Episode 54

October 07, 2024


The Success Course That Will Change Your Life! | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 54

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau is interviewed by Scotty Saks on Sovereign Radio in this special episode  of The Kevin Trudeau Show!

Kevin reveals secrets and tips from the Your Wish Is Your Command Program, where it originated, and why it is so uniquely different than any other success and Law Of Attraction course. Kevin shares the ‘Trifecta of Success’ and so much more in this powerful, eye-opening interview.


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 1:44 Kevin Trudeau’s history in Chicago and globally
  • 7:47 Kevin Trudeau’s Secret Society Story
  • 12:10 The love found through the techniques taught in Your Wish Is Your Command
  • 19:00 How is the Your Wish Is Your Command program different than other Law Of Attraction training?
  • 20:03 The teachability Index - Willingness to learn and Willingness to accept change
  • 36:29 “I should write a book…” - Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About
  • 38:46 Why did Kevin Trudeau go to prison?
  • 45:59 The Trifecta of Success: Health Wealth and Happiness
  • 52:20 The number ONE remedy for problem solving and ‘depression’


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com





  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:27] Speaker A: Ladies and gentlemen, outside of my US Marine korean war veteran father, I had two mentors over the years. One I previously met and had a chance to work with him in the mid eighties on his Thanksgiving initiative. He called Basket Brigade. That was Tony Robbins. And I don't have to explain why Tony Robbins was a mentor. His name speaks for itself. The other mentor I've had over the years, I'm meeting for the first time. You're going to meet him as well in a few minutes. And after listening to him today and I won't have to explain why, he was also a mentor. His name is Kevin Trudeau. He's a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, an author, a mass media communication guru. And I've spent 40 years in mainstream media and, you know, we've traveled some similar paths. And he's a whistleblower. Next to Julian Assange, I think he's had some of the most impact and impressive work in his years of blowing the whistle on many subjects. Kevin, it's a privilege to have you on sovereign radio. Thank you for being here and proving me right today, why you're a great menorah. [00:01:39] Speaker B: Well, I appreciate that. And I appreciate that. Nice introduction. It's a pleasure to be here. [00:01:44] Speaker A: So just as out of a personal note, I grew up in Chicago. I understand you live there now. [00:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Matter of fact, I maintained a residence in Chicago since 1981, even though I lived in Zurich, Switzerland, maintained residences in Sydney, Australia, Beverly Hills, New York City, Florida, England, and many, many other places. I've always maintained a residence in Chicago since 1981. [00:02:08] Speaker A: With all those great places you've lived, tell me why. I know why I left Chicago. Why do you stay in Chicago? [00:02:16] Speaker B: I love the midwest. It's like a big city that works. I used to know Mayor Daley when he was the mayor. There's something about it. Maybe it's Al Capone, I don't know. But there's something about the city I just liked. And I love the Midwest people. Very down to earth. It's my favorite city in America. [00:02:36] Speaker A: All of my family grew up there. My grandfather, my father. And it was a great city run by the dailies. We were proud democrats back in the day. And I'm not turning this into a political show, but boy, is the city changed in that respect in so many ways, but it's still the best lakefront some of the best shopping food, the pizza, the hot dogs, the sports. I love the blackhawks and bulls. I grew up with them. The White Sox, the bears. It's all great city. So interesting that you choose to live there when you have so many great destinations. It's not like the government's keeping there, right? [00:03:15] Speaker B: Well, they're keeping me in America as of right now, but that's going to change probably in the next month or two. So I do travel. I do travel all across America. I spent a lot of time in Beverly Hills. I'll be back in California next week. I'm going to be with some tibetan monks with my friend who's putting on a spiritual retreat, and he asked me to come to do some meditation with them and do some spiritual work with the tibetan monks. So that'll be a lot of fun. I've done that work before, so that's why he invited me in. And there'll be a lot of people there live as also virtually. And yeah, I like California for the hiking, not necessarily the traffic or the politics, but for the weather and the hiking. [00:03:53] Speaker A: Well, so important to keep up the spiritual work that we all do, especially now with so much going on. But, Kevin, you created a program that really, I've listened to. As I told you before, we started recording ten times over. I don't know. It's been. When did you create your wish as your command? [00:04:10] Speaker B: It's been over 25 years that I actually recorded it in the Swiss Alps, and it's called your wish is your command, how to manifest your desires. And some people call it how to create a perpetual money making machine. It kind of reveals so much about how to manifest things in your life, and it's completely different than anything out there. It's being called the think and grow rich of our time because it contains things that aren't in any of the book on manifesting or the law of attraction. It's not affirmations, it's completely different. And the reason, as you listen to it, and, you know, I'm not a motivational speaker, and I love Tony Robbins, and Tony Robbins does a great job, and Bob Proctor and Joe Dispenzer and Joe Vital. There's so many great guys out there. Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar were friends of mine. I traveled with Zig. Brian Tracy's terrific, the charity. [00:05:06] Speaker A: Now, don't forget Napoleon Hill. [00:05:08] Speaker B: And Napoleon Hill. Of course, I never met Napoleon Hill, but I just read his books. But all those other guys I knew. The big difference is people who teach how to manifest goals, dreams, and desires. With incredibly rare exception, when they started writing their first book on how to get rich or how to manifest, they were all broke. And they made their money selling books and audio courses and live seminars on how to manifest. That's how they made their money. I generated $25 billion in business before I ever gave a lecture on how to manifest anything. So I had real companies. I launched the Golf channel in the UK, Shop America, which was a shopping channel there. I had another tv channel called UTV. I hosted a television show there. I had manufacturing facilities set up in Australia and England. We had offices in England, businesses in Europe, South Africa. So I had real companies. I really applied how to manifest out of nothing. And keep in mind, I never went to college. My dad was a welder. I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. I had a learning disability. Growing up, I was told I was learning disabled. So I didn't have all the things going for me. I had