Episode 51

September 25, 2024


You Hold The Power to This Secret to Success | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 51

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau reveals the most powerful law to receive abundance and prosperity into YOUR life! This is only a little preview of what is to come in the spiritual shows Kevin will be doing on Sundays.

You may want to listen to this episode multiple times to bathe in and fully absorb the powerful truths that Kevin shares! Empower yourself today!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 2:02 Most of Kevin Trudeau’s fans don’t even know he’s FREE!
  • 11:11 How to be blessed by God
  • 17:43 Malachi: an interesting scenario
  • 20:13 The Power of Giving
  • 25:36 Achieve the greatest sense of freedom and liberation
  • 29:27 Are ‘Demons’ holding on to your money?
  • 36:00 What happened when Jesus got angry
  • 39:00 The Success Formula from the Bible
  • 48:46 Sage advice on living in the present moment


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com





  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:07] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome. Kevin Trudeau here. Thanks for joining me. This is the Kevin Trudeau show. Everything they don't want you to know about to improve the quality of your life and make you feel better. The goal is always, by the end of the show, you're gonna feel better than you do right now. Well, welcome and glad for joining me. We got a great show today. I'm gonna be doing something very different, something I've never done before. First time on today's show. As you know, we're gonna be going to a Sunday show as well. We're gonna be adding a Sunday show based on scriptural principles. And we'll be looking at a whole host of scriptural texts like the Mahabharata, the Ramayama, the Vedas, the Zohar, the Torah, the Christian Bible, the Koran, and a whole bunch of other texts as well. I'll be sharing with you scriptural secrets on Sundays. That's going to be coming up. We're working out the launch date for this. I had mentioned to you that I will be doing five days a week. We have to adjust the launch of that, and I'll let you know when that's going to launch. But we have a lot on our plate right now. But today's going to be a great show. I'm going to be actually doing that. I'm going to be doing that Sunday show, a little bit of that Sunday show just to give you a taste of what it's going to be like, talking about some spiritual scriptural principles that can help you in your life and some of the secrets that you're not learning anywhere else, really. And I'm going to show you some stuff that may open your eyes a little bit, and you'll say, wow, this is really impressive. And it really, really works. And it absolutely is true. I also want to give you, first off, a legal update. Tomorrow, my lawyers and myself, we're meeting with the government. We're trying to work things out. And I will tell you, those of you who went to the Kevin Trudeau fan Club website, kevintradeaufanclub.com, comma, and made a contribution or became a partner in the last week that's making all the difference. I can tell you that we're working this out. I am back in court on October 1. So we have a window here, and this window is I need to show them a massive increase in the number of new partners. So if you're not a partner, please go to the fan club and become a partner. This is going to keep this show on the air. If you are a partner, I need to show them the number of partners that increased their partnership level. So if you are a partner, consider if you can handle it financially. Don't put yourself in a financial pressure. Go and increase your partnership level. And they also need a massive number of people going to this website making a one time contribution of any amount, of any amount. Remember, the goal is to bring in $1 million. And the challenge is, even though tens of millions of people have purchased my books, we had the list of all of those people. But when I went away and the government came over and took over everything, they destroyed that list. We don't have access to those names. Most people who support me don't even know I'm free. They don't even know the shows exist. I was just talking to somebody recently and they said, kevin, when you went away, we went to your home in Ojai, and we purchased a lot of things in case when you got out you wanted. I said, no, it's yours. You purchased it. And I appreciate that. Keep them in your home now. And they said, we didn't know you were free. So here's a big time supporter that didn't even know I was free and doing this show. So there are probably millions of people that if they knew this show existed and they knew the situation I'm in, would step up and we would resolve this problem immediately. So we don't have a big number. There's a small number of you that actually know this. Over the next months, over the next year, people will start knowing that I'm back, that I'm released, that I'm free, that I'm continuing the mission to improve the quality of people's lives all around the world by sharing information that they, the powers that be, don't want you to know about and improving your life, making you feel better, giving you freedom and liberation on all levels, improving your standard of living, helping you make more money, and all these things that you know, for those of you who watch the show or gone through any of the training that I produce, that I'm delivering to you, but right now, we don't have a lot of people. So hitting that million dollar number between now and October 1 may be tight. I did have a person step up and put a $50,000 contribution in fantastic. Other people have stepped up and put in $10. That's fantastic, too, because I can show the number of supporters, not just the amount of money raised. So if you want the show to continue, if you want to keep me free, if you want to keep this going, then go to