Episode 48

September 16, 2024


How You're Being Systematically Poisoned & How To Stop It! | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 48

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau pulls back the curtain on the Food, Pharmaceutical, Research and Government agencies and exposes how they conspire to keep you sick and make them money. Kevin shares 1st hand knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors. Kevin also gives you solutions for you to take control of your life and financial situation and much MUCH MORE!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 2:16 Pre-planned diseases?!
  • 3:46 Are you eating yoga mats and shoe soles? (Is it in your bread?)
  • 9:51 The mind is what you should cultivate. #placeboeffect
  • 13:00 Drugs are the problem. People die from drugs
  • 15:30 Fake Studies #cancerstudies
  • 19:37 Can Manuka honey cure cancer?!
  • 23:53 Attention all pot smokers!
  • 28:05 Kids became ‘Possessed by the devil’ when they did this experiment
  • 31:05 How to make money #moneyprocesses


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com




  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #kevintrudeaushow #foodindustry #bigpharma #drugindustry

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:06] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:22] Hey, everybody, Kevin Trudeau here. Everything they don't want you to know about, believe me, they don't want you to know what I'm going to be talking about today. I'm still free. [00:00:31] We'll see what happens this week. If you didn't watch last week's show, I gave you a complete update on the legal scene. We're waiting for the judge to make some big, huge, major ruling. I could be saying goodbye. [00:00:44] I could be going away for a while. Maybe. Maybe not. If you help, you'll keep me free. [00:00:51] I'm going to share with you something about making money later, but I'm going to start with the Kevin was right file because I'm starting with natural health expert Kevin Trudeau. And this is the major reason? Well, it's not the major reason, but it's one of the reasons why the government's trying to shut me up. I'm exposing stuff that they don't want you to know in 2014. [00:01:18] Well, first off, in my book, Natural Cures, they don't want you to know about, which came out in 2005. And I have a brand new edition coming out next year if I'm free. [00:01:29] They don't. They do not want this book published, man. I mean, I know because I got the insiders and they are going crazy. They go, Trudeau just won't shut up. He won't stop telling people the truth. God damn him. [00:01:48] He's blowing the lid off stuff. So I talked about how in America you can't eat bread. [00:01:56] They have these dough conditioners. They have all these ingredients that are put into the food that are not even listed on the label. [00:02:03] They do things to the food, but more importantly, they do things to you. They make you gassy and bloaty. They make you gain weight. They make you depressed. They give you all types of illnesses. And the food companies work together with the drug companies. [00:02:17] This is how the deal works. Because the same people that own the stock in the food companies own stock in the pharmaceutical companies and the same people who are on the board of directors of the food companies, the big conglomerates, are also on the board of directors of the pharmaceutical companies, and they work together. And here's how it works. And I know because I've been in the meetings, it works like, okay, food company, we're going to put ingredients in our food, we know that these ingredients are going to cause these health problems. So once we start putting it in as a food additive, within five to ten years, we're going to have millions of people, tens of millions of people, with all of these issues, health issues. [00:03:02] So start working on the drugs now and get them approved, because we're going to tell you the health conditions like restless leg syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, they're gonna come ten years from now. So get the drugs in development, get them approved. [00:03:24] You wouldn't do that because there's not enough market for it. But you know that the market's coming because we're creating it by putting the poisons in the food. That's how it works. That's why when people have all these health problems, miraculously, the drug companies were psychic. They knew exactly what drugs to start working on ten years earlier. Because it's a pre planned disease. [00:03:47] One of the ingredients that are in food is something I can't even pronounce, called azodicarbonate amide. [00:03:58] I butchered that. I'm sure that's not how you pronounce it, but it's an ingredient that is used in yoga mats and in shoe soles. [00:04:13] So this is an ingredient that's put in yoga mats, you know, like rubber yoga mats, and also in your rubber soles of shoes. [00:04:21] It's also put in subway bread. [00:04:25] This is back in 2014. The ingredient is shown to produce asthma in multiple health studies, as well as produce a whole host of other health problems. It's known as a food, as a flour conditioner or dough conditioner. So it's put in flour into bread. It's designed to make the bread spongy and also make it less crumbs, so that there's less crumbs in the subway. So you don't have as many ants and rodents and things like that. But it causes all types of health problems. [00:05:08] The FDA says, well, the ingredient is