Episode 19

June 05, 2024


Success Is In The Genes | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 19

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode of the Kevin Trudeau Show: Kevin Trudeau discusses how the justice and police systems in America are rigged and how they can do whatever they want. He also reveals how things in movies like Star Wars and TV series like The Pretender have significant hidden meanings, how you can release your “superhuman” abilities, and so much more!

Kevin Trudeau will also be doing ANOTHER SHOW! The Sunday Show with Kevin Trudeau will be a show where he does a deep dive into biblical and spiritual topics. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next shows!

0:00 Show Start
02:00 A NEW show on Sunday!
08:51 The Scottie Scheffler golf story
19:25 Why do we honor the military?
24:00 Success is in the hardwiring of the brain
29:25 The "Spooky" Pretender
39:33 You too can release your “supernatural” abilities
50:50 Recommended Book
58:03 Recommended Movies

The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!

Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time. His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.

Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.

Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.

Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED?
The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!

Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow

Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings.
Click here to become a Partner with Kevin now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/

For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau

Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com

For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com

To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com

Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com


#kevintrudeau #livestream #abilities #supernatural

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:04] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Kevin Trudeau here. Thank you for joining me. This is the Kevin Trudeau show, live, broadcasting every Monday and Wednesday at 01:00 Chicago time. However. However, our team here keeps hounding me about doing more shows because the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of requests from people all around the world for more and more and more material is just off the charts. And I tell people, listen, all you have to do is join the global information network. There's 100,000 hours of training material there, not just for me, but from others. And it's all free to members. Also on Rumble. Rumble has more material than here on YouTube. I broadcast this, and we broadcast it on YouTube. And Rumble and also Spotify and also on Apple Podcast. We may be broadcasting it live on other platforms as well, but YouTube, as you know, censors. So I can only do so much here on YouTube. But if you go to rumble, there's a lot more material there. So here's the bottom line. I'm going to encourage you to subscribe to this channel here at YouTube. Make sure you hit the little notification icon, leave comments and share it. But also, I would encourage you strongly to subscribe to the Kevin Trudeau show channel on Rumble and hit the notification icon as well. Leave comments there because I'm going to be uploading a lot more information on Rumble than I can here with all the controversial stuff that you want to know about that I can't talk about here because I'll immediately be censored. They'll say misinformation censored, and they'll just shut the show down. You know how that works. So I will be putting that up on Rumble. And then we're also on Spotify and Apple. So I recommend you subscribe to all of them. But here's the point. I am going to very soon be uploading a show. I'll be live on Monday and on Wednesday. When I say live, that allows me to take phone calls. Now, by the way, we have a glitch in the system today, so I can't take your phone calls today. But generally on Monday and Wednesday, I'm going to be live, and I will be taking phone calls, except today because of a technical glitch. But Monday and Wednesday, live at 01:00 Chicago time, I will be taking phone calls on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, I'll be uploading shows that I record, and I'll be uploading it so you can get five days a week, and then maybe even on Saturday. And I'll tell you what I'm going to do on Sunday. I was just talking to Trey about this. So many people have asked me, they said, Kevin, you seem to be, like, a biblical scholar. The answer is, well, quite frankly, yeah, I've taken the bible, which is the Old Testament, the New Testament, plus all the books that were taken out, like the Book of Enoch, and not only did I read it cover to cover several dozen times with a concordance, looking up all the words in the original translations. There's over 100 different translations. I've studied this. Like, I mean, and I know some of the top christian ministers out there that are on television with hundreds of thousands, millions of people that watch them. They don't even know the other translations. You know, they looked at one biblical translation. They don't know that these translations are all different. But the point is, I've also studied the Quran, not as much as the Bible, and also the indian text, the Vedas, the writings in Kashmir, Shabism, Jainism, the Ramayama, the Mahabharata, or the Mahabharata. There's a wealth of knowledge here. From a scriptural standpoint. You can call it religious, but scriptural standpoint. So on Sunday, I'm gonna start doing a scriptural show on Sunday where it's just picking these scriptural texts, the Zohar, which is the Kabbalah, mysticism from Judaism, the mysticism from Islam. And I'll be having these texts, and I'll be showing you stuff that you can't get or hear anywhere else. And we've studied this in the brotherhood. I mean, what we've learned in the brotherhood, that secret society that I was a part of, it goes beyond what they teach at skull and bones, that secret society for members of Yale. What goes beyond 33 degree freemasonry? The stuff that we did was mind blowing, and it was just off the charts. So subscribe to the channel, share it, leave comments. I can't take phone calls today, but I will. We have a little technical glitch. I'll be live on Monday and Wednesday, 01:00 Chicago time. And very soon, I'll be uploading a show on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. We may take Saturday off, maybe. Maybe. And Sunday could be even live on Sunday. I don't know where I could take questions. He's like, I gotta work on Sunday now. We'll