kevintradeaufanclub.com, comma, make a contribution of any amount. We have a window here between now and October 1. Tell everybody, get as many people as you can to make contributions. If you're not a partner, become a partner. You get great value for that. And if you are a partner, consider upgrading. And for all of you who already did, thank you, thank you, thank you. You will be blessed because you are giving. You are activating the power of giving. When you give, you're planting a seed into the universe. When you give to the fan club, you're giving. You're planting a seed into the universe and the universe is going to bless you 100 to 1000 fold. That's what the scriptural and spiritual law is. When you give, you receive. It is more blessed to give. You get more blessings by giving than to receive. That's a scriptural passage and a spiritual principle. It is always more blessed to give. The giver gets the blessing more so than the receiver. So when you give to the fan club, you're not giving to me personally, I don't get any of the money. It goes directly to the government and it's making a huge impact. You are making a huge impact and you will be blessed. So thank you for that. So that's number one we're going to talk about. I'm actually going to use a scriptural book here. This is the Lamsa version. It's one of the better translations. There's a lot of translations from the original, but I'm going to share with you some information that's going to improve your quality of your life and kind of open your eyes a little bit. So this is going to be fun. Oh, man. It's going to be fun. I had a stack, by the way, of news articles that I was going to go through. Right, right. Trey, you had the stack here about this thing, and I looked at all these negative things and I was going to start talking about what's going on here and what's going on here. And I said, you know something? I'm going to give you something better. I'm going to share with you some stuff that you probably never heard before. So first off, I want to talk about, and I'm not going to get into depth here. I'm just going to pop out a few, few passages, explain them a little bit. And this is just a taste of what I'll be doing on the Sunday show, which you're not going to want to miss. So the first one is in the book of deuteronomy. And in this book now, when I do the spiritual show, I'll talk about who wrote the Bible and when and why and all that stuff. But at the end of the day here we have God actually talking, and somebody wrote down what God said. Okay, well, they didn't have a stenographer back then. They didn't have a tape recorder, and they didn't have a secretary who was taking shorthand. So there was nobody transcribing what God said. So back in those days, the way books were written, initially, it was the oral tradition. Something was passed down, and it was memorized and then repeated, repeated, repeated. And somebody says, well, clearly, like the game telephone. And if you know what the game telephone is, you get a group of people, maybe five or six or seven people, and I whisper a sentence or two sentences or three sentences in this person's ear. They then whisper, and I write it down. I write down word for word what I say. They then whisper it in the next person's ear, who turns around and immediately whispers it in the next person's ear. And by the time it gets to the last person, that last person writes it down, and invariably, it's almost not even close to being the same. Now think about that. That's how information gets diluted and gets morphed into something that it's not. However, many of you know that when you were in school, you had to memorize poetry. Some of you don't even know what I'm talking about. Back in the day, when I went to school, walking in the snow, uphill both ways back in those days, sunny back in the day, we actually had to memorize verbatim poetry. And everybody did. Some of you are wondering, like, how is that possible? Well, we used to memorize hundreds of poems, and we used to have to memorize the Declaration of Independence, and we had to memorize the Gettysburg address. We had to memorize all this stuff, and everybody did. And we could remember verbatim all these things. Therefore, it is possible, and was possible, especially back in the day when people's memory was much better because we didn't have all the electronic devices. They had to rely on their memory. They actually did remember things verbatim. In the days of ancient Rome and Greece, when they would speak in coliseums, they were reciting things perfectly by memory. When somebody would get a message, they didn't write the message down. The king gave the messenger a long message. He committed it to memory verbatim, rode his horse for three days and then delivered the message verbatim to the next person. That's how communication happened. So when these books were written, they were passed down verbatim. And there's an excellent chance, and we don't know for sure, but there's an excellent chance that they were verbatim, maybe with some minor changes, but pretty much verbatim. So in this particular one, and the reason why I want to point this out is many people think, and it's in our DNA, that God doesn't want us to be. Okay, we'll use God as a phrase here. The universe, omnipotent intelligence, the force, God, Allah, universal consciousness. God, I'll use. God doesn't want us to prosper and be happy. And actually one of the scriptures says, above all things, this is Jesus talking above all things. I want you to prosper and be in health, just as the soul prospers. And the word prosper, which is translated into the word prosper in English, actually is expanded. It's a word that means total abundance in everything, everything you wish and hope for. So Jesus is saying to everybody, above all things, above all things, I want you to have everything in life you want and be in health, just as your soul prospers, attains oneness and enlightenment, health, wealth and