Episode 50

September 23, 2024


The Real Science Behind Political Campaigns & More… | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 50

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

Kevin Trudeau exposes the science behind political campaigns and how they are rigged to influence you to vote for the chosen politicians. Kevin shares new movie recommendations and parallels how 80% of people in Federal prison are innocent. He shares what questions you should ask yourself when choosing who to vote for and much more!
Kevin also takes some caller questions about money, the basic challenge of making money and what to do about it. One of the best episodes yet!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 1:52 Kevin Trudeau’s heinous crimes
  • 14:30 Movie recommendations
  • 25:30 Say this to get elected!
  • 38:40 Caller 1 Question: Do ‘Money Blocks' comeback once they are cleared?
  • 43:00 Caller 2 Question: I want to make money. What’s stopping me?
  • 48:30 Say this every day to make money


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com





  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #politics #money

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:04] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome. Welcome. Kevin Trudeau here live. I am here. Not someplace else. I am here. We have a phenomenal show today. I'm going to be giving you some amazing legal updates. I had a hearing this morning with the judge. I'll give you a legal update there. I'm also going to give you two movie recommendations today. And I might be taking some phone calls. I might be taking some phone calls. First off, if you're new to the show, thanks for joining us. This is a show that I share with you everything they don't want you to know about that's going to improve the quality of your life, standard of living and make you feel better. Better. I'm going to give you some eye opening, behind the scenes stuff. And if you notice my little plaque here today, it says, former insider. And I am just. In the last three weeks, I sat with a major guy in the CIA. We had many dinners and lunches together. And I was also with the founder and chairman of one of the largest. Actually, I think it's the second largest private equity firm in the world. If I mentioned the name, you would know it. And there's a lot of other people that I talked to. I was on the phone with somebody this morning who is one of the wealthiest guys in the western hemisphere, probably in the world, incredibly well connected. And when I say former insider, I'm kind of still. But as you know, the us government has been trying to silence people like me. And just not me. People all around the world, governments are trying to silence people who are using the Internet and using mass media communications to expose the secrets that they don't want you to know about. Because if you know it, then they lose their power and control. That's the bottom line. And this is happening all over the world. We know this. We absolutely know this. We see it now more so and clearer than ever before. My heinous crime was I wrote books that sold tens of millions of copies. And my original show, the Kevin Trudeau show, over a decade ago, allegedly had over 100 million listeners a week from around the world. My tv infomercials and the shows that. I was on television. I was on tv since 1989. Every day for a decade. I had more impressions than anyone, even more than Oprah when she was at the pinnacle of her career, even though I was doing infomercials. And buying the media, as opposed to being on a network. Tens of millions of people every day would see me around the world, and I would be exposing things. I remember when I made the heinous statement that said, drug companies are not here to help you, they're here to sell you drugs. And if a drug company's goal was to keep you healthy, they'd be out of business, because healthy people don't buy drugs. And I pointed out that drug companies, by the way, they do a lot of good things. There's good drugs that save lives. But drug companies are publicly traded companies, and the officers and directors of those companies have a fiduciary, which means a legal responsibility to increase shareholder value. And the only way they can do that is to get more people taking more drugs every single day for the rest of their life. They have to continue to get more people around the world consuming more drugs on a regular or daily or monthly basis. It's not to cure disease, and it's not to prevent disease. It's to sell drugs at the highest possible prices. And I said, there's a conflict of interest. And when I pointed that out, it was like the emperor's new clothes. I was saying something that everybody could see that was so obvious, but nobody dared talk about. And the proverbial crap hit the fan. And I got attacked, vilified in the media and by the government, and sued civilly and even put in prison for contempt of court. And I got the largest prison sentence in the history of America for contempt of court. Ten years for the non crime of contempt of court. It's not a felony. It's not a misdemeanor. It's called suri juritis, which I could be butchering the latin, but it means a thing of its own. That's the world we live in. But there's no dramas. I'm still here, and right now there's a lot going on. I had a hearing this morning with the judge. I can't tell you the details. I'm in negotiations with the Federal Trade Commission. We had two meetings last week. I can't tell you anything more than that. Its private. Its confidential. Theres legal ramifications to that. I cant share anything. Im not under a gag order. But its when you