that. But let me tell you what I did ask for, and I will share this. Probably for the first time at that particular time, I had companies all over the world. I had employees all over the world. I had properties in California, New York, Chicago, Florida, Zurich, Switzerland, Sydney, Australia. I had them all over the world, fully staffed with people. I was running in 10 different directions. [00:28:53] Amazingly big enterprise. But at that point, I had reached the moment in my life that I knew it was time to follow my purpose and mission. [00:29:09] And that purpose and mission was to come out from the spiritual perspective and start awakening and enlightening people, taking them out of their darkness, taking them out of their trance, spiritually and positively impacting people by teaching them the techniques and the secrets that I learned in the Brotherhood and I learned beyond the veil. [00:29:36] Up until that point, I wore my invisibility cloak. Nobody really knew who I was. In the same manner that Swami Muktananda was looked at as a fool while his guru, Baba Nithyananda, was the spiritual perfected master. When Baba Nithyananda was ready to leave his body and pass, he told everyone, my successor is Swami Muktananda, everyone was shocked. They said, the fool. [00:30:15] The person who walks around who doesn't know anything, who doesn't speak the fool. [00:30:23] Swami Muktananda was wearing his invisibility cloak. [00:30:27] And when Baba Nithyananda said, no, he is now the Guru, that instant, everyone saw Muktananda the fool for who he really was. [00:30:41] So at that point, I knew it was my time to come forward and remove the invisibility cloak and be on my purpose. But I looked at all these companies and all these businesses and I thought, how do I wind them up? How do I shut them down? How do I lay all of these people off? How do I get out of this, the commitments that I made and so forth so that I can follow my mission and purpose? So I prayed. I used the techniques in youn Wishes yous Command. I used the techniques in 10 steps to manifesting, and I put out to the universe my desire. My desire was, now is the time for me to be fully 100% on my mission and purpose. [00:31:26] And I don't know how to get there. [00:31:29] The universe is always smarter than you, by the way. [00:31:34] So I said, you figure it out. [00:31:36] And all of a sudden, within days after that prayer, after that technique that I used that I teach in youn Wishes yous Command and the 10 steps and at the higher levels in the Success Mastery Course training, when I used that technique, I saw the molecules in the universe actually moving. [00:31:57] And I knew it was something. Something was going to manifest and probably something off my radar screen, the method of getting there. [00:32:09] And all of a sudden I get the lawsuit and I'm brought into court and the allegations start coming and I am never bothered. And everybody who was around me that time, they were amazed. They said, why aren't you even remotely concerned with what appears to be a major situation? [00:32:29] And I never really responded. I said, no, everything will work out fine. Because I saw that the universe had a plan. It was a plan that was beyond my comprehension. [00:32:42] But when you surrender to God, when you surrender to the universe and allow the infinite intelligence to sort it all out, you can just sit back and enjoy the show knowing that you don't know what you don't know. [00:32:58] And I allowed it to play out. I knew everything would be perfect. It certainly wasn't a method that I would have written down as a good plan of attack or a plan of action. [00:33:10] But it's what the universe knew that was best. [00:33:14] So I went through the legal situation. Everything was taken away. I went to prison. [00:33:20] I got what I Asked for. I asked for a clean slate. I said I want to be able to start from scratch with a clean slate, a blank canvas so I can follow my mission and purpose. [00:33:34] And when I went away, I had a chance to rest and recharge the batteries and meditate and do yoga and rest the body and tap into the universal field. Eight and a half years. Something that very few people have the ability to do. To go into seclusion for eight and a half years and just tap into the universe with not a worry, no responsibility, no phone calls, nothing. [00:34:09] It was a gift. [00:34:13] It was during that time that I wrote the Science of Personal Mastery course. [00:34:20] Thousands of pages. [00:34:23] The complete training that releases the power of the mind. [00:34:30] There's nothing like it on the planet. And it would never have been written if I didn't go through that disaster. [00:34:39] What you think is a disaster, but what I look at as a gift, if I didn't get that blessing to go to prison for eight and a half years. [00:34:50] And then when I came out, I had a clean slate. [00:34:55] Everything was gone. The government appointed a receiver, which took over everything and liquidated everything. I had no attachment to any physical object because I didn't have any. I had a clean slate, a blank canvas, and I could follow my purpose. So what you think is a bad thing wasn't bad at all. [00:35:20] Earlier in my life, I got sued by the Federal Trade Commission when I sold a product called Coral Calcium. And they said, you can't sell products on tv. You can only sell informational First Amendment protected publications. [00:35:37] And this looked like I was out of the TV infomercial business and was going to retire. [00:35:45] It looks like a bad thing happened. I got sued by the federal government and effectively banned from television. [00:35:54] Kevin, that's a bad thing. [00:35:56] How did you manifest that? If you're a manifesting expert, you don't know what I was asking the universe for. Before that happened, I was asking the universe to shift myself shift from product into a higher level of acceptability and credibility in the public. And I didn't know what that meant, but I knew that's what needed to happen. And I didn't know how or the method. So I let the universe figure it out and I surrendered. And I used the techniques that I teach in the higher levels of, of the Science of Personal Mastery course