certainly toxic, but it can be used safely if it's in small amounts. [00:05:17] It's in over 500 foods today. I think subway took it out because of a big uproar. But here's an article, NPR, it says almost 500 foods contain the yoga mat compound. [00:05:31] Should we care? [00:05:34] And it's in nature's own 100% whole wheat bread. See, it's in all these breads, all these food conditioners, dough conditioners, and they're toxic. What you should know about the yoga mat chemical, that's subway. This is back in 2021. [00:05:51] Long article about subway's fresh food is mostly frozen. I mean, this just goes on to talk about how they just lie and lie and lie. This goes into Kevin was right file. The point is, what am I right about? I'm right about that. In America and all over the world, major food companies, fast food companies, lie, lie, lie to you. Their food is toxic and poison and causing you all types of health problems. [00:06:17] If you have health problems and you're eating at Subway and Wendy's and Burger King and Taco Bell, look, they lie to you. You have professional athletes eating subways. They're not eating subway when they're training to win the Super bowl. [00:06:34] You have Olympic athletes doing commercials for McDonald's. These people, these are. These Olympic athletes should be slapped around. They just. They're scum of the earth. They're taking the money. They're lying to you. I'm an Olympic athlete, and I love my McDonald's Big Mac. No, you don't. [00:06:57] But it works because you are so stupid. You go buy it, huh? [00:07:09] That's okay. [00:07:11] Kevin was right. [00:07:13] Bread in America is poison. [00:07:18] I talked about this before in previous shows about how they use wheatley. That's high gluten, hard wheat, not soft. They don't let it ferment properly. It causes all these type of gluten reactions. If you go to Italy and you get italian bread or France, where the bread, you buy it fresh in the morning, it gets hard by the afternoon. There's no conditioners in there. [00:07:40] It doesn't cause the health problems. That bread in America, if you buy a loaf of bread and it lasts more than two days without getting hard as a rock or moldy, there's something wrong with it. It's got chemicals in there that aren't on the label. And it could have the yoga mat chemical that they use to make yoga mats and also soles of shoes. [00:08:02] And it's in your subway bread, and I guarantee it's in McDonald's. And I don't know for sure, but it's in probably all this stuff. Wonder bread and Pillsbury. Okay? Pillsbury. The Pillsbury doughboy. You want to look like the Pillsbury doughboy? [00:08:18] Yeah. You want to eat wonder bread? It's a wonder anybody would eat wonder bread. [00:08:23] It's got chemicals. Poison. Poison. Poisons in it. [00:08:27] Then you come up to me, I'm sick. What should I do? [00:08:32] It's like the guy who comes up to me and he says, every time I hit my foot with a hammer, it hurts. What's the cure? [00:08:44] I don't know. [00:08:48] Look, people come up to me all the time, and they get all these illnesses like I'm a magician or something. I go, look, do you. What did you have for lunch? [00:08:59] A subway sandwich? [00:09:02] You know, I can't help you. You're gonna. You're going to be sick. You're putting poisons and toxins in your body every day. Are you taking pharmaceutical drugs? [00:09:15] You're putting toxins in your body. Are you drinking Coca Cola? Are you drinking diet soda? Are you drinking this carbonated drink? You're putting toxins in your body. Are you drinking. Guys, I got this health. I'm eating this health drink, Celsius. Look at the chemicals in there. They're poison. Poison, poison, poison. Poison. You're being misled. You're susceptible to the advertising. You're a sucker. You're falling into it, and the body is responding. [00:09:44] I don't know what to tell you. All right. Kevin was right. Incredible. Placebo study shows fake pills reduce stress more than the actual stuff. This shows, again, the placebo effect. And this study here, there's thousands of placebo studies, and what the placebo study does is it shows that the mind changes the physiology in the body more so than the actual biochemical pill that you'll take. [00:10:13] The mind is what you should cultivate. All the training that I produce, whether it's in the guru Kev lessons, whether it's in the science of personal master course, whether it's on the Zoom calls I do for the partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, whether it's in the success mastery course produced by the global information network that I wrote, all the training people who are gold partners. When I do the energy work, it's all designed to train the mind. And the mind can then create in your world anything and everything you desire, including the physiology. Kevin was right file. The mind is more powerful than biology. [00:10:52] Here's Kevin was right file. One of the craziest CT scans ever, us doctor reveals disturbing effects of pork in the body. This shows in the book natural cures. They don't want you to know about it. I talk about stay away from pork, primarily because it's an animal, and the meat doesn't really do well in the body. There's ct scans now that prove that everything I said is correct, that when you eat pork, most pork, especially undercooked pork, gets in the body. And what it does to the body is mind blowing. Us doctors get, when they look at the CT scans, they can't believe it. And it goes on to show, it says that there's all