no connections, no education, no money. Starting with zero, I learned how to use my mind to create and manifest in my life what I wanted. And that's when I went into the Swiss Alps and took 100 people. They paid $50,000 a piece, and I taught them the secrets that I had used to generate billions of dollars in sales. There was 100 people there, and I recorded it. And those people included, there was a king there. There was members of royal families there. There were incredibly successful business people that wanted to learn more. And there were some people that were just starting off in their career. So we had a whole bunch of economic zone people there in terms of age and where they were financially. And the results were just off the charts. So I took the recordings and then made it available to the american public. And it teaches stuff that just isn't taught on how to manifest, because most of these people don't know what's in the. Your wishes, your command program. [00:07:30] Speaker A: I think what you taught allows people to live a wildly abundant life. They really master it, and it's the kind of techniques that the global elites, quote unquote, have been using for years. Although you have a style of your own, of course, the secret society and the boys club that George Carlin said, and you're not in it, right? So when you came out with that, I was telling you earlier, I thought, my God, this guy's putting himself out there teaching this stuff because they don't want us to know this stuff. They don't want us to be abundant. They want us to be in our slave, and they want to be our slave masters. Do you see it that way? [00:08:08] Speaker B: Well, I don't see it that way. I know that's how it is. As you know, I was in the brotherhood, which is a secret society that is very secret because very few people have heard of it. I've been to Skull and Bones Island. Skull and Bones out of Yale University is a secret society that George Bush was a member of, John Kerry, and it's not so secret. John, George Bush talked about it in his book. He said, I'm a member of a secret society out of Yale called Skull and Bones. A society so secret, that's all I can say about it. So it's secret. But I've been with the bonesmen. I've been to Bohemian Grove, I've been at the council of foreign relations, and I've been at Bilderberg meetings. I was at the C hotel in Rattake in Germany when the Bilderberg met, and other locations, too. So I know what is going on behind the scenes, and I know that the privileged elites want two classes of people. They want themselves. They believe that they are engineered and designed to govern and rule, and they want everybody else, and they want everybody else to be a slave. They want them to just basically go through life and obey the. And be consumers. That's what they want. They think that'll lead to a more prosperous life for everyone and reduce poverty and reduce wars and so forth. I, when I was a part of that group, I sat down with President Gorbachev, who was a friend of mine. We flew around together. I got pictures of him and I on the private jet, even General Schwarzkopf. We traveled together and we talked about this. And it's like, look, if this information on how to use your mind to manifest goals, dreams and desires was revealed, most people aren't going to take advantage of it because they are a slave. They're walking around in a trance. But there's going to be some people that will, and they can improve the quality of their life. They can become happier, more cause over their environment. They can manifest things quicker and easier than before. They can provide for their families, and that'll help society. I was vetoed on that. So that's when I left the brotherhood, and that's when I did the your wishes, your command program. And as you knew, once I started revealing this, like, there's one thing that I revealed, and that is when you take 100 wealthy people and you put probes on their head for a day, you find that their brains are broadcasting in between right at the connection point between the theta brainwave frequency and alpha, that frequency is called the billionaire brainwave, or it's the wealth wave. If your brain is operating there when you're thinking a thought, it goes into the physical universe and it starts this magical, attractive power, and you can start attracting it into your life. But most people, you take 100 people that are making less than 100 grand a year, put brainwaves, sensors on their head for a day. Their brains are operating in the beta frequency. And the beta frequency is really called the poverty wave. It's the slave wave. And so the privileged elite want to do everything, including putting fluoride in the water, chemicals in the food, and so forth. They do all these things to keep your brain operating in beta, keeping you poor and a slave in a trance and virtually asleep, while they themselves have their brain operating in between that alpha and theta, which is the billionaire brain wave or the wealth wave or the manifesting wave. And therefore they can create more in their life. And so we teach that, for example, in your wishes, your command, by going through the processes, you can start changing your brain wave frequency. Actually, it's the hippocampus, which gets bigger, and that makes you more capable of manifesting what you think. Thus the book, think and grow rich, actually begins to work. [00:12:02] Speaker A: You left out the chemtrails and the bioweapons, the jabs and that, too. [00:12:07] Speaker B: And that, too, exactly. Yeah. [00:12:10] Speaker A: So I remember listening to your wishes, your command, and you weren't revealing the names and who the people were that were in attendance, but there was some guy there that was a lonely heart club guy, and he had gone to dinner in the middle of one of your days of the program, and you asked him, so, how's it going? The next day, he said, I met somebody last night. He was looking to looking. He came there to cultivate a relationship and manifest a relationship, if I remember. And he did it while he was there. Do I remember that correctly? [00:12:41] Speaker B: You're exactly right. It was two days, and I'm teaching how to change your vibrational frequency. So you become virtually. You create an attractor field. We all are attractor fields because we all vibrate. Neuroscience knows this. They say that the brain vibrates frequencies. I said this 30 years ago, that the brain is both a receiver and transmitter of frequencies. Neuroscientists now have proven that to be true. So this guy comes. One of the things he wants to manifest is a relationship. He wasn't very confident with women, was afraid to go up to women and so forth, and therefore he was virtually repelling women because of his insecurities. So after the first day, he goes to dinner and he goes to this and he tells the story. He went to dinner in a restaurant in the area and he sat by himself and he says, this woman comes up to him and introduces herself and says, I'm here alone. Would you mind if we share dinner together? And he's like, did Kevin like send this person over to me or something? Is this like. [00:13:44] Speaker A: He thought you set him up, didn't you? [00:13:45] Speaker B: Yeah, he thought it was a big setup and he said, we hit it off. She was american, he was from America. They didn't know each