meet and confer, you have to keep everything secret and private, and you cant reveal it. Thats still going on. And I can tell you that when the judge made a ruling a week ago, he said that hes not going to put me in prison at this time. Because he thought that if I'm free, I can pay off the debt that they want me to pay faster, which is true. But he said I emphatically. That was the word that he said. It was either in bold or capitals or italics. I emphatically state that incarceration of Mister Trudeau is not off the table. And many of you have stepped up. You become partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. You've made contributions to the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. And I believe that that is turning the tide. I am back in court October 1 for another hearing. It's called a status hearing. And I believe one of the statuses is how many new people have joined the Kevin Trudeau fan club as a partner and how many people have made contributions and what the amount of the contributions have been in the last few weeks. So between today and October 1, seven days, one week between today and October 1, if I can get a huge amount of people who have never made a contribution to the fan club, to make a contribution of any amount, the number of new people is going to make a big difference. Secondly, the amount of contributions to the fan club that come in between today and a week from now is going to make a huge difference. Those two factors are going to make a big difference. And the third factor is, if you are a partner, the number of people who upgrade their partnership level is going to make a huge difference. Because remember, all that money, not a penny, goes to me. It's going to go to the Federal Trade commission to pay the debt. And if there's a huge increase in the next seven days, I think we're going to get some good news on October 1. Things are looking good. I can't share anything more. But all I can tell you is your prayers, your thoughts, your positive vibrations, your support, your financial contributions to the Kevin Trudeau fan club, all the new people that have become partners, and all of you partners who made the decision to upgrade, it's making a difference. And the plan, unless I'm taken into custody, the plan is starting October 1, we're going to be going five days a week here, both on YouTube, on Rumble, on Spotify, on Apple Podcast, and maybe some other platforms as well. So we'll be going to five days a week doing this show. We'll also start the Sunday spiritual show. You can call it Sunday Church, but it's non denominational. It's not christian based. It'll be talking about the Bible, the Quran, the Mahabharata, which is from the indian tradition, the Ramayama, which in the Ramayama is the bhagavad gita, the Zohar, which is in the jewish mysticism tradition, Kabbalah. There'll be a whole host of things, and I'll be talking about the spiritual nature of man, using those spiritual texts as a guide to show you that there's a lot more in common with all the world's religions than there are disagreements. And we'll kind of go above that. So it'll be an eye opening Sunday spiritual show, sharing you the scriptural historical data that can improve the quality of your life and increase your awareness and consciousness, bringing you greater peace, joy, and happiness. I'm sure that's something you like. Yes, of course. Fantastic. So that's good. And on our show Monday through Friday, I will be exposing things that they don't want you to know about, about health, about nutrition, about a whole host of topics. So it's going to be spectacular. The show is growing, growing little by little. Every single day we have more people subscribing and more views are going up on a regular basis. Month to month. We have the number of views on all of our platforms are going up. So we're making some progress. We haven't gone viral yet. We haven't gone back to the numbers that we had back when I had the show. Over a decade ago, 100 million people were viewing the show, allegedly every single week from around the world. But we could potentially get there. And remember, I don't get paid for this. The money that comes in and from any source goes into the fan club account, and after the expenses, it goes to pay the Federal Trade Commission. So it's, I'm not doing this for my health. I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this because it's a mission and a purpose to help you. So if you want me to continue, please go to kevintrodeaufanclub.com. make a contribution of any amount. If you're not a partner, become a partner. Now, for those of you who are our partners, or if you become a partner this Saturday, and I do this every month, this Saturday, I'm going to be doing a live Zoom call for my house. So I'm in my office in my house, and I have a live Zoom broadcast for partners only. And that can go anywhere from an hour and a half up to 3 hours. I think I did one that was 4 hours. And I answer your questions, and I get into in depth information that I don't share anywhere else because it's a private, it's not public, it's private. So I have a lot more freedom, as you know, on various social media platforms like YouTube and so forth. I can't say things because if I do, we get banned. Censorship is alive and well. But on the partner zooms, I can say anything because it's private. There's nobody to ban me. It's a partner Zoom call. If you want to get on those monthly calls, become a partner. You can become a partner for as little as $25 a month and you get access to the monthly calls. Then you can go to the website and we have what's called the partner area of the website, and I have