Episode 24

June 24, 2024


Don't Let Your Past Determine Your Future | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 24

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin Trudeau answers caller questions LIVE on the air! Questions like how to stay motivated and inspired, how to overcome the things holding back money and success and much more! He also shared a lesson in love and how “Love Is The Secret”. He shared some spectacular new book and movie recommendations, things to make you laugh, and much much more!


0:00 Show Start

5:38 A lesson in love - The Power Of Unconditional Love

10:10 New book recommendation

15:25 New Movie recommendations

22:50 Caller 1 Q&A: How do I stay motivated?

34:24 Caller 2 Q&A: How do I become a #1 NewYork Times best-selling author?

42:00 Caller 3 Q&A: How do I overcome being bad at math and making money?

56:00 Caller 4 Q&A: I have Money Blocks in day trading, how do I overcome these?

57:27 This is the 1st thing that will keep you stuck where you are at in life.

1:01:57 Funny story about Kevin beating up a bully


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble!


Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow



Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings.

Click here to become a Partner with Kevin now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


Learn how you can access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com


To find Kevin’s newest book series ‘Nuggets of Gold’ click here: https://nuggetsofgold.com



Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #livestream #health #wealth #happiness #funnymoments

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:06] Speaker A: This is the Kevin Trudeau show. [00:00:08] Speaker B: I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. Welcome. Kevin Trudeau here. This is the Kevin Trudeau show. Glad you are here. I'm taking calls today, by the way. I told you. I promised you. I pledged that I would take calls and answer your questions and listen to your comments. So today is the day we got it fixed. So if you want to ask a question on anything at all, any of the material that we've covered on any of the previous shows, if you have a comment, give us a call. It's 84499, Kevin. 84499, Kevin. Get in the queue. And you might get on live with me today because I am going to be taking phone calls. We just finished up the Kevin Trudeau fan Club partner convention yesterday. An entire day. And if you're not on the Kevin Trudeau fan Club telegram channel, you really should be. The comments from people that were there was a very special day, very powerful day. People came in from all around the world from 09:00 in the morning till five in the afternoon. It was special, unique, uniquely different than anything anyone's experienced. I really can't say more, but it was just a spectacular event. And for those of you who are there, you know, and if you want to, if you were there and you want to make a comment about it, feel free. Last night I had a private dinner with my diamond and patron partners in the fan club. We went to a magnificent restaurant. We had a magnificent meal. It was, again, a surreal experience for the people that were there. We were there for several hours. And it was a beautiful, beautiful private dinner with me. Doctor Tom Mortar was there as well. Danielle Camacho was there. The director and CEO of the global Information Network, David Kruger, was there. It was a special. Megan was there. William was there. Matt was there. I mean, we had some really powerful, cool people that were there. And for those who were in attendance, it was special as well. If you're not a partner with me in the fan club, consider going to the kevintrodeaufanclub.com website and becoming a partner. A partner makes a monthly contribution to the fan club. That money goes to pay the expenses to put on the show and pay the other expenses that are involved with the fan club. You also get every Saturday, once a month. Not every Saturday, but once a month on a Saturday. I do a live Zoom call with partners only. And I answer questions and I do a lot of energy work on the partners. There's a lot of benefits at the different partner levels. So consider going to Kevin Trudeau fan Club and become a partner. One of the things I'm going to do today, before I take the phone calls, by the way, is there's this book, Guru Keb lessons. Guru Keb lessons. It's a very thick book. These are the channeled lessons that I wrote over a period of time. And we put it in a beautiful, beautiful book. We're converting this. This is a prototype. We're making this into a gorgeous leather book, white leather with gold embossing. The outline of the book will all be in gold. There'll be a beautiful ribbon as a bookmark. It's going to be magnificent. Something that is full of shakti or energy. But the lessons in the book are spectacular. And I'm going to give this leather bound. It's not going to have the dust jacket. It will actually be a leather bound book. We're going to give it as a gift for anyone who makes $1,000 contribution to the Kevin Trudeau legal Defense Fund. As you know, I have almost a million dollars in legal bills, and the lawyers are keeping me out of prison. The government continues to want to shut down this show. They want to shut down the fan club. They want to shut down everything because they're afraid of what I am revealing. I talked a lot about that at the partner convention, and what I reveal blew people's minds about what really goes on behind the scenes. As we know, censorship is alive and well, not just in America, but all around the world. People who are expressing things and sharing information that they don't want you to know about because it threatens the powers that be. It threatens the power in the political sense, the politicians, the corporate people that are lying to you and misleading you, and you're buying their products, not knowing really what's in them. When that information is being exposed, they want to shut you up. And then, of course, there's a lot of other things I can't even mention here because YouTube will shut us down. The censorship is crazy. So I have lawyers that are keeping this show on the air. They're fighting every single day. I'm in court again soon. I have to pay the lawyers. So if you make a contribution of $1,000 or more to the legal defense fund, I do not get one single penny. It goes 100% to the lawyers. We owe almost a million dollars still. And I will give you this book, leather bound, gorgeous, absolutely free. And I just want to give you an idea of what's in it. These are the guru Kev lessons that have been channeled. And here's one. It says, love is the secret, the power of unconditional love. A very devout religious man had a son. The son grew up and was very religious his whole life. Following his father's example, father and son loved each other and were very close. As the young boy grew into a young man, he stopped being religious and gave up entirely on God. The father was very upset about this and very upset with his son. The father would rebuke the son about turning away from God and spiritual life. This caused father and son to become estranged. The father went to his spiritual leader and asked for help. The sage asked the father, did you love your son when he was religious? The father replied, yes, very much. The sage then said, you should love him more now. Love will always do in