Episode 46

September 09, 2024


How The Media Creates The Narrative Before The Facts | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 46

Hosted by

Kevin Trudeau

Show Notes

In this episode Kevin Trudeau shares firsthand knowledge of how the media creates the narratives they wish to promote without checking the facts! Kevin reveals what his next new and updated books are going to be about, how this show is different than any other show and why the government is afraid of Kevin, and so much more!


  • 0:00 Show Start
  • 2:30 Media: “I’ll never let the facts get in the way of a great story”
  • 15:22 NEW Updated Natural Cures book! Cures for the top 25 diseases
  • 17:58 Your Wish Is Your Command book… The Think and Grow Rich of Our Time!
  • 28:32 This should have been the biggest News Story in history!
  • 30:13 The Organic Scam book
  • 36:19 New Nuggets Of Gold book
  • 36:33 New book: Spiritual Materialism, The Teachings Of Guru Kev [gurukev.com]
  • 39:52 This show ‘The Kevin Trudeau Show’ is different
  • 47:08 The superior man seeks within


The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about!


Kevin Trudeau is one of the most-read authors of all time.  His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was number 1 on the New York Times best-seller list for 26 weeks in a row, becoming the number 1 best-selling health book of all time.


Kevin is also a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and mass communications expert – as well as a consumer, natural health, and free speech advocate.


Due to Kevin Trudeau's legal issues concerning his books and being held for the longest 'contempt of court' in US history, this show has been on hiatus since 2012. The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show was syndicated across countless radio stations worldwide, reaching over 100 million listeners.


Returning LIVE on YouTube and Rumble in 2024, The Kevin Trudeau Show is fast becoming the 'World's Best Show' on a variety of topics, including the secrets to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.


  • Want more of Kevin UNCENSORED? The original Kevin Trudeau Radio Show's old episodes have all been uploaded to Rumble! Watch the original show (and current LIVE streams) on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/c/KevinTrudeauShow


  • Join Kevin’s Partner Program for private monthly Q&As live-streamed and instant access to all previous recordings. Become a Partner with Kevin Trudeau now: https://kevintrudeaufanclub.com/partner/


  • For snippets from some of the previous Partner Zoom calls, subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@therealkevintrudeau


  • Access the ‘Your Wish Is Your Command’ course here: https://yourwishisyourcommand.com


  • For the secret training that Kevin received in the ‘Brotherhood’, apply to become a Member in the Global Information Network: https://globalinformationnetwork.com