all the previous partner calls there. And we're in the process of having them edited and broken down where we have the question and the answer. So you can search for a particular subject. Let's say you want relationships or sex or marijuana or aliens or Area 51 or the CIA or whatever. You can pick a subject and it'll show you all of the questions on that subject. So you can save time and then just listen or watch the question and answer on that particular subject. It's a spectacular resource that is really worth unbelievable amounts of money. And in the future, I'm going to raise the prices on all this. Once this FTC thing is behind me, I'll be raising the prices because all the people that I know in the personal development industry tell me I'm giving it all away. It's just too. And they're upset because they're selling things for 100 times more and they're giving a lot less and they're going, you're making me look bad, KT. You have to charge more. We don't do price fixing in our industry, but we kind of do price fixing in our industry. And you're undercutting everybody by giving everything away for free. Well, I'm in a kind of a unique situation here. I want to help you. I don't need the money. I'm not taking the money. It's going to the Federal Trade commission to pay the debt. So I can get that behind me. So if you're not a partner, go to kevintrodofanclub.com. you can read it all about it and become a partner. This Saturday is going to be a spectacular partner call. I'm going to cover a whole bunch of items. I got tons of questions from partners coming in. I'm going to be answering every single one of them. And I get into stuff that I just am not allowed to talk about on this show or any social media platform, because then somebody will take it, edit it out of context and use it against us. They'd use it against me. They use it against Russell Brand. They use it against Joe Rogan. They use it against all these guys. So the Zoom call is special. And for only $25 a month, you're doing a great thing to help me, and you're getting a great value. So consider that any one time contributions you can make do that as well. All right. Before I get into some other things, I do want to change my little name plaque here from former Insider to movie critic. For those of you who are new on the show, I give some movie reviews once in a while because there are some movies out there that really educate you. If you're looking, and this is the list of recommendations I've made in the past. These are spectacular movies. You can look through this list here and maybe scribble them down if you haven't seen them. But each one of these has a success secret in it. Some of them are old movies, like pillow talk or an affair to remember. It's a wonderful life. Some of them are newer. The offer is brand new. It's come out in the last couple years. Some of them are old. The sting, twelve angry men, the sound of music. Some of them are newer, but most of them, if you notice, are kind of in the older category. Apollo 13 is a relatively newer movie in the last 20 years. We'll call that newer. Wag the dog in the last 20 years. These are powerful movies that are entertaining. They are unique because they're not the blockbusters like you see today, but they have hidden success secrets in them. So I have two movie recommendations for you today. The first one comes from 1939. And it's a unique movie because every single person in the movie is a woman. There's no men in this movie, not one guy. It's all women. The name of the movie. The women, as you would expect, Joan Crawford. Oh, my gosh. Some of you don't have no idea who she is. Wonderful. This is an interesting movie because, guys, you should watch this movie. Women, you should watch this movie because it comes from 1939, when there was a different mindset about women and men. And this is an eye opening movie about how our perceptions of ourselves as men or women has changed. It also is an eye opening movie which gets into how our perceptions of other. The opposite sex has changed. And how our relationship with people in the opposite sex has changed. And how our perceptions and understandings of marriage and duty has changed. This is going to be thought provoking, and it's very empowering for women, I believe, but you be the judge. It's a fascinating movie. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but it is so unique and interesting. It is absolutely worth watching. So check out the women from 1939. The second movie is much more relevant to what's going on in the world. It was prophetic. It's a movie with Tom Cruise called the Minority Report. This movie talked about a future, which was a scary future, because in the scary future, there was an organization called Precrime. And Precrime used three psychics. And these three psychics would see a crime happening before it actually happened. They would see somebody murder someone. They would see somebody rob a bank. And when they saw the person rob a bank, or if they saw a person murdering someone, the three psychics told the commissioner of pre crime, we see a crime happening in the next 72 hours. A man is going to rob a bank. Great. Precrime goes and arrests the man and prosecutes him and puts him in prison for 20 years. The man never committed a crime. He was charged before the crime was committed, before he committed the crime, based on the psychics saying he was going to commit the crime. I'm not going to tell you anything more than that, but when people watched this movie and discussed it, they said, this is insane. How can you charge somebody with a crime and convict them of a crime and put them in prison for that crime that they did