this. The photo was posted. [00:11:34] The scan says parasite infections in the patient's leg. [00:11:40] Parasites are all over the place. [00:11:44] By eating pork. [00:11:46] Okay, Kevin was right. Bile. [00:11:49] Eat your salt, eat your pork, and don't complain about being sick. Kevin was right. Vile. Big farmer traded principles for profits. [00:11:59] Hype fears and exaggerated supposed benefits of their drugs. This article goes on to basically talk about how the US, well, not the US, but the major pharmaceutical companies, hype hype hype fears. They get you afraid of diseases that you don't even have or symptoms you don't even have, and then exaggerate the benefits of their particular drugs without talking about all of the negative side effects, which are far outweigh any minor benefits you might get. [00:12:36] This is a very, very solid article, which you'll never see. Bottom line, most drugs are terrible for you. [00:12:49] The fact is, more people die by taking pharmaceutical drugs than from the diseases they're being used to treat. [00:12:59] This is not a statement made by Kevin Trudeau. I am repeating a statement made by the American Medical Association. I believe it came out where they said, they said, they said. [00:13:12] The actual researchers themselves say that drugs kill more people. Taking a drug kills more people than the diseases those drugs are being used to treat. This is shocking, but it's true because you're not gonna die from eczema, but you are gonna die, some people from taking the drug that treats eczema. You're not gonna die from rheumatoid arthritis, but people do die from taking the drug that treats rheumatoid arthritis. You're not gonna die from a migraine headache, but people do die from taking a drug to treat the migraine headache. You understand? [00:13:49] Drugs are the problem. That's why they want to put me back in prison. I'm exposing what the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about. [00:14:00] Next, Acadia Healthcare is holding people against their will to maximize insurance payouts. [00:14:09] Acadia Healthcare is one of the largest chains of psychiatric hospitals in the United States. And this is great. This is unbelievable. But this is absolutely. This is one flew over the cuckoo's nest, right, of that movie, one flew over the cuckoo's nest. This is beautiful. This is the best business model in the world. We get some wacky person who's a little bit, you know, mentally unstable. [00:14:31] They get taken into custody, like they're going to try to do with me on Friday. Taken into custody, and they get put into a psychiatric warden. Once you're in the psychiatric ward, most people don't know this. [00:14:46] You can't get out. It's like Hotel California. You can check in, but you can't check out. [00:14:53] So this healthcare, this is a great business. It's like, oh, the guy checks in for a little psychiatric evaluation. It's like, well, we ain't letting the guy leave. We're going to keep him here, pump him full of drugs, keep charging his insurance company until we milk it for every penny they get. We're just keeping the person here. We'll do electric shock therapy. We'll do all types of stuff. [00:15:15] I mean, this is a long, long article here. This is scary stuff. But this goes into Kevin was right file. I promoted the book, the ultimate betrayal. Talked about that. Kevin was right file. [00:15:30] Next, the far reaching ripple effects of the discredited cancer study. A flawed study attracted grants in the tens of millions. Investments and other researchers who based new work on the faulty findings. This goes on to talk about how a cancer study was basically fake. [00:15:51] I said this in the book, Natural Cures, that most studies that the drug companies put out are false. They're misleading. They're fake. They're faked studies. And I showed you researchers from Harvard University that got convicted of falsifying the data and the records. There was a movie called the Fugitive. It was about this one specific thing about a guy who was falsifying the research on a liver drug, provacic. I think it was the fictionalized drug in the movie, and the other doctor found out about it, and he was trying to get you. They tried to kill him. That's. Let me tell you something. You watched the fugitive with Harrison Ford, and it is a fictionalized account of a true story. [00:16:42] It's how it works when you're talking billions of dollars. Oh, what's killing a couple people? [00:16:49] Nothing. [00:16:51] It happens. It's real. The drug companies will try to. [00:16:56] I know when somebody is saying something against the drug companies or somebody in power, your life is at risk all across the world. [00:17:09] And this is another example. Kevin was right. Kevin was right again. Kevin was right again. Studies that come out are faked. There are researchers by the dozens who have been arrested and prosecuted for producing fake studies which got drugs approved, by the way. And those drugs still are approved, even though they're approved based on fake studies. Falsified data paid. Researchers paid off, bribed to produce false studies. [00:17:42] Grants are given based on false studies. It's all about the money. [00:17:48] Ella McPherson says she was diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago and refused chemotherapy. Oh, she's alive and well and cancer free. [00:17:57] How is that possible? I mean, you have cancer. You need chemotherapy. The doctors say, so Kevin was right. [00:18:09] Chemotherapy. You