other was american. And they started their relationship because it was like magic. It was like the universe. Everything changed. The universe was working or conspiring for me to help manifest for me and my life what I wanted. And that's what can happen to people. [00:14:12] Speaker A: Well, that's the difference of your program. The manifesting techniques are just amazing. Really and truly explain the difference between, like the secret, which said the secret is manifesting, but I didn't tell you how. How do you manifest. What's the secret to your success and manifestation? [00:14:33] Speaker B: Yeah, when the book the secret came out. It's a great book. I recommend it. The movie, I recommend it. A lot of my friends are in it. I know these guys. Virtually not one person in the secret that is recommending it ever made any money except selling books and tapes on how to manifest things. I talked about that, okay, but they're still good guys and they have good programs. The secret is basically saying the law of attraction. Think about what you want, picture it, and then whatever you think about will come into your life. Earl Nightingale said that back in the sixties he had a record album called the Strangest Secret. And the strangest secret was you become what you think about most of the time. And then back in the twenties and thirties, he, Neil, had a book, the master key to riches. And there was a book called the Science of getting Rich by Walter Wattles. They talked about that the brain is actually a transmitter and receiver of frequency. And if you think about something and visualize it, it can actually manifest. You create an attractor field or a magnetic pull and it begins to manifest. The problem with this is it doesn't work for 99% of the people. And even when Napoleon Hill talked about this in his book think and grow Rich, or his other work called the law of success in 16 lessons, they didn't realize that the secret, the one thing that makes all the difference is what brainwave frequency you're broadcasting on. So if I'm thinking of I want a Rolex watch, or I want to increase my income by $10,000 a month, or I want a relationship. If your brain is broadcasting on beta, the universe doesn't pick it up, and you're not going to get it. If your brain is broadcasting in between alpha and theta, that goes right into the physical universe. And scientists now, quantum physics can see that if your brain is broadcasting on that frequency in between alpha and theta, and you think a thought like, I want a Ferrari, I want a Rolls Royce, or I want to make $10,000 a month more. They can see the molecules in the ether actually vibrate. Scientists now see that. But if you do the same thing and you're broadcasting on beta, nothing vibrates in the physical universe. You're not creating the magnetic pull. So the key is doing things in a certain way, which is what I teach in the your wishes, your command program, so that your brain begins to broadcast in that sweet spot, the billionaire brainwave, the wealth wave, the manifesting wave, whatever you want to call it. Therefore, you can start attracting, or creating is a better word, creating the reality that you want with your thoughts. [00:17:27] Speaker A: That all starts with learning. And you teach, I think you called it the teachability index, right? [00:17:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:34] Speaker A: You teach how to learn in that program. And, you know, it's allowed me, over the years, when I go in any meeting, any conversation, it's allowed me to absorb the information being given to me and learn something every day from. From everybody. [00:17:51] Speaker B: Yeah, it makes a big difference. The first two things we talk about. Well, the first thing I talk about in your wishes, your command, is who do you listen to? Because most people listen to somebody that they shouldn't listen to. They listen to people that know about things instead of knowing things. So, for example, if I were to talk to you about China. So let me tell you everything about China. Well, I don't know China. I know about China, but I've never been to China. I mean, I've eaten some chinese food and I know some people who are chinese, but that doesn't make me an expert on China. I don't know China. I'm not China. I haven't lived in China. I don't know China. I know about China. So you would be a fool to listen to me talk about China. In the same way, when you listen to somebody who never made any money, never manifested things in their life that are stressed out and get angry, and their buttons are always pushed all the time, and they're telling you how to manifest your goals, dreams and desires, and they're making money selling books or audio courses or I seminars or webinars on how to manifest. They are telling you what they know about and all they're really doing is they just buy a bunch of books on law of attraction. And I've seen these guys and I'm with them. I'm in their house. Yeah, yeah. I'm putting together a new course. How are you putting together the course? Well, I bought all these other books and I'm just picking out the best thing from each one. Then I'm kind of regurgitating it in my own little style and that's what I'm going to teach. They don't know what they're talking about. They know about it, but they don't know it. So when somebody said, how did you put together your wishes, your command program? I said, I pulled from the training I got in the brotherhood early on in the late sixties and early seventies, and I pulled from applying that into my life to generate billions of dollars in real business. And so when I teach the US as your command program, I'm a person who has what you want and has been where you are. So who do you listen to? You listen to somebody who has what you want, but has been where you are. That's critical. And ideally somebody who actually used what they're teaching before they ever taught it and got great success. So that's like the first principle and the second one you just mentioned, the teachability index, which is if you want to learn anything, you have to be teachable or coachable. Michael Jordan was coachable. Tiger woods was coachable. They were teachable. LeBron James, coachable, teachable. The top athletes, they're always said to be the most coachable. They are willing to learn. So the teachability index says you have to have a high willingness to learn, which means you're willing to put in the time and the effort. You're willing to pay the money to put in the time to put in the effort you want to learn. High willingness to learn. But number two, you have to have a high willingness to accept change. And most people don't have a high willingness to accept change. They're never going to learn anything. And that's really the critical part, because when a person goes through, whether it's your wishes, your command, or any of the other things that we offer, they're going to be learning things that they haven't heard before and they're going to have to change their way of thinking, change their speech patterns and change some of their actions, because if they don't change, nothing's going to change. Brian Tracy said it best this way. He said, if you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life. A lot of people aren't willing to change. [00:21:28] Speaker A: So change. So true. You know, some