happiness, the trifecta of success. So for anybody who suggests that God doesn't want you to be healthy or doesn't want you to be prosperous and have as much wealth or riches or material things in this life as you choose, that's totally wrong. Jesus says, directly above all things, I want you to prosper, get everything in life you want, achieve and attain all the material things in life you want, above all things, that's what he wants for you. And be in health, have vigorous, vibrant health. He doesn't want you to have disease. God doesn't want you to have disease. And thirdly, that you attain enlightenment and spiritual freedom and liberation on all levels, that's the soul prospering. So let's go back to the Old Testament, because remember, Jesus was a jew. He studied the Old Testament, and God is talking to the Israelites. And God says something very clear. He says, if you will diligently listen to me and observe what I tell you to do, I will set you high above everyone and all of the blessings all these blessings that I'm going to outline shall come on you and overtake you. And then he proceeds to list all these blessings. And I'll paraphrase, you'll be rich, you'll be wealthy. You'll have an amazing family. You'll have an amazing health. You'll have status, you'll have power, you'll be happy, you'll be joyous. Everything you touch will prosper, et cetera, et cetera, on and on and on. So this is the promise, scripturally, that is not just isolated to the Jews or the Israelites in this particular situation. It's to all mankind. God or the universal intelligence, wants you to attain the desires of your heart. And there are many scriptures that talk about that. And so this is something that I would, on a Sunday show, go into in great depth and show you all of the corresponding scripture that backs this up. And there are hundreds of them just in the Bible, but also in the indian text and so forth, where it is absolutely clear, without any ambiguity, that God, the Atman, Allah, wants you to attain in life all the things you want so that your. And it says, so that your joy be full. Now, there's a preface that you follow my commandments, which means you don't murder people, you don't screw people over. You don't commit adultery. You know, you don't grab somebody else's wife. You don't. So there's a bunch of little caveats to that. In other words, you got to basically have some morals and ethics. And if you have morals and ethics and do the right thing, and if you treat people like you want them to be treated, that's what his commandments basically say. If you put God first and you don't love money, he also says that that's the commandment. Do not love money. You can use money, but you must love people first. That's a commandment. So he says, if you shall hearken diligently to all the commandments that I've given you, so you got to do all those things. Then he says, now you are going to be blessed. The windows of heaven are open. All right. Everything's going to be fantastic. One of the commandments, by the way, was you have to give, you have to take some of your income, 10%, called a tithe, and you have to give it away. Give it away without getting anything back in return. This is one of his commandments. So again, if you follow all my commandments, then all of these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you. If you're overtaken. That means it's like a wave in the ocean overtaking you and just covering you. So the blessings will cover you. You'll have so much, it'll be out of control if you follow the commandments. And one of them, of course, it's not murder. One of them is also give. Give away money to charities and so forth. And many of you who are given to the Kevin Trudeau fan Club, you're following that commandment. And therefore the promise is all of these blessings that you'll be rich, you'll have a wonderful family, you'll have great health, you'll have joy and happiness. You'll manifest what you want, and it goes on and on. And any weapon formed against you will not prosper. Think about that phrase. All weapons formed against you will not prosper. They won't work. It doesn't say that weapons won't be formed against you, but if they are, they ultimately will fail. So you'll be protected. That's another promise if you follow the commandments, one of which is giving. So think about that, okay? So now if we fast forward to the end of the New Testament, the last book in the New Testament is the book of Malachi. And Malachi is an interesting scenario because here we have hundreds, thousands of years after God told the Israelites that promise. So now the Israelites are not blessed. They're not receiving any blessings. The blessings that he promised have not come upon them and overtaken them. They're suffering. They're starving. They're not eating well. Things are not going well. They have no food. They're miserable. Health is terrible. They're arguing. They're not happy. What happened to all the promise? What happened to the promise? What happened to the blessings? So the deal here is the Israelites are all pissed off at God because they said, hey, they're reading this to God. They're going, you promised that all these blessings would come upon us and overtake us, and we don't have any of them. Things really are terrible now. So what's the deal? And God actually talks back, God's a little feisty. And he says, ah, it says, you have not followed my commandments. And they say, what are you talking about? God? Of course we have. We pray. We keep the Sabbath holy. We don't murder. We don't commit adultery. We're following your commandments. And he says, really? This is God talking. He's talking to the Israelites, but you've defrauded me. And they said, how have we defrauded you? What are you talking about? We haven't defrauded you. And God says, yes, you have. You've defrauded me by not giving me the tithes and offerings of tithe is the 10%, and offering is anything over and above the 10%. They stopped