Episode 22

June 17, 2024


Your Wish Is Your Command | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 22

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau shares how and why he made the Your Wish Is Your Command training. He shares success secrets and opportunities that have only been taught and made available to royalty and the privileged elite class of people and so much more!


0:00 Show Start

2:07 Loser mentality and what to do about it

8:13 You have what it takes to succeed in life

10:33 Kevin has taught Royalty these success principles

15:30 Most people aren’t serious about making money or succeeding in life

20:00 Your Wish is Your Command Interview

49:13 Where to get the Your Wish Is Your Command Series

49:42 Why you should consider applying to become a member of The Global Information Network



The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about! 


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners. 


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness. 


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!


Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow



Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. 

Click here to become a Partner with Kevin now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com



Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #livestream #health #wealth #happiness #yourwishisyourcommand

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:03] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:14] Speaker C: Hey, welcome Kevin Trudeau here. Everything they don't want you to know about to improve the quality of your life. [00:00:19] Speaker B: Thanks for joining me. [00:00:20] Speaker C: Make sure you hit the subscribe button. Make sure you share this video with everybody. Make sure that you leave some comments, and I will tell you strongly. Go to Rumble and subscribe to the Kevin Trudeau show on Rumble, on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts also, the reason is we're probably going to get shut down on YouTube at some point because the censorship is out of control. I'm trying to keep this show subject and content. Nothing controversial. But they're going to say it's misinformation. I mean, automatic, we know it's going to happen. But on Rumble, thank the Lord, they don't have that misinformation B's. So I can. And I am putting up stuff on Rumble on subjects that you want me to talk about that I can't talk about here on YouTube, but I am talking about on Rumble. So make sure you go to Rumble and subscribe there and hit the little, uh, bell button there. There's a little icon for notifications. Make sure you set up notifications here on YouTube and set them up on Rumble. And set them up on Spotify and Apple podcasts. So when I post something new and I'm going to start posting things every day, I'm going to start posting 20 minutes, 30 minutes, audio or video shows and updates every day. That way you'll know when something new is posted. Also, make sure you become a member of my social media, the Kevin Trudeau show. Social media on Facebook and Instagram and X. What other ones are out there? Telegram. Join the Kevin Trudeau fan club. Telegram channel. It's all free material. Look, a lot of you are bitching, whining, and complaining that people actually charge for stuff. Well, that's loser mentality. First off, if you go to a McDonald's and you want to get a hamburger, you don't bitch, whine, and complain that they actually ask you for money. They produce a hamburger, they give it to you. You exchange and you give them money. When somebody says, do you want consulting for an hour? Oh, you're going to charge me? You go to a lawyer and say, I need to get some lawyer advice for an hour? Yeah, they charge money for that. If you go to an accountant, they charge money for their time, if you will get a massage. The masseuse says, I have to charge for my time. If you want information and knowledge that somebody has spent millions of dollars to get and decades to accumulate, why do you think they should give it to you for free? I'll tell you why you think that. Because you are a loser. You are a loser. You are a loser. That's why you have poverty mentality. You have, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me. You think everything should be a handout, and that's why you'll always be a loser. Think about it. I remember I was at a seminar one time, there's a guy up there talking, and he was talking about success. And I was taking notes, and I'm thinking, this guy kind of knows a little bit about success. And the reason I knew he knew a little bit about success is when he first came in, he said, if you didn't make $10 million last year, sit down and shut up. And everybody in the room sat down and shut up. This was back in the late seventies. That was a lot of money. It's a lot of money today. How do you know how much it was back then? And he started teaching some success principles. And after about an hour, he said, now I'm going to teach a five day course on these success principles. Now, I was living in Boston, Massachusetts, at the time. This was in the late seventies. I mean, I'm a young man here. I've traveled much. And he said, the seminar is going to be held in Los Angeles, California. And the first thing that popped into my mind was, that's too far. That's too far. And then he said, and I'm going to charge you $10,000 for the week. This is back in the late seventies. That's huge money. That's 100 grand today. And I think that's way too much money. And then he said this. He says, now, some of you think that going to Los Angeles is too far, and some you think $10,000 is too much money. He says, and that's why you're a loser, and you'll always be a loser. And it was like a slap. And I thought, I'm going through that somewhere. Look, successful people are willing to do what the other guy ain't willing to do. Successful people are willing to sacrifice. Successful people are willing to make a commitment to themselves and make a decision to succeed. Successful people understand that you have to put in first before you get out. They understand that you have to plant seeds first. And otherwise you don't get a harvest. You have to sow before you reap. You have to put wood into a wood cookstove before it'll give you heat. You have to put money into a bank before they'll give you money. You have to put in first before you get. You have to put in time and effort and to exercise before you see the results. You have to put time and money and effort into something before you get a return. Successful people understand that if you go back in time, one of the great differences between very successful people and people that are