of us are born into better situations. My grandfather, after being a Chicago cop, he owned gas stations. He was selling gold and silver in the sixties, I think. So I had a man I can learn from, right? He wasn't a janitor like my best buddy. His grandfather and father were a janitor. What could he learn from them except limited scope of things? If you are in a situation like my friend who was born into a family of janitors, how do you change? How do you play off of what you just said? You gotta change things. How do you do that? [00:22:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Aristotle Onassis was arguably the richest man at the world for a time, or at least one of the richest men in the world. Probably one of the ten richest men in the world. And he said he was buying ships. [00:22:20] Speaker A: When nobody wanted ships. [00:22:21] Speaker B: Exactly. He was buying ships. And nobody, everybody thought it was ridiculous. He made a fortune. And he said that if he were flat broke, the one thing he would do in order to establish wealth again, he would save every penny he had so that as often as he could, he would go someplace where wealthy people congregated. Maybe it was a nice restaurant. Maybe he would become a caddy at a country club and caddy and hold, you know, golf clubs for wealthy people. He would do anything to be around just being in the same room. Cause maybe he would listen to a conversation and he could glean something. But he also said the energy in the room that is created when wealthy people get together changes you. Your income is always the average of your five best friends. So in my particular case, my dad was a great guy. He was a welder. He never went to college. My mom was a mom. She never went to college. She was a full time mom. She didn't work. Everybody that I knew, there was an electrician, there was a fireman, there was a policeman. These are the dads, right? When I grew up, there was a carpenter. There was a guy who was a trash collector. [00:23:44] Speaker A: Blue collar guys. [00:23:45] Speaker B: Blue collar guys. So if I wanted to become wealthy, how? I can't learn from these people, even though they're great people and they have a nice life, but they're not going to teach me anything about wealth creation. So I had to say, where can I go? And there was a restaurant called Hawthorn by the Sea. It was owned by a guy named Athenas, Anthony Athenas, a greek guy, immigrated and he had this very beautiful, fancy, high priced restaurant. It was in swampsket, Massachusetts, which is next to Marblehead. And that was a wealthy area. That's where the lawyers and the doctors and the business owners lived. They were rich. So I got a job at that restaurant so I could basically be in a room with rich people and I would leave thinking something happened to me. Being in that room, associating with other people makes the difference. So the key is association, which is why when people join, get the your wishes, your command program, and they go through it, we also say, hey, you can also join our private club for, you know, it's very cheap. And that way you can associate with winners. You can meet millionaires, celebrities, very wealthy people. You can meet people that are positive, motivated, whether it's in a local chapter meeting or a virtual meeting online. Or you can come to one of our global events. We take over an entire cruise ship in January, the norwegian cruise line Pearl, 2200 people. And we take over the entire thing. We own it. And the members of our club fill it up for six days. So imagine being on a ship for six days with 2200 people. Every single one of them is a member of the club. They're motivated, they're positive, they're inspired. There's celebrities on there, billionaires on there, multimillionaires on there, millionaires on there, titans of industry. There are people that are just starting off, but that are excited about life. That creates an environment of energy that's positive and high frequency and is going to change it. So association is critical to success associating with winners, and you will become one. [00:26:05] Speaker A: You use television to begin to build your empire selling things. Now, in the eighties, when I got out of college, I started a television media company. I was showing small businesses how to use television to market their business. You came along, started doing infomercials. I think you were one of the first guys I took notice of. What got you into the infomercial business? [00:26:27] Speaker B: Well, it's very interesting because I made almost a billion dollars before I ever went on tv infomercial, and nobody knew because I was running real businesses. I did marketing and direct mail back in the seventies, which made incredible amounts of money. It was in the automobile business. So I had other companies and business ventures going on before I got in tv infomercial. But that's a very interesting story. Because I was making a huge amount of money, huge in a business of memory training. So we had a course called mega memory, how to develop a superpower, instant recall memory. And we taught people all around the world how to develop their memory skills so that they could make a speech without notes, remember names and faces, directions, appointments, things to do, how kids could get better grades with less study time, and so forth. We would sell these courses via salesmen that would go out and make live presentations, and we would teach the course. I was the president of the institute. I would actually both do both. I'd do some large presentations and offer the course for sale, and I would also teach the course. And if I didn't work, then sales went down. So I came up with a plan. I knew how to manifest things with my mind. So I said, what would be my ideal thing to manifest? So I remember this. I sat down, I thought, I want to make, and this is back in the early eighties, by the way. I said, I want to make $50,000 a week, and that's in the eighties. So you can times that by like four. So it's like 200,000 a week today. More probably. Probably more than that. But back then, I said, I want to make $50,000 a week without doing anything. I just want to get a check in the mail, and I don't have to work. I want to be able to travel the world, not have to do anything. So universe figure that out. I swear to God. This happened about a month later. I'm in New York City. I'm staying with my girlfriend at the Plaza Hotel. I go to the Carnegie deli, which is right across from Carnegie hall, and it was famous for their corned beef and pastrami sandwiches. [00:28:38] Speaker A: I was just going to say, great corned beef. [00:28:40] Speaker B: That's right. And when you go in, you sit at this long table, and you're sitting usually next to somebody you don't know because it's what it's like shared tables. [00:28:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:49] Speaker B: So you go up to the counter, you get seated, they sit you down, they take your order. Well, the guy sitting right there, like right there in front of me, I'm looking at him, and I said, hey, you're a Bobby singer. I've seen you on tv infomercials. You sell the Bobby Singer method, how to win at blackjack. And he said, yeah. So we started talking, and then he says, what do you do? I says, well, I'm in the memory training business. Amongst other