see. But Sunday is gonna be church. Not gonna be church. It's gonna be basically the scriptural. It's gonna be the real spiritual scriptural show on Sundays. It's there. But I'm going to do this for a few more months, and unless those numbers go up, the subscribers and views, and that's up to you, you got to share it. You got to subscribe. You got to tell people about it. At a certain point, if we don't get the big numbers, then I'll say we're done. I don't get paid to do this. I don't make one single penny. Any revenue that comes into the show goes into the Kevin Trudeau fan club. It pays the expenses, pays the salaries, and then 100% of that money goes directly to pay the government. I don't get a single penny. Just so you know, I get a small salary from the global information network. That's my only income. I'm allowed to live on $3,750 a month. That's what I'm allowed to live on. And I'll make a penny more than that. Everything else goes directly to the government to pay that $37 million injustice judgment, which I talk about at the Kevin Trudeau fan Club website. But anyway, so we got a great show today, even without your phone calls, which I was really looking forward to. If you're not a partner, by the way, in the Kevin Trudeau fan club, go to kevinstrotauxfanclub.com, comma. Become a partner. It's only $25 a month. Number one, it supports me. It keeps the show on the air. But every month, I do a live Zoom call, live with partners only. And you can ask all the questions, and I get a stack of questions, and I read each question, I answer each question. And when you become a partner, not only do you get the live Zoom calls every month for $25, you also get to go to the partner only area of the Kevin Trudeau fan club website and all the past Zoom calls. We are right now breaking down every question and answer and putting it there so you can just search. I want questions on relationships. I want questions on sex. I want questions on testosterone. I want questions on aliens. I want questions on the Kevin's secret society, the brotherhood. You can punch in anything, and it'll show you all of the questions that came up on that category. And you can just watch the 510 15 minutes answers I gave. It's going to be a library of information, a wealth of information. It's only $25 a month, so consider becoming a partner. For those of you who are watching around the world, by the way, a lot of people think, you know, America is a great place, and it's not a bad place. There's a lot of countries that are way worse than living in the United States of America. Yes, we have censorship. Yes, we have an out of control government. Yes, we have overtaxation. Yes, we have stupid politicians doing stupid things that are reducing the quality of life and standard of living for people that live in the United States. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, theres censorship. Yes, theres all these terrible things. We know that. Yes, the government uses the Justice Department and the police to terrorize people that arent following along with the party line. We know that. We know the justice system finds people guilty that are completely innocent. We know that its a rigged system. We know this. We know this. I mean, if those of you watching is the golfer Scotty Scheffler. Scotty Scheffler is the number one golfer in the world. He has credentials hanging from his car. He's at the golf course now. He's going to the golf course. And if you haven't heard the story, it was so sad that there was a vendor, I think an elderly gentleman, one of the vendors there, that was working as a volunteer, I think, or working for one of the companies that was a vendor at the golf tournament, and he stepped into the bus lane and got hit by one of the shuttle buses. And the guy dies. Tragic, horrible accident. How do you say somebody's at fault? I don't know. I wasn't there, but it's tragic. Imagine if you were the bus driver that hit the guy. How would you be feeling? Imagine if you're the guy that's dead. Well, he's probably living in paradise. But imagine if you were his spouse or family member. Imagine if you were there and watched it, the trauma that you would have. It's a terrible, terrible thing. Everybody around it. So many people were traumatized by this event. Scottie Scheffler is coming to the golf car. He doesn't know that this tragedy happened. All he knows is he's been given orders to take the car he's driving, which is a PGA labeled car with all of his credentials. Golfer. Let him in. Credentials. It's clearly marked. He's been to the golf course the day before. He does this his whole life. He knows how it works. They tell all the golfers you can drive on the shoulder of the road, and all of the police know that when they see that car with the credentials to waive you in. So Scotty Scheffler has been told, and the police were told, that Scottie is allowed to drive on the shoulder of the road and allowed to go into the tournament to beat the traffic. Otherwise he'd be there for hours. All the golfers are allowed to beat the traffic and drive on the shoulder of the road. The cops say if anyone's driving on the shoulder of the road, that's driving one of the PGA cars with the credentials, you allow them to pass and go into the golf course. So Scotty Scheffler drives in. And this is the account from eyewitnesses, the account of media that saw it, also the account of Scotty Scheffler. And it's not in dispute. None of this is. No one's disputing what happened, except for one little thing. So Scotty drives on the shoulder of the road. He doesn't know that there was a fatality, that a guy got hit by a bus. He doesn't know that that's one of the reasons why the massive backup in traffic. He doesn't know that there are some other cops there that aren't part of the traffic contingency. And they don't know that golfers are allowed to go in. So they see this guy driving on the shoulder of the road and they wave to stop him. And Scotty stops and he was told to drive in. The cop allegedly grabs the car. Now Scotty's driving. It's an suv, four doors. The cop allegedly is on the back door holding the door. Scotty drives around 20ft. The cop allegedly gets dragged. Cause he's trying to, like, hold the car. You can't go in. He's screaming. Scotty says, what's going on? I was told back there by that cop that I can drive in because I have a tee time and here's all my credentials. The cop goes crazy, handcuffs him, arrests him. The other cops are seen screaming at. At journalists. Get away from here. He's going to jail, okay? And then he's charged with a felony of assaulting a police officer. Now, look, the police do whatever they want. The judges do whatever they want. The prosecutors do whatever