losers is a successful person doesn't want a handout. A loser expects a handout and wants a handout and wants the government to take care of them and want rich people to take care of them, because that's loser mentality. Successful people have what's called pan determinism. It means total determinism over everything they have. They are a cause over their environment. They take 100% responsibility to varying degrees, as close to 100% as possible over their actions and what they have in their life. They don't blame others, they don't point the finger. They understand that if they point the finger at somebody, there's three fingers pointing directly back at them. You can manifest your goals, dreams and desires. You can have a better life. But you have to start taking responsibility for this and stop blaming the government, blaming the taxation system, blaming the laws, blaming your boss, blaming the economy, blaming global warming, blaming this, blaming that, blaming blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It doesn't matter. I remember Ed Foreman one time was speaking and he was talking to his accountant, and his accountant said, well, Mister Foreman, we're doing your taxes. And first off, I got some good news and bad news. The good news is your ready mix, concrete business had the best year you've ever had. Last year. Next year, restaurant business is 20% increase over the last year. It's had a substantial increase in sales and profits. Your real estate development business, although the real estate market has crashed, you maintained the same level of income and profitability this year as you did last year. You didn't go down at all. And he says, that's the good news. The bad news is you get a whopping tax bill. And Ed says, well, I have no problem paying that tax bill. It's always good to have profits. And the accountant said, but Ed, I really don't understand it. You've had all this success last year, and we're in the middle of one of the worst recessions we've had in decades. How do you explain that? And Ed said, simple. I chose not to participate in the recession. That's winner mentality, not loser mentality. Come on, wake up. You got what it takes. Come on, get up. Come on. Come on, you can do it. You got what it takes, man. Stop being a cry baby. Stop bitching, whining and complaining. Stop blaming everything else. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, as they say, and get to work and do it. You can make your dreams come true. Now, today, if you notice, by the way, there's a picture back there. There's a picture back there. They keep finding these pictures of. They claim they're my ancestors. And they've been doing DNA testing my staff here, and they're finding all these pictures. I don't think any of these pictures look like me at all. But they're saying that they have some resemblance. I don't even know if they're ancestors or not. They claim that they are. Maybe, maybe not. Okay, so I couldn't decide which one of these I'm going to be today. So I'm the number one New York Times bestselling author. I'm the former insider or the world's best mentor. Well, let me tell you what I found. I'm going to show you something. There was an interview I did with a guy named Skip Linderman about 20 years ago, about 20 years ago. And this interview was about a program called your wish is your command. I had went to the alps. Some of you know the story. I never taught a course on success. I learned how to be successful in the brotherhood. I learned not only the material, we'll call it the basic success training that's in think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. The magic of believing, the magic of thinking big, the secret, the law of attraction. And some of the older ones that you don't even know about. The science of getting rich by Walter Wattles. And even books back in the 18 hundreds have talked about the law of attraction and vibration. Neville Goddard, for example, put together a whole bunch of things, which is really tough reading because it's from a different era. But there was all this training. So we'll call it the basic training. And then there's scriptural principles of success that are in the Bible, the Quran, the hindu texts, all the various texts, the Zohar, jewish mysticism. There's all this success training embedded in all this stuff. So, yeah, we'll call that the superficial basic training. And then there's the secret society success training in the high level of Freemasonry. The Brotherhood, Yale University, skull and Bones. And what's taught in the privileged elite families. Royalty. They teach the kids the secrets of success in royalty. I don't know if you know that. How do you know that, Kevin? I'm not royalty, but I trained some of the members of royal families. I've been invited into the homes because of my involvement in the Brotherhood. They said you're the better teacher. I've been there. I'm not talking about what I know, about what I know. And in the brotherhood, we learn basic principles. For example, we learned about how in your mother's lineage, in your ancestors, your mother, your mother's parents, their parents, etcetera, and all those ancestors, and also your father's line. Whatever happens in that line is in your DNA. And it's not just the color of your eyes or the color of your skin or your hair. You have genes that determine whether you go bald or whether you have a predisposition for diabetes. Everybody knows this. We also know that characteristics, personality characteristics, are also in the DNA. It's in the genome. We know this. If you take a very aggressive dog and breed it with another very aggressive dog, the puppies will be very aggressive. We know this because that's how breeding attack dogs are done. We also know that if you take a very sweet, lovable licking dog and breed it with a very sweet, lovable licker dog, I love everybody. You have a very sweet, lovable dog puppy. We know this because that's how they breed service dogs in every animal, this is true. And in humans, it's true, too. If you have two parents that are social butterflies, that are outgoing, that love to talk, that love to socialize, and they have a child, that child has that personality trait, we know this. We know this. And if you have two shy people, we know this. We know this. So if there is someone in your lineage that has a poverty mentality, it's in your DNA. And one of the aspects of poverty mentality mostly comes from religion, is that money in and amongst itself is bad. Having money is bad. That's one of the things that are in. It's in the DNA. And I see it every time I do a one on one with somebody. I can go in and I say, and I give them a specific. In your mother's line, here's