know, here's the beautiful thing. [00:18:12] Person has cancer. Listen, you're scared. You don't know what to do. I get it. So you go to a doctor, and the doctor says, you need chemo. [00:18:20] You're scared. You don't know what to do. And the doctor scared you even more. Says, if you don't do chemo, you're going to die. You got to do the chemo. So you don't know. So you take the chemo, and then you die three weeks into the treatment, and you know what the doctors say? They say, we did everything we could. [00:18:39] We tried everything we could, but we couldn't save the patient. [00:18:45] What they should say is, the chemo killed the patient. But they don't say that. They say, we tried. We gave the chemo, we gave the radiation, we did everything, and it just, we couldn't save them. [00:18:58] But what really happened, but they refused to tell you, is they won't say the treatment killed the patient. Now, if that same patient said, no, I'm not going to take the chemo, I'm going to do some natural therapy, and three weeks later, the patient died. The medical community would say, we want to arrest everybody because they didn't do the chemo and the natural treatment killed the patient. [00:19:26] Do you see how that works? It's all about making sure that the drug companies and the pharmaceutical companies and the biotech companies keep the monopoly on all the money. [00:19:35] Kevin was right. File honey might have an unexpected effect on this common type of cancer. This article talks about how honey non patentable. [00:19:47] And I wrote this in my book, Natural Cures. What kind of honey? [00:19:52] Manuka honey. [00:19:55] Manuka honey affects cancer cells. It's a very specific kind of honey from New Zealand. And I'll tell you a funny story about manuka honey. I was at a cigar lounge, and I went in, and I got a cigar, and I was gonna clip the cigar and had this fancy cigar clipper. And I put the cigar in, and my thumb went in one of the holes, the cigar went in the other. And when I pulled the lever to clip the cigar, it clipped the cigar and also clipped off a pop part of my thumb, and blood went everywhere. And I'm like, oh, my God. So I immediately grabbed some rags, and it's just blood everywhere. I made big chunk of my thumb, and I think I chopped my thumb off. I'm devastated. Oh, my God. So I hop in my car, I rush to the emergency room. I go, I'm bleeding. I think I'm gonna die. I'm bleeding. [00:20:44] Come on in. Come on in. So the doctor is like, I don't want to look. Is my thumb still there? The doctor's. Yeah, you're okay. You're okay. It's really, am I gonna lose the thumb? No, you're okay, sir. You're okay. But it's bleeding. It's okay. [00:20:59] So you have to stitch it. She goes, well, there's nothing to stitch. You got a big chunk of, like, a big v cut. So I can't stitch it, but I have to put it together. So she cleans it up and does her thing. And she's a medical doctor. Surgeon, very professional. [00:21:14] And I'm like, oh, no, you know what? I can never be a doctor. I don't like blood. [00:21:19] She says, okay, when you go home, I want you to redress this every day and put some bacitracin or neosporin on it. [00:21:29] I said, let me ask you a question. I said, I've read some research that manuka honey actually will heal a wound faster, like three or four or five times faster. I mean, way faster than bacitration or neosporin. She looks around, and she says, I can't tell you that. She goes, but you're right. [00:21:53] She goes, I would use the manuka honey. I go, wait a minute. Well, how come you didn't tell me that to start? She goes, I'm a medical doctor. I don't want to lose my license. I can't tell you to use mohanuka honey. I have to tell you to use bacitracin or neosporin. But what you just said is correct. The manuka honey will heal it five times faster. Just put a little manuka honey on every day. It will be fine. In, like, three or four days instead of like, three, four weeks. I'm like, no, really? Yeah. Which is I did. So a week later, I went back in to see her. I goes, can you check on it? She goes, it's completely healed. She goes, see, you used a manuka honey, right? Because it would never have been healed if you use bacitracin or neosporin. Kevin was right. File. But it also was very good for certain types of cancers. [00:22:39] Kevin was right, file again. Marketing firm admits using your own phone to listen in on your conversations. I said this 15 years ago on the Kevin Trudeau show, that if you have a cell phone, which I have right here, okay, if you have a cell phone and it's on, everything's being recorded. The NSA in America, the national security Agency is recording it. The phone company is getting it. Marketing firms are getting it. Everything's being recorded. [00:23:13] 100%. 