time. What rebukes judgments. Condemning and criticizing will never do, no matter how much rebuking one does. Love is without condition and without exception. Otherwise, it is not love. Love heals all. Love is something you resonate. It is your vibration and frequency. It is not words or actions. Send love to your loved ones without condition and without exception. This is loving them. In time, you will be able to love in this manner. Everyone, without condition and without exception. That is when you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Much love to you all. Guru Kev when people read some of the words that are in this manuscript, it's life changing. So consider this beautiful book that's coming out. This is the prototype by making a contribution to the legal defense fund. And you'll be, by the way, there's only 750 of these that we're going to offer. They're going to be numbered, and they will be personally autographed by me. They are going to be special, and I will be doing special things with that 750, energetically infusing it with even more energy. Just having this physical book in your house could be as like you're having a magical amulet or something that creates magnificent prosperity and abundance in your life in every area. So consider that guru. But I am going to now become. Kevin Trudeau, book critic. I hadn't mentioned a book in a while. I have recommended many books. Do we have that recommended book list that I've recommended on this show? I've recommended books. There we go. These are the books that I've recommended so far on this show. These books are the basic, absolute, fundamental books that if you read these and read them again and read them again and read them again. Your whole life will change. And it's very inexpensive. How to win friends and influence people karmic management the secret it works. The magic of thinking big. The go getter. Think and grow rich. The magic of believing. See you at the top. Psycho Cybernetics the original psycho cybernetics must be the original one, not the new one. The original one. Published in the sixties by Maxwell Maltz. How to solve all your money problems Forever Animal Farm George Orswell Fantastic Orwell greatest salesman in the world Aug Mandino Spectacular Richard Hiddleman's Yoga 28 day exercise program this is the book that I read in 1972, or right around there, that got me into yoga and meditation right before 1974 when I met Swami Muktananda at the Arlington street church in Boston, Massachusetts when I was eleven years old. And he took me and I was introduced because of people in the brotherhood. Got me a private meeting and I talked a little bit about that at the partner convention. So those are the books I recommend today. The book I'm going to recommend is a spectacular book, giving you a simple powerful secret. One simple powerful secret that if you do this within years, a few years, your wealth will absolutely, 100%, without question, dramatically improve. Categorical. You can never make a categorical statement. But if you do the one thing that's talked about in this book, it is impossible not to dramatically improve your. Increase your wealth, increase your net worth. That's the fact. This book is a fictitious book. It's not true. It's a story. A mythical story. And I usually don't like fictitious mythical stories because they try to, they write these books to make their point. But this is based on truisms of some of the most successful people in the world. So all these true truisms, this one thing was done by all these wealthy people, thousands of them. Okay, let's make a mythical story about someone that didn't really exist, utilizing this principle to make it interesting and hopefully get you to get it. The book is called the richest man in Babylon. The richest man in Babylon. And it is the success secret of the ancients. The most inspiring book on wealth ever written. And this is a book you will read in one sitting. It is not a long book. It's an easy, quick read. It is engaging, it is riveting. It is a story. Highly endorsed and recommend it. You probably never heard of it before. It's cheap. I'm sure you can buy it on Amazon for like $2.95. It's great. And it will give you that one simple principle. Powerful. So consider this. If you want to make money, highly recommend that book and read all the books on the recommended reading list more than once. Now. I am Kevin Trudeau, movie critic, and then I'm gonna take some vocals. I've also recommended movies on this show, and these movies that I recommend are embedded with success principles. Do we have that list of. There we go. These are the movie recommendations that I've recommended on this show. Godzilla, minus one, minus color. I like the black and white version. Kung fu panda, at a fair to remember pillow talk. The offer, which is actually not a movie. It's a mini series. I believe it was on Paramount. Plus, it's about the making of the movie the Godfather. It's a wonderful life. Bonanno, a godfather story also, I think that's in more than one part. Part one, two and three or something. It's about Joseph Bonanno, who was the longest living godfather in the american mafia. Twelve angry men, a Bronx tale, the sting, finding forester, the sound of music. Ten with Bo Derek and Dudley Moore. Comedy, very good. Confessions of a dangerous mind, airplane, Casablanca, the naked gun, Frankenstein, the original. Frankenstein, the black and white with Boris Karloff. Miracle on 34th street, the original, of course the original. Black and white. Apollo 13, Chitty Chitty Bang bang with Dick Van Dyke. Dracula, the original with Bela Lugosi. The constant gardener with. No, that's not. That's another movie. Constant Gardner is really interesting because it exposes how the pharmaceutical companies and even the food industry lie about research so that they get approvals on drugs, claiming that they're safe and effective and they're not. Great movie based on a true story. Yes, man with Jim Carrey. Oceans eleven, the original oceans eleven. I did like oceans eleven with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. The new one. Great movie. I liked it. But I want you to watch the original oceans eleven with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior and Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford. The mask, also a Jim Carrey spectacular. Life is beautiful, with Roberto Benigni. He won an Academy Award for best actor in that movie. You can either watch it in Italian with english subtitles or the subtitles of your language. Or watch it in your language. I know you can get it in English. I happen to like the italian version with the english subtitles. I watch both. It's really personal preference. And then Rocky one, Rocky two, Rocky three and Rocky four. If you want to be motivated, if you want to be inspired, if you want to, if you're feeling a little lower down. You watch these movies and you cannot help yourself. Resistance is futile. You will be motivated and inspired and feel better about yourself and feel like going out there and making things happen and overcoming all the challenges in life you're facing. Rocky one, Rocky two, Rocky three, Rocky four are fantastic. The two movies I'm going to recommend today, the first one is a comedy called Bowfinger. Bowfinger is with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy plays actually two roles in this movie. It is a comedy. It is a fictitious story. It