doing that because they were hungry. And it says because of that you are cursed with curses because you've defrauded me. That's how powerful giving is. If you murder somebody, it's almost like you can be forgiven for that. But if you don't give, it's almost like you're shit out of luck. Why? Because giving is the highest form of the law of attraction. It's the highest form of receiving benefits. When you give without wanting anything in return. Because people love money and therefore they covet it. The first commandment, called the ten utterances, we know it as the ten Commandments, says you have to love God above everything else. That's the first rule. When you don't give because you think, I don't want to give this away, you're telling God, I love you second, I love money first. So you're breaking the first commandment when you don't give. That's why people have such a hard time. And when you look at people like Warren Buffet, Rockefeller, Carnegie, any wealthy person today, they all will tell you when they were first starting off, when they were broke, they gave money away. If they were a Christian, it was 10% right off the top. JD Rockefeller said when he got his first job at $150, I'm sorry, $1.50. This is back in the 18 hundreds. When John D. Rockefeller got his first job in the 18 hundreds, paying him $1.50 a week, he said he gave 10% away and another additional on top of that as an offering. And he said if he didn't follow that practice, and if he didn't start that practice when he was poor, he would have never been able to give away over $300 billion over his lifetime. It's unbelievable the amount of money he gave away. But he knew he was planting seeds into the universe. So God tells the Israelites, you defrauded me because you're not giving me my tithes and offering. And then God, it's funny here, because he kind of gets a little feisty. He makes a deal with them. He says, test me now. Prove me. Bring all the ties to me first, and prove me. Watch if I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out blessings for you more than you could ever imagine. And in addition, to that, I will rebuke anybody who comes against you. So nothing you do will be destroyed or affected in a negative way. So here is what he's saying. He's saying, look, you're broke, you're poor, you got no money, you got no food. You're starving. Okay? Give me 10% of what you don't have. You got very little. Give me 10% anyway. And prove me if I won't open the windows of heaven and pour out to you blessings so big you don't even have room to take it in. And they said, what have we got to lose? We're starving now anyway. And some of them say, no, we can't give any of that grain away. We only have so much. If we give 10%, we're going to have less. Next year, we're going to starve even more. They go, look, this is God talking here, and we've got to kind of trust the universe. So they did. They gave 10% away. And by the way, back then, you know how they gave the money away? They gave 10% of the grain. They basically burned it. Remember in the beginning, a burnt offering that's basically telling God, I trust you. I'm going to take my seed, give it to you, and burn it as an offering. That's saying. I mean, think about how you feel about that. This is seed that I can plant and get food, and now I'm giving it to Mariah God, and burning it and going, okay, I'm trusting you now. That's pretty strong. Faith. Faith. The scripture says, faith without works is dead. In other words, faith without backing it up with some action doesn't mean anything. Faith is always accompanied by action. And when you do that, you are trusting the universe. You're trusting that the source of your supply is God, the universe, Allah, the atman, the infant intelligence, the force. That's the source, your trusting source. And when you trust source, some of you feel it right now, because there's energy flowing right through my body from the bottom soles of my feet to the top of my head. Tingling is all over me because it's that faith that connects you with the universe, takes you into the field where you have oneness and complete trust and faith in the universe. And that's when the windows of heaven open. And some of you are feeling it right now. I mean, you can feel the tingling. It's awesome, and it's powerful. And I remember the first time I actually learned this. I was sitting with my friend Fred Van Lew, and he brought me to a church in Belericka, Massachusetts. Don Long, I believe the guy's name was the reverend and Fred tricked me. He says, kevin, there's a seminar going on on Sunday night. It's about the ancient principles of success. Do you want to come? How much is it, Fred? It's free. I'll go. So he brings me, we walk in to a church and I'm a little bit like, I'm in church. Well, maybe the meeting, maybe they rented out the church for the meeting. I walk in and I sit in the middle of the pew and people are on both sides, which means I can't get out, right? So I'm kind of boxed in. And then the reverend gets up and he has his bible and he says, I'm here today to tell you what God says about success and how you can become successful. I'm not going to give you my opinions. I'm going to tell you what God said. I'm going to read you what God said. And if you want to disagree with him, good luck. And I thought, I like this guy's attitude. That's okay. And this is what he taught on this particular scripture right here and some others. And I'm thinking, I've heard about this. I've learned about this in the brotherhood because I've given money to the brotherhood, I've given money to my uncle to purchase training. So I know about giving, but I would give and I would get something back. You know, I got training, so I'm actually buying training. So really not a form of giving now that he explained it. Like, you give without, you know, you're burning the money, you don't get anything back for it. That's real giving. That's real trust in God. If I'm giving my uncle