  • Kevin Trudeau's Official Website is: https://kevintrudeau.com







#kevintrudeau #kevintrudeaushow #media #medialies #fakenews

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] This is the Kevin Trudeau show. I am exposing the corruption in government and in major multinational corporations. We're telling you the things that they don't want you to know that will make your life better. [00:00:19] Welcome, everyone. Kevin Trudeau here. Everything they don't want you to know about to make your life better. Glad you're with me for the next hour. I'm on location. I'm in Beverly Hills, California right now. I'm in my hotel room broadcasting. This show is in the process of improving in many, many ways. And it's a great show. As you know, we provide you great information that you really can't get anyplace else from other podcasts. And there's a lot of great podcasts out there. There are podcasts that share information, let's say conspiracy theories, a lot of political talk, and most of it is right wing political talk. Steve Bannon, for example, and he's in prison now for contempt of court. No kidding. They want to silence him. Alex Jones, obviously conservative or right wing conspiracy theory about kind of the shadow government that really controls things. So you have the political guys who do podcasts, Tucker, Carlson, Levine. [00:01:25] Look, the list could go on and on, even Russell Brand, who broadcast both on YouTube for a little bit, and then because they'll ban him easily, he goes to rumble. And we're probably going to do that same thing as well. And so you have a lot of those type of podcasts, and some of them are very informative. They do a lot of research. They're very well funded. They have a large research team. [00:01:49] This show has no research team. It has me and one guy. [00:01:54] We don't have the money. [00:01:56] We need more partners in the Kevin Trudeau fan club. We need more people to make contributions to the Kevin Trudeau fan club. We need more of you to purchase the money processes and the relationship processes and the guru Kev book from the Kevin Trudeau fan club. We need more of you to make those contributions. So we don't have the funds. [00:02:18] It's a little bit slow going over the last few months, improving every single week. Great. But we need to do better. And that's really going to come from your help. Our funding is limited. So there's a lot of good shows out there that provide a lot of good information that are very well researched. Although when you look at those shows and you really dive deep, unfortunately, whether it's right wing or whether it's left wing, if it's a political show, they have a particular agenda and they don't go out there to find the truth. They go out there to prove their point, regardless of the truth. [00:02:57] There's an old saying that says, I'll never let the facts get in the way of a good story, and it's absolutely true. I remember back, I think it was in 1979, Amway Corporation was really exploding across the United States. [00:03:16] Free enterprise was what they were promoting, and they were saying, hey, look, you can now, with Amway, get into a business of your own. You can sell soap and cosmetics and supplements. Back then, it was mostly soap that was their best selling products. And they said, you could sign up and become a distributor of Amway products. You can sell some products in your local area to your friends, relatives, and neighbors and make a little profit. But you could also recruit other people to also become distributors and encourage them to sell some products to their friends, relatives, and neighbors. And if they do, you'll get a royalty override. You'll get a commission override on everything that they sell. And so it was a business opportunity, and it kind of started the multilevel marketing concept where I could sell some products and recruit you. You could sell some products, and I would get a commission override and everything you sold. And if you recruited somebody, I could get a percentage of everything they sold. And if they recruited somebody, I could get a little percentage of everything they sold, and therefore I could start developing some residual income. And it was great. And a lot of people made a lot of money. [00:04:25] 60 minutes decided that they wanted to do an article or an expose on Amway. [00:04:35] They had no interest in investigating what Amway was. Who? Dexter Jaeger, their top distributor, who he was. They weren't interested in getting the facts of were people making a lot of money? What are the facts? They had no interest. And I know this because I was there. [00:04:55] They had an agenda, and here's how it works in the media, whether it's a podcast today or 60 minutes. Back then, the producer said, we want to produce a segment that shows Amway is a scam, so let's produce that segment. [00:05:18] Do you understand that? [00:05:20] They're not saying, we want to investigate the Amway phenomena and report on what we found. [00:05:29] That's not what their interest is. They said, we want to produce a segment showing that Amway and Dexter Jaeger and all the big promoters in Amway are frauds, and Amway is a scam. That's what we're going to produce, regardless of what the facts tell us. [00:05:47] And that's what they produce. It was a lie. It was deceptive, it was misleading. [00:05:54] It's not journalism. [00:05:57] It's misinformation at the highest level. It's fraud. [00:06:02] 60 minutes committed fraud. And they do it every single time. [00:06:08] ABC News, NBC News, CNN, Fox News, the BBC, all around the world. I don't know all the news networks around the world. You do. Many of you are watching in european countries, south american countries, african countries, India, Morocco. [00:06:26] All over the world. It's the same all over the world. [00:06:32] The facts are not what journalists are trying to promote. They're trying to promote an agenda. Period. End of story. [00:06:43] And so the challenge is, there are other podcasts