and in the higher levels of the Success Mastery course. And all of a sudden I get sued. Everything goes against me. The lawyers are blown away with the rulings. They said, this is mind boggling. [00:36:47] Everything went against me. Everything went wrong. I Didn't do anything wrong, no finding of wrongdoing. But I accepted a consent decree, a negotiated settlement where I would be banned from television infomercials. And I said, okay, I'll just retire. [00:37:06] But I had put out what I wanted months earlier. [00:37:10] And I sat in my room with my team talking about my imminent retirement to Italy and how I was going to sell my house in California, take the millions in profits and go to Italy with the money that I had and just kind of retire. [00:37:32] I thought, you know, in this settlement it does say that I can continue to sell informational publications on television. And I said, no one has ever sold a book on tv. [00:37:46] And everybody laughed. They said, yeah, you can't sell books on tv. It wouldn't work. [00:37:51] And as soon as somebody tells me it wouldn't work, something inside me says, let me prove you wrong. [00:37:58] And I thought, you know, I should actually write a book about this whole fiasco because I know the government is trying to stop me from exposing natural ways to cure and prevent disease. [00:38:12] I should actually write a book about it and expose the Federal Trade Commission and expose the collusion between the drug companies and the pharmaceutical companies and the media and the government and how they're all colluding to stop you from learning the truth about non drug and non surgical ways to prevent disease. And I said I should write a book called Natural Cures that drug companies and the government don't want you to know about. [00:38:42] And everybody kind of laughed and thought I was kidding. I thought, well, actually, no, that name is kind of long. [00:38:50] So I said, no, you know, I should write a book called Natural Cures They Don't Want yout to Know About. [00:38:56] I'm gonna do it. And I wrote the book Natural Cures Only because of the bad thing that happened. [00:39:06] So do you see that? What most of the time when you think something bad happened, it isn't bad at all. There's the story of the. I mean, Natural Cures would never existed. It became the number one best selling health and nutritional book of all time. Almost 50 million copies sold. It was number one on the New York Times best selling list 26 weeks in a row. It was the best selling book in all of America the year that it came out. [00:39:33] I'm doing a brand new version this year. It'll be published. I'm meeting with the president of the publishing company tomorrow. Actually, I'm meeting him tonight and then tomorrow as well. It's. And we're going to be launching that book this year, A brand new Natural Cures book. [00:39:47] But that book would have never come out if a bad thing didn't happen to me. Because it wasn't bad, it was good. [00:39:56] So the whole concept here is what you think is bad is not necessarily bad. It's usually, if you look there is the seed of a greater benefit in what you think is bad. It is an answer to your prayer. [00:40:10] Always be thankful and grateful for adversity or bad things that happen in your life because they are gifts. You just don't see them that way. John D. Rockefeller always said that when anything bad happened to them, he never looked at it as something bad. He looked at it as a gift. And inside that bad thing was the seed of something greater to his personal benefit. He just had to find it. He had to unwrap the gift, the bad thing, and find the seed of the greater benefit. He knew that he was getting a blessing from heaven when something bad happened to him. [00:40:58] Does this make sense? [00:41:02] This happened on and on and on. I got sued again for the weight loss cure book, and they put a huge judgment against me. And I thought, okay, what are we going to do now? [00:41:13] I thought, well, you know, it's time for me to start some philanthropic work. I'm going to start a foundation. Because that way, a foundation, if we start it brand new, I'm not going to transfer any of my money in it because I have to pay the government. But I'll start a brand new foundation. There'll be no owners, and it will start on its own. It's a separate entity. All my lawyers told me that whatever it generates is not subject to any lawsuit and not subject to any judgment because it's brand new. [00:41:46] Later, the government didn't see it that way. [00:41:50] So we started the Global Information Network because it was the time. So the bad thing that happened was the catalyst to force me to start the Global Information Network, something that me and the members of the Jin Council had been talking about for over 10 years. [00:42:12] But the bad thing had to happen to be a catalyst to get me to start it. It was like the universe was saying, look, you're dragging your feet on this. We've been telling you to start this. [00:42:23] You know, if you're a Christian minister, say God was talking to me, but I wasn't paying attention. [00:42:31] I was paying attention, but I kept on saying, yeah, not right now, but the universe was getting fed up and said, no, you're going to do it now. So it had to create a bad scenario, quote, a bad scenario, in order to get me to do what I was destined to do this is the reason why when something bad happens to you, you have to look at this as a gift, as John D. Rockefeller always said, and so did Andrew Carnegie, and so did Napoleon Hill, and so did Thomas Edison, and so did Tesla, and so did Albert Einstein. They all talk about when something, quote, negative happens or bad happens or catastrophic happens, or terrible happens, or a problem shows up. These are not negative scenarios. These are gifts from the universe. [00:43:18] Within that situation is a seed of a greater benefit. Or the answer to what you've been asking the universe for. Your prayer is answered in the calamity, in the catastrophe, in the disaster, in the bad thing, in the problem. [00:43:39] The answer is there. Dr. Morter always said that the cure is in the problem. [00:43:48] You just have to unpack it. You have to look at it as a gift