not commit yet, that maybe they were only thinking about, how can you do that? That's outrageous. Well, guess what? 80% of the people in federal prison in the United States of America did not commit a crime. They were thinking about committing a crime. They were charged with conspiracy. Thats the charge. Theres a law in the United States called conspiracy. If you conspire to commit a crime, which means if you talk about committing a crime, or if you think about committing a crime, you get charged and convicted and sentenced as if you actually did commit the crime. And let me give you an example. You're sitting having dinner, and a man is at dinner with you, and he brings a friend, and the friend says, hey, you have a plane, don't you? Yes, I have a plane. Well, I'll tell you what. I want to use your plane, and I'm going to give you $500,000 to use it for a weekend. Well, that seems like a very high amount to lease my plane. It wouldn't cost that much. No, no, but I want to lease it for 500,000 because I'm going to go to Laos and pick up some heroin and bring it into the US. And I want to use your plane. Now, don't worry. You're not going to be involved. You're just giving me the plane. I'm scared. I don't know who this guy is. Maybe he has a gun. And I say, well, you know, I'll think about it and I'll get back to you. Little do I know that the guy has a wire on him. He's a federal agent. And they're recording the conversation. I then get charged with conspiracy to transport drugs, heroin, into the United States. And then they look at the plane and they say, if the plane was filled with heroin, how much heroin could have come in? And I get charged with bringing in that much heroin and I get a 50 year life sentence. Or a 50 year sentence. It's actually a life sentence, right? So I get a 50 year sentence. I didn't do anything. I thought about it, and actually, I was just trying to blow the guy off. I wasn't going to do it anyway. That's called conspiracy. Here's another one. My wife, I find out that she's cheating with another mandev. So I go to a bar and I get drunk. I drink a half a bottle of scotch, and I'm drunk as a skunk. And I say, you know, I'm gonna. Tomorrow, tomorrow I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna go buy a gun tomorrow. And then I'm gonna go shoot her. And I'm gonna shoot that guy that she's with. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna kill him tomorrow. The bartender hears us, calls up the cops and says, hey, there's a guy who says he's going to kill his wife and his wife's lover. And they arrest me and charge me with conspiracy to commit murder. I didn't commit murder, and I actually wasn't going to commit murder because I was drunk and I was upset and I was hurt and I was just talking. Does it matter? I get charged with conspiracy to commit murder and I get ten years or 15 years in prison. I did not commit a crime. That's called conspiracy. I'll tell you more about this, but the reason that that's significant, the reason that's important is you need to know that the federal government and governments all around the world are not your friends. They institute laws so that they increase their power and control over you. That's really all you have to know. When you elect somebody, when you vote for somebody and they go into office, don't think that they're going to do anything good for you. Now, there are some very, very rare exceptions. Those are the people that are not politicians, that aren't in the system. That's why if a person is trying to become an elected official and they're not a lifelong politician and they're not part of the system, they are hated by everyone in politics. They're hated by everyone in the shadow government, which are the people that aren't elected, but that basically run the governments around the world. These are the staffers. They really run everything. And the media hates them as well. It's all about power and control. So I need you to understand that in further shows, I'll talk more about it and I'll bring some guests on who know exactly what this is about to give you even more depth and insight. This will open your eyes. It'll increase your awareness, increase your consciousness and empower you, because now you really know what the deal is. And you can almost laugh when you hear this politician reading the teleprompter. It's almost comical, as a matter of fact. Trey, do we have that clip? Did you ever get that clip from that show? Yeah, give me a minute. I'll grab it. Okay. I want you to show this, because politicians basically are puppets on a string. What they do is they have everything that they say tested against focus groups. And I told you the story earlier on one of my shows about George Bush. And I know this because I was just with the guy who was the, again, founder and chairman of the second largest private equity firm in the world. Look, the inside data is right there. So George Bush was with his people and they said, we want you to say the phrase no new taxes if I'm elected. No new taxes. And Bush said, well, you know, we're going to be increasing taxes. Oh, that doesn't matter. This phrase really tested well in focus groups. And Bush said, yeah, but it's a lie. It doesn't matter. We say this to get elected. What we say to get elected and what we actually do are two different things. You can't get fired, and it's okay to lie during the election. So just say what the people want to hear. What the focus group say is good. That way you'll get elected and then you can do whatever you want. He said, I don't like that. I don't think people are going to like that. No, the focus groups say it's going to be good. So the first time Bush