things, I teach people how to improve their memory and he said, you should put that as a home study course and sell it on tv. I said, no, it won't work on tv. Nobody will buy it on tv. Only salespeople buy it, high income people. He goes, I'll tell you what, I'll put up all the money. I'll produce it and pay your royalty. I said, no, you'd be wasting your money. I don't want you to waste your money, because no one's going to buy it. He goes, give me your contact details, give me your business card. I'm going to send you a contract. So I went back to the Plaza hotel. I pick up the phone, I dial my answering machine. Remember answering machines, when you had that call? Right. So I dialed my answering machine, right? Punch in the code, and I hear a message. Kevin, it's your old friend, doctor Alex Duarte. I'm in Lake Tahoe, and I met another friend of yours, Ed Beckley, the tv infomercial guy who sells the how to buy real estate with no money down. Your name came up, and Ed said, he wants to put you on tv, turn your memory course into a home study course and sell it on tv. Give me a call. So I called back and said, ed, I just met this guy named Bobby Singer. He goes, I know Bobby. Bobby's a great guy. I go, well, he said the same thing today. So I have two people in the same day, out of nowhere, offer me this gig a few weeks after I had put that out into the universe. And Ed Beckley says, look, you should go with me. I think I'll do a better job. I said, look, whoever sends me the contract first. So I call up Bobby Singer and say, I met Ed Beckley. He goes, Ed Beckley's a great guy. You can't go wrong with him. Ed sends me the contract via Federal Express. Remember back then? That was like a huge thing. If you got a Federal Express package. It was like, ooh, you're a somebody. So I get the contract. I call them, negotiate a few points. I sign it. A week later, via regular mail, I get a contract from Bobby Singer. So I had to call Bobby and say, I'm sorry, I already signed with it. Well, we do the show, we shoot it in Fairfield, Iowa, which is a transcendental meditation center for TM, the meditation movement. And Beckley was a meditator, and so was I. So we shot it in Fairfield, put it on tv. We did $450 million in sales with mega memory, 180 million in the first 18 months. And I was getting a nice percentage off the top as a royalty. My first check. My first check for the week was $52,000. 50,000. $52,000. [00:31:48] Speaker A: There he goes. [00:31:49] Speaker B: And every nail, every single week, every single week, I got a check for over $50,000. My biggest check for one week was $256,000 for the week. And I didn't have to do anything ever again. I just got a check automatically back. Back then you got checks mailed to you. [00:32:09] Speaker A: Your product was already done. It was evergreen product. You put the show on the air and boom. Interesting. I spent a week in Fairfield, Iowa, learning transcendental meditation. [00:32:19] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:32:21] Speaker A: With Chris and Janet Atwood. I don't know if you know Chris and Janet Atwood. [00:32:24] Speaker B: No, no, I don't. [00:32:25] Speaker A: They are the. They casted the secret. They put the cast together for the secret. [00:32:29] Speaker B: Okay. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Janet was a mover and shaker in publishing, but one of the best weeks of my life. I love tm. Stays with me. I still do it. Don't do it twice a day, but I go down to the beach in the morning and I try to get in the 20. Are you doing TM? [00:32:46] Speaker B: I do tm. I've done it since the seventies. I learned TM back in 1974. I learned the yoga asanas, the Bhishna Ghosh, the 84 ashnas in 84, and also transcendental meditation, where I got whispered in my ear the mantra. [00:33:02] Speaker A: Yeah, the mantra. I still have the mantra. My daughter's still trying to get my mantra out of me. You can't tell anybody your mantra. [00:33:07] Speaker B: No, no, no. It's a secret. [00:33:10] Speaker A: So let's talk about the book. Natural cures before doctor Daniel. Amen. Before Sherri Tenpenny, before Peter McCullough, you were warning the world about the food supply, the water, the chemtrail. You were putting it all out there. What led you down that road? Not so much to learn it about it, but to want to disclose it. You started making money. You didn't just want to make money with that, obviously. [00:33:39] Speaker B: Well, actually, I didn't make money when I sold that book because what most people don't know, and it says it right in the COVID of the book, that all my royalties go to charity. So remember when Paul Newman started Newman's own? He said all of his, all the money he receives will go to charity. So he never made a money on that great business. And he always said later, because if I knew it was going to be that big, I wouldn't have made that deal. I don't have any regrets that I made that deal. On natural cures. That's a book that was number one on the New York Times best selling list 26 weeks in a row. It sold over 50 million copies. And the year that it came out, it was the number one best selling book in all of America. And guess who published it? Nobody. I had to start my own publishing company to publish it because all the stupid publishers said that nobody would buy it, and it was the number one. [00:34:26] Speaker A: They were scared. They were scared to publish it, too. [00:34:29] Speaker B: You're darn right they were. Yeah, but this was the first book that basically exposed the pharmaceutical industry and exposed the food industry and exposed the government. All other health books just said, oh, eat raw organic almonds and, you know, eat more vegetables and stay away. Stay away from this, but eat more of that. That's what all the health books were. My book basically told you why you're sick. I said, you know, there's four reasons why you're sick. You have to know the cause, and you have to stop doing what you're doing that's making you sick. It's kind of like the guy who comes up to you and said, doctor, every time I hit my foot with a hammer, it hurts. What's the cure? Stop hitting your foot with a hammer. So the answer to your question, why did I write that book? Out of every adversity, are there seeds of a greater benefit? I was on tv selling coral calcium with Doctor Bob Barefoot, and I asked, doctor Bob Barefoot, actually, he's not a doctor. I think he's a researcher. I asked Bob Barefoot, does calcium cure cancer? And he said, doctor Otto Wahlberg, a Nobel Prize medical doctor who won the Nobel Prize twice for medicine, said that calcium will make the body alkaline. And if the body's alkaline, cancer can't grow. That's what he said. And the government sued me because they said Trudeau was selling coral calcium as a cure for cancer, which is categorically not true. I was selling coral calcium because it's calcium, and people need calcium, and it's good. The guy I interviewed quoted doctor Otto Wahlberg. We didn't say that choral calcium cures cancer. But they sued me, and I settled the case with no finding of any wrongdoing. I settled, and in the settlement, I agreed that I would never sell a product on television ever again, but I would continue to sell informational publications and anything that's protected by the First Amendment. So we signed that agreement. So