they want. It doesn't matter what the law says. And then this particular officer, it's always the same B's. Where's the body cam footage? The officer is required by law to put on the body cam. He's required to put on the body cam. He claims he didn't put on the body cam. Guess what? The body cam was on everybody. And they destroyed the tape because it shows that what the cops said isn't true. It's always the same b's. Oh, we didn't have the body cam footage on. Oh, it wasn't working. It's always the same b's. The police always don't have the evidence, which would have proven that they're lying. And it just stopped working for the, for the ten minutes that he happened to be arresting Scottie Shepler, Scottie Scheffler gets taken and booked and mugged and strip searched. The guy said it was a traumatic experience. He couldn't believe it. Like, what did I do wrong? I didn't do anything wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, there are millions of people in America and all across the world that have done nothing wrong, that are abused by police and abused by the justice system, and they're falsely accused. Thats the fact. Absolute fact. And these guys said he assaulted a felony. Hes driving into the tournament. Hes doing what he said. Its a chaotic situation. Hes clearly not trying to do anything wrong. He doesnt know the cop is grabbing onto the car, doesnt know any of this, and he gets charged with assaulting. He didnt assault anyone. How dare they even charge the guy? Well, when they found out hes the number one golfer in the world. Because if he was anyone else, hed be going to prison. If he was Joe Smith, if the guy was black, if he was a black man, hed be in prison. If he was any type of minority, hed definitely be in prison. Well, it doesnt matter at this point. He could be anybody. But the fact that he was the number one golfer in the world who could afford a top lawyer, they finally dropped the charges. But they cant drop the trauma that Scotty Scheffler has faced. And he said it. I cant stop reliving this horrible traumatic experience. This is traumatic. This is what the Nazis did. Theyre just terrorizing you. Now, why am I even telling you this? Why is this important? It's important because when we think of a country and we think we're the greatest country in the world for people who live in America and for people around the world, some of you think that. Some of you think the exact opposite. Right? I want you to wake up, and I want you to know that countries aren't good or bad. Governments are not good or bad. People are not good and bad either. Every person is pure on the inside, but sometimes they act in ways that aren't appropriate. So we have to have a little compassion, but we also have to have a little bit of keep our eyes open and know that this is what is happening. We can't put our head in the sand or live life through looking through rose colored glasses. We have to understand. Look, if you lived in Seattle, Washington, it's going to rain a lot because that's what the numbers are. If you live in Saudi Arabia, it's going to be hot a lot. That's what the numbers are. And if you live in the United States, the police are going to, in some cases, abuse citizens. The political system is going to charge innocent people and abuse citizens. There are going to be prosecutors who all they want to do is get a prosecution. They don't care about justice. They don't care about fairness. And in many times these people are racist and they're just going after a particular racial group that they don't like. And if they don't like this person, they don't like this person's color of skin, they're going to be more aggressive than they would for somebody else. Look, this is how it is. And when you accept or understand that this is how it is and stop resisting what is, but just understand that it is, then it can dissipate. You can, as is it. You can neutralize it instead of resist. What you resist will persist. But this scottish effort thing was terrible. And it was in, I think, Kentucky or something, or Tennessee, kind of in the south, right? In the south. In America, we have NASCAR, which is very, very big. And I want to share something with you. It was a NASCAR race that was going to start, and they brought a minister up to give a blessing on the, a christian blessing because the majority of people who lived in that part of the country are christian. So they wanted to give a christian blessing on NASCAR before the race. And this is real. This is not made up or staged or anything. This is absolutely 100% real. It wasn't staged. It wasn't scripted. It was just completely extemporaneous. But when you listen to this, you're going to have an idea of at least a certain population of America and how they think and how their values system is in their brain. So take a listen to this. [00:19:52] Speaker C: Ladies and gentlemen, please rise as our colors are presented by the United States Army Nashville Recruiting Battalion. We ask you to remain standing for invocation delivered tonight by Joe Nelms, pastor of Family Baptist Church in Lebanon, Tennessee. Heavenly Father, we thank you tonight for all your blessings. You said in all things, give thanks. So we want to thank you tonight for these mighty machines that you brought before us. Thank you for the Dodges and the Toyotas. Thank you for the Fords. And most of all, we thank you for Roush and Yates to give us the power that we see before us tonight. Thank you for GM performance technology and the r zero seven engines. Thank you for Sunoco Racing fuel and Goodyear tires that bring performance and power to the track. Lord, I want to thank you for my smoking hot wife tonight, Lisa, my two children, Eli and Emma. Or as we like to call them, the little E's. Lord, I pray a blessed drivers. May they put on a performance worthy of this great track. In Jesus name. Boogity, boogity, boogity. Amen. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing. Choir, national anthem. [00:21:11] Speaker B: I get a kick out of that every time I see. I think it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And I'm not demeaning anybody. I'm just. And you notice people in the audience were laughing as well. They were. I mean, the race car drivers and things like that. Very lighthearted. But listen, we all have different beliefs. We all have different feelings. We have different things that we feel strongly about in America. When you go to these sporting events, a lot of people don't know the military is always honored at sporting events. In the United States, the military is honored. And some say, what's wrong with that? Well, if you look at the last country that did that, it was Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was the last country that honored military at sporting events. Just think about that. All right, now I got a question. I went through all the comments. I read all the comments that you leave. I read them all. And there's a lot of people that have a lot of questions in the comments, and I am going to be answering them in upcoming episodes. Many of you have people that you want on as guests. You've asked for Gary Spivey. I talked to Gary Spivey almost every day. Gary Spivey, the world famous psychic, is a close, dear friend of mine, and I'll have him on, but I want him to be here live in the studio. So I'm looking at his schedule, and when he can come to Chicago, I'm going to have him sit right here and he'll take your phone calls and do some fun things, too. And I've had so many people now say, can you send me that book, the Gurukhev book? No one person got it for free. That's our first kind of, what do you call that? Prototype. But we're in the process. I was just sitting down with William, who owns the Kevin Trudeau fan club. And we're getting that into a leather bound, beautiful book. It's going to be a few months before it comes out, but when it comes out, I'll let you know. But I'll tell you what, this is a channeled the Guru Kev lessons, which are free. You can get them right online. Just go to gurukev.com dot. They're all free. You don't have to charge it. I give the stuff away for free. If you want it, gurukev.com comma. Just go there. All the Guru Kev lessons there. It's channeled material. I wrote all this stuff. One draft. It wasn't edited. It wasn't even read. It was written and pulled from the ether. It's the real deal. It's infused with life changing energy. So as you read it, it will change. But people always ask me, and I was reading all the comments, they were going, Kevin, you mentioned that you were in the Brotherhood, the secret society. What's the history there? Well, last year at the Global Information Network summer conference for level five members and above, I told the story. People were, the jaws were hitting the ground. I said, this is what happened in the sixties. I had this ability from birth to do certain things. And Gary Spivey had an ability. He talks about that as well, how right from birth he could see energy, he could see things. He could collapse time, he could predict future, he could see the past. He could look at you and tell you about what you were thinking and what happened in your past and what the trauma was. This was something he was born with. From birth. A group of people that are born with will call them superhuman abilities, supernatural abilities. It's really a bet term for that. It's just abilities that they have strong conscious and awarenesses. Consciousness and awareness of. And it has to do with the blood. It has to do with an anomaly that's in the blood. So I told this story. And in the brotherhood, it's a private organization. I was born in 1963, by the way. It's a private organization that would pick certain people either from a genetic bloodline family and they were allowed to join, and then they would find some anomalies, somebody who wasn't from a genetic bloodline family but had this anomaly in their blood, this genetic anomaly which allowed them in the brain to do certain things. Just recently, I had a brain scan done and a whole series of tests with radioactive isotopes to see what parts of the brain light up. And all I can tell you is when this was looked at. It's like these parts of the brain, how they're lit up and why they're lit up is I've never seen it before. And I said, well, I know what I'm doing with the brain. And the reason you haven't seen it before is you haven't seen people like me. You haven't also looked at the brain scans of tibetan monks. So I showed them the brain scans you can see. So you have the average, normal baseline, and then you have some, we'll call it spiritual enlightened person, self realized person, and perfected master Tibetan buddhist monk who's been meditating his whole life. And you have people like myself who are in the brotherhood. Let's look at our brains, and we know how this works. It's the hardware. It's the hardware. You've heard this forever. Oh, he has a brain. You have to have a brain. The brain has a lot to do with success, happiness, joy, so many things we forget about the hardware of the brain. And this is genetic. Some people are born with a brain and some aren't. You all have brains, and I'm not trying to down you, but at the end of the day, some people are born with the natural talent to play the piano. We know this. Some people are born with the natural ability to do art. Okay, I don't have a natural ability to do art. And I took art classes. I had a friend of mine, a gal I dated who's a very famous world famous psychic today and spiritual advisor. And she's advised, number one, New York Times bestselling authors and very amazing people. You've seen pictures of her and I on the Kevin Trudeau fan club site. And she wanted to do art. So she went to this art school off the coast of Washington state for, I think, two or three months for an entire summer where she was painting and getting lessons for the entire time. And at the end of the time, I went there, I flew to meet her, and I looked at her paintings, and I was like, how do you think you doing? You know, she's like, you know, I'm enjoying it. So I went and talked to the expert there. The teacher said, how is she doing? She goes, no talent. She'll never get any better than that. No matter how many hours she practices. She says, you have to have the natural inclination, the natural talent. You're either born with it or you're not. Same thing with anything, right? We don't want to talk about that. But genetics plays an important role. So I talked about this, and then Danielle said to me, have you ever seen this tv show called the Pretender? I said, no, what is it? She says, well, this guy was, you know, a young boy, and he had some genetic anomaly, and this organization took him in and trained him, and they used him for research, and they used his abilities for their purposes and so forth. And he had the ability to virtually tap into the energy field of others and virtually become them. So he could virtually become anyone he wanted. He could actually look at an engineer and tap into that energy. And in a few weeks, because he had a genius IQ, he could virtually become that engineer and speak like the engineer, talk like the engineer, had all the memory and knowledge of what the engineer had and was effectively the engineer. So it took him three weeks to get to the level that this guy would take, maybe ten years. So he was called the pretender. He could become anyone he wanted. And so