is reading the teleprompter, he says, and if I'm elected president, no new taxes. And the people stood and applauded and cheered. And if you look at the clip, Bush looks around with this big smirk like, oh, wow, I guess people liked it. And then he says it again, no new taxes. And everyone cheers again. And it was really, really will not raise taxes. [00:26:28] Speaker C: My opponent now says he'll raise them as a last resort or a third resort. But when a politician talks like that. [00:26:36] Speaker B: You know, that's one resort he'll be checking into. [00:26:39] Speaker C: And I. [00:26:41] Speaker B: Where's the read my lips one? That's the great one. Read my lips. [00:26:46] Speaker C: My opponent won't rule out raise the tax. [00:26:48] Speaker B: There was one where he says, read my lips. Because that was the line. Read my lips. No new taxes. And he hated that. He goes, that's. No one's going to like that. And then he said it for the first time. Read my lips. No new taxes. And everybody applaud. [00:27:03] Speaker C: Read my lips. [00:27:05] Speaker B: No new taxes. [00:27:09] Speaker C: I will keep America moving forward, always forward for a better America, for an endless, enduring dream. [00:27:17] Speaker B: And a thousand. That was another one. [00:27:20] Speaker C: This is my mission and I will complete it. [00:27:26] Speaker B: Ah, the boy. 1000 points of light. That was another one that got the big focus group. But read my lips. That wasn't the first time he ever said it. Cause he was practiced at that time. But the first time, don't worry, you have to find a tray. But the first time he ever, he ever said it, it was so awkward. And then when everybody applauded, he just smiled like, wow, that gotta go. I'm gonna use this all the time. And then 1000 points of light, that was another. What the hell does that mean? Elect me a thousand points of light. I mean, it was in the focus group, but there was a movie. There was a movie, and I will recommend this movie in the future. But there was a clip from the movie with Matt Damon. I think you got that. And Matt Damon is a politician in this movie, and he's working with all the political experts telling him what to say. And he's onstage. And I want you to listen to this because everything he's saying is 100% true. Watch this clip. [00:28:20] Speaker C: I grew up not far away from here in Red Hook. [00:28:24] Speaker B: I love you more. [00:28:26] Speaker C: I love you both. But we had a rule in my neighborhood when you got in a fight, it wasn't whether or not you got knocked down. It's what you do when you get back up. And I came here to tell you tonight that I will get back up um, suppose we didn't have that saying in my neighborhood. It's just one of those phrases that, uh, it had subtraction with the focus group. And so we kept using it, but it's not true. You know, in 1998, I did a cover story for GQ. The title was youngest congressman ever. And since then, every story has tried to explain how I got here so fast. And the word that people kept using was authentic. But here's the problem. [00:29:58] Speaker B: Okay? He's going to try to tee that back up. So he's given this speech, and he has an epiphany. He knows everything he says is a lie because it has traction with the focus groups. And so, as you see, hes given the speech, and he uses this phrase because it got traction in the focus groups. And then he goes on to say, wait a minute. I cant do this anymore. I cant lie. And what youre about to see here, because Trey is getting it teed up now, is what virtually every professional politician does. There are some people who are running for office who are not professional politicians. That isnt their life career. They don't do it as much. They still do it. Trust me, they still do it, but they don't do it as much. Especially when they're talking off the cuff and they're not reading the teleprompter. Then they're really not doing it. Okay, we got the rest of the clip here. All right, so watch this. [00:30:58] Speaker C: But here's the problem. This isn't even my tie. This tie was selected for me by a group of specialists in Tenafly, New Jersey, who chose it over 56 other ties we tested. In fact, our data suggests that I have to stick to either a tie that is red or a tie that is blue. A yellow tie made it look as if I was taking my situation lightly, and I may, in fact, pull my pants down again at any moment. A silver tie meant that I had forgotten my roots. My shoes, you know, shiny shoes, we associate with high priced lawyers and bankers. If you want to get a working man's vote, you need to scuff up your shoes a little bit. But you can't scuff them up so much that you alienate the lawyers and the bankers because you need them to pay for the specialists back in Tenta fly. So what is the proper scuffing amount? Do you know we actually paid a consultant $7,300? Was it 7300, Charlie? $7,300 for a consultant to tell us that this is the perfect amount of stuff. [00:32:18] Speaker B: That'S exactly how politics work. Think about it. When you're watching a politician, what they're wearing has been tested by consultants. What they say is all scripted. It is rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. And the phrases and the words are rehearsed and rehearsed, with the exception of a person who's out there just talking whatever he believes and just says it, there's a big difference. So it's all about this type of perception that you have to understand, and that's critical. That's absolutely critical as you go forward. So we have a lot coming up on these shows that we're going to be revealing behind the scenes things that nobody else really knows. They may know