out there that have an agenda, and they're not looking at the facts and reporting to you what the facts are. They have a particular agenda. I was just on the plane, and wonderful woman next to me used to be in the news industry at the highest levels, and she was telling me exactly this, how they just jump. And she was in the news. I think it was NBC. It could have been ABC, but it was one of the top networks at the highest levels. And she said, yeah, forget the facts of the story. [00:07:20] If we want to promote racism, if we want to promote that black people are criminals and violent, we are going to make sure that news stories promote that, regardless of the facts. And she went on to tell me a story about how the news organization, without getting the facts, without getting things verified, they violated all journalistic protocols. [00:07:48] They reported that a black man shot this man's wife while they were both in a car. This. This man, white, and his wife, white, were driving, and a black person came up and shot the wife and killed him and shot the guy. But he survived. [00:08:06] That was what was reported, because that's what the guy said happened. No witnesses, no verification. [00:08:15] At that time in Boston, which is where it was promoted, there was a desire to prove that black people were violent criminals, and this was a perfect opportunity to do so. It turns out that the man made up the entire story. He shot his wife, and he shot himself to take himself, and he blamed a black person who didn't do anything. [00:08:42] What was sad, this woman was telling me is that the news executives, the reporters, were complicit in the lie because they didn't verify anything. They wanted it to be true. Therefore, they were promoting it as true. And when the truth came out, it was almost as if the truth didn't matter. [00:09:09] They didn't report the truth in the same way and as aggressively as they promoted the lie that a black man killed this white woman, which didn't happen. [00:09:20] So this goes on all the time. And so the point is, when you're watching some of the very excellent podcasts which give really good information because they're very researched and they show you the articles and our video and they do a big job because they have a staff of twelve people that they're paying full time. [00:09:37] If you want that on this show, then you have to go to Kevin Trudeau, fanclub.com, ktfanclub.com and make a contribution and become a partner or up your partnership because that's the money that's used to pay for this. [00:09:52] Those shows have that financing, but they do in many cases have an agenda regardless of the truth, and they don't want to do it balanced. So our show is a little different. When I start researching things, which I do personally by making phone calls to my insiders, I'm sharing with you the facts. There's not an agenda here. I'm not left wing liberal, I'm not right wing conservative. I'm not libertarian. You could say there's a little bit of all of that. [00:10:24] Do I have compassion for homeless people? Of course I do. It's such a travesty that homeless people on the street, is it the responsibility of the government to take care of them? That's an argument. That's a discussion. Is it a responsibility of you and your tax dollars to pay for illegal immigrants housing and medical care? I don't think so. All right. Now we can argue about that, but I don't think that the taxpayers of America should be paying for three or four or $500,000 apartments for illegal immigrants or homeless people. I think that's a little outrageous, which is what's going on here in California. They built a building funded by the taxpayers for illegal immigrants. [00:11:16] Each unit costs $500,000. So a person comes in illegally into the country, they break the law, they don't come in legally, and they're given a $500,000 apartment and you, the taxpayer, paid for it. Look, there's a lot of things like that we could argue about. [00:11:36] The point is there's an agenda and there's a lot of podcasts out there. Joe Rogan has a great podcast. We have guests on every single time, and they're very lengthy, very in depth, sometimes entertaining, sometimes very, very informative. Obviously, people love that. There's a lot of good broadcasts we just brought on. [00:11:58] And one of the reasons why I'm here in California, a top Hollywood producer friend of mine, he's produced movies. He's also produced many of my tv infomercials and actually, he was on this show. John Denny, he was a guest on the show the last time I was in Beverly Hills. Some of you may have seen him as a guest on the show. [00:12:18] That was after we finished the global information Network summer conference. John is brilliant and he's done incredibly well. He's incredibly successful. He's incredibly well connected in the movie and television industry. He's incredibly talented. He's a loyal supporter of mine. He's completely different politically. He's an absolute left wing liberal, and I love him. And we have very good spirited conversations all the time about politics and policy and Kamala versus Trump versus RFK, etcetera. It's a lot of fun and it's stimulating. It's mentally stimulating. It's challenging. It gets you to push the envelope. It gets you to really think. And really think is my thought well thought out? Is there some facts to back up my position here? And it's just a wonderful relationship. He loves this show. He loves free speech. He loves the way I present the information about a whole variety of topics. And he has decided to come on almost in a volunteer capacity to be the president of the Kevin Trudeau show and take it over and really take this show to the next level in a whole host of areas so we can get the subscribers up and the views up, get the show production quality up and do a whole host of things with all of his context, he said, there's a lot of people in Hollywood here that are big supporters of buying in the film and movie industry that may be