money and I'm buying something, if you're giving money to me and getting the money processes, well, that's giving, but you're getting something in return. If you're giving money, becoming a partner, you're getting the benefits of becoming a partner. So you're getting something in return. If you're joining the global information network, you're giving, but you're also getting something in return. A lot of value there. So it's not really giving. You're buying something, but if you make a contribution or a donation to the legal defense fund or to the fan club, you're not buying anything. You're just giving the money away and you don't get anything in return. That's real giving. And I thought, and he said, that's the highest form that's going to get you the most blessings. Okay? And then he talked about another scripture. God loves a cheerful giver. That's another scripture that he talked about. And he says, give, and it shall be given back to you. Pressed down, shaken together and running over. Will men give to you? You'll be blessed in the field. And he's reading all these quotes about giving, giving, giving, giving, giving. And if you give, you get these blessings. Give and it'll be given back to you 100 times. Give, and it'll be given back to you a thousand times. He's reading and reading. I'm like, on this giving thing? Sounds pretty darn good. And then he goes, and I'm going to give you an opportunity to give. And I go, ah, here comes the sales pitch. So he passes the plate right for the offering, and the music's playing, and they're passing the plate. So I reach in my pocket, and I have a wad of bills, and I've never done this before. And I think I had this feeling inside of me. I go, Fred's driving me home. So I don't need money for gas. I got food in the house. I got money in my checking account. I got a wad of bills here. And I hear this voice in my head. It's like, how much do you trust me? And I'm like, is that God talking to me? And then, of course, because I can see energy. I can't tell you what I saw, but I saw. And I'm like, oh, boy, this is like a test. So I get this water money, and they pass the plate. Never forget this. The plate comes over, and I'm about to put the money in, and my hand won't let go of the cash. And Fred's over here. Goes past the plate. Yeah, wait a minute. And it's like, can't let go of the cash. And I. Honest to God, this is true. I put the plate in my lap, and I had to pull the cash out. And I see the energy that's over here virtually holding my hand. Some of you may call it a demon or a devil, but I can see the negative energy. It's the contracted energy, it's the fear energy, it's the ego. And I pull the money out, and now the energy jumps to this hand, and it's like stopping me from dropping it. And I hear the voice, do you trust me? And I let it go. And I will tell you something. The moment I let it go, my whole world changed because I let go of attachment to money and physical material things, it brought me up to a level I didn't even know even existed. The freedom and liberation that happened at that very moment was life altering and life changing. And I went into a different dimension. It was the greatest sense of freedom I've ever experienced up until that time. And I then passed the plate to Fred, and I remember thinking, I'm free. I have no attachments anymore to material things. And it's been true. The greatest sense of freedom and liberation you could ever experience is when you give without wanting anything in return. You give because you are a cheerful giver and God loves a cheerful giver. And so I'll talk more about that in future. Let me give you another one. There's some principles here. I mentioned some of the commandments that God says, hey, if you follow these, all these blessings will come upon you. And here's one. Oh, this is a tricky one. You're going to hate this. Here's one it says you should not. This is Jesus talking, by the way, for those of you who follow the christian tradition, I think, you know, if Jesus said it, if you're a Christian, you want to follow that or not. Okay, so here's what Jesus says. It says you should not resist evil. Oh, my God. Here we are. We have Jesus basically saying the law of attraction works, the law of karma is true because he says you should not resist evil because if you do, it'll get stronger. What you resist persists. And it says, whoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek. Now, here's another beautiful one. And somebody always wonders how I dealt with my legal situation, which I'm still dealing with, right? And based on your help and what you do and what you give to the fan club, virtually in the next seven days or five days is going to make a big difference. But here's what it says, and this is what I've always been holding true. If anyone wishes to sue you in court and take away your shirt, let him have your robe. Also, some of you may remember back in 2013, they were trying to take money away from me. And I said, look, you want $37 million, which is a joke. The people who bought the weight loss cure book got the weight loss cure book for $29. And I gave them more natural cures revealed than hardcover. And I gave them natural cures they don't want you to know about in hardcover. I gave them $90 worth of books for $29. And less than 5% of the people asked for a refund. And anybody who wanted a refund, got a refund. And not only did I give them a refund, I told them they can keep the books. Nobody was ripped off, there are no victims. But the government said everybody who bought the book should get their money back. It's ridiculous. But I lost. So they wanted 37 million. And I remember praying and studying this and I said, I'll tell you what, I walked into court and said, appoint a receiver. You can have it all. See, they were trying to get my shirt. I gave them my robe too. I said, I'll give it all to you. You can appoint a receiver to take over all of my assets, control of all my bank