what happened. They were very religious, weren't they? They always said, the love of money is the root of all evil, or money is the root of all evil, or it's better to be poor because only a poor person goes to heaven. Blessed be the poor, for they shall inherit the earth. And it's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. If you have money, you're not going to heaven. If you have money, it's of the devil. You're going. So. And I would say this, and the person would be in tears. Yes, yes, yes. That's. That was my grandmother. And so I can see it, and it's in the DNA. So there are things that need to be cleared up. The point is, there are secrets behind the secret. There are secrets behind the law of attraction that allow you to broadcast on the wealth wave out of the brain called theta, instead of broadcasting on beta wave, which is the slave and poverty wave. This is genetic, everybody. This is genetic, and nobody wants to talk about it, but that's. That's the fact. It's genetic. So I was interviewed about a program that I was. You decided to offer to the general public called your wish is your command, how to manifest your desires and how anyone can make millions. The money making secrets. They don't watch Anova. And the reason was, I had done so well, successfully, and I had helped so many people close to me become millionaires. I think it's over 100 that I taught some of the basic things to. I ran some of the money processes on, and they got tremendous success. More people said, can you please teach what you know? Because nobody out there knows what you know, Kevin. Nobody out there is an ex member of the brotherhood. No one has the knowledge and training and information that you have. They are very well intentioned people. They are doing a good job. They are teaching as best they can the principles of success, the principles of how to apply the law of attraction, and they're doing decent job, but, you know, stuff that they don't know. Would you please teach it? And I said, I'm not going to teach it to wannabes and people that aren't serious, because if a person isn't serious, I'm just not gonna waste my time. So they said, well, why don't you do it someplace that's hard to get to and charge a lot of money? I said, okay. So they got a beautiful place in the alps for me to teach. I had a hundred person minimum. I put it out there to some of my friends in royalty who had their people there. There was a king that came, some of the children came, some of the wealthy families put their kids in because they said, listen, even though we know this stuff you're a better teacher. And we want our kids to get taught by the best. To be the best, you have to learn from the best. So it was an amazing group of people. We had 100 people there. They paid ten grand. And today's money is like $50,000 head to come. And I taught for two days, and I recorded it. Then afterwards, I went into the studio, did some editing on it, cleaned it up a little bit, recorded a few things, and edited that in. And then I put it on cds called your wishes, your command, and I sold it for $3,000 for the cd set, but I sold it for. Then we gave a discount for, I think, $1,000, and people around the world bought it. And I shut it off and said, let's see what happens. And the response was off the charts because I said, look, most people are losers. Most people are going to listen to this and not apply it. I mean, there's a reason why success breeds success. There's a reason why successful people are successful. And they hang around successful people. They come from family of success. And the reason why losers are losers, that's. I mean, it is. I mean, the loser says he wants to be successful, but he's kidding himself. I mean, he's just not serious. He's. He's delusional. He isn't willing to do whatever it takes. Successful people are always willing to do what the other guy ain't willing to do. Successful people are always doing what the other guys are still talking about. Successful people understand you have to do the right things long enough consistently. You have to have millionaire mentality. You have to speak with your mouth properly, use proper words. There was a book by Shad Helmstetter. What do you say when you talk to yourself? And most people basically program themselves for success and talk poverty into existence. They don't understand the power of the words. There was another couple other books called Hung by the Tongue. Other one was the tongue a creative force? Your words are powerful, but this is stuff that people just don't know. I can sit down with anybody for ten minutes and say. And listen to them. And I say, here's all the things that you're doing wrong that's keeping you unsuccessful. So I put this together. Your wishes, your command. It's not available for sale anymore. It's only available for free to members in the global information network. But it's cheap. It's only $38.95 to join. So effectively you. And you get not only the entire 14 hours, your wishes, your command series but you also get ten steps to manifesting your goals and a whole bunch of other training. It's the values off the charts, effectively for free. But when you join the club, you get it for free. Back then, about 1520 years ago, I was interviewed on your wishes, your command. And I want to show you this for a couple of reasons, not just to hopefully encourage you to listen to your wishes, your command, and some of you have it, haven't listened to it a while, and if you don't, you should. But the main reason I want to show you this is I want you to see the person I was 20 years ago compared to the person I am today. See if you notice any different. Most people, you'll be surprised. Let's just say you might have some cognitions, because most people that you see on a YouTube show or on stage, they're not the same person that you have lunch with. That's really important. Now, I spoke with some of the greatest motivational speakers of all time, and they have a. A Persona on stage versus their real Persona. And there's two different people. Informan, Ron Ball. You look at those guys on stage, and then you have dinner with them or hang out with them at the house. They're the exact same person. Me, too. But take a look at this. This is that interview. 