also willing to volunteer and get involved in helping the various production aspects of the show. So there's a lot happening that's very, very positive. Now, this is all dependent upon if I'm here and not back in prison. [00:14:04] The reason I say that is the federal government is going to the judge and they're trying all these type of back end things to try to get me thrown back in prison. [00:14:16] The Federal Trade Commission and the people that run it, and I'll tell you, the guy who is the main prosecutor, I call him the assassin. I was told he's called the assassin at the FTC because he's their number one top prosecutor. He is going after Jeff Bezos. Bezos has done nothing wrong, but the federal trade commission has sent him after Bezos and after me. And it's like, wait a minute, I'm in the same category of Jeff Bezos. [00:14:43] I don't think so. But I kind of, I'm kind of honored, actually, that the government is that fearful about me that they're putting me in the same category as Jeff Bezos. And that tells you something. Remember, you only get flak when you're over the target. [00:15:00] That means this show and what I'm doing in my books that I'm coming out with next year, it's over the target. It's providing information that the government does not want me to reveal. And now they know what I'm scheduled to release next year in terms of the books, and they know what I'm scheduled to talk about on this show next year, provided I'm still on the books that I'm going to be coming out with next year are natural cures they don't want you to know about. 2025 edition, completely updated, completely brand new book. It's going to be much smaller, much easier to read. It's going to be brilliant, and it's going to give you the absolute cures step by step. Here's the recipe. Here's the cure for the top 25 most common diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, etcetera. It's going to say, this is the cure. Just follow this recipe. [00:15:53] The government doesn't want this book out because it is going to blow the lid off the pharmaceutical industry again. [00:16:02] People are going to wake up. They're going to be using natural, non patented, non drug remedies that work. And people are going to say the drugs cause all the side effects these natural remedies don't. Brilliant. Wow. And it's cheaper, and I'm saving money, and I feel better because the drugs are making you feel crappy. They're the toxins that are making many, many health problems. You know, the past, one of the past, a guy named Lay, he was the past director of the Food and Drug Administration. And it's on the back of my book, natural cures, it's his quote. He said, the FDA, Food and Drug Administration is not protecting consumers. [00:16:50] It's protecting the profits of the drug companies. [00:16:54] Now think about that. [00:16:56] The Food and Drug Administration, and this is the same in every country in the world. They're supposed to protect the consumers, but they don't because of politics, because of lobbying, because of money, because of power, because of control. [00:17:10] These people are protecting the profits of the major national corporations, food companies, drug companies, the Federal Trade Commission, and the various counterparts around the world in various governments, the same thing. [00:17:23] They're protecting the profits of the companies. And why? Because if I'm the director of the FDA, and I know that if I do something that helps Pfizer, Pfizer is going to let my brother in law and my son get jobs for a million dollars a year. That's how it works. It's the bribes and the payoffs. And they also know that if I'm the director of the FDA and I do something that Pfizer likes, when I get out, they put me on the board and give me a $10 million bonus. It's bribes and payoffs. I've talked about it on this show. [00:17:59] So next year I have natural cures they don't want you to know about. 2025 edition. Coming out. I have the book. Your wish is your command how to manifest your desires. Coming out next year, it's gonna be spectacular. So I'm taking the original audio program. It's getting completely transcribed, and then I'm cleaning that up a little bit and adding some things. And it is going to be the. It will be called the think and grow rich of our time. It will be the number one best selling manifesting book of all time. It's going to outsell think and grow rich. It's going to outsell the secret. It's going to outsell every book out there on success, the law of attraction and manifesting. [00:18:47] It's going to be fantastic. The government hates that. They know that's true. And they hate the fact that people around the world are going to be getting empowered with the secrets to manifesting everything in life they want. The government wants you to rely on the government. [00:19:09] That's how they keep power. They stay in power, and that's how they keep control over you. The more reliant you are on the government, the more you give away your power and control to the government, the more you start relying on them for services. [00:19:27] That's when you give up all of your control and you become a slave. The government wants you to be a slave, and most people are, because they're reliant on the government. You've given away your freedoms. You've given away your liberty. You're giving away control of your life to the government for different reasons, for safety, for security, for all this b's. [00:19:54] So the government doesn't like it when somebody like me or others are empowering you and allowing you to say, hey, I don't have to rely on the government, I can rely on myself. You know, there's a scriptural principle. You know, I'm going to be doing a Sunday show where I talk and teach out of the Bible. There's a scriptural principle which people don't understand. The Bible doesn't say that God will do anything. In the old Testament of the Bible, it says, remember, this is God talking. And he says, remember, it is I. It is God that gives you the power