does reveal the secrets of success. It's in there and you will be laughing and it's in there. You'll be entertained and learn success principles. Highly endorse and recommend this. I happen to think it was a hilarious movie. Very funny movie, cute movie with success principles in it. Highly endorse and recommend the movie. The next one is a movie that gives you not only success principles, but the principles of leadership. This is based on a true story. The dialogue in this movie came right out of the diaries of the major characters in real life and interviews of people that were really there. So it is about 90% as accurate as it can be. There's a few things that have been changed timeline wise to make the movie flow better, but it is pretty darn accurate to reality. Few things have been dramatized. Clearly, it's Hollywood. The movie is called Patton with George C. Scott as General George S. Patton Junior. It is a great movie. It won an Academy Award. I believe George also won an Academy Award, but I believe the movie also won it for best picture. He may have won it for best actor, I'm not sure, but it is a riveting movie. It is a powerful movie. It is a moving movie and it is based on truth. About 90% of this is, I would say, 99% accurate. There's been some dramatization, of course, for effect. And again, they changed some of the timelines to make it flow better. But it is a great movie. You'll learn leadership skills. There's one particular scene in here where the general jumps off his jeep because the columns are stuck in the mud. There's one column going this way, one column is going this way, and there's a lot of rain and there's mud and things are stuck and there's confusion and people are getting hot headed and frustrated and tempers are flaring. And the general comes in and he says, stop. He looks around, pauses, assesses the situation, and he says, okay, we're going to get this cleaned up right now. And with authority after he stopped, assessed the situation and with authority, he said, we're going to get this done right now. Not I'm going to do it. We. We're going to get this done right now. It's a team. And then he started giving directives. You go over there. You move that jeep here. You guys get behind. Push. Come on. Let's go. And then he was a cheerleader. He was a motivator. He got people going. It was fantastic. And it was a scene showing leadership skills. Once he got things moving, he then said, you take over so highly, encourage and recommend the movie patent. Learn leadership skills. There's a speech he gives right in the beginning, by the way, and this speech comes directly from the speech that he gave to the Third army before they went into Normandy, during the Normandy invasion. That speech was recorded. He gave the speech to all of the divisions in his army. So he gave it multiple times. It was the same almost all the time with slight modification. The speech that you hear right in the beginning when he comes out. This is the scene when he comes out. The speech that he gives is the direct speech that he actually gave the troops. And if you dissect that speech, you will see success principles. The actual principles of success are outlined in that short dissertation that he gives to the troops before they go into combat and are facing death. Powerful, powerful, powerful movie. So check that out as well. All right. Now, we are going to go to the phone calls here in a minute. And I'll tell you what. While I take the phone calls, I will be Kevin Trudeau. Super genius. By the way, you know where that comes from? And I do this as kind of a comedy joke. By the way, the picture behind me, I have to tell you where that came from. This just came in. Two days ago, a guy in England said he was in a castle in England and he saw a picture on the wall. This is it. And he says, gosh darn it. That looks just like Kevin Trudeau. Now, I do have heritage from England and so forth. So he negotiated purchasing this. It's some astronomical amount. Sent it to me as a gift. I don't know. Does that look like me? Somebody said it looks like me. I have to check out my heritage because it definitely is in England. I don't know. Maybe that's one of my ancestors. I mean, somebody said it looks like me. We'll find out. We'll do some research to find out if that actually is actually me here. All right, so let's go to. So the super genius. The super genius. You know, next time we have to find the clip of Bugs Bunny. No. Is it Bugs bunny? No, it's Roadrunner. Roadrunner. And Wile E. Coyote. And Wile E. Coyote, who always gets, you know, outsmarted by the Roadrunner, introduces himself with a business card. Wile E. Coyote, genius. And then in a few episodes later, it was Wile E. Coyote, super genius. But he always got outsmarted by the Roanoke. So that's my little comic relief. I am Kevin Trudeau. Super genius. All right, so let's go to the phone lines, comments, questions. Oh, you got the Wile E. Coyote. I just saw that there a second ago. All right, well, we'll pull up the whole scene later in another episode where you can actually see the. Or you can probably google it or something. Wile E. Coyote, super genius. Wiley Coyote, genius. There it is. Habib Brain. I have brain. Will travel. Hab brain. Will travel. Well, super genius. All right, do we have any phone callers? Do we have our number up there? And we have a caller. You are on the line. Kevin Trudeau here. You are live. Hello. Ah, hold on. I just got blasted in the air with the volume. Yes. What's your name? [00:22:50] Speaker C: I'm Peter. I'm from Ottawa, Canada. How are you doing? [00:22:52] Speaker B: I'm doing great. Peter from Ottawa, Canada. Do you have a question or a comment? [00:22:57] Speaker C: I do have the. I have a lot of comments. I rather just go to. I was going through the training, and I'm a global information network, level one. And. [00:23:07] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:23:08] Speaker C: I'm just doing backlog that I'm talking to you, and it's so great that everything that you're saying from your wishes, your command, level one, it's working perfectly. And there is one thing that I just kind of was concerned about myself, that I would. Big dream. Big dream. [00:23:32] Speaker B: Big dream. [00:23:33] Speaker C: And after a while, I just lose it. Although I'm just doing everything that you said in the previous episode of your show about the gin, everything I'm doing. But I'm not around people, like minded people. Every day. I was wondering how to get my dream bigger around the people that don't have. [00:23:56] Speaker B: So what you're saying is you get a dream, you get motivated, and then all of a sudden you lose your motivation. [00:24:05] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:24:06] Speaker B: Correct. Okay, so I'm going to give this answer to everyone. The answer is really, how, Kevin? Do I stay motivated? That's really the answer. That's really the question. How do I stay motivated? Zig Ziglar. He's one of the top ten motivational speakers of all time in my opinion, and he was on my top ten list in one of my previous shows, had an audio course, and it was entitled not how to get motivated. The title of it was how to stay motivated. And when I traveled with Zig, him and I shared the platform together, I asked him that. I said, shouldn't it be called how to get motivated? And he said, no. People come to this event because they have motivation. People have