I was sitting in Ojai after we signed the settlement, Ojai, California, at my ranch, and I had a couple friends and I said, you know, I should just retire. I don't need to do this. I got plenty. I should just move to Italy or Europe, travel the world. I can retire. I don't have to work another day for the rest of my life. I said, but you know, I would really love to expose what the government is doing to preventing people to know the truth about ways they can cure and prevent disease without drugs and surgery. And I wish I could expose why the government wants to suppress information about coral calcium or other health alternatives. I should write a book. I remember this conversation. I should write a book. I should call it natural cures that the drug companies and the government doesn't want you to know about. And everybody laughed and I said, yeah, but it's a pretty long title. I thought I should just call it natural cures they don't want you to know about. And all of a sudden, great name. Something just welled up inside me. It was almost like God was telling me, yes, this is what you need to do. And in order to prove that I was doing it, not to make money, that's when I said, I'm going to write and sell this book, but I'm not going to make a penny on it. I'm going to give all the royalties to charity. That way nobody can say, oh, he's just trying to make money. No, I'm doing it for the betterment of mankind as a philanthropic endeavor, which is what I did. It sold 50 million copies of the book. I mean, look at the amount of money that I would have made, right? Well. [00:38:23] Speaker A: You gave back to the world, which you yourself preach about giving. You know exactly the benefits of giving. So talk about, I believe you went to jail not because you did anything wrong, but because you exposed, you exposed the deep state cabal, the global elite. You exposed, in your wishes, your command, you exposed again in your book. Do you, would you agree your jail time had nothing to do with your work but the exposing of the elites? [00:38:53] Speaker B: Every lawyer that you talk to, the top lawyers in the country, the top, top, top lawyers, ex federal trade commission, senior staff, theyve all been asked, did Kevin Trudeau do anything wrong? And they all say, no, Kevin Trudeau did nothing wrong. There was no fraud. I was never charged with fraud. There was no deception. I was never charged with deception. There was no criminal charges on fraud. Nothing. No criminal charges of deception, nothing. I was never ordered to pay restitution ever. I was charged with contempt of court. It's not a felony. It's not a misdemeanor. There's a latin word called suri juriitus. And I maybe pronounce it incorrectly, but it basically says it's a thing of its own. It's not a crime. And I was in prison for eight and a half years. And even the warden, the warden came up to me and said, mister Trudeau, I've been in the federal Bureau of Prison system for over 30 years and I've seen tens of thousands of inmates, and you are the only one that I can honestly say should not be here. And this is the warden telling me that. So I did nothing wrong. I sold a book, I quoted the book, I expressed my first amendment rights and my opinions. And the government said that I was in contempt of court for talking about my book in the way that I felt was honest. They thought that was contemptuous. I was found guilty by a judge and given the longest sentence in the history of America for contempt of court. And everybody knows it had. There was only one reason to shut me up. They tried to bankrupt me and they put me in prison to shut me up. And they kept on saying, if you'll just stop talking about these subjects, we'll leave you alone. They would always say that off to. [00:40:54] Speaker A: The side, then you have to refund or you're still refunding people who bought that book, aren't you? [00:41:00] Speaker B: Well, here's what the judge orders. It's very interesting. He couldn't order restitution. And it's not a fine because nobody wants a refund. Everybody loved the book. When we sell the book, they got not only the one book, the weight loss cure. They got natural cures. And more natural cures revealed they got $90 worth of books for $29. And if anybody wanted a refund, we gave them a refund. It was less than 5%. I think it was one of the lowest return rates in the history of books and infomercials. And the majority of people recommended the books to their friends, which is why it was the number one bestseller. So the judge said, I want you to pay to the government $37 million. The government will then send that money back to the people. If they want a refund, they can then cash the check. And if they don't, they don't have to cash the check. And whatever is left will send back to you, Mister Trudeau. So it's not restitution because people have an option of taking it or not. So that's still being worked out, right? As of right now, it's still undetermined. Exactly how much I owe? Because I paid them tens of millions of dollars already, and they're holding onto it. They're not even sending it back to the people. They did send a couple checks to people, and the people that got the checks, they don't want it. So there's a good chance that I'll get some money back in the next year or so, get a big little payday. [00:42:24] Speaker A: I was listening to your show earlier today while I was on a Zoom call. You know how it is on Zoom calls. People go on and on. So I'm listening to you, and you're walking your talk again. Tell us about how people are helping you raise that money and how you put that out there. [00:42:42] Speaker B: Well, you know, when the government sued me for the book and held me in contempt of court and they asked me to pay, I told them, I said, listen, I have companies right now that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but at the current time, we're not that liquid. So it's going to take about a year or two on a payment plan to pay the $37 million. I mean, we just not that liquid. Everything's tied up in inventory and assets and things like that. We have a lot of marketing expenses that we prepaid, so we're just not that liquid. And the government said, no, you must be hiding the money. I said, no, I'm not hiding the money. So they said, we're going to put you in jail unless you pay. I said, I can't pay because I don't have it. I can pay a certain amount, and over the next few months, I'll be able to pay it off, because look at the business. They're generating hundreds of millions of dollars in business. They're very successful, but we're just a little tashkent. So they didn't. What they did is they appointed a receiver, like in a bankruptcy that took over everything. And I said, perfect. I actually offered. I said, assign a receiver. That way, you know, so they put a receiver over the estate. They did a global asset search, and they found nothing because there's no hidden assets. Because if I had the money, I just would have paid it. But then the receiver showed what really this is all about. They liquidated all the companies, shut them all down, sold the assets for pennies on the dollar. Pennies, pennies, pennies. There was one asset that I purchased. [00:44:19] Speaker A: These people are stupid. [00:44:20] Speaker B: They're the dumbest. Yeah. I mean, I had $120 million asset that they