to gain wealth. [00:20:32] God doesn't say, I give you wealth. It says, I give you the power so that you can create wealth. [00:20:40] It's a power that you have, that you get from the universe, from the universal consciousness, from the universal intelligence, from the oneness, from infinite intelligence, infinite love, God, the Atman, Allah, whatever you want to call this infinite intelligence, consciousness, love, or energy, this is what. If you allow it to flow through you, you then have the power to create and manifest your life, and you have the power to have complete control over how you feel and your thoughts. Most people have no control of their thoughts. Their thoughts control them. And most people have no control over their emotions. Their emotions control them. [00:21:33] This is powerful stuff. [00:21:35] So we got the natural cures book coming out next year. Natural cures. They don't want you to know about. 2025 edition. We have the book. Your wish is your command how to manifest your desires. And then I have two other books that the government absolutely hates and they do not want me to write and publish. The first one is called the vitamin scam. [00:21:55] If you're taking vitamins and minerals or herbal supplements or homeopathic remedies or any natural supplement, if you're taking a multivitamin, you are probably getting scammed and ripped off. [00:22:10] I know many of the people in the vitamin industry, and they've called me and they said, why are you going to do this to us? It's going to hurt us profitably. And I said, well, the real question is, why are you selling crap and misleading all the people? Well, come on, Kevin, you know it's better that they take something instead of taking nothing. I go, well, that's true in some cases, but some of the stuff you're selling is absolute, not only worthless, but harmful. You're selling vitamins and minerals that are not only worthless, but harmful. And I'm telling you right now, if you're taking vitamins and minerals or nutritional supplement, many of them are not only worthless, you're throwing money away, but many of the things you're taking right now are harmful to you. This book is going to blow the lid off the nutritional industry, because I'm going to reveal all the secrets that they don't want you to know about ascorbic acid as vitamin C. Well, if you get an orange, there's ascorbic acid in there. But in an orange, the ascorbic acid is always bound to bioflavonoids and also minerals. Unless you have them all together as nature intended in the exact proportions to one another, you don't get the benefits of vitamin C. So if you just take a vitamin that you're buying and it has vitamin C as ascorbic acid, you're getting minimal benefits, if any. And that's a scam. But the reason why they do that is instead of putting the whole food source of vitamin C is because ascorbic acid is cheaper. [00:23:45] If it says vitamin E as D alpha tocopherol, that's not how vitamin C appears in nature. If you get a walnut and analyze it, there's what's called four different mixed tocopherols in the vitamin C, and then there's tocotrienols. And it's always bound to selenium. Research shows unless the selenium is bound to the vitamin e, and unless you have all four of the mix tocopherols and the tocoltrinols, it doesn't work. It doesn't have the benefits to your body. [00:24:17] So this is why you have to have this from a whole food source. But the reason why your vitamins and minerals will say vitamin E as D alpha tocopherol or DL alpha tocopherol, which is the synthetic form made in a laboratory, the reason that's in there is because it's cheaper. [00:24:33] And the manufacturers, when I ask them why do you put that in? They go, it's cheaper. And no, and the fools who, this is what they say, and the fools who buy my vitamins don't know the difference because they're stupid. All they're interested in is what the label looks like and what the price is. [00:24:52] They're dumb. So these manufacturers are calling you dumb and stupid and fools. They laugh at you when you buy those vitamins and minerals. So this book, the vitamin Scam, is going to blow the lid off the whole nutritional industry. [00:25:12] That's why I formed world's best nutritionals and organics, this new company that we're in the process of doing a money raise for raising capital and we're looking into. We're getting investors, and I think the investors are going to do really well. But who knows? But we're getting investors now. And then within the next twelve to 18 months, we'll start offering nutritional supplements, which will be the best in the world, period, bar none, based on my research. And it's going to be, they're going to be great. Also organic products. So we have the vitamin scam book coming out. Then the other book, which the government does not want me to publish. And they're trying to in court right now, not. They're trying to get the courts to say, you cannot write that book. [00:26:00] It's First Amendment protected. Here in the United States, I'm supposed to be able to write a book on any subject and say anything I want. I can say the moon is made of cheese. [00:26:11] I could say that the moon is an alien base made of cheese, and Elvis lives on the moon. [00:26:21] I can write a book and say that this is an absolute, 100% fact. It's first amendment protected. [00:26:29] I, under the First Amendment, should be able to write a book and say, if you eat lead, it will give you immortality. [00:26:38] Okay? [00:26:39] That's a poison. And if you eat lead, you're going to die. But I can say something as outrageous as that now. A person can sue me because I gave them medical advice and it hurt them so I could get a lawsuit. That's free enterprise. But the government can't stop you from writing books. [00:27:01] But they're trying right now. And actually, in Florida, a law was passed where books have been banned and are being burned. [00:27:11] Publishers are suing. [00:27:13] It's mind boggling. It's like Nazi Germany. So