spurts of inspiration, spurts of motivation. The real question is, how do they stay motivated? Because that's where the rubber meets the road. That's one of the significant differences between success and failure. Successful people do the right things long enough consistently. You can't do the right things long enough consistently if you lose your motivation, if you are motivated to get in shape, see how to stay motivated. Yeah. If you are motivated to get in shape and you say, I'm going to buy a gym membership and I'm going to go to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and work out for an hour, you set a goal, you make a commitment, and you go Monday and you go Wednesday and you go Friday, and the next week you go Monday and you go Wednesday and you go Friday. And then all of a sudden, one day you get a little tired and your muscles are a little bit sore, and maybe you stepped on the scale and you actually gained a pound. You didn't lose any weight. And you get a little frustrated and you get a little bit sad, a little bit low and deflated, and you say, well, I'm going to skip Monday, but I'll go Wednesday, and then you never go again. It's always about keeping your motivation. Cabot Roberts said character is following through on a decision long after the excitement and emotion of the moment has passed. And another way of saying it is character is staying motivated, staying inspired. So how does a person stay inspired? And how do successful people stay inspired? That's really the question. How do you stay inspired? How do you stay driven? How do you stay motivated? What keeps you going? And the answer is, there's a system of success that wealthy people employ. It's the gin success system, which is what I've put together in the global information network, and it includes elements or ingredients, and all successful people employ these ingredients. The first part is reading books every single day, even if it's just a page a day. The second part is listening to audios every single day, even if it's ten or 15 minutes. Positive motivational inspirational stories, speeches, lectures. Next is going to events on a regular basis in the global information network. We have four major weekend events a year, and we have four one day seminars and rallies. So eight times a year, you can plug in, live or virtually to a source of motivation and inspiration to recharge the batteries. Next, in order to be inspired and motivated and stay motivated, you must give recognition to others. You must see people succeed. See another person succeed. See another person succeed. Where you're hearing success stories in the global information network. At all of our events, we have dozens and dozens of members getting on stage saying, I just made my first million dollars. I used the techniques and now I met the love of my life. I used techniques and my struggling marriage is now more blissful and passionate than ever before. I use the techniques and I lost 40 pounds. I use the techniques and I've gotten three job promotions. I use the techniques and I'm now in the career. That is really my love and joy, as opposed to drudgery, and I'm happier than ever before. So success stories motivate and inspire you. Then get a chance to give recognition to those people, applaud them, be happy for their success. This keeps you motivated. And then we give a whole series of opportunities so that our members get recognized, they get brought on stage even. Is this your first time attending? Come on, let's recognize this person. Shake that person's hand, welcome them to the club. That acknowledgement that recognition lights something up inside that stays with you for weeks and sometimes months, allowing you to stay motivated. And then the circle around our symbol is relationships. And this is really the glue that makes it all work. When you associate with like minded, positive, inspired people who have set goals and are working every day to achieve those goals, you now have a support group. You can call it an accountability partner or an accountability group, but it's a support group. So when you're part of a group of people that are trying to achieve goals and dreams, at some point one member of the group is going to lose their motivation and inspiration. That's when the other members of the group can help reinspire you. And when somebody in the group loses their motivation, you have an opportunity to help re inspire them, which keeps you motivated. So this whole system is what the Rockefeller family has done. When I was in the Middle east, in the royal palace, I was brought there by a royal family, and I talked to them about how everybody in their group, they have all the money in the world. How do they stay motivated to do anything? I mean, they don't have to do anything. They got all the money in the world. And this is the exact system that they outlined exactly what I said. And I laughed and I said, let me show you our symbol in the club. And I showed it to them and then I showed them with the names of everything, and they were just blown away. They really hadn't quantified it or codified it like I did, but it's exactly what they do. They innately know the technique to stay motivated. And now, then, there's a whole bunch of ancillary things. One of the simplest one is dream building. Going out and physically looking at big houses, going out and looking at nice cars and jewelry and nice clothes, looking online at fancy restaurants and reading their menus and imagining what it would be nice to be able to afford going to that place, looking online at Tahiti and Hawaii and Barbados and all the different luxury places around the world that you would love to travel to and take a holiday vacation. Look at the most luxurious suites and villas that cost $10,000 a night and dream, wow, somebody can afford that. If they can do it, why not me? And why not right now? These are the things that inspire and motivate. These are the things that wealthy people do on a regular basis. So engage in that, and I think you'll see some spectacular results. Let's go to another phone call. You are live on the air. Kevin Trudeau here. What's your name and where are you from? [00:32:16] Speaker D: Hi, kevin. This is amanda mance Wilkinson from cleveland, ohio. How are you today? [00:32:20] Speaker B: I'm wonderful, amanda. How are you? [00:32:23] Speaker D: Loving life. So glad to be here. [00:32:26] Speaker B: Good question. [00:32:26] Speaker D: I want to start with a few comments and then a question, if that's all right. Yeah, I'd like to start by saying thank you for all that you do and all that you are. I love you and I am so glad that you are here to the audience. If you aren't a part of the global information network yet, what are you waiting for? Please go check out the website, globalinformationnetwork.com dot. [00:32:49] Speaker B: You're a shill. [00:32:49] Speaker D: So happy to have you. [00:32:50] Speaker B: You're a shill, right? You're a shill. That's what they're going to write on the comments. They're saying, oh, he set these calls up. [00:32:57] Speaker D: Yeah. I don't. We could add a couple more zeros. We'll talk it out after the call. [00:33:04] Speaker B: Getting into the question first, tell everybody you're not a shill, that you're not a setup call. [00:33:12] Speaker D: Not at all. This is a legitimate promotion. I've been a part of the global information network for a couple of years. Now. And I can