20 years old interview. I had more here back then 20 years ago. Me being interviewed about your wish is your command. Take a look. Take a listen. [00:20:15] Speaker A: The best selling book the Secret and the law of attraction has become an international phenomenon. But can you really think your way to happiness, a new car, and riches. I'm Skip Lindeman, and this is a closer look. My guest is number one New York Times best selling author, Kevin Trudeau. His newest book is your wish is your command how to manifest your desires. Is it that fact, or is it a fraud? Well, we'll find out. Kevin. Welcome to the show. Before I ask you my first question about the fact or fraud. Now, most people know you as a consumer advocate, a health advocate, whistleblower, best selling author, controversial radio talk show host. But a lot of people don't know that you founded over 60 corporations, including the Golf channel in the United kingdom, three tv networks, companies in teleservices, production, advertising, manufacturing, publishing, many other industries. Your global business empire has been reported to have generated over $3 billion. Billion with a B. Truly, your success is unprecedented. What is the truth about this law of attraction? [00:21:09] Speaker B: Well, I'm glad you brought that up, because a lot of people don't know my business. Background and what I did on a global scale. But I didn't come from a wealthy family. My dad was a welder. I never went to college. I virtually flunked out of high school. I mean, I got a diploma, but I never went to college. So I didn't have connections. I didn't have a college degree or any fancy education, didn't come from wealthy, well connected parents. You know, I wasn't a Kennedy. I didn't go to Harvard. You know, wasn't a Trump, didn't have the background, the money, the financing. But what happened was, when I was 15 years old, I got exposed to an organization called the Brotherhood. And this group took me in and taught me how to use law of attraction. And what that really is, is how to use your brain to act as a transmitter and receiver of frequency. And they taught me how to focus that to virtually attract into my life what I wanted. They told me that I could have, be, or do anything I wanted. Well, it sounded too good to be true. You know, the very young, still the boys. Yeah. But I did that, and I made millions of dollars before I was 18. And I went on to generate a very large, successful empire all over the world in business, and done some pretty amazing things. Bestselling books. I mean, a first time author coming out with a book that was the number one selling book in America. It outsold Harry Potter and the da Vinci code. That year. It was number one in the New York Times bestsellers 26 weeks in a row. To have Rolls Royces and Ferraris and spend time on superyachts around the world, flying the Concord private jets, live in 25,000 square foot mansions around the world. So to have that type of lifestyle and type of wealth for somebody with no education, no financing, no loan guarantees, no backing, no connections, how do you do that? And that's what I decided to write about. Now, I'm not a guy who's made money selling books on how to make money. You watch people on television go to the store. There's one book that's out there, written by a guy who went bankrupt, then wrote a book on how to get rich. And he made all his money when people bought the book on how to get rich. He wrote it when he was bankrupt. So obviously, he wasn't very successful. There's other gurus on tv that sell audios and things on how to live a super successful life, and they've never done anything except sell books and audio programs on how to be successful. And that's where they made all their money. So I think the difference here is I've actually made a lot using these techniques. I know how they really work. And if you read the book the Secret, and learn about the law of attraction, I think it's an excellent, excellent book and I recommend it. But there's a missing element to that, which is why so many people haven't succeeded. [00:23:58] Speaker A: Well, and maybe this is it. Isn't it true many people using the law of attraction and try to attract a new car or more money failed? [00:24:06] Speaker B: How do you say that it is true? You know, people that were in the secret and talked about the law of attraction, they've been on the Oprah show, they were on Larry King, and both Oprah and Larry King mentioned a lot of people bought the secret, tried to apply the law of attraction, and unfortunately, miserably failed. They didn't attract the new car, they didn't attract the better job, they didn't attract the better career, they didn't attract the big home, they didn't attract money to pay off their bills, they didn't attract a relationship that they so desperately wanted, and they got very frustrated. But the fact is, there's a missing ingredient. [00:24:41] Speaker A: What's that? [00:24:41] Speaker B: Well, if you go back to where this started, Andrew Carnegie at the turn of the century, was the richest man in the world. He owned us steel, and he hired a guy by the name of Napoleon Hill to study the rich people in the world, including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Firestone, JP Morgan, all the super wealthy, and write a book about. What is the secret? Well, he wrote a book in 1926 called the Law of Success. In 16 lessons, Henry Ford saw it, went crazy, basically said, we don't want people to know the truth. They got it pulled off the market, he edited it out, and now the watered down version came out. And then the, the even more watered down version was think and grow rich. [00:25:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember that. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Right. That was so watered down. So people bought that in the millions, and a very small percentage actually found it to cause them to be successful. There's a missing element. Now what happened with me is I've used this in my life and I've been incredibly successful. I've taught it to some very close friends. One particular gentleman in Portland, Maine, I taught the technique to. He went from working at UPS to in two years having $150 million a year company. I taught it to a guy in Massachusetts. He was working in a pizza parlor, living in a one bedroom apartment, sleeping on a mattress, a blow up mattress on the floor, and two years later had over a $200 million company, $200 million in two years. Worked from working at a pizza joint. I taught it to a lawyer in Merrivale, Indiana, who was working a little tiny one man law firm, doing well, but little tiny one man law firm. I taught him this, and a few years later, hundreds of millions of dollars in a business. So I've taught it to some people all across the world that have went from zero to hundreds of millions. Now, that's just money. But what occurred was people said, Kevin, you need to write a book or do an audio cassette program or a seminar. And I said, look, I'm not Tony Robbins, and I'm not going to be running around. Nothing wrong with that guy. But there's guys like Brian Tracy, who's a friend of mine who does a brilliant job. Zig Ziglar, for years was a motivational speaker. One of my mentors, Ed Foreman, executive development systems of Dallas. These are great motivational speakers. I said, that's not me. I'm actually doing business. I'm not selling courses on how to get rich. I'm actually getting rich. But I was convinced because so many people came to me and said, we want to know what you know, because you obviously know something that these gurus don't. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Well, what was the missing link? I mean, we still don't. [00:27:16] Speaker B: Well, let me finish the story here. So what happened was a couple years ago, I decided to teach some people that I needed, people that was serious about wanting more out of their lives, people that either wanted a better relationship, wanted to find a lover, wanted to get into a husband or a wife situation or romantic relationship, wanted a nicer car, wanted riches, wanted something in their life, but they didn't have it. So I said, okay, fine. For two days, I'm going to teach a seminar, first one I've ever done in my life. And I'm going to reveal secrets that I learned from the brotherhood, from the organization I was a part of, that I was sworn to secrecy, kind of the missing secret ingredients to the law of attraction. So I held this in the Alps in Europe, figuring that it cost a lot to get there, and I charged $10,000 per person. So a bunch of people came, and for two days, I taught them the secrets of how to have beer, do whatever they wanted. And I entitled the lecture or the workshop. Your wish is your command, how to manifest your desires, virtually. I wanted to teach people how to have their own Aladdin's lamp. They could rub it, and a genie would come out that would grant any wish they wanted. It sounds too good to be true, and it's great. But I said, $10,000. I said, if you're not thrilled after three months, I'll give you your money back. So a bunch of people came. I said, you be the judge. That's a pretty strong offer, because if, you know, you paid ten grand, plus an extra couple thousand to go to Europe in the Alps for two days, and you got 90 days to say, was that worth it? If it wasn't worth it, I'm getting everyone's asking for their money back. So I taught them these secrets, and I recorded it three months later. I didn't get one single person ask for their money back. Every single person told me they felt like they were pre programmed or their brain was tuned to a different frequency, so that when they left, it was almost like magic. They were attracting into their life things, and they couldn't believe it. They felt miracles were happening, that they were lucky. One guy, on the second day, he was looking, he said, look, I have a Ferrari, I have a Rolls Royce. I fly around in private jets. I have money. I don't have a woman because I'm looking for a relationship. After day one, he went to a restaurant. The next day, he tells the story and the event. He said, I sat there by myself. This woman walks over to me and says, excuse me, are you sitting alone? He said, yes. She says, so am I. Oh, you're american. He says, yes. She goes, do you mind if I have dinner with you? He said, she lives 2 miles from where I live in America. He said, I thought you had set this up. He goes, and I'm thinking, wait a minute here. Kevin sent this woman over. This can't be real. Of course it was real. But that's the type of magic that can happen that fast. So I put this together in the series. Your wish is your command. And what I'm doing now is I sold this again, the live event. I'm letting people buy this audio series. If a person calls today, I'm going to allow them to get it at 70% off. They don't have to pay 10,000. They don't have to pay even 1000. They're going to get it 70% off the regular price of the program. And if a person calls today, we'll send it to them. They have 90 days. Listen to it, go through it. And if miracles don't happen in your life, send it back for a full refund, no questions asked. [00:30:40] Speaker A: I don't know how you can do that. I mean, aren't you setting yourself up for a bunch of people, sending them back? [00:30:45] Speaker B: Well, what do you think? I mean, how could I do that? Am I convinced that it'll work? [00:30:49] Speaker A: I think you are. [00:30:50] Speaker B: Am I convinced that people will like it? [00:30:52] Speaker A: You must be. [00:30:52] Speaker B: Am I convinced that miracles are going to happen? And here's why. Einstein, pretty smart guy, right? Thomas Edison, obviously one of the greatest inventors of all time. They both said at the turn of the century that the human brain is virtually a transmitter and receiver of frequency. They said that, not me. Medical science foo fooed this for years. But do you know, today on the plane here from Chicago, I was looking at Skymall, which is the magazine, and they sell a bunch of things. They have a device you put on your head and you think a thought, and your brainwave frequency moves a ball on a game board. Oh, I guess Einstein and Edison were correct. Your brain emits frequency. The key is how do you train it so that it emits the correct frequency of what you want? The secret. And the law of attraction doesn't tell you that. Missing secret ingredient. It's the missing key. It's the element that makes this work. And so what I teach is I'll teach you what I learned from the brotherhood. And quite frankly, these are the same techniques that members of skull and bones have learned from Yale University, the Bilderberg group. Some people may be familiar with some of these organizations. The power elite. When you get to the highest level in Freemasonry, 33 degree level in Freemasonry, these are secrets of these various associations and societies on how to, we call it manipulating energy. It's really just how to beam the frequency of your brain of what you want, so that it will come into your life. [00:32:32] Speaker A: You know, Norman Vincent Peale, a couple generations ago talked about the power of positive thinking. Is this the 21st century? [00:32:39] Speaker B: It's a little bit. You know, I spoke with Doctor Norman Vincent Peale before he passed away in the seventies. Cavett, Robert was another gentleman I spoke with before he passed away. But there are a couple books that were written, the power of positive thinking. There's another one called the magic of thinking big and a book called the Magic of Believing. Liberace, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, the list goes on of super successful people who came from nothing to super success. And they all say the techniques in think and grow rich, the techniques in the magic of