about it, but they don't know from first hand experience. And I can tell you, I was in the rooms when this was going on, when the focus groups were set up, watching how the eyes, watching their emotions. There was even groups where people were set up so we could monitor their heart rate and their temperature to see if they were tense, if what was saying excited them, made them negative. And it's a science beyond your comprehension about what goes into political campaigns and the messaging that you're being hammered with. Are you susceptible to the negative influence of other people? Heck, are you susceptible to the influence of other people? Most of you are. And most of you. Resistance is almost futile because when you're watching these advertisements and you're seeing these people give their little speech, when you watch these little political ads, the science that is behind it is mind boggling. They know that will affect you in a certain way. They absolutely know it. So be aware, raise your consciousness. Know this political season is going on in America, and political seasons go on all the time around the world. When you're seeing messaging from the media, when you're seeing messaging about a candidate in their advertising or in their speeches, know that you are being manipulated and lied to. If you rise above that and ask yourself, what has this person done over the last four years or eight years in politics to improve my life? What's important to you? And ask, what have they done? Forget what they're saying, because that doesn't mean anything. What have they done? And then say, what do they want to do? Specifically? Not in generalities, but specifically, different candidates have different views of the world. You choose the one you like. One party believes. We need to let tens of millions of people into the country without legal process. We want people who are uneducated, who are poor, who are broke. We want them in. Then we want to give them a path to citizenship. Even though they come in illegally, they come in without the legal process. Another group will say, we want to only allow people into our country who are vetted, who come in legally, and we want the majority of those people educated with money be able to support themselves. And we do want people that are uneducated laborers because we need laborers, but we want to let them come in legally. We want to make sure they're vetted so they don't have criminal backgrounds and so forth and so on. And they have some money to support themselves so they don't immediately go on welfare and public assistance. So people have different views. You choose the one that you like. I'm not telling you which one to choose. Everybody has different views. One group may say, we want to have all the manufacturing done in China and India and other countries and import the goods so that those countries do better. Another political group or candidate might say, no, we want to bring manufacturing back to our country so that the people in this country have a better standard and better quality of life. Manufacturing always, always relates to increased income, increased standard of living, and increased quality of life for the country who's doing the manufacturing. That's always been the case. And so people have different views of the world and different views of the country they represent. So you choose, but just know that the advertising that the media is propping some people up versus others, they're doing it on purpose because they have an agenda. If you rise above that, you can see through it. You can see what's really behind it. You can see that it's a facade. And then what's behind the facade? Then you can choose the person you want to vote for. Make that decision. So that was movie crisp. Now I'm going to go back to world's best mentor. I'm going to be world's best mentor right now. And we are going to go to the phone lines. How's that? We haven't taken phone calls in quite a while, so we're going to go to the phone lines here. If you have a question, comment on anything, about anything, feel free to give us a call. That's the number. 84499. Kevin. 84499, Kevin. I'm not going to get to everybody's call, but give us a call. Do we have. Yeah, we already got slammed with calls right here, so let's, let's go to the first caller. You are on the line. What's your name and where are you from? Hello, can you hear me? I can hear you. What's your name and where are you from? Sounds good. It's good to be heard by you, Kevin. My name is Robert. [00:38:36] Speaker C: I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico. And my question is, whenever you get a money process, because I'm planning on. [00:38:43] Speaker B: Process, whenever this counterintention of mine is. [00:38:47] Speaker C: Blown out, is there a way that it could reestablish myself, reestablish itself into my field whenever the process is over? [00:38:57] Speaker B: Is that possible? Yeah. Stay with me. Don't hang up. So the money process is there are 33, we deliver 30. The last three are too powerful, so I'm not delivering those. If a person gets one money process, or ten or 20 or 30, the money processes do this. They go into your DNA, and they go into the maternal line and the paternal line, and they look for the counterintentions. And by the way, on previous shows, I showed you the research that's been published, and it's been in the news, it's been in the media, it's documented and verified that traumas in your ancestors, that if one of your ancestors had a trauma, it's in your DNA, which means if one of your ancestors has a counterintention toward making money, it is in your DNA. So these counterintentions are