100% being recorded. [00:23:17] There's no privacy. If you have one of those alexas in your house, you're being recorded 24/7 if you have your phone on at night, everything that goes on in the bedroom is being recorded. Your sexual. Ha. Seriously, I mean, if you have any sexual fetishes or anything, whatever you say in there, it's being recorded. And now, look, we knew this years ago because the NSA admitted that they have it all, but. Oh, but we're not going to use it against anybody. No, no, no. We're just. We're looking for terrorists. We wouldn't do anything. Of course not. All right, this goes into Kevin was right file. Cannabis use linked to epigenetic changes. [00:23:53] Hey, all pot smokers, I am not judging you. I am not critical of you. I am not telling you, don't smoke pot. [00:24:01] Do smoke pot. I'm not saying anything. Do it. I believe in freedom, baby. Do what you want to do. Live your life. Live and let live, no problem. If you want to drink a bottle of scotch every night, as long as you don't hurt anybody, you're hurting yourself, but that's on you. I love you regardless. If you want to smoke dope every night, if you want to shoot up heroin every night, if you want to do mushrooms or this or that, I don't judge you, baby. I just love you. Unconditional, just pure love. If you ask me a question, Kevin, do you think there's anything wrong with smoking pot? Are you asking me? [00:24:41] Well, I mean, for your health, it's probably better not to smoke it. For your enlightenment. If you want to get there, you're not going to get there by smoking. [00:24:49] But if, you know, maybe you just need to, because you're in so much pain. I don't know, maybe you're trying to hide something. Look, I'm not judging you. But this shows, this study shows, and more and more keeps coming out, that marijuana use affects the DNA, it affects the epigenetics, it affects your DNA, which means your progeny, the children that you have, are also going to be adversely affected. It's incredibly negative. [00:25:14] Everybody says, oh, there's nothing wrong. Look, when you drink alcohol, the liver metabolizes, it comes out. [00:25:24] Is it better not to drink alcohol? Well, there's an argument, you know, maybe it's better not to drink it for health and so forth, but if you drink it, it least gets metabolized by the liver. If you're smoking marijuana, it's staying in the fatty tissue, it's affecting the DNA, it's affecting your brain, it's affecting your cognitive ability, it's lowering your vibration. There's no long term benefits of smoking marijuana at all, only negative, negative, negative, negative, negative. [00:25:52] But maybe you enjoy it and you're trying to hide something. You're trying to mask something, you're trying to avoid some pain. Look, I'm not judging you, but at least be honest with yourself. And saying, look, I know this is causing biological damage to my DNA. It's making my cognitive ability slow. It's limiting my ability to reach high states of awareness and higher states of consciousness. If you at least understand it, but you still want to do it, no problem. But don't be delusional. [00:26:25] On this show, I talked about ultra processed foods and some of the articles that have come out about showing the research. [00:26:32] Some idiot journalist said, yeah, here's all the research. Ultra processed foods causes cancer, and depression, and weight loss, and hypertension and bad sleep and all types of problems leads to dementia, hair loss, skin problems, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, on and on, ultra processed foods. And now the food industry went crazy. And so now there's a new one. Why one dietitian is speaking up for ultra processed foods. No, no, no. Ultra processed foods are good for you. [00:27:12] This is great. Eat the key. [00:27:15] Eat the froot loops. [00:27:18] Kevin was right. I mean, and what am I right about? I'm right about that. [00:27:24] They don't want you to know the truth and they are lying to you all the time. [00:27:32] One article came out that accidentally got published by some naive rookie journalist. And then the machine got in and said, no, no, no. We have to convince people that ultra processed food is actually good for them. We just lie. [00:27:48] This goes into Kevin Williams Wright file. California could ban additives found in flaming hot Cheetos, Twinkies. [00:27:56] And this goes on to talk about. California. Lawmakers have voted to ban food additives because they're linked to behavioral issues in kids. [00:28:06] This goes into Kevin was right file. You know, we got that video. I'm going to show that later, not today, but I have a video that was produced like 20 years ago where you had all these children and the children were perfectly fine. They're sitting there going, yeah, everything's cool. Said, listen, we're going to give you one little drop of corn extract and we're gonna put it under your tongue. And is that okay? Sure, yeah, one drop. And within virtually a few seconds, the kid's going, ah. [00:28:35] And then the next kid. How are you? I'm fine. Everything okay? Yeah. Cool. [00:28:40] All right. And they show the kid for like, 20 minutes, he's perfectly okay. We're gonna put one drop of red dye number five under your tongue. Is that okay? Sure. Go ahead. Go. And then two minutes later, it's like. [00:28:52] It is unbelievable. One after the other after the other. [00:28:57] American wheat, corn, some of the food dyes. And you see these kids become possessed by the devil. [00:29:05] And this article proves it again. The chemicals and the food additives in the food are causing kids to be possessed by the devil. And then guess what? [00:29:19] Guess what? Oh, the kid has attention deficit disorder. Let's give him Ritalin or Adderall. Let's get him on some drugs so that the school will say, oh, it's time for the. It's time for your meds, kids. [00:29:36] Welcome. All right. Kevin was right, file. Germany risks EU chain reaction with new border checks. [00:29:44] Germany is out of control now because they let all these illegal immigrants come in, and the Muslims are stabbing everybody, and there's all these violent attacks. So Germany says, wait a minute, we actually. We have to control the borders