the government. And look, Ron DeSantis is a conservative. [00:27:22] And this is where maybe a conservative is a little bit off the beaten path. Here. [00:27:28] We say off the reservation, and someone says, oh, you're being disrespectful to Indians because of the indian reservation. That's where that term comes from. But DeSantis, or whoever made this law, I believe it's in Florida, is forgetting free speech. Free speech is, I may violently disagree with what you're saying, but I will fight like hell to make sure you always have the right to say it. [00:27:58] That's what liberals used to say, and that's what free speech is all about. [00:28:05] Books should never be banned, ever. They shouldn't be forced on children, either, but they should not be banned. Nothing should be banned. Speech should be allowed to flow, regardless of whether you believe it, whether you think it's a lie. Free speech should be allowed to flow. The free flow of ideas and governments around the world are suppressing free speech. Now, Mark Zuckerberg, I mentioned this before, has gone on the record, and it was in the news a little bit, but not much. This should have been the biggest story of the century. Mark Zuckerberg, who's in charge of Facebook and Instagram, you know, they call it metadow. [00:28:51] He said during the election Biden put pressure on him to suppress conservative posts and conservative political speech and pro Trump speech, and he did. [00:29:12] He committed election interference. [00:29:17] He should be tried for treason. [00:29:22] He admitted that he interfered with the last election by suppressing political speech to the advantage of the Democrats. He admitted that. And he admitted that that pressure came from the us government. [00:29:38] He admitted it. [00:29:41] Absolutely, 100%, unequivocal admission of guilt. The government politically put pressure and probably the CIA came in and put actual physical gun to his head. They brought, they probably brought in Luca Brazzy and said, I can assure you, either your brains or your signature are going to be on this in the next two minutes. I guarantee that's the threats. [00:30:07] So the suppression of free speech is huge. It's off the charts. [00:30:14] So the next book I'm writing is the organic scam. The organic scam is going to blow the lid off the organic industry. [00:30:22] So I get the vitamin scam. It's going to blow off, expose the vitamin industry. And if you're buying vitamins and minerals, you're being ripped off. That's why I started world's best nutritionalism, organics. [00:30:34] And I'm also going to start or publish the book the organic scam, which is going to expose the organic industry. And here's an example. World's best nutritionalist and organics is going to have the world's best organic products in addition to the world's best nutritional products, food bars, protein shakes, nutritional supplements, daily multivitamin supplements, but also organic products. And it'll have a whole large growing range of organic products. At a world class. [00:31:03] It's going to start with salad dressing. And we'll have ranch, I Italian, thousand island, russian and ranch. Thousand island, italian, russian, and maybe one more. [00:31:23] So these salad dressings are going to be the best tasting, but be the absolute world's best. And you will say, well, Kevin, there's a lot of organic salad dressings. What's wrong with them? Let's take an organic italian salad dressing. Paul Newman. Newman's own 100% organic italian salad dressing. [00:31:45] Whole foods. [00:31:47] We'll put that down. Amy's 100% organic salad dressing. We can put ten different 100% organic salad dressings. Line them up. Italian salad dressings. Let's look at each one. Pick up the first one. And it says organic canola oil. Okay, let's pick up the next one. [00:32:08] Organic avocado oil. Okay, let's pick up the next one. Organic sunflower oil. Okay, good. Let's pick up the next one. Organic soybean oil. Good. These are italian salad dressings. [00:32:23] Italians don't put any of those oils on their salad. They don't put soybean oil or canola oil or sunflower oil or avocado oil. They put extra virgin olive oil on there. How come there's no extra virgin italian olive oil in the italian salad dressing? [00:32:37] And the answer is when you call up the people and say, hey, how come you don't do that? They go, Kevin, all these other oils are cheaper, and the fools who buy our product don't know the difference. They're too stupid to know the difference. [00:32:55] They're calling you stupid. They're calling you a fool, and they're laughing at you when they sell the salad dressing. So our products are going to have the absolute world best ingredients ever. And this book, the organic scam, is going to show you how you're being ripped off. [00:33:12] Every country is different. They call it bio. I believe in Europe, in America, it's called organic. And there's varying degrees of this. The challenge is if the product comes in from overseas, if it comes in from China and it says organic garlic, the FDA can't go to China and verify if it's organically produced. They have to rely on the chinese manifest, which says, oh, trust us, it's organic. And it meets the organic requirements of the United States Food and Drug Administration. [00:33:49] These are the same type of vendors that when they send over children's products, they say, this meets all the. All the standards of the United States. And it doesn't. It has lead paint and knowingly not a mistake. They do that because it's cheaper and they know that there's no penalty, there's no oversight. [00:34:07] I guarantee you, the things that you're buying that you think are organic are not. [00:34:13] They're coming in from countries that just lie because they're allowed to. And it's about business. And it's not that the chinese people are bad, or the Venezuelans are bad, or Colombians are bad, or whatever, or Guatemalans are bad people. Look, they're trying to survive, and they're doing