I watched a couple of the clips, and I started laughing. And Danielle goes, what's so funny? I go, this brings back a lot of memories. I go, this is very loosely based on the brotherhood. Very loosely. It's completely fictitious. None of it's true, but it's very loosely based on the brotherhood. And it's fascinating because they said 1963. That's when I was born. So I want to show you this little clip at the beginning of this tv series called the Pretender. And you may feel a little spooky. Take a look at this. [00:29:49] Speaker A: There are pretenders among us, geniuses with the ability to become anyone they want to be. In 1963, a corporation known as the center isolated a young pretender named Jared and exploited his genius for their research. Then one day, their pretender ran away. Yep. [00:30:16] Speaker B: And we're back. And did you see the. Did you see what happened to it with the. With the. There was some spooky ghost that came in here and just crashed. Did you see what happened with the. With the picture, by the way, that. That picture back there, you can't see it. They told me that was one of my ancestors that looked like me, but it just crashed it just spooky stuff, man. So when you looked at that little clip, 1963, I can tell you that that show is completely fake. It's a completely fictitious account. There's no truth to any of it. But it's loosely based on what happened with me in the brotherhood. There's no place called the center, but there is a place called the brotherhood. They do take people in. And interestingly enough, in this particular series, there was a point where the main character, the pretender, the one says something about this. So, Trey, let's play that clip. [00:31:22] Speaker A: We're all special because of what's in our blood. Eugenesis monitored these eight children for the center. They screened them. You see, there's a special anomaly in our blood, in our genetics, that predisposes us with the gift. [00:31:42] Speaker B: Predisposes us to the gift. Now, this is also something that was talked about in the movies. Now, I forgot to ask you if you had the clips from Star wars. Give me a second. Okay, so let me know when you have those, because this was also talked about in the tv. Well, the movie series, Star wars. Now, if anybody watched Star wars, they talk about the force. The most powerful Jedi knight was Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader the way he became a Jedi knight. When he was very young, a Jedi knight saw him and picked up something unique in his energy field. And this master Jedi knight took some of Anakin Skywalker, the young boy's blood, and analyzed it to see if there was something in it that was an anomaly. And in his blood, there was this very strong anomaly. So take a watch at this. Stay still. [00:32:53] Speaker A: Now. Let me clean this gut. There's so many. Do they all have a system of planets? Most of them. Has anyone been to them all? Hmm. Not likely. I want to be the first one to see them all. Annie. There we are. Good, isn't you? [00:33:15] Speaker B: Annie? I'm not going to tell you again. [00:33:19] Speaker A: What are you doing? Checking your blood for infections. Go on. You have a big day tomorrow. Sleep well, Annie. Obiwan. Yes, master? I need an analysis of this blood symbol I'm sending you. Wait a minute. I need a midi. Lorraine, Count. The reading's off the chart. Over 20,000 even. Master ye have two dozen. Count that high. No jedi has. What does that mean? I'm not sure. [00:34:04] Speaker B: Yeah, what does that mean? That means there's a lot of power there. The bottom line is, throughout history, we know, it's not disputed, that there are certain people with abilities. In America, there was a tv series, and maybe you can find out the name of this tray. I think it was on either the Discovery Channel, I think it was the Discovery Channel, or the Learning Channel called Superhuman. I think that was the name of the tv series. This tv series went around the world and took people. One of the people that were in this clip or on this show was my shifu. My master, my teacher, Xi Yan Ming, who was the Shaolin monk from the Shaolin temple in China, grandmaster ty the great Qi. Master, one of the greatest Qi masters in history who was also one of my closest friends and trainer. But Xian Ming was on here showing what could be done with Qi energy. And it's superhuman. It defies science. Example, there's a machine that measures the force of a, of a punch. If you take a heavyweight boxer, that boxer, a heavyweight, 240 pounds, throws a punch, it registers the force. Xian Ming is a very small man, probably about 160 pounds, not 200, 4160. And rather than give a full punch in the demonstration, he gave a one inch punch, which was made famous by Bruce Lee, which was actually taught to Bruce Lee by Bruce Lee's wing Chun master, Ip man. So Xian Ming is one inch away, and punches, it has more force than the heavyweight full punch. They said if you got hit with that punch in the chest, it could collapse your chest. It'd be similar to getting hit by a car going 35 miles an hour. Superhuman. Another example was Xian Ming would take a spear, and they did this on the show. This is not a magic trick or anything. And the spear was sharp. You could take the spear and just tap it into some paper, and it would cut the paper. I mean, it was sharp. They put it into the small of his throat, and two men would push the spear, and it would not penetrate his skin. Instead, the spear would bend and break. That's physically impossible. But he explained that the qi energy below the skin was coming out and stopping it. It's an invisible energy force. There's a show on tv called the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. They keep drilling into this mesa where the radar says there's some anomaly. They can't describe it. And they keep hitting this invisible something that drill bits with unbelievable amounts of pressure can't penetrate. But there's nothing there except an invisible force. Think about this. In the series, superhuman, was that the name of this? Did you find that? Was that the name of the show? [00:37:40] Speaker A: Real superhumans. [00:37:41] Speaker B: Real superhumans. Okay. I think this is another one. I think it's called superhuman. But anyway, on this, there's also a man who blindfolds himself. And again, this is not a magic trick. Blindfolds. He's blindfolded, and he has a sword in the sheath, and he's standing there. There is a gun. A gun, a rifle with. It's a BB gun. And they shoot the BB gun, which is like shooting a bullet. They shoot the BB gun, and he takes out his sword, and he cuts the BB in half. And he's blindfolded. Now, if he's not blindfolded, it's impossible