like blocking you from making money. So no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you put forth the intention to make money, you have this counterintention coming at you. When the money processes clear that out, they're not coming back. So the counterintentions that's in your mother's line and your father's line, that we clear out in the money process is they don't come back. But there's a third area, and that is your own bank or your own memories. In this lifetime, you've made postulates or decisions about money, but also in previous lifetimes. So when we go back to previous lifetimes and clear out those counterintentions, they're not coming back either. And when we clear out the counterintentions that are in this lifetime, those past ones aren't coming back. But tomorrow, right after you do the money processes, you could go out there and state and put into your field a counterintention postulate. Generally, that doesn't happen to any serious degree, because even if you do, it's minor compared to all the stuff that we got out. If you follow the ten steps to manifesting, if you follow what's in the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course, and you follow the formula or pattern for success, you'll be achieving success, and you won't be putting those negative postulates in or programming or counterintentions. You'll be putting in the positive intentions into your field. And this is going to translate to your progeny. So if you have children, and by the way, if you already have children, it positively impacts them. Because when you have a DNA connection, if you change the DNA here today, it'll change the DNA over there, which means if your DNA changes, you're positively impacting or negatively impacting your children and anybody else with some of that DNA, it's not coming back. You could put it back in. But generally what we have seen since I started delivering the money processes is especially if people are following the success mastery course, and if they're following the science of personal mastery course, they're not putting in any counter intentions. Did that answer your question, Robert? [00:42:07] Speaker C: Yes, that did. [00:42:09] Speaker B: I understand 100%. [00:42:10] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:42:11] Speaker B: Good deal. Thanks for calling. Have a good day. [00:42:15] Speaker C: You as well. [00:42:16] Speaker B: All right, let's go to another call to Trey. All right, you are on the line. What is your name and where are you from? [00:42:30] Speaker A: Hello. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Hi, you're on the line. What's your name and where are you from? [00:42:35] Speaker A: James, and I'm from South Carolina. [00:42:37] Speaker B: Hi, James, thanks for calling. Do you have a question or a comment? [00:42:42] Speaker A: Yes, a question I'd like to ask. I want to improve my thinking about money and my financial situation so that I can feel better about it and create streams of income. [00:42:55] Speaker B: Okay. You've probably heard about the money processes, which is probably the number one thing I would suggest and recommend for anybody who wants to make money that gets rid of the counterintention. And then, of course, following the success mastery course and the science of personal mastery course, when you join the global information network gives you all the techniques. But let me give you a couple things right now, and this is just not just for you, but any single person out there who wants to make money. The basic challenge that people have relating to money is I will give you one. And this is something you can work on consciously. And that is, is having a lot of money good or bad? So if I were to ask you right now, and you can give me the answer, do you feel that if you had a lot of money, that would be a good thing or a bad thing? What resonates. [00:43:57] Speaker A: A good thing? [00:43:58] Speaker B: A good thing. Okay. I can tell you're not very confident about that. It's like, yeah, it's a good thing. It's not an automatic good thing. It's a. Yeah, it could be a good thing. And I can see in your field that you have a massive counterintention there. Let me ask you this. Your mother, in her line, were they religious at all? Um, your mother and grandmother? [00:44:30] Speaker A: Not that I know of. Very not? Yeah, not that I know of very much. [00:44:34] Speaker B: Okay. [00:44:35] Speaker A: I haven't heard about them going to church or anything. [00:44:38] Speaker B: Okay. How about your father? [00:44:43] Speaker A: I was raised a Catholic, but after us kids stopped, you know, the whole family went to church when we were kids. But after the kids grew up, the parents, my parents stopped going until all us kids stopped going. [00:44:55] Speaker B: Right. Okay, so it was before you were around that religious. Yeah, it was before you were around Catholicism. And I know a lot. I was an altar boy. I went to catholic school. So I know this really well. I had the catechism, I said the novenas. So I know a lot about the catholic religion. One of the things that the nuns used to hammer in catholic school is this phrase, money is the root of all evil. Rich people can't go to heaven. It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. The poor shall inherit the earth, not the rich. This is the basic negative christian quote, catholic counterintention that's in the field. This is below your level of consciousness. Having money is of the devil. Being poor is of God. So this is a major issue that's in your field right now. So this is a counterintention. So I'm gonna work on this just for a second and let me know if you feel