tell you from personal experience, my life has 180 for the better. You will be very glad that you pulled the trigger and made the decision to be a part of this club. You will have people in your life. That last caller, when you said that they're not having the opportunity to spend time with like minded individuals. If you're a part of the club, get in the, get in the communication boards, get on the telegram channels. You've got a community. You will be surrounded with like minded people who are changing the world if you join the global information network. [00:33:51] Speaker B: Yeah, you can be. [00:33:52] Speaker D: This is not a paid promotion. [00:33:54] Speaker B: It's not a paid promotion. Yeah. I mean, we have virtual chapter meetings even if there's no local chapter. You know, there's big local chapters in Chicago and Toronto and France. We have big local chapters where people meet. But we also have virtual chapter meetings where you can meet people who speak your language and get their phone number and email address. So you have people that you can reach out to and talk to and befriend even if they're not local, right? [00:34:19] Speaker D: That's right. Yeah. It's very accessible. I've got friends all over the world now. [00:34:23] Speaker B: Good, good, good. And your question? [00:34:27] Speaker D: Yes. So I am authoring a New York Times bestselling children's book series. I'll link my Venmo and cash app in the comments. If anybody wants to donate and activate their power of giving with that being the chief aim. Kevin, what steps would you specifically take as someone who has had a number one for 26 weeks in a row to ensure this reality and what resources would you recommend for me? [00:34:51] Speaker B: This is a great question because people always want to know. Kevin, you came up with the book natural cures they don't want you to know about, which was number one on the New York Times list for 26 weeks in a row. So, sold tens of millions of copies in hardcover. Keep that in mind. It was full price hardcover. It was the number one best selling book in all of America the year that it came out. So how did I achieve that number one? I did not have a goal of it even being on the New York Times best selling list. Forget about having a goal of being at number one. I didn't even have a goal of having it on the New York Times best selling list. I did not have a goal of having the accolade of being the best selling book in America. The reason it became so successful is when most people set goals, it's about themselves, what you're going to get out of it. The accolades, the praise, the recognition, being invited on talk shows, given awards, a plaque, a trophy, all the things that you're going to receive if you hit your target. And when people write books as an example, wanting to be a number one New York Times bestseller, and most people just want to be a New York Times bestseller, and they set that goal, and then they have celebration parties and they get up, and I want to thank everyone who's helped me, and it's all about them. I didn't have any of those aspirations. The reason the book sold is because I wrote the book to help change people's lives. I didn't write the book to become a New York Times bestseller. I didn't write the book to be a number one bestseller. I didn't write the book to sell tens of millions of copies. I didn't write the book for any of those reasons. I wrote the book to help improve the quality of people's lives. And I gave any profits away to charity. People forget that in the COVID of the book, it says, all royalties go. I don't get a penny in royalties on the book. I never got a penny in royalties on the book. I didn't do it for me. I did it for the people. And this is very significant. When I was in the memory training business way back in the eighties, I got in that business because I wanted to make some money, and I thought this was a great course that could help people. Okay? Those two objectives are good. And when I got in, we were making ridiculous money, and I wanted to make more money. And one day, I was teaching a seminar, a workshop on memory improvement. And at the break, several other people came up and they were almost in tears, saying, this is life changing. My daughter's here. She has brightened up. She was so depressed. She hated school. She didn't want to go to school because she couldn't remember anything. She learned yesterday how to remember over a hundred things, forwards, backwards, in and out of order in the class. And, Kevin, she went home, and she committed to memory, all 50 states and their capitals. And she went into school and told her teacher what she could do. Teacher didn't believe her, and so she showed her, and the teacher was just blown away. She goes, my daughter's self esteem and self confidence is so high, it's going to positively impact her for the rest of her life. And I wanted to thank you, Kevin. At that moment, I went back to teaching the class, and I wasn't thinking about how much money I'm going to make if people in the room purchase another course, the advanced course or something like that, I thought, what can I do to make this seminar workshop better? What can I do to positively impact more people's lives? I went back to the office in Bensonville, Illinois. I actually drove by our building, which is condemned now, this was back in the eighties, and I said, that's where we had our first office. And I sat down with the staff and I said, I want everyone to put their thinking caps on. What can we do to make the workshop better for our customers, and what can we do to positively improve and impact their life more? When the emphasis became on that instead of me and the money, our business exploded and the money flowed in like milk and honey. I mean, money flowed like lava. You couldn't stop it. And so the thing I will tell you and anybody else when you're setting goals and objectives is, how are other people going to be positively impacted if you hit that goal? Athletes, when they're trying to win an Olympic gold medal, invariably when the athlete says, I want to win the gold, and they have that goal for themselves, that they want to win the gold medal, they invariably don't win it. But when they say, I want to win, the goal for my country and my community or my race or my religion, or when they're thinking about their victory, they're attaining their goal is going to positively impact all these other people in groups. Those are the people that invariably win more often than not. So think about that, and you will win. I know you will, because I can feel it in your heart. You're a wonderful, beautiful person, and you have really a beautiful objective in terms of helping children with your book series. So good luck with that. Let's go back to the phone lines. Okay? You were live on the air. Kevin Trudeau here. What's your name and where you're from? [00:41:30] Speaker A: Hello. [00:41:30] Speaker B: Hi. What's your name and where are you from? [00:41:34] Speaker A: Oh, I'm on. [00:41:35] Speaker B: Yes, you are on live. And there are millions, there are millions of people listening to you right now with bated breath, wanting to know, don't. [00:41:43] Speaker A: Get me any more nervous. [00:41:46] Speaker B: What is your name and where you're from? [00:41:50] Speaker A: My name is Anne. I'm from New York, and I just love your show, and I learn something new from every time I watch it. My question