because you can't see the BB. It's going too fast. It's a rifle. Bam. The way they show it is with high speed cameras. The man is picking up the force field in the same way that an eagle is flying and knows where the fish is and goes down and can time the exact moment to catch the fish. They call it. There it is. The example here. Yeah. Look at this. Look at this. Bam. It's impossible. It's impossible. It's 100% possible. The point is, there are people all over the world that's documented that have unique abilities you have seen or you haven't seen. I was at my house. Kevin Tan was staying at my house. Amir was at my house. Bernard was there. David Krueger, Danielle. We had a whole host of people living in my house for a while as we were working on some projects. Dedicated volunteers to the Kevin Trudeau fan Club, the global Information Network. And Kevin Tanner was there. He's a super guy. Fantastic guy from Australia. And we were outside chatting. It was. It had rained earlier, so the grass was wet. And I had a fire pit. And the logs in the fire pit, the wood in the fire pit, were all wet. It had rained. They were completely wet. And there were big logs. They were wet. There was no kindling. There was no fire starter. There was no lighter fluid. They were there. And I said to Kevin tan, let's start a fire. And I grabbed the match, and I took the match, and I threw it into the wood that's all wet. And he looked, and I looked, and I moved the energy, and all of a sudden, the whole thing burst into flames. And Kevin went running into David Krueger. And he goes, there was, like, no fire. And then it was. The whole thing was on fire. Like, how did that happen? Now, I don't talk about that. He's talking about it now. I guess I am, which is kind of silly. But the reason is that wasn't to do a demonstration or a show. I wanted a warm fire. I wanted to sit outside. It was a cold night, and I was smoking a cigar, and I wanted the fire. It wasn't to show off. I didn't even really was thinking that he was there and would witness it and notice it, but he did. It was so obvious. You can move energy. It's something that happens. So at the end of the day, this is something that every single person can release. Abilities that are innate to all humans. Some have more abilities than others or can take the abilities they have to a greater extent than others. But every single person can get better, and all of you can get much, much better. Now, the reason why I say this is one of the things that will help you manifest your goals, dreams and desires and virtually change the hardware, which is the brain. Look, 99% of you were not born into rich families. You don't have the hardware that the super wealthy have. You're going to have to improve the hardware, but you can. It doesn't mean you're going to have the brain of Elon Musk or Richard Branson, or the late Stephen jobs or any of the billionaires that you know. You might not get to that level, but you can dramatically improve from where you are now. That means you can dramatically improve your financial condition, the relationships, your health, your addictive nature, your emotional stability. It can all be improved. But it starts with improving the brain. One of the things that will improve the brain and change the brain. The brain is neuroplastic, which means it can mold and change very quickly. Is associating with other brains that are very high vibration. This is why being in the presence of a high vibration person, whether it's a spiritual saint, a guru, or even focusing on Jesus, if that is your savior, or focusing on a guru, or looking at the picture of a guru, or focusing on a saint, or if you're a christian mother Mary, or bowing down and focusing on Allah or muhammad, when you focus on someone or look at their picture, or read their words or hear their voice, the vibration goes into your field. If you're physically in their presence, it's even more powerful. When you're in the presence of a perfected master. You're getting bombarded with photons at the highest level, and it has a positive effect on improving your hardware, the brain, your brain, so that you can manifest more, do more, and have more. If you're in the presence of people that aren't that way, but want to be, that are striving, that's second best. If you look at very successful people, many of them didn't hang around billionaires when they first started, but their friends were all going for it as well. So they hung around with like minded, motivated, inspired, positive driven people. They didn't hang around with losers. They hang around with winners. Even. They were all starting off and all broke, they were still a group of winners hanging around. That's significant because when you take one broadcast, which is your brain, and put it next to another brain that's broadcasting similar frequency, drive, motivation, inspiration, enthusiasm, positivity. Each brain, the power increases and it actually affects the hippocampus size, it gets bigger, activates the pineal gland. So you're activating into the. Your third eye opens up. Powerful things happen. Your brain wave stops broadcasting on the slave wave, which is beta, or the poverty wave, which is beta, and starts broadcasting on either alpha or the theta. And maybe even get into the super genius of gamma by associating with and being in the same physical presence of winners. Now, I have a three day event coming up in the fall for the global Information Network. It's a $5,000 event. I want you to come as my guest for free. All you have to do is join and become a member of the Global Information Network. And you don't even have to become a full member. You can join at the beginning associate member level for just $38.95. If you join for $38.95, you will get a free ticket to that event. Free. And you can come free. It's in Chicago in the fall. If you can't come, you will get a free ticket to watch it live streamed. So if you can't be there physically, you can still participate in the event. Second best is to watch it virtually online. We also record it, and you get the recording as well at this event. This event is going to be unlike any global information network event we've ever had. Number one, it's going to sell out because there's a limited space. But not only am I hosting the event, which means when it starts, I come on stage first, I am hosting the entire event. They're going to see me all weekend, but I have not one, not two, not three, four multimillionaires will be speaking. These are four people that used the techniques that I teach to become multi millionaires, and they're going to tell you how they did it. Their brains, and we know this because you can put the probes on the brain and see where they're