anything in your physical body. Do you notice your feet getting hot at all? [00:46:11] Speaker A: I'm busy. I'm busy. No. [00:46:16] Speaker B: Okay. Do you have any sensation at all in your physical body? [00:46:26] Speaker A: No. [00:46:27] Speaker B: Okay, so now say this. Say money is good. [00:46:34] Speaker A: Money is good. Actually, my feet are a little tingly now. Money is bad. [00:46:40] Speaker B: Okay. Which of those two resonate higher? [00:46:50] Speaker A: Money is good, I think. [00:46:52] Speaker B: Okay, see? See, you can see because it wasn't an automatic. It was. For example, say I am a man. [00:47:02] Speaker A: I am a man. [00:47:03] Speaker B: Say, I am a woman. [00:47:06] Speaker A: I am a woman. [00:47:07] Speaker B: Which of those resonate hires? [00:47:08] Speaker A: I am a woman. [00:47:09] Speaker B: Huh? [00:47:10] Speaker A: I am a man. [00:47:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I am a man. [00:47:13] Speaker B: Yeah. It's an automatic, right? [00:47:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:47:18] Speaker B: It resonates much. You can feel the difference. Okay. If you're a man and you say I am a man or I'm a male, I am a female. And if you're a male, it instantly resonates. Yeah, I'm a male, it instantly resonates. The other one instantly resonates. There's this huge difference in resonance. But when you say money is good, money is bad, you have to think, hmm, which one resonates more is true because there's a counterintention. Consciously you want to say and believe that money is good. Consciously it's good to have money. I can pay my bills, I can take care of my family, I can offer security, I can get better medical care, I can get nicer things. Of course money's good. I can give more money to charity or whatever. And not having money, having money is not bad. That's a conscious analytical choice. And of course you know that's correct. But how come it doesn't resonate as absolutely 100% correct? In the same way that when you say, I'm a male, yes, I'm a woman. No, the reason it doesn't is because the counterintention that's in your field. So the one thing I want you to work on consciously is every day say to yourself, having money is good, and keep working on that because that will start slowly eliminating the counterintention that's in your field. And once you can make the statement, money is good, money is bad, and instantly know money is good resonates, is true, your financial situation is going to start changing because the vibrational frequency around your field is going to change. Therefore you're going to become more of a. You're going to create an attractor field of money that's going to come into your life. You practice that, James, and let me know how it goes over the next month or so. Okay? [00:49:17] Speaker A: Okay, good. How do I let you know? [00:49:20] Speaker B: Good. Thanks for calling. You have a great day. We are out of time today, so I'm not going to be able to take any more phone calls. I might take some phone calls on Wednesday. Remember a couple of things starting October 1. Number one, I have a court hearing on October 1. So assuming, assuming that I am not taken into custody, I will be broadcasting starting in October, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, five days a week, and then on Sunday as well, starting in October. So that's number one. So make sure you get teed up, put it in your calendar. We're going to keep the shows to about 45 minutes, so that way you'll have enough information but not overwhelm you with time. Because we know people have lives and you have other things to do. If you're not a partner, become a partner. Go to keventradofanclub.com comma, become a partner. If you haven't made a one time contribution, or if you can make some more, go there and make a one time contribution, or if you are a partner upgrade. The reason is in the next seven days, I'm in court October 1. I want to be able to, if need be, show the judge how many new people have made one time contributions. So the number of you that make that one time contribution is going to be critical. I believe in keeping me out of prison. And then the amount that comes in, since it's all going to the FTC anyway, that's going to be critical to keep me free and keep the show going. And then the number of people that upgrade, that's going to be critical because unless I'm doing the weekly Zoom calls or the monthly Zoom calls for partners that could be affected. So those three critical things. So go to kevinshardeaufanclub.com, comma, make a one time contribution if you can. A lot of options there. Become a partner if you're not. And if you are a partner, upgrade your partnership. I can tell you in the last five days, we've had a massive influx of new people becoming partners and one time contributions. When I had my call this morning with the judge, I believe that increase in the last five days made the critical difference. It was awesome. But we have a long way to go. I can tell you we have a long way to go. But the good news is this situation could be, could be coming to a conclusion. And once this is behind me, man, watch out. The benefits I'm going to be giving to partners are going to be off the charts, and people who are signed up as partners are going to be going, wow, I made the best decision in my life, and it will be. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Thanks for watching. Make sure you subscribe to the channel, share it. Like, hit the thumbs up and leave comments, and I'll see you on Wednesday. Remember, God loves you, and so do I. Many blessings, my friends. Bye bye.

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