believing, the power of positive thinking work. The problem is when you read them, it's missing an ingredient. So it's like getting a recipe to make a cake. If it's missing an ingredient, you can make it, and it may taste good, and you may accidentally make it great. Accidentally. [00:33:31] Speaker A: Accidentally. [00:33:32] Speaker B: And that's what happens. So what I did, your wish, is your command. The reason I called it that is you virtually have the power to command whatever you want to happen in your life happen. You have a genie that takes your orders, that will grant you your wishes. So if a person wants a better career, wants a better car, they can command it. So that's what I do in the book. And also, when they call and get the audio series, I will give them a personal, private invitation to an organization. It's a brand new organization, the Global Information Network, which will allow them to join with other affluent people from around the world that'll help them become successful. And if a person calls, I'm also going to give them a $2,000 ticket to a live event where they can meet me personally, where they can go through the audio program, and then if they have questions, they can come totally free of charge. It's a $2,000 ticket. So they can meet me, ask me questions to fine tune, because I really want people to get the benefit of this. [00:34:35] Speaker A: The group that you called the Brotherhood, if you hadn't been taken under their wing, where would you be today? [00:34:39] Speaker B: I'd probably work in the union someplace, maybe out of a job today. I mean, think about it. When I grew up and I looked at my friends, they didn't take advantage of this. I was sworn to secrecy. But when I tried to share this with some of my friends, they didn't understand that the simplicity was the magic, and so they didn't take advantage of it. They were virtually too brainwashed. Brian Tracy makes a great statement. He says, if you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life. And the first thing you have to change is the way you think. So if a person is out there and they don't have in their life what they want, they're going to have to change something. That's why I always say, if a guy is watching this right now and doesn't pick up the phone and get the your wish is your command program, they'll always be a loser. Now, if the guy is completely happy and goes, I don't need this, because I have everything in my life I want, I applaud him. I'm not talking about that guy. I'm talking about the guy who's home miserable, he's in debt, has a crummy relationship or none. Wants a new car, can't afford it, hates his job, hates his boss, hates where he lives, hates his life and wants everything to change, right, but isn't willing to do anything or change anything. See, if you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life. There really, Skip is no other program on the market, and there's no book that has the information in the your wishes, your command program. Because nothing has ever been put together by somebody who has achieved success first. [00:36:24] Speaker A: What about. I'm thinking there are selfish people who are going to want this. You know, I want more wealth. You know, all the religions say be careful of wealth. You know, I want this. How about that? [00:36:40] Speaker B: Profit's not a four letter word. [00:36:42] Speaker A: That's right. [00:36:43] Speaker B: But rape is against the law, so there's nothing wrong. And people, you know, I was in school, I went to a parochial school, and one of the sisters said to me, Mister Trudeau, don't you know that money is the root of all evil? I said, you're misquoting the Bible, sister. It says the love of money is the root of all evil. It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. And if money was so bad, why did Jesus need a treasurer working for him? [00:37:09] Speaker A: You get kicked out of school? [00:37:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I got kicked out of that class. I said, you know, scripturally, it doesn't say anything bad about money. It says above all things, I want you to be prosperous and be in health, just as a soul prosperous. So there's nothing wrong with being prosperous, but loving money and using people is bad. Loving money and using people. So yeah, greed is bad in that respect. But if you want to help your neighbor who has no heat because they can't afford it, if you're broke, what can you do for them? Maybe give them a blanket. But if you have an abundance out of your abundance, you can help people. So making money is not a problem. So if a person wants to make more money, there's nothing wrong with that, but making money at the expense of others, that's obviously problematic. [00:37:49] Speaker A: So this program you have really is for all aspects of life. I mean, let's say I've got enough money, but I'm not happy with something else. I could still take advantage of that. [00:37:59] Speaker B: Yeah. The idea is this. Your wish is your command. How to manifest your desires. That's the name of the program. Actually, part two is how anyone can make millions. The money making secrets they don't want you to know about. But the first part is your wish is your command how to manifest your desires. So the real thing is, what is your desire? And it doesn't have to be financial, but for most people, let's be honest, I want a nicer car. You know, wouldn't it be great if I had a Ferrari? Wouldn't it be great if I had a nice boat? Wouldn't it be great if I took a vacation to Hawaii? Wouldn't it be great if I could quit my job and be financially independent? Wouldn't it be great if I could provide for my children's college education? Wouldn't it be great if I could get out of debt? Wouldn't it be great if I had some help around the house, maybe a maid once a week? Or would it be great to go to some nicer restaurants? Or. You know, I wrote the book natural cures they don't want you to know about. Wouldn't it be great that we had the money to do all the things in the natural cures book to be. To keep our health so we didn't have to be a slave to the drug industry? So whatever a person's desires are, I believe they can have, be or do whatever they want. I believe they can have Aladdin's lamp and have a genie that they can give a command to. What this program does when a person listens to it, I give them the specific knowledge and the secrets that have been held back by the privileged elite class for centuries that have never been revealed. Napoleon Hill tried to do it and Henry Ford stopped it. I'm doing it now and I've already gotten threats. I mean, in the worst ways. I explain a little bit. When people get it, I'll explain. But