now. We actually have to make sure that we have to check who's coming into our country. No kidding. [00:30:06] And this goes on to talk about how immigration around the world is just causing nothing but massive issues and problems and one thing after the other. So that goes into Kevin was right file. And I just touched on some of those. I could spend a whole show on each one of these articles, which I'm not going to do today, but we have some more shows coming up before I may go away. [00:30:31] Okay. So I want to give you something here that's really special and important because people have been asking, as you know, I'm waiting for a big ruling coming from the court. I'm in court this Friday. Nobody knows what it's all about. Judge wanted me there. That's when he orders the defendant to be there. That's always a wonder, what's Allah? Usually it's just that, just the lawyers can show up. [00:30:57] But when he says, now, I want the defendant there, I don't know. It's going to be interesting. [00:31:02] So things will be interesting. This happened. But I am getting a big question, and the question is, we've had people go through the money processes, and as you know, I talked about before that if a person wants to make money, most people have a hard time making money because they have energetic blocks. You can take any course you want on how to get rich, how to buy real estate with nobody down. How to make money in cryptocurrency. You may try network marketing. How to make money online, how to make money in copywriting, how to make money trading forex, how to make money in the stock market, how to make money in a franchise, how to make money investing this and that. Startups, ipos, all these different methods of making money. And most people just struggle with income and making money. They always feel like they're swimming upstream. They can't start, and if they start, they can't finish. If they try, they always seem to self sabotage themselves. Things go against them. It feels like there's a black cloud over their head. This could be probably you. You feel like things are going against you. And I explained that rich people have less of the energetic blocks that are going against them. The counterintention. People that are poor have all these counterintentions. It's in their DNA from their ancestors and also from their own experience in this life and previous lives. When these are cleared or transmuted, then a person is free to manifest what he wants. And it's like the windows of heaven open. [00:32:31] I just got an email, and the email said, I went through the money processes. [00:32:40] From September 11, 2022 to September 11, 2024. I deposited into my account $11,202,298.49, verified by a letter from the accountant. [00:32:59] In two years, because of the money processes, this person said they deposited into their account $11,202,298.49. In just two years. [00:33:13] And previous two years, they deposited almost nothing into their account. Almost zero, less than $20,000. [00:33:22] So in two years, previous 20,000, from that zero to 11 million in two years because of the money processes, I got a stack of emails that came in and I'm just, I can't read them all. I'm not going to have enough time, but this is what I'm hearing. I'm a 75 year old retiree. I've been trading stock options for several years to provide additional income. I consistently made between $1,000 and $1,500 per week. However, I placed my trade as usual the day before departing to attend the money processes. These trades were placed on the same stocks as always. After returning home, I found my trades over the three day weekend had netted me $14,000. [00:34:11] What's up with that? [00:34:14] As we were flying home, here's another one. As we were flying home, our daughter notified us that she received two notifications from college that she was accepted and both offered completely unexpected scholarships. One totaled 122,000 and the other 156 thousand. [00:34:29] So they made $122,000 after the money processes. Since I completed the money processes, I realized I've already made back ten times the price of the course. I did all three days. [00:34:42] So they paid for all three days, and they made ten times that after they completed. This is just the beginning. [00:34:52] I've relocated to a global money center with my family. I've been offered an amazing CEO position. [00:34:58] My health has improved. My relationships have deepened. [00:35:02] Unbelievable ROI. The money process has definitely changed things. I'm a sales consultant for Honda, and I just manifested $5,000 and a few hours on one deal. This is my first time ever doing this. The money processes are powerful. Thank you, Kevin, for giving me this opportunity, unleashing our powers. [00:35:18] Next. Today I received notice I will be receiving a check for $23,000. But an interesting thing happened. I had no emotional state change. I felt perfect. [00:35:29] So they went through the money processes money. But they're just in this state of perfect equanimity. [00:35:35] I think the money processes will someday go down as one of the most profound three day courses in history. [00:35:42] I just completed day two of the money processes. All I can say is, wow. [00:35:47] Next, day three was the most powerful yet. I felt myself getting lighter. My thinking was more focused. My triggers and fears around money are gone. I am scanning for them in my mind, and they are not there. [00:35:59] Kevin, in three days, you have given me more