has two parts. In one of your shows, you talked about being born with certain talents, like playing music, painting, art, that sort of thing. When I was in grade school and high school, I was an a student in every subject except math. I struggled to get a c in math. When I look at a mathematical problem, everything gets blurry. I took aptitude tests for college, and the results showed I had a high aptitude for mathematics, yet I had to work hard just to get a c. Another thing that bothers me, over the years, I had many opportunities to increase my income. Every time I get ahead, something happens to bring me down again. Divorce, getting right off a job, illness, you know, that sort of thing. This is very frustrating and depressing. I'm tired of the roller coaster ride. Are these two problems connected? Can you explain what's going on? [00:43:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. [00:43:25] Speaker A: I want to change. I don't know how. [00:43:27] Speaker B: Yeah, stay with me for a minute. Stay with me for. Let me ask you a question. Are you a member of gin? [00:43:36] Speaker A: Not at the present time, but I was a member in 20 11. 20 12. 20 13. [00:43:43] Speaker B: Okay, that's fine. [00:43:44] Speaker A: And. Yeah, okay. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Yeah, no problem. [00:43:48] Speaker A: I met you. I was on some of the cruises. I met you at some of the vents, and I also met you in person at gin events and also in Chicago. [00:43:59] Speaker B: Okay, that's great. Okay, do you remember what level you went through of the success mastery course? [00:44:08] Speaker A: I was a level three working on level four. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Okay, good. Okay, so you've had some of the basic training. Very good. Okay, have you gone through. Have you gone through any of the science of personal mastery course lessons? [00:44:23] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Okay, good. Perfect. Have you gone through any of the money processes? [00:44:31] Speaker A: No. [00:44:31] Speaker B: Okay. All right. So I just want to make sure everybody understands where you're coming from. When I answered the question, it wasn't about me needing to know. I could see the energy. It's about, I want to make sure people know where you're at. Okay, so this is a very good question. The answer is yes. These two are connected. So what I'm seeing is, just like the aptitude test. You have a high aptitude to mathematics, but you struggle with it, correct? [00:45:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:04] Speaker B: Okay. I can see that. You have a high aptitude to making money, but you struggle with it, correct? [00:45:14] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And specifically, every time I get on top. [00:45:17] Speaker B: Yeah. What I'm seeing specifically, you have a hard time holding on to money. So anytime you start making it, you then go backwards, right? [00:45:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:27] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah, I can see it very clearly. So these are energetic blocks that I talk about that are in the field. And another way of saying it is what's called counterintention. So, in your DNA, from your mother's line and your father's line, you have counterintentions on mathematics and counterintentions on money in your own field, in your own bank, in your own memory. You also have, they call samskaras, or energetic imprints. Sometimes they're called engrams. These are incidences where you have encapsulated energy. And in this energy are what's called a postulate or a decision or an agreement. Sometimes it's called an affirmation or a declaration, where you just imagine. Just imagine that you were riding your little bicycle and you fell, hit your head, and was unconscious for a few minutes, and somebody else came running up to you. And before you woke up, somebody said, oh, she's the one who's no good with math. She can't do math. Then you wake up during that moment of unconsciousness and physical pain, your analytical mind was disengaged. And when somebody said, she can't do math, you now have an implant in your reactive mind or your subconscious mind, and it's a program that you have no control over. So even though you have the aptitude for math, you now have a program that runs, I can't do math. I'm no good at math. So it's called a counterintention. So in order to free yourself from that, that has to be released. This happens throughout our history, and it's also in our DNA from our mother and father. Research just came out. And the next show, I'm going to actually show the articles because I just read this a few days ago. Neuroscientists now have proven, and this was in the news, you're not going to see it in the mainstream, but it could have been on NPR. I'm not sure where it was. But the neuroscientists have proven. There was a big article just a couple days ago in major university research that traumas that happened with our parents, grandparents, great great parents, great great great parents, great great great grandparents. Anybody in our ancestry, if they had a trauma, it's in your DNA and it's as if you had the same trauma. It's actually in the DNA and it's adversely affecting our lives. If you had somebody who was raped in your ancestry, that there it is, trauma be passed down from one generation to the next. This whole article talks about how the answer is yes. And this. I've been saying this for 30 years. Of course I've been called an idiot and a racist and everything else because of this. And now it's in the main, now science. And by the way, it's not me saying I didn't make it up. Spiritual leaders have been saying this for tens of thousands of years. Science is now just catching up with what spiritual masters have known all along. So, in answer to your question, if, for example, we had a one on one, I can see it, and we can blow it out. If you continue to go through the science of personal mastery course, the processes there will blow it out. If you read the guru Kev lessons going through that, you will increase awareness over days, months, etcetera. And it will blow out if you do thought field therapy, when you think about it, because as you were describing it, you were tearing up. I could hear it. I could sense it. It's traumatic. So all you have to do is go into that same state where you're tearing up and do a thought fill therapy tapping sequence, and that'll virtually vaporize the encapsulated engram or the declaration that's stuck, the implant that's there, it'll go away. And I've seen this happen not once, not twice, but hundreds of times. Gary Spivey, I'm with him. We traveled all over the world. He lived with me, for God's sakes. You know, for 30 years, I've known the guy. And when he works on people, we see it happen all the time. I've seen it happen in the memory business where we take a person who is struggling, who said, I can't do math. Scott Flansberg, for example, the human calculator. We did a program called Megamath, how to do math calculations in your head. We would take people that had math phobias. Just like you're saying, I can't do math. I can't do math. I can't do math. I get blurried, I can't do math. And he would say, okay, 3 hours from now, let's see how you feel. 3 hours later, the person's going, I'm doing math calculations in my head. I can do multiplication, addition. I don't have