what I'm doing is very revolutionary. There's not a book out there I can tell you. There's not an audio program or seminar that contains the information on here. When a person just listens to this seminar, I'm virtually reprogramming their brain. And I'll give you an example. If you can imagine a radio, and that radio has a dial. If you want to listen to country western music, you have to dial it to the country western station. If you want to listen to classical music, you have to dial it to that frequency. If you're on the classical frequency, you ain't never getting rock and roll. So if your brain is dialed into poverty frequency, you ain't never getting a lot of money. If your brain is into the screaming, hollering with my mate frequency, you're never going to have peace at home. If your brain is permanently dialed into the I'm alone frequently, you're never going to meet the woman or man of your dreams. So what this does is, as I'm talking, I'm asking you questions so that you find out what you want. And then I actually reprogram it almost for you so that your brain starts dialing in the frequency. That's why the guy who came to the event in the alps, when I recorded this, he wanted a relationship. And that night, in less than 24 hours, he had met the woman of his dreams, as if by magic. Now send some, the people that had gone through the live event, without exception, some people have made millions of dollars. Some people had had lucky experiences, almost serendipitous or amazing coincidences. One guy missed his flight on the way to the airport in Zurich, and then while waiting for his next flight, bumped into somebody. They started a conversation, and now they're business partners in a multimillion dollar business deal, things like that. I have lists of all these people that had gone through that live training, and now the people that have bought this at the full price are writing me the same types of letters. So again, if a person calls today, and they have to call today, it's a limited time, I'm going to give them the entire series. Your wish is your command how to manifest your desires. It's 14 cds at 70% off, and they're going to get a free $2,000 ticket to a live event so they can meet me personally and ask me questions to make sure that they're using this and a 90 day unconditional money back guarantee. So if they use it, if everything I say doesn't come true, if their life isn't, if they don't feel like they have the genie in Aladdin's lamp granting them their every wish, send it back and they get a private, personal invitation to join one of the world's most exclusive elite private organizations for affluent people, so you can network with people around the world and help you develop wealth. [00:42:29] Speaker A: Now, this is a CD set. Why didn't you just write a book? [00:42:31] Speaker B: I am going to write a book, but quite frankly, it's very difficult to write a book. I've written six bestsellers. It takes a lot of time to write a book. It's a lot of work. So I recorded this live in the CD series. You actually learn differently from listening to something as you do from reading. So I am going to be coming out with a book, but that won't be till next year. But the CD series is one of the best ways to actually grasp this information. [00:42:57] Speaker A: Now, Kevin, some critics say there's no scientific basis for the law of attraction. Seems like what you've had is anecdotal information, as they say. [00:43:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, the scientific question is a. Is the brain a transmitter and receiver of frequency? And for years, people said there's no scientific evidence that. Well, there is. No. I mean, sure, Einstein said it and Thomas Edison said it, and half the billionaires around the world have said it for centuries. It's written in ancient texts. But science said there's no scientific evidence. Now we have it. We have motorized units where paraplegics can put this on their head. And by thought it'll go to the right, to the left, straight backwards. There are units now where you put in your head a keypad for people who have no hands. They can think cat and guess what comes up on the screen? C A T. Wow. You mean thoughts can be transmitted because a different thought. Yes, we have. Like I said in Skymall, the machine you put on your head by thought, you can move a ball left, right, forwards and backwards. We now know scientifically that the brain transmits and receives frequency. We also know that those frequencies affects physical matter in the universe, universe at the quantum level. We know that. Now it is scientifically proven. The real question is, can you use that to attract into your life what you want? That complete scientific documentation, I think is coming. But the first two elements of the three are already proven. So it's just a matter of time before the science catches up with the reality. [00:44:30] Speaker A: Why did Henry Ford and others not want people to have it? You know, if I'm wealthy, I'd like other people to be wealthy. [00:44:37] Speaker B: I mean, that's not how it works when you're in skull and bones, the secret society, or the highest levels of Freemasonry, or the Bilderberg group, or the trilateral commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or the brotherhood like I was a member of. You're basically part of a group that believes we want to keep this information to ourselves. We don't want competition. And so there's a huge divide in America, very controversial. But in America over the last 20 years, the amount of money that the wealthy quarter, 1% have has gone up a hundredfold. And that means it comes from the rest of the group. So there is a bigger divide between the super wealthy and the rest of America. Middle class is going down and the poor are getting hit the hardest. So there's this huge divide and it continues to increase. That's one of the reasons why I left the brotherhood, because I don't think that's fair. I think everyone should have access to this information. If they choose to take it, that's fine. That's why I put this together. It's the first time in history that this information is being released to the general public on a large scale. But guess what? There's people watching this who ain't going to call. So that's fine. They can stay in the position they're at. Because without this knowledge, I can guarantee them their life's never going to change. [00:45:48] Speaker A: I think it was Gandhi who said, you must be the change you'd like to see occur, or something like that. And your friend Brian, Brian Tracy said the same thing. So this is something you believe all people can learn, like playing the piano. You know, some people