and be thankful and grateful. [00:43:57] The other reason that bad things happen to good people is a good person wants to free himself from the Samskaras, the energetic imprints, the engrams that are in our field, contracted energy that are holding us back and stopping us from spiritual liberation and complete freedom on all levels and all dimensions. The only way to get these energetic imprints activated or keyed in or brought to surface sometimes is to have a bad thing happen. Because it will trigger that energetic imprint and activate it and bring it to surface. And you can only transmute that energy or clear that energy or release that energy when it's active and brought to surface. [00:44:49] So when you're praying for spiritual liberation and spiritual freedom and then a bad thing happens, it's a gift. What is it triggering within you? What emotion, what feeling is it triggering within you? What is it bringing to surface? This is something that you need to transmute if you intend on reaching higher states of spirituality. [00:45:16] These are some of the main reasons why bad things happen to good people. And I want you to read. I want to read a quote, a very famous quote which embodies this. Because one of the things that we do is we criticize other people and we criticize ourselves when something bad happens, or we criticize the person who we think is doing something bad to us, or we criticize other people. Judgment and criticism is something that if you intend on transmuting energy and being able to see the seed of a greater benefit in every problem, if you intend on doing that, you have to eliminate or dramatically reduce anyway your judgment and criticism of others and yourself. [00:46:09] And here's a quote I want you to think about. [00:46:12] And I'm not sure who said this. I think it was Roosevelt. [00:46:16] It's not the critic who counts. [00:46:20] Think about that right off the giddyup. It's not the critic who counts. People leave messages on the comment section and they criticize. Well, guess what? It's not the critic who counts. If you're criticizing, you don't count. [00:46:39] It's not the critic who counts. [00:46:42] Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. [00:46:51] The credit actually belongs to the man who is in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who makes mistakes, who comes up short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and who spends himself in a worthy cause. [00:47:30] Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if that person fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. [00:47:57] Do you know victory? [00:48:00] Do you know defeat? [00:48:02] Bad things happen to good people because in order to be alive you have to taste defeat. [00:48:11] Victory is always worth the struggle, and you have to taste bitterness in order to know sweetness. [00:48:21] Thus, bad things, bitter things, will always happen to good people because it's their blessing. [00:48:34] When you start doing these techniques, you. You can start working toward the state of full awareness and consciousness known as self realization or enlightenment. [00:48:49] Years ago I went into a trance. [00:48:53] I tapped into the ether. [00:48:55] I went beyond the veil and I channeled and wrote down something. [00:49:03] I didn't know what I was writing until I read it later. [00:49:06] I will read it to you now. [00:49:09] When a being is fully conscious and aware, they transcend the illusion of the physical, material world of duality. [00:49:21] Duality is seeing everything as independent, such as me and you, a this and that, a here and there, where everything and everyone is separate and not connected. [00:49:35] When a being is aware that everything and everyone is connected and essentially one, then that being becomes aware of the selfthe non physical you, the one consciousness or energy that you truly are. [00:49:57] An inner state is then attained where there is nothing to trigger irrational and uncontrollable emotions, feelings or thoughts. [00:50:09] No one can push your buttons because you no longer have buttons to push. You become free and liberated. [00:50:19] Imagine being supremely confident, but not arrogant or conceited. [00:50:23] Imagine having such total knowingness that you never need to be affirmed or validated by anyone. [00:50:33] Imagine never feeling the need to convince anyone or prove anything. [00:50:40] Think about never needing to argue or debate anyone about anything. [00:50:47] Dream about never having the need to feel respected, never needing to be understood, never needing to to be recognized or given credit for something you did. [00:50:59] Imagine never being affected by what someone says or does to you or doesn't say or do. [00:51:07] Imagine having total clarity and certainty, but remaining completely humble all the while at the same time never having any doubts, fears or worries about anything. [00:51:20] Dream about always feeling joy inside and never being affected by eternal conditions, situations, events, people or circumstances. [00:51:33] Imagine being amused by everything and everyone while always having an inner laugh and smile. For you. Actually see everyone and everything as simply an expression and extension of the one universal consciousness that is all that is. And everything in life is just a play of the one universal consciousness. [00:51:57] Think about how your life would always be feeling light hearted and cheerful without any concerns or stress, and never feeling the need to change anyone or anything in order to make you happy. [00:52:13] Imagine being anchored in an interstate of peace, bliss and certainty. Regardless of what is happening in your life, imagine being enlightened and self realized. [00:52:27] You can be this person. [00:52:30] Yes, you can. [00:52:32] I'm Kevin Trudeau. And you're not. But you are all you need to be. [00:52:41] Remember, God dwells within you as you. You are the pure extension and expression of God's love. Just as God is love and light, so are you. [00:52:53] I'm Kevin Trudeau. This is limitless. The Kevin Trudeau Show. Until next time. Remember, God loves you and so do I. Bye. Bye.

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