broadcasting. Their brains are broadcasting at a super high frequency. Being in the same room with one of them would change you forever. Being in the same room with the other 500 or 1000 people that are going to be there is going to change you forever because there's all that vibration for the entire weekend. But being in the room with not 1234 multimillionaires, plus me, plus Blaine Aithorn, plus doctor Tom Mortar, more multimillionaires. This is going to be a life changing event. It will change you permanently because it will permanently change your brain. You will be a different person when you leave. Come for free as my guest. All you have to do is join and become a member of the Global Information Network and learn. Learn how to release your abilities. Because you can do that now. I gotta change something here. I am book critic right now and I got something for you because you asked for it, people. Oh, by the way, something you know. I can tell who doesn't pay attention. I can tell who's not a member of our club. I can tell who doesn't haven't read the guru cap lessons. I can tell who hasn't read the nuggets of gold. I can tell who's a pretender, who's somebody who wishes and wants to be successful but is not willing to do what it takes. I can tell by the questions because somebody says, Kevin, what is your daily routine? I want to learn your daily routine. I want to know what you do. What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? I want to know how you go through your day. I want to mimic and model what you're doing. No, I'll tell you that, but that's irrelevant. You know what's more important? If you go back to your wishes, your command, one of the first concepts is who do you listen to? You listen to somebody who has what you want and has been where you are, but you listen to them or follow. What did they do when they were first starting off? In other words, you don't want to know my daily routine today. Your question should be, Kevin, when you were first starting off in 1970, 919 70, 819, 70, 719 80, 1981, what was your daily routine then? That's what you should know. What time did you get up? What did you do? See, don't look at me now. Don't look at what I do now. That's different. If you're in a plane and you ask the pilot, what throttle position do you have it in when you're at 35,000ft? Because I want to follow that. I'm just getting in a plane for the first time and I want to follow what you're doing when you're at 35,000ft. It goes, no, no, no. If you're on the Runway, you don't do the same things that you do when the plane is in the air. On cruise, when you're first taken off in your business, everything's different. The flaps are down, the throttle is full. You have to keep the brake until you hit a certain rpm before you release the brake, depending on the fuel. When you're first starting off in business, your daily activities is radically different than when you're. When you're already cruising in business. And so you have to ask, Kevin, what did you do when you first started off? And so one of the things I did when I first started off, and people have asked for this in the chat, what's your yoga training back in 1970? Something? It was like 72, I think. I think. When did this book come out? This book came out, I think in 74 or 70. 219. 69. So I got this book somewhere around 1970. Now, back then it was a paperback. This is the bigger version. So I brought the bigger version. I got the small paperback back. This is the book that I learned about yoga. I learned about nutrition and meditation. This was the first book. And I read this in 19, probably around 1970, Richard Hiddleman's yoga 28 day exercise plan. The thing that makes this book very powerful is these postures are the postures that Bhishna Ghosh taught. Bhishna Ghosh was Yogananda's brother. BhIshna Ghosh taught these postures to a guy named Bikram who started the hot yoga craze, or bikram yoga. These postures are different than what you think is yoga. Americanized or westernized. Yoga is really an exercise program. Yoga postures are different. When you do real yoga, you take a posture, one posture. You go into that position. You hold that posture for 30 seconds. While you're holding that posture, you relax your face and you breathe in and out through your nose. Only if you are doing. You've gone too far. If your muscles are shaking, the american yoga teacher will go, hold the position. Hold it. Hold it. You can do it. And people are grunting. And that's not yoga. That's a stretch. That's something else. Isometric training. But it's not yoga. YOgA is you get into a position that you're comfortable with, where you can keep a relaxed face. You can breathe normally in and out through your nose. Your breathing is not hard. Your face is relaxed, and your muscles are not trembling. If they are, then come out of the pose. You're in it too long then. Cause you've passed a point of benefit. Now you're going. And it's a detriment. So you hold the position for 30 seconds, then you rest for 30 seconds, then you do the position again. Then you rest for 30 seconds. Then you do the next posture. You hold it for 30 seconds, you rest for 30 seconds, then you do that posture again for 30 seconds, then you rest for 30 seconds. And that's how you do yoga. It's not the sun salutations and everything where you're sweating and yeah, you can still be sweating doing the yoga. If you do all the 84 postures like I do, it takes something that takes 3 hours. No one's going to do 3 hours of yoga. The great thing about this book is if you've never done a yoga posture, if you've never done any type of exercise, it is a 28 day program. So what you do is you open the book up and the pictures, by the way, from a beautiful girl in 1969. Okay? And you read it. And then you start off with day one, chest extension. And you read it and you do the posture. Then you say, number two, back stretch. And then you do the back stretch. And then you do the first day. CoBra. There's cobra over here. Practice plan for the first day. So all you do is it takes ten minutes a day. You just kind of follow along with the book. It's easy reading. Then you read the thoughts for the day. Stretching for health and beauty. ToDaY's exercises will provide a good indication as to how stiff, tight and tense you may have GRown in many key points of your body. The stiffer you find yourself, the greater your need for the gentle stretching movements of yoga. A stiff, inflexible body cannot be a truly healthy and beautiful one. Remember that you must never strain, jerk, or fight to achieve a more extreme position. Just go as far as you can, regardless of where it may be, and have the patience to hold as indicated. The hold will gradually