are better at piano than others. [00:46:02] Speaker B: Yeah, and that's a good example. If you took 100 people and they all started at the same spot, and after a week they took piano lessons, at the end of a week, some people are going to be much better than others in that group based on their talent and ability, but everyone will be better than when they started. So, same thing here. Not everyone is going to listen to this and become a millionaire in 24 hours, or a week or a month or a. Not everyone's life is going to change to the same degree as someone else in this respect. The government loves to use the phrase individual results will vary. And I think that's really pretty safe. They always vary. But when a person goes through this, can everyone learn this? Yes. Can everyone dramatically get better from where they're at? Yes. In my opinion, everyone can do much better than where they are right now. And I believe that there's no place on planet Earth. As a matter of fact, I know that there's no place on planet Earth. You can get the information in your wishes, your command program. That's why if a person calls now, they have to call today. They get the your wishes, your command 14 cd program, the home study version at 70% off the regular price. They get a 90 day unconditional guarantee, go through it. If their life isn't magically changed, if they don't feel like have Aladdin's lamp and the genie in the bottle, send it back for a refund. If whatever they want hasn't manifested, if they're not thrilled, they be the judge, send it back for a full refund. And I'm also going to include a $2,000 free ticket to one of my live events so they can come meet me personally, ask questions, because I want them to have, be, or do whatever they desire. I believe they can. I believe that people who get this program listen to it. Their life, their individual life is going to be different than when they started. And I know the information is just not available anywhere else in any other form. So I would just really encourage people to take advantage of this secret knowledge on how to have beer, do whatever they want. [00:47:57] Speaker A: Kevin, we have to leave it right there. That's Kevin Trudeau. I'm Skip Lindeman. This has been a closer look. Thanks for being with us. [00:48:03] Speaker C: Welcome back. Well, I hope you enjoyed that. Well, yeah, I can just tell you this. I'm doing this show. Not for me, as you know, I don't get paid to do this show. I don't make a penny on this show. Any revenue that comes in from the ads, I think it was like, what, $38 or something? Look, any revenue that comes in, it pays the salaries, pays the lights, pays the rent. I don't make a penny. When you join the fan club, the Kevin Trudeau fan club have become a partner. None of that revenue comes to me. When you join the global information network, none of that revenue comes to me. Nothing. I got a small salary from the global information network, and that's it. Any extra money that the fan club has or our companies have, it all goes to pay the lawyers, and it all goes to pay the Federal Trade Commission because the judge ordered me to pay them $37 million. I can't talk about it here, but on Rumble, I can talk about the injustice of the justice system. It's unfair, but it is what it is. And I always pay my bills because money is a renewable resource. But I hope you like that interview with your wishes, your command that if you haven't gone, gotten your wishes, your command, go to global information network and sign up. Or you can go to yourwishesyourcommand.com and you can, you know, read all the stuff or just go directly to Global Information network and become a member. It's only $38.95 and you get the entire your wishes, your command program, go through it. If you don't like it, just quit. It only cost you $38.95. And remember, if you become a member in the global information Network, you also get a free ticket to the next upcoming three day event that I'm doing here in Chicago. I have an event coming up this fall in Chicago. It's a. Back then I set a $2,000 ticket. It's a $5,000 value for the seminar. It's a weekend event, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, downtown Chicago. In the fall for the Global Information Network. It's going to sell out, but you get a free ticket to that event. All you have to do is buy a ticket to the banquet on Saturday night. It's a black tie banquet, but the whole event you get to go to absolutely free, and I'll have a chance to meet you, shake your hand, maybe get a picture, perhaps for $38.95. So become a member. For $38.95, you get your wishes, your command. You get a slew of other self improvement success training that you can't get anywhere else, and you get a ticket to the event. Now, some of you think, well, I can't come to Chicago. If you can't come to Chicago, you get a ticket to the virtual event, which means that event that I'm going to be doing, which is a $5,000 weekend success seminar, you get a virtual ticket if you can't be there live. So if you can't be there live, you can watch it virtually. And if you're someplace in the world where the time doesn't work, it's recorded, so you can watch it at your leisure. So the value is off the charts. And I will tell you, at that event, I'm going to be speaking. I'm going to have one of my past file clerks there who worked at minimum wage who went on to become a multimillionaire using these techniques. There's going to be another multimillionaire. They're speaking. Another multimillionaire. They're speaking. Ron Ball, who's going to be speaking as well. A lot of surprises. These are people that have used the technique, applied it, and they're going to be telling you how they did it. It is probably going to be one of the most powerful, impactful events that we've ever put on. So I would strongly encourage you, if you're not a member of the Global Information network, to join. Not only do you get the, your wishes, your command program and other success training for just $38.95, but you get a ticket to that event either live and in person, or you can watch it virtually, and I can guarantee it'll blow your mind. And if it doesn't, just quit. I mean, it didn't cost you a couple cups of coffee. So make sure you subscribe to the channel. Share the channel with everybody you know, get more subscribers here, go to rumble. Subscribe there where the. Where the real stuff is. I'm Kevin Trudeau. You can make your dreams and goals come true. Believe in yourself and believe in your dream. And know that whatever the mind can conceive and bring itself to believe, you can achieve. Much love, everybody. We'll see you next time. Sa.

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