than I received in two years at Yale University's MBA program. [00:36:05] And for a lot less money. [00:36:08] This person went to two years at Yale University's MBA program, and they said the three day money processes gave them more than the two year MBA at Yale. [00:36:19] My wife's business has already received new orders. [00:36:26] I have a business with hundreds of people who own bitcoin ATM's. Many of them have been slow to pick up and generate revenue. I just got a message from a client that said that their machine has not been used by anyone in four months. And then on day two of the money process, for the first time in four months, somebody bought $7,400 worth of products from their machine. Incredible. [00:36:47] This is by far the best training I've ever taken or even thought about. It feels like I am walking on the moon. Truly life changing. I've gone through twelve days of the global information network, level eight training, level seven, level six, and now the first day of the money process. And this is the first time that I've ever had one day clear all my energy, and at the same time, all concerns about money. There is no way to explain the way I feel. It is wonderful. Best investment opportunity of a lifetime. [00:37:16] So if again, these comments, I could read them on and on and on. I just got one after the other. The money process had me literally walking into walls. [00:37:32] The best, most impactful event I've ever been to. [00:37:36] I did everything you said and now I paid off both car loans within three months. [00:37:47] I finally managed to pay off my credit card debt thanks to the money processes. This credit card debt was with me for over ten years and no matter what I tried in the past, I couldn't seem to pay it off. Since the money processes, I have been able to change my vibration to attract the manifesto funds necessary to pay off the funds swiftly. [00:38:08] Today I just got a $1,000 check in the mail out of the blue for no reason. [00:38:13] I am speechless, astonished and amazed. [00:38:17] I just feel powerful. I'm blessed and lucky. I'm happy. I'm transformed. I'm excited. I am powerful. I'm in alignment. I am really, really serene, peaceful. [00:38:27] It goes on and on talking about the benefits of the money processes. Since doing the money processes, I was oh, okay. Since doing the money processes, I was advised my auntie had gifted me $33,333. [00:38:48] And to top it all off and further confirm the revelation of this spectacular work, I contacted my auntie to thank her and she advised me she actually had no intention of giving the money at this time, but she felt compelled to do so. [00:39:03] I believe the money processes made that happen. I would like to acknowledge Kevin for his absolutely amazing money processes. He is someone that actually delivers. [00:39:13] The way I am toward life is almost beyond words. [00:39:18] I can just read. There's just too many of them. Here's another fella here. [00:39:25] He went through the money processes. He had called me. He said he went through the money processes. When he got home, he went to the mailbox and there was a check in there for $40,000 he hadn't even expected. [00:39:36] Another fellow said that after the money processes, he got a call from a lawyer. He had sold the property years ago and did an owner financing on it, and the guy didn't pay him the last amount and he said he's never going to get the money. It's like $23,000 out of the blue. After the money processes, the lawyer said, he says, the guy wants to pay. You paid him the money. Another fellow said his business in the first six months of this year is already double or triple what it was all of last year. And that's because of the money processes. Then on top of that, he forgot to invoice somebody last year and he got a check in the mail for $90,000 that he wasn't expecting. Pure cash, pure profit, right in his pocket. [00:40:21] And he went through all three days of the money process is obviously a big difference. I've never in this lifetime experienced emotions this intensely before. [00:40:31] I don't know what to say. I'm blown away. [00:40:34] It has only been 6 hours, but I'm already a different perspective on my life. [00:40:41] I mean, these just go on and on. So here's the point. [00:40:46] If you are interested in improving your money situation, what are you waiting for? And look, there's two reasons why I'm bringing this up. [00:40:56] I'm in court on Friday. I need to give as much money as I can to the court or show how much money is coming in and basically advocate for myself and saying, look, there are supporters out there and we can get this debt paid off quickly. That's number one. And number two, what are you waiting for? [00:41:19] One process. If you can only afford one process, do it. Sell the tv if you have to. [00:41:26] Look, if you can come to Chicago, I take you to dinner, and if you can't afford coming to Chicago, we will send somebody to you and deliver the money processes to you in an area close to you. [00:41:41] You can get one process, you can get ten, or you can get all 30. [00:41:46] Get the money processes. If you're interested in making money, unless you remove this, it's going to be a struggle. It's going to be a struggle to make money. It's going to be a struggle to keep it. I was just in Beverly Hills with guys who make millions and millions of dollars every year, and I look into their field. They don't have these blocks. [00:42:09] They came from wealthy