it. Math phobia gone. All of a sudden, instead of getting C's and D's, they're getting a's and B's. And instead of study and being frustrated, they study for half the time, and they're acing it because the brain is wired for math. They just have a mental block. That's really all it was. And Scott Flansburg would just blow this out. The guy was a genius. He was called the human calculator. One of the greatest teachers on how to do math calculations ahead of all time. Friend of mine, spectacular, man. Same thing with reading. I can't read. I can't read. Howard Berg would come in. The world's fastest reader is in the Guinness Book of World Records. Him and I authored the program mega speed reading. And Howard would get there and say, okay, let me show you how to read five times faster than you're reading now and remember three times more. So a person would read a chapter and then take a little test and do terrible. They can't remember. Then he'd say, okay, here's another book. Read this chapter. They would read it five times faster and then take the test, and they would get two or three or four times better results. So they remembered infinitely more when they read two or three or four or five times faster. It's a block. It's simply a mental block. Now, in some cases, your brain doesn't work for math, your brain works for art. And that's the hard wire. But everyone can get better from where they're at right now. Every single person can improve in every area of your life. You can get infinitely better than you are now. It doesn't look some people will never excel at tennis, no matter how many hours they practice. But everyone is going to get better at playing tennis if they actually learn the proper technique. But it's just not practice. People say, ah, practice makes perfect. No, perfect. Practice makes perfect. Give you a story. I was talking to a fellow on the phone. He was involved in the writing of one of the best mental tennis books of all time. It's not just about tennis or sports. This book of mental mastery applied to tennis, but it applies to any sport, but it also applies to anything. Cooking, gardening, relationships, public speaking, making money, it's all the same. And in this particular instance, the example was there was a woman who had gone to the tennis pro three days a week for two hour lessons for two years and still was terrible. And the guy who wrote the book said, it's mental. So he said to this woman, all I want you to do is when I hit the ball over, I want you to look at that ball and try to see the laces of the ball rotate. And while you're focused on the laces rotating, when the ball hits the ground, say one. And when it comes up, say hit, and keep looking at the ball, at the laces rotating. That's all I want you to do. This was the big lesson. She hit ball after ball after ball after ball after ball, perfect, down, boom, bam, boom, bam, boom. All of a sudden, the light bulb goes off in her head. I can play tennis from there forward. Her game, which was like this for two years, all of a sudden, went like this improvement. So it's perfect practice. It's like knowing exactly what to do. It's blowing out the counter intention programming, whether it's making money. I just finished doing the first ten relationship processes. People were just blown away. How? Just a few short hours blocks that they've had their whole life in terms of relationships were now gone. They could feel it. People were moved. Tears. And in just 24 hours I've already gotten emails from people saying the relationships in my family are all different. People have all said, you are different. What's different about you? Oh my God. They said, forget the romantic. One person last night at the dinner said, my marriage is already way better. The sex was out of control because both of them went to the race. She goes and she goes, I don't want to get too intimate. She goes, but it's never been that good. We've been married for over ten years. I mean, that's what happens when you start releasing the counter intentions. All right, let's go to the phone lines. You are live on the air. I'm Kevin. What's your name and where are you from? [00:55:56] Speaker E: Hey, Kevin, my name is Junior and I'm from Utah. [00:56:01] Speaker B: Alright. Question or comment? [00:56:05] Speaker E: It is a question and as a matter of fact it's on the same subject that you just were on. It's about the energy blocks. And first of all, it is an honor. And I don't even know, it's kind of like some bones here, but I'm just going to lay it out. I'm going to explain a little bit of my situation and how I can really remove the energy block that I have based off what I've been understanding so far. [00:56:35] Speaker B: Okay. [00:56:35] Speaker E: Is that I do have an energy. So I am a day trader. At least I'm trying to become one. And I have a lot of success through practices, pretty much everything outside of the game. But when it comes to my performance inside the game, when I'm having fun, an account, a live account, I just everything of a cycle that I'm doing good, doing good. I hit that feeling. [00:57:04] Speaker B: It's. I can see, I can see it right here. First off, let me explain something and I'm cutting you off for a reason. Everybody listening when I meet people and I say, you know, can I help you? You know, do you have a question? Yes. The first thing a person wants to do is tell me their situation and their history. Now I'm not saying this to offend you in any way, by the way, but I want everybody to understand this. This is the first thing that will keep you in your current situation, stop talking about your current situation. Stop talking about your past, stop telling that story. You must stop talking about your past and stop talking about your current scene. This will keep you there. People tell their story in their own head tens of thousands of times. And I know because when they tell me their story, it's like on autopilot. They've rehearsed it 10,000 times. Every time you think about your past and your current situation, you are reinforcing it, making it manifest again tomorrow because you're putting the vibration out. So let me give you the example, and I can already read your energy, so I know, and you'll know that I'm 100% true. Let's reverse the roles here. And if you say to me, you say, Kevin, do you have a question? Let's say I'm the caller. Yeah. I'm a day trader, and I want to be able to make a lot of money when I actually fund my account. That's my goal. See, that's how I would say it. I wouldn't say, kevin, let me tell you what's happened in the past when I don't have a funded account, when I'm just, you know, playing with play money, I do really well, but once I fund the account, then it doesn't do well. See, now I'm explaining my current scene and explaining what has gone on in the past nine. Nyet. Nada. No. Bad, bad seed. No, no, don't do that. And I do this, I'm saying this out of love. Everyone does it. And by the way, it's a habit. Everybody does it, so don't feel bad. If you do it, you all do it. Stop. Stop it. It was a great scene. You got to get this. In one of the future episodes, Bob Newhart. Stop it. There's a funny thing where he just said he's a genius psychologist and his new therapy was just tell the person, stop it. Stop doing that. Stop. Pretty funny. We'll play that in the future, but here's the point, so don't talk about that. So anytime a person asks me a question, you