business. And at the end of the day, the cultures are. It's okay to be dishonest. [00:34:37] It's okay. This is the culture in many cases, and there's a lot of honest people there, too, that absolutely will do 100% the right thing. But generally, in a lot of these countries, the corruption, the fraud is much, much higher. Dishonesty is much, much higher. Remember, I was in Ukraine, very high dishonesty rate. I had a friend of mine that had some stores beauty salons. And an inspector came in and the inspector came in and basically said, I'm here to do the inspection to make sure that you meet all the codes. [00:35:18] That's pretty good. And the owner, my friend, said, no, how much? [00:35:25] And they negotiated the price. She paid him some cash, he turned around and left. [00:35:32] No inspection. But he wrote it up saying that everything was inspected, everything met the code. [00:35:39] That's fraud. But that's the culture. It's like, look, you don't want me to do an inspection because we know this doesn't meet code. And I'm not going to lie, but I won't do an inspections. I'll say that it meets code, but you have to pay me. That's how it works in countries all around the world. Complete fraud all the time. And I've seen it in the us government. [00:35:59] I can't tell you exactly what I saw because I still have the issue with the government. But when that issue is resolved, I'm going to blow the lid on that too, because I've seen things with my own two eyes and I have witnesses and I have signed documents that I'm going to show you the fraud that goes in, in the us government. [00:36:15] So the organic scam book is coming out. [00:36:19] We're republishing and printing the nuggets of gold book. [00:36:25] So that'll be in a beautiful format and that'll be coming out as well. And we'll be adding a lot more nuggets of gold to that book. [00:36:33] And then there'll be a book called Spiritual Materialism, the teachings of Guru Kev. Spiritual materialism is going to rock the world. [00:36:48] It will explain that there is not a distinction between being spiritual and having a lot of material stuff. It's going to basically say you can be a fully spiritual, enlightened, loving, compassionate being that is in tune and one with the universe and have a mansion, a Rolls Royce, Rolex watches and a private jet. [00:37:18] You can have all the material things you want and you can be completely enlightened and completely spiritually free on all levels and dimensions. [00:37:27] That's what the book is going to be about, because it's really about that everything is an extension and expression of God. Everything. All material things. A Rolls Royce, a Rolex, a house, a bird, a tree, a rock, your computer, your cell phone, the carpet, your physical body. [00:37:54] Everything, every material thing in life is an extension and expression of the one universal consciousness, which is all things. [00:38:04] You see, God is everywhere. Somebody asked me one time and said, Kevin, tell me where God is. [00:38:11] And I said, show me where God is not. [00:38:16] You see, everything is the oneness, the static consciousness, love. And out of that oneness comes material things. So therefore, there is not a distinction between materialism and spiritualism. All material things are spiritual. [00:38:37] So this book, spiritual materialism, is going to allow people to be completely free on all levels and dimension, because it will allow them to understand that the connection of spirituality, the connection with oneness, doesn't mean that you can't enjoy things in the physical universe. You can fully enjoy and embrace the pleasure of sex, of relationships, of food, any type of sensual pleasure. [00:39:08] And you can fully enjoy and embrace all forms of material things in your life, cars, planes, trips, anything that's luxurious physically. You can fully embrace that, fully embrace it all, 100%, and still be spiritual. [00:39:29] The real distinction is attachment. [00:39:33] If you're not attached to material things, then you're totally free. So that book is coming out too. And I know the government is very afraid of this book because this book is going to really awaken people in a major, major way. [00:39:52] The government doesn't want you awake. The government wants you asleep, and they want you a slave. [00:39:57] So this show and my future books, the government looks at differently than Joe Rogan or Russell Brand or Alex Jones or anybody else. [00:40:11] And all those shows have value to varying degrees. You may or may not like them. You may or may not like the people. The way it's presented, maybe you think it's a little too dark, maybe there's not enough solutions, maybe it's more problem oriented. Everyone has a different flavor. [00:40:32] But the government knows that this show is uniquely different because not only do I point out some of the things that you need to be aware of, that you're not, which pulls back the curtain and exposes the great Oz for who he really is. But I give you the solutions. [00:40:48] The government knows that I am awakening people. And this is what they told me directly. They go, look, the problem with you, Kevin, is not that you're exposing the pharmaceutical companies, some other people do as well, but you, because of your energy, because of your ability to transfer that energy, you're awakening people. [00:41:11] And that's what the government doesn't want, as you know, because you were part of that. And I said, yes, I do. They go, so you know you're always going to be, we're going to be coming after you. Yes, I know. Why, Kevin? Just take the money and go away. [00:41:26] No, it's my mission. It's my dharma. It's my purpose. Even if I continue to be persecuted, thrown back in prison. It's okay. Because even if I do, I said, you realize that if you put me back in prison, you'll make me stronger and more powerful than ever before. You give me more influence over people. It doesn't reduce my influence now. It proves that everything I've been saying