sold for, I think, $100,000. They just, they did it on purpose to wipe me out. And then they put me in prison for ten years. And then the receiver took half of the money when they liquidated the assets for their own administrative fees. They're the criminals. I mean, those are the criminals right there. [00:44:43] Speaker A: So right now, they are the criminals. And there's some of the most stupid people. The people that have been running the world in many ways are some of the most stupid. When you look at what they do, you know. Yeah, I guess their generations of wealth and entitlement allowed them to get by. But let me ask you a question. Philanthropy, entrepreneurship, media communications guru, whistleblowing. I'd say prison, but I know that's not going to be your favorite. Which of those is the most rewarding? [00:45:11] Speaker B: Well, right now, the most rewarding is really the spiritual work that I'm doing. I can teach people how to market. I've been called the master of modern day marketing by the Wall Street Journal, America's marketing guru, a marketing genius by the new York Times, Chicago Tribune, etcetera, the infomercial king. So everybody knows that I'm a marketing guy and a communication expert. I've taught communication. I've taught marketing. I'm one of the top copywriters on the planet. If you take the top ten copywriters today that have generated billions in sales, I think all of them say they studied me. So I say that with humility. But everybody knows that part, but the spiritual part and the whistleblower. Everybody knows the whistleblower part, but the spiritual part, which is most important at the end of the day, there's the trifecta of success, health, wealth, and happiness. So I teach people how to be healthy, such as in the book natural Cures, how to be wealthy, such in the course your wishes, your command, where I teach copywriting and marketing and all the techniques, as well as how to manifest using your mind and then happiness through increased awareness, increased consciousness, breathing, tapping into who you really are, eliminating the energetic imprints that are in your field, the samskaras or engrams that key in or activate or get triggered to have you experience uncontrollable and irrational emotions. So when I free somebody and liberate them from irrational, uncontrollable emotions, crazy mood swings. When a person starts to experience bliss and joy regardless of their external situations, that's more fulfilling than having a guy make millions and millions of dollars. And now they're not mutually exclusive. So when a person comes into my sphere, they get it all. They learn how to be healthy. They learn how to manifest what they want to, and always at the same time, they're learning how to experience inner joy and peace, which at the end of the day, is the most important. [00:47:36] Speaker A: Those are not mutually exclusive things. They're all connected, so entirely connected. You are one of the best at talking about giving and receiving. I do. I call random acts of kindness. I live in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I go out on the street and find a Mexican who's hanging out and doing nothing. And inevitably, are you hungry? And the answer is yes. Right? So I buy people meals all the time. I feel better than they do, I think. And you speak about that when you talk about the gift of giving. So I want you to tell everybody, listening in your words, the giving versus the receiving and the phenomena of giving. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Yeah. The secret of living is giving. It's a scriptural principle. It is more blessed to give than to receive. And scriptural, whether it's the Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayama, it's in all of them. Giving, charity, giving, without wanting anything in return, blesses you. Give, and it shall be given back to you a hundred times, over and over and over again. What you sow, you shall reap. Giving is critical to freeing any attachment to material things. And when you're free of attachment to material things, the windows of heaven can open. And there are dozens of scriptural references that I could talk about. But at the end of the day, if you have fear that you're not going to have enough money, you'll never have money, because that fear energy is going to repel money. If you have fear of losing money, you're going to lose it, because what you fear most will come upon you. Scriptural principle. But what you give will always come back to you. It's the golden rule. It's the expanded golden rule. It's the law of giving and receiving, the law of planting and harvest. So giving is a critical aspect to success. JD Rockefeller, the richest man in the world, said that when he got his first job, he was paid $1.50 a week. And he said, being a Baptist, learning about tithing and giving offerings, he gave 10% of his first paycheck away to charity. And every paycheck he would pay and give 10% away to charity. And he said later that that single act, in his opinion, was the secret to his massive wealth. He gave over $300 billion away in his lifetime. In today's money, giving creates abundance because it frees you from attachment. Most people look at money as the source of their supply. No, the universe is the source of your supply, and it's unlimited. Money itself is a renewable resource. And this is why today, you mentioned earlier when I was on my show at the Kevin Trudeau fan Club, people make contributions and donations to me. It's an act of giving. And I get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of emails from people that say, since I started giving, I'm getting all these miraculous financial blessings in my life. It's really almost amazing and surreal that this is happening. And so that support is helping me because it's showing the government, for example, that I have supporters, and that's allowing me to manifest a miracle in terms of conclusion, in my case, with them, that's, I believe, coming to a conclusion and excellent end very, very soon now because of the people that are giving. [00:51:36] Speaker A: So we don't forget, tell people how they can help you in that endeavor. Right now. Throw the URL out. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Yeah. The number one thing, if you want information on your wish is your command. There's a page which describes the whole thing. Just go to your wish. Isyourcommand.com. your wish is your command.com. so that's the number one. And if you want more information on all the other things we're doing, just go to kevintrudeau.com. kevintroudeau.com. Very simple. That's a portal with all the different websites that we have. There's a lot of free information there that you can get. Kevintradeau.com. and again, if you want more information on your wish program, just go to yourwishesyourcommand.com dot. [00:52:20] Speaker A: I want you to talk about science of personal mastery for a minute. But before we do that, you have a simplified way to solve problems and solve depression. It's almost mind blowing how simple it is. Would you tell our audience, you heard. [00:52:35] Speaker B: Me talk about it today. You heard me talk about it on the show. I heard it, too. [00:52:39] Speaker A: But I've heard you talk about it a couple times. [00:52:41] Speaker B: Yeah. And it is absolutely miraculous. And