impart the elasticity that is needed to accomplish the most extreme positions. This is true regardless of your age or physical condition. Blah, blah, blah. So you read this little beautiful thing, then you go to day two. Then you go to day two and you do day two. And it just tells you what to do. Here's day two. And when you do day two, you go back and maybe do just follow along. It's not hard. It's 28 days. And every day you just add a little more, add a little more, add a little more. You will feel different. Your body will feel different. Your outlook will feel different. It releases endorphins. You feel better. These are the feel good hormones. Your sleep will be better. Metabolism will increase. This is if you're going to do get the book. I've been doing this my whole life. I know the benefits. So this is something that I strongly endorse and recommend. Now, by the way, do we have a list of all the books I've recommended so far to date? [00:56:41] Speaker A: Yes. [00:56:42] Speaker B: We're going to put this little up here in a minute. If you're new to the show, on occasion, I recommend books. That's the recommended materials. One that's on the Kevin Trudeau fan club site. But we don't have the list of the ones I recommend on this show. [00:56:56] Speaker A: These books are the same. [00:56:57] Speaker B: Yeah, but not in the same order. Yeah, but this is a list of recommended books I have on the. The entire recommended book list on the Kevin Trudeau fan Club. But on this show, you don't have that clip. But on this show we have. I've recommended some. Next week, I'll show you. All right, so that's my book critic. And now I'm gonna give you movie critic. Do you have a list of the movies I've recommended? No, of course not. Okay. I have recommended movies. You know, you do head. There's a clip of. There's a short clip I did on all the movies that I recommended. Don't worry about it. We'll do it next week on this show. I have recommended movies because I'm a movie critic now, and I've recommended movies for a bunch of reasons, primarily because they have secrets of success embedded in them, and they're entertaining and they're lighthearted, and they're very positive and upbeat and so forth. There's a great american success story, one of the greatest american success stories of all time, about a guy who was broke, who went to Hollywood, who said, I want to become successful. And he was driven, and he read positive thinking books like the magic of believing and others. And he used the techniques in think and grow rich. He read the magic of believing. I believe he read. And he used those techniques, and he had a dream. His dream was he was going to become a movie star. The problem was he didn't talk very well. He didn't have. He wasn't very articulate. Sounded like kind of like, you know, I'm the guy in the movies there. I want to become a big star. That's what I want to be. Big star. So he didn't seem like he was a leading man character, but he had a dream. He believed in his dream, and he believed in himself. And he used the techniques in think and grow rich and magic of believing. And he wrote a script for a movie, and he went around and he said, I had this great script and nobody would buy it. And he went around for years trying to get someone to buy it. Finally, someone said, I will buy this script and we'll turn it into a movie. But he said, great. Oh, but there's one condition. I'm the star in the movie. And they laughed. You're not a movie star? No, we're going to hire an actor, not you. We're going to hire a real actor to play the main character in this movie. He said, no, I am going to be the lead. He finally got someone to accept his deal. I think it was three, four, five years, something crazy. That movie was called Rocky. And Rocky is a movie that I highly endorse and recommend because not only is Rocky an inspirational, motivational, feel good story, but it's the story of Syrvesto Stallone. It's somebody who had a dream and would not stop until he achieved that dream. It's about believing in yourself and believing in your dream and overcoming adversity and overcoming people around you who are negative and dream stealers. It is a great movie. After the success of this movie, he then pitched another one and he wrote all the screenplays. Rocky two. But this time he said, not only am I the star, but I'm going to be the director. So he made the money as the director, he made the money as the screenwriter. He made the money as the star of it. This is why he became so rich. He had a dream. He was driven. This is another motivational, inspirational movie filled with one liners that are nuggets of gold for success. And then there came Rocky three. Rocky three, another spectacular movie. I think this is the one with Clebber Lange. And this is the movie where I talked about the scene where Rocky is getting beaten up by clubber Lang, his opponent in the ring. And the guys on the side said, what the hell is Rocky doing? He's getting killed. He goes, no, he's getting mad. And this is what we talk about on how to contract energy and so forth. Inspirational, motivational. I'm telling you, you watch this, you cannot leave the movie with Rocky one, two, and three without feeling like, I can do it, too. And then there's Rocky IV. And Rocky four was another winter movie. Going back to your roots, doing whatever it takes, putting in the time, putting in the effort, keeping your eye on the dream. I mean, these movies are inspirational and motivational. If you want to binge watch something number one, binge watch the Kevin Trudeau shows here on YouTube or on Rumble. Rumble has more shows than here, so binge watch. But if you want to binge watch some movies and get yourself fired up and motivated, watch all the rocky movies. Highly endorse and recommend watching the Rocky movies. 1234 I just want you to know that I believe every single person watching this show. You're not watching by accident. Think about that. Many of you have been praying for something, asking the universe for something. Well, you know what you have in your hands. You get everything. You're not here by accident. What is your dream? What do you want? What do you want? Do you know? Think about that. Unless you have a dream, unless it's specific and quantifiable, unless it's measurable, unless it's written down, unless you're committed to achieving it, you're just a wishful thinker. Winners are always willing to do what the other guys are not willing to do. I know you got what it takes. Go for your dreams. And remember, don't let anyone steal your dream. God loves you. The universe loves you, and so do I. We'll see you next time. Have a great day.

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