true. [00:41:54] Because everyone knows I've done nothing wrong. All I've done is share opinions and ideas. I've done nothing wrong. Zero. Nothing. Nothing. [00:42:04] Everyone knows that. You can lie all day long. Government. You can say, he's a fraudster. He's ripped people off. Really? How come? You couldn't produce one person in court, ever, not one witness ever, who said, they bought something with me and they felt ripped off. You couldn't produce one. You couldn't produce one. You're lying every time you say that Kevin Trudeau ripped people off. You're lying when you say Kevin Trudeau is a fraudster. You're lying every time you say Kevin Trudeau is a scam artist. You're lying when you say Kevin Trudeau ripped off millions of people by selling them books that were worthless, you're lying. People love the book. [00:42:41] The government lies all the time. And they repeat the lie. They repeat the lie. They repeat the lie. And that lie is then parroted by the mediaev. And it's repeated, and it's repeated, and it's repeated because the media knows that if they don't go along with what the government is saying, that the government will then stop doing interviews on that network. That's the power that they have. [00:43:02] So there's a lot going on there. [00:43:05] So there's a lot happening with this show. There's a lot happening coming in the next few weeks and months. You're going to see some amazing things. And in October, as you know, I'm going to go to five days a week, and we're going to try that between now and the end of the year. But the numbers have to get up. The number of subscribers, number of views on YouTube and Rumble and Spotify and Apple podcasts have to go up dramatically. I'm also going to be doing the Sunday show, which is spirituality. So it'll be like Sunday church for an hour. [00:43:35] Not from a christian perspective. I will be teaching out of the Bible, both old and New Testament, but also the Mahabharata, the Vedas, the Ramayama, the Quran, other scriptural text I will be sharing. And from historical perspective, I'll be educating a little bit about the history of some of these books, where they came from, why it was written in such a way. Who wrote it? Who? We think we wrote it and show you some of the things that you've been maybe taught to believe that. [00:44:00] Now I'll expose and you'll go, oh boy. I always thought that was true. I was taught that was true. And now you just basically exposed it. It's, no, it's not. And this is going to free you. It's going to basically free you and liberate you and make you feel more in control of your life and actually closer to the one universal consciousness, which is pure love, sometimes we call God. So a lot's coming. So five days a week, Monday through Friday, we're still debating on how we're going to broadcast that between YouTube and rumble because Rumble won't censor us, but YouTube will. Will. So we'll figure that out. But Monday through Friday, we'll be broadcasting for 1 hour a day. And then on Sunday, 1 hour a day as well. [00:44:45] Make sure you do subscribe. And I would encourage you to subscribe so we can get our algorithms up, so we can get more and more viewers. If you could subscribe to all of the platforms. So definitely subscribe to YouTube. If you're not a subscriber, subscribe to rumble. Subscribe to Apple Podcasts and Spotify. [00:45:02] Subscribe to our Facebook and X and Instagram channel as well. [00:45:08] Make sure you set the notification so you know new shows are coming, like our shows. That's very important. And if you just spend a minute and go through all the different platforms and like them everywhere, if you can leave a comment on somebody else's comment, that helps the algorithm. And if you can share these broadcasts, the videos or the audios with people, share it to your email list. Share it on your Instagram, on your TikTok, on your Facebook. Share it everywhere. You can share our videos so that other people see it that may not be aware and familiar with the shows, use the one you know, send the ones you like. We have clips of, you know, short little shorts, so maybe you like a couple of the shorts and you can send those out. We need your help to get these numbers up. And in order to go viral, it has to come from you. [00:45:55] So I'll evaluate the numbers at the end of the year and decide what we do next year with this show. Whether we shut it down or whether I keep doing it. It's a huge amount of work and I'm not doing it to feed my own ego. I know this material I'm sharing with you, things that I know, that I embrace and has helped me in my life and many, many others. I'm trying to improve the quality of your life and your standard of living by awakening. [00:46:23] But I don't get paid to do this. As you know, the government has ordered that I only be allowed to live on $3,750 per month. That's it. That's it. Any money that comes in from the show, any money that goes into the fan club, any money that comes in from any source, it pays for our overheads and expenses, and then if there's anything left over, it goes to the government. So I don't get it. I'm maxed out at $3,750, so I don't get a penny. So I'm doing this. Not for me. I'm doing this 100% for you, 100%. So if you want me to continue, please help these numbers by sharing, subscribing, and writing comments on all of our platforms. That's going to help a lot. I'm Kevin Trudeau. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Remember that you can be, do, and have anything and everything you desire. And remember, in order to have things, you have to be first. [00:47:24] Being is the first element, be that leads to doing or actions which lead to having or acquiring. But it starts with beingness, which is internal. Look within. [00:47:40] The superior man seeks within. [00:47:47] The small man in others. Always look within. That's where your power lies. [00:47:54] Much love, everybody. We'll see you next time. Bye bye.

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