families. It's not in their DNA. And in some of them that came from unwealthy families. They blew these out through doing processes, either these exact ones or very similar, because they got around people that were very wealthy, that knew where the blocks were, and through a series of processes and techniques, these things were eliminated. This is one of the secrets that nobody wants to talk about when it comes to making money and developing wealth. If you want to earn money, this is something you need. I found it myself when I first went through these money processes back in the early seventies. I started in direct mail, and my direct mail wasn't working. I was working with my mentor in the brotherhood. I could see energy, I could move energy. I knew how to control my mind. I knew how to manifest things, but I felt like there was something going against me. My mother and father were poor people. They came from very poor lineages. They had a lot of counterintentions in their DNA, which was in my DNA, and in my lifetime and in my previous lives, there was a lot of counterintentions. I could feel it. [00:43:23] When my mentor told me to look, I could see the energies that were reversed. [00:43:28] He ran the first process on me, which I had to pay for big money. [00:43:33] Right after that, money just started pouring into my life. I had a direct mail piece that was failing. [00:43:41] After I did the money process, the first one, just one process. I then ran a direct mail piece, the exact same one I did three weeks previous that failed. [00:43:50] I tried it again. [00:43:52] All of a sudden, orders just started pouring in. I'm sitting here at my house with my mom and dad looking at me with tons of mail, opening them up, and I'm pulling out checks and cash, piles of it. Thousands of dollars a day. And this is in the early seventies. [00:44:09] This is when my dad was earning around $200 a week take home pay. And I get over $1,000 a day coming in from direct mail. And he's looking at me going, what are you doing? Is this illegal? I said, no, it's legal. It's honest, it's ethical. I'm delivering a very valuable product at a good price. It's really helping people, and look at the profit I'm making. [00:44:32] He goes, man, you're onto something. I don't know what you're doing. [00:44:37] And it got even bigger after that. These processes work, and they just didn't work for me. As you can see, this one guy, I mean, look at this one. In two years, $11,202,298.49. He deposited in his account, and the previous two years, it was less than 20,000. [00:44:59] I think that tells a tale right there. The money processes work. [00:45:04] All you have to do is send an email to moneyprocessesventventrudeau.com dot. Megan will send you an email back with the details. If you want to talk to her and ask questions, schedule the time when you want to come into Chicago. We do them every month. Or schedule a time when we will send someone to you. [00:45:23] Get the payment in right away. We take credit cards now as well. Ask Megan if you want to use a credit card. We can take a credit card. You can do a wire transfer, or you can mail in a check. Any payment option is available, we can take it. You will get the benefit. And this is going to be very significant. If this happens in the next couple days, I can then show the judge, look at the support people are giving me and it's going to make a big difference on my legal situation. It's going to help you. It's going to help me as well. So take advantage of that. I get a lot more to talk about on Wednesday. [00:45:55] I get some movie recommendations. I'm going to go through some more articles of what's happening. I may even have a legal update for you. So make sure you stay tuned. Make sure you like the show. Share the show with everybody. You can leave Comments subscribe check us out. We're on Rumble. We're on YouTube, Spotify and Apple podcasts. If you can subscribe to all of them, please do. Check out all of our social media. Really be part of our community. [00:46:20] It makes a big, big difference. Go to the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. Obviously, if you're not a partner, sign up as a partner. It makes a big difference. And I can tell you I will do the show as long as I can. If I don't have the support, the show will stop. We are going to be going to five days a week starting in October. God willing, if I'm still not incarcerated, the show could be off the air. We're really in this little tumultuous place here. It's about to. It could completely vanish or it could completely explode. And really, it all is up to you. If you want this show on the air, then you have to support the show. You support the show by becoming a partner in the fan club, getting the money processes, making a contribution to the fan club, going to that site, subscribing, sharing, leaving comments. If you don't support it, this is going to be gone in the next few weeks. If you do support it, then you're going to see a lot of me. And I think that's going to be good for you. Not going to affect my life, but it's going to affect yours. [00:47:25] I love you unconditionally, you know, without condition and without exception, without judgment, without criticism. Because as they say in the east, namaste, which means the divine light in me bows to that same divine light which is in you. We are one. So namaste. [00:47:50] See you on Wednesday, everybody. Bye bye. [00:48:00] Sadeena. Sadeena.

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