as I showed on the show today, neuroscientists now say it's absolutely true. I've been saying it for 30 years. Anytime a person has a problem that you can't figure out whether it's a business problem, a problem, you know, something that's going on in your office, in your house, in a relationship, you can't figure out a solution. Or if you have a case of the blues, you feel depressed, anxious, stressful. The number one remedy, it's not a drink, it's not a cigarette. You get out of the house and go for a walk. And you look at things far away. This gets you out of your head and gets your essence expanded. So you look at the treetops, you look at a building over there, you look at something over there, you look at something over there. So you look at items for a moment, and you hold your attention on that item for a moment before you go to the next one. And you look at things far away. It'll help expand your essence, freeing you and freeing the field to solve the problem. Now, biologically, endorphins are released. Different feel good chemicals and hormones are released in the body by the brain. So you feel better. You're oxygenating your body because you're actually moving. So blood flow starts happening. Your mood is going to change, you're going to be elevated, and solutions will come. I mentioned on today's show on YouTube that Stephen jobs did this all the time. That anytime he was struggling with a business challenge or couldn't figure out something, he would just, boom, go for a ten minute walk. And he would do that very often. All rich people I know go for walks. They all. It doesn't matter what the weather is, they'll take an umbrella if it's raining, and they'll go for a walk. And then when they come back, they'll feel better. Solutions will come. They'll be more relaxed. It's really miraculous. And it's a cure. Temporary cure for depression. [00:54:48] Speaker A: You know, nothing like when I have a problem with my business or my two ex wives or just anything. I'm feeling a little down. Nothing like walking down the beach, looking across the water at Nueva via to the buildings and the mountains. It's just. It's. You can't. Unless you do it. You can't really explain it to people. So thanks for sharing that. Tell us about your most recent work, the science of personal mastery. I don't know about it myself, so I'm interested to hear. [00:55:17] Speaker B: Well, when I was away on my. On my eight and a half year sabbatical. [00:55:22] Speaker A: Sabbatical? Yeah. [00:55:23] Speaker B: You were on a sabbatical in federal prison. There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. So after about two years, so many people there started asking me, can you please share with us what you know? I was in the brotherhood. And in the Brotherhood, there's very specific training on how to use your mind to manipulate matter and how to exteriorize from the body, how to become a remote viewer. There's all these metaphysical things that are taught in the brotherhood to people that have certain abilities so I went through all this training in the brotherhood. I had to pay my uncle, which was my mentor. We call him your uncle. Most of them were men. There were some aunts, but most men. And I paid millions of dollars for this training. And this is what allowed me to be, be almost superhuman with my ability to control the brain. And neuroscientists know this. They put things on my head and I can control all the brainwave frequencies at will, which they said it's almost impossible. And then in other rooms, they'll have me sit. And the amount of photons that my body emanates is like a thousand times or 30,000 times more than the average person. And when they bring in an enlightened spiritual master, it's the same. So the amount of photons that come out, and that was through the training. So while I was away, I actually decided to take all those training modules, those lessons that I learned, and write it down. I have, it's about this thick. There's 100 lessons, 100 lessons called the science of personal mastery course. It's how to have complete personal mastery over your mind, your thoughts, and so how you can have complete control over matter. And I wrote those down in 100 lessons. And that's what the science of personal mastery course is. It's not easy to go through. You read a lesson and there are some processes you have to do, and it says, for the next five days, for five minutes in the morning, do this, and for five minutes at night, do this. Sometimes you just read the lesson and it's a short lesson. Sometimes you get to a lesson, it says, good, go back and read. Now the last ten lessons. You don't have to do the processes, but read it again in a new unit of time. And there's a whole series of lessons on self image, which is so radical and magical in how it changes your whole inner gyroscope, changes everything in your life. There's 22 lessons called the money lessons, which is all the stuff that you'll never hear about when it comes to making money, ever. And people who've read it go, I mean, I've had guys who top trainers with Tony Robbins, top people in the world in terms of knowing everything about money manifestation, money manifesting, and they read those and go, I've never heard any of that in my life. So that's kind of, it's an extension. [00:58:20] Speaker A: Of your wishes, your command. It sounds like in a lot of. [00:58:23] Speaker B: Ways, that's exactly what it is. Your wishes, your command is an audio program, and it's where everybody starts, and then they can decide where they want to go. And there's some people who've just done the year wishes, your command program. And five years later, matter of fact, I was on a Zoom call yesterday, and he goes, I haven't done any of your training except your wishes, your command. And he goes, let me tell you something. I started off making 30 grand a year. When I went through it, he goes, now, last year, I made 3.5 million, and it's all because of your wishes or command. I had another guy tell me, I use these techniques. Get this. I deposited 11 million. I think it's $264,000 in my accounts since September of 2022 to September 2024. In just a two year period of time, this guy said he deposited, and he goes, and it's sworn on by my CPA, over $11 million into his bank accounts. And he said, it's because of your training and what you teach that nobody else has taught. [00:59:21] Speaker A: Well, I'll second that. It never gets old. Kevin Trudeau. So thanks for sharing with our audience. There's much more I'd like to talk about, but we're out of time. Tell our audience one more time we're to find your work. [00:59:31] Speaker B: You can go to yourwishisyourcommand.com, yourwish isyourcommand.com for information on that program. Or you can go to kevintrudeau.com. and I have all the websites there, the fan club website and different things that you can get for free. There's free training. Kevintradeau.com dot. [00:59:52] Speaker A: Kevin, thanks for joining us. We'll have you back again, I hope. [00:59:55] Speaker B: My pleasure. [00:59:56] Speaker A: If you ever need a proxy for infomercials or direct response tv, give me a call. [01:00:01] Speaker B: Okay, sounds good. Great to have. Great to be here. I appreciate you having me on the show. [01:00:05] Speaker A: Thank you, Kevin.

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