accounts, take my car, take my house, take my real estate, take my companies, take everything. Take everything. Take all my clothes. Take my cigars. True. Take my cigar lighter. True. Take my bottles of scotch that are very expensive. Take it all. Take everything. I'm going to give it all to you, liquidate it to pay off the 37 million. And then if you want to give it back to me, whatever's left, that's fine. And remember, I was free because I gave that money away back when. So it didn't affect me at all. I was free. I wasn't attached to any of it. Who could have done that? You can only do that if you're not attached to material things. So I did this. And he goes, odd to say, if you do this, you'll be blessed in the future. I'm not going to talk more about that right now. All right, so let me give you another one here that's pretty strong. And this is one of the strongest ones out there. So let me explain the scene here. So this is in the book of Mark and it's also in some other gospels as well. And I'm giving you what Jesus said. For those of you who are christians, by the way, today I'm using the Bible. But I could have easily used the Mahabharata and talked about Krishna or Ram. I could pick the Vedas, I could pick Quran and talk about what Muhammad said. So there's a lot of different scriptures I could go with. I could pick the Old Testament or some of the mystical books like the Zohar, which is Kabbalah and so forth. But I'm picking this one. Okay, so Jesus is walking, they're on a trip, you know, they walk everywhere. And it says, jesus and his apostles became hungry. And it says, and Jesus saw a fig tree in the distance and the fig tree had leaves on it. So they went over to the fig tree, but there was no fruit on the fig tree. There was nothing on it except leaves, because it was not yet time for the figs. And it says, jesus got mad. How could you get mad? You're Jesus. But he got mad. It says, he got mad. And he spoke to the fig tree, saying, from now on and forever, let no man eat of your fruit. And it says, and his disciples heard it. Now, this is significant because you want to manifest something in your life. You want to change energy and manipulate energy and control energy and material matter. The first two things here is anger, negative emotion. That's number one. You have to have negative emotion because it contracts the energy. Next, you have to know exactly what you want, and you must say it out loud. So here we have the exact. Jesus got mad. He knew that he wanted this fig tree to never grow fruit again, and he cursed it out loud. He said specifically, let no man eat from you ever again. Okay, now, if you look in Matthew, exactly what he said is slightly different, but it's the same concept. He saw a tree, he thought there was figs on it. He was hungry. He got there, there were no figs on it. He got mad, and he cursed out loud, the fig tree, saying, I don't want you to have fruit anymore. No one's going to eat from you ever again. And all the disciples heard him curse it, which means he said it out loud. Speaking, saying something out loud is so critical to manifesting goals, dreams, and desires. So let's fast forward. So they go about their business. They get to the next town. They do their business a couple days later, a week later. It doesn't say exactly, but it's not a big amount of time, because when you look at the distance between where the first town they were at, they went to the second town. Then they went back on the same road to get back. It's not a big distance, so it's probably two, three, four days, no more than a week. They come back, and here's what it says. So they left the city, they were going back home, and they saw the fig tree and found it withered from its roots. Jesus kills the fig tree with his words. This is the person who is the epitome of love and compassion. Think about that. He was a man here who knew how to use energy for the dark side or the light side. In this particular case, as a man who was hungry, he got hungry, he got mad, he cursed it, because he has the power to change material matter. And when he came back just a few days later, the tree had withered from its roots. It had completely died because of his words. And Simon, one of the apostles remembered and said to him, master, behold, the fig tree which you cursed has withered. And here we go. Are you ready? Buckle up. Jesus said, first you have to have faith in God. You have to believe, you have to. No, faith is more, it's stronger than belief. Faith is absolute knowingness, and it's defined that. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the essence of things not seen. And it says, first you have faith in God. In other words, have faith in the universe, have faith in the force, have faith in that, the power that the universal laws work. And then it says, whoever. So Jesus is now saying, so let me tell you this really straight. Truly, I say to you in other ways, in English that means, so let me tell you guys exactly how it is. That's what Jesus says. Whoever says to this mountainous, and there was a mountain over there in this region, there's a big mountain. Whoever says to this mountain means, says out loud, be moved and fall into the sea. And does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it shall be done to him. Therefore, I say to you, anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you. But there's one little caveat. When you pray, you must forgive whatever you have against any man so that your father in heaven will forgive you of your trespasses. If you don't forgive, even your father in heaven will not forgive you, and you won't get what you asked for. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I now present to you the formula, scriptural, ancient. And by the way, this is not just in Mark, it's in Matthew, it's in Old Testament, said in 1020, 30, 40, 50 different ways. It's said in the Quran, it's said in the Mahabharata, it's said in the vedas, it's said in all these texts. The formula is very simple. Number one, you have to have faith in the universe. You have to have complete belief. How do you get that? You get that if you're watching, how do you get that? Well, we have a system. If you're in the global information network, for example, and you're going through the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course, if you're reading the Guru Kev lessons, if you're participating in our system by going to the events, listening to the audios, reading the recommended books on a regular basis, if you're doing that your faith in the universe is going to get bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger and bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger. That's why all this is there. It's to increase your awareness and consciousness. And another way of saying that increasing your faith more so than belief. Your confidence in how the universe actually is and works. And it's quantum physics today, it's not even questionable today. We can look at the science and go, okay, you don't have to have faith in gravity. And it doesn't matter if you believe in the law of gravity or not. You walk to the top of this building and walk off. You're going down. The law of gravity works whether you believe in it or nothing. You have to have faith. However, in order for the spiritual laws to work, you have to have some degree of confidence. But he goes on to say, even faith the size of a mustard seed, which is really small, still works. So that's why plugging into the system works. So first you have to have faith. Next, you have to say out loud exactly what you want to. That's the second ingredient to the formula. You must speak out loud. It's always, always, it always refers to speaking out loud. So, number one, have faith. Number two, speak out loud. Then it says the third thing. You have no doubt in your heart. But believe that what you say will actually happen. So you can't have doubt. You have to have belief that what you just said actually will happen. Some of you may remember the book that I recommended called the magic of believing that book. Read it if you have. It hits right on this subject. This is an ingredient that has to be in. If you want things to manifest in your life, you have to believe that what you just said is going to happen. And you can't have any doubt in your heart. Read the book, the magical believing, and you'll understand why that's so powerful. Super powerful book. And it's just one of the ingredients. However, see, when you read that book, they don't necessarily understand the other ingredients. But that's a critical ingredient that you have to believe in your heart that what you said is going to happen. So those are the. Those are the ingredients. Ask, believe that you will receive it and it will be done for you. So he summarized it. He goes, therefore, I say anything you pray for and ask out loud by speaking it. Believe that you will receive it and it will be done. So there you go. Have faith. Say it out loud. Believe in your heart. Oh, one other caveat. You have to forgive everybody. Oh, this. Damn it. Kevin, I didn't know it was gonna be this hard. I can't forgive my ex girlfriend. I can't forgive my ex husband. I can't forgive that sob that did this to me. Well, it's gonna hinder your ability to manifest what you want and get your prayers answered. It's up to you. You'll be free. You'll be free. So that's just a little nugget of that one. I'll give you another one just to throw something at them. It says here, love your enemies. This is in the book of Luke, St. Luke. It says, love your enemies. This is Luke saying the same thing that was in Mark and Matthew. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who compel you to carry burdens. And if somebody strikes you on the tree, give them the other. If they take your shirt, give them your robe. If anyone takes something from you, don't demand it back. It goes on to talk about the golden rule and the expanded golden rule. And basically this is giving you the evidence from a christian standpoint, the law of karma, the law of giving and receiving actually works. And the law of attraction is not in conflict. It actually says that because if you push back, it will come back against you. If you give, it'll be given to you. If you hate somebody, hate will come upon you. This is the law of attraction. This is the law of Karma. This is the law of giving and receiving. And it's a scripturally based principle. That's just a little taste of what we got. And I'm going to give you another bit of a taste, because when you read those, one of the things that you see and understand is that you must be in present time when you're in alignment and you want to manifest goals, dreams, and desires, it's critical to, to be in this state of equanimity. There was a great sage who explained this perfectly about the present time. Let me show you a clip. I have, we found a very secret recording of this great sage giving a lesson on this very subject. It's very short. Take a watch at this. [00:49:03] Speaker A: I see you have found a sacred peach tree of heavenly wisdom. [00:49:08] Speaker B: Oh, is that what this is? [00:49:11] Speaker A: I am so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree. I understand. You eat when you are upset. [00:49:20] Speaker C: Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I was that? [00:49:25] Speaker A: So why are you upset? [00:49:32] Speaker C: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking. [00:49:40] Speaker A: Probably and the five. [00:49:42] Speaker C: Man, you should have seen them. They totally hate me. [00:49:45] Speaker A: Totally. [00:49:46] Speaker C: How's shifu ever gonna turn me into the dragon warrior? I mean, I'm not like the five. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even mantis has those thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles. [00:50:09] Speaker A: Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. You are too concerned with what was and what will be is a saying. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. [00:50:42] Speaker B: That's why it is called the present. So take your gift, take the present as your gift. Learn, increase your awareness, increase your consciousness, and apply what you're learning to improve your life in every area. If there's one thing I can help you to improve, everything is releasing attachment to material things. It is the most freeing thing you could ever imagine. Try it. Now. I'm going to give away some stuff right here. First off, this Saturday. This Saturday at 01:00. So 01:00. Yeah. 01:00 Chicago time. I'm doing a live zoom call for partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, and I'm going to be giving away on that live call thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to you. Why? Because I understand the power of giving. I'm going to be planting seeds into the universe, and I know it'll manifest in a thousand times return in the future. So if you are on that call, you could potentially win $50, $100, even up to $500. I'm going to be giving away a huge amount of money this Saturday, so make sure you're on the call. If you are not a partner yet, it's only $25. To become a partner, go to keventroudofanclub.com, sign up as a partner, and you get on the call and you can then qualify to get cash. I'm going to be giving away some other things on that call, too, so make sure you're on that call. And if you're not a partner, make sure you become a partner and get on the call. Once you become a partner, we send you a Zoom link so you can go. It's going to be fantastic. So that's number one. Number 2, November 1, second and third in Chicago at the beautiful Parma House Hotel. I'm going to be doing a three day global information network event called Family Reunion. There's going to be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of members from all around the world physically in the room and probably over a thousand watching live, virtually from all around the world or could be in the thousands. I don't know the exact number. It's going to be a spectacular event. I have seven multimillionaires that are going to be walking across stage, each sharing with you exactly how they did it and how they applied, what's in the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course and how they applied giving to make them millions of dollars. It's going to be awesome. All I can tell you, it's going to be awesome. And at that event, we're also going to be giving those who are live in attendance and watching some very special opportunities as well, exclusively for those people who are in the event. If we were to sell this event, like Tony Robbins sells events or anybody else, Joe Dispenza or anybody else sells events, if we were to sell the event, the ticket price would be a minimum of $15,000. I want you to come as my guest. All you have to do is buy a ticket to the banquet for the food, but you can come to the event as my guest. Obviously, travel and hotel are not included, but you get a ticket to the event live as my guest. If you can't come to Chicago, I'll give you a free ticket to the virtual event so you can watch it virtually. And if you're someplace around the world where you're thinking because of the time zone change, I can't watch it. It's going to be in the middle of the night. Don't worry. We record it and then right after the event, we send you the recording so you can still participate in the entire event and watch it at your leisure. So not a problem at all. So you're getting a $15,000 ticket absolutely free. All you have to do is join the global information network and that's only $38. So for just $38 you're going to get a ticket. So go to globalinformationnetwork.com, comma, hit join. Now it's only $38. Join and within a day or two somebody will call you or you can register right online yourself. But you also going to get a member support coach assigned to you that will introduce yourself, help you navigate the website, get the most out of the club. You can cancel at any time. If you just want to join, come to the event or check it out and then cancel. It only cost you $38. I mean, to come to this weekend event, that's a no brainer. If you are a member of the Global Information Network, make sure you get a ticket and register. But if you're brand new and you're joining for the first time, you get a ticket to this absolutely free. If you're coming live, obviously transportation and the rooms aren't taken care of, but it's free. And you do have to get a ticket to the banquet. But that's just for the food. But this is a $15,000 seminar for free. Seven multimillionaires are going to be there. We're going to be sharing how to manifest goals, dreams and desires. Step by step details. You'll be inspired. You'll be motivated. You'll meet amazing people. I'll meet you as well, probably. There's a good chance it's going to be a blast. Absolutely amazing. So take advantage of that. And the last thing is, as you know, I'm in court on October 1, so I'll be back on this show Monday. I need a lot of help between now and Monday. I'm with the government tomorrow. I need to show them numbers. I need to show. Here's the number of people that went to the fan club website and made a contribution and so forth. Take advantage of giving. You're going to be blessed. And this keeps this show on the air. The goal is to do the show five days a week with the Sunday show. We're struggling to get that done. I need some help. I need to get this FTC thing wrapped up and then we can talk about exactly when we're going to go to five days a week and the Sunday show. The best is not just yet to come, my friends. The best is here and now. Remember, whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe it can achieve, you can do it, my friends. I'll see you at the top. [00:57:04] Speaker A: Bye.

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