should just say, what do you want? Just don't focus on what you don't want. Don't tell me what you don't want. Tell me what you want, Kevin. I'm a trader, and what I want is when I fund my account and trade, I want to be very successful. That's what I want. You don't have to tell me anything else. And you shouldn't even think about anything else, because when you think about anything else, you're bringing in what you don't want and what you think about, you'll get. You get what you think about. When you think about what you don't want, you'll get what you don't want. Here's the answer, by the way. Well, if you were to ask me that question, I can see the energy. And this is the same for everyone, by the way, especially in trading, especially in gambling or anything like this or any type of business venture. When you're trading on paper with no money, do you have any fear of losing any money? Of course not. There's no fear. Once you put money in the account, subconsciously there's a fear of losing it. So the counterintention that everyone has and it's covered in the money processes is we go into the DNA of the parents, mother and father, and we find all of the incidences where there was fear of losing money, fear of losing material things, and it's in everyone's line. So it's something that vibrates below your conscious level of awareness in your DNA. It's there, it's everybody. And then if you go back in your history, if I would have just asked you at a one on one, recall an incident when you were afraid of losing something very valuable, all of a sudden says, oh, yeah, I got a ring, I got a watch, I had some playing cards. I'll tell you one with me. I wrote down, there was a stupid song. I can't even remember what the heck the name of it was, but I listened to it. I recorded on a cassette player, and for hours I wrote down the lyrics of this. And then I rewrote it. So it was all beautiful. And I brought it to school and I had this. It took me so much time, and to me it was very valuable. And there was this big bully who said, let me see that. And he grabbed it. And my. The fear of me losing that piece of paper was overwhelming, and I'll tell you how overwhelming. He ripped it up. He was about a foot taller than me. He was three years older than me. And guess what I did? I lost it. I went up and I punched him as hard as I can, straight with my fist, right in the nose. He went over like Goliath, right over, boom, on the ground. I was red. And I didn't stop. I jumped on top of him, and I just started, bam, bam. It was like a UFC fight. And he's unconscious. I had to be pulled off him. By kids. The kids couldn't get me. The teachers had to come and they said, what did he do? He ripped my paper in half. Like, I wonder what you would have done to him if he actually, like, stole some money or something. But we all have some fear of losing. And once we start any type of business, that is a subconscious counterintention that screws us up. What we fear most will come upon us. Somebody says, well, how do I get rid of it? Well, at the end of the day, with willpower, you can do a lot of things. The only way I know is I, is that's what the money. That's why the money process is done in the brotherhood. It's done in all the wealthy families. They do this. But at the end of the day, a wealthy family doesn't have fear of losing. So if you look at the DNA on the mother's side and father's side, of all the ancestors of a Rockefeller, there's no fear of losing anything. So they don't have that counterintention, you and I, because we grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, we got tons of it. That's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich don't have the counterintentions, and we do. So we have to get rid of it. That's what the money processes are about. If you can't afford the money processes, if you want more information, just send us an email and we'll give you all the details. But just the guru Kev lessons, which are free, or the nuggets of gold, these things will help soften. They don't go into the DNA and change it, but they can start softening and reducing that counterintention to help you dramatically the success mastery course in general course and the science of personal math, these things all help the books that I recommend, which are very inexpensive when you read those books. That's why I recommend those books, because there's a lot of, you just don't have the money or time to invest in some of the other programs that are available out there that are very good. Those can be very, very helpful. Just listening to the show can be helpful because I'm putting out a lot of energy to help you attain your goals, dreams and desires. Becoming a partner in a fan club, all the things that we offer, there's a lot available to you. Look, at the end of the day, there's more opportunity for you to improve the conditions of your life now than ever before in history. There's a lot of them, depending on how much time you have and depending on how much money you have, no matter where you live in the world. And that's why this is free. The guru Kev lessons are free. The nuggets of gold are free. And then if you have a little money, partnership in the fan club. If you have a little more money, join the global information network at the associate level. If you have a little more money, upgrade to level one. If you have a little more money and desire the money processes or the relationship processes, there's something for everyone. And we're not here to, you know, remember, none of this revenue goes to me. This money comes in, it pays the expenses, and any overage is used to pay either the lawyers or goes directly to the government to pay the fund that the FTC says I have to pay, I only get $3,750 a month. That's what I live on. That's what I'm allowed to live on by the court. All these other things I'm doing is really for you, for your benefit. So consider all this stuff, and we're running out of time. We're actually, we are out of time. I'll take more calls on Wednesday. We broadcast Monday and Wednesday. Make sure you're subscribed to the channel. If you're watching on YouTube, subscribe. Make sure you share this with as many people as you can. Leave comments and like, make sure you. Like you have to. Like you have to like you have to like. If you're on rumble, make sure you subscribe. Hit the notification button like you got a, like you got a like. Leave comments and if you're watching on or listening to on any of the other platforms, consider subscribing. Subscribing to Rumble because in the future, I will be giving more free information and shows on rumble than any of the other platforms. Because on rumble, there's no censorship. So I'll be giving shows exclusively there that won't be available anywhere else. So if you're listening on Spotify or Apple Podcast or YouTube or any of the other platforms, you're listening to the show or watching the show, consider also getting on Rumble and having that as one of the sources because there'll be a lot more free information there that will be exclusive to Rumble because they don't censor. And I'll be talking about all types of stuff that they don't want you to know about that will improve the quality